
RAOFrobert_ancell: I'm happy to look at any SRUs you want to drive through.01:28
RAOFAs long as you also make sure they're tested, so they don't sit on our pending dashboard for the better part of a year :)01:29
robert_ancellRAOF, \o/01:39
robert_ancellRAOF, the first one is snapd-glib - bug 169900501:40
ubot5bug 1699005 in snapd-glib (Ubuntu Zesty) "Update to 1.13" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169900501:40
robert_ancellThis one should be fairly uncontroversial, since it's mostly about matching functionality with snapd and it wasn't used in any depth until artful.01:40
RAOF“Doesn't support new APIs” is not normally SRU material :)01:46
RAOFBut, obviously, snapd-glib is different.01:46
robert_ancellRAOF, yeah, is there a more paperwork required to make that more palatable?01:46
robert_ancellI need to write a Wiki page for an SRU exception, but plan to do that for the next SRU01:47
RAOFrobert_ancell: You probably want to do somethinrg based on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SnapdUpdates01:47
robert_ancellRAOF, so, I need to write that page for this SRU or we can continue without it?02:08
RAOFWe can probably continue without it this time.02:08
RAOFPlease get one in future, though :)02:08
RAOFActually, what are the rdepends on snapd-glib in 16.04? and 17.04?02:08
robert_ancellRAOF, nothing02:10
robert_ancellActually, no, gnome-software is using it but only one method call (to access snapd-login-service)02:10
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RAOFMy, my, that's a lot of code.02:25
RAOFrobert_ancell: So, what's the test plan for snapd-glib?02:26
robert_ancellRAOF, check that gnome-software still works02:26
robert_ancellAnd run the tests inside the source tree02:26
RAOFWe might need to have something a little more detailed :)02:26
RAOFThe thing you'd need to test in gnome-software is that (a) it starts up, (b) you can try and install a snap without being logged in to your SSO account and it'll prompt you to log in, and (c) once you're logged in you can install a snap?02:28
RAOFOh, and I guess that being logged in to the SSO account persists.02:28
robert_ancellJust that it prompts you when you don't have credentials and can install with them02:28
robert_ancellThe credentials are managed by g-s, so that shouldn't need testing02:28
RAOFOK. Stick that up on the bug, and I'll wave in into -proposed.02:34
robert_ancellRAOF, as a comment or the test case?02:38
RAOFAs the test case (please edit the bug description)02:38
robert_ancellRAOF, done02:40
robert_ancellRAOF, I didn't propose this to Yakkety since it's days from EOL. That wont be an issue will it?02:41
robert_ancellRAOF, OK, next one is updating gnome-software to 3.20.5 in xenial (bug 1703461)02:42
ubot5bug 1703461 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Xenial) "Update to 3.20.5" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170346102:42
robert_ancellThis one is a bit scary, but ultimately I think puts us in a better position than we are currently02:43
robert_ancellThere's a couple of uploads, but 3.20.5-0ubuntu0.16.04.5 should be the right one (reject the others)02:44
RAOFWell, at least you've pre-filed the paperwork for this one (the GNOME standing exception) ☺02:44
RAOFI shall check gnome-software after lunch.02:44
robert_ancellRAOF, cool, thanks02:44
=== marlinc_ is now known as marlinc
didrocksgood morning06:12
jibelmorning didrocks06:12
didrocksduflu: on bug #1704050, how do you try to force the wayland session in gdm? I only have one entry "ubuntu", which should prefers X right now06:19
ubot5bug 1704050 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "[regression] Can't log in to Wayland Gnome sessions at all" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170405006:20
didrocksthere is no "ubuntu on wayland" session like in lightdm06:20
dufludidrocks, There is Ubuntu on Wayland _and_ GNOME on Wayland :)06:20
didrocksduflu: hum, I don't see that one, despite having the session available06:20
didrocks(on disk)06:20
dufluAlso, I'm working on Wayland :)06:20
didrocksduflu: I would like to have that session to reproduce :p06:21
* duflu uploads ThinkStation to didrocks06:21
* didrocks waits :)06:21
didrocksduflu: more seriously, do you think there can be some autodetection making my hw blacklisted in some way?06:22
didrockslike does wayland has a helper to test like we had in nux?06:22
dufludidrocks, I don't know... The only error I get is from X06:22
dufluIs there a gdm3 log?06:22
