[15:30] What release of Ubuntu (not Debian) does late_command work with? I there an example git anywhere that shows this working? I have a pretty straightforward git that makes a VirtualBox, then does a preseeded install, and early_command does work but late_command does not. [15:30] git@github.com:a-mcintosh/Trusty-preseed.git [16:05] ProfMac_: late_command has worked with every ubuntu and debian I have ever tried, going back a least 6 years [16:05] here is my current one [16:05] https://github.com/CarlFK/video-stack-deploy/blob/usbstick/scripts/d-i/xenial/preseed_video.cfg#L32 [16:06] d-i preseed/late_command string cd /target/tmp && unset http_proxy; wget http://$url/late_command.sh && chmod u+x late_command.sh && ANSIBLE_UNDER_DI=1 in-target /tmp/late_command.sh $url $(debconf-get mirror/suite) $(debconf-get passwd/username) [16:32] ProfMac_: how do you know it doesn't work? [17:04] Everything that I see when I try this is Debian oriented. I am only going to run this in a VirtualBox, and for some reason I have lost access to the USB stick in virtual-box. I suppose the next step is to build the .iso image and then scp it back to my host machine, and try to install it then, but I am also trying some other options in parallel. [17:04] Also, my git is very self contained, and clearly demonstrates a failure. It should be an ideal place to identify a problem in my .seed file, or to file a bug report. [17:05] I just had some success with > ubiquity ubituqity/success_command string touch /target/etc/skel/I_am_preseeded [17:07] ProfMac_: how do you know it doesn't work? [17:07] it = d-i preseed/late_command ... [17:09] you may want to do something like in-target touch /test.txt [17:09] im off for lunch - see ya