
=== wwkeyboard_ is now known as wwkeyboard
chdslvTouchpad doesn't work in Medion laptop13:07
bobafetthello guys14:07
penguin_linuxhello, I have a very old laptop, about 11 years old, runs on Intel Celeron M Single core 1.5 Ghz cpu and 2 gb ram and has 40 gbs hdd. Would Lubuntu be suitable for it?17:47
penguin_linuxthe laptop is a 32 bit machine.17:48
wxlany version17:49
wxlas long as you get 32 bit17:49
penguin_linuxhow about Lxle? how is that different from Lubuntu?17:49
wxlit's lubuntu + a bunch of extra stuff = relatively bloated17:49
wxlit's also not supported by lubuntu, so you'd need to ask them17:49
penguin_linuxso, you wouldn't recommend it?17:50
wxli don't see the reason, personally, although it obviously exists because some people like it17:50
penguin_linuxbtw, how is Antix Linux compared to Lubuntu?17:53
wxlno clue17:53
penguin_linuxI just checked it in Distrowatch.com.17:53
wxldistrowatch is full of little tiny distros that have ultimately singular puproses with really limited support17:54
wxlif you want something that works, that has a team of people surrounding it, that have lots of support, you probably want a major distro17:55
penguin_linuxDebian with lxde?17:55
wxlthat would certainly work17:55
penguin_linuxsince my laptop runs on single core Intel Celeron M cpu, I am a little apprehensive.17:55
wxli wouldn't be17:55
penguin_linuxwhat advantage does Lubuntu have over Debian Lxde?17:56
wxlthe same advantages ubuntu has over debian17:56
penguin_linuxplease elaborate. I am a newbie.17:57
wxlalso lubuntu is a whole system. EVERYTHING was chosen to be lightweight, not just the desktop environment17:57
wxlubuntu was originally started to make debian easy and approachable17:57
wxlit's based on debian but often has additional changes/improvements relative to it17:57
wxlit's based on debian unstable so it tends to have newer packages17:57
penguin_linuxnewer packages? great.17:58
wxlalso, i think the community's great17:59
wxland that means the support is great too17:59
wxlat least in the cloud world, ubuntu is the #1 distro used18:00
penguin_linuxwould Lubuntu be fine on a laptop with single core cpu?18:00
wxlthat said, there's a loooooooooooot of support out there18:00
wxlyou can read the system requirements on the wiki. they're pretty darn low.18:00
penguin_linuxI am just thinking which version I should choose.18:00
wxlyou should probably get an LTS version18:01
wxlit will eb more stable18:01
penguin_linux17.10. How about that.18:01
wxlgetting the most recent will make the most sense18:01
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.18:01
penguin_linuxwhich one is the laterst LTS version?18:01
penguin_linuxok. sorry.18:02
penguin_linuxwhen will the final release of 17.10 going to happen?18:03
penguin_linuxis alpha safe to use?18:03
wxlgenerally, yes18:03
penguin_linuxI mean could it have some serious bugs?18:03
wxlunless there's sweeping chanegs18:03
wxlnone of which i know right now18:03
wxlyou could always wait too18:04
wxli'll explain the version number scheme which will explain when they come out18:04
wxlthe first number is the year18:04
wxlthe second number is the month XD18:04
wxlso you could wait until october18:04
wxlor just install xenial. you'll get offered an upgrade to the next lts when it's available18:05
penguin_linuxcan I upgrade smoothly from 17.04 to 17.10?18:05
wxlyeah but the problem with doing a non-LTS version is that you'll be stuck in the upgrade cycle for each new version rather than sticking to the more stable LTS18:06
penguin_linuxor will I have to reinstall?18:06
wxlthere's ways around that, but if you want the "easy" route, just get 16.04 and upgrade to 17.1018:06
penguin_linuxoh. is that possible?18:07
penguin_linuxthen ok18:07
wxlthat's what i was suggesting above18:07
penguin_linuxI will download LTS only then.18:07
penguin_linuxthanks for the info.18:07
penguin_linuxbye. have a good day.18:09
wxlwhat's up?19:47
Jbmorris289Nothing much..19:50
wxlneed some help or just hanging out?19:50
Jbmorris289A little bit of both, more of the first thing actually19:51
wxlin that case, carry on but #lubuntu-offtopic is mostly for the idle chatter :)19:52
Jbmorris289I have a computer with Lubuntu... Let's just say that my parents use Skype, and I cannot install it19:52
wxlwhy not?19:52
Jbmorris289I'm afraid that my computer isn't a 64 bit and I found some 32 bit version, however there is a package that can't be satisfied19:53
Jbmorris289Some webkit or qt19:54
wxlare you sure the computer isn't 64 bit capable?19:54
Jbmorris289Also, okay.. (for your other message)19:54
Jbmorris289Out only has 2 gigs of ram or so19:55
wxlif this returns something, you can reinstall using your old home with a new version in 64 bit:19:56
wxlgrep ' lw ' /proc/cpuinfo19:56
Jbmorris289I'm not on the computer right now but I will do that once I get on it19:57
Jbmorris289Too bad I can't ssh19:57
Jbmorris289Because of my rout19:57
Jbmorris289No, it's my ISP modem19:58
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wxlJbmorris289: actually this will require less interpretation:20:12
wxlgrep ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo >/dev/null && echo 64 capable || echo 32 only20:13
Jbmorris289Okay sorry for taking a while20:15
Jbmorris289One sec20:16
wxlno prob, i'm working so20:16
Jbmorris289It gives me 64 capable20:17
wxlso you can reinstall a 64 bit20:18
wxlit will give an option to use your old home20:18
Jbmorris289Oh okay20:18
wxlif you're worried about having everything installed, you can get a package list with dpkg -l20:18
Jbmorris289What is erased20:18
wxlyou might want to grab /etc too in case you made any system wide changes20:18
wxlessentially everything else20:18
Jbmorris289Oh ok20:19
Jbmorris289Well thanks... I might install it20:39
SxmsungI'm looking to view the contents of an efl file. Specifically a file named abl.elf from an android img. I'm on a linux box running lubuntu. Any help is appreciated.22:19
iBiscuitI'm a n00b to Linux but I've been using it for about 4 years now23:22

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