
Phanescan you please reign in your operator03:10
bazhangI opened a PM with you, but here is better03:11
Phanesyour behaviour just now was bizarrely inappropriate for such a politely phrased question03:11
Phanescan you please chill out03:11
bazhangPhanes, you were asked repeatedly to stay on topic, just kept posting that03:12
Phanesi was not asked repeatedly03:12
bazhangPhanes, then you missed it03:12
Phaneshowever i do recall the last time i was in this channel you misrepresented the interaction then as well (i use a bouncer that logs)03:12
bazhangPhanes, it's not a matter of logs, the channel is publically logged03:13
Phaneshere is the interaction in its entirety in proper context: http://paste.silogroup.org/amuqirepiw.swift03:13
Phanesright its a matter of maintaining reporting integrity when discussing interpersonal issues that you clearly have and have had for months03:13
bazhang!1984 > Phanes03:13
ubottuPhanes, please see my private message03:13
Phanessimply pointing out that the logs are public while misrepresenting their contents is not appropriate03:14
bazhangPhanes, any political campaign as such you mention is oh so very clearly offtopic for a support channel such as #ubuntu03:15
Phanesout of the way the now two established facts that (1) i was not asked repeatedly and (2) the ban was both immediate and inappropriate and in response to polite approach on a question for where it would be on topic, I am asking that you release it and in the future warn first03:15
bazhangPhanes, after your initial post, multiple support members indicated that you were offtopic, and you just kept posting, even at greater length03:16
Phanesthat is a lie03:16
Phanesplease see the logs03:16
Phanessorry i dont know why you're doing this03:16
bazhangPhanes, multiple requests is warnings to get back on topic03:16
Phanesi made two statements, both politely, and both were a question about where i should ask03:17
Phanesdo you deny this?03:17
bazhangPhanes, after the first you were told by multiple folks to stay ontopic, warned repeatedly, besides the fact that you know full well that is so completely offtopic for a Linux OS support channel03:18
Phanesi am going to paste the timestamped comments because that's not what happened03:18
Phanesthis was my first question:03:18
Phanes<Phanes> not sure if this is the right place, direct to proper place if so; is canonical participating in BDS?03:18
Phanesone replier said:03:18
Phanes<KDDLB> I don't think this is the appropiate place to ask about that03:19
Phanesyours was:03:19
Phanes<bazhang> Phanes, how is that remotely topical here03:19
Phanessomeone said: <oerheks> oh, no politics. i was thinking of ubuntuBSD, a dead project03:19
Phanesyou said: <bazhang> lets get back to support and skip the offtopic chatter here please03:19
Phanesand i said: <Phanes> it is not antisemetic it is actually a very moral campaign against genocidal apartheid and is highly relevant in tech culture due to the number of entities with interactions with that government.  if it's off-topic that's fine, i would like to know the proper place to ask canonical about it03:20
Phanesand then you immediately opped up and set a quiet03:20
Phanesmy statement was actually in direct reply to: <KDDLB> Germany recently declared the BDS movement anti-Semitic03:21
Phanesin any case, i was very polite, not repetitively being warned as you represented it, and did not repeatedly follow up03:21
Phanesand this is documented clearly in my timestamped logs as well as your channel's public logs03:21
Phanesthat point made, i would like to see your elaboration on why you are representing it that way instead of how it happened03:21
Phanesand to add context here, I will need a moment to find the logs from the last time we had an interaction like this in ##linux-ops where you were admonished for engaging in similar misrepresentations03:22
PhanesWhile I'm doing that, do you have anything to say?03:23
hggdhPhanes: you *know* #ubuntu is a support channel. You *know* politics, sex, football preferences, are *not* on topic03:31
PhanesDo you know what month that was?  Was that in January?03:31
Phaneshggdh, again i apologize, i was more asking where to ask than asking03:31
Phanesi think the trigger was a little loose there given the nature of how the request was made03:32
Phanesit is a delicate topic anyway i should have known better and will not bring it up again in channel.  i probably can google around for a mailing list that might have thoughts on it.03:33
PhanesIs everybody cool now here?03:49
Phanes* #ubuntu :Cannot send to channel03:55
bazhangPhanes, you are unquieted04:16
Phanesthanks.  i hope you feel better soon.04:17
elkybazhang_: hi20:12

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