
LangleyHelp, I'm trying to network share a folder, but when trying to access it from my other machine (Linux Mint) it just gets a "Permission denied"00:28
=== Foxhoundz is now known as BenderRodriguez
saryLangley: what are the permissions for your home directory , and when you right-click on the folder what options you set there!00:50
EleanorEllishttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto instructs how to verify the Ubuntu ISO with sha256sum but then instructs to verify the burnt disk with md5sum. Why is md5sum used for the DVD?00:53
EleanorEllisI mean instead of sha256sum00:54
Langleysary, I fixed it by adding "force user = langley" to my smb.conf00:56
saryLangley: Ok.00:59
saryEleanorEllis: you have the option to sha256sum the iso , so what's the problem!01:00
EleanorEllissary: So why not sha256sum the DVD as well. Just trying to understand.01:01
theablestmanhello how do i install steam on 14.04lts again01:02
histo!info steam | theablestman01:02
ubottutheablestman: steam (source: steam): Valve's Steam digital software delivery system. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1: (zesty), package size 1280 kB, installed size 4010 kB01:02
PipeItToDevNullapt install steam01:02
theablestmanapt-get hehe01:03
histo!info steam tahr01:03
ubottu'tahr' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, yakket01:03
PipeItToDevNullapt is pretier01:03
histo!info steam trusty01:03
ubottusteam (source: steam): Valve's Steam digital software delivery system. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1: (trusty), package size 818 kB, installed size 2746 kB (Only available for i386)01:03
PipeItToDevNullOffer a command, or just spam the channel, both work01:03
theablestmansudo apt-get install steam01:03
theablestmanits installing ty01:04
saryEleanorEllis: Ubuntu distributes the SHA-256 checksum hashes in a file called SHA256SUMS in the same directory listing as the download page for your release http://releases.ubuntu.com # cd download_directory , sha256sum ubunt-17.10-dvd-i386.iso01:04
histoPipeItToDevNull: Sorry wasn't trying to spam, my client is all jacked up right now. Was trying to redirect to hi.01:04
EleanorEllisAnyway, the procedure to check the DVD detailed in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto doesn't work for me. What I did is here: https://pastebin.com/fkfMmfh901:06
LangleyIs there any way to see if my wireless card (using as a hotspot) is running in 802.11n mode?01:07
[n0mad]EleanorEllis: did you burn the iso to dvd?01:07
titaniumafter adding a rule to iptables, is there anything you have to do to have it take effect? I have some rules that work, and then added more and the new ones do not do anything.01:08
[n0mad]unless you are burning the iso to dvd you have no need to do that, hence "optional"01:08
EleanorEllissary: I already verified the ISO using SHA256. It would just seem more consistent if the guide used SHA256 throughout, since I understood that SHA256 is more reliable than MD5SUM. Maybe with sha256sum it is not possible to subtract the extra data from the sum? I don't know, but it would be helpful if the guide explained why the two commands are used.01:08
EleanorEllis[n0mad]: Yes I burnt the iso to DVD. That's why I am trying to verify it!01:09
titaniumhttps://pastebin.com/Btd2qzpK is what I have, and it does block, but not
[n0mad]well the error makes it seem like the dvd isn't there01:10
EleanorEllis[n0mad]: It looks to me more like md5sum is expecting a filename rather than a checksum01:11
titaniumUnless you expect someone to be attacking you, md5 is perfectly fine. CRC32 is also perfectly fine for verifying a DVD was burned properly01:12
Bashing-omEleanorEllis: "That's why I am trying to verify it!" In the boot menu is " check disk for defects " . I find it reliable .01:12
saryEleanorEllis: you're right , i suppose you can report this to the wiki/doc team here in irc .. i don't recall the coreect channel .. could be #ubuntu-doc !01:12
EleanorEllisBashing-om: I am burning several DVDs for different flavours so I would rather verify them all before I reboot. Booting each DVD will take more time on my slow machine01:13
sarymake sure the burn speed is either 2x or 4x , not higher!01:14
EleanorEllistitanium: So md5sum will be faster and in this case there is no disadvantage. Now I understand. Thanks01:14
EleanorEllissary: Should I enable or disable "Burn-proof"?01:15
titaniumboth should run faster than your cd can read data01:16
saryEleanorEllis:  what is that , a new tech!01:16