didrocksduflu: unrelated to that error06:22
didrocksduflu: just in general, as you are working on wayland, you may know about that detection mechanism06:23
didrocksduflu: yes, in the journal06:23
* didrocks doesn't see anything related06:23
dufludidrocks, No like many people I'm just fighting to make things work with Wayland. I don't really *get it* :)06:23
didrocksduflu: it's an interesting side-effect of some code I changed (appending a session before prepending)06:24
didrocksbut grrrr that I can't get a wayland option06:24
dufludidrocks, my artful install is old. Started with Unity7, then added Ubuntu Gnome, then lots of updates...06:25
didrockssame here06:25
didrocksI wonder if the list is built twice in gdm06:25
didrocksand so, there is an index mismatch06:25
didrockswhich might explain your bug06:26
dufluIn fact I have 8 shells to choose from :)06:26
dufluOops, no errors logged because I'm using the workaround06:27
didrocksI bet something is assuming in the code to have wayland sessions before X one on their list06:28
dufluOh I see. Yes maybe something is assuming the array order never changes06:29
didrocksmind running with debug enabled? https://help.gnome.org/admin/gdm/stable/troubleshooting.html.en06:31
dufluOK, will reproduce and check for logs in a sec06:31
didrocksas I can't reproduce as not having that session listed, I would like to keep the same logic of appending wayland sessions and fixing the other part of the code making a wrong assumption06:31
dufludidrocks,   Jul 13 14:31:15 haz gdm3[1046]: Cannot find a command for specified session: ubuntu-wayland06:33
didrockshum, anything else more helpful in debug mode?06:34
didrocksI can try a patch in the dark and push to a ppa for you to test06:35
dufludidrocks, lots in debug: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/328568645/gdmfail-debug-log.txt06:38
didrocksJul 13 14:35:32 haz gdm3[1050]: GdmSession: File 'ubuntu-wayland.desktop' not found: Valid key file could not be found in search dirs06:38
didrocksso, changing the session order hide it06:38
didrocksyou have only one desktop file with that name on your disk, correct?06:39
didrocksunder /usr/share/wayland-sessions/ubuntu-wayland.desktop06:39
dufludidrocks, $ ls -l /usr/share/wayland-sessions06:39
duflutotal 1206:39
duflu-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 218 Jul 12 18:18 gnome-wayland.desktop06:39
duflu-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 221 Jul 12 18:18 ubuntu-wayland.desktop06:39
duflu-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 126 Feb  5 17:57 weston.desktop06:39
didrocksyep, all looks good06:39
didrocksso, libgdm reads in revert orders06:40
didrocksI wonder if that's this list which is unsync06:40
dufluIf it's an array, maybe something is already assuming the order is fixed? So prepending is dangerous06:40
didrocksduflu: it's the contrary06:41
didrocksduflu: it was prepending06:41
didrockswe are appending06:41
didrockshttps://launchpad.net/~didrocks/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/13081407 is a stab in the dark, continuing to look meanwhlie06:42
didrockswith the older version06:45
didrockswhen you log into the "ubuntu" session (X one)06:45
didrockswas it really starting X?06:45
didrocksor wayland?06:45
dufludidrocks, does appending break the 0 element on the end? https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-Arrays.html#g-array-new06:45
didrocksduflu: I've used glist appending for years, no, it does the right thing and shift the 0 element on the end06:46
didrocksduflu: but yeah, do you mind trying this? ^06:47
didrocksso downgrade to working gdm06:47
didrockstry the ubuntu session06:47
didrockscheck if it's running wayland06:47
didrocks(I bet it does)06:47
didrockswhere you expect X06:47
dufludidrocks, failed to build?06:47
didrocksduflu: yeah, let's not worry about the small patch right now06:48
didrocksjust downgrade to -506:48
* duflu reboots to check it's really X06:48
didrocksI'm pretty sure I understand the issue06:48
jbichaduflu: The gGNOME on Wayland session comes from the gnome-session binary package06:48
dufluYes it's really Xorg06:48
didrocksah, so scratch that06:49
didrocksor maybe… it has smart checks in that way06:49
jbichaI had the same problem with "Ubuntu on Wayland" not working today, but I had a kernel upgrade and more and hadn't tried isolating the cause yet06:49
duflujbicha, bisected to gdm already06:50
