
IrcsomeBotLenCole was added by: LenCole02:12
IrcsomeBot<LenCole> Anyone know why when i install kubuntu 17.10 - had another distro on it before, after I install when I reboot all I get is a GNU Grub version 2.02~beta3-4ubuntu2.1 page and prompt02:13
IrcsomeBot<LenCole> i have had this issue with other ubuntu distro's as well02:13
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calcmandan-mobilHappy 4th to my fellow Americans03:05
kajikaHello there I have simple question and I couldn't find any answer with google : I have hide the title bar of a window by accessing 'Window Settings' from right clicking the title bar in the 'More Actions' menu. But now that this bar is hidden I cannot find any way to access the Window Settings again. Is there any way?04:03
valoriekajika: if you click alt+spacebar, you will get "krunner" -- type in kwin04:31
valorieand choose the special menu04:31
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lordievaderOr use the menu by hitting alt + f307:35
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remi_JOIN #debian09:11
remi_my bad -_-09:11
sheytanfirends! Some offtopic. Anyone with html knowledge?10:24
ikoniasheytan: no offtopic please10:48
ikoniause the html channel10:48
user|45793hi guys , i deleted default loging screen by mistake , how should i restore it ?11:05
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BluesKajHowdy folks11:37
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edward__hi guys, im trying to solve something in here, but have abs no idea of whats happening... since the very beginning of this current week my wifi is not working as it use to...it is slow till death... i have 4 wifi cards... the only one that works somehow is an old one of 54Mbits...12:24
edward__all other cards are extremly slow... ive checked and apparently we got like 40 networks near to us... ive chaged name, channels, im trying on the 5ghz on the2.4 nothings help12:25
BluesKajtry ch 1 or1112:28
edward__indeed ive tried... but in the beginning of the week, i could try now and see it smoothes or cracks me down12:28
lordievaderedward__: How are you testing the speed?12:29
edward__well... im trying to use the internet are use the ethernet... it is extremly slow12:30
BluesKajedward__, do you have a bcm wifi card, they're usually reliable12:31
edward__also i can see my band on the router... it says 300mbit then 1mbit and stays mostly so under 20mbit12:31
edward__i got a Hama card that has some ralink chip12:32
edward__2 other ralinks and a rtl8812au12:32
edward__but the used to work without issues... i was trying with Wicd... it went a little better... but the troubles wont stop12:33
edward__i got too many connections near to me using the channels 1 and 1112:35
edward__channles from 37 and on are free... but are not working either really good12:36
BluesKajedward__, ch 3 is hardly used, since google entries usually recommend 1 and 1112:37
BluesKajto avoid overlap12:37
edward__im gonna try the third than wait a secondie12:37
edward__i dont see what wifis are using the third... but it shows me like there are 6 other signals already using the 3rd... but im gonna try... im now oher the 10812:39
edward__over the *12:39
KNOCKOUT\giusepphello guys12:40
KNOCKOUT\giuseppI'm running kubuntu 17.04 (upgraded from 16.10) and now I have a problem with telepathy and couldn't find a solution online... basically I when trying to add a google account, there's no "google" in the account type, I only get AIM, Gadu, IBM Sametime, ICQ, Jabber, KDE Talk, and a few others, but no "Google" as it was before upgrading12:43
KNOCKOUT\giuseppalso tried purging/reinstalling the whole ktp/telephaty stack12:44
KNOCKOUT\giuseppbut no luck :-/12:44
KNOCKOUT\giuseppdoes someone know if I need to install some package ?12:44
lordievaderedward__: Try to set up some local test, from your laptop/desktop to something else inside your network. That way you are only testing your network and not your network and the uplink to your isp.12:44
edward__ive done a lot of tests... the problem is between my pc and my router...12:47
edward__i have many things on my network and i was Infra admin for 10 years before i chaged to programming.... all other devices are not having this issues... only me with all my cards... ive done a lot but it is still crappy12:49
edward__the only thing ive noticed that here near to my network... are at least 15 other connections... or more... but im experiencing this troubles since the very beginning of the week12:51
lordievaderedward__: Do you also experience the problem in a live environment?12:57
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edward__i wanted to try... i didnt try till now12:58
edward__should i try over a virtual machine?12:58
edward__the problem is that not everylive cd would work on my pc... i have a AMD Ryzen gigabyte... that thing wont work with a live ubuntu system cuz a bug in the normal kernels... im running a custom 4.11.2 kernel13:00
lordievaderI'd try a live cd. A virtual machine will probably not tell you if the problem lies with the software/configuration.13:11
KNOCKOUT\giuseppnobody has an hint on how to fix it ?13:23
m5wHello. I'm trying to use WICD instead of NetworkManager. If I install just wicd-kde, wicd-client doesn't exist, and I can't figure out how to start any kind of WICD plasmoid. It seems I have to install wicd-gtk to be able to use WICD. There must be a way around this. How do I use WICD with just wicd-kde?13:32
BluesKajm5w, think on kde it's just wicd13:35
m5wBluesKaj, the package or the client?13:36
m5wthe wicd command is the daemon for me13:36
m5wunless there's some way to pass it args to start as the client?13:36
BluesKajit's a metapackage13:36
BluesKajso you have to chode which client manually13:37
BluesKajchoose even13:37
m5wah, yes, the wicd package depends on wicd-gtk or wicd-curses or wicd-cli or wicd-client, which wicd-cli, wicd-curses, wicd-gtk, and wicd-kde provide13:37
m5wso logically, I'd be able to install wicd wicd-kde13:38
m5wwicd itself doesn't provide the client13:38
m5wand wicd-kde doesn't provide one either13:38
m5wnor does wicd-daemon13:38
BluesKajare you looking in the package manager, I'm on a different distro atm, so i can't check13:39
BluesKajcheck your package manager first13:41
BluesKajit's always best to use that as a reference , at least13:41
m5wstill here. Meant to say /close on another channel, not /quit :)13:47
m5wSo do I need wicd-gtk installed to use WICD on Kubuntu?13:50
BluesKajm5w, why wicd tho?13:51
m5wif so, how do I start the WICD plasmoid? I don't see it when I say "Add Widges..."13:51
m5wBluesKaj, because NetworkManager doesn't remember passwords without kwallet13:51
m5wit just started doing that; really annoying13:52
m5wmakes me type in the password every time13:52
m5weither that or use kwallet, in which case I have to enter my password after already entering my password to login13:52
BluesKajNM will remmeber them if you use all users option and disable kwallet13:52
m5woh, okay13:53
BluesKajthat's what i had to do on my laptop13:53
m5wI've already disabled kwallet; so I just say allow all users to join network?13:53
BluesKajif you feel safe with that setup13:53
m5wwell, I'm on a single-user machine...13:54
m5whow would that not be safe?13:54
BluesKajsingle user is safe13:54
BluesKajjust have a decent pw for your wifi AP13:55
BluesKajand don't use ch6, cause it's default on windows and most linux wifis as well , so it can become quite crowded13:56
m5wwifi AP?13:56
m5wlike the WPA-PSK?13:57
BluesKajaccess point13:57
BluesKajyes your security pw13:57
m5wok, thanks14:02
m5wis there a way to get NM to connect to the WiFi by boot-level 3?14:03
m5wi.e. without me having to login14:03
m5wso that smartd, ntpd, et al. will have a network connection at startup14:04
edward__after 3 days trying to see why my wifi is so damn slow... i tried to remember what is different in this room since the wife got cracked down... well i moved my cameras that have absolutly no connection to my pc... i had em in other place... 80 Cmts away from the play i put em always... i moved em back... my wifi works fine again.... i mean... WTH???????14:21
edward__is not fully back... but it works a lot better...14:22
viewer|5936Hey guys. Is any one else having issues booting the latest Kubuntu ISO in VMware Workstation 12 Player? It'll just boot to a black screen after showing the Kubuntu logo for minute or so.14:22
BluesKajedward__, wireless cameras? if so the RF could interferind and slowing down your internet wifi14:26
BluesKajcould be interfering14:26
edward__noup... DSRL cameras... all of em are not on14:30
edward__but i mean... the improvment is like 50%... but i got this issues kinda always after the Maid clean this room... dunno what she does, cuz we are not here, at that time we are working... but she already left the router outta energy and stuff like that... hehehehe14:33
edward__i can use the internet now a bit better... but still... it is very slow... but i have no idea how to find interferences14:34
viewer|5936Get Wifi Analyzer for your phone14:35
viewer|5936It will show you the wifi spectrums overlapping14:35
JMichaelXi have a Skype [unfortunately] interview this afternoon. could anyone tell me how well Skype is likely to work in Kubuntu 16.04?14:58
KNOCKOUT\giuseppit works well I'm not sure if it supports group calls15:05
KNOCKOUT\giuseppdownload this https://www.skype.com/it/download-skype/skype-for-linux/15:05
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ubottuGuest99993: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:49
mirko_Hey everyone :)21:56
IrcsomeBotLenCole was removed by: LenCole21:58
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haposaipregunta para unirme al canal de Ubuntu studio22:40
Unit193haposai: Howdy.  This is an English channel only, if you need help in your native language, there's a channel filled with people that can speak it.22:44
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=== Estiqaatsi is now known as Vito

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