
nilujeblackboxsw: smoser: I just pushed the split of unittests10:22
nilujeI hope this is okay10:23
smoserniluje, yeah. great.12:43
smoserin a MP its ok to add commits or to push --overwrite12:43
smoseradding commits is actually easier for the reviewer, and you can comment 'addressing review feedback' or something.12:44
nilujesmoser: MP?12:48
nilujemerge proposal?12:48
smosermp, pr, mr, pm12:50
nilujedo you want me to merge the commits into one then?12:50
smoserall but the last oen make some sense :)12:50
smoseri'll squash it when i pull12:50
nilujeif you have anything you want me to change, feel free to ask :)12:53
smoserpowersj, blackboxsw rharper comments on13:55
smoser https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/qxREmZaciZ13:55
smoserare welcomed.13:56
powersjsmoser: made one word change, otherwise looks good14:34
smoserwhat did you change? i only see my color14:35
smoserblackboxsw, ^ i think you were working on a way to check that group... that we could use in c-i to inform people.14:37
smoserpowersj, ^14:37
powersjsmoser: "If you have already signed the contributor agreement, please14:37
powersjsimply say so here." removed the s on contributor14:37
smoserblackboxsw, or rharper https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/327525 . review appreciated.14:38
blackboxswwill check it out15:01
powersjsmoser: ho15:01
rharpersmoser: stand up!15:04
smoserrharper, blackboxsw https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/32753217:35
smoserblackboxsw, ....17:42
smoserwonder if it'd be helpful for your ipv6 stuff17:42
smoserif you grabbed the unit tests from https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/32427417:42
smoseri was going to grab those into a separate merge propsoal, but realized it might make your life more difficult as you might make those tests fail17:43
smoserblackboxsw, well... i went ahead and grabbed.17:52
blackboxswsmoser: I think this ipv6 branch is going to be rather large as is. If you wanted to land that as a separate merge proposal I can just rebase against  master to get the updates and fix the unit tests. I agree, this change will break those tests.17:53
blackboxswyeah I'll review that. it's big enough as is.17:53
smoserblackboxsw, since i've got you..17:54
smoseryou asked for split up tests (or i asked you to ask for that) :)17:54
smoseri'm good with it as it is, but i'll add some comments on the privilged source port stuff.17:54
smoseri'm still kind of weary of17:54
smoser +from requests.packages.urllib3.connection import HTTPConnection17:54
smoser+from requests.packages.urllib3.poolmanager import PoolManager17:54
blackboxswyou think that needs to be from urllib3.poolmanager import PoolManager instead?18:01
blackboxswor just don't like using PoolManager/HTTPConnection in general18:01
smoserblackboxsw, it seems that we're using an internal bit of requests18:28
smoserno ?18:28
blackboxswsmoser: I hadn't used requests yet in any projects I've touched. Yes, it feels a bit like that use here is diving into the repackaging of urllib3 within requests, which makes we wonder why not just use urllib3 directly in this case. The intent of the requests package seems was to make simple gets and posts or URIs a bit easier, but this invocation is diving into a more complex example which might be better18:33
blackboxswpulled using urllib directly.18:33
blackboxswor some other package18:34
blackboxswor a higher level api within requests18:35
* blackboxsw is reading up on the requests package18:35
smoserblackboxsw, i dont have a good other solutionm, and it appears that this does work.18:38
smosereven on ubuntu, which does not have the 'vendorized' urllib318:38
smoserand blackboxsw look at /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/requests/packages/__init__.py on your system.18:40
smoserpints at https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/pull/237518:40
blackboxswnow that is interesting issue.  with the imports. Ok, so this looks like a known problem and different vendors handle things differently. So this might hit us with other non-ubuntu distros.19:05
smoserblackboxsw, tests/unittests/test_runs/test_simple_run.py19:59
blackboxswtox -e20:04
smoserbah. no harlowja20:08
smoserhe'd have an idea20:08
smoserblackboxsw, https://code.launchpad.net/~jcastets/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/32574020:18
smoserblackboxsw, so i figured it out... the source fo the 'lost mock'20:53
smosersets a global PROC_CMDLINE based on the result, and once its called, it is then set forever.20:53
smosernot sure what the right thing to do here is20:54
smoseri guess really we should just need to mock that methods use20:55
smoserbut *always* mock it20:55
rharpersmoser: nice find21:02
blackboxswthx smoser done testing https://code.launchpad.net/~jcastets/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/325740. minor typo tweak on your comments21:02
smoserblackboxsw, thanks.21:04
smoseri'll pull21:04
smoserplease think about that PROC_CMDLINE21:04
blackboxswhrm, within unit tests couldn't we set DEBUG_PROC_CMDLINE then we'd never have the side-effect21:07
blackboxswright smoser ?21:07
blackboxswdef get_cmdline():21:07
blackboxsw    if 'DEBUG_PROC_CMDLINE' in os.environ:21:07
blackboxsw        return os.environ["DEBUG_PROC_CMDLINE"]21:07
smoseryeah... but how even to do that always ?21:08
* blackboxsw was thinking about python-fixtures and the EnvironmentVariableFixture specifically in our unit test __init__21:12
smoserblackboxsw, i'm gonna kill you8r sscaleway21:15
blackboxswsmoser: thank you21:15
smoserblackboxsw, https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/327344 is ready i think now. i'd appreciate a review21:33
smoserand /me goes away21:34
blackboxswI need to head to the DMV to renew registration. relocating to wait in a line21:44

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