
EleanorEllisAny suggestions for software to use another computer as a networked display?00:19
CoderEurope#ubuntu-uk has gone nutz, but its over now.....00:19
PhanesEleanorEllis, depends on use case00:21
EleanorEllisPhanes: I want to extend the desktop to a networked display as if it were an extra output on my local graphics card00:22
Phanesnot really sure what youre getting at.  you'd need to build your own hardware for that.00:23
Phanesyou're probably looking for VNC or xrdp/sessman but, uh, can't really tell by your description.00:25
EleanorEllisPhanes: I was thinking perhaps it might work by vnc or rdp yes. I vaguely remember some software that did this but I cant remember what it was called00:26
PhanesXorg does this depending on your use case.00:27
oerheksxdmx or better synergy https://askubuntu.com/questions/136942/extend-desktop-to-monitor-over-lan00:27
EleanorEllisoerheks: Thanks. DMX was the software I was thinking of00:30
CoderEuropeHappy Tynwald day from the Isle of Man ! o/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tynwald_Day00:32
maxcell_hi, i installed ubuntu recently and install gnome-shell. How do i completly remove unity from the system?00:33
Phanesmaxcell_, what are you really trying to do00:38
maxcell_Phanes, i want to remove unity00:42
maxcell_Phanes, i wont use it00:42
maxcell_Phanes, im a gnome guy00:42
xanguamaxcell_: then why didn't you install Ubuntu gnome edition to begin with?00:43
maxcell_xangua, idk00:43
maxcell_xangua, but i dont mind, just want to completly purge unity00:44
maxcell_im on gnome already00:44
fishcookeri have deb package how to list the file will be copied after installation the deb file?01:28
minimecfishcooker: Example... These are the files that would be installed when installing the 'irssi' package on 16.04. https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/irssi/filelist01:31
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minimecfishcooker: You could also open the file with the 'fileroller' or similar software for 'zipped' files and check the files in that software.01:34
minimecfishcooker: 'file-roller' ... ;)01:34
spry7Hi everyone, I need your help with a server/VPS question. I am setting up a VPS with Ubuntu 16.04 on DigitalOcean. I wish to be able to set it up as development server/permanent website. What I mean by this is setting up the server so that when you type in a the website it would go to the wordpress site that I wish to have setup (ex. https://mysite.com/). Now I wish to be able to setup this same site to host my projects. For example, i01:44
spry7"https://projects.mysite.com" it will show  a directory of all the project folders that I have setup01:45
spry7in the projects folder I wish to be able to have different projects from CMS site like wordpess to just php and html sites01:45
spry7I also wish to setup ssh and ftp to access the server01:46
spry7I just need some pointers on where to start at setting this up01:46
Phanesby making out a list of the things you want to do in simple terms, as tasks or goals, and then picking one and focusing on that.01:46
Phanesfor instance, you want ssh and ftp.  is your VPS receiving ssh connections?01:47
minimecspry7: 'sudo apt install openssh-server' for ssh/sftp access01:48
spry7Phanes, I haven't set anything up quite yet. I am making sure that I get a road map for the most part taken care of first. I get the ssh and ftp things. I may not have been very clear on what I am looking for. My question is mainly regarding how the structure of the web server would be setup.01:49
spry7What I want is when you type in "mysite.com" you get the main wordpress site that I want, but when you type "projects.mysite.com" you see a directory with all the projects I have. From other wordpress sites to just html and php pages.01:51
spry7when I have done this in the past I have only been able to do one or the other. What I mean by this is that when I type "mysite.com" it will show just the wordpress site or it will show a directory of all folders. I haven't been able to figure out how to get it to work when the wordpress site shows with "mysite.com" and the directory is shown with "projects.mysite.com"01:54
spry7idk if it has to do with the initial setup or where I am going wrong with it01:54
spry7do you install wordpress into the root directory of the webserver and then just create a projects folder within that root folder and then some how redirect "projects.mysite.com" to /projects01:57
spry7or do you create a seperate the main wordpress site and projects folder and instead have two folders in the root directory so its more like /wordpress and /projects and at that point how do i say if I want "mysite.com" to be pointed at /wordpress and "projects.mysite.com" to be pointed at /projects01:59
Phanesspry7, this can all be done with DNS for your domain and the apache VirtualHost directive02:02
spry7Phanes: thank you so much. I will get to looking into this. Would you recommend having the projects folder within the main wordpress site or separating the two folder in the root directory?02:04
Phanesi would recommend separate directories for each virtualhost02:07
Phanesit'll be cleaner as you start putting stuff in it02:07
Phanesbut this is a matter of taste02:07
spry7Phanes: you've been a great help. Thank you for your input02:08
creammeso many times, just phrasing my question here gets me to my answer!02:41
EleanorEllisIn the terminal, how can I start a program and return to the terminal prompt without closing the program?04:47
m4dh4tt4 ./program &04:49
SwedeMikeEleanorEllis: add & at the end. Then you can return to it using "fg" (foreground)04:55
SwedeMikeEleanorEllis: you can also look into "screen" or "tmux" which is a way to run multiple terminals in one04:56
EleanorEllischromium-browser won't conntect to my system-wide proxy server05:09
quantibilityEleanorEllis, what router are you using?05:10
EleanorEllisquantibility: I am just connecting to a wifi-hotspot.Chromium reports "No internet connection" whereas Firefox conencts to my proxy without any problem.05:11
EleanorEllisquantibility: So I don't have a router.05:12
quantibilityEleanorEllis, hmmm, definitely something up with the Chromium settings.05:14
EleanorEllisquantibility: It's a fairly fresh install05:14
quantibilitymanually enter the IP addresses in the proxy settings?05:15
EleanorEllisquantibility: I get that, but I don't want to have to do that for every computer I support05:16
quantibilitywell if you had your own router you wouldn't have much of an issue.05:16
quantibilityyou may just have to enter manually, or set it to obtain automatically.. is that set?05:17
EleanorEllisquantibility: Indeed, but I am supporting laptops that are used away from base05:17
quantibilityis this your network or a network that you can access at certain times of the day?05:18
EleanorEllisWifi hotspots wherever they may be05:18
quantibilityhold on05:19
quantibilityi have chrome, i don't believe that the same as Chromium..05:19
EleanorEllisI understand chrome has the same problem (from searching online)05:20
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lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:44
mintuxhow to set http proxy on whole linux and all network traffic pass throw http proxy ? export https_proxy="http://localhost:8118" doesn't work05:51
lotuspsychje!squid | mintux can this help?05:53
ubottumintux can this help?: squid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org05:53
_ccmintux: you need to "export http_proxy="http://localhost:8118"" as well05:55
_cchttps affects only https traffic05:55
mintux_cc: i tried this but doesn't work05:55
_ccwhat's your usecase, don't tell me chromium05:55
_ccchromium doesn't respect the setting05:55
ngmviti am having some issue with no wifi and slow ethernet. When power adapter is plugged in the connection on ethernet is very slow else it works fine. And wifi although list the available wifi devices and connects successfully, fails to load a page. And the discussion on this is available here https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2365140&page=205:56
mintux_cc: if it works when i use linx or elinks and open cmyip.com it should show my proxy server ip05:56
mintux_cc: no i need it for android studio05:56
ngmvit https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2365140&page=105:56
_ccmintux: if you open up a terminal and export those two settings, and then try out lynx/wget, does it work then?05:58
_ccthat export isn't permanent05:58
mintux_cc: i did this: export http_proxy="http://localhost:8118"; elinks cmyip.com05:59
EleanorEllis_cc: I am also having problems with chromium-browser not obeying the system-wide proxy, or rather it won't connect at all once I define a system-wide proxy06:05
_ccEleanorEllis: yeah, I saw somebody filed a bug about it, but it was closed06:07
EleanorEllis_cc: So it still doesn't work?06:07
_ccI don't think so06:07
_ccthey wont fix it because apparently a browser shouldn't need to resolve between system-wide and brosers own settings06:07
EleanorEllis_cc: That's pants! Firefox respects the system wide proxy. I wonder how they expect system admins to deploy chrome on a large scale if it won't obey something simple like that06:09
EleanorEllis_cc: I find it hard to believe that every business using chrome has to edit the startup command for chrome on every machine!06:09
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sirru5hHowdy everyone06:19
laceylaneyAnyone here tried Icaros os before ??06:20
laceylaneyHI ^^*06:23
laceylaneyAnyone here able to help me with my wifi. No ma06:25
laceylaneyNo matter what ubuntu distro I run I have poor wifi06:29
laceylaneyHere is a link to a wifi script I run >> paste.ubuntu.com/2501838006:29
laceylaneyCurrently running minimal xubuntu from a mini.iso net-install06:30
EleanorEllislaceylaney: Do you get good wifi with the same hardware on any other operating system?06:31
ngmvitcan anyone help me out with slow ethernet and no wifi, here is the post with details  https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236514006:32
kailiHello, where can I see at what date was this linux kernel version pushed in the repo ? https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/linux-headers-4.4.0-8106:34
kailiThere is no date in the changelog...06:35
kailiOh yes there is my bad, nevermind :-)06:35
kaililinux (4.4.0-81.104) xenial; urgency=low  -- Stefan Bader <stefan.bader@canonical.com>  Thu, 08 Jun 2017 15:19:41 +020006:36
EleanorEllisI am trying to install displaylink drivers but the script appears to be in some unsupported character type06:52
EleanorEllis^^ displaylink driver for ubuntu is here http://www.displaylink.com/downloads/ubuntu06:53