duflujbicha, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+bug/1704050/comments/106:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1704050 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "[regression] Can't log in to Wayland Gnome sessions at all" [Critical,Confirmed]06:50
didrocksjbicha: the issue is the append instead of prepend06:50
didrocks        search_dirs = get_system_session_dirs (self),06:50
didrocksno debug to know what are search_dirs (it should be the list with Xorg, then wayland)06:51
jbichaspeaking of gdm, did you see Security's response at LP: #1686393 :(06:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 1686393 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] gdm3" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168639306:51
dufluThat said I shall reapply the workaround to reconfirm06:51
didrocksduflu: ah, you are not in -5?06:52
dufluYep, 3.24.2-1ubuntu5 works fine06:52
didrocksand if you log into ubuntu06:52
didrocksyou have the X session06:52
dufludidrocks, my above debugging was from 7 (where it's broken)06:52
didrockswith that gdm version? ^06:52
didrocksplease try with 506:52
dufludidrocks, OK I have 5. Retry what part?06:53
didrockslog into the ubuntu session (the X one)06:53
didrockscheck it's running X and not wayland06:53
didrocksjbicha: do you know what checks are done on gdm startup? I don't have any wayland session available on my machine06:53
dufludidrocks, Yes Ubuntu is 'Xorg'06:54
dufluin 506:54
didrocksok, so definitively not that theory06:54
didrocksthanks duflu06:54
didrocksok, let's revert the order and set a default session for now06:54
didrockssounds like the sanest06:54
dufluWeird. It looks like private information within that function. Order wouldn't matter06:54
didrocksthat's why I'm really puzzled06:55
jbichadidrocks: do you want to merge this in when you do the upload? https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/gdm/ubuntu/+merge/32716506:55
didrocksjbicha: maybe will should first fix the changelog conflicts06:56
didrocksthat would be a good exercise for him :)06:56
didrocksduflu: the issue is from https://github.com/GNOME/gdm/blob/master/daemon/gdm-session.c#L40106:57
didrocksit can't find that ubuntu-wayland.desktop here06:57
didrockswhich is the list we just build…06:57
didrockswith append instead of prepend06:57
jbichastop changing the changelog then ;) but yeah, his changelog does need cleaning up :)06:58
dufluAlso willcooke has a pending proposal that will conflict06:58
dufluOh, you mean that one06:59
didrocksthe 2 others parts of the code depending on #ENABLE_USER_DISPLAY_SERVER doesn't seem related to anything order related06:59
didrocks(so meaning: if people build with that disabled, maybe they face the same bug)06:59
didrocksduflu: do you have time for a quick local test + build?06:59
didrocksI would be interested in printing out search_dirs after the line I pointed ^ to know the list content07:00
dufluSure, I've been distracted from my actual work for days already :)07:00
didrocksduflu: keep me posted once you get that value07:01
dufluAh, I forgot I hadn't answered some upstream questions yet. Even more behind07:03
dufluIn other news: Is there a reason why the Gnome Software icon is different between artful machines? Is that an upgrade issue ?07:04
duflu(so it's only changed in fresh installs)07:04
didrocksduflu: like fresh install has an ubuntu icon, but not on upgrade, it's the Gnome one?07:05
didrocksduflu: XDG_DATA_DIRS is correct and I have an impacted machine07:05
jbichaduflu: for me, I get the Ubuntu Software branding in 'Ubuntu' but GNOME Software in 'Ubuntu on Wayland'07:05
didrocksso need to look at it, I filed a bug for this already07:05
didrocksjbicha: yeah, that's expected (and we should fix that)07:05
dufluOK, no problem.07:05
dufluIn other other news: Whose idea was it to design buttons that don't look like buttons in Gnome?07:06
didrocksI wonder if G_N_ELEMENTS() isn't puzzled by NULL though07:06
dufludidrocks, It's a null terminated array so maybe that flag tells it to count the size manually07:07
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didrocksmind priniting its result?07:07
didrocks(the G_N_ELEMENTS() count)07:08
didrocksI really wonder if that code branch never worked07:08
jameshG_N_ELEMENTS() is compile time: it doesn't know what is stored in the array07:08
dufluYeah that's for C arrays not GArray07:09
duflu#define G_N_ELEMENTS(arr)               (sizeof (arr) / sizeof ((arr)[0]))07:09
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:09
