
oerheks_grinn, Ben64, comfy desktop on the server00:35
Ben64can't help people who don't want it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯00:36
oerheks_.. or better, run a steam game over x2go/vnc over ssh00:36
Ben64he doesn't even want to run games, just game servers00:36
oerheks_ah right, a gamebot00:37
* oerheks_ drops it like it is hot00:37
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lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:18
lotuspsychjeedited bug #170440906:33
ubot5bug 1704409 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Flickering screen on ubuntu 16.04.2 Lenovo B70" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170440906:33
lotuspsychjeand solved06:33
ducassemorning all07:19
lordievaderGood morning07:51
lordievaderHey oerheks_, how are you doing?07:53
oerheks_done shopping for food, i am alright now07:55
BluesKajHowdy all08:46
oerheks_heya BluesKaj08:47
ducasse\o BluesKaj - all well?08:48
BluesKajHi oerheks_, ducasse , some insomnia, but I'll have a nap later, and you ducasse?08:49
BluesKajand you oerheks_,?08:50
ducasseall quiet, getting ready to make some lunch soon08:50
* BluesKaj goes for another coffee08:51
immugood afternoon gentlemen08:55
immugentlemens :)08:55
BluesKajHi immu you were right the first time08:59
oerheks_insomnia, yeah, lately09:00
ducassesame here, all the light i guess09:01
immumeaning BluesKaj :) i added a S09:01
BluesKajmen is already plural . man is singular09:01
BluesKajunless of course it was a joke or some such09:03
immukind offf09:03
BluesKajpk, my mistake ;-)09:03
oerheks_... girls09:04
BluesKajkinda grumpy here, not enough sleep09:04
oerheks_behave, mark might be reading here too09:04
BluesKajbluetooth speakers are battery kijjers ...a pita09:09
BluesKajkillers even09:10
BluesKajI guess they'll last if they're not played too loud09:11
immuif you got bluetooth speakers its nice to see the Os switch to it automatically, you use it or don't its upto you09:21
BluesKajmy friend's JBL BT speaker sounded great, but he compained about the battery needing recharging quite often09:24
immualways buy with DC power. if you don't want stuff dying on you09:27
ducassethe whole point with bt is no wires, if you need dc power just buy wired stuff09:28
BluesKajthe bass response was quite amazing from such a small enclosure. We were away from any power source so it needed the battery..lithium ion I think09:29
immumine idea is a bluetooth speaker powered by DC , at some corner in the room and you can njoy the music, video or any audio while working at your desk :)09:31
BluesKajI'm an old audio guy so my pc is connected to a fairly large audio system and TV. I've had a simiiar audio setup since the early 70's09:37
BluesKajno computer of course, but TV audio thru a hifi audio system was very new then and required a simple line level connection from the audio preamp ion the TV to a hifi amplifier09:39
BluesKajmono sound , but it was FM quality09:40
immudope tech for newer stuff and dopest might be for older stuff09:55
ducassethen what am i? he sounds like a kid to me.09:56
oerheks_4 weeks to go to see abraham09:57
immuwho? BluesKaj09:57
BluesKajnevermind immu, i don't know what dopest means09:59
ducassei just thought it sounded silly :)09:59
BluesKajI suppose it might if I knew what it meant10:01
immuhttp://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Dopest BluesKaj :)10:12
BluesKajthat word isn't found in my dictionary :-)10:16
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andy19888hello / Hallo12:49
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immuhi BluesKaj ducasse lordievader ???? hi14:24
ducassegreetings and salutations, EriC^^ - enjoying summer?14:58
EriC^^ducasse: greetings, yup it's pretty hot though, how about you?14:59
ducasseabout 25°C here, i think? dunno, but it's not unpleasant yet :)15:00
EriC^^nice 25'c is perfect15:00
EriC^^which country are you from again?15:01
ducassenorway, so 25c is pretty hot for here15:01
immu25 should be best temp for s*x15:06
immuducasse, temp in AE are hovering at around 43 degree C15:06
