[00:00] sary: only windows distribution with this "all in one" have no mention to key to enable/disable wifi [00:02] sary: And, I try yours commands, no results [00:02] opessoa: "All in one" what exactly is the model of the Desktop! [00:02] opessoa: try sudo rfkill unblock 0 , sudo rfkill list [00:02] sary: Its a brazilian factory called "Positivo" [00:04] sary: all in one up7210 [00:06] opessoa: thanks. is it one of these: http://www.positivobgh.com/products/Faqs [00:07] <[n0mad]> it has enable wifi in the faq [00:09] [n0mad]: it sure does .. thank you for pointin' that out :) [00:09] opessoa: try ress the keys “Fn + F11” or “Fn + F2” simultaneously in both cases. The Wi-Fi card will turn off by pressing [00:09] the same keys. [00:10] sary: what is the Fn key? (windows keyboard) [00:11] opessoa: it's the Windows key that have windows logo on it. [00:11] another reason could be windows/fastboot keeping wifi/usb hostage.. [00:12] sary: nothing [00:12] oerheks: how can I find it fastboot on windows 7? [00:13] oerheks: Good point. [00:13] or look in dmesg, for missing firmware? comes in mind too [00:14] not sure windows 7 got fastboot, that was introduced with 8? [00:15] opessoa: press Fn + F11 then run sudo rfkill list , if harware block is No , then you might restart the network manager. [00:16] oerheks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25064840/ [00:17] firmware=N/A [00:17] hmm [00:18] oerheks: what this mean? [00:18] im looking to install some variant of ubuntu in a virtual machine for the perposes of programming in Java and maybe C and python will Lubuntu be a good option of are there limitation that I should be aware of that would make one of the others a better choice [00:19] donavan01: are you only programming in your VM? just install ubuntu server (why do you need a desktop?) [00:21] opessoa, you have the driver, but not the closed firmware, see this post https://askubuntu.com/questions/836207/how-to-install-drivers-for-tp-link-tl-wn722n-on-16-04 [00:21] wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_1.161_all.deb [00:21] sudo dpkg -i linux*.deb [00:21] nacc honesly im not super good with the command line yet and I could use the gui as kind of a crutch at times till I get better [00:22] oerheks: ok, and now? [00:23] if you are on 16.04 or up, systemctl restart NetworkManager.service [00:23] with sudo perhaps .. [00:23] donavan01: ok [00:23] then the mod list will give firmware, i hope [00:25] oerheks: restart and nothing [00:25] wireless yet down [00:25] down, not blocked ? [00:25] oerheks: restart and nothing [00:26] sorry [00:26] blocked [00:26] yet blocked [00:26] sudo lshw -C network # this gives a firmware, right? or maybe you *need* to reboot like the article says === KindTwo is now known as KindOne [00:27] i had to reinstall ubuntu. now my firewire audiocard shows in sound properties in taskbar being the default soundcard , but qjackctl fails to start using it. i tried adding "pasuspender -- jackd" in server path to suspend pulseaudio but this didnt fix the problem. any ideas or am i forced to reinstall with the sound card disconnected so its not used by system and i can use it with jack ? fresh ub.studio 16.04 install [00:27] oerheks: no firmware [00:27] before this the card didnt show in sound properties in taskbar at all [00:27] oerheks: Need to restart? [00:27] opessoa, yes, probably. [00:28] ok, I will [00:35] oerheks: noting [00:35] same [00:35] hard blocked yet [00:35] :-( [00:35] damm [00:37] opessoa: Did you try the FN-plus-hotkey combination or dedicated button which turns the wifi on and off and then look at rfkill output again? [00:38] genii: I have try all "windows" F1..f12 nothing change [00:39] the keys are “Fn + F11” or “Fn + F2 .. try doing it right. [00:41] you need to check with rfkill list after pressing one of the keys combination , you night need to restart network manger . [00:41] opessoa: Not random FN+whatever keys. Look up the key combination which enables and disables the wifi card, either in your user manual that came with the machine, or look it up online. [00:42] ..and when I write FN, yes, the key usually has FN written on it [00:44] sary: I always did that! Nothing change! [00:44] genii: No, does not have Fn button [00:45] genii: It's a windows normal abnt2 keyboard [00:47] genii, if you can ead back, i tried to make opessoa install the firmware, as the ath9 seems to have none.. and it failed [00:47] c/read [00:48] genii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25064840/ [00:48] I'm not clear on if this is a laptop, or a desktop [00:48] I had assumed laptop, since wifi [00:48] genii: its an "ALL IN ONE" [00:49] a desktop with notebooks hardware #LOL [00:49] So then a PC [00:49] opessoa: An Acer? [00:50] genii: http://www.positivobgh.com/products/Faqs [00:50] positivo [00:51] opessoa: "depending on your model, fn+f11 or fn+f12" [00:51] So if it's the keyboard it came with, there must be some Fn key [00:51] genii, see the paste: firmware=N/A [00:52] oerheks: I have the same card and it works fine with no firmware [00:52] ( on Xenial ) [00:53] opessoa: Have you tried to play around with options of the ath9c driver? [00:54] opessoa: There seems to be one interesting option "nohwcrypt=1". Maybe test that... 'sudo modprobe -r ath9k', then 'sudo modprobe ath9k nohwcrypt=1' [00:54] there is a paste with suggestions yes http://paste.ubuntu.com/25064693/ [00:54] minimec: its no more in rfkill list [00:55] with "sudo modprobe -r ath9k" [00:55] -r remove, that is good [00:55] ok remove [00:55] :P [00:56] sudo modprobe ath9k nohwcrypt=1 - its back on rfkill list [00:57] minimec: I dont know how to play around with options :P [00:59] this likely belongs in a different channel (please let me know which one) but what is the equivilent of ~/.ssh/config on the windows linux subsystem? [01:00] wedgie: it shouldn't be any different the structure is the same [01:00] opessoa: Now that it's back in rfkill list, can you unblock it now? "sudo rfkill unblock wifi"... [01:00] minimec: no results [01:00] Sleaker: i guess my question is ore about where I have to place that file in order for the ssh client to reference it [01:01] in ~/.ssh/config [01:01] opessoa: Still... Do "echo "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf" once in a console and then do 'cat /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf' to check the content of the file we just created. Then reboot. [01:01] hmm. Didn't seem to respect it. Maybe i need to fiddle with the permisions or something [01:01] ubuntu on windows still has the directory structure for users, you just also have a pre-mounted drive share in /mnt/ for the windows system. [01:02] everything else should behave the same, especially something like ssh [01:03] known_hosts shows up properly in there. [01:06] opessoa: Ok. I found a file with all available options for the ath9k driver... There are a lot of them... https://github.com/reynhout/chrx/blob/master/dist/etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf [01:07] minimec: cat /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf returns me :options ath9k nohwcrypt=1 [01:07] options ath9k nohwcrypt=1 [01:08] twice [01:09] so, I'm dummie what the options I can use? [01:09] opessoa: Good. So the file we created is the 'playground' to test all the options of the driver. You can add an dremove options there and they will be loaded on boot. Now reboot for a try. Eventhough the line exists twice, that should not be a problem. The option is jjust set twice... [01:09] Sleaker: ah, silly me. I assumed that the directory i landed in when i typed "bash" was my home dir. Turns out that this is not the case. Thanks :) [01:10] ok [01:10] rebooting now. [01:15] minimec: yet blocked [01:17] opessoa: Ok. Well I found out that I have a computer here running that wifi driver... Works without problems here... I do not have any options set here... [01:18] opessoa: Did you ever change something in the BIOS (I suggest no)? [01:18] no only choose linux hd to start from [01:21] opessoa: try removing mei_me and mei modules [01:21] has anyone tested 4.12 kernel on zesty? [01:22] al2o3-cr: how can I do it? [01:23] sudo rmmod mei_me && sudo rmmod mei [01:24] al2o3-cr: ok and now? [01:25] try rkfill unblock ... again [01:25] al2o3-cr: same hard locked [01:25] hard blocked [01:25] how come i cant see vnc in the list of protocols on remmina in 14.04 ubuntu lts [01:26] i have done sudo apt-get install remmina-plugin-vnc [01:26] it says its already the newest version [01:26] you've got management extension BIOS reboot and ctrl+p and enter it have a look for wifi [01:26] ^ opessoa [01:27] opessoa: Ok. I checked my settings... On a fedora system, I can run the driver without modifications, on arch linux I have a configuration file with this content... 