didrockshey oSoMoN, jamesh07:09
dufluHi oSoMoN07:09
oSoMoNsalut didrocks, hey duflu, jamesh07:09
dufludidrocks, actually I can tell you just by reading it that use if G_N_ELEMENTS is wrong07:14
dufluIt won't find the wayland entry because that's after a NULL07:14
dufluProblem solved07:15
didrocksduflu: wait, the count doesn't have NULL, so only the number of elements07:15
didrocksas it's based on sizeof(arr)/sizeof(elem)07:15
dufludidrocks, yeah NULL gets appended, before wayland07:15
dufluSo only prepending works07:16
didrocksG_N_ELEMENTS (x_search_dirs) is 407:16
dufluShould be 5 (I am not up to debugging yet)07:16
didrocksas NULL takes 0?07:16
didrocks(in term of size)07:16
dufludidrocks, No it's the number of pointers in the array, hence 507:16
didrocksyeah, it's pointers ofc07:17
didrocksso yeah, NULL is set in search_array07:17
dufluGood news - didrocks did the right thing and was fooled by bad code07:17
didrocksand then, wayland is appended07:17
didrocksyeah, that code branch never worked07:17
didrockstell me once you get that debug printed out :p07:18
dufluActually the code is good, but it was nonobvious that append would not work07:18
didrockslook at the original code07:18
didrocksif you define ENABLE_WAYLAND_SUPPORT and not define ENABLE_USER_DISPLAY_SERVER, you are in that case07:18
didrocks(which doesn't work)07:18
dufludidrocks, Oh yes, the bug already existed07:19
dufluSo indeed "Good news - didrocks did the right thing and was fooled by bad code"07:19
dufludidrocks, I think someone can fix that without further testing...?07:20
didrocksdo you want to do it? I can do it, just don't want to steal your commit :)07:21
dufludidrocks, well I can test and verify it for sure... no problem07:21
didrocksand praise when reported upstream07:21
didrocksduflu: tell me once you get your patch tested and I'll just sponsor it07:37
dufludidrocks, yeah I'll do it today. Probably Ubuntu before upstream tho07:38
didrocksduflu: sounds good07:38
didrocksduflu: just open a bug in bugzilla and reference it on the quilt patch07:38
didrocks(even if I think next time we touch that patch we'll just inverse the logic back to favor wayland sessions)07:39
flexiondotorgMorning Laney didrocks duflu oSoMoN jamesh08:03
didrockshey Laney, flexiondotorg08:03
oSoMoNgood morning Laney, flexiondotorg08:03
dufluMorning flexiondotorg08:04
dufluMorning Laney08:04
Laneyhey flexiondotorg hey didrocks hey oSoMoN hey duflu08:06
Laneyhow's it going?08:06
oSoMoNnot too bad round here08:06
didrocksgood, started with some interesting gdm bug :p08:06
Laneyoh yeah08:07
Laneywhat's that?08:07
didrocksbut everything is under control once someone has a session to test :)08:07
didrocksLaney: basically, the branch with "append" instead of "prepend" never worked08:07
didrocksthe bottom of it is that the previous list we append to already has a NULL pointer08:07
didrocksso, the wayland session was never found08:07
didrocks(patch to get upstream, even if I don't think anyone is building with the 2 #ifdef condition)08:08
Laneyah right08:08
willcookemorning all08:08
didrockshey willcooke08:11
* didrocks needs to add a new expection in the seed for a -dbg package08:11
didrocksthunderbird pulls thunderbird-gnome-support-dbg in main, which brings thunderbird-gnome-support, which brings indicator-messages, which pulls libindicator-messaging-menu, which …08:13
seb128hey Laney willcooke08:17
seb128or and other desktopers, looks like I was too busy to chat on other channels and forgot to say hi here08:17
flexiondotorgMorning willcooke seb12808:18
seb128hey flexiondotorg08:19
oSoMoNsalut seb12808:21
oSoMoNgood morning willcooke08:21
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
willcookeHow's it going oSoMoN?  I'm reading good comments about the new LO snap - great stuff!08:21
oSoMoNwillcooke, doing good, thanks! trying to wrap up everything that’s on my list before I leave for holidays08:22
ricotzhey desktopers08:22
oSoMoNhey ricotz08:22
ricotzhey oSoMoN08:23
willcookeduflu, still around?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sound-theme-freedesktop/+bug/170394608:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1703946 in sound-theme-freedesktop (Ubuntu) "Dedicated mono test sound is unavailable" [Undecided,New]08:24
willcookeDo I just update the changelog to say artful?  is it that simple?08:24
dufluwillcooke, yes I think so08:26
Laneyit's quite normal for the uploader to do that too08:27
