=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF [06:46] hi [06:46] xxxx: Hello. [06:54] i need choose one linux distribution for our project. currently lubuntu is preferred. i don't know the license of lubuntu. do i need some license from lubuntu to sale our product. [07:03] who can give me some advice [07:10] xxxx: License Mainly the GNU GPL / various others (с) wiki [07:11] xxxx: Hey, I'm the Lubuntu Release Manager [07:12] xxxx: If you do not modify Lubuntu at all, you can ship Lubuntu on whatever you want. If you modify it, you have to rebrand it. [07:13] xxxx: So tl;dr, go ahead :) [07:19] thanks [08:06] hi tsimonq2, if i develop my app run on lubuntu, i will offer my app with lubuntu,then I should open my app's source code? [08:07] xxxx: Please do [11:09] my name is nona321 I would like to resent myself as a legend history will be mine [21:40] Hi, trying out Lubuntu first time on an old netbook (1 GB RAM, Atom CPU, just short of 200 GB disk) which runs Windows XP. Tried Ubuntu first (16.04) but while it boots (in "try without installing" from USB memory stick), it's really slow. [21:41] So I'll try Lubuntu. Running the same routine to download (this time, 17.04) to USB stick, again using Rufus. All boots up from memory stick in old Netbook and I can chose language. [21:42] Then, things look surprising. Instead of seeing a a screen like http://i53.tinypic.com/2cql5de.jpg (from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/InstallingLubuntu) where [21:43] I have the possibility to select "Try Lubuntu without installing", that selection is missing. My first selection is "Install Lubuntu". [21:43] Hm. [21:43] Guess I must have done something goofy. [21:43] Or is this a common situation? [21:49] (BTW, hope it's OK to run a question here.) [21:49] You didn't grab the alternate installer, did you? Does the screen for 'install only' look about like that? [21:52] Hi Unit193 - being a bit new regarding Ubuntu, do you mean an alternate installer instead of Rufus (installing on the USB stick) or [21:53] Kiwiel: For Lubuntu there's two images, one titled 'desktop', the other titled 'alternate'. [21:53] maybe some good binary instead of .... ah! I used the one named lubuntu-17.04-alternate-i386.iso [21:54] So maybe I should try the one named desktop instead? [21:54] Sounds like a good possibility where I made a mistake! [21:54] That's an installer only, yes. [21:54] Great - thank you! I'll try that [21:57] Sure thing.