'options ath9k ps_enable btcoex_enable=1 bt_ant_diversity=1'. Maybe try to 'sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf' and change the content to match the options I use. x to get the save dialog... [01:29] I will reboot again... [01:36] al2o3-cr: no wifi options on BIOS [01:36] minimec: no wifi now :P [01:37] minimec: $ iwconfig [01:37] enp2s0 no wireless extensions. [01:37] lo no wireless extensions. [01:38] opessoa: I did som typo error in the line I posted but in the meantime I removed the config file on my arch system and wifi is running... So I can run this driver on a c720p chromebook with fedora and archlinux without any configuration... [01:38] opessoa: Just in case... The correct options line would be 'options ath9k ps_enable=1 btcoex_enable=1 bt_ant_diversity=1' [01:40] opessoa: As a last option I would do a 'reset to defaults' in the BIOS. Sometimes it does miracles... ;) [01:40] bt_ant_diversity=1 thank god someone considered ant diversity [01:40] can't stand discrimination against ants [01:41] l1Ll1Ll1L: Ok. That's not a bad one... ;) [01:42] don't worry, I've always got you covered on cheesy jokes ;) [01:43] I'm back [01:43] noting, same hard blocked [01:43] :P [01:44] l1Ll1Ll1L: so you are like nacho sauce then? [01:44] opessoa: Can you give me the exact model of that all-in-one desktop thingy? [01:45] oh snap, I guess I am ccat [01:45] How can I limit access to a directory to a specific application? [01:45] minimec: All In One Positivo UP7210 [01:46] serial number: 1AD29S69E [01:47] So I am on ubuntu mate in a raspberry pi B+ and I am getting 100% cpu usage with the web browser [01:54] minimec: a windows all in one [01:59] opessoa: You can still boot windows right? [01:59] right [01:59] 2 different hds [01:59] linux is external usb hd [02:02] opessoa: And in windows you can enable/disable wifi? What if you disable wifi once in windows and then reboot? Maybe windows sets some strange config to the device. And what happens if you boot the device without the LAN cable plugged? [02:02] Sorry if wrong place but having issues with enabling dark theme for Libreoffice and Firefox (Ubuntu 14.04.05 LTS) .. any suggestion? [02:02] boot with linux or windows? [02:03] without cable [02:03] opessoa: disable wifi on windows and reboot to linux; boot linux without LAN... [02:03] ok [02:09] I'm back [02:09] and... Nothing [02:09] :P [02:10] disable it on windows [02:10] restart without cable [02:10] rfkill unblock and nothing [02:12] opessoa: Well... It was worth a try. How do you unblock? 'sudo rfkill unblock all' or just '... unblock wifi'? I am somehow out of ideas... The think is the wifi hardware you use should work out of the box in linux. [02:13] minimec: all [02:13] rfkill unblock all [02:13] How can I out which uid or gid a process has [02:14] how can i stop alsa/pulseaudio messing with my firewire audio card ? [02:14] question how do i open a dat file in ubuntu 16.04? [02:14] i am using vlc [02:15] on amd64 [02:19] wait brb [02:22] i did a sudo apt-get install ubuntu-install-extras [02:22] as instructed by askubuntu [02:22] but to no avail, still i could'nt play dat file in vlc [02:24] What file type is it? [02:25] If it is a vcd video. i think you need ubuntu-restricted-extras [02:28] kenrin yes i installed ubuntu-restricted-extras [02:28] and yes it is a vcd [02:29] oke, then you miss the vcd/dvd-decryption codec for playback, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs [02:29] and restart your player [02:29] ubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version (65) [02:29] i already rebooted my computer [02:29] Make sure to open it the right way too. from the media > open > vcd [02:30] s/open/open disc/ [02:31] s/open/open disc/ <- actually i do not know what does this means [02:32] It means I meant to say open disc instead of open. Since there is a ton of options that just say open in that menu [02:34] yep im on vlc open disc option now [02:34] but i do not know where to locate the cdrom here [02:34] since the cdrom here has no files shown [02:34] just empty [02:40] I migrate a physical ubuntu to vm. I have /md0 /md1 and /md2 on /, /home and /bak. I would like to get rid of it... without losing data. How to do that? [02:46] I am configuring Privoxy, a privacy server, and I need to setup a temporary directory and the documentation says that this should be a directory that only Privoxy (and trusted users) can access. How can I do that? I don't know how to limit directory access to a process. The other weird thing is that I can't find a task running which contains the string "privoxy" even though I know the server is running. [03:02] um i reinstalled ubuntu formatting the partitions /tmp /usr /var /boot / , and keeping only /home unformatted (and swap). after installing chrome to my great suprise all settings were there as if i never formatted (firefox also). i assume all program leftovers broken links etc. i had before are gone now , but can keeping an old /home partition be dangerous concerning the security of the system ? [03:04] also before i formatted the system used greek language, i installed in english now without prompting for greek language anywhere, but pressing alt+shift switches to greek language ? is this normal ? i didnt install anything about it [03:07] yorwos: if you kept /home from your old install, all your user's settings are still present [03:07] yorwos: i don't know what you mean about security of the system -- you had root (enough to install it in the first place), not sure why security is relevant? [03:08] just curious [03:08] yorwos: the greek stuff is probably also per-user, and something knows about your language options [03:08] aaaw i see [03:09] yorwos: you removed global (/etc/) settings, but no per-user ones, so all the per-user ones (which are most of what a desktop user sees with things like firefox) are still going to be present [03:11] i see , i see , when i did it i thought i would only save my files like eg.downloads folder didnt think id save so much of it like my settings etc [03:28] Hello. Can anybody tell how to setup nfs Server and connect to it? [03:31] pankaj, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo [03:33] l1Ll1Ll1L: OK. But it seems to be very long and complecated. [03:33] well you can always pay someone to set it up for you I guess... [03:35] It is only four steps [03:37] All the other stuff is optional for security and automount [03:40] tbf kenrin you probably shouldn't skip security related steps, and pankaj will probably want automount. But it still isn't that long of a wiki page [03:40] l1Ll1Ll1L: L [03:40] l1Ll1Ll1L: OK. [03:41] get you hands off my L's :-X [03:41] l1Ll1Ll1L: Why your name is full of l's and complecated? [03:41] because that's the way I like it, of course [03:42] This might be off-topic. But It is hard to see in the WSL ubuntu terminal. Is there a better one I can use? preferably qt [03:43] ew that's the windows terminal? [03:44] Careful, my cousin used windows once and now he's dead :( [04:00] Hello everyone, I have Ubuntu Budgie 17.04. Today I want to switch back to Unity so I install ubuntu-desktop. Unfortunately after reboot I could not find the desktop switcher that usually present on login screen. How do I switch to Unity? [04:25] I am getting error : "mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting :/home" while mounting nfs partition. [04:42] good morning to all [04:42] good morning [04:42] Are ppls awake for a question? [04:42] !ask | Cedara [04:42] Cedara: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [04:43] Aye, of course. [04:45] Fresh installation of ubuntu 16.04 on a UEFI board (ASUS). I'd like to use the nvidia instead the free drivers for the new graphic card (nvidia GTX750Ti). There's two listed in the settings 375.66 (says proprietary, tested) and 340.12 (says proprietary). Which one do I use? [04:46] Cedara: the one working best for your card [04:47] Cedara: i suggest testing them both [04:47] Cedara: if both doesnt fit your needs, there is also an ubuntu graphics drivers ppa you can add for latest drivers [04:49] I have a little booklet from a German computer zine, there it says, use the higher numbered one, and it should say updates for the numbering at the end, which it doesn't here. [04:50] Cedara: you cant generalize things, in some cases an older driver performs best..thats why test both [04:50] does that backup program built in to ubuntu have encryption? I've read more than once it does but i dont see any encryption setting.. [04:50] okay, test the older first? [04:51] or go by tested and use that? [04:52] Cedara: test both, you can choose wich one first [04:52] If everything fails and I can't even log in, I'll end up with a new installation anyway. [04:52] okay, shall try [04:52] thanks [04:52] !nomodeset | Cedara if things go wrong [04:52] Cedara if things go wrong: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [04:53] Cedara: you can also use the recoverymode==>network on===>root shell drop and sudo apt purge nvidia* if things go wrong [04:53] where do I find the recovery mode? [04:54] Cedara: at boot hold shift to enter grub==> ubuntu (recoverymode) [04:54] thanks [04:55] okay, I'm off to try, wish me lok [04:55] look [04:55] erm, luck [04:55] (too bloody early here to be awake) [04:57] trying to do-release-upgrade and i keep getting 'no candidate ver: ...' for two packages that are not installed [05:02] mysteriousstu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/13879/how-to-backup-a-system-with-whole-disk-encryption [05:02] context: what are you trying to do, from wich ubuntu version? [05:03] both dpkg/apt-get say package is not installed (lxc-docker) but do-release-upgrade keeps showing 'no candidate ver: lxc-docker-1.5.0' [05:03] 14.04 -> 16.04 [05:04] !info lxc-docker xenial [05:04] Package lxc-docker does not exist in xenial [05:04] !info lxc-docker trusty [05:04] Package lxc-docker does not exist in trusty [05:04] yeah... it was from old docker source [05:04] whcih they renemased to docker-ce now [05:04] context: did you add ppa's of any kind to your system? [05:05] lxc-docker was long ago :-/ [05:05] i removed all sources.list.d/ files [05:05] FYI, 375.66 seems to work [05:05] context: sure there's no leftovers? try ppapurge first? [05:05] !yay | Cedara [05:05] Cedara: Glad you made it! :-) [05:05] lotuspsychje, well i was asking about the backup program built into ubuntu...using the encryption [05:05] how i get ppapurge :x [05:05] hoorah! [05:05] I'll be off, thanks guys. [05:05] Cedara: test your card now for the more heavy graphic works [05:06] !ppapurge | context [05:06] context: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [05:06] yeah, I'll try Cities Skylines [05:06] installing ppa-purge now [05:06] mysteriousstu: not sure, but i think not [05:06] thanks again. [05:06] lotuspsychje: anyway to list what ppas apt is "still seeing" ? [05:07] !sources | context [05:07] context: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories. [05:09] yeah sources are already gone [05:09] lxc-docker was long time ago, i removed and removed sources.list [05:09] dont remember what the ppa: / address was [05:10] its not even isntalled. hwo the hell do i tell apt to just forget about it completely [05:11] its "purely virtual" so i cant even apt-cache show it [05:11] context: https://askubuntu.com/questions/148932/how-can-i-get-a-list-of-all-repositories-and-ppas-from-the-command-line-into-an [05:12] yes. .list files no more exist. [05:12] all of those are grepping list files [05:13] context: hmm, perhaps a cleanup of your system with bleachbit can help? [05:16] context: what happens if you try: sudo apt-get purge lxc-docker [05:16] Virtual packages like 'lxc-docker' can't be removed [05:17] and apt-cache depends shows nothing for lxc-docker or lxc-docker-virtual-package [05:20] manually removing files that stuck around from it [05:20] context: apt-get autoremove does something? [05:20] nope [05:21] meh i gotta go to bed [05:21] ill get this fixed tomorrow [05:21] kk [05:26] this is more of a general questions not so much an immediate concern but how come most o the time if i have a issue with ubuntu not booting or logging and when i use the live cd it hardly ever recognizes any os or the ubuntu that is on their? i have luks if that makes a difference [05:26] i could probably easily fix issues if the live cd would recognize the ubuntu os and fix the overal os and try to preserve the files... [05:30] How to add user to sudoers in Ubuntu 16 ? [05:38] visudo [05:47] hi there [05:47] there is a page on our wiki, which describes how to boot from the *hard drive* into the live mode [05:47] you put the ISO somwhere into the file system, together with GRUB [05:47] i cant find it anymore, can you? [05:49] ShalokShalom, good luck getting the live cd to do anything else but access files and install.. [05:52] found: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot [05:52] mysteriousstu: why this? [05:52] and its no CD then :) [05:53] i guess the other features of the live cd have not helped me much lol [05:53] for some reason the live cd does not want to see previous ubuntu installs for me [05:53] m4dh4tt4: Can I add into /etc/sudoers.d/ using visudo ? [05:53] you are talking about something completly different and i guess hard, your ISO was/is broken [05:54] checked the sum? [06:11] Anone had any issues with wine not starting steam on 18 ? === jstein_ is now known as jstein [06:21] lolfactor -023453897593845 [07:25] * Benl90 test irssi [07:26] Hello, is this ubuntu server help? [07:26] hello [07:26] How to add user to sudoers in Ubuntu 16 and go passwordless ? [07:26] Hello SunOS [07:27] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [07:27] when i try to make apt-get dist-upgrade [07:31] SunOS: put the full command and output on paste.ubuntu.com and give the resulting link here [07:31] Ben64, thanks, but i found the problem [07:31] ok [07:31] sa-compile it`s broken [07:44] Is it possible to add entry into /etc/sudoers.d using visudo ? === juboxi is now known as jubo2 === ledeni_ is now known as ledeni [07:55] Is this thing on? [08:14] is 17.10 'usable' as a desktop os ? [08:24] jackmcbarn: sure === r0Oter is now known as r00ter [08:31] Is this thing on? === jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod [08:49] Hi, i’ve been told by someone that he was able to use a vulnerability and enter my machine, basically i have bind9 running on public port 53, how do i stop that? I don’t need the server to perform as dns server [08:50] it’s strange though, it’s 14.04.5 with automatic security updates [08:50] try sudo apt-get remove bing9 ? [08:50] *bind9 [08:51] mcdado: it's not strange. security updates come days, weeks, months after the vuln has been found. security is not a single switch, it's a multi-layer solution. [08:51] then my server doesn’t resolve dns queries to canonical updates repos [08:52] mcdado: resolve to itself or? [08:52] using bind as local resolver? [08:52] i don’t know it’s a setting that plesk did [08:52] i’m quite frustrated by the need of plesk already [08:52] offtopic here, tho' [08:52] yeah [08:52] so [08:53] i sincerely have no idea how it been configured [08:53] local resolver? [08:53] plesk is offtopic here [08:54] yes, so the problem is that the dns configuration is something i never done on a server [08:54] so i don’t know how it works or what i’m supposed to [08:54] do [08:55] i guess if i remove bind, then how do i configure dns? [08:55] you set up the ip address of a resolver in /etc/resolv.conf [08:56] less /etc/resolv.conf [08:56] # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) [08:56] # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN [08:56] on ubuntu at least, no idea what plesk did to your system, that's why I've been saying it's offtopic here [08:56] mcdado: right so two things, is this a server? do you have a static ip or dhcp? [08:56] static [08:57] server yes [08:57] public facing website [08:57] is it hosted? by a company? [08:57] VPS on OVH [08:57] full root control [08:59] mcdado: do you have something like a dns-nameservers option in your network interface config file? [08:59] i’ll check [08:59] /etc/network/interfaces or