
cmaloneyGood morning13:06
cmaloneyhow's the day so far?13:06
rick_hcmaloney: what was up with the note on sponsoring? you run into it somewhere?13:06
rick_hit goes, monday yay13:06
cmaloneyYeah, PyOhio mentioned the sponsors page and I wanted to check to see if they'd accepted MUG as a non-profit13:07
rick_hoic, /me goes to look13:07
cmaloneyand noticed some familiar names in the individual sponsors section13:07
rick_hyea, figured 10yrs time to fund it some :)13:08
rick_hoh wow, only 7 did the individual eh? I'd have assumed more would.13:09
cmaloneyI would have but... ;)13:10
rick_hyea, I mean I'm sure there's a pool of folks that would love to. I just know many folks there are able to do something.13:11
cmaloneyMight just leave it at buying a T-Shirt13:12
rick_hI need to crank on the talk some more13:12
rick_hyea, I did that one year. Just got a shirt for erica13:12
cmaloneyI've given this one twice but I need to practice it a little more13:12
cmaloneygiving a talk on Tuesday for MUG13:12
rick_hthat's nice, one day I need to actually regive a talk lol13:12
rick_hrefine vs recreate13:12
cmaloneyWell, I gave it at MUG and then re-used it for Penguicon13:13
cmaloneyso it should be extra-sharp13:13
cmaloneyBut they moved it to Sunday so it'll be extra-dull by presentation-time. ;)13:14
rick_hah bummer13:14
rick_hI seemed to have an ok slot so kind of excited.13:14
cmaloneyMeh, it happens13:14
rick_hnot sure if the title/etc has any real draw, but the other talks didn't tickle me at all either13:15
cmaloneyI think it has some draw13:16
cmaloneyOof, you're against the Lumberjack and the Coffeebot talk13:17
rick_hah those going to be big draws?13:18
* rick_h is out of touch lol13:18
cmaloneyThey got some high marks on the reviews page13:18
cmaloneyOne is about someone going from the lumber industry to becoming a developer13:18
cmaloneyand the other one is someone's project for monitoring the coffee pot.13:19
cmaloneybut you'll have at least one person in your talk. :)13:19
cmaloney(and no, that's not including you)13:20
rick_hit'll be all good :)13:20
rick_hI'm looking forward to it13:20
cmaloneyAnd if you want to practice some talks there's a meeting on the second Tuesday of the month that is looking for talks. :)13:21
rick_hhah, I should come down at some point.13:22
cmaloneytomorrow I'm muddling through scheme13:37
cmaloneyand Dr. Bob is talkng about the GNU toolchain13:37
cmaloneyit'll be interesting13:37
brouschYou all are always welcome to speak/attend GRPUG, too13:59
brouschUsually 6-12 people at the meetings14:00
cmaloneyHey now, I thought I was the only one who did the imposing here?14:14
cmaloneybrousch: I'd love to hang out over at GRPUG sometime though14:25
brouschWe go to Hopcat or GR Brewing afterwards for dinner and drinks14:26
cmaloneyHey, you could come to Royal Oak and replicate that14:26
cmaloneyRO just got a HopCat14:26
brouschI've never been to one of the follow-on hopcats15:11
brouschcmaloney: This sounds like something you'd like https://tech.slashdot.org/story/17/07/09/0414245/48-year-old-multics-operating-system-resurrected15:11
cmaloneybrousch: Yeessh15:13
* cmaloney remembers conversations with folks at Ford who spoke fondly of Multics. :)15:13

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