[04:39] cjwatson: debconf merged. What do you think about us getting that last delta upstreamed? Seems appropriate enough in both Debian and Ubuntu [05:03] other freenode channels are getting spammed .. just fyi .. pretty bad stuff [05:05] seems to have started exactly at CST midnight [08:08] slangasek: Thanks. I was never entirely comfortable with upstreaming that delta - Joey had a middle-ground suggestion in https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=501767 [08:08] Debian bug 501767 in debconf "[patch] hide cancel and close in the gnome frontend" [Normal,Open] === knocte_ is now known as knocte [09:49] When preparing an SRU, should the "target release" at the top of the changelog entry be (for instance) "zesty" or "zesty-updates"? [09:59] hjd, at least for the kernel pkg, the release on the changelog would be always for instance "zesty"... which pocket the pkg will land on is determined by some tooling and manual reviews [10:06] Ok, I saw some updates marked with "release-security", but couldn't find any equivalent "release-updates", is the security pocket a special case? [10:23] "always" [10:23] there's certainly some mapping that takes place [10:23] "zesty-updates" would be wrong because the changelog defines the initial upload target, and SRUs are always tested before going into -updates [10:24] either "zesty" or "zesty-proposed" is fine (the former is mapped to the latter); I personally prefer just "zesty" [10:24] security is indeed a special case [10:25] the kernel is unusual in a bunch of ways but not least because the initial upload target in that case is typically a PPA, so different rules apply [10:33] Thanks :) [10:35] Another, rather unrelated question, what is the preferred way to do a package merge from Debian these days? [10:35] I seem to rememer using `bzr merge` at some point, but that was quite a while ago... [10:36] *remember, even [10:46] hjd, either manually, or use grab-merge(1) from ubuntu-dev-tools. [11:12] * hjd checks out grab-merge [12:00] hjd: the server team uses https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging/GitWorkflow now [15:06] Hi [15:06] Can I make a request here ? [15:07] Any chance to use a Cortana like Voice Assistant with Ubuntu ? [15:14] dilip, that would be cool, but developing it would take years and be massively expensive [15:15] @mpt , can I make a suggestion ? [15:15] Error: "mpt" is not a valid command. [15:15] There are a few project available [15:15] AskUbuntu guys were suggeting Jasper, Mycroft etc [15:15] Also, Google has some library related to it. [15:20] So, I'm about to do the first stable release for apt 1.4.y on the Debian side (1.4.7). This will essentially be synced into zesty, but I'd probably like to reduce the amount of work with the reuploading to Ubuntu. [15:20] Would the easiest thing to just change the field in the changes to zesty then and upload here? [15:20] I could syncpackage, but that means no diff for reviews [15:23] dilip, yes, but the speech recognition and AI are just a small part of it. You also need things for the commands to do. And most Ubuntu apps and shell components aren’t even scriptable with a perfectly-written text command, let alone a speech command. [15:24] #mpt I see. No hope then ? [15:29] dilip, well, you could start small. For example, many music players on Ubuntu work with the Mpris API. So a useful start would be training a program to understand commands like “Play”, “Pause”, “Next”, “Start again”, etc, and issue the equivalent Mpris command. Since the vocabulary would be fixed, you’d need only speech recognition for that. [15:29] Ok :) [15:48] We really gotta get these apt SRUs done at some point, otherwise the queue just gets fuller, 1.4.7 is about to be released [22:34] cyphermox_, trying to install a ubuntu desktop image (either zesty or artful current), but ubiquity gtk fails (some freetype failure according to stacktrace)... subiquity crashed as well with no meaningful message while I was entering the user data (name, username, etc) - it also didn't detect existing gpt or msdos partitions [22:35] is there any way to install using the debconf frontend? [22:35] maybe I will have better luck there [22:37] btw, apport/whoopsie should have uploaded the report from the failures, they are the same I had on my notebook (I ended up using debootstrap at the time, but that is not optimal) - now I'm installing on another machine and facing the same issues o.O [22:38] xnox, slangasek ^ in case there is someone besides matt that can give me some pointers here [22:39] tdaitx, you can use server installer to install; and then install ubuntu-desktop [22:39] tdaitx, you can use netinstaler / mini.iso to do network install and select ubuntu-desktop package [22:39] xnox, that means zesty, or is there an artful somewhere? [22:39] for all ubuntu releases since the dawn of time [22:39] tdaitx, "debconf frontend" i hope you mean d-i, rather than "ubuntu debconf frontend, which I believe only works for oem preseed installs" [22:40] tdaitx, do you need links? [22:40] xnox, gah, no, just found the server image =) [22:40] tks [22:41] tdaitx, you can follow the netboot images from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/ it's a bit smaller download - like under 100MB but then it downloads everything off the net to do bootstrap. I find server image install + install ubuntu-desktop afterwards faster, on slower networks. [22:41] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/zesty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso is only 58M [22:42] server should work, just 3 more minutes to get it [22:42] cool. good night [22:43] tks, good night =) [22:46] btw, yeah, I meant the d-i