interfaces.d/... [09:00] doesn’t seem so [09:00] interfaces.d is empty [09:00] where do you set up the static ip then? [09:01] it’s in /etc/network/interfaces file [09:01] ah, interfaces.d is empty, but interfaces isnt? the network config is there, right? [09:01] there are two iface [09:01] inet and inet6 [09:01] statics [09:01] lo and something like ens3 ? [09:02] auto lo [09:02] iface lo inet loopback [09:02] auto eth0 [09:02] iface eth0 inet static [09:02] an eth0. [09:02] and various ips [09:02] oh yes you said it's 14.04 [09:02] yes [09:02] ok, pastebin /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head [09:02] it’s empty [09:02] # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) [09:02] # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN [09:03] Alright. now, you have two options. One, uninstall resolvconf and set up /etc/resolv.conf manually, or two, keep resolvconf, and then set up /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head [09:03] either way, the setup is adding a "nameserver" entry. like nameserver, replace with actual resolver IP [09:04] okay, i could use like ? [09:04] or better something else? [09:05] mcdado: that should be ok, and you can also use OVH's own resolvers [09:07] so add "nameserver" line, without quotes, in the file of your choice below the comments [09:07] okay i’ll give it a try [09:19] hello [09:20] hi [09:21] while reconfiguring I got a couple ldconfig.real message on trigger processing of libc-bin [09:21] this it the output https://gist.github.com/adab4d/d665c6f729317993a822f255e11a179e [09:22] I wonder where the reference to the *.so.conf are stored, since those are not even actually there [09:24] weird [09:24] hang on still readin [09:25] im not familiar with libbit4xpki [09:25] have you tried purging it and reinstalling [09:34] it's a custom PKCS11 library, I haven't tried purging [09:35] also I'm having issues with libp11-kit-gnome-keyring, it shows the Gnome2 Key Storage locked, I don't know the pin and I cannot import CA root certificate in my user session [09:35] I looked a while on web but couldn't find an answer === gurmble is now known as grumble [09:43] Tiens ... La mise à jour de Steam windows ne marche pas avec wine [09:43] oups sorry [09:44] Warning New Steam update (windows one) do not work with wine [09:49] Hello guys. [09:49] which manual mention's the existence of ~/.fonts or ~/.local/share/fonts ? [10:10] Fonts? http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/05/manually-install-fonts-ubuntu-16-04/ [10:10] Ah...quit...nevermind. [10:12] hi [10:12] I've got a laptop with a hybrid Radeon card [10:12] (AMD Radeon r7 M445) [10:12] and i have poor performances while gaming [10:13] what should i do ? [10:20] TheSuperGeek: did you install any aditional drivers? [10:21] sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall [10:21] dkrtst, actually i use amdgpu driver (oss one) [10:21] and i have no drivers listed into ubuntu-drivers gui [10:21] only intel ucode [10:22] actually i use prime to use AMD's gpu because i have one intel integrated gpu and one amd (it's a laptop) [10:26] TheSuperGeek: in that case I don't know. I don't know much about gpu's, so I can only give obvious suggestions ;) Maybe someone else can help you better [10:26] dkrtst, ok, no problem, thanks for looking :) [10:27] maybe i will find a fix and i'll go to linux completly, removing windows :p [10:29] TheSuperGeek, I'd be looking in the forums/wikis, too...and anywhere else online...not just "distro specific" [10:33] All of a sudden, I get no display on my monitor using HDMI. xrandr does not display any HDMI- related displays, but get-edid | parse-edid displays information, Any ideas? [10:34] https://askubuntu.com/questions/935040/hdmi-display-stopped-working <-- I've attached different logs in this askubuntu question. [10:35] hi, i am facing a strange problem on firefox. When i open a specific website on firefox (54.0), i get a insecure connection error. When i open it on chromium, the site opens fine. Can anyone point what is wrong where? [10:35] @pbase Is that on a single website? Is it possible for you to tell the address? [10:36] nootan. yes. idbi.com - a bank [10:37] Opens fine on my firefox (54.0) [10:37] how did you install firefox? [10:37] nootan: i cleared the .mozilla folder too. the default ubuntu installation [10:38] nootan: ver 54.0 [10:39] 'Morning all [10:41] pbase: Can you send the full error details [10:42] nootan: you mean the screen shot? i reinstalled firefox now and still doesnot work out [10:42] screenshot works [10:44] Hi Everyone, i am having some trouble with iptables. When i reboot the server(vm) it gives me an error: "failed to start netfilter-persistent configuration. [10:44] nootan: pastebin doesnt support images.. third party? [10:44] Does anyone know what i can do to fix this? [10:44] imgur [10:46] Anyone? [10:47] Morning? Is it? [10:49] nootan: http://imgur.com/a/rm1A1 [10:49] YankDownUnder, it is here and a beauty one at a that [10:50] Ah. Right. And I'm heading into tomorrow, BluesKaj -> so should I report if the world ends, or just sleep through? [10:50] :) [10:50] elbrinke, Have you checked the logs and also checked how the service is starting? [10:51] YankDownUnder, sleep :-) [10:51] pbase: After clicking advanced, you'll see a error code [10:51] I need that. [10:52] something like ERR_... [10:52] nootan: Error code: SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER [10:53] nootan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25067569/ [10:53] Whenever I ssh to a remote ubuntu server, I dont have nice colors in terminal. However if I sudo -s on that server, there are nice colors. echo $TERM shows xterm-256color regardless if I am root or not. [10:54] How do I get colorized terminal as normal user on remote host? [10:54] Im using terminix. [10:55] OlofL, Try this: https://bendougherty.com/change-terminal-color-in-ubuntu-for-ssh-sessions [10:56] looks to me like the issuer of the certificate is not standard, cannot curl because of that // pbase [10:57] nootan: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=idbi.com&latest [10:58] nootan: if not standard, how is it working on other peers [11:02] yeah, darn [11:02] pbase: what happens when you `curl` the page? [11:05] nootan: curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate [11:07] My best guess now would be either chromium has an exception or it uses a different list (somehow) of certificates. [11:09] nootan: no exceptions.. how do check if it uses a different list? [11:09] YankDownUnder, I searched on google... actually nothing for my gpu [11:09] Hi YankDownUnder, I have checked the logs but not much info. [11:13] YankDownUnder, this is the only info i get: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/66b5c53821ce52794562f9c3e905f455 === lesik____ is now known as lesik [12:28] is it safe to upgrade from 16.10 to 17.04 using do-release-upgrade when on a public network? [12:29] Zborg: yes [12:38] torrents https://torrents.fedoraproject.org/ [12:38] opps sorry wrong channel [12:39] Was it? [12:39] ;) [12:51] hey all! [12:52] Installed the fonts-roboto package, no Roboto Mono in there [12:52] how can I install Roboto Mono in Ubuntu? [12:54] ryzokuken: this might help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts#Manually [12:55] ryzokuken: you can also use command wget to download a file if you have the url, so if you found http://example.com/roboto-monotype.tff you could type wget [12:56] *"wget http://example.com/roboto-monotype.tff" in your shell [12:56] hello, I am trying to setup PF to do a basic NAT from the Inside LAN to the OUTSIDE interface. [12:56] This is the nat rule: pass out quick on $ext_if inet from $localnet to any nat-to $ext_if [12:56] if keeps saying syntax error on that line? [12:56] Pettis, I found it inside a Github repo [12:56] can anyone please help? [12:56] google/fonts [12:57] Pettis, thanks [12:59] ryzokuken: no problem [13:08] I have a hard drive on which I installed Ubuntu Server 16.04 using the default partition settings. I have it plugged into another box running Ubuntu and would like to access the userfiles on it, please can someone point me to a guide on how I can mount the correct partition? By default the boot partition is mounted === KindTwo is now known as KindOne === jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod [13:24] Hi Which is the best console based irc client? [13:25] irssi [13:25] weechat [13:25] !info weechat | arun007 [13:25] arun007: weechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7-2ubuntu0.1 (zesty), package size 2 kB, installed size 61 kB === jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod [13:26] Thanks === _nyloc_ is now known as nyloc [13:28] its a mather of opinion i guess, i still prefer irssi [13:29] hello [13:29] Ya I also like irssi. Just asked though [13:30] so my USB ports are not working and I was wondering maybe you could help me [13:31] when I do lsusb, it lists two out of the three :/ [13:32] What is mean by the "Could't lookup your hostname" when connecting to irc [13:32] I aleady tried this https://askubuntu.com/questions/824454/usb-ports-have-completely-stopped-working and this https://askubuntu.com/questions/526082/2-usb-ports-stopped-working [13:32] but it didn't help [13:32] soo there it is [13:50] While converting the contents of my Music library from flaac to mp3 I think the process killed somewhere in the back half. Is there a way to compare the original directory contents to the new one and see what (if any) is missing? [13:52] https://askubuntu.com/questions/421712/comparing-the-contents-of-two-directories lists a few methods, but I believe most will fail for because of the /flaac/.mp3 difference === KindTwo is now known as KindOne [13:53] atleast I cannot use the md5 method, and I think the diff mthod will fail for the same reason. [13:55] MWM: bash could probably help you, for song in *.mp3 ; do if [[ -e "${song/flaac/mp3} ]] ; then echo "File ${song/flaac/mp3} exists" ; else "File ${song/flaac/mp3} does NOT exist" ; fi ; done would at least tell you by filename [13:56] er, for song in *.flaac or whatever [13:59] Thanks, Ill see what I can do with that. Just for my own information... I need to make that into a script right? or can I just plug it into CLI ? === jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod [14:04] I can't start synaptic. I have tried reinstalling it, updating, upgrading and rebooting but it still doesn't start. Help, please! [14:05] DanniG: paste the error it gives you when you start it from a terminal [14:05] EriC^^: Should I start it with sudo? [14:06] DanniG: not sure try both [14:07] !gksudo | EriC^^ , never with a gui program D: [14:07] EriC^^ , never with a gui program D:: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [14:10] right, my bad, DanniG ^ [14:16] EriC^^: https://pastebin.com/pJVWcbJQ [14:17] EriC^^: The other thing is that the repositories window looks very odd. I will try and upload a prinscreen somewhere. Hold on [14:17] and thats why I drop in here. I always assumed instructions using "gksudo" were yanking your chain because sudo works just fine. TIL I guess :) [14:19] DanniG: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall libatk-adaptor libgail-common [14:21] SchrodingersScat: I always thought it was gksu, which I have just installed [14:27] EriC^^: I have now reinstalled those packages, but synaptic's repository window still looks strange and it wont start from the menu, only from the terminal. I am using xubuntu 16.04 [14:27] DanniG: aha [14:27] Just realised I am in #ubuntu instead of #xubuntu. My badf, sorry [14:28] DanniG: look in /usr/share/applications for it's .desktop file and see what's there for the "Exec=" part [14:28] DanniG: you can ask here too [14:29] EriC^^: Exec=synaptic-pkexec [14:30] Hi all, I'm trying to connect my wii to my smb (smaba share), I have done this dozens of times, before but this time it will not work, the password is right and other devices is able to read the share correctly with the same login, netstat -tupc confirms the connection from my Wii, but it doesn't show up with smbstatus, /var/log/samba/log192.168.1.103 is empty as well (which is the IP-number the Wii, what's going on here?? [14:32] DanniG: try that from a terminal [14:38] any ideas? [14:39] Check the time on the impacted device [14:40] EriC^^: Same thing. Here is a screenshot of the repository window https://imagebin.ca/v/3T0pPqjjtETK [14:40] EriC^^: I presume you meant gksudo synaptic-pkexec [14:42] DanniG: no, pkexec is like gksu [14:43] what's odd about the window? [14:43] i've never used synaptic before so i cant tell [14:43] EriC^^: So what do you want me to try? [14:44] just synaptic-pkexec [14:46] EriC^^: The synaptic repo window should look like this https://imagebin.ca/v/3T0rZn71Y6t2 [14:48] Poster, tried adjusting the clock no difference at all [14:51] EriC^^: This is the output of synaptic-pkexec https://pastebin.com/VFNWdLWc [14:52] EleanorEllis: oh ok, thanks [14:53] EriC^^: I am EleanorEllis on DanniG's PC, same room. DanniG is my partner. [14:53] DanniG: there's a bug report here, reading, https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=842184 [14:53] Debian bug 842184 in policykit-1-gnome "policykit-1: synaptic-pkexec no more work" [Serious,Fixed] [14:54] EriC^^: Confirmed [15:02] hi, i'm using ubuntu 16.04 and i don't know how, along with cursor two revolving sun are moving. i don't how they came, i want to stop that. https://pasteboard.co/GAsh4a8.png [15:02] kindly help [15:03] ayrus: try pressing super-k [15:04] EriC^^: The bug report suggests this is fixeds in later versions. Odd that both EleanorEllis's and my machine are both on Ubuntu 16.04, but mine is on xubuntu whereas hers is on ubuntu studio. Both use XFCE. This machine was migrated from gnome-flashback to xfce by installing the xubuntu-desktop and removing gnome, whereas ubuntu-studio was a fresh install. Perhaps, rather than a workaround, it might be more straightforward to install studio on t [15:04] ayrus: I'm *guessing* that it might be this: http://wiki.compiz.org/Plugins/Showmouse [15:04] oh! those are gone. thank you so much. Pici :) you are true hero. I was looking to stop that from past one hour. thanks [15:04] ayrus: np :) [15:05] EriC^^: What do you think? Does anyone else have an opinion? [15:09] EriC^^: I have just put the workaround in place and it makes no difference. Maybe it needs a reboot first? === jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod [15:10] EriC^^: DanniG's machine is now rebooting! [15:14] EleanorEllis: alright [15:14] sorry i was away for a while btw [15:15] EriC^^: A pain I know! I think perhaps I messed something up changing from gnome to xfce in place rather than doing a clean install of xubuntu [15:17] EleanorEllis: do you have "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1" ? [15:18] i have /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 instead, i'm on ubuntu 16.04 [15:19] !find /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 [15:19] Package/file /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 does not exist in zesty [15:22] EriC^^: I also have /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 on ubuntu studio 16.04 [15:23] EleanorEllis: which one does he have? [15:23] and which one is being referred to in /etc/xdg/autostart/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.desktop ? === JanC is now known as Guest50617 === JanC_ is now known as JanC === juboxi is now known as jubo2 [15:26] EriC^^: Can you please repeat those questions. They are not showing on this machine, since I logged in after you posted [15:27] Two machines are on opposite sides of the room as my desk isn't big enough for both - or rather it's too untidy to fit both on [15:28] DanniG: np, what is the output of "locate polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1" ? [15:29] EriC^^: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/cinnamon:cinnamon-polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.desktop [15:29] that's all? [15:29] yep [15:30] DanniG: type sudo apt-get install --reinstall policykit-1-gnome [15:30] And on my machine: "/etc/xdg/autostart/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.desktop", "/usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1", and "/usr/share/app-install/desktop/cinnamon:cinnamon-polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.desktop" [15:32] EriC^^: policykit-1-gnome was installed as a NEW package, not a reinstall. Might explain something [15:32] DanniG: aha [15:33] EriC^^: still the same problem! Not authorized. [15:34] DanniG: start it manually or logout and back