titaniumthe problem with md5 is an attacker can with a little effort make two different files that have the same hash01:16
saryEleanorEllis: no i woudln't enable that!01:17
EleanorEllissary: xfburn has an option for "Burn-proof"01:17
saryit's been awhile since i burned an iso to cd/dvd , i prefer a usb media.01:18
[n0mad]i have stacks of dvds that have never been used01:19
saryEleanorEllis: well, i just read about it .. it's a BURN-Proof technology located on firmware inside the CD-R or CD-RW .. http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/BURN-Proof-Buffer-Under-Run-Error-Proof01:19
titaniumalso, nobody uses dvds anymore, you can boot from usb on anything made in the last several years01:21
titaniumand 4GB usb keys are pratically free01:22
EleanorEllissary: Yes I used to prefer usb media but now reading about BadUSB I have stopped doing that for installation media https://duckduckgo.com/?q=bad+usb&t=canonical&ia=web01:24
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
saryEleanorEllis: That;s news to me, thanks for sharin'!01:26
kode54titanium: more like 8GB USB keys, for most newer stuff01:26
EleanorEllissary: I was surprised that all the articles date from 2015, yet I hadn't seen more of this.01:27
kode54oh wait, most Linux Live images fit on 4GB01:27
EleanorEllisI mean in the mainstream press01:27
kode54so wait01:28
kode54because of an article about potentially mallicious USB devices01:28
kode54you won't trust your own USB devices any more?01:29
kode54that particular hole assumes someone is going to cram a fully functional computer into a USB stick, and pass it off to you01:29
kode54already an expensive little device, so clearly, your information must be terribly valuable to someone01:30
EleanorElliskode54: Sarcasm is not terribly helpful, neither is ridicule.01:31
kode54be paranoid01:31
kode54I'll be gone01:31
leftyfbEleanorEllis: if you buy a USB drive from a reputable store and load it up with your installation image, there is no worry of a "badusb"01:33
EleanorEllisLots of USB devices automatically install software on the computer they are plugged into (though to be honest, I have only seen this behaviour on windows machines), so it wouldn't be difficult to insert malware into the firmware.01:34
leftyfbEleanorEllis: not something you really have to worry with on linux01:35
EleanorEllisleftyfb: Well, I have no problems with DVDs and I don't have that many USB drives hanging around01:35
leftyfbEleanorEllis: sure, but to say you don't trust any usb drive for installation media because of a windows exploit with usb drives, there's really no need to worry. A windows exploit is not relevant when you're only running linux or if you're booting from the flash drive to install linux01:38
leftyfbalso if you have run from media disabled in Windows01:41
leftyfba DVD drive can do the same thing01:41
egor83Is there are risk that any potential problems would arise if I update git to later version?01:53
egor83Recently updated server now has git 2.11, my local machine (Ubuntu MATE) has 1.9.1, and it's causing some minor problems - I tried upgrading, but apparently 1.9.1 is the latest in included repos. I found how to install 2.11 directly, but I was wondering if any issues could arise with it, v1 <> v2 being a big change and all, hence the question.01:54
egor83(not too much, it seems: https://felipec.wordpress.com/2014/05/29/git-v2-0-0/ )02:01
oerheks_egor83,  you could use the git ppa, and recieve updates too https://launchpad.net/~git-core/+archive/ubuntu/ppa02:03
oerheks_or the latest release candidates, but then you must have a reason to do so, it is testing02:03
egor83oerheks_: yep, that's what I found. I was wondering if anything could break on the system - I mean, there might be some reason why git v2 hasn't been included yet, no?02:04
oerheks_not for the LTS releases, indeed. security fixes are backported though02:04
egor83(not too sure about details of inclusion/exclusion of package versions between distros, etc, so might be a newbie question)02:05
oerheks_current zesty 17.04 provides 2.1102:05
oerheks_!info git-core02:05
ubottugit-core (source: git): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (obsolete). In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.11.0-2ubuntu0.1 (zesty), package size 1 kB, installed size 8 kB02:05
egor83ah yes, I'm on LTS release locally (14.04) - so, just to confirm - LTSes do not get newer versions of installed packages, except for security stuff?02:06
