[04:17] g'morning [04:17] im installing xubuntu 16.04 right now, is there a progress bar available somewhere? the installer is only showing me a tutorial slideshow.. [04:19] aaand it's done .. thanks '^^ [04:20] see? a LITTLE bit of patience ... [04:57] Hi, not sure who handles the mirrors, but the canada mirror for xubuntu 16.04.2 64-bit sha256sum does not match. [05:10] ac2: xubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso: OK checks out for me, sum files match the main mirror too. [05:10] Bad download? Can you try to zsync it? [05:10] (zsync includes the hash as well.) [05:19] perhaps I redownload it again [05:23] zsync will just download the missing bits is why I recommended it, but you could just do that too, sure. [08:00] Anyone here? [08:01] only ghost busters [08:01] !ask | ubuntuer [08:01] ubuntuer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [08:02] Ok? [08:02] is that a question or a statement? [08:03] Statement [08:03] and what is the question? [08:03] Ok so what is the usual RAM usage? [08:03] On xubuntu. [08:04] "usual" differs from user to user as it completely depends on what you're doing [08:04] Hmm [08:04] Then what about from boot up? [08:04] when you just start the system it's around 400 MB [08:05] Oh great [08:05] Ok that answered it [08:05] next please :) [09:29] hi there! May you help me? After upgrading to xubuntu 17.04 my wi-fi just doesnt turn on. What can I do? [09:59] hi [21:48] hello [21:48] http://www.wikihow.com/Disable-Auto-Login-in-Xubuntu - haha, what if user login is "false"? [23:44] Hi all [23:45] Just installed a new AMD RX560 videocard and installed the AMDGPU-pro drivers as perscribed by AMD. They are up and running, but I'm unsure what tools there are like with the Catalist drivers and graphical tools to setup options on the card I used to use. Any tips and pointers?