
axwburton-aus: I've added this: "By default, the remove-storage command will fail if the storage is currently attached. To force removal of the attachments as well as the storage, you can supply the --force flag."00:50
axwburton-aus: BTW that fix hasn't landed yet, I'm merging it now00:51
axwveebers: what's up with windows in CI? it often (always?) fails but the jobs still pass. e.g. http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/11303/artifact/artifacts/windows.log/*view*/01:34
axwveebers: and I think it's slowing down the jobs quite a lot01:34
veebersballoons: did we make any progress with the windows unit tests? If they are still causing grief perhaps we should disable them for now01:38
* wallyworld out to lunch, bbiab01:43
balloonsveebers, sure. No progress01:43
veebersballoons, axw: I'll disable windows unit tests for now until we can fix it, dont want to harm velocity01:50
axwveebers: thank you01:50
axwwallyworld: re that vsphere bug, google says the error message does occur when the datastore is inaccessible. so my changes for 2.2.2 may fix it (there may be other causes too, but they seem less likely)01:52
axwwallyworld: so I've marked dupe01:52
axwjam: wallyworld is going to be late for techboard. can we just wait until he gets back? I'll go get something to eat quickly03:57
jamaxw: fine with me03:57
jamI'm russing to make it myself03:58
jamcould use a couple mins03:58
jamaxw: ian's here04:24
axw wallyworld: can you come back? had a couple of things to talk about for tech board, ran out of time...05:05
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