
JulienCumulusHi guys! Is there a way to update/upload the newest version of my package to Xenial and aYkkety? My package is already available there but a very old version which was picked up a long time ago (2015) from the debian repositories. (Zesty and Artful have my 2017 debian upload).12:14
tsimonq2JulienCumulus: Hey there! I think you might be interested in learning about the backports repositories. Otherwise, you can backport bugfixes, but any new versions of an application requires talking to a member of the release team.12:15
rbasakJulienCumulus: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports. Depending on the package, snaps are intended to be a more robust alternative.12:15
tsimonq2Or... snaps12:15
JulienCumulusack, thanks tsimonq2 & rbasak, i'll read all that. The new version of my package contains a lot of bugfixes.12:19
tsimonq2Ok :)12:20
Unit193rbasak: Though backports are pretty much abandonded now.12:24
rbasakUnit193: only in so far as they aren't being contributed to. JulienCumulus was asking how to contribute, so that's a bit circular :)12:27
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tsimonq2Could anyone please give me a review on bug 1699623?21:59
ubottubug 1699623 in civicrm (Ubuntu) "Merge 4.7.19+dfsg-1 from Debian Sid" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169962321:59

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