=== klebers_ is now known as klebers === mms is now known as shabgard [07:56] Hi! Should there be (in the mainline-crack GIT repository) tags for 4.11.8 and 4.11.9 kernels? I'm trying to build custom kernel from mainline-crack and after "git fetch" the command "git checkout -b `cat COMMIT`" I get error: 'fatal: reference is not a tree: f82a53b87594f460f2dd9983eeb851a5840e8df8' and that's for 4.11.9. And the command "git tag" doesn't return 4.11.9 nor 4.11.8... [08:25] wilei, what does COMMIT contain ? [08:27] wilei, the master repo for that has 4.11.9 in it [08:29] apw, COMMIT is copy of http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.11.9/COMMIT [08:30] does the instructions tell you to git checkout -b `cat COMMIT` [08:30] that sounds wrong to me [08:30] git checkout -b test `head -1 COMMIT` [08:30] wilei, does that work ? [08:31] I'll try that [08:32] wilei, where are the instructions you are following [08:32] that worked. but wierdly that `cat COMMIT´ worked for v.4.10.17... :) [08:33] as i suspect we have enhanced the content of COMMIT at some point, perhaps our instructions are wrong [08:33] apw, I'm mixing these instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild [08:33] (and if they say that command they are) [08:34] wilei, ok the only reference on that page to COMMIT is not related to the contents of the COMMIT file in a mainline build [08:34] files http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.10.17/COMMIT and http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.11.9/COMMIT doesn't differ that much [08:35] wilei, perhaps so but you are asking it to interpolate those two lines on the end [08:35] of the git ceckout -b [08:35] so you get: [08:35] yeah [08:35] git checkout -b v4.10.17 17a4d48033813f2ba893d6918fa2931afcd9af02 [08:35] which is asking ot make a local branch under the name of a likely existing tag [08:35] that is just asking for trouble [08:36] the first line is the tag name in that repo which you want, the second line is a check [08:36] so we can tell if the tag changes, which it never should [08:36] true :) thanks! [08:37] git checkout -b `head -1 COMMIT` [08:37] makes sense [08:43] but actually not :) [08:43] git checkout -b v4.11.9 `head -1 ../v4.11.9/COMMIT` returns fatal: Cannot update paths and switch to branch 'v4.11.9' at the same time. [08:44] and if I run command "git checkout -b dev f82a53b87594f460f2dd9983eeb851a5840e8df8" I still get error "fatal: reference is not a tree: f82a53b87594f460f2dd9983eeb851a5840e8df8" [08:45] the f82a53b87594f460f2dd9983eeb851a5840e8df8 is reference for tag v4.11.9 which is missing from mainline-crack [08:46] mainline-crack as git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-test/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/mainline-crack [08:46] but it exists in git://kernel.ubuntu.com/virgin/testing/crack.git [08:47] "git tag | grep v4.11" doesn't return v4.11.8 nor v4.11.9 when done in clone of mainline-crack, so the tags are missing :) [08:49] wilei, no you already have a branch [08:49] you made it when it went wrong before [08:49] don't use tag names for your branch [08:49] and use a "new" branch name with using -b [08:50] only branches I've in my clone are master and v4.10.17 [08:51] and v4.10.17 is checkouted just like I was trying to checkout v4.11.9 [08:51] wilei | git checkout -b v4.11.9 `head -1 ../v4.11.9/COMMIT` returns fatal: Cannot update paths and switch to branch 'v4.11.9' at the [08:51] if it is saying that, you already have a v4.11.9 _thing_ in your repo [08:51] and I tried this too: "git checkout -b wdev f82a53b87594f460f2dd9983eeb851a5840e8df8" resulting "fatal: reference is not a tree: f82a53b87594f460f2dd9983eeb851a5840e8df8" [08:51] you cannot trivially name a branch the same as a tag [08:52] yeah use the tag name [08:52] git checkout -b wdev v4.11.9 [08:52] apw, that gives: "fatal: Cannot update paths and switch to branch 'wdev' at the same time." [08:58] now I got it working, there was some problem with git fetch so I had to clone repo again [09:47] wilei, sounds odd, as that error is nothing to do with fetching, but hey, if it is working life is good [22:13] What is the reason for having debian.master and debian.hwe-edge in https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/xenial/tree/?h=hwe-edge ?