in [15:34] EriC^^: Will do [15:35] EriC^^: Isn't this likely to be independent of the user? [15:35] EleanorEllis: it is, but it starts from /etc/xdg/autostart that runs when the de starts for anyone [15:36] EriC^^: Just as I thought. Same error. To be honest, Danni doesn't use many apps so it wouldn't take long to reinstall. [15:37] DanniG: try "ps aux | grep policykit" [15:37] is it running? [15:38] this is my output http://termbin.com/ou6l [15:39] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25068860/ [15:40] DanniG: try in a terminal "/usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 & disown" [15:42] https://pastebin.com/zJU335Tz [15:45] DanniG: is it running in ps aux | grep policykit ? [15:45] EriC^^: That was the output of ps aux | grep policykit [15:46] EleanorEllis: the last one was the /usr/lib command [15:47] Sorry === juboxi is now known as jubo2 [15:47] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25068860/ was from "ps aux | grep policykit" [15:49] EleanorEllis: yes i mean run it again after the last command to see if it's running [15:50] EriC^^: OK. Here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/25068917/ [15:50] DanniG: ok, try synaptic-pkexec again now [15:53] Hello. Is there a recommended folder in the users' home directory where app-data (like preferences) should be saved? ".config" possibly or something else? [15:53] Mrokii: yup, .config [15:53] EriC^^: Okay, thanks. [15:54] no problem [15:54] EriC^^: thanks. It starts now [15:54] DanniG: cool, no problem [15:56] Mrokii, sure ~/.config would do, or a folder of your choise, the . keeps the folder hidden [15:57] Hi all! [15:58] oerheks_: I'm experimenting with PyGame and want to save preferences in the recommended folder, not directly in the users' home-folder. I hate all the clutter all kinds of apps put into a folder there. [15:58] blackflow: thanks for today, i got around setting the DNS [15:59] and stopping bind9 [16:01] Or just /21 [16:05] Hello Room has anyone else had problems where the system settings and unbuntu help menues do nothign if you click ont hem? === mkv is now known as m4v [16:34] Jakethepython, test if that's the case also if you try using the guest session, if it works correctly under there something is broken in your home directory [16:37] Sorry i hit the wrong button it does not apear to work in the guest account either [16:42] Jakethepython: using unity or gnome DE! [16:43] Guys, yesterday my graphics in game Dota went crazy and I restarted the PC using the restart button on case. That has caused me lots of trouble. I've reinstalled Ubuntu, but still cannot get it to load. It fails to load, saying "amdgpu: Invalid PCI ROM header signature: expecting 0xaa55, got 0xffff [16:44] then lines like drm:amdgpu_vce_ ..... and, drm:amdgpu_ib_ring_tests...., and drm:amdgpu_device_init... [16:44] Then it says that I'm in emergency mode :( [16:45] I've managed to get X. I entered recovery mode and chose the first option, so I have X now, but the graphics sucks, it's low resolution. Help. [16:46] Aleksa: I believe that implies the card is in a bad state. You might see if there is some guidance to reset it (or you might need to turn it off, give it a few seconds, then turn it back on. Rather than soft reset) [16:46] Aleksa: the ROM is not controlled by Ubuntu, but by the device itself [16:46] Jakethepython: you my try to reinstall the system settings package as follow, for unity: sudo apt install --reinstall unity-control-center , for gnome: sudo install --reinstall gnome-control-center . [16:47] nacc, thank you for your response! The graphics works fine on Windows. I have both win10 and Ubuntu on this PC. [16:48] Games also load normally on win [16:48] Aleksa: they still do so now? [16:48] Yes, they do. [16:48] Aleksa: I'm not sure then, sorry [16:48] gnome-control-center : Depends: libgoa-backend-1.0-1 (>= 3.10.0) but it is not installable [16:48] can I disable seccomp in snapd ? [16:48] untoreh: #snappy [16:48] nacc, and the graphic card is pretty new, bought it few months ago [16:48] any help is appreciated, I'm desperate [16:52] Package unity-control-center is not available, but is referred to by another package. [16:52] I have unity not gnome [16:53] Jakethepython: what version of ubuntu? [16:53] 16.4 [16:53] 16.04 [16:53] !info unity-control-center xenial [16:53] unity-control-center (source: unity-control-center): utilities to configure the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 15.04.0+16.04.20170214-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 869 kB, installed size 4580 kB [16:53] Jakethepython: --^ definitely there [16:54] Jakethepython: can you please run `sudo apt update; sudo apt install unity-control-center` and pastebin the output? [16:57] https://paste.ubuntu.com/25069363/ [16:59] Jakethepython: sorry, wanted to see the update output too [17:00] Jakethepython, check your softwarecenter > updates, tab updates, are there updates enabled? [17:00] https://paste.ubuntu.com/25069374/ [17:00] sorry here is the update [17:00] seen more thanone without those enabled, so could not install latest softwaer [17:01] yeah, i see no 'updates' [17:02] not sure now, if some update disables them, nacc [17:03] * oerheks_ wonders if he is totally off-track here [17:06] oerheks_: line 12 in the paste [17:10] Buenos dias [17:11] all hi [17:11] how do I know which driver I have? [17:12] Which driver for what? [17:12] Is Budgie likely to be as fast and lightweight as XFCE or LXDE? Trying to choose which version to use next! [17:13] driver for video westlanewanderer [17:14] Do you want to watch a video or use your webcam to record one? [17:15] nacc: do you have any recomendations on how to repair this? [17:17] oridirrl maybe I got you wrong [17:19] Jakethepython: sorry, i'm on the phone -- be back in a bit [17:20] thats fine :) [17:24] westlanewanderer: I want to kow which video driver I am using?? it's name.... [17:24] which my ubuntu is using, ust for info, just out of sheer morbid curiousity [17:27] oridirrl: try sudo lshw -c display [17:28] https://goo.gl/dbnU4P [17:28] https://goo.gl/K1juhQ [17:28] oridirrl [17:29] sary: am now testing amd_iommu=on iommu=pt (this setup looks better) ans igb is still working fine [17:29] testing GPU performances again now [17:30] FI the motherboard is an gigabyte GA-990x [17:31] oridirrl sorry for the second link, i could not resist [17:34] 3D performances are still really bad with xinierama but without it is better than with iommu=soft [17:34] a way better [17:43] <_ak009_> Does Anyone know how to autorotate ubuntu system proxy [17:47] Morning, all [18:04] i got no steam icon in system tray - is this a known issue and what can i do about it ? [18:17] *chuckle* take it up with valve tech support? [18:18] thyriaen, i know of this bug/issue with solution https://askubuntu.com/questions/886877/steam-tray-icon-does-not-work-properly [18:18] libdbusmenu-gtk4:i386 [18:20] oerheks_, thanks [18:42] hi [18:42] hi [18:44] free toys? hand it over ! XD [18:46] hi, every few hours, i lose connectivity. sometimes i can get a dhcp ip, but even then i can't ping out. i'm 90% sure it's not the router. my NIC is as follows from `lspci`: [18:46] 'Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101/2/6E PCI Express Fast/Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 02)' [18:47] and i found an interesting snippet in /var/log/syslog here: https://pastebin.com/CTXPTWhZ [18:47] running 16.04.2 [18:50] anyone know what this might be? [18:54] That is a pretty generic message. Could be anything from bad cable to too many connections on router to bad port, etc. [18:54] im using lubuntu in a virtual box machine and was trying to get the resolution to fill the whole screen when in full screen mode however when I set the resolution to auto it told me something about not being able to turn off all the monitors or I wouldnt be able to see things... which makes sense however I wasnt trying to diable any monitor just setting the resolution to auto ... now im stuck [18:54] with a black screen after it tries to boot up can someone give me some help getting this setting changed back so I can see my VM again I really hat to reinstall over this [18:55] slimjimflim: looks like you have a problem negotiating for an ip address, even. What stands out to me is the beginning where you see mention of a firewall blocking connections... what's that about? A bad firewall rule screwing things up for you? [18:59] slimjimflim: I have similar issue, it is reported in LP, no solution yet. Some modify the /etc/nsswitch.conf (look for mDNS not relevant) [19:02] donavan01: Try using 'ctrl + home' to see the menu bar, or 'ctrl + f' to switch out of fullscreen mode, or 'ctrl + c' if you are in scaled mode. (that's the right control key, not left) [19:10] wes === gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr [19:22] pavlos: https://ptpb.pw/xZ4o [19:22] so what is my driver? is it the ubuntu's driver or the computer's? [19:24] oridirrl: that question doesn't make sense [19:24] oridirrl: the driver is under "configuration:" [19:26] nacc: why [19:27] oridirrl: 'is it the ubuntu's dirver or the computer's?' -- sounds like nonsense to me. a driver is a piece of software. [19:27] then drivers are there not 2? one is the physcial and the other the software? which is the 'corrrect' queestion then [19:27] nacc: I know I haave to ask the right quesetions [19:28] oridirrl: no, there are not two. [19:28] nacc: driver is hardware too? [19:28] oridirrl: no, that's a device. [19:28] oridirrl: a driver controls a device (roughly) [19:28] then video caard? [19:28] is it not a driver? [19:28] what is it then? [19:28] I think it is a driver [19:29] the graphics device drives a video stream [19:29] oridirrl: a video card is a card (a physical device) [19:29] so what's it's caleld then the hardware prt [19:29] part [19:29] oridirrl: a device. [19:30] oridirrl: as i've said, also none of this has anything to do with ubuntu [19:39] eth will rest in peace! [19:40] then which driver does ubuntu use? [19:40] how do I know it and which is the default one ubuntu uses? [19:40] you don't! [19:41] it says broadcom wirleess source ... but that is wireless, not graphics driver [19:41] https://ptpb.pw/Tz2H.png nacc [19:42] I don't understand , anyone care to claridyf on drives [19:42] oridirrl: every device has its own driver [19:42] oridirrl: that particularly tab is for proprietary drivers in use [19:42] oridirrl: it has nothing to do with your graphics card [19:43] but which video drivers it says not?? [19:43] oridirrl: you're not using a proprietary driver for your graphics card [19:43] oridirrl: so no, it won't be on your *proprietary drivers* tab [19:43] only if you want it to be [19:43] it's call imaginary [19:44] but which video drivers it says not?? [19:44] Hulio: please stop. [19:44] oridirrl: I don't understand what you're finding confusing? [19:44] oridirrl: that tab is *only* for proprietary drivers. Not *all* drivers in use. [19:44] oridirrl: if you are not using a proprietary driver for your graphics card, it won't be listed there. [19:45] oridirrl: you already have seen/been told how to find the graphics card's driver. [19:46] no i havent [19:47] tell me which driver I use for graphics?? [19:47] which does ubunt uuse by default?? [19:47] you told me nothing [19:47] oridirrl: yes, you have.it's under 'configuration:' in lshw's output. I told you this roughly 25 minutes ago [19:47] oridirrl, your card is intel (integrated on the cpu , i guess) so you're using i915 . Now... intel provides opensource drivers ... so you don't need (and never will show in that tab) proprietary sw for that [19:47] https://ptpb.pw/xZ4o read this and tell me [19:48] intel is the device, then which is the driver? [19:48] driver=i915 that's a strange name for a driver [19:48] oridirrl, yes, what's your real issue ? [19:49] intel uses opensource drivers? so it's it should be there in the kernel? no? [19:49] if it's not it can't be on the intel card? As you yourself told me that is the device [19:49] yes [19:49] not the driver? I got to know which driver I use [19:49] it's in the kernel [19:50] oridirrl, locate i915 [19:50] also frebsd fails to booot because of driver/devvice issues. bu that's another channel issue [19:50] tell me which driver I use [19:50] oridirrl: we have told you. you are using the i915 driver. [19:50] no tell me intel provides free drivers so is it in the card? or in the ubuntu? [19:50] oridirrl: you are refusing to listen, it seems like [19:51] intel i915 or i915 ? [19:51] i915 is a ...that's a number. [19:51] no tell me intel provides free drivers so is it in the card? or in the ubuntu? [19:51] oridirrl: i915 is a *driver name** [19:51] oridirrl: i think you are missing some basic understanding of linux that is preventing you from following [19:51] oridirrl, locate i915 , again [19:51] oridirrl: drivers are not "in" physical devices. As I explained to you. [19:53] ok I located it in /lib/fireware/i915 thanks all of you. [19:53] oridirrl: no, that is the firmware directory [19:53] oridirrl: it is not the driver [19:56] so where [19:56] oridirrl, that's not relevant, but it's usually a .ko file : /lib/modules//kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915.ko [19:56] modules/4.4.0-83-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915.ko [19:56] /lib/modules/4.4.0-83-generic/kernel/ubuntu/i915 [19:56] oridirrl: why do you need to know where the .ko file is? [19:56] something like that [19:57] how did you know it's .ko file? how did you learn it? [19:57] you seem to smrt for a non technical easy to use OS [19:57] nacc: how do you know it? [19:57] I don't need to know [19:57] omg [19:57] oridirrl: because all drivers are .ko files in linux. That's the format for kernel modules. [19:57] oridirrl: you are spamming the channel (which is a support channel, not a random question channel) [19:58] oridirrl: if you didn't need to know, why did you ask? [19:58] most ubuntu users are noobs [19:58] oridirrl: that's FUD. [19:58] Sagemath's founder William stein you wrote the software in python, is a noob he couldn't even change the brightness of his ubuntu!! [19:58] what's fud [19:59] Fear Uncertainty and doubt. Also, that's a lie ("most ubuntu users are noobs") [19:59] opinion doesn't equate to lie [19:59] and skillset strengths vary [20:00] he used sun-googles and knew little of configuration. infact I feel all ubuntu users know little of configuration, as ubuntu takes care of all too well [20:01] oridirrl: afaict, you are now offtopic and possibly trolling. I hope you have a good day. [20:03] nacc bye I a goind the [20:04] nacc, yeah he went directly to #fedora [20:05] Southern_Gentlem: fun [20:28] I just did a rm -rf * [20:28] can I undo it? [20:29] SaintMoriarty: The short answer is no. [20:31] I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 and I'm getting software updates about every 2 days, including for the core utilities. I can't believe that we're getting such frequent updates for a release that's 15 months old. [20:32] Should I be grateful, or worried? [20:34] Richard_Cavell: updates are a good thing [20:35] Richard_Cavell: well it is a long term support, you're probably getting more updates than 17.04 and 17.10 will ever get [20:43] SaintMoriarty: it would be best if you stopped any activity on your hard drive and looked into some file recovery options, ext4 is really good at recovering files, it just depends how severe your situation is [20:43] Soul_Sample, thanks [20:46] SaintMoriarty: SaintMoriarty I've had good results with extundelete [21:50] I have a question. I want to switch vanilla Ubuntu 16.04 for Ubuntu Gnome 16.04. I have a separate /home partition. will install gnome over my current install give me any major issues? [21:52] CursiveD: you're just adding additional packages. it wont touch your home partition to begin with [21:52] I plan on using the the gnome.iso to install gnome [21:52] I want to get rid of unity [21:54] CursiveD: that's not really the way you do that.. but I guess if you want to reload your entire OS you can. [21:54] probably cleaner that way [21:55] then the 'any major issues' to look out for is 'oops I deleted my /home partition' during installation [21:56] is there any config files in my /home partition I should delete before doing the installer ? === TheFuzzb_ is now known as TheFuzzball === juboxi is now known as jubo2 [22:28] Odd question but is it possible to connect your phone with bluetooth to ubuntu and have it play through your computer speakers [22:34] bray90820, dunno try blueman [22:34] depends on da phone. [22:43] Friend I need help concerning Ubuntu 17.10 [22:43] mos precisely