egor83thanks a lot! gotta get me a new git now :)02:07
oerheks_have fun02:07
EleanorEllisleftyfb: Fair enough. I still prefer to have installation media read-only, and it is much easier and cheaper for me to have several DVDs knocking around than several USB sticks.02:08
jnewtrunning x11vnc on my ubuntu-mate install.  need to scale the text / icons up when vnc connected so i can see them.  already had to clip and scale the multiple desktops, and i'm close to a useable setup, just can't read the text and the icons are tiny.02:10
jnewtthe problem was that I have a 4k + an extra monitor (sometimes 2 on the desktop), so i cliped and scaled the 4k to 1920x1080, but in the process scaled down the icons and text as well from what I can tell.02:11
=== Mrokii_ is now known as Mrokii
codepython7771https://paste.ubuntu.com/25109155/ - anyone can help me debug this service?02:27
[n0mad]codepython7771: i can't really be of help but there's also #redis02:29
S1GM4I'm trying to disable entirely Unity, etc. and boot just into CLI. I'm fairly certain I know how to do that. I mostly SSH into the box and use it via CLI02:37
S1GM4I want to make sure after I make the changes, if I do a restart or power the machine on/off and am nowhere in it, that once it starts back up, it will get right back on the network and allow me to SSH into the box02:37
oerheks_S1GM4, sure, current your boot is set to graphical.target02:39
oerheks_you can change this to tty, sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target02:39
oerheks_or reverse back sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target02:39
S1GM4hmm I had no idea of this method, I was looking into editing some grub file02:40
oerheks_and for starting back up, not sure autologin will be enabled02:40
S1GM4Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/default.target to /lib/systemd/system/multi-user.target.02:41
DanteEdwardI require a halp :u02:44
S1GM4exec /bin/login -f bob < /dev/tty1 > /dev/tty1 2>&1   <--- this line is still good for modern Ubuntu versions, where bob is the user?02:45
DanteEdwardWhenever I open menu bar menus on Teamspeak and/or VLC, the menu appears notably far away from the thing that I clicked02:45
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
marco25is there a update to this issue in ubuntu.. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=86080503:29
ubottuDebian bug 860805 in beignet-opencl-icd "beignet-opencl-icd: OpenCL fails with: drm_intel_gem_bo_context_exec() failed: Device or resource busy" [Serious,Fixed]03:29
oerheks_marco25,  on artfull it seems fixed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/beignet03:56
RBoreal_FripperyHey guys, really weird problem if you have any idea: Fresh install of 16.04. System will start and run fine, and when it is open (the laptop screen) it will suspend and resume ok. Also, if I set options so that closing the screen does nothing, then I can close and open the screen and the system will continue to run fine. The problem is that if I suspend the system (using any method) and then close the lid and open it, the system will start to r04:07
RBoreal_Fripperyesume for one second and then just die completely. I can start it right up after that again. 100% reproducible.04:07
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
marco25oerheks_, ive having trouble building that file i guess there is no deb for that is there?04:14
oerheks_marco25, only for zesty, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/beignet/1.3.0-4ubuntu104:15
HitechcgHi, in Ubuntu 16.04.2's menu "Suspend" and "Hibernate" seem to be missing. Pressing the power button then clicking on one of the actions that appear works fine, as do pm-suspend and pm-hibernate in a terminal. What would cause this and how do I fix it?04:15
marco25well i have zesty04:16
marco25oerheks_, your saying a deb file is there?04:17
oerheks_marco25,  see that page, you should have that version already04:18
marco25no i dont have that version already04:18
oerheks_oh wait, artfull ..04:19
marco25i have 1.3.0-204:19
marco25this is -4 oerheks_04:19
oerheks_no, you have to build it yourself then, i guess04:19
marco25im having errors with cmake04:20
oerheks_it should match the intel driver version too04:20
marco25i used this command cmake -DLLVM_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/bin/lib/llvm-4.0/bin/llvm-config -DCOMPILER=[GCC|CLANG|ICC]04:22
marco25i got this error.. ICC]: command not found04:22
marco25CLANG: command not found04:22