willcookeah, good to know.  Well, I'm happy to just edit the debdiff and reattach it, if that helps08:27
willcookeI'll attach one with the change anywy, wont take a sec08:27
dufluLaney: I was wondering that, thanks08:34
dufluNot like it's checksummed08:34
dufludidrocks: OK, done. Works too.08:43
seb128lut oSoMoN08:44
Laneyhey seb12808:45
Laneyyou good?08:45
didrocksduflu: excellent, MP against the ubuntu branch?08:46
dufludidrocks, https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/gdm/fix-1704050/+merge/32736008:46
didrocksduflu: does it work with the prepend case still?08:47
didrocks(when you submit it upstream)08:47
didrocksduflu: just: mind opening a bug upstream and reference it from your patch?08:47
dufludidrocks, already have an upstream bug with the patch08:48
didrocksduflu: just add it on top of debian/patches/Avoid-double-NULL-terminated-array-LP-1704050.patch08:48
didrocksthat way, we can track08:48
dufludidrocks, I was reluctant to reformat as I could not remember the rules. Also upstream already have that patch. The upstream bug is linked in Launchpad now08:49
didrocksduflu: linking in LP is good enough, thanks!08:49
didrocksmerging and sponsoring08:49
didrockshum, no tag and you set it to artful08:51
* didrocks adds a tag08:51
dufludidrocks, we were just talking about that. Do you prefer UNRELEASED if not tagged?08:52
didrocksduflu: I generally prefer UNRELEASED not tagged, but not a biggie08:52
dufluOK then willcooke got it more right08:53
dufluFor reviewer=didrocks08:53
didrocks(so, basically, a separate commit to set it to artful + tag for release)08:53
dufludidrocks, cool will do in future08:54
dufluI don't think I usually/ever propose to ubuntu branches08:54
didrocksduflu: no worry! sponsored :)08:54
dufluSo sorry in advance to willcooke. I am making new conflicts in gdm08:55
didrockshighly demanded package08:56
dufludidrocks, I _assume_ and it seems to be true that append does go before the implicit NULL :)08:56
didrocksduflu:yeah, I hope that the prepend case does have an implicit NULL so that your fix is accepted :)08:57
dufludidrocks, I think prepend will always work regardless of the contents08:58
didrocksI meant, if there is no match and the list isn't ended by NULL…08:58
dufludidrocks, I think new = {NULL}08:59
seb128Laney, I'm good thanks, you?09:02
Laneywent to folk club last night, was funny09:03
dufludidrocks, do you recomment UNRELEASED for debdiffs too?09:06
didrocksduflu: no, debdiff can be the final thing, ready to sponsor09:09
dufluMakes sense09:10
dufluboth ways09:10
didrocksthe only thing with UNRELEASED in a branch is that the author can ammend, commit separated a fix while still being in the "UNRELEASED" part09:10
flexiondotorgCould one of the desktopers merge this please - https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mate-dev/indicator-session/mate-integration/+merge/32560009:13
flexiondotorgI've addressed all the feedback and been running a PPA build for several weeks. All good from my point of view.09:13
dufludidrocks, next time please copy the commit message field :)09:19
didrocksduflu: I didn't commit anything09:19
didrocksduflu: as you set it to "artful"09:20
dufluOK I'm confused09:20
dufluThe Ubuntu branch history shows my garbage commit messages, but failed to use the formal commit message from the MP09:21
didrocksjust bzr pull && bzr push (after adding the tag): the git way when you are on align with master09:21
dufludidrocks, yeah the bzr way is different. If landing by hand you need to copy the commit message from the MP because it's not in bzr09:22
didrocksduflu: depends on the branch, some prefer to always merge, some not.09:23
dufludidrocks, fair enough. I'll keep it in mind09:23
didrockswe should just standardize on one way to do it IMHO09:23
didrocksso that you don't have wrong expectations, I see what you wanted…09:24
didrocks(also one tool, not some branches in git vs other in bzr)09:24
didrocksI guess a discussion at the start of a cycle, one all the transitions are over and polish done :)09:24
seb128L_aney is going to work on the git-for-packaging for Debian pkg-gnome during debconf09:37
seb128so we might want to look at building on top of that next cycle then09:37
seb128a discussion to have for when we get our team week09:37
* duflu -> vegetable peeling fun09:57
willcookequick reboot10:27
didrockspopey: if you are too impatient to wait for gdm to published in the release pocket, it's in -proposed right now10:29
Laneya gdm3 upload a day10:30
Laneykeeps the something something away10:30