about it'sswitch from Unity to GNOME [22:46] apologies for the lack of space between it's and switch [22:48] well, we wont ban you....this time [22:49] hahaha [22:50] any way, do you know if the Unity patches for Empathy, GNOME Contacts and Totem (wich are really anoying for me) will go out from 17.10? [22:51] I hate to see the menu bar in Totem [22:51] specially on full screen [22:58] CoderEurope: Prob just an android phone [22:58] Let me show you how awfull are those patches on GNOME software using off the top bar menus === capella is now known as capella|away [23:00] http://i.imgur.com/OPgS2dC.png [23:00] I've got some trouble with installing Ubuntu. I installed Rufus and did as the guide asked me to. Everything seemed pretty succesful until I booted into the USB and selected "Install Ubuntu" I got a weird screen displaying this. https://prnt.sc/fuj2xl [Sorry for poor quality was taken with phone] Googled around a bit but didn't quickly find a solution other then "Disabling WLAN" which I did. since it said something a long the lin [23:01] Same thing happened. [23:05] Oh right almost forgot. ISO used was the official from the ubuntu site. 64 Bit 17.04 [23:07] !nomodeset [23:07] A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [23:11] Shadow1809: what laptop is it [23:13] Not a laptop @ben64 [23:15] ooh, well give some details [23:16] Gtx 970, Asus z87 deluxe/dual - 32GB Ram, I7-4770K @4,8 Gh'z :P? Not sure which details you might need here. [23:18] disable the gpu in the cpu [23:18] Alright, anything else? [23:20] ty 4 the help btw :) [23:20] friends do you know if the Unity patches for Empathy, GNOME Contacts,, gnome-screenshoter and Totem (wich are really anoying for me) will go out from 17.10? http://i.imgur.com/OPgS2dC.png [23:21] SergioEDuran1: if you mean unity patches, probably [23:21] I hope so [23:22] because as you may see in my screenshot those anoying menubars break the over all style of the windows and how cohesive are === khronosschoty is now known as rooot === rooot is now known as khronosschoty [23:24] SergioEDuran1: sounds like you have a mix of unity and gnome shell installed [23:25] as everybody in Ubuntu [23:26] specialy in the flavors since those patches are present even on Xubuntu Uuntu MATE and even in derivates like Zorin OS [23:27] What I mean is it looks like you installed gnome shell over a "vanilla" Ubuntu unity install [23:28] nop [23:28] I have vainilla Ubuntu gnome [23:28] Mmm that's weird [23:29] indeed [23:30] if you try any flavor of Ubuntu since Gnome 3.14 you will find these inconsistencies all over the place, not mattering if you have Ubuntu MATE Ubuntu GNOME or Xubuntu [23:31] I don't see them on xubuntu [23:32] Xubuntu 16.04 [23:32] try totem and you will see them [23:32] are only on certain apps with client side decorations [23:33] Not all apps with client side decoration then [23:33] nop [23:34] because the number of patched apps is getting lower but I dream with a day where those paatches vanishes forever [23:43] if i install ubuntu 17 will my system be less stable? [23:43] I prefer newer packages [23:43] So I think 17 would probably suit me. [23:44] However being forced to reinstall is a hassle. [23:44] (at the end of support) [23:44] you can upgrade [23:44] Lope: do you mean 17.04? 17 is not a release version [23:44] nacc: yeah [23:44] Lope: you can upgrade from each release to the next (you have to, really, or you're in EOL life) [23:44] Lope: why do you 'prefer' newer packages? [23:45] nacc: old packages suck sometimes [23:45] nacc: for instance inkscape, the version on ubuntu 14.04 can't handle svgs that have been minified [23:45] pinta was all buggy [23:45] virt-manager lacks snapshot ability [23:46] specialy the old GNOME, the actual versions of it are slick and smooth [23:46] lots of issues in many packages [23:46] Lope: did you file bugs? [23:46] Lope: 14.04 vs. 16.04 is a lot different than 16.04 vs. 17.04, IMO [23:46] nacc: i didn't file bugs [23:47] i just installed a PPA and wham bam, thank you maam [23:47] Lope: hard for things to get better without knowing what to fix. [23:47] if i have trouble on old software I usually just go straight for the newest version [23:47] cos for example I don't want a bleeding edge system actually, I want it to be reliable [23:47] but I don't mind my inkscape being bleeding edge. [23:47] Lope: then you probably don't want the newest versions. [23:48] I like individual software packages that I don't mind crashing to be the latest [23:48] Lope: inkscape is also snapped, it seems [23:48] but the overall system I want to be stable [23:48] Lope: and that is a far more sane way than upgrading your whole system to get the latest of a particular version [23:48] or to use PPAs (imo), as they are unsupported [23:48] yeah so 16.04 is a decent choice [23:49] so does 17.04 have an upgrade path, even if I install mate-desktop? [23:49] Would there be a way to wirelessly interface with with ubuntu terminal if I had no network connection? [23:49] Maybe like over bluetooth with my android phone or something? [23:50] Bryanstein: easy to ssh over wifi [23:50] Lope: not sure what you mean by upgrade path? [23:50] Lope: Talking to me? [23:50] Lope: mate is a supported flavor [23:51] nacc: i mean upgrade from 17.04 to 21.04 [23:52] when it comes out [23:52] without needing to reinstall [23:52] Lope: that is not a reasonable or supported upgrade path [23:52] interesting that linux mint is basically ubuntu + mate [23:52] or ubuntu + cinnamon [23:52] Lope: 17.04 will need to be upgraded to 17.10 before 17.04 eols (roughly january next year) [23:52] seems like a useless distro [23:52] Lope: mint is not a supported flavor [23:53] i know [23:53] ben64 I think I figured it. I got it to work. I disabled the iGPU at first. Which seemed to resolve into the same issue. So I made it run on the iGPU instead. which made it work.. So apparently my videocard doesnt want to play nice with Ubuntu. Anyway of solving this? [23:53] nacc: oh, I see [23:53] nacc: I'm not familiar with all the version numberings [23:53] shadow1809: well yeah, but you'd need to disable the igpu and run off the nvidia only [23:54] so basically 17.04 will have an easy upgrade to 17.10 [23:54] and then some time later another upgrade will be available? [23:54] I did that. Didn't work. [23:54] it will work [23:54] It'd made the artifacts again. I am 100% sure my GPU is not faulty. [23:55] I did try running it off the nvidia only Ben :P [23:55] right but that's step one [23:55] I am on Ubuntu now. It booted. But I can only manage to use my iGPU. So my next question is how to get the GPU to work? [23:55] disable the igpu and use nvidia [23:56] Lope: basically even-yeared april releases are LTS, everything else is non-LTS. LTS have 5 years of support, non-LTS have 9 months. LTS -> LTS is supported and LTS -> next non-LTS -> next non-LTS... is supported [23:56] Erhmm sorry for being thick headed on this one. I am not quite sure what you mean. This is the first time im touching this OS. You mean install Nvidia on Ubuntu then disable iGPU and re-enable the GPU In the bios again? [23:57] shadow1809: what? i mean disable the igpu, it will only cause problems, then boot and we can solve whatever issues arise [23:57] I just installed ubuntu. I asked it to setup an encrypted root on a new lvm volume I created, and boot off another lvm volume I created and formatted as ext2. [23:57] Problem is. It will not boot that way. It will artiface. the picture I showed earlier? [23:57] It gave me the grub screen, now it's on initramfs/busybox [23:57] shadow1809: and that can be solved! this is step one, holy crap [23:58] I'm guessing this is not normal. [23:58] last time I installed ubuntu with an encrypted root I put it straignt onto a partition and it booted up with a DE [23:58] Sorry... alright how do we solve that?.. Step 1. Disable iGPU 2. Boot with GPU on Ubuntu. Step 3. ? [23:58] (diff computer) [23:58] shadow1809: do that first, hit "try ubuntu" on the boot screen [23:59] I tried.. Black screened completely :/ [23:59] ok do it again [23:59] That was with the iGPU disabled & only the GPU on. [23:59] Alright... [23:59] Brb lol [23:59] at the initramfs prompt if I type uname -a I see the kernel is booted. But it obviously couldn't mount the root. [23:59] shadow1809: do you have the monitor plugged into the nvidia?