
cyphermoxis this a known thing? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/170082600:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1700826 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Xenial) "please include numactl on the ubuntu-server iso" [Undecided,New]00:37
cyphermox(I can update the seed, but I want to make sure it's agreed upon before)00:37
hehehehey folks00:57
hehehewho here knows git well? :D00:57
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nacccyphermox: i'll ask at our standup tmrw04:46
cpaelzergood morning05:22
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[J]oules_local ubuntu 16.04 acting as syslog server for LAN. rsyslog.conf is setup for udp and tcp on port 514 to enable syslog server. ufw is disabled. iptables -nL shows accept for the 3 default chains. However no lan device/computer is able to communicate with this ubuntu server.12:55
lordievaderAt all, or only the rsyslog service?12:58
lordievader[J]oules_: ^12:58
Ussatdifferent vlans ?12:58
Ussatfirewall between them12:58
[J]oules_no vlans12:59
UssatFW's between them ?12:59
Ussathow are you checking connectivity ?12:59
[J]oules_trying to debug sip phone. have sip phone syslog pointing to this ubuntu 16.04. disabled ufw and rebooted. don'13:00
[J]oules_see anything in /var/log/syslog, /var/log/messages from phone at all13:00
[J]oules_changed sip  phone syslog to send to remote centos server, remote centos shows logs from sip phone13:01
[J]oules_just dont want those logs going to remote server. want them to come to this local ubuntu server13:02
lordievader[J]oules_: Could you answer my quesiton?13:07
lordievaderquestion even13:08
[J]oules_lordievader: since rebooting only see very few entries in syslog and messages like: Jul 13 09:01:42 myomie colord[1430]: (colord:1430): Cd-WARNING **: failed to get session [pid 3889]: No such device or address13:09
[J]oules_Jul 13 09:09:01 myomie CRON[3928]: (root) CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/php/sessionclean ] && /usr/lib/php/sessionclean)13:09
[J]oules_thats it13:09
lordievaderThat was not my question... is there any network response when pinging it from another host, for example?13:10
[J]oules_i can ping the ubuntu server, ssh to it, cannot telnet port 514 to it13:11
lordievaderWhat does nmap report about that port?13:11
[J]oules_nmap not installed13:11
[J]oules_from other server on lan: ping myomie13:12
[J]oules_PING myomie.internal ( 56 data bytes13:12
[J]oules_64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.306 ms13:12
lordievaderCould you install nmap and check?13:12
[J]oules_telnet myomie 51413:12
[J]oules_telnet: connect to address Connection refused13:12
lordievaderAlso, use some pastebin service for pasting console output.13:13
[J]oules_lordievader: do you know the syntax to nmap port 514?13:14
lordievader[J]oules_: Assuming you want tcp: `nmap -p 514 <host>`13:14
[J]oules_514/tcp closed shell13:15
[J]oules_if iptables shows accept for everything, ufw shows disabled why is it blocked?13:16
[J]oules_i tried before to open 514/tcp and it still did not help13:16
[J]oules_fw status13:16
[J]oules_Status: inactive13:16
lordievaderCould you pastebin the output of 'sudo iptables-save'  and 'sudo ss -tnl'?13:19
coreycbjamespage: most of the pike failures for CI are due to needing the new python-sphinx13:28
coreycbjamespage: I checked with the maintainer and he said he's planning on uploading but will be a few weeks13:29
cyphermoxnacc: ta13:44
Adri2000anyone knows why https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxd/+bug/1699010 is marked for lxd instead of lxd/lxcfs?13:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1699010 in lxd (Ubuntu) "process start times offset by host uptime" [Undecided,Fix released]13:47
Adri2000and if there is some kind of SRU in progress for xenial?13:47
hehehehey hey13:50
[J]oules_lordievader: i see 514 is not listed13:50
hehehelordievader: heya :)13:50
hehehelordievader: do u know git?13:53
heheheI am encountering some silly error yet to see what is it13:54
[J]oules_lordievader: i take it that since this ubuntu server is not listening on 514 is the reason. Question then is, how to get it to listen on port 514?13:55
heheheyou  can install use ufw13:55
heheheeasy to use13:55
hehehethen you cal simply sudo ufw allow 51413:56
heheheand it will auto adjust iptables rules13:56
heheheu can also allow in only or out only and to a specific ip and or protocol13:56
[J]oules_hehehe: i did that before ... ufw allow 514/tcp and ufw allow 514/udp and no syslog messages were coming in13:58
heheheyou using ossec?13:59
hehehethen you need to open 1 more port13:59
heheheyou can google which port :D14:00
[J]oules_i am not using ossec14:01
hehehewell then why u need 514 open?14:02
[J]oules_just whatever installs with ubuntu server14:02
hehehewhatever what?14:02
[J]oules_because we need to debug a device on LAN14:02
hehehewhats it called?14:02
hehehewell then open it and thats it14:02
[J]oules_the iso for ubuntu 16.0414:02
heheheyes fine14:02
[J]oules_there was no extra security added14:02
hehehethats fine14:02
heheheyou can add it yourself14:02
[J]oules_add what?14:03
hehehewhatever u want to add14:03
hehehesecurity wise14:03
[J]oules_you mean even if ufw/iptables is disabled it still blocks?14:03
[J]oules_put it this way, how to get it to listen to 514 ?14:04
teward[J]oules_: run a service that binds to port 51414:04
[J]oules_from what i read ....14:04
tewardhave a firewall rule to include port 514 as allowed14:04
tewardyou can't send traffic to a port that doesn't have something to receive the data - that's the core issue there.14:04
tewardto have something listen on <= 1024 you usually need to run something as root14:04
heheheyes what teward said :D14:05
heheheuse common sense dude14:05
teward[J]oules_: that usually doesn't run as root, IIRC.  you may need to use a higher port number like 10514, and then set up a local port-forward for the firewall14:06
[J]oules_everything i searched said to enable rsyslog with what is in the p/b and restart rsyslog14:06