immuany comments? ducasse EriC^^ ?15:14
ducassegood thing they have a ski slope, then. /s15:14
immuEriC^^, where are you from?15:14
immuare you lebnany?15:16
immui am from UAE/AE, currently resident15:16
EriC^^which country?15:16
EriC^^you mean you're from india originally, residingin the uae now?15:17
EriC^^or the opposite?15:17
immufrom India residing in UAE15:18
EriC^^which country in the uae?15:18
EriC^^ah nice15:20
immuwhats your realname EriC^^ you can PM me :)15:24
EriC^^i was born in the us15:25
EriC^^my parents are lebanese though15:25
EriC^^raised here since i was 5-6years old15:25
EriC^^there are 400+ users in #ubuntu-unregged15:45
EriC^^i guess those are people who have their irc clients like irc cloud and such autojoin15:46
EriC^^and they're not on their accounts right now15:46
ducassethere's always a *ton* of people in #ubuntu who never seem to follow the channel anyway15:51
EriC^^we used to joke that most of the users are bots15:51
EriC^^1/3 are confirmed, i guess the rest in the channel 1/2 aren't on the pc but the irc client is properly configured15:52
BluesKajheh, autojoin is still enabled, but the users don't realize it15:56
BluesKajruns in the taskbar on windows so they don't notice15:57
BluesKajlike skype15:57
ducassein general, users aren't well-known for their technical insight ;)15:57
BluesKajI had to use a hack to get rid of unwanted skype on wife's pc since it's enabled by default at boot and was clearly using needed resources.16:00
BluesKajwifes pc has W716:01
ducasseseems obvious to me that things like skype should definitely not be running unless you tell it to, and disabling should be doable with a single click16:05
BluesKajducasse, skype in now a default enabled app on windows, which runs ready to be launched but using resources for no reason16:24
BluesKajanyway we defeated it by removing it from windows update then uninbstalling from add removr programs16:27
BluesKajwe use the update the hosts file method and so far it's working, if anyone is interested, https://superuser.com/questions/730791/prevent-a-windows-update-from-ever-installing16:33
BluesKajalso it was preventing wife's pc from shutting down, some kind of bug16:35
immuUpdates from Windows should not be blocked16:37
BluesKajit only blocks skype from being reinstalled, she had a windows update yesterday, and she's been skype free for over a week'16:39
immuwhy block skype?16:40
BluesKajwe don't use it16:40
BluesKajand it's buggy16:41
immuno its not, i use it. on Windows, iphone, android.16:42
BluesKajwell it is here16:42
immuwhats the issue?16:42
immui am using it on Windows10 but i don't like the newer version, i like the classic one .16:43
BluesKajI'm not advising you to remove it, I'm merely relating our experience with it16:43
immubut yes the new update on mobile platform is confusing , they should have kept it simple but they are trying to imitate snapchat and instagram all in one16:43
immui am also relating my experience :) isn't it.16:44
BluesKajducasse, skype in now a default enabled app on windows, which runs ready to be launched but using resources for no reason, and preventing wife's pc from shutting down16:45
BluesKajoops immu^16:45
BluesKajI posted that earleir16:45
immuits ok16:47
immui am not so of a stiff person16:47
BluesKaji didn't mean to highlight du-casse nick tho16:49
immubut you can always keep apps from auto starting at boot time16:51
immuits your PC afterall16:52
BluesKajit's done , not worried about it anymore16:53
immudon't you use skype to keep in touch with your family?16:53
BluesKajshe didn't want it on her pc, she asked me to get rid of it so I did16:54
immui rest my case then :)16:56
BluesKajmy family doesn't use skype, we use google talk if needed but we mostly use the phone16:56
BluesKajwe all use voip phones , so there are no worries about long distance charges16:58
immubrb rebooting into windows to perform maintenance and updates17:02
immui am back on Windows, did i commit blasphemy here ? :)17:13
immuhey BluesKaj ducasse hi :)17:16

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