
=== BinLi_afk is now known as BinLi
coresi can't seem to switch to virtual consoles. i'm in an X session now and when i hit alt-Fx nothing changes except i can't do anything in X until i switch back to whatever X uses for console, something like alt-F1 or alt-F721:17
coreshave these been taken out of the default distro conf or is something not working right on this particular laptop?21:17
jbichacores: that's a bug, I've seen that sometimes21:35
coresjbicha: are there any fixes to try?22:13
coresi see that my kernel command line has "vt.handoff=7"22:17
jbichaI guess you could start by filing the bug :)22:20
coresand i meant ctrl-alt-Fx, not just alt-Fx, just in case22:24

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