didrocks"bugs" for one someting10:30
didrocksbut need another adjective10:30
didrocksam I the only one to get this with wayland + our theme on gnome-terminal: http://imgur.com/a/k48Se ?10:31
didrocksah, that's the transparency feature10:31
jibeldidrocks, it's a known bug10:31
Laneyit's reported10:32
didrocksah nice, do you know if our transparency patch is the same than in fedora?10:32
* didrocks will look10:32
jibelbug 165039510:32
ubot5bug 1650395 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "Large grey border around gnome-terminal shadows when transparency is enabled (wayland)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/165039510:32
Laneymore or less10:33
didrocksinteresting that the color is theme-dependent10:33
* didrocks likes10:33
Laneybut maybe rishi fixed it or something10:33
didrocksmy borders are bigger :)10:33
Laneyand we need to pull i again10:33
didrocksyeah, would worth a look10:33
Laneyhe's got a repo with it in10:33
didrockshum, do you want to test it? (I'm not going to do it today, just as you seem to know more where things are…)10:34
didrocksI'm happy next week to have a look otherwise10:34
* didrocks got a new tab10:34
Laneywe took that and then added the theme colours stuff10:34
Laneywill look eventually, but not right now10:35
Laneyso whoever gets there first can :-)10:35
Laneyactually I'll ask him quickly, that'll be easier10:36
willcookehas anyone tried artful on a wired ethternet connection?  I can't get it to accept a DHCP address.  Its being offered one, but seems to be ignoring it.  cyphermox perhaps?11:09
popeydidrocks: will test!11:14
willcookepopey, be a love and test wired network as well would you?11:17
LaneyI'm on wired right now11:18
Laneythese bits are wires alllllllll the way baby11:18
willcookethat means its something on my network.  Damn it.11:19
* willcooke tries a live session11:19
popeywillcooke: i am on wired11:31
willcookeand it just works?11:32
* willcooke breaks out tcpdump11:33
popeywhat does "nmcli d" say?11:33
willcookeI know it's requesting a dhcp address, I can see it on the server11:33
willcookeand in syslog11:33
popeyi haven't setup wifi on this laptop yet11:34
popeyonly wired11:34
popeyok, connected to wifi, also works, and doesn't seem to have a problem switching between wired and wifi11:36
andyrockanyone aware of touchpad issues with xenial in the last few weeks?11:41
andyrockmostly with double finger scrolling and syntaptic device11:41
popeyi haven't. been using a touchpad for the first time in a while these last couple of weeks and it's just as crazy as ever (ie. not a nipple) :D11:43
seb128andyrock, what sort of issues?11:48
Trevinhopopey: it's impossible to stay away from nipples :-D12:01
TrevinhoI can't too12:01
* Laney titters12:01
TrevinhoLaney: you should get a thinkpad or at least a thinkpad BT keyboard to love it more :-D12:01
Trevinhompt: hey, remember that change for u-c-c, we defined the graphics levels as "High" and "Low", but I think we should also add the "auto-detect" mode... As by default we use that way, while we use the setting only when set12:04
Trevinhoare you ok with that?12:04
didrocksFINALLY indicator-messages off main12:55
seb128didrocks, well done13:05
jbichaseb128: upstreams says "no, fix your tools" :) https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78487713:08
ubot5Gnome bug 784877 in general "Don't use variable for gettext package name" [Minor,Resolved: wontfix]13:08
andyrockseb128: seems like it does not work after login (the mouse)13:17
andyrockor a new created user session it works fine13:17
popeydidrocks: nice work fixing gdm :)13:17
andyrockprobably not a but (just a misconfiguration)13:17
andyrockbut I'm wondering how I could fix it13:17
didrockspopey: well, it was co-analyze with duflu (I don't have the wayland session displayed at all here, had to force it) :)13:18
didrocksbut thanks for confirming the fix worked!13:18
seb128jbicha, I'm not surprised ;-) thanks for trying though!13:18
jbichadidrocks: I'm going to go ahead and merge and upload will's GDM bluetooth workaround now if you don't object13:18
seb128andyrock, settings doesn't work?13:19
jbichaseb128: I might push it to Debian though since we're nearly in sync there13:19
didrocksjbicha: all is fine for me, I guess nobody plans to upload GDM in the next 20 minutes… :p13:19
andyrockseb128:  there is no setting for the mouse13:20
andyrockat least for the touchpad13:20
seb128andyrock, weird13:20
seb128did you try binput?13:20
