
NeRobotosuperfly: Live in Pinelands; work in town.07:41
NeRobotosuperfly: How about you?15:35
NeRobotoDoes anyone else feel that South Africans are on average really ignorant of the existence of Linux based OSs?15:53
paddatrapperNeRoboto: yes and no. There are both extremes: those who know and those who don't have a clue, but very few who have just heard of it15:55
MaNI"Does anyone else feel that South Africans are on average really ignorant" - agree ;)15:56
Kiloshi superfly and others15:56
MaNImore seriously, I don't think it's just Linux specifically we have a huge technology gap in general, for which Telkom and their decades long stranglehold over the internet are responsible15:57
NeRobotoI guess. It's a pretty frustrating situation.15:57
Kiloshi paddatrapper 15:57
inetproyou forgot, there are the others as well15:58
inetprothe others who think they know it all15:58
MaNIWe were late to get computers, we were late to get internet, we still lag, and it shows in things like the lack of za people on IRC the lack of za people involved in OSS etc. Those who are involved are in general very clued up and good but there are definitely less of us.15:58
inetprooops... 15:58
* inetpro hides away15:58
paddatrapperhi oom Kilos :)15:58
paddatrapperyet we were one of the first countries to regulate drone usage...15:59
NeRobotopaddatrapper: Eh. That's an outlying situation.15:59
paddatrapperNeRoboto: yeah I agree16:00
Kilosyou guys talk heavy stuff. i go back to sleep16:00
Kiloshows the family superfly 16:01
NeRobotoJoin the revolution, Kilos!16:01
Kiloslong time no hear about your side inetpro 16:01
Kiloswhat revolution?16:01
NeRobotoThe Linux revolution.16:01
NeRobotoIn SA16:01
NeRobotoGrab your PCs and your swords16:02
Kilosi started with 8.10 and havent used anything else on my pcs16:02
Kiloscurrently use kde like most of the clever guys16:02
Kilosjust so i can seem to be clever as well16:02
NeRobotoI use Gnome because I like pretty pixels.16:03
Kilosi left gnome when unity arrived16:03
paddatrapperI thought I could load Linux on my PC at home, but turns out the HDD controller is not compatible... Known issue with that motherboard, luckily I hardly every use anything but my laptop16:04
Kiloseish paddatrapper that sucks16:05
* NeRoboto strokes his chin16:05
NeRobotoThat does such16:05
Kilosmaybe an upgrade of the firmware can help16:06
paddatrapperMaybe, but I think at this point upgrading the MoBo would be easier. It is about 6/7 years old by now16:06
Kilosnot cheap16:07
paddatrappertrue. never is16:07
Kilosmobos not too bad its the ram and cpu that are hevy16:07
Kiloslemme sleep some more so pro can come out of hiding16:08
paddatrapperRAM I can salvage - DDR3, CPU probably could do with an upgrade16:08
paddatrapperlekker slaap16:08
Kilosill pop in for coffee16:09
Kilosoh better take one with me16:09
KilosMaaz coffee on16:09
* Maaz puts the kettle on16:09
KilosNeRoboto if you want some  say maaz coffee please16:10
Kiloscyber coffee is very healthy16:10
NeRobotoSo some bots are allowed?16:10
Kiloshe does our meeting minutes etc16:11
NeRobotoAh. Can he speak Afrikaans?16:11
Kiloshaha sometimes16:11
KilosMaaz koffie asseblief16:11
MaazEish Kilos  Die engelse het tot ons boeretroos oorgeneem. Vra asseblief in engels.16:11
NeRobotoLekker man.16:12
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!16:13
KilosMaaz danke16:13
NeRobotoMaaz are you open source?16:14
MaazNeRoboto: What?16:14
NeRobotoPlease don't be offended.16:15
Kiloshe is ibid in resources16:15
Kilosin the apps thingie16:15
paddatrapperNeRoboto: https://github.com/ibid/ibid16:23
Kiloshow is it coming along paddatrapper 16:23
paddatrapperKilos: I haven't touched it in a while. GSoC and varsity is taking up all of my time16:24
Kiloswhats the gsoc thing16:24
paddatrapperGoogle Summer of Code, working on an open source HDMI to USB capture device16:25
inetpropaddatrapper: sounds very interesting18:47
inetproKilos: I'm here now18:47
Kiloshello pro18:49
Kiloshows your family?18:49
inetproall in good health thanks18:49
inetprowhen are you going back to Aussieland again?18:50
Kilosno money for that18:50
Kiloscant go back till medical bills paid18:50
Kilosgovt wont let me in18:50
Kilosja groot ai!18:51
inetproat least they won't come here to hunt you down to extract the milk from your coffee18:52
Kiloshahaha im waiting to see, they handed it over to debt collectors18:52
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:15
superflyNeRoboto: I'm in the US. I used to live in Muizenberg, work in town.21:36
vivussuperfly: what is the .org equivalent of youtube?21:45
superflyvivus: I'm not sure what you're asking me21:50
vivusthere is an alternative to youtube for video hosting. 21:51
superflyvivus: not that I know of, I'm afraid.21:53
superflyvivus: video hosting is not as simple as one would think.21:53
vivusit's a hosted solution IIRC. 21:53
vivusnot a self-hosting one21:54
superflyvivus: I mean, there's vimeo, and dailymotion that I know of21:54
vivusboth of those are commercial, like YT21:54
vivusmaybe it was someone else who told me about it21:54
superflymaybe Amazon has something?21:54
superflyvivus: yeah, I'm not really big in that area21:55
vivusI distinctly recall this site running on a .org domain though21:56
superflyMaybe looking down the list of names here will ring a bell? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_hosting_services21:58
vivuswhere are debian conference videos hosted?22:01
superflyvivus: we host them ourselves22:02
vivusunder what domain?22:02
vivusoh no, that's not it22:02
superflythere's the service that PyCon uses22:02
superflyuh... NextDayVideo ?22:03
vivusthat is the dude from chicago who does the pycon recordings right?22:03
vivusyeah I can't seem to recall that site either. aah well, maybe someday I'll remember22:05

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