
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
cnfugh, debugging juju is a pain15:26
rick_hcnf: :( trouble is paradise?15:26
cnfnot a lot of paradise, tbh15:27
cnfonce again got a deploy that seems to be waiting for stuff15:28
rick_hbummer cnf15:28
rick_hcnf: waiting for the machine? or waiting for download of agents onto the machine? or the charm getting setup?15:28
cnfi don't know15:28
cnfit says "waiting for machine"15:29
rick_hcnf: k, and so if you run juju status there's a machine with a # there that's got some info?15:29
rick_hcnf: and if you juju show-machine X it should give you some hint on what's up with that machine coming up?15:29
cnfjuju show-machine  1/lxd/015:29
cnfmodel: openstack15:29
cnfmachines: {}15:29
rick_htry just "juju show-machine 1"15:30
cnfnothing that indicates what could be the problem15:31
rick_hcnf: hmm, guess the next thing would be the lxd logs on the machine 1 to see that it got the request and why it's not creating the container?15:34
cnfi'm looking at them15:34
cnfit has created the container15:34
cnfit is running15:34
cnfhmm, how do i attach to a running container again15:35
cnfright, it's lacking ip15:36
cnfwtf juju15:36
cnfit is downright ignoring the constraints15:37
cnfi'm seriously getting fed up with juju :(15:38
cnfconstraints: "spaces=space-maas" should put that container in that space, right?15:38
cnfhmm, MaaS has an IP allocated for it15:39
cnfbut juju didn't apply it to the container15:40
cnfany suggestions?15:41
rick_hcnf: you need a bind for the application15:46
cnfrick_h: sorry?15:46
rick_hcnf: https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.2/charms-deploying#deploying-to-spaces15:46
cnfi'm not sure what you are trying to tell me15:47
rick_hcnf: sorry, so you're deploying something into a container on machine 1 and want it to use the IP address for the space-maas?15:48
cnfwell, "want", it NEEDS an IP in that space, or nothing will work15:48
cnfso i have a constraint to the service, which used to work in 2.115:49
cnfbut now it seems to get ignored15:49
cnffor _all_ my containers15:51
cnfjamespage: prod?15:53
cnfor jam ^^;15:55
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
rick_hComing up in 30min, The Juju Show #16 where we talk about modeling relations across models. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_vMN_opVlA #jujucharms17:26
rick_hmarcoceppi: bdx kwmonroe arosales aisrael and anyone else that might be interested in sitting in ^17:26
arosalesmodeling relations across models, is that a thing now ?17:27
rick_harosales: :) come sit in and talk about it :P17:29
arosalesrick_h: sounds interesting, will do17:30
wolsenwhat's the process to get a new version of charmhelpers uploaded to pypi?17:51
tvansteenburgh1wolsen: the process is to ping me17:52
=== tvansteenburgh1 is now known as tvansteenburgh
wolsentvansteenburgh: ping17:53
tvansteenburghyeah, i saw that coming :P17:53
kwmonroerick_h: got a live link for the show?17:54
rick_hkwmonroe: yep, getting it now sec17:54
rick_hhttps://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ej2jhdqknnfdzkpildnekcgw2ye for those joining in17:55
rick_hhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_vMN_opVlA for those that want to watch17:55
rick_hlol wolsen17:55
rick_h"in that case...consider yourself pinged"17:55
wolsentvansteenburgh: there's a bug fix in the contrib.openstack code which helps a bit with the ordering of dictionaries for rendering config files - its triggering undesirable restarts of services due to iterating over a dictionary17:55
tvansteenburghwolsen: will release momentarily17:56
wolsenthanks tvansteenburgh !17:56
wolsenrick_h: to be fair, tvansteenburgh changed his nick just after telling me to ping him17:57
tvansteenburghoh, you caught that17:57
rick_heven more awesome17:57
wolsensly and clever17:57
rick_h"I'll trick tab complete /nick zrick_h"17:58
tvansteenburghwolsen: new release uploaded17:58
wolsentvansteenburgh: thank you very much sir17:58
rick_haisrael: you up for joining and talking docs sprint?17:59
tvansteenburghwolsen: np18:00
aisraelrick_h: head down on pre-travel backlog. Maybe next time!18:02
=== Guest39045 is now known as med_
kwmonroeholy crap rick_h -- just skipped through some youtube playback.  my hamsters are clearly dead :/  really sorry bout that!!18:34
rick_hkwmonroe: all good, it was close enough18:34
Budgie^Smoreo/ juju world18:42
rick_hBudgie^Smore: what's up18:44
Budgie^Smorenot much rick_h, enjoy the holiday?18:44
rick_hyou know it, some off roading, mountain biking, fireworks and beverages. All make for a good time :)18:45
Budgie^Smoresounds like it, although living in CA we have to watch fireworks not fire them18:46
rick_hI prefer watching. You get better fireworks https://www.flickr.com/photos/7508761@N03/albums/72157682727171142 :)18:54
Budgie^Smoreyeah also gives you a chance to take photos too18:55
rick_hHeh no doubt19:01
aisraelI might be over-thinking this, but are spaces the only way to add/manage machines with multiple network interfaces? If so, is that still MAAS-only?22:43

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