andyrockyep but the weird thing it that it's an user session problem13:21
jbichadidrocks: I'm fine with uploading the debdiff from LP: #1130137 now13:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 1130137 in adwaita-icon-theme (Ubuntu) "Better sound settings icons" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113013713:28
didrocksjbicha: if you think upstream is going to fix it, yeah, feel free to sponsor it13:30
didrockswillcooke: ^13:30
didrocksif it's something we will carry in the long term, a more maintainable solution is needed13:31
seb128jbicha, unsure uploading the bluetooth workaround is right, that removes the motivation to push toward the real fix13:45
seb128we can do workarounds around beta time if needed as plan B13:46
jbichaseb128: the bug affects Ubuntu GNOME since 16.04 LTS; the workaround kills bluetooth audio on the login screen but bluetooth audio in the session seems a lot more important14:01
seb128jbicha, right, doesn't change my statement14:07
seb128I mean devel is to fix issues the proper way14:08
seb128workarounds are backup solutions when we can't get the proper fix14:08
seb128jbicha, btw I'm surprised that it's affecting most distros, some have wiki instructions to workaround and nobody opened an upstream gdm bug about that before (I did it yesterday)14:08
seb128jbicha, anyway I'm not strongly against it so if you want to upload the workaround feel free, I would just have done that at beta time (and SRU to help stable users)14:09
jbichaseb128: by the time you spoke up, I had already pushed gdm to bzr and tagged it but didn't quite dput yet, so I'm not sure how to fix it now14:15
Laneydidrocks: http://people.canonical.com/~laney/weird-things/transparent.png14:16
seb128jbicha, just dput it's not the end of the world14:16
willcookeI can add a known issue to the release notes now14:16
seb128jbicha, and might make artful more enjoyable for those who are on it14:16
jbichathanks, done14:17
willcookepopey, looks like we're going to "fix" the bt audio issue re: your blog post for testing ^14:17
popeyI'll add wording to say "this may or may not be fixed by the time you come to test", or something?14:17
willcookepopey, sure14:18
didrocksLaney: nice! with a new version of the patch?14:18
Laneyrishi pointed me to one from fedora14:18
didrocksexcellent! :)14:18
willcookeis it possible that two things are fighting over apt/sources.list?  I've got loads of errors about things being configured multiple times all of a sudden14:22
willcookeI'm fixing it manually, but I dont know how it came to be like this14:22
jbichaLaney: btw, I'm interested in rishi's notifications patches for vte/terminal but I had trouble getting it to work months ago14:24
jbichawillcooke: that's LP: #1697120 and LP: #1579372 I believe you can workaround it by uninstalling apt-file14:25
ubot5Launchpad bug 1697120 in apt-file (Ubuntu) "artful's apt-file complains about Ubuntu sources.list" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169712014:25
ubot5Launchpad bug 1579372 in Launchpad itself "Update location of the Contents files on the mirrors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157937214:25
willcookejbicha, ahh14:25
willcookejbicha, that's almost certainly what it was, thanks!14:25
Laneyjbicha: vte.sh isn't run for us, because we run bash as a non-login shell. you'll need to change that option in your gnome-terminal profile preferences at least.14:29
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jbichadid you see the response from Security on LP: #1686393 ?15:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 1686393 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] gdm3" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168639315:19
jbichaLaney: were you planning on SRUing the terminal transparency fix? or I could…16:22
LaneyFixing things on wayland in old releases isn't a good use of my work time - so feel free16:22
pittiLaney: oh dear @ http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running -- glibc plus KDE fun16:55
Laneypitti: and lgw01 is down16:55
pittiLaney: how are the minions holding up so far?16:56
Laneybeen hassling to get it fixed16:56
pittiglad that we have the -huge queues16:56
Laneyhopefully we'll get back up to full capacity soon17:05
Laneyotherwise I'll think about killing some of the queue17:06
willcookenight all18:45
* oSoMoN falls off the face of the internet for two weeks20:23
oSoMoNsee you!20:23

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