tewardhehehe: that's not necessary, please refrain from rudeness.14:06
hehehecommon sense is rude?14:06
hehehedude get lost14:06
tewardthis is why I hate IRC sometimes14:06
[J]oules_no kidding14:06
[J]oules_usually because the answer is not known14:07
heheheJoule simply do something like  ssh root@example.com -p514  from any other box14:07
hehehe-p is port14:07
hehehewait nope14:07
[J]oules_teward: the firewall ufw/iptables is disabled14:07
[J]oules_hehehe: i showed earlier, telnet port 513 connection refused14:08
[J]oules_hehehe: i showed earlier, telnet port 514 connection refused14:08
[J]oules_port 51414:08
hehehe1 moment :)14:08
[J]oules_getting rsylog working on a centos server which is remote works, but dont want these logs going remote14:10
[J]oules_basically same setup with rsyslog.conf and restarting rsyslog14:10
[J]oules_for some reason on ubuntu its like pulling teeth14:10
teward[J]oules_: you may want to use a higher port.14:11
tewardsuch as 1051X, because <= 1024 usually has issues14:11
teward[J]oules_: is the system you're working on ubuntu or centos?14:11
ogra_[J]oules_, usually it is "uncomment 4 lines in rsyslog.conf, restart rsyslog"14:11
tewardbecause if it's not ubuntu i'mma throw you to the ##linux channel.14:11
hehehenc -4 -k -l -v localhost 102614:12
[J]oules_the box is ubuntu, i am chatting here from it14:13
[J]oules_ubuntu 16.04 LTS14:13
ogra_[J]oules_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25082196/ ... uncomment these four lines (the ones without spaces after the hash sign) in rsyslog.conf and restart rsyslog (works everywhere here ...)14:13
ogra_and on the sending machine, create a file in /etc/rsyslog.d/ containing one line:14:13
ogra_*.*   @remote.server:51414:14
ogra_where "remote.server" is the machine from the first step14:14
ogra_it isnt different in ubuntu than in any other machine14:14
ogra_s/machine/linux distro/14:14
heheheJoules lol next time say it clearly - I want to send syslog to other machine14:15
hehehenot I want to test some lan device :D14:15
ogra_did you try dropping the "AllowedSend14:15
ogra_for a test ?14:15
[J]oules_just did it now ogra_  and restarted rsyslog14:17
[J]oules_nothing different14:17
ogra_weird, never had any probs with that14:18
heheheprovide copy of your firewall rules on both machinese14:18
heheheor use ufw14:18
ogra_do you have any other modifications of the syslog config ?14:18
[J]oules_i did enable ufw and enabled 514/UDP and 514/TCP and it still did not work14:18
heheheufw oki14:18
ogra_any reason to run ufw ?14:19
heheheJoules and why 514?14:19
heheheufw is easier14:19
hehehethats all14:19
ogra_hehehe, you are not being helpful14:19
heheheJoules you simply want to send syslog from 1 machine to another?14:19
ogra_[J]oules_, any reason to run a firewall on that machine ?14:19
ogra_(assuming it sits in a LAN that is firewalled anyway from the outside world)14:20
[J]oules_this ubuntu server is also my workstation. It's behind a mikrtotik router. It is not blocking LAN <-> LAN14:20
heheheJoules so what exactly do you want to do?14:21
ogra_sure, but hopefulls WAN->LAN ;)14:21
[J]oules_hehehe: have my sip phone send it logs via syslog to this ubuntu server/workstation14:21
[J]oules_like i mentioned before, if i set the syslog on the phone to send to one of our pbx's it logs just fine. All our pbx servers are either centos 6 or centos 714:22
[J]oules_just this ubuntu server14:23
[J]oules_i think i will just create a centos 7 vm on this ubuntu server via virtualbox14:23
[J]oules_this is too much of a PITA14:23
hehehenah dont give up14:23
hehehedont be such quitter :D14:23
ogra_[J]oules_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25082249/ ... just uncommenting the four lines and restarting syslog gets me this on 16.0414:25
ogra_[J]oules_, theer must be something additionally that stops rsyslog from opeing the port14:25
[J]oules_i do have those lines uncommented14:26
[J]oules_hehehe:  /etc/default/syslogd  does not exist14:26
[J]oules_ogra_:  agreed, just dont know what it is14:26
ogra_yeah ...14:27
[J]oules_one thing for sure, this ubuntu box is not listening on port 514 udp/tcp14:27
ogra_well, if you tinkered with firewall stuff it might be related ... though then i would expect at least some complaint from syslog in the logs that it cant bind to the port or some such14:27
[J]oules_ok i will turn on ufw and then show you14:28
hehehe pastebin /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf14:28
[J]oules_yet nothing comes in...14:28
ogra_sudo netstat -anp|grep :51414:29
hehehethis is on receving box?14:29
ogra_does your host actually listen ?14:29
hehehepost your 50-default.conf :D14:29
heheheto double check14:29
[J]oules_sudo netstat -anp|grep :51414:30
ogra_so rsyslog definitely doesnt listen14:30
hehehethen its setup error14:30
heheheas simple as that14:30
ogra_anycomplaints in syslog when you restart it ?14:30
[J]oules_i think that rsyslogd should be -r not -n14:31
hehehedid u use *.* @syslogserverhostname:514 ?14:31
ahasenackrbasak: I think samba's ubuntu/zesty-devel is behind in the git repository: rmadison shows 17.04.3, but git has 17.04.2 if I'm not mistaken14:32
heheheand restart service?14:32
ogra_[J]oules_, it is -n here as well14:32
heheheread this :)14:32
[J]oules_hehehe: that log to REMOTE14:33
[J]oules_i need log to LOCAL14:33
heheheogra_: DUDE14:33
heheheso sip phone soft running  on same box?14:34
hehehethen it would likely have own log14:34
hehehesomewhere  in configs14:34
ogra_[J]oules_, anything non-standard  in /etc/rsyslog.d/ ?14:34
heheheyou dont need to open any ports14:34
[J]oules_ogra_: no14:34
ogra_any other changes in rsyslog.conf ?14:35
ogra_http://paste.ubuntu.com/25082303/ is the default config as the package ships it14:36
[J]oules_telnet localhost 51414:36
[J]oules_Trying ::1...14:36
[J]oules_telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused14:36
rbasakahasenack: that's odd. samba is in our whitelist. Shall we wait for nacc to come online and check the importer?14:36
heheheremote host?14:36
hehehedude u said its local14:36
hehehewhich one is it?14:36
[J]oules_hehehe: local14:36
[J]oules_i ran the command from the ubuntu server i am on14:37
ahasenackrbasak: so you did confirm it's behind?14:37
heheheJoules so to make it clear you got sip phone one the box and u want it to send its log to syslog on same box?14:37
hehehe*on the box14:37
[J]oules_sip phone is not a box, its a physical telephone14:38
braziercustomsIst that just a generic can't connect message hehehe?14:38
[J]oules_it is on same LAN as ubuntu server14:38
rbasakahasenack: yeah confirmed14:38
heheheso land hardware sip phone using asterix?14:38
[J]oules_plain and simple, this ubuntu server is not listening on port 51414:39
ahasenackrbasak: thanks14:39
[J]oules_pbx servers are all remote14:39
heheheJoules plain and simple unless some server uses 51414:39
ahasenackrbasak: I'll bring it up in standup, it's just half an hour away14:39
hehehesome server soft14:39
rbasakLooks like it was published on the 5th.14:39
hehehe514 wont be listening14:39
rbasakSo perhaps the importer wasn't running then?14:39
[J]oules_hehehe: yes agreed, RSYSLOG14:39
hehehebraziercustoms: which one14:39
heheheJoules this hardware sip phone got a software config file14:40
tewardrbasak: and server team: NGINX 1.12.0-1ubuntu1 (merge from the 1.12.0-1 packaging that was in Debian then replaced with 1.13.x) merge completed, and uploaded.  once that builds and lands, i'll push the latest patch for a security issue (Security team is aware, cc: sbeattie)14:40
heheheto where does this config file direct logs?14:40
ogra_[J]oules_, i'd really start from scratch .. drop all ufw stuff (uninstall it), flush iptables ... and first of all try to get the standard working that works for everyone else14:40
hehehemaybe it sends them to a separate log file instea of syslog14:40
heheheand folks anyone here good with git? :D14:41
tewardhehehe: i know a bunch, so does rbasak, what's up?14:41
ogra_[J]oules_, once you have that, re-enable the firewall bits and configure it (if you really feel you need to dis-trust devices in your LAN that is)14:41
* teward also runs a GitLab instance for himself14:41
ogra_[J]oules_, on any Ubuntu machine i worked with in the last 13 years just uncommenting the 4 lines and restarting rsyslog was enough, be assured this usually works :)14:42
hehehewhen I do git checkout -b origin and later want to build and make - local box will look for files on the githib repository where branch files are?14:42
heheheso say initially I git clone master branch and then I run checkout -b origin14:43
heheheto select a specific branch14:43
[J]oules_ogra_: i cant agree with you more, uncomment those lines and presto14:43
[J]oules_ogra_: but this box flatly says 'not in my lifetime'14:43
[J]oules_brb have to help someone14:44
ogra_well, there must have been some tinkering that broke it i guess14:44
heheheJoules post you /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf :)14:44
hehehejust to check14:44
ogra_hehehe, what would you expect to find there ?14:44
heheheI dont know some mistake :)14:44
hehehemaybe typo14:44
ogra_then rsyslog would complain in the logs on startup14:45
heheheso using occam razor what can it be?14:45
rbasakhehehe: I don't understand your question. What are you trying to achieve?14:46
heheherbasak: oki - I want to compile modsecurity from a specific branch14:47
heheheas per howto here https://help.dreamhost.com/hc/en-us/articles/223608748-How-to-Install-libmodsecurity-Nginx-on-Ubuntu-14-0414:48
rbasakThose instructions look a bit broken to me.14:48
rbasakI wouldn't create a local branch called "origin/v3/master". That's confusing.14:48
heheherbasak: so whats the best way then?14:49
rbasakgit will do it, but thereafter lies confusion.14:49
rbasakgit clone v3/master https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity14:49
rbasakthen git submodule init, etc.14:49
rbasakgit clone -b v3/master https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity14:49
rbasakthen git submodule init, etc.14:49
coreycbjamespage: looks like python-sphinx 1.6.3 upload to experimental is just blocked by sphinxcontrib-websupport in NEW14:50
jamespagecoreycb: ack14:50
heheherbasak: yes thats the command I was missing :)14:50
hehehehow to git clone a branch :)14:50
rbasakYou're welcome :)14:50
hehehewell at least last night I had time to read php intro since I was stuck on this front :)14:51
heheheJoules I think if we carefully look at all setup - there is a logical way to find mistake - its just I am new to linux but I can think logically sometimes :)14:52
heheherbasak: usually if make encounter any mistakes it will log then to syslog or not?15:03
heheheI wonder how people double check that make run correctly15:03
naccrbasak: i made the same importer change for your bugfix locally as soon as i woke up, will ack/merge it now15:07
rbasakhehehe: if it's done well, it should stop with an error if there's a problem.15:07
rbasaknacc: thanks!15:07
heheheis there a simple way to pull all logs (as per user choice) from a box to remote server, as per event (so simply adding new entries to a logs incrementally in real time)15:12
heheheor it will consume a lot of client server resources?15:12
naccrbasak: done (but you prob. got notified already)15:13
rbasakhehehe: A periodic rsync is probably the easiest trade-off close to that.15:13
rbasaknacc: thanks!15:13
gimmicit is unfortunate that MAAS is free, but Landscape is not15:19
dpb1gimmic: landscape is free for up to 10 physical hosts and 50 containers15:30
gimmicYeah.. Who wants to use an OS management platform for >10 systems?15:33
gimmic"This car functions, but only drives 10 mph, please pay if you want to go faster than 10 mph"15:34
gimmicthat's a trial.15:34
ogra_gimmic, well, something has to pay the salaries ;)15:36
ogra_gimmic, i bet a lot of people would take such a car if you get it for $0 at the vendor and only have to pay if you go above 10mph ;)15:38
gimmicseems antithetical to the open source community.15:38
naccopen source != free15:38
ogra_geez ...15:39
gimmicYou could make the same argument about any of the projects. MAAS could be licensed the same way15:39
naccgimmic: what argument?15:40
andolgimmic: If you don't like the way landscape is licenced and/or priced, then don't use it?15:40
naccgimmic: i think you are the only making a principled arguemnt here :)15:40
gimmic:) Just venting an opinion15:40
Ussatantiethical....seriousely ?15:41
gimmicnot antiethical.. antithetical.15:41
gimmicAlthough I guess it's really not any different than the rhel environment15:42
UssatI have no problem payinf for software that I use if it gets the job done15:42
naccgimmic: it's not different than anyone trying to make money, if you want to use *only* free software, that's a different discussion than relevant here15:43
gimmicOf course. All I said was that it was unfortunate15:43
UssatI dont see how it is unfortunate15:43
Ussatunless you mean its unfortunate you cant leech15:44
gimmicthat's a bit of a strawman, unless you consider anything you don't exchange money for is leeching15:44
gimmicback to the opensource ethos..15:44
Ussatopensource ethos......please15:45
UssatI use the best tool for the job. open/closed, it does not matter15:46
naccgimmic: again, you're conflating open and free15:46
naccgimmic: IMO15:46
naccrbasak: ahasenack: `git ubuntu lint --for-merge` of the samba merge (so far): http://paste.ubuntu.com/25082678/16:00
naccmessaging needs some massage16:00
aatishHi everyone. i want to install ubuntu server on a HP ProLiant ML10 Gen9. I really need the RAID functionality. I read on forums that i should set controller to AHCI. IS there a workaround? thank you16:03
Ussatuse ahci and Linux raid16:07
rbasaknacc: nice!16:08
aatishUssat, Is there a guide for mdadm?16:09
dpb1lots of them!16:10
dpb1the linux raid one is what I remember starting with.16:10
* dpb1 googles16:10
dpb1here: https://raid.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/RAID_setup16:12
aatishdpb1, got it. thank you. But now i got the error: variable 'prefix' isnt set :( when installing ubuntu from a usb16:14
naccrbasak: do we want emit 'pass' or something for checks that pass?16:25
dpb1aatish: would need more details.  I'm not familiar with that particular failure mode16:27
rbasaknacc: I feel that would be more noisy16:27
naccrbasak: ack, just checking :)16:27
rbasaknacc: except maybe with a -v or something?16:27
naccrbasak: we can leave it for not16:27
naccrbasak: about to add the versioning check16:28
naccrbasak: reading your code, what function should i call to check the version? i guess for a merge, i should pass the debian version?16:28
naccrbasak: next_development_version(debian_version) ?16:28
rbasakYes, I think so.16:29
naccrbasak: ack, doing it now16:29
[J]oules_created a new ubuntu 16.04 lts server. uncommented the 4 lines in rsyslog.conf, restarted rsyslog, phone IS logging to the new ubuntu server16:31
[J]oules_something on this ubuntu server is not working right and is blocking incoming syslog16:31
naccrbasak: did you ever figure out what you meant by unapproved in http://paste.ubuntu.com/25039931/ ?16:37
rbasaknacc: I think I must have meant the version in the unapproved queue, but then changed tack and now intend it to mean the version currently highest in the given series.16:41
rbasaknacc: maybe s/unapproved/current/ unless you can think of something better than "current"?16:41
naccrbasak: but w/in the context of the importer, that function can obtain the value of uannproved given a repository and a series name (aiui)?16:42
naccrbasak: or do you want to query lp for it?16:42
rbasakbefore = [max(series.pocket_versions) for before_series in serieses if before_series < series]16:42
naccrbasak: and/or what does after mean?16:42
rbasaksorry: before = [max(before_series.pocket_versions) for before_series in serieses if before_series < series]16:42
rbasaksorry: before = [max(after_series.pocket_versions) for after_series in serieses if after_series > series]16:43
rbasakTake 3:16:43
rbasakbefore = [max(before_series.pocket_versions) for before_series in serieses if before_series < series]16:43
rbasakafter = [max(after_series.pocket_versions) for after_series in serieses if after_series > series]16:43
naccso we're trying to use that to sandwich our versioning, in case the prior series has bumped, etc/16:44
rbasaknacc: does that make sense?16:44
nacce.g., to detect if we need to do 16.04.1 rather than .116:44
naccrbasak: ok, that makes sense16:44
rbasakAnd current (formerly unapproved) = max(series.pocket_versions)16:44
naccright, i guess in my mind, this (next_sru_version) is a lower level API and the actual api is (next_sru_version(series)()16:45
rbasakYes. That's reasonable.16:45
naccas the above values for a repo are all derivable given the series :)16:45
rbasakYour actual API would look up in Launchpad.16:45
rbasakAnd my lower level API is the pure testable version comparison bit.16:45
rbasaknacc: a reminder: I believe next_sru_version is incomplete. But we can use it and add test/fix when we hit those cases for now I guess.16:47
naccrbasak: ack16:47
rbasakYeah it doesn't actually examine before or after at all.16:47
naccright, but the spec means it can (and should eventually) :)(16:49
naccrbasak: fyi, i have a commit in this series which turns GitUbuntuRepository into a wrapper for pygit2.Repository. It's really handy (and let's us drop a bunch of accessor properties). But now if we need some pygit2.Repository function/attribute, it's just  there immediately16:50
rbasakI do think that the wrappers are not worth it any more.16:52
rbasakBut why not just expose the underlying pygit2.Repository object as a well known property to GitUbuntuRepository?16:52
naccrbasak: that's basically the same thing in this case16:53
rbasakSo just switch from _local_repo to raw_repo or something.16:53
naccrbasak: we do that already16:53
naccbut no caller actualy needs that object16:53
naccthey need some method or attr of that object16:53
rbasakYes but it's explicit then.16:53
rbasakA caller will do repo.raw_repo.foo()16:53
naccrbasak: tbh, i think what i have is a lot cleaner than expecting callers to know if something is a method of repo or of repo.raw_repo16:54
rbasakI'm not keen on inheritance or __getattr__ magic if that's the way you're thinking.16:54
naccrbasak: ok, is there a specific reason?16:54
rbasakI disagree. It means that someone less familiar with the code and APIs won't know where to look to find a particular implementation of something.16:54
rbasakThe name raw_repo could be better.16:55
rbasakAlso it means that if we need to change something, it's easier to find what callers are doing by just searching for raw_repo.16:55
nacci give you the latter point16:55
nacci suppose it's not a big deal either way -- i found the wrapper object pattern handy to not have to type so much and to not have to add any new methods. It's implicit, though, as you suggest, and I can make it explicit instead16:56
naccrbasak: i'll retool the change, thanks for the feedback16:58
dannfhey dpb1 - would you be able to seed numactl for the 16.04.3 server iso now that the MIR is approved?17:01
naccdannf: we discussed it this AM in our standup17:02
naccrbasak: --^17:02
naccdannf: would be good to subscribe the server team to that bug to get our attention17:02
dannfnacc: ok17:02
dpb1dannf: thsx17:03
rbasakdpb1: so the question for you here is: are you willing for your team to take on the maintenance for this?17:09
rbasak(from a general process perspective)17:10
naccand shouldn't that have been resolved in the MIR rather than in the seeding discussion?17:10
rbasakReally that should happen before the MIR approval...17:10
nacci guess the theory was src:numactl is main'd, so we are on the hook for it already17:10
naccbut i don't think server is subscribed to src:numactl17:10
naccnot sure if anyone is?17:10
rbasakIt missed it in this case because our process (the team bug subscription being the gate) doesn't account for binary only movements.17:10
naccoh we are, nm17:11
rbasakAnother example of this is php fpm, which has a bigger maintenance issue.17:11
rbasakPerhaps the MIR process should have a requirement for a documented team commitment in addition to the subscription.17:12
rbasakcyphermox: FYI ^17:15
cyphermoxwell, in a way we do, that's why I'm asking if you guys are aware of that request for numactl (which is already in main)17:19
cyphermoxnumactl was MIRed some time ago already, the other MIR was to make sure the binary numactl package was also promoted, and then seeding (which triggers me checking that it's really what you want)17:20
ahasenacknacc: ok for me to push the tags on that samba merge branch? Or should I leave it as is?17:21
naccahasenack: you can push it17:21
ahasenacknacc: old/debian new/debian old/ubuntu reconstruct/<ubuntu version> \17:22
ahasenackdeconstruct/<ubuntu version> logical/<ubuntu version> ?17:22
ahasenackthese, right?17:22
cyphermoxrbasak: in my view, MIR doesn't need to gate on something being seeded, as if it's not, things will just get migrated back to universe anyway next time someone goes to look at component-mismatches17:22
naccahasenack: yeah17:22
rbasakcyphermox: it's not gating on something being seeded I'm requesting. But I do think that MIRs should be gated on a team committing to support it.17:22
rbasakUsually the team subscription check suffices for that.17:23
rbasakBut not for a binary only movement, as in this case.17:23
cyphermoxrbasak: it is17:23
cyphermoxif you already subscribed to the source, why would you not maintain also one of the binaries that come from it?17:23
rbasakcyphermox: take php fpm as an example.17:23
cyphermoxyou'll need to look at the bugs anyway17:23
rbasakcyphermox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.0/+bug/126725517:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1267255 in php7.0 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] php7.0 (php7.0-fpm binary)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]17:23
rbasakcyphermox: in that case, we're not prepared to have a mess dropped on us.17:24
ahasenacknacc: pushed17:24
rbasakOnce the issues are fixed (by us or others), then we can consider what burden ongoing maintenance of that binary might have on our team.17:25
cyphermoxrbasak: we review the things every time there is a MIR anyway17:25
cyphermoxso if it looks like a mess, it seems rather obvious that one should double-check17:25
rbasakcyphermox: sure. What I'm asking is an explicit gate on the team who is being given the work.17:25
cyphermoxI mean, I don't disagree that I would check with you guys again if some random person asks for a new binary in a huge package that looks like a mess17:25
cyphermoxin the case of numactl however, it's a tiny thing17:26
rbasakI agree it probably doesn't matter for numactl.17:26
cyphermox(in the grand scheme of already maintaining libnuma, which is where the magic really happens)17:26
rbasakBut from a process perspective, I'm pretty sure that's a hole.17:26
cyphermoxwhat do you mean?17:26
rbasakThrough which something big will slip sooner or later, as it's not a documented part of any process.17:26
cyphermoxanything that looks messy in a package in a big red flag anytime you review a MIR17:27
rbasakThat decision should be down to the team being landed the work, not the MIR team.17:27
cyphermoxif the team isn't asking for the MIR themselves, we check17:28
rbasakIt shouldn't rely on the MIR team deciding if something has a red flag or not.17:28
rbasakThe decision should go to the subscribing team in all cases.17:28
cyphermoxin all cases, the MIR team is supposed to do a check that something is generally maintainable without too much pain17:28
rbasakThat's not what I'm asking for.17:29
rbasakIn all cases, I'd like the MIR team to check that the subscribing team is OK with the MIR.17:29
cyphermoxpresumably, if you're writing the MIR for your team, you're already OK with it?17:29
rbasakIn this case, the MIR wasn't written by us.17:29
nacccyphermox: in this case, we didn't write the MIRs17:29
naccin either of these two cases, actually17:29
cyphermoxwhich one are we looking at?17:30
rbasakBoth numactl and fpm.17:30
cyphermoxI'd rather we deal with numactl as a different case, since src:numactl was already reviewed before17:30
rbasakI disagree.17:30
cyphermoxagain, this one is a tiny binary, and the real magic happens in the lib17:30
rbasaknumactl is an example of exactly the case where the hole in the process is present.17:30
cyphermoxand fpm is not?17:31
rbasakIt's also present for fpm.17:31
rbasakThe two examples are in the same category: binary only movement.17:31
rbasakIn all cases, I'd like the MIR team to check that the subscribing team is OK with the MIR.17:31
cyphermoxI don't think you're looking at things the right way17:31
cyphermoxI don't care if it's binary only or what, a MIR request is a MIR request, the package should be reviewed17:31
rbasakDo you disagree with this statement?17:31
rbasakSure, by all means, review it.17:32
cyphermoxI don't17:32
rbasakI'm not saying that you shouldn't review it.17:32
cyphermoxI agree, the subscribing team should be OK with the MIR17:32
rbasakI'm saying that as part of the review I'd like the MIR team to check that the subscribing team is OK with the MIR before approving it.17:32
cyphermoxheh, fine17:32
cyphermoxmy point in numactl is so tiny it's ridiculous to do back-and-forth about it aside from whether you really want it to be seeded, as the seeding or depends is what will really make it stay in main17:33
cyphermoxthat definitely doesn't apply to anything with php in the name17:33
dpb1right, that was my understanding17:33
dpb1almost a no brainer17:33
rbasakI accept that it seems ridiculous for numactl if you consider that case on its own.17:33
rbasakMy point is that we should agree the general case while we're here.17:33
dpb1I thought it was the general case, actually, this is the first one I have seen17:34
cyphermoxrbasak: I'm not, I'm talking generally, tiny things that seem obvious are obvious. Things that require a bit more thought, you ask the team responsible, especially if the team didn't create the MIR themselves.17:34
rbasakThe fpm example is one I happened to spot during triaging. I suspect it'd have gotten approved without consultation with the server team had I not noticed.17:35
cyphermoxie. if you file a MIR for something php and the team is subscribed already, I will review and expect that you didn't file the MIR for kicks17:35
cyphermoxrbasak: I strongly disagree17:35
rbasakSure. If you see that comments are made by active/responsible members of ~ubuntu-server, you can take that to mean that we're OK with it.17:35
cyphermoxanything php is a huge ugly in my mind17:35
cyphermoxso we agree17:36
rbasakcyphermox: it may be for you, but others have different thinking processes.17:36
rbasakThat's why we have a written list of requirements - so that your predecessors, you, and your successors will all be able to be consistent.17:36
rbasak*You* may not have approved it, but someone else might have.17:36
cyphermoxrbasak: I think doko works the same way, though I haven't seen his MIR reviews recently17:36
sarnoldbtw what's the sticking point with fpm? it feels better to me than executing php directly in e.g. apache's address space17:36
rbasakThat's why I'd like this check to be explicit in the process.17:36
rbasaksarnold: just a pile of bugs that I'd like to see fixed.17:36
cyphermoxrbasak: that is the extent of the MIR team, if we don't count nacc who we've been trying to onboard17:36
sarnoldrbasak: aha :)17:37
rbasaksarnold: so we might well end up doing it, it's just another thing on the backlog.17:37
cyphermoxnacc: speaking of that, sorry, I kind of just pushed some wiki pages to you and didn't get back on that17:37
nacccyphermox: it's ok, we've all ben busy :)17:37
rbasakcyphermox: like I say: it's not just who's on the MIR team today. It's about who will be on it in five years' time.17:37
cyphermoxrbasak: if you think it's insufficiently obvious, you can add it to the wiki17:38
cyphermoxor better, nacc can write it in the perspective of someone very new to the MIR team17:38
rbasakcyphermox, nacc: please :)17:38
cyphermoxrbasak: I rather rely on the good sense of people on the team, given that they are appointed specifically for their good sense17:39
cyphermoxor, "rely" is perhaps not the right word17:39
cyphermoxbut I trust others on the team to be able to use their own judgement when reviewing MIRs17:40
rbasakcyphermox: sure, though there's also a written checklist of things to verify. Someone with good sense might assume that the process is designed to catch mundane errors, and so not think too hard about this kind of edge case.17:40
cyphermoxrbasak: well, the MIR team's mandate is not to catch mundane errors really17:40
rbasakWe have a checklist; this is missing from the checklist; therefore we should add it to the checklist.17:40
rbasakcyphermox: I'm defining missing checking to see if the team has committed as a mundane error.17:41
cyphermoxit's to make sure that things that make it to main are maintainable in main, and won't cause us pain in the long run. I think that goes with making sure those who are signed up to maintain a package know that they are signed up for it and agree to it17:41
rbasakRight, and therefore it should be in the checklist.17:41
rbasakRight now, it's not.17:41
naccrbasak: for next_sru_version, is it sufficient to check active series only? or do we need to check any published series?17:42
cyphermoxrbasak: the MIRTeam wiki page is not a checklist.17:42
cyphermoxrbasak: more like guidelines of known issues. It could never contain all things to check and be relied on to catch all issues17:42
cyphermoxso like I said, if you think it needs to be added, fine, I'll never be against that17:42
cyphermoxbut in some cases it's important to be flexible too, and things in that list of red flags may be acceptable given some packages and horribly bad given others17:43
cyphermoxrbasak: similarly, as an archive admin if you catch something reviewing a MIR to do the promotion dance that was missed and isn't on the wiki page, by all means you should add it17:44
naccahasenack: do you have a pending MP that fixes a bug i can lint?18:08
ahasenacknacc: does it have to be a debian merge?18:09
naccahasenack: no, specifically not a merge, if possible18:09
naccahasenack: as in, a bugfix MP18:09
ahasenacknacc: https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/samba/+git/samba/+merge/32607318:09
ahasenacknacc: another one: https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/squid3/+git/squid3/+merge/32686018:10
naccahasenack: thanks18:11
naccahasenack: hrm, your new/debian is still pointing to the wrong point18:21
ahasenackin samba?18:21
naccit's at -2 and -3 is in debian :)18:21
naccahasenack: yeah18:21
ahasenackI have a bunch of samba branches, I just updated the merge one I think18:22
ahasenackbut wait, this is only about the merge branch, right?18:22
naccahasenack: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25083516/18:22
naccahasenack: yeah18:22
ahasenacklocally I have:18:22
ahasenackf717b66 (tag: pkg/import/2%4.6.5+dfsg-2, tag: new/debian, tag: ahasenack/new/debian) Import patches-unapplied version 2:4.6.5+dfsg-2 to debian/sid18:22
ahasenacklet's see18:23
ahasenackf8ed728 (tag: pkg/import/2%4.6.5+dfsg-3, pkg/debian/sid, debian/sid) Import patches-unapplied version 2:4.6.5+dfsg-3 to debian/sid18:23
ahasenackok, I rebased that one on debian/sid18:24
ahasenackshould I just run that git ubuntu merge command with the tags-only parameter?18:24
naccahasenack: it's ok for now18:25
naccahasenack: i mean, the linter is rightfully complaining :)18:25
naccahasenack: let's leave it for a bit18:25
ahasenackgood :)18:25
ahasenackhey, every linter needs a failing test case :)18:25
rbasaknacc: sorry, connection flapping18:28
rbasak18:43 <rbasak> Good question18:28
rbasak18:43 <rbasak> I think we need to go backwards until we see a version that is lower than the current version (in the proposed series).18:28
naccahasenack: :) ... and line 3 was a bug in my code18:28
rbasak18:44 <rbasak> It might be easier to just do all series.18:29
rbasak18:44 <rbasak> Though that is a little unbounded, so I don't like it.18:29
naccrbasak: in order to support eol folks dtrt?18:29
naccrbasak: also, in http://paste.ubuntu.com/25083516/, should we allow for an empty newline in a second hunk relative to merge-changelogs?18:30
naccoh it's a bug in git ubuntu merge :/18:32
heheherbasak if I get make error make: *** No rule to make target '3317'.  Stop. - any idea how to debug it? I am following same tutorial, configured nginx with modsecurity nginx module and not run make18:48
hehehe*and now18:48
hehehesorry https://help.dreamhost.com/hc/en-us/articles/223608748-How-to-Install-libmodsecurity-Nginx-on-Ubuntu-14-04 :)18:48
nacchehehe: you should ask the owner of the software you are trying to build how to build it18:50
heheheyes I did try to ask in #nginx its difficult to get reply :)18:50
heheheI was thinking maybe i can debug myself18:51
sarnoldI bet they respond better to pastebins that show commands and error output18:51
heheheI take you bet :)18:51
hehehehow much you bet :D18:51
heheheI bet 1 kg of banana18:51
sarnoldI hate bananans no thanks that's not a bet I want to win18:51
hehehelol really?18:52
hehehewhats your fav fruit then?  and dont say its stake :)18:52
sarnoldmmm steak18:52
nacchehehe: debugging a build error requires understanding what make was trying to run and why18:53
nacchehehe: your oneline of output is completely insufficient for that18:53
hehehesarnold: lol when i was like 10 I loved steaks18:53
heheheanyways I managed to make it18:54
hehehe@ nginx etc18:54
hehehewho here uses grantite to monitor ubuntu server?18:54
hehehemainly to see bottlenecks18:55
heheheno one? :P19:17
heheheo wel19:17
naccahasenack: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25083923/19:29
naccdpb1: --^ lint running against andreas' branch19:29
ahasenacknacc: is there a --verbose to see what checks it did?19:34
ahasenacklooks nice!19:34
naccahasenack: not yet :)19:37
naccahasenack: i think i will add that as it's confusing for now to not see what passes :)19:37
DammitJimhow do I know if the samba I installed was compiled using embedded heimdal kerberos?20:03
DammitJimapparently there is a new security update from samba for those versions20:03
ahasenackI'm not sure20:07
ahasenackI think that samba AD DC will use that heimdal20:08
ahasenacksamba's ./configure doesn't mention this explicitly, there is only an option to build *without* samba ad dc20:08
ahasenackfound this:20:09
ahasenack"we support building against a Heimdal or system MIT20:09
ahasenackKerberos library, provided the version is recent enough (otherwise we20:09
ahasenackwill use our internal version of Heimdal)"20:09
DammitJimahasenack, you are right20:09
DammitJimI just found info on that and I'm using samba with kerberos for work with AD20:09
ahasenackand that samba ad dc funcionality requires heimdal (doesn't work with mit)20:09
DammitJimwhere can I see when Ubuntu releases a patch?20:09
ahasenackwork *with* AD is different20:10
ahasenackeven samba3 had that as a client/member20:10
DammitJimthen how can I verify I"m using that flavor of samba?20:10
ahasenackit's CVE-2017-11103 right?20:10
DammitJimI think Debian doesn't even have that patched20:11
ahasenackbetter ask in #ubuntu-hardened, that's the secteam channel20:11
DammitJimthanks ahasenack20:11
ahasenackI'm not yet fully versed on samba acting as an AD DC20:13
ahasenackand it's not clear to me if that vuln affects the client or the server. I think it's client20:14
ahasenack"Use of the unencrypted version provides an opportunity for successful server impersonation and other attacks"20:14
DammitJimI'm pretty sure we are using that20:16
DammitJimbut samba is not exposed to the outside world20:16
DammitJimyeah, this is kinda confusing because I don't know that we do DRS replication service for replication of passwords20:18
ahasenackDammitJim: what ubuntu release are you on?20:19
DammitJimLST 14 and 1620:19
ahasenacktrusty and xenial you mean?20:19
ahasenackDammitJim: you use winbind then?20:22
ahasenacksamba does ship what looks like its own kerberos libraries20:25
ahasenack /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba/libcom_err-samba4.so.020:25
ahasenack /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba/libkrb5-samba4.so.2620:25
ahasenackand others20:25
ahasenackand winbind and other tools are linked to that20:26
DammitJimyes, it's actually a lot that one configures to use AD authentication20:26
ahasenackso I'd say it's affected yes20:26
DammitJimI think I'm going to have to schedule patching since I'm not 100% sure20:26
ahasenackubuntu also has the heimdal code as separate packages, I just wasn't sure which one samba was using20:27
ahasenacki.e., if updating just the system heimdal would suffice to close the bug for samba20:27
ahasenack*looks* like no, but I will defer to the security team's evaluation20:27
DammitJimyeah, I asked them and they said it's in progress20:27
ahasenackDammitJim: found this: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2017/CVE-2017-11103.html20:29
DammitJimso, needs triage means it needs to be worked still20:30
ahasenackI think so20:31
ahasenackyou can check the status there20:31
DammitJimwhat is DNE?20:31
ahasenackI'm guessing "does not exist", but better ask20:31
DammitJimis there a reason why I would want to use ubuntu-server vs ubuntu-desktop for a database server?20:49
heheheless libraries20:50
heheheso less potential holes20:51
DammitJimany other?20:52
heheheit will be a bit faster20:54
heheheeat less ram :D20:54
heheheand sarnold try to ask for any advice in nginx channel and see :)20:57
heheheits veryyy slow20:57
DammitJimsarnold, patch nginx on your ubuntu server, dude ;)20:59
sarnoldDammitJim: eh?21:05
Epx998more driver woes :D21:31
ZSplatI need some help.  I have a 16.04 server that has ceased to allow write access, even with sudo and multiple reboots.  Two 3TB drives are LVM'd  together, smartctl from recovery says both drives pass.21:32
Epx998Nothing in dmesg after boot?21:32
ZSplatEpx998 http://sprunge.us/ZAQb21:33
sarnolddefinitely check dmesg21:33
ZSplatI didn't see anything21:33
ZSplatBut I'm not amazing21:33
sarnold[    9.347176] EXT4-fs (dm-0): Couldn't remount RDWR because of unprocessed orphan inode list.  Please umount/remount instead21:33
Epx998what does sudo mount -o remount,rw / do?21:33
Epx998aha logs ftw21:33
sarnoldEpx998: uncanny -o remount,rw advice :)21:34
ZSplatDoing it, just a sec21:35
ZSplat"mount: / not mounted or bad option"21:36
Epx998toshiba drive, udma133 wowza21:37
sarnoldI think I'd boot into a USB stick, fsck the thing21:37
ZSplatIs that a bad kind of drive to have?21:38
ZSplatIt's a remote server, but I can boot into a recovery21:38
Epx998im not a fan of toshiba, we do a lot of new hardware POC here and tosh's always give me headaches21:38
Epx998im sure its a good drive :D21:38
sarnoldaside frmo the deathstars I think I always had good luck with toshibas21:39
ZSplatbtw, here's dmesg | tail -50 from that http://sprunge.us/iCRO21:39
sarnoldvery confusing21:40
Epx998sarnold: you'll like this driver issue, im testing out un-released HP hardware on UB12 :D21:40
ZSplatSo that unprocessed orphan inode list thing is the likely culprit?21:40
sarnoldEpx998: sheeeesh21:40
sarnoldZSplat: yes21:40
ZSplatthanks, I'll do some digging21:40
Epx998ZSplat: did you hard power off before or something?21:42
ZSplatEpx998 , I don't have physical access to it, it's in a data center.  But not that I am aware of.21:42
Epx998hope you have idrac or ilo access :D21:42
ZSplatEpx998 , I can boot to a rescue OS.  Doing that now21:44
ZSplatEpx998 https://puu.sh/wIRCL/de084ec098.png21:45
sarnoldthat's beautiful21:45
Epx998our guys in austin still use flash drives to deploy *nix servers .....21:46
sarnoldEpx998: they may like to skim the maas docs while waiting for slow-ass usb read speeds one of these days :)21:47
ZSplatok, here's my lsblk: http://sprunge.us/TCQDso am I just going to '#fsck21:49
ZSplatAm I just going to '#fsck /dev/sda1' then '# fsck /dev/sdb1'?21:50
ZSplatThis is what I get in either instance: https://puu.sh/wIRU8/4e6ca21817.png21:50
Epx998i honestly dont use fdisk often21:51
ZSplatnor do I, lol21:51
Epx998what does fdisk /dev/sda do?21:51
ZSplate2fsck: Cannot continue, aborting.21:51
ZSplat\/dev/sda is in use21:52
ZSplatThat makes no sense because "umount: /dev/sda: not mounted"21:52
sarnoldZSplat: the errors came from vg something or other right?21:53
sarnoldZSplat: or md?21:54
sarnoldsigh stupid memory21:54
sarnoldanyway, the errors were on some raidy-thing, not directly from the block devices21:54
ZSplatIt's an LVM of two drives21:54
ZSplatOk, so I need to fsck the LV?21:54
ZSplatheh, ok21:55
ZSplatLooks like we might be in business - https://puu.sh/wISgC/7283b24303.png21:58
Epx998whats the server do?22:01
Epx998im just being nosey btw22:01
ZSplatEpx998 Plex, rtorrent, sickrage, couchpotato, ZNC, and a few other things22:02
ZSplatI used to piece it all together myself, this time I just used the quickbox script - quickbox.io22:03
Epx998ZSplat: woot thats the best kind of result22:07
ZipSplatEpx998, and now I'm back through ZNC22:07
Epx998now make this 408i controller work for me22:08
sarnoldZipSplat: sweet :)22:11
sarnoldZipSplat: Ican't recall if fsck makes it explicit if it re-parents objects to lost+found or not -- go looking through the lost+fond directories and make sure nothing shows up22:12
ZipSplatsarnold, if lost+found is empty then... am I good?22:15
sarnoldwell, the fsck shows things -were- wrong, you might ye find files shorter than you expect, or wrong data, or whatever, but there's not much you can do about that except compare against backups22:16
Epx998Getting a weird message, "Volume group name already in use" on a new deploy - should be no VG's on these disks22:53
Epx998VG is specified in my preseed, but if kicks me out, wht wouldnt i be able to set a different name manually22:54
Epx998wonder if the clear isnt working correctly22:55
tomreynEpx998: is the vg name something generic? something which might already be present in /dev ?23:20
tomreyne.g. 'null' or 'sda'23:20
naccrbasak: did you want to do a sync real quick? I'm about to EOD23:52

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