
yanoi've gone a little crazy with Matrix.org D:12:02
yanoi've now set up bridges for ##ohio ##ohio-news and ##news12:06
dzhoyano: fun, eh?12:34
dzhoI like Matrix, use it for a couple of channels across bridges12:34
yanodzho: yea! but i still feel like the interface is a little clunky12:34
dzhoI don't think it scales nearly as well as irssi though :-)12:34
dzhoah, yeah12:34
dzhothat would be the various Riot interfaces.12:35
dzhoI'm given to understand there's a weechat plugin.12:35
dzhowhich seems somewhat counterintuitive--if one is running weechat, why not use it straight through IRC?12:35
dzhoI wonder if the plugin has the capability to access channel backscroll after the fact, though.12:36
yanowell riot.im/matrix.org was crawling because of their reddit post12:36
yanothey basically got slashdotted12:36
dzhooh, I didn't see the reddit post. Which subreddit?12:39
dzho[citation requested] ;-)12:39
jenni[ A Call to Arms: Supporting Matrix.org : linux ] - https://bit.ly/2tQpCqc12:45
jenniyano: +5/-0, 512:48

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