
brouschSo spacemonkey is just like the new company on Silicon Valley?14:16
jrwreni guess.14:21
jrwrenbut its been around for longer than the show.14:21
Scary_GuyI have no clue what you're talking about but I hope it's a Fight Club reference somehow14:54
Scary_GuyI really need to catch up on episodes, that show is awesome14:55
cmaloneyGood morning16:14
cmaloneyrick_h: How is the leg?16:52
rick_hcmaloney: MRI tomorrow morning. Doc left fingerprints in leg checking it this morning.16:53
cmaloneyrick_h: Did he at least kiss?16:53
cmaloneyor pick up the tab? :)16:54
cmaloneyUgh re: MRI tomorrow. Playing the waiting game is never fun16:54
cmaloneyHoping for the best for you16:54
cmaloneyAlso: yay on being full-dad. :)16:55
rick_hYea same here. Told the doc need to get back on the bike asap. Hopefully will see how it goes.16:55
rick_hHopefully MRI and I can talk about results quickly16:55
cmaloneyYeah, no joke16:57

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