EleanorEllis^^ instructions for installing displaylink driver are here http://support.displaylink.com/knowledgebase/articles/615714#ubuntu06:54
EleanorEllisWhen I try to install the displaylink driver I get "Permission denied", even after changing the permissions as detailed in the instructions and even when I use sudo06:55
EleanorEllisHere is the output from ls -l displaylink-driver-1.3.54.run "-rwxrwxr-x 1 eleanor eleanor 13096773 Jun 12 12:29 displaylink-driver-1.3.54.run"06:57
laceylaneyEleanorEllis: do you get any erros appearing on screen or just permission denied ??06:58
EleanorEllislaceylaney: https://pastebin.com/sANY4eYm07:02
EleanorEllislaceylaney: When I try to cat the script, I get lots of strange characters so I suspect I don't have the correct character encoding installed07:03
EleanorEllislaceylaney: When I try to open displaylink-driver-1.3.54.run in gedit it appears not to be utf807:04
laceylaneyEleanorEllis: I'm not sure if the character formatting would be the cause of any errors, though if you wanted you could check the formatting and see if your terminal supports it.07:07
EleanorEllislaceylaney: When I cat the script in the terminal, it displays strange characters07:07
laceylaneyThen your terminal defo doesn't have support for those characters. I'm pretty sure you could add support for them....07:08
EleanorEllislaceylaney: I imagine the script was created in windows. What character encoding should I install?07:09
Ben64EleanorEllis: whats the output of file thefile.run07:10
EleanorEllisBen64: ​https://pastebin.com/sANY4eYm07:10
Ben64something up with your link there07:11
laceylaneyHmmm I'm not sure. You can google character encoding checker and find out the exact one that way.07:13
EleanorEllisBen64: The link works on my machine07:13
laceylaneyLink works for me too...07:14
Ben64anyway, thats not what i asked for07:15
laceylaneyThe link is a paste of the output...07:15
laceylaneynot what you asked for ??07:16
Ben64<Ben64> EleanorEllis: whats the output of file thefile.run07:16
laceylaneyBen64: Open the link that she posted. It shows the output of that file....07:17
Ben64right but that isn't what i asked for07:17
Ben64let me make it more clear i guess... "file displaylink-driver-1.3.54.run"07:18
EleanorEllisBen64: displaylink-driver-1.3.54.run: POSIX shell script executable (binary data)07:18
laceylaneyAhh right you want the actual file haha07:18
Ben64does displaylink-installer.sh disappear after it fails07:20
laceylaneyafk - brb07:21
EleanorEllisBen64: displaylink-installer.sh never appears07:21
Ben64cool, then you should contact displaylink or try it on another system07:22
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EleanorEllisBen64: Thing is the previous version has the same issue and I did successfully install this on a previous installation of ubuntu, so I have screwed something up on the present incarnation07:23
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EleanorEllisBen64: Since the terminal can't display the characters in the script, I suspect I don't have the right character set installed. I suspect the file was created on a windows machine with english language installed07:30
EleanorEllisBen64: Because previously I would have been able to read the script07:30
Ben64you don't need to read it07:31
EleanorEllisBen64: If I can read the script then I could have a hope of debugging it, by checking what it is trying to access07:32
Ben64head thefile.run07:33
EleanorEllisBen64: https://pastebin.com/DkX9AuV107:34
debounceris there any problem with ubuntu repositories? When I type "sudo apt-get update" on console, it returns me fetch errors such as "Failed to fetch http://tr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/InRelease"07:35
debounceror is something wrong with my system?07:37
debouncerThese are error messages https://pastebin.com/WLBQRvbT07:39
EleanorEllisBen64: I just need to restart my machine. I will ping you after restart07:41
debouncerI think there is a problem in turkey server. When I changed it to main server, it started to work07:46
glitsj16debouncer: you can check the status of your mirror at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors07:47
EleanorEllisBen64: I'm back. Did you manage to identify the character set?07:50
Ben64EleanorEllis: that's not the problem, you can read it fine07:56
EleanorEllisBen64: But I can't read it. gedit complains that it is not utf807:56
Ben64so don't use gedit07:57
EleanorEllisBen64: Neither can I open it in any other text editor, nor CAT it in terminal07:57
Ben64head worked, so it works07:58
EleanorEllisBen64: I need to read it, so I can try to find out where it is going wrong07:59
Ben64go for it07:59
EleanorEllisBen64: So I am trying to find out how to install the character set for western windows and failing to find it08:00
Ben64you're going about it all wrong. you can already read it, head proved it08:00
EleanorEllisBen64: So how would you do it then?08:01
Ben64i wouldn't get a device that isn't supported by the kernel08:01
reBrainanyone can help with playonlinux? I can't install wineasio, it says I need jack, I installed jack and it still says I need jack08:02
EleanorEllisBen64: Fair enough, but I am where I am at and I need to get it working. How can I debug the script if all I can see is junk characters?08:02
Ben64EleanorEllis: but you can see normal characters, head proved it08:03
EleanorEllisBen64: Can you try opening the file and then you will see what I mean?08:03
Ben64works fine08:03
sirru5h(file -i  filename will get the encoding )08:07
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BluewolfHi all. I want to set a custom command to a key on my keyboard to set my computer to sleep - Anyone know the command I can use to put into my custom keyboard shorcuts in settings?08:54
diskinBluewolf, try pm-suspend08:58
Bluewolfdiskin: Doesn't seem to work08:59
glitsj16Bluewolf: what version of ubuntu are you on? And are you looking for suspend to RAM or suspend to disk?09:02
minimecBluewolf: Hi. I guess you are the bluewolf that left me a message two days ago. Hope you got your graphics problem solved.09:02
minimecBluewolf: For suspend... https://askubuntu.com/a/179509:02
Bluewolfminimec: Hi. The one and the only. Yes I resolved my graphics problem, apologies for not adding that to the message.09:04
BluewolfI am running Ubuntu 16.04 Gnome09:04
glitsj16Bluewolf: 16.04 uses systemd, so either 'systemctl suspend' or 'systemctl hibernate' should do what you're after09:05
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supremumThis man page does not describe the command language; see the ld09:52
supremum       entry in "info" for full details on the command language and on09:52
supremum       other aspects of the GNU linker.09:52
supremumBut when i try   info ld   i get the man page, containing the same comment09:53
EleanorEllisWhy does sudo killall chromium-browser not find any running process even though chromium is running?09:54
_cctypo perhaps?09:56
Halleluiahi everyone.09:59
Halleluiaplease i cannot log into my PC... It shows plain after inputting my PC password10:00
Halleluiaplease i cannot log into my PC... It shows plain after inputting my PC password10:03
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:04
minimecHalleluia: We would need a little bit more information from your part. So when you boot your computer you get the normal login screen right?10:05
minimecHalleluia: What did you change on your system before the problem appeared. Did you do a system update?10:06
EleanorEllisHalleluia: http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#intro10:07
Bluewolfminimec: glitsj16: Sorry for the late response. I got the keyboard shortcut working, thank you both for the help.10:11
glitsj16Bluewolf: that's quite allright, nice to see you have it working10:11
minimecBluewolf: Cool. I don't like these kind of shortcut, because it could happen to me accidentally suspend my computer... Bad! (as the donald would say)10:13
saryHalleluia: are you able to log in as guest!10:14
Bluewolfminimec: Yeah that has happened to me in the past. But I find it really useful for suspending my desktop, when I need to dash off for twenty minutes. The next question now is which is the better on to use, suspend of Hybernate. I've used both in the past.10:15
minimecBluewolf: Well... For hibernation you would at least need a swapt file/partition as big as your RAM, which in my case with 16GB RAM is wasted disk space, if you ask me10:17
Bluewolfminimec: I know :D10:20
BluewolfBut I think I will stick with the suspend (Its quicker and saves that precious 4GB of my 1TB) :P10:20
BluewolfI can always change it later if need be. Thanks again :y:10:20
Halleluia<minimec> Halleluia: We would need a little bit more information from your part. So when you boot your computer you get the normal login screen right?  YES10:23
minimecHalleluia: What did you change on your system before the problem appeared. Did you do a system update?10:24
Halleluia<minimec> Halleluia: What did you change on your system before the problem appeared. Did you do a system update? I installed all KALI tools using katoolin10:24
IronSnoutjoin #linux10:24
bazhang!info katoolin10:25
ubottuPackage katoolin does not exist in zesty10:25
Halleluia<sary> Halleluia: are you able to log in as guest! didn't try10:25
bazhangwhere is katoolin from10:25
Halleluia<minimec> Halleluia: What did you change on your system before the problem appeared. Did you do a system update? YES and I installed all kali tools using katoolin10:26
bazhangHalleluia, where is katoolin from10:26
minimecHalleluia: I got that. Did you use a script to install these tools or a ppa repository?10:27
Halleluiaminimec I used katoolin10:27
bazhangHalleluia, yes we know10:27
bazhangHalleluia, where did you get katoolin10:27
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bazhangHalleluia, is that some third party script or PPA10:29
Ben64yeah it's awful10:29
Ben64seen a few people here that had a messed up system from that10:29
bazhangHalleluia, thats not an ubuntu issue, you need to contact the makers10:30
Halleluiabazhang its an ubuntu issue... All tools works then I restarted ... it shows my lock screen and working well but when i enter my password it gets stuck10:31
ikoniaHalleluia: it's not10:31
ikoniaHalleluia: you have used a 3rd party script that pulls 3rd party software from untrusted repos on10:31
ikoniathis has broken your install10:31
bazhangHalleluia, using some 3rd scripts?PPA and you have problems, thats not an ubuntu issue at all10:31
ikoniathe people who maintain the 3rd party installer tool/repos will need to help you debug and undo (if possible) what this does10:31
Halleluiahasn't... by the way, i only need to see my full destop. so how do i edit something to see my desktop10:32
ikoniaHalleluia: you don't10:32
bazhangHalleluia, it's not a channel support issue here10:32
Halleluiaseen! minimec10:32
Halleluiawhat do you guys espect/advice i do then10:33
Halleluiareinstall. start all over or contact who pls10:33
bazhangHalleluia, so please contact the maintaines, we dont support that10:34
ikoniaHalleluia: a clean ubuntu install and not-using that tool would be a good approach10:34
minimecHalleluia: Tere is one thing you could do. Install 'pastebinit' on the console and do 'journalctl -b | pastebinit', and paste the link you get here. You will probably have some error message in that log that might help you or us.10:34
Halleluiai'm on windows now minimec10:34
EleanorEllisHalleluia: Did you backup before this problem?10:35
HalleluiaEleanorEllis No10:36
beefjoeLoading websites sometimes hangs a bit until it's loaded, specially Facebook for example. did a speedtest, not able to get upload speed but the ping and download speed are great. this is happening on my laptop Ubuntu only, all other devices are okay. any ideas ?10:36
minimecHalleluia: Obviously that wount help us to debug your problem either. We cannot help you if the system that has problems is not even booted.10:36
Halleluiaubuntu won't load my desktop. it gets stuck after i input my lock screen password10:37
saryHalleluia: I would CTRL+ALT+F1 log in, sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME , CTRL+ALT+F7 and try to log in!10:37
EleanorEllisHalleluia: In that case you will probably have to reinstall. Sorry, but you have not helped yourself. I've been there and learnt the hard way10:37
Ben64and next time try to avoid 3rd party repositories and running random scripts you find online10:38
saryMight as wll add a new user and login from it!10:38
Halleluiathis is why I never liked anything linux... little problem and u reinstall... HISED10:38
HalleluiaHISSED AGAIN10:38
bazhangHalleluia, thats all on you, no need to complain like that10:38
EleanorEllisHalleluia: I've had little problems on windows that couldn't be solved without a reinstall.10:39
Halleluiawhy wont I10:39
bazhangHalleluia, please stop the random hissing here10:39
Halleluiathere's always a way in windows10:39
EleanorEllisHalleluia: This is not particular to linux, it's a problem with installing untrusted software.10:39
bazhangHalleluia, nothing short of a full reinstall is going to help out here10:39
Halleluia<EleanorEllis> Halleluia: I've had little problems on windows that couldn't be solved without a reinstall. what? you didn't look into it well enough10:39
Halleluiajust like i'm doing now10:40
EleanorEllisHalleluia: If you had installed something dodgy on windows which broke your system, you would be in the same position.10:40
Ben64it's just not worth it to try to fix whatever that random script did10:40
Halleluiabe back... let me try to reboot ubuntu maybe... who knows...10:41
EleanorEllisHalleluia: Some years ago my windows printing system became corrupted. Unfortunately I didnt have a backup. I tried everything in the MS Knowledge Base but nothing worked. Eventually I had no option but to reinstall windows. That was when I quit windows and started with linux.10:41
ikoniaHalleluia: we can't support your ubuntu install10:41
ikoniaHalleluia: sorry,10:41
ikoniaHalleluia: you need to get it back to a stable state10:41
EleanorEllisHalleluia: The golden rule is you must have backups.10:41
EleanorEllisHalleluia: As to your comment "what? you didn't look into it well enough", well I think you have hit the nail on the head as to what has caused your problem.10:42
Halleluiabe back friends. and thanks. Love linux(ubuntu) but these problems keeps me bay... Always!10:43
EleanorEllisUnfortunately you didn't look into it well enough before breaking your system, and because you didnt backup you now have nowhere to go10:44
Halleluiatruth but painful10:44
Halleluiabut really i thought my problem was with xorg or so10:45
EleanorEllisHalleluia: And if you broke your windows box you probably wouldn't have an irc channel to ask questions of but would have to pay someone to fix it. We are all volunteers here. You can buy support from Canonical if you want professional support.10:45
beefjoeLoading websites sometimes hangs a bit until it's loaded, specially Facebook for example. did a speedtest, not able to get upload speed but the ping and download speed are great. this is happening on my laptop Ubuntu only, all other devices are okay. any ideas ?10:45
bazhangbeefjoe, lags a bit?10:46
HalleluiaEleanorEllis i thought my problem was with xorg or so10:47
bazhangbeefjoe, is this on both the flash and non flash sites?10:47
beefjoebazhang, keeps loading..doesn't timeout but yea lags10:47
bazhangHalleluia, please take the chit chat to the offtopic channel10:47
bazhangbeefjoe, on both flash and non flash testing sites?10:47
Halleluia<bazhang> Halleluia, please take the chit chat to the offtopic channel.. Yes sir10:48
beefjoebazhang happens mostly on sites like youtube,facebook and imgur but can happen anywhere else10:49
beefjoeso probably yes?10:49
beefjoeNot sure if it's related, no10:49
bazhangbeefjoe, so did you go to the speedtest sites and check yet10:49
beefjoeyea I get 9ms ping 50mbps download but gets stuck on upload10:50
beefjoesame thing on speedtest html5 version10:50
beefjoegives me this http://i.imgur.com/ynwyAIh.png10:50
bazhangbeefjoe, with multiple testing points, both flash and non flash?10:50
bazhangbeefjoe, you can choose to test from multiple locations10:51
beefjoebazhang, yea I tried it and tried other services not only speedtest.net10:52
beefjoeand one guy suggested for me to move to Google's DNS..so I did but nothing changed10:52
bazhangbeefjoe, and no issues there, correct?10:52
beefjoebazhang same issue on all of them10:52
bazhangbeefjoe, same as on fb yt and the rest? from the actual speedtest site?10:53
beefjoewhat do you mean10:53
bazhangthe speedtest site indicated problems or not10:54
beefjoeyes when it comes to testing the upload speed10:55
bazhangso the bottleneck sounds like from the fb and yt sites10:55
bazhangunless you mean the youtube lag is with uploads10:56
beefjoeno it's not with uploads..although I can barely upload anything anywhere10:57
beefjoebecause of the poor upload speed for some reason..10:57
bazhangbeefjoe, how much of a lag are we talking about here10:57
beefjoeso firefox shows it's loading..keeps loading with a blank page10:58
beefjoeif I hit refresh10:58
beefjoeit gets load instantly10:58
beefjoeotherwise would have to wait...keeps lagging...and might open up eventually10:58
beefjoeso a refresh usually loads it up fast specially on youtube10:59
bazhangwhats the actual lag time there beefjoe10:59
bazhanga few seconds, several minutes or what10:59
beefjoearound 15 seconds11:01
bazhangbeefjoe, do you have firefox clear its cache upon quitting or not11:02
blackadder1337is it possible to find all files that have 'something' in the name in a folder and copy them to another folder?11:02
beefjoeno I don't, but this happens on chromium as well11:02
blackadder1337ubuntu xfce11:02
bazhangwhats the ram on that maching beefjoe11:03
bazhangbeefjoe, so why not try cleaing the cache upon quit, to troubleshoot that way, for starters11:03
Starcraftmaztermy friend did something on his ubuntu (specifically uninstalled bluetooth, pulseaudio and pulseaudio-bluetooth) and now his networking doesnt work.11:04
Starcraftmazterits a laptop, only wifi, no ethernet11:04
beefjoebazhang, but why do you think the upload speed is so low ?11:05
bazhangStarcraftmazter, why not have your friend join here so he can get help directly11:05
Starcraftmazterbazhang: i would if he had internet connectivity11:05
beefjoeif I reconnect I get an upload speed of 0.01 mbps for like ten seconds then goes null again11:06
bazhangStarcraftmazter, it's going to be difficult to ask him to run commands and get error s otherwise11:06
Starcraftmazterbazhang: just tell me, ill tell him (im on a call)11:06
bazhangbeefjoe, did you first try the clear cache thing with firefox11:07
beefjoebazhang, I have just now11:09
bazhangbeefjoe, so lets try the various lag sites, not refresh11:09
bazhangStarcraftmazter, how will you be relaying the various messages to and fro11:11
beefjoebazhang, still exists..for example on fb when I clock on notifications and the little window appears loading..forever..11:11
beefjoeand upload test still gives error11:11
Starcraftmazterbazhang: by phone11:11
sarybeefjoe: this might your issue, the solution starts at the " End update " section in: http://www.hecticgeek.com/2017/04/ubuntu-17-04-systemd-dns-issues/11:12
bazhangbeefjoe, forever as in ten-fifteen seconds?11:12
bazhangbeefjoe, sounds like a bottleneck on the fb site11:13
bazhangStarcraftmazter, first have him tell us what he did just prior to having issues11:13
bazhangStarcraftmazter, then tell him to remove the offending packages11:14
Starcraftmazterbazhang: what are the offending packages?11:14
_ccI think bazhang probably misread11:14
Starcraftmazteri think the problem is because he removed something he shouldn't have - not installed something11:14
bazhangStarcraftmazter, how can we know that without you asking him11:14
Starcraftmazterhe didnt install anything11:14
Starcraftmazteri did11:14
Starcraftmazterhe showed me a screenshot11:14
Starcraftmazterand i relayed11:14
bazhangStarcraftmazter, then ask him what it was11:15
beefjoebazhang, bottleneck ? :O11:15
bazhangbeefjoe, sure, they are a high traffic site, as compared to something on your own lan game11:15
Starcraftmazter>specifically uninstalled bluetooth, pulseaudio and pulseaudio-bluetooth)11:16
bazhangStarcraftmazter, whyever would he uninstall pulseaudio11:16
Starcraftmazterwho knows11:17
bazhangStarcraftmazter, you need to ask him11:17
bazhangStarcraftmazter, please do so11:17
Starcraftmazterbazhang: well i know, he was trying to get bluetooth to work. I don't think it was a smart idea11:18
bazhangStarcraftmazter, so have reverse whatever it was he did do, and give us a full pastebin on the exact errors he is getting11:19
Starcraftmazteri think he uninstalled network manager11:21
bazhangStarcraftmazter, again we need the entirety of what he did and did not do, the exact errors in a pastebin11:22
bazhangStarcraftmazter, guess work over the phone is not going to get it done11:22
Starcraftmazternah already solved m811:23
bazhangStarcraftmazter, that means the entirety of what he did remove11:23
Starcraftmazterbasically he removed network-manager package11:23
bazhangStarcraftmazter, so reinstalling it and all his issues are gone?11:24
Starcraftmazteri said he should boot to livecd, mount his drive, chroot and then install network manager11:25
ioriahe can set /etc/network/interfaces, get connectivity, and reinstall de and NM11:26
zeekhugeso the netstat -nplt output like this "tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      -         "  does mean that its also listenting for the trafic from public IP . isnt it ?11:27
Starcraftmazterioria: how can that be done for wifi?11:28
ioriaStarcraftmazter, with wpasupplicant (if installed) or with nmtui11:29
ioriaStarcraftmazter, if he is not familiar with that, and he is with livecd chroot, would be easier the second, btw11:32
zeekhugeif yes, there are many application on my system that are doing this. I think they just want to talk to each other (and hence bind to only localhost) but their is some problem in the config. How can I fix this ?11:33
zeekhugethis above output was related to docker.11:34
Starcraftmazterioria: ok thanks11:34
ioriaStarcraftmazter, ok11:34
BluesKajHowdy folks11:37
Swey_HeyAm I the only one who is upset that Unity is going to be canned?11:58
akikSwey_Hey: no, you're not. why do you think that?12:05
Swey_Heyakik: Because Unity gets heaps of hate12:06
Swey_HeyI can't STAND Gnome12:06
Swey_HeyIt makes me feel a little sick12:07
jntmehey ho12:08
jntmequestion: when I deactivate password authentication over ssh and I loose my laptop with my private key on it, I'll never be able to login again don't I?12:09
BluesKajSwey_Hey, there's always KDE/Plasma12:10
Swey_HeyBluesKaj, I don't like KDE either. Unity was my favorite. XFCE is the only DE I can stand12:13
ioria!info budgie-desktop | Swey_Hey12:15
ubottuSwey_Hey: budgie-desktop (source: budgie-desktop): Desktop package for budgie-desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 10.2.9-3ubuntu4.1 (zesty), package size 3 kB, installed size 20 kB12:15
BluesKajSwey_Hey,  you've severely limited your options, time try some other DE's and give them chance before making a definite choice12:15
Swey_HeyBluesKaj: I know. I am using Cinnamon on Linux Mint and it's not to bad.12:16
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)12:16
saryI prefer GNOME. never liked unity! You still have the Freedom of choice with LXQt , Enlightenment.12:16
Swey_HeyMaybe someone will fork Unity and keep it alive12:16
ioriaSwey_Hey, https://yunit.io/12:18
sipiorjntme: no, because you'll fetch your key from the backups you're always making :-) you can then use that key to push a replacement into place.12:19
jntmesipior: I see - so I'd be better off with those backups.. :D12:19
Swey_Heyioria: Excellent! 18k commits as well. I would contribute, but I don't think they would have much use for a Java programmer12:20
ioriaSwey_Hey,  likely... but why not ?12:20
Swey_Heyioria: Because Java is not typically used in DE12:20
BluesKajSwey_Hey, ask in #linuxmint12:21
Swey_HeyBluesKaj: Ask what in #linuxmint?12:21
BluesKajabout DE's for mint12:22
BluesKajthis is ubuntu support , read the bot's message above12:22
Swey_HeyBluesKaj: Oh come on, I just mentioned Linux Mint, I wasn't going in depth about it12:25
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
BluesKajSwey_Hey, as the saying goes," them's the rules"12:26
Swey_HeyStupid rules12:27
freakyyhi all im having a problem with my ubuntu 17.04 installation. specifically grub. on boot, when it boots up a selection or when i rpess enter the screen is "faded out" like from the bottom to the top slowly. id like to have it instant continue booting not first do a 2 seconds animation. i have a video here: https://goo.gl/photos/aNcBZyse9VGbt5Mg7 - just look at the bottom how it "scrolls" up like as if it was12:31
freakyyrebuilding up the screen or something but really slowly12:31
freakyycan anyone help me fix that?12:32
ioriafreakyy, your video card ?12:36
freakyyNvidia Geforce GTX 1050Ti12:37
freakyyioria :)12:38
ioriafreakyy, using proprietary nvidia driver  ?12:38
freakyyioria: yes but i dont think its loaded at boot when grub is displayed12:39
freakyycan u help me?12:40
freakyyit was like that without proprietary drivers aswell12:41
ioriafreakyy,  maybe a resolution problem12:42
freakyyhm ok i dont know how to fix it12:43
ioriafreakyy, or this https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=19556712:43
ioriafreakyy, looks like your issue12:44
freakyyhm ok thanks12:45
BluesKajfreakyy, install nvidia-381.22 driver12:46
freakyyBluesKaj: that driver isnt loaded at boot when grub is loaded that makes no sense12:47
freakyyi have to go now sorry but i will read later what u wrote12:47
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
revmooI'm setting up a kiosk and need to alter my window manager flags. Where does ubuntu (14.04) store configs for window manager startup?12:54
groklinuxgood morning all...have a box running 16.10. All seems fine but the last two days in a row, I've come back in the morning to a system that's rebooted. I've checked kern.log and syslog but neither complain about something failing/crashing right before you see it start outputting normal startup messages. I don't believe it's electrical as I have other boxes in the same room and all seem fine. Any suggestions as to where else I could look to figure it out13:31
groklinuxwould be greatly appreciated!13:31
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sarygroklinux: It's important to understand that Ubuntu does not magically reboot itself under normal conditions. By default, Ubuntu will merely notify you that a human needs to reboot the system. This only happens as part of a kernel upgrade.14:07
compdocI dont know about sary, but my Ubuntu IS magic!14:08
sarygroklinux: Lesser causes like a crash or memfault are likely to freeze or crash your system, but not reboot it. There are several ways for a program to trigger a reboot...all leave plenty of information in the logs.14:08
sarycompdoc: it's not me, groklinux stated that they had random reboots!14:09
groklinuxsary: and other than coming in both mornings to find that it had rebooted, the system *appears* to be perfectly fine. there's nothing too demanding being run on it.14:09
oerheksgroklinux, a powerdip can cause that too14:10
groklinuxsary: i was hoping that you'd have some magical log file location i may look at that would show something...i even went through auth lol14:10
oerheksjournalctl -b -0 # this will tell the time when it happened14:11
groklinuxoerheks: yeah but it's in the same room as a bunch of other boxes, all seem fine...no issues/reboots/etc. it is on a different outlet though.14:11
jk0negroklinux: you can try: journalctl -S 2017-07-04 - which should show you a lot of log information right up to your reboot time, assuming your reboot time actually happened yesterday and not at 3am... but there's more in journalctl than is in the actual log files.... so you might find a clue there.14:12
oerheksonly overheating is the other cause that comes in mind.14:12
oerheks* that would show up in dmesg too14:13
groklinuxi'll dig through there...both Monday's reboot and yesterday's happened at different times. i'll try and dig through and see. oh good point about overheating.14:13
jk0neThere is a skylake/kabylake intel bug that could cause that I suppose... if your processor is one of those.  Unlikely but possible.14:13
l2ydoes ubuntu 14.04 lts contain upstart?14:14
oerheksl2y, yes14:14
l2yhow do I test for upstart? I can test for systemd with "systemd --version" return value, can I do "upstart --version"?14:15
l2yoh, I mean systemctl*14:15
sarygroklinux: you should be looking in : kern.log.1* , syslog.1* , dpkg.log.1* the same for with auth.log.1 #If it was a software issue, there would definitely be something in the logs!14:16
l2yoerheks: "initctl version" will show any init, right?14:17
oerheksapt-cache policy upstart # would show the version14:17
oerheksinitctl can show the version too, indeed14:17
l2ybut it won't test for upstart specifically14:17
l2yand if I run "systemctl --version" on such system, will it return zero? If I'm correct, systemd is also present on 14.0414:18
groklinuxsary: ahh ok...i did go through all of those but not the .1's...just the current versions...but they all contained data from the event yesterday. nothing crazy showing up...just all show normal startup messages all beginning at the same time. (nothing out of the ordinary preceding them)...i'll go dig through the .1's now though. thanks!14:18
oerheksl2y, no, systemd comes later, 15.04 IIRC14:19
l2yoerheks: thanks, almost correct, this is what google told me https://askubuntu.com/questions/490946/is-ubuntu-14-04-using-systemd14:21
sarygroklinux: also worht testing if this occur running different kernel version!14:22
saryerr, *worth.14:22
Jakethepythonwhat is the easiest way to install Ubuntu via Network i have always done from Live CD or USB14:22
oerheks"almost correct"?  it is totally correct, get your facts right...14:24
oerheksJakethepython, pxe boot14:25
saryJakethepython: you're looking for: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Server_and_network_installations14:27
ioriaJakethepython, have you solved your grub/raid error  (i hope so) ?14:27
oerheksJakethepython, the only question is, do you have UEFI or regular bios14:28
oerhekshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/PXE-netboot-install for uefi14:28
JakethepythonIoria: the issue was a FakeRaid issue14:29
Jakethepythonso now i need to do a reinstall of the system :(14:29
ioriaJakethepython, well, yes14:30
Jakethepythonbut it's solved14:30
Jakethepythonso now i was hoping to reinstall over the network14:30
Jakethepythonbecause i don't have a writable DvD or big enough USB stick here :(14:30
ioriaJakethepython, mini.iso from grub14:31
ioriaJakethepython,  you can edit /etc/grub.d/40_custom, or use grub-imageboot14:32
Assidso i have 17.04 installed and am tyring to get  ejabberd working .. however.. i keep getting an error Error, do this: mount -t proc proc /proc14:37
Assidi was getting another error as well, which was solved by fixing the apparomor  bug for ejabberd14:38
Jakethepythonioria: what is grub-imageboot?14:39
ioria!info grub-imageboot14:39
ubottugrub-imageboot (source: grub-imageboot): boot iso, harddisk and floppy images with grub2 and syslinux memdisk. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6 (zesty), package size 4 kB, installed size 42 kB14:39
Jakethepythonok so just put the .iso on a usb14:40
Jakethepythondon't write the entire iso14:40
freakyyhey guys, how do u get a  hostmaks like ubuntu/member/freakyy14:40
Jakethepythonand boot with the iso?14:40
freakyycan anyone get such a hostmask?14:40
ioriaJakethepython,  mini.iso is just 51mb ....14:40
oerheksfreakyy, ask in #freenode for a cloak,14:40
freakyyok thx ;D14:41
sarygroklinux: is this issue on a server or a desktop! you may want to test your ram with Memtest86+ and do a filesystem check. if it's a dekstop and you're using and an onboard video card it might be the cause as hey all have to share system RAM since they never have enough! also, in the logs look at [ 0.000000] timestamp .. and look at what happened right before that, that should be what triggered the kernel!14:42
freakyyah yea ok nice ;D14:43
=== coffeeguy is now known as zenguy
groklinuxsary: yes, it's a desktop (xubuntu) but i do run some processing stuff but it's all fairly simple with relatively low load. (pickup and process files, send to ftp, process results, etc) all of which is running fine this morning so far. i planned on taking it down at lunch and running the memtest on it.14:45
sysheroHello everyone, we encountered a weird issue while updating some of our servers that after glibc upgrade, telinit u is called and it's spawning a second init process, not we have multiple processes running because the second init tried to start then, anyone have any directions on how to troubleshoot what may be causing this?14:47
Assidcan someone help me with the error for ejabberd please ?  i keep getting an error Error, do this: mount -t proc proc /proc14:47
sarygroklinux: Good luck.14:48
Halleluiahi guys I'm back14:48
saryyeah.. wb.14:49
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
oerheksAssid, what guide do you follow?14:50
HalleluiaAbout to reintall katoolin(kali linux tools)... Any advice14:51
Assidoerheks: not really needed. but https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-ejabberd-xmpp-server-on-ubuntu as basic reference14:51
Assidits pretty much simple.. you apt-get install it .. fix the apparmor su  related bug14:52
Assidafter that it just wont go further14:52
oerheksAssid, i just read some ( more uptodate) manuals, none of them use mount14:52
freakyywhats a good way to make a launcher icon or, desktop entry, for minecraft under ubuntu gnome?14:53
Assidoerheks: its not the manual thats telling me that.. its the ubuntuj14:53
freakyythere is a program starting with a or smth14:53
ExoUNXbtw, Openfire is a decent XMPP server bundle14:53
Assidejabberd is what i used to use before14:54
Assidnever tried openfire14:54
Assidthe old one is still running..14:54
HalleluiaNeed help!.... About to install katoolin(kali tools) any advice14:55
oerheks!kali | Halleluia no help with kali here,14:55
ubottuHalleluia no help with kali here,: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)14:55
AssidExoUNX: it does file transfer ?14:56
Assidand is it easy to configure ?14:57
ExoUNXAssid, yep and supports MUC14:57
ExoUNXAssid, easier than ejabberd imo14:57
oerheksHalleluia, find the kali channel for that, see ubottu14:57
P99im trying to make xenial autoinstall usb with preseed file but every times the installer detects that the usb is mounts and i cant make continue14:57
P99similar that this bug14:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1628659 in preseed (Ubuntu) ""d-i partman/unmount_active boolean true" not working" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:58
P99i try to add Erics slutions14:58
Assidi cant seem to find it in apt-cache14:58
P99but not works for me14:59
P99someone can helps me?14:59
ExoUNXAssid, it might have its own repo, otherwise you can get it from https://www.igniterealtime.org/downloads/14:59
Assidwait .. isnt it java based ?14:59
ExoUNXAssid, and it is open source - https://github.com/igniterealtime/Openfire15:00
ExoUNXAssid, yes15:00
rud0lfopenfire, gordon, openfire15:00
Jakethepythonioria do i just put the mini.iso onto a flashdrive (iso writer) and it installs like a normal OS would?15:00
Assidjava is crazy on the resources .. afaik15:01
ExoUNXAssid, all together it uses less than 1GB of RAM fully loaded15:01
ExoUNXAssid, I think around ~300MB actually15:01
ExoUNXdepends on users connected though15:02
Assidstill quite a bit15:02
Assid80 users.. approx15:02
oerheksJakethepython, yes, but all the packages comes from the servers, so you need wired networking.15:02
ExoUNXprobably uses less than a LAMP stack15:02
JakethepythonI have Wired network the problem is that it's not booting from the USB stick :(15:03
Halleluiahow to backup my ubuntu15:03
Jakethepythonit keeps going into the Ubuntu 16.04 not USB even though USB priotiry is on15:03
Jakethepythonpriorty boot15:03
ExoUNXAssid, it also supports LDAP out the box15:03
oerheksJakethepython, that is vendor dependant, bootpriority, some biosses need a 2nd setting, hdd priority too15:04
AssidExoUNX: pm ?15:04
AssidExoUNX: you use embedded db ?15:05
Halleluiahow to backup my ubuntu15:05
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:05
Halleluiaoerheks thanks15:07
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sysheroHello everyone, we encountered a weird issue while updating some of our servers that after glibc upgrade, telinit u is called and it's spawning a second init process, now we have multiple processes running because the second init tried to start then, anyone have any directions on how to go about troubleshoot what may be causing this? (sorry about repeating, it was just lost in the chat backlog, that's why I'm reposting). Weird thing is,15:09
syshero they are all 14.04 servers, some break and some don't.15:09
J1syHello :-)15:12
AbiQuinnhowdy guys15:12
J1syHello help my brother set my laptop monitor to no primary how do i set it to vga/laptop screen as primary since each time i get a white screen15:13
Halleluiawhats the easiest way to do a backup15:14
Halleluiawhats the easiest way to do a backup15:14
nemoHalleluia: resync?15:16
nemocp -a 😃15:16
Halleluianemo thanks15:16
nemotar czf15:16
nemoooh this is fun.  but probably very very easiest would be copy in a graphical user interface to the mounted USB drive ☺15:16
JakethepythonI should not avtiave MDADM containers (intelDFF RAID) right this is the one to stay awayfrom because its FAKE raid?15:16
ikoniaHalleluia: what do you want to backup from your ubuntu install15:17
ikoniamdadm is not fakeraid15:17
ikoniamdadm is software raid15:17
ikonia- however meta devices can be software OR fake raid15:17
Halleluiaikonia from my ubuntu PC15:17
ikoniaHalleluia: but what part of ubuntu do you want to back up15:18
JakethepythonOK so i should Avtivate MDADM containes?15:18
ikoniaJakethepython: containers ?15:18
ikoniaJakethepython: could you give some context of the problem and what you see that makes you question this ?15:18
Jakethepythonit is on the initial setup of Ubuntu Detect Disks15:19
AbiQuinnI recently installed the recommended nvidia drivers through Kubuntu's GUI which proceeded to make every single app crash immediately on start... was wondering if there are any recommended nvidia drivers for kubuntu 17.0415:19
ikoniaJakethepython: so have you ever set up any mdadm devices on these disks before ?15:19
Jakethepythonand says one or more drives containint MDADM containters have been found do you wish to atviate these raid devies?15:19
ikoniaAbiQuinn: using the ones shipped through the ubuntu package management are always the best option, what makes you think the graphcis driver is the problem and what have you done to debug this ?15:19
JakethepythonI had software Raid on 2 drives which was working correctly15:20
ikoniaJakethepython: by software raid, do you mean mdadm or some other tool15:20
ikonia(just to clarify)15:20
AbiQuinnI put nvidia driver on, nothing worked, I took it off it worked... thats my debug. Im not using the nouveau ones that shipped but the recommended proprietary ones.15:21
Jakethepythoni think (i didn't set up the raid initalialy) someone else did was the problem LOL15:21
Jakethepythoni will just activate it and see what happens worst case i need to redo it15:22
AbiQuinni did strace through xterm for konsole, the log shows konsole trying to load /lib/libGLX files and getting -1 ENOENT (no such file.. ) which leads to a crash15:26
Jakethepythonthen after i said OK to that it says one or more draices containt serial ATA RAID have been Found do u wish to activate theres RAID devies15:27
ljetiboHello, can anyone help me resolve the screen flickering issue I'm having in Ubuntu 16.04, intel i5 5200 and nvidia geforce 940M graphics. I've just transitioned to this laptop from ubuntu 14.04 and an older gfx card where I didn't have problems. I've tried https://askubuntu.com/questions/760934/graphics-issues-after-while-installing-ubuntu-16-04-16-10-with-nvidia-graphics/763493 with different versions 375, nouveau, 381 (latest), I've tried do15:29
ljetiboing it with 352 but I can't seem to install it properly. I've also tried doing the compiz config workaround but it doesn't help. The blinking only happens when I'm not doing anything (moving mouse, intervals between typing). When I'm moving the mouse constantly there is no blinking.15:29
ljetiboAny help would be greatly appreciated.15:29
ljetiboI have also done a clean reinstall once15:30
l2yoerheks: it says 14.10+, which is not the same as 15.0415:33
oerheksl2y, sure, the version after 14.10 .. why do you want to win, over such simple to find fact?15:33
ljetiboI'll be right back, I'm doing a restart, if anyone's interested bear with me for a sec.15:34
l2yoerheks: this is not totally correct. I didn't start this. you said "get your facts right". I tell you, get your understanding right. 14.10+ means 14.10 and everything afterwards, not just everything afterwards. that's why I said "almost correct". is it clear enough now?15:36
oerheksl2y, i think that statement is wrong, 14.10 is all after 14.10.15:37
oerheksanyway, good luck with that15:37
l2yoerheks: where do you live? just interested why do you think so15:38
l2yI mean, country15:38
l2yin Eastern and Central Europe 5+ always means 5 and above, not 6 and above15:39
WirehunterIn the netherlands, 5+ would Include 5. Said as 'vanaf 5'15:40
Wirehuntermathematical statements like > and >= would be more clear :)15:41
BluesKajtoo bad there's no "equal to or greater than"  symbol key on querty KBs15:43
beefjoeCan someone recommend a way to install cool widget on desktop which show traffic stats, cpu usage and stuff like that ?15:48
remitorlhow do I know if I have the wifi password enabled?15:49
BluesKajbeefjoe, conky ?15:49
remitorlhow to check it??15:49
remitorlI want to see if I fed the password inside the ubuntu machine? Which way to check it?15:50
rorybeefjoe: conky is definitely it, but it takes a while to set up. Find some example configurations online15:50
roryremitorl: click Wi-Fi icon, next "Network Connections". Select Your Wi-Fi's SSID, and click "Edit". In new window you should have tab "WiFi Security" and there will be check button called "Show password".15:51
BluesKajremitorl, check network-manager15:51
AbiQuinnok, so every app on my linux crashed immediately on running it, after doing a strace on konsole I found it was trying to open multiple /lib/libGLX files ane getting = -1 ENOENT (no such file..). I've put this down to the nvidia drivers I was using as all was fine after going back to nouveau. I could use some help installing nvidia drivers that work thanks.15:57
AbiQuinnusing Kubuntu 17.0415:58
ikoniaAbiQuinn: have you looked if that file is there ?15:59
AbiQuinnI would guess, that the (no such file) means it isn't16:00
AbiQuinnI also have no idea what im doing this is my first day using linux ikonia16:00
ikoniaAbiQuinn: that seems odd, it's your first day, yet your stracing programs ?16:05
ikoniaAbiQuinn: either way - check if that file is there, check if its on the system in a different place16:05
AbiQuinnI know how to use IRC xD16:05
AbiQuinnat least slightly16:05
ikoniaAbiQuinn: also what is the graphics card you are using, it is an nvidia one or a hyrbrid intel/nvidia one16:05
AbiQuinnGTX1070, I've been made aware that my issue could have been something quite simple just now though16:06
AbiQuinnapparently after installing the proprietary drivers a reboot might have fixed my issue. I'll report back after trying that ikonia16:07
ikoniayes, you need to reboot16:07
ikoniait installs a kernel module that will provide some additional extensions (such as the glx extension to xorg)16:08
AbiQuinnthat would cause it, ok. thank you16:08
adnidor_I'm having problems with Ubuntu 17.04 and Intel Graphics 405. The pointer is all over the place (http://imgur.com/a/P2FRd)16:13
adnidor_Any tips on how to troubeshoot this?16:13
JakethepythonFAILED to install grub :(16:14
Jakethepythonthis is a fatal error16:16
Azrael_-with ubuntu 16.04 can i also have a php-version <7.0 without too much hassle?16:41
naccAzrael_-: you can look at ondrej's ppa, but it's not officially supported16:42
naccAzrael_-: it seems quite a bit easier to run 14.04 in a VM or container (imo)16:43
nemonacc: any reason for that besides unity-2d?16:46
nemooh. hm. maybe systemd16:46
shantaram3013why is ubuntu moving away from unity?16:49
naccnemo: ?16:51
naccnemo: oh sorry, one sec16:51
oerheksshantaram3013, when you heard about the move, you sure read about why16:52
shantaram3013not really16:52
geniishantaram3013: Basically, because they have abandoned the attempt for converging desktops on multiple platforms. And the general community supports Wayland instead of Mir.16:53
shantaram3013but there will still be an ubuntu flavor that has unity right?16:53
PflasterMannHey friends! Does anyone have any idea how I could lock USB ports on linux? I have a dashboard running linux and I don't want anyone to attach their USB devices. I want to have the ability, however, to attach my mouse and keyboard, after entering the correct password. Thanks in advance!16:54
oerheksshayes, but without mir, and the 'standard' iso will be gnome316:54
geniishantaram3013: There will be forks of Unity, but none of them will be by Canonical16:54
oerheksshantaram3013 ^^16:54
oerheksit is a community project now16:55
shantaram3013so it'll be like ubuntu gnome is now?16:55
naccnemo: sorry, not sure what you mean about the unity-2d wrt. php?16:55
geniishantaram3013: Official support will shift in 18.04 LTS to Gnome16:56
shantaram3013then there'll be a version of ubuntu with unity separate from the main right16:56
shantaram3013i love unity16:56
naccshantaram3013: unity (7) is in universe now in 17.10 and on16:57
geniishantaram3013: As already stated, there will be no official release containing Unity as of 18.0416:57
geniishantaram3013: But there will likely be community ports16:57
geniishantaram3013: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/04/ubuntu-unity-is-dead-desktop-will-switch-back-to-gnome-next-year/16:57
shantaram3013so none of you want unity to stay?16:57
oerheksuh oh .. nobody says that16:58
glitsj16shantaram3013: 16.04 still has the 'original' unity and is supported untill 2021, by then this mess will have been sorted out, so you can use that today16:58
eelstreboris there something other than "nomodeset" that'll fix my boot issues?16:58
nemonacc: I was wondering what reasons 14.04 might work better than 16.0416:58
shantaram3013it's what im on rn16:58
naccnemo: oh i wasn't saying that. I was saying it's easier to get php5 in a 14.04 vm/container than to run php5 and php7 (imo) in 16.0416:59
nemonacc: I know that firing up ubuntu images on VMs has driven me bonkers in the past - so much so that #hedgewars has a 3 part quote series in the bot of me getting annoyed at default ubuntu image16:59
nemoohhhh. php in particular. got it.16:59
shantaram3013also will a 64gb ssd suffice as a primary disk(for c++ programming and web browsing+light older game gaming) for ubuntu?16:59
naccnemo: and you can use a rev-proxy/lb to send traffic as appropriate to the VM from 16.0416:59
shantaram3013(i have a 1tb external hdd for other stuff)17:00
nemoshantaram3013: that's tons and tons of room17:00
nemoshantaram3013: I've done 'sactly that sort of thing on 4gigs17:00
nemoshantaram3013: and that's still probably twice what I needed17:00
shantaram3013for 16.04 you mean?17:01
nemoshantaram3013: there's a hedgewars user whose school issued laptop (south america) was that much space. hedgewars music assets was probably her biggest space consumption17:01
nemoshantaram3013: 16.04, 14.04, whatever.17:01
nemoshantaram3013: when I run ubuntu on my phone I just use a 4 gig image - it's still way more space than I need17:01
shantaram3013im actually running on a laptop but same principle applies right17:02
nemoif you run low on space can always clear apt cache or whatever.17:02
nemobut 64 gigs probably won't happen soon17:02
nemoshantaram3013: you must be used to Windows or something 😉17:03
shantaram3013not really but i was under the impression that ubuntu takes like 7gb on a fresh install17:04
nemoerm. it's plausible you could conceivably install that much... maybe...17:04
nemobut would be hard for it to grow beyond that17:04
nemoshantaram3013: https://askubuntu.com/questions/169727/how-much-space-does-ubuntu-take-up-after-its-already-installed17:06
shantaram3013i mean with a stock iso because i remember when i was a windows bourgeouise my ubuntu vm used to be like 6gb after installing(fresh vm diskimg)17:06
nemoshantaram3013: plausible I guess, if you installed a ton of stuff.17:07
shantaram3013but it was a stock 12.04 iso17:07
nemoshantaram3013: I don't think space of the packages has grown that enormously over the years...17:07
shantaram3013i must be misremembering17:08
nemolet's see. just for the heck of it. how much is in my very very old and much updated ubuntu /usr17:08
nemosince that'll be the vast majority of the space not counting all my games and crap in /home17:09
nemobut... I have a ton of dev libs and stuff17:09
nemoshantaram3013: $ du -hs * | xargs17:10
nemo237M bin 20M games 206M include 3.7G lib 6.5M lib32 552K local 21M sbin 2.5G share 1.1G src17:10
nemoshantaram3013: ok. that's large. buuut17:10
nemo$ apt list --installed 2>/dev/null | wc -l17:11
shantaram3013it's not stock.17:11
nemoshantaram3013: so. IMO I'm kind of an edge case 😉17:11
shantaram3013im betting you uninstalled a bunch of shit?17:11
nemoshantaram3013: don't think so. was too lazy17:11
nemoshantaram3013: 4 terabyte HD17:11
nemoshantaram3013: I left Unity etc installed, and added stuff like MATE17:11
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Jakethepythoni can't get the grub bootloader to install17:21
ljetiboHello, back after trying some more stuff. Asus X751L, intel i5 5200U (that's the Broadwell GT2 integrated HD Graphics 5500) and a nvidia geforce 940M. I've tried doing the compiz workaround and what's suggested in: https://askubuntu.com/questions/760934/graphics-issues-after-while-installing-ubuntu-16-04-16-10-with-nvidia-graphics for 352, 375, 378, 381 (latest) but none of it worked. I've seen someone on ubuntu forums fixed his issues by inst17:23
ljetiboalling kernel 4.4 so I tried doing the same but didn't work. I'm currently on my 3rd fresh ubuntu 16.04 installation.17:23
ment0shi, is there any way for iscsi initiator to have similar behaviour to "hard" option in nfs ? meaning that it will always keep on trying to connect to the target ?17:23
abiQuinnyo ikonia it was the fact I didn't restart :L im so dumb17:24
abiQuinnanyone here have any experience with xboxdrv? I've got the following error USBController::usb_find_ep(): couldn't find matching endpoint17:25
ljetibouh, back again, didn't work :D17:41
Jakethepythonim trying to set up  my drives as non efi17:46
pettisjust installed Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 and it is outputting some kind of system messages to the shell, any ideas why please?  E.g. [ OK ] Started ACPI event daemon.  Pic: https://i.imgur.com/bXGQqV3.png17:58
geniipettis: Normal.17:59
pettis@genii, weirdly I've not seen it before, will it stop?18:00
geniipettis: All the [ OK ] Something Happened messages are normal. But what's interesting in that screen shot is that it looks like it drops straight to a bash shell instead of asking for login first.18:02
geniipettis: Did you hit ctrl-c at some point?18:03
beefjoewhere to find nice conky widgets ?18:05
xanguabeefjoe: DeviantArt18:05
pettisgenii: it's weird; after all the [OK]... messages at boot I have the login prompt but it is like \r has been sent so I typing "over" the text.  It lets me login OK and then it started spitting out a couple more messages, I typed clear screen and then as I was typing a command it did it again.18:05
beefjoexangua nothing interesting there :/18:06
pettisgenii: haven't hit Ctrl+C or anyting and the only thing I have done different in this install is using softRAID18:07
xanguabeefjoe: conky colors seems to be the most popular18:07
beefjoexangua yea it's cool even though I guess these are more popular http://www.deviantart.com/popular-all-time/?section=&global=1&q=conky18:07
Jakethepythoncan i install a software raid after the system is running (on 2 new drives)18:08
pettis*I typed clear18:08
geniipettis: Yeah, I think it's not really too much to worry about. Looks like there's just some formatting boo-boo with some of the messages18:09
geniipettis: Might want to go to #ubuntu-server and ask around in there also.18:10
pettisgenii: hmmm, yeah, I guess also an output buffer could be being flushed late for some reason18:11
pettisgenii: in the time we have been talking it hasn't done it again so is probably something harmless as you suggest.  Might go and ask there, thanks!18:13
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donofrioanyone know why my escape codes are not working in bash on ubuntu 16.04?18:31
DJonesdonofrio: I can't answer that, apart from saying, you need to give details18:35
DJones!details | donofrio18:35
ubottudonofrio: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.18:35
DJones!bash | donofrio Ther is also this,18:36
ubottudonofrio Ther is also this,: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:36
nemodonofrio: are you sure you are in bash?18:38
nemodonofrio: don't forget ubuntu's default shell isn't bash18:38
nemodonofrio: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh  that is18:40
kythxwhat command are you trying to run if you are new to the terminal trying looking up some videos on youtube and practice has nemo has stated try to run echo "hello world" in bash or just check and see if your running bash18:41
kythxif it gives a error then check the man pages for that command18:41
kythxand you do not need " " in echo18:41
kythxi just like running using it18:41
compdocdoes any released version of ubuntu support rizen with replacing the kernel?18:42
kythxyou do have the version of bash for your kernel right?18:43
oerhekscompdoc, i hope 4.12 stable will be offered with 17.10 https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/06/08/kernel-team-summary-june-8-2017/18:47
Jakethepythoni have 3 hdd's in my system they should be SDA. sdb and sdc , in the bios it is showing 3 hdds but when i go to install sda does not show up in any partition tables18:54
Ben64what does show up in parted or lsblk18:55
catbadgerJakethepython: is it partitioned?18:55
Jakethepythoni think from ealier it should have been partitioned but i though in the insatll type i could make a new partition table and make it blank18:57
JakethepythonBen there is No OS installed currently on this19:02
MrWallaceHello. Anyone experience w/ Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and preseeding?19:02
naccMrWallace: yes, just ask your question.19:03
oerheksJakethepython, earlier you had a fakeraid situation, wasn't it?19:04
MrWallaceI'm looking for the way to get Ubuntu to use my preseed file.19:04
MrWallaceI've tried editing the txt.cfg file, but the installer still ignores the file19:04
naccMrWallace: how are you booting? netboot? iso?19:05
JakethepythonI am doing a clean install for 2 reasons, 1 becuase of the Fake Raid in the ##Linux forum they suggested clean install, and 2 i want to put 16.04 from 14.04 i had previously19:05
MrWallaceIso from USB19:05
naccMrWallace: ok, what 'txt.cfg' are you editing?19:06
MrWallacethe one on the root of the USB19:07
MrWallaceI've added the preseed.cfg file described in the manual and after a couple of google searches I've found the location where I should link the file. The documentation of Ubuntu is a little light on that part. Alas without success.19:09
naccMrWallace: can you point me at the manual page you are referring to/19:10
naccMrWallace: ok, and did you modify your syslinx.cfg or your grub entry to pass preseed/file== ?19:11
naccMrWallace: and/or repackage the initrd to have your preseed in it?19:12
MrWallacenacc: I've edited the txt.cfg file, which contains the grub entry as far as I found19:16
naccMrWallace: I don't know what txt.cfg file you're referring to. That page does not mention any such file.19:17
naccMrWallace: and I don't have a USB in front of me19:18
naccMrWallace: but just editing a file on the usb won't regenerate the bootloader config (afaik)19:18
MrWallacenacc: I'm using the advice from https://askubuntu.com/questions/806820/how-do-i-create-a-completely-unattended-install-of-ubuntu-desktop-16-04-1-lts as well19:19
Jakethepythondo I need partitions set up before i can install unbuntu?19:19
naccJakethepython: no19:20
Jakethepythonit's trying to default to sdb where sda is where i want the system installed. in the partition diolog i can only see SDB and SDC no SDA, if i run it live i see sda19:21
naccJakethepython: what is 'it'? a usb installer?19:22
JakethepythonI tried w/ USB installer that errored at GRUB instalalition so right now i am trying w/ CD install of 14.04 and its' not even seeing the drive19:22
naccJakethepython: i wonder if the former install is partially successful and by default the installer won't replace an existing install (unless you tell it to). I'm not sure, though.19:23
ioriaJakethepython, if you boot the livecd and paste sudo parted -l someone might help19:24
Ben64Jakethepython: you don't need an os installed to do what i asked19:24
ananterishey, if youre trying to change a little code of something in a debian-src, what arguments do you have to pass to dpkg-buildpackage to not worry about signing it.. and to use whatever source is already in the directory instead of extracting/patching it again19:24
ananterispreferably without needing to create another patch and adding it into the regular build stuff19:24
naccananteris: -nc -ns will tell it to not sign the source package19:25
naccananteris: i'm not sure i follow the last bit19:25
ananteriseg.. i've changed something in main.cpp but I don't want to bother making a patch and just build/package whats in there19:26
naccananteris: do you want to build a .deb?19:26
ananterisyup.. as a one-off19:27
naccananteris: then you will not make a quilt patch, if it's a 3.0 (quilt) source format package19:27
naccananteris: `dpkg-source --commit` will help generate it19:27
ioriaJakethepython, so, what are you saying is that when you try to install again ubuntu on /dev/sda it does not show in the partitioner ?19:39
ananterisnacc: thanks19:45
naccananteris: yw19:45
Jakethepythonioria: that is correct19:58
Jakethepythoni was able to install it via the live CD but right nowi have 14.04 installed19:58
Vitruviais there a way to execute .bashrc commands differently for different systems? For example if I want to keep my bashrc on github and use it on windows and unix but want some commands to perform differently on each19:59
naccVitruvia: windows doesn't have a bash, do you mean the special ubuntu on windows thing?20:01
naccVitruvia: also your questions seems much more appropriate for a bash channel20:01
nacc!alis | Vitruvia20:01
ubottuVitruvia: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"20:01
Vitruvianacc I'm using git bash on windows and I've confirmed that .bashrc commands work there20:01
VitruviaThanks I will look for this channel20:01
naccVitruvia: in general, you just add if/else blocks to do different things in different environments20:02
ScreamSupremeHi could somebody please help me. I am using Raspbian and have my apt repository set to jessie, however for one package (ddclient), I require a newer version, how can I install only that package from the stretch repository without upgrading all other packages?20:15
naccScreamSupreme: wouldn't that be a Debian question if you are using jessie/stretch?20:16
ScreamSupremenacc: the same procedure should apply with apt20:16
oerhekswhy do you need a newer ddclient, and why should you avoid dependencies?20:18
Jakethepythonwould software RAID work in Legacy mode?20:20
ScreamSupremeoerheks: I need 3.8.3 supports cloudflare dynamic dns20:26
ScreamSupreme3.8.2 doesn't20:26
ScreamSupremeI just don't want to upgrade my whole system to stretch20:27
ScreamSupremeI just want to upgrade one package to the version in stretch20:27
nonix4ScreamSupreme: sounds like you're looking for apt pinning... https://wiki.debian.org/AptPreferences20:32
oerheksno, he got the right answer already, backports.20:33
paracusiahello, i read that mariadb has no write-lock anymore when using ANALYZE TABLE since 10.2.2 - is there anything to be aware of, or just use it as usual?20:34
OneM_IndustriesSo, ubuntu 16.04 is having issues with my monitor and KVM switch.20:34
OneM_IndustriesIt is reading the monitor as a 1024x768 monitor, when it is actually a 1680x1050 monitor. It also is shifting the input image about half an inch to the left, leaving a black bar on one side of the screen, and screen space off the monitor on the other side.20:36
pavlosOneM_Industries: if you eliminate the KVM switch, does it pick up the correct resolution?20:40
OneM_IndustriesHang on..20:42
OneM_IndustriesWell, it's certainly done something.20:44
OneM_IndustriesThe machine is now completely non-responsive, and the video output shows a desktop tiled once completely, and 3 times incompletely if that makes sense.20:45
thebwtlike it's tiling a 1024x768 image?20:47
thebwtcan you get to a tty via ctrl-alt-f1?20:47
OneM_IndustriesBingo, that worked.20:48
OneM_IndustriesWhat now?20:51
saryis this issue in unity DE!20:52
thebwtOneM_Industries: try restarting the ui service20:53
thebwtservice lightdm or something (I don't linux desktop much these days, nto sre what it's called)20:53
thebwtbasically reinit the desktop without doinga  full reboot20:54
OneM_IndustriesTyped in "unity" and hit enter, the machine isn't coming back up..20:55
OneM_IndustriesOk, got it up.20:57
OneM_IndustriesHm. It works without the KVM switch.20:58
OneM_IndustriesThat's a pain.20:58
pavlosOneM_Industries: maybe the KVM cannot support this resolution. Do you know the model#?21:02
L00P3Xif a window open's out of screen from bottom to top.. how did I should be able to move or close them!!! it's a plugin so it do not appears on program list21:03
Johnnyjonhey Fuchs go fuchs yourself21:04
Johnnyjonwhat the fuchs is your problem21:04
Fuchsoh, you want to leave the network, okay21:04
Johnnyjonfucking cunt staffer21:04
L00P3Xwhat xD21:05
thebwtL00P3X: hold alt while clicking on a part of the window21:05
oerheksthebwt +1 alt + L mouse21:06
L00P3Xthebwt, I thank you a lot! i shouldn't had would close all21:08
RJ45Anyone know how I can get graphics to not be trash on my Intel NUC? (Ubuntu)21:10
RJ45(Ubuntu 17.04)21:10
thebwt3d graphics?21:10
RJ45all graphics in-general really21:10
RJ45Steam in-home streaming drops way too many frames21:10
RJ45(that's what I want to use ir for)21:11
thebwtthose are all different things, so that may get complicated21:11
thebwtalso: why not just use a steam link if that's all you're doing21:11
thebwtyou are going over wire?21:11
RJ45because I want it all in one box, Kodi and Stream21:11
RJ45yes, gigabit ether21:11
RJ45no packet loss21:12
RJ45just intense frame loss21:12
OneM_Industriespavlos: Cheap direct from china.21:12
RJ45I actually have a Steam Link, works great21:12
thebwtusing unity?21:12
RJ45Ubuntu MATE21:12
pavlosOneM_Industries: some KVM's support up to 1024 and that's it. Look for high end KVM switches21:13
OneM_IndustriesHunh. Worked with a 1080P monitor at another site..21:13
thebwthmm then I'm not really sure how to optimize that. Make sure the intel iris drivers are in place.21:14
oerheksRJ45, maybe this old fix might help, tearfree and sna https://askubuntu.com/questions/418398/tear-free-disabled-in-intel-graphics-tearing-in-xubuntu21:17
cireriahi, i am facing issues while opening ubuntu software in ubuntu 17.04.After clicking the icon or launching it from search it does nothing.PLZ HELP21:20
necroforestI recently installed 17.04 using a minimal install next to Windows 10 with an ext4 /boot and the rest of the system using LVM.  I screwed up and made the /boot drive way to small (120mb) and it's causing all sorts of problems when the system wants to update kernels.  Is there a good way to shrink the LVM and make the boot drive bigger?  I'm fairly new to LVM.21:22
Aginornecroforest: if your filesystem has been allocated all of the space in the LVM it gets a lot harder21:22
genii5% usually reserved for superuser21:24
necroforestThe rest of the disk (minus /boot and Windows partitions) are allocated to LVM.  One idea I had was to in-place move the LVM volumes to a secondary drive (which I understand can be done while the system is running), blow away and recreate the original drive partitions, then move the volumes back to the primary drive.  Is that a reasonable thing to attempt?21:25
Ben64you can resize it, says a google search on the subject. i haven't dealt with lvm myself though21:27
cireriawhile installing ubuntu software center it shows"Package 'software-center' has no installation candidate".what should i do to succesfully install software-center?21:27
nacccireria: it's been replaced by 'gnome-software'21:28
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ikoniaresizing a physical volume under lvm control is not wise21:29
ikoniayou can also not "hot" move LVM to another disk while the system is running, you can only replicate to another disk21:30
paracusiahello, i read that mariadb has no write-lock anymore when using ANALYZE TABLE since 10.2.2 - is there anything to be aware of, or just use it as usual?21:32
naccparacusia: wouldn't that be a question for mariadb?21:32
ikoniaparacusia: probably better for the mariadb channel #mariadb21:33
paracusiagetting no answer there, so I try it here :x21:33
ikoniawait for an answer21:33
ikoniaparacusia: you've waited less than 60 seconds21:33
paracusiano, i waited one hour21:33
ikoniayou can't be serious that you expect an answer in 60 second or you hit other channels21:33
naccparacusia: presumably they also have a mailing list, etc., as well21:34
paracusiahow come you think 60 seconds?!21:34
ikoniaparacusia: becauase you asked at 21:32 my time and it's 21:33 now21:34
ikoniathats 60 seconds21:34
naccfwiw, cursory googling shows it is: https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-7901 and mentions possibly some controls.21:34
paracusiascroll up ikonia21:34
ikoniaparacusia: no21:35
naccparacusia: i'm not sure why you think there is something to be aware of that we would know21:35
naccparacusia: did you read their release notes?21:35
naccparacusia: typically, when using beta software (10.2.2 says quite loudly it is such), it's relevant to read release notes and engage with the developers as to what effect it might have on your system.21:36
ikoniadoes ubuntu even package 10.2.2 ?21:36
paracusiait is stable21:36
naccparacusia: 10.2.6 is stable. 10.2.2 is not (per mariadb's pages)21:36
paracusiaand i found this https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-7901 < but the answer is not there21:36
naccikonia: no, not that i see21:36
ikonia!info mariadb-server21:37
ubottumariadb-server (source: mariadb-10.1): MariaDB database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component universe, is optional. Version 10.1.22-3 (zesty), package size 12 kB, installed size 61 kB21:37
ikoniaso 10.121:37
ikoniait' snot even an ubuntu build21:37
naccikonia: 10.3 is in debian/experimental only21:37
ikoniahow is this anything to do with ubuntu ?21:37
naccikonia: agreed21:37
paracusiaMariaDB 10.2 is the current stable release of MariaDB.21:37
paracusiacheck our their website before spreading false information21:37
ikoniaparacusia: this is nothing to do with ubuntu21:37
ikoniaubuntu does not ship maria 10.221:37
paracusiadoesnt matter, u spread false infos man21:38
ikoniathis is not for this channel21:38
ikoniaparacusia: no-one is spreading false info21:38
ikoniaplease take this to the appropirate channel21:38
naccparacusia: you said 10.2.221:38
paracusia10.1 is the last stable release in ubuntu maybe21:38
paracusiahowever, have a nice day21:39
ikoniathanks, you too21:39
oerheks"MariaDB 10.2 is the current stable release of MariaDB. It is built on MariaDB 10.1 with features from MySQL 5.6 & 5.7, and entirely new features not found anywhere else." .. i think you found one21:39
oerheks10.2.6 is stable21:39
tomreynand 10.2.2 wasn't https://downloads.mariadb.org/mariadb/+releases/21:39
naccright, i probably misunderstood the original message that referred to 10.2.221:40
naccthat was purely when that chagne was introduced, my fault21:40
naccin any case, issue is non-ubuntu :)21:40
ljetiboHey, I have an Asus X751L with Intel i5 5200 (integrated intel 5500HD) and a nvidia geforce 940M graphcis card. When I log in my screen starts blinking "violently" black to image couple times a second. I hve tried the compiz workaround and sollutions from https://askubuntu.com/questions/760934/graphics-issues-after-while-installing-ubuntu-16-04-16-10-with-nvidia-graphics but I haven't made it work. Can I get any help?21:42
ljetiboTo work around the problem currently I make sure I run a smoothly running gif in firefox in the background because the screen does not flickr if I write fast enough, move my mouse or watch a gif/video basically anything that constantly updates the image.21:44
oerheksnomodeset would help you install and get drivers21:44
ljetibooerheks: when I do nomodeset I get the login loop problem21:45
oerheksoh you are beyond that point of installing.21:45
ljetiboI can pretty much install whatever I think (I don't know how to verify if it didn't default to some version other than requested but installing through tty is no problem)21:46
ljetiboand I can install easily through the sys settings additional drivers21:46
ljetibothe offered one is 375 currently, but I think I did the tty good (I had to add the keys for the graphics-drivers ppa's) and I have tried the 381, 352 and 36121:47
ljetibothat is the tty didn't pop a visible error during the install21:47
ljetiboI can post my lshw if you want?21:49
paracusialjetibo, try the package from nvidia.com21:52
ljetiboparacusia: the nvidia .run files?21:52
paracusiaDKMS should pick it up21:53
Bashing-omljetibo: What does /var/log/gpu-manager.log relate ? and do you also refresh the /etc/X11/Xorg.conf file ? // Be aware that OEM install is the means of last resort . Drivers in the repo/PPA are optimised for our use case .21:55
ljetiboparacusia: not sure what you mean by that (DKMS), I can try installing the .run by hand. I tried it before but I messed something up and had to reinstall ubuntu (4ht or 5th time)21:55
oerheksljetibo, check for bios updates too21:55
ljetibothis is the gpu-manager log: https://pastebin.com/RkjFvd2x21:56
ljetibooerheks: how do I do that? I've never played around with bios21:57
paracusialjetibo, your display manager needs to be off(unity)21:57
paracusiawhen running the .run file21:57
paracusiabut it will display an error when its still on21:57
ljetiboparacusia: yeah I know that21:57
paracusiaok :)21:57
oerhekswe don't support the .run file direct from nvidia21:57
ljetiboyeah, exactly it pop an error if you try to do it with it on21:58
paracusiaDKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support, it will compile the module freshly if u install new kernel21:58
Ben64yeah, that's all unsupported here22:00
oerheksas he has found the off driver ppa already, i just wonder with that not new chipset.22:01
Ben64anything above 346.59 supports the 940M, so installing a bunch of drivers from various locations won't help22:01
Bashing-omljetibo: " can't access /etc/X11/xorg.conf >> Regenerating xorg.conf. Path: /etc/X11/xorg.conf " I would be checking and see what the system built .22:01
ljetibo940M isn't that new, I've tried playing around to see if the driver version might have a bug as one of te answers suggested that 375 version didn't work for him so he reverted to an older 362 or something and then it worked22:02
Bashing-omljetibo: Nvidia do recommend the 375 version driver for linux . http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/118290/en-us /22:04
Sleakertrying to find info on linux 3.13 series patches done in the security updates repository as the current kernel I've got appears to break PID grabbing.22:09
naccSleaker: you may want to ask in #ubuntu-kernel22:12
Sleakerthanks nacc.22:12
Bashing-omLjL: Be interesting to see what you have presently insalled ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' . make sure we have no conflicts .22:15
Bashing-omLjL: Sorry bad hi-lite ^ .22:16
LjLi'll live22:18
Bashing-omLjL: :)22:19
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paracusiasex is updatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep;23:04
ljetiboWell that went south again, I tried installing the nvidia .run drivers again, 375.66 as before, and ended stuck against the endless login loop again23:11
Ben64ljetibo: yep23:22
ljetiboBen64: do you have any other suggestions. As I said, I need ubuntu for work and he current workaround to have a gif always opened in image viewer of firefox is just a bit too ridiculous to live with. Do you have any other suggestions?23:25
Ben64ljetibo: well i did but now you have your system in an unknown state23:26
ljetiboI can do a reinstall23:26
ljetibocomplete ubntu23:26
ljetibono problems23:26
ljetibothat's what, 15 minutes23:26
Ben64if you want to do that, install with internet connected23:26
Ben64and choose download updates and whatnot23:26
ljetibodo I get proprietary updates as well?23:27
Ben64and maybe consider trying a different flavor23:27
ljetiboBen64: what distro would you recommend?23:29
Ben64ubuntu mate worked on my laptop without any tweaks, had to mess around a bit to get ubuntu working23:30
ljetiboBen64: I don't know if it helps or not, I did get an error msg first time I tried installing from .run. It said "unable to determine the path to install the liblvnf EGL vendor library config files. Check hat you have pkg-config and the libglvnd development libraries installed, or specify path with --glvnd-egl-config-path". I did apt-cache search for the two and picked two that matched the names and had dev in it. I also did a23:34
ljetiboxorg-soemthig-dev install which fixed that particular problem.23:34
ljetiboAnyhow, I'll go and reinstall with full updates, and proprietaries (intel first, then I'll update the nvidia to 357.66 through the system settings -- additional drivers) and I'll be back in 15-20mns.23:35

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