oerheks_err, this is way over my head, maybe someone else can help you out there.04:25
berkiyoare other ubuntu flavours discussed in this channel?04:25
berkiyolike problems relating to them?04:25
berkiyoeg: xubuntu, ubuntu mate etc04:26
oerheks_berkiyo, yes, still most flavors have their dedicated channel too here on #freenode04:27
marco25oerheks_, i think i found a deb file for it04:27
=== deathonater is now known as Smeef
berkiyoWhat is the fastest ubuntu worldwide mirror? Or is it best to choose local?04:39
vbotkaberkiyo, https://askubuntu.com/questions/39922/how-do-you-select-the-fastest-mirror-from-the-command-line04:41
vbotkaberkiyo, There is a xubuntu channel. This channel is for common Ubuntu issues, I think.04:44
berkiyothanks :)04:44
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:23
lotuspsychjeanyone suffered this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1704409 on 16.04.2 plz add yourself affected05:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1704409 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Flickering screen on ubuntu 16.04.2 Lenovo B70" [Undecided,New]05:56
oerheks_hi lotus, did you try "tearfree" and "sna" ? https://askubuntu.com/questions/921755/screen-tearing-with-intel-graphics &&& https://askubuntu.com/questions/418398/tear-free-disabled-in-intel-graphics-tearing-in-xubuntu06:00
lotuspsychjeoerheks_: ive readed that, yes but didnt try on 4.8 kernel06:01
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
DanteEdwardIs there a way to force a specific fullscreen game to draw on a specific monitor on a multi-monitor system07:17
oerheks_this old tool should be able too, https://launchpad.net/gdevilspie07:23
DanteEdwardI suppose I could give it a try07:24
oerheks_some examples https://askubuntu.com/questions/102616/is-it-possible-to-pin-programs-to-specific-workspaces-without-ccsm07:25
oerheks_the gui tool could be handy07:26
BeyondStupidhello, I have an issue that I can not find solution for: there is audio coming from chromium, but there is nothing from kde. Tried both backends, gstreamer and vlc. alsamixer shows a proper audio device and I can adjust volumes. I do not have pulsaudio installed. Only alsa. the kde, depending on what backend I use displays default device (if I use phonon-gstreamer) and default + couple of broadwell-rt286 devices. speaker-test -t07:48
debouncerA few days ago, I installed xubuntu DE via dkpg and uninstalled it but the login screen didn't restore its default appareance07:52
debouncerHow can I recover it? I tried apt-get purge xubuntu* xfce*.07:53
debouncerAny help would be appreciated07:53
akikdebouncer: the package install log is in /var/log/apt/history.log. it will list all the packages that were installed08:02
lordlHello guys! How can I configure a interface with my public IP? I am running Ubuntu 17.04 (64bit).08:14
lordlHello guys! How can I configure an interface with my public IP? I am running Ubuntu 17.04 (64bit).08:17
xplora1alordl, so are you connecting your ubuntu machine directly to the connection on which that IP is dilevered or are you behind a router.08:22
lordlxplora1a, I am running it on VirtualBox. It is on Bridge Adapter, so it has a new local IP address on my router.08:23
xplora1aif behing a non-NAT router then the router DHCP needs to be configured to allocate public IPs to your internal machines.08:24
lordlIt does not support NAT Loopback.08:24
xplora1athen you want to set port forwarding to map the port to the virtual machine. Not put the external IP on that interface08:25
lordlCould you tell me why a program detects that my IP is dynamic? It is static.08:25
lordlI want to see my public IP address instead of my local IP address when I execute ifconfig.08:26
xplora1afrom behing a NAT router you cant see your external IP directly, to see that google what is my IP address08:27
lordlI know what is my public IP address.08:27
lordlBut what do I need to do what I said.08:27
lordlTo configure the "enp0s3" interface with my public IP address.08:28
lordlI have another router that supports NAT Loopback.08:29
lordlDid you get me?08:29
lordlI know my public IP address.08:29
xplora1aYou cant configure an interface behind a NAT router with a public IP. You need to forward the port you are connection to, or set your machine as the default, also called the DMZ, but this is dangerious. Better to port forward.08:31
lordlMy router is not a NAT router.08:32
lordlI have an OpenSSH Server.08:32
lordlOn many OpenSSH Servers I saw thei public IP addresses when I executed ifconfig.08:33
lordlHow did they do that?08:34
PinkiePiethat could be a real server with a "real" public IP address08:37
lordlOkay, but how can I do the same thing?08:38
PinkiePieIn your setup you would likely need to (a) set up port forwarding from your router to your host IP, and (b) set up port forwarding in Virtualbox from the host to the guest08:38
lordlI did this.08:38
lordlMy OpenSSH Server is opened.08:38
lordlOn my public IP address.08:38
lordlThe FTP Server too.08:39
lordlApache2, MySQL etc.08:39
PinkiePieand those run on the host?08:39
lordlOn the same host.08:39
lordlOn my IP address.08:39
PinkiePiewhat are you trying to host from the virtualbox?08:39
lordlAn Ubuntu Server.08:39
PinkiePieyou wouldn't be able to have both your host and your guest listening on the same IP on the same port08:40
lordlIt works, but I want something.08:40
lordlIt is on Bridge Adapter.08:40
PinkiePiewhat port are you trying to access?08:40
lordlI do not need to port forward from VirtualBox.08:40
lordlJust from router.08:40
lordlI'm not trying to access a port.08:40
lordlThey work.08:40
lordlThe server works.08:40
lordlBut I want to do something on it.08:40
PinkiePieOK then, the answer to your question is that you can't do what you want to do08:40
xplora1aRemember that an IP address is associated with an interface, not a computer. Most machines only have one interface.08:40
PinkiePielet's say your public IP is
PinkiePieIt's your router which has that IP, essentially08:41
PinkiePieNot any device on your network08:41
lordlI can't access my router on through my public IP address.08:41
lordlJust on its IP address., in my case.08:41
PinkiePiewhat are you actually trying to achieve overall?08:41
lordlI don't know how to explain, but when I execute "ifconfig" on my server I see 2 interfaces.08:42
xplora1aif you have a range of public IP addresses, you assign one to the router, then internal machines can be allocated others from that range.08:42
lordlenp0s3 and localhost.08:42
PinkiePieignore localhost, localhost is special and used only for local access08:42
lordlI know.08:42
lordlThe IP address on enp0s3 is
xplora1aif you only have one public IP then you have to assign that to the router.08:42
lordlAnd I want to get my public IP address there.08:43
PinkiePieyou cannot08:43
lordlBut I saw many servers with this "feature".08:43
PinkiePiethey were not using virtualbox behind a router08:43
lordlSo, what are they using?08:43
PinkiePiethey were servers in a datacentre where a router was listening on more than 1 IP, and thus able to give 1 IP to each of many servers08:44
PinkiePieyou physically cannot do what you are trying to do08:44
lordlBut I want to give my single public IP address to my server.08:44
PinkiePiemaybe someone in #networking can explain better than me08:44
lordlOne IP to one server.08:44
PinkiePieYou cannot, as it's your router which "has" that IP08:44
PinkiePieYour only option is port forwarding08:44
lordlMy router doesn't have my public IP address.08:45
PinkiePieIf you do ifconfig on the host system do you see your public IP?08:45
lordlJust its local IP address.08:45
lordlOn the router.08:45
PinkiePieThen it's your router which has the public IP address08:45
lordlMy router is
PinkiePiethat is your router's address within your network08:46
PinkiePieyour router has multiple network interfaces08:46
lordlYes, it has.08:46
PinkiePieone (WAN) listens on the public internet with, and another (LAN1) listens on
lordlAnd it has many devices on it.08:46
lordlI know. LAN is for Local.08:46
lordlCan I write my public IP address here?08:47
PinkiePieSo you cannot have your cake and eat it too. You cannot have multiple devices behind a single IP, AND have the IP assigned to only one device.08:47
PinkiePieIt's a logical impossibility08:47
lordlBut for a friend it worked.08:47
lordlI do not know how.08:47
lordlI helped him to install Ubuntu on VirtualBox.08:47
PinkiePieIt is technically possible to do, but you would lose the ability to have more than one device on your network, and it might not be possible to do with your router08:47
lordlAnd when he executed ifconfig I saw his public IP address.08:47
PinkiePieI strongly suspect you don't want to do this. You can still achieve the overall goal (hosting a public server in virtualbox) using port forwarding08:48
lordlSo, I will be able to access the internet only through my computer.08:48
lordlAm I right?08:48
PinkiePieHow does your router connect to the internet, do you have an ethernet jack on your wall or it is a phone line?08:48
lordlI have optical fiber.08:49
lordlThrough cable.08:49
lordlI have wired connection.08:49
PinkiePieyou have a separate modem?08:49
lordlI have just a router.08:49
PinkiePiewhat cable does the router use to connect to the wall?08:50
PinkiePie*(your router has a modem built in)08:50
lordlBut I have Phone, Television and Internet from my ISP.08:50
PinkiePiewhat cable does the router use to connect to the wall?08:50
lordlLet me check.08:50
lordlI'm back.08:52
lordlI can see 3 cables in the Ethernet's slots.08:52
lordlOne to my computer.08:52
lordlOne to a TV.08:52
lordlAnd one to I do not really know..08:52
lordlI think to another TV.08:53
lordlAre you still there?08:53
PinkiePiehi yes sorry working08:53
lordlIt's okay.08:53
PinkiePieWhich cable connects to your wall?08:53
PinkiePieIs it an ethernet cable or something else?08:53
lordlEthernet cable.08:54
lordlPinkiePie, where are you from?08:56
lordlI am from Romania.08:56
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
PinkiePieOK lordl you would be able to connect your PC directly to your wall using an ethernet cable08:56
PinkiePieAnd then you could assign your public IP to an interface on your PC08:56
PinkiePiebut you'd have to choose between your host and your guest08:57
lordlYou mean to connect it directly?08:57
lordlNot through router?08:57
PinkiePieSee this is what I am tryiing to say, you almost certainly don't want this08:57
lordlThrough the cable from ISP?08:57
PinkiePieyes instead of [Internet]->[Router]->[PC] you would go [Internet]->[PC]08:58
lordlYou are right.08:58
PinkiePiethat way you would need to assign your public IP directly, or it may pick it up through DHCP08:58
lordlI will need 2 public IP addresses then.08:58
PinkiePiebut again, you couldn't have both your host and guest08:58
lordlTo connect the second cable to a router.08:58
PinkiePieright, and you probably don't have 2 public IP addresses08:58
lordlYes, I do not have.08:58
PinkiePieso in real life your options all involve port forwarding08:58
lordlInstead of [Internet]->[PC]?08:59
lordlI have port forwarding.08:59
lordlFor SSH, FTP, Shellinabox, MySQL, Unrealircd, Apache2.08:59
lordlOn, which is my server's assigned IP address on router.09:00
PinkiePieI think I understand your setup but can you confirm something09:00
PinkiePieif you log onto your router's web interface, and try to find a list of connected devices09:00
PinkiePiedo you see both your host and guest IPs?09:00
lordlWhat do you mean when you say guest?09:01
PinkiePiehost = the OS installed on your actual computer09:01
PinkiePieguest = the OS inside Virtualbox09:01
lordlThat's the guest?09:01
PinkiePieyeah virtualbox uses "host" and "guest" to tell the difference09:01
lordlI can see the both.09:02
lordlMy computer and my server.09:02
PinkiePieOK then your only option is to use the port forwarding from your router to send traffic for a particular port (e.g. 80) to the guest IP09:03
PinkiePiehang on09:03
lordlI did it.09:03
PinkiePie"my computer and my server" - the "server" being the OS installed inside Virtualbox?09:03
PinkiePieThen you're done. It's AS IF your server was listening directly on the public IP (even though really, it's behind a router)09:04
lordlI know, I can access it through my public IP address.09:04
lordlI didn't say that I can't do this.09:04
lordlI said that I see my local IP address when I execute ifconfig, even if I am connected on the public IP address.09:05
lordlDid you get me?09:05
PinkiePieI get you, but it's working as intended.09:05
lordlBut on some servers from Digital Ocean and other firms I've seen the public IP address on their interfaces.09:06
lordlThey are connected directly to the ISP?09:06
PinkiePieYou only have 1 IP address09:06
PinkiePieThey have enough IP addresses to give every server behind their router, its own public IP09:07
lordlBut I can buy another public IP address.09:07
PinkiePieYour router listens on e.g. which is a single IP09:07
lordlOne for me and one for home :).09:07
PinkiePieOne of their routers may listen on which would give 255 IP addresses -
lordlI will talk to that friend to see what does he have..09:07
lordlwhat he has*09:08
PinkiePieYour ISP might sell you additional IP addresses, but it's unlikely for a home connection09:08
lordlSorry for mistakes.09:08
PinkiePieEven getting a static IP is difficult these days09:08
lordlOh, wait.09:08
lordlAnother problem.09:08
lordlWhy a program detects that I have dynamic IP address?09:08
lordlWhen I have a static IP address.09:08
lordlWhy does a program detect*09:09
lordlWhen I restart my router I do not get another IP address.09:09
lordlAnyway, thank you for explaining me these things.09:11
lordlAnd sorry for my bad English.09:11
sebsebseb 09:11
lordlBy the way, what are you doing? I mean, what's your job/hobby?09:12
PinkiePieI work in devops for a big telecomm09:16
PinkiePieMy only notable hobby is IRC09:16
lordlI am 14 years old, you?09:16
PinkiePiehow about you?09:16
lordlOh, okay.09:16
lordlIs this a problem?09:16
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
PinkiePie"wow" yourself :P09:16
lordlI am learning more programming.09:17
PinkiePieyou ask the right questions for a 14 year old, keep doing this stuff09:17
PinkiePiego to #ubuntu-offtopic09:17
lordlI will.09:17
lordlDo you know what I want to do?09:18
lordlI intend to build the biggest cracking platform in the world :).09:18
lordlA big community.09:18
PinkiePietell me about it in #ubuntu-offtopic.09:19
lordlOh, okay.09:19
karab44I have a question. My two NTFS disks are on launcher and it's great but they are mounted as read-only. How to easily change this to rw ?09:33
lordlI know..09:34
lordlmount -o remount,rw /09:34
karab44why /  ?09:36
lordlI do not know, I had a similar problem and that command solved it.09:36
debouncerIs there anybody who tried qchart in pyqt?09:37
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
debouncerI look for a replacement of matplotlib09:37
karab44lordl:  why you provide commands you do not know what they actually do? :/09:37
karab44it can harm others computer09:37
debouncersorry wrong channel09:38
lordlI thought it works.09:38
lordlFor me it worked.09:38
lordlTo remount with read and write.09:39
lordlJust try it.09:39
karab44if you tell me what does it exactly do I will try :}09:40
lordlIt remounts the disk with read and write properties.09:41
karab44it's not exactly09:43
karab44it's general09:43
karab44ok I used this command sudo mount -o rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,user,exec,umask=003,blksize=4096 /dev/sdb1 /media/karab44/storage09:45
karab44and it said09:45
karab44Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an09:46
karab44unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation09:46
karab44or fast restarting.)09:46
karab44What is weird because it's not my OS partition09:46
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
karab44so I guess I have to disable fastboot09:48
amitsharma928Hi All09:50
amitsharma928in Ubuntu 16.04 while I Right click..."Move to Trash" is not shown.09:51
amitsharma928I can't delete files using Delete key09:51
amitsharma928Shift + Delete is working09:51
pizzaBurgerHello, can't print double-sided. Print -> Page Setup -> Layout -> Two-sided: not available. Running xubuntu 17.04. Printer HP Laser Jet M1132 MFP. Any suggestions? Thanks!09:52
glitsj16amitsharma928: Hi, have you checked if the trash folder exists on your filesystem? It should be in ~/.local/share/Trash, check permissions too..10:05
konradosHi, a noob here :( I've just installed kubuntu on Samsung R522 - it doesn't want to connect to the ethernet (wire), what am I supposed to do?10:10
konradosPlease... I'm a bit tired, have been struggling with for the last 30h10:10
amitsharma928glitsj16: Yes. I have checked that. permission is 777 and owner is non-root user.10:11
konradosoh, it's actually 36h already:(10:11
glitsj16amitsharma928: okay, that part looks as it should be.. in what filemanager is the 'Move to Trash' item missing? Nautilus?10:12
glitsj16pizzaBurger: you might need to set your printer options for double-sided printing, have you checked that?10:20
sebsebsebkonrados: got a ethernet connecton as well?10:25
amitsharma928<glitsj16>: Yes. It is Nautilus.10:25
amitsharma928When I use, gksudo nautilus it works well.10:26
adityaduggalHi Can any one tell me if I can pin frequently used filed to the dock, like in Windows?10:26
pizzaBurgerglitsj16: I go to printer properties -> job options -> sides     only "one-sided" option is available10:26
konradossebsebseb, hi!!!! I was hoping you'll be here:) I managed to connect via wi-fi, right now it is enough for me :) but... I can't install anything with sudo apt-get install, like I tried apt-get install fish - and I see 'couldn't find fish package' - the same with htop etc, ping google.com works10:29
sebsebsebkonrados: hoping I would be here?10:31
sebsebsebyuour the newbie from yesterday ?10:31
sebsebsebthat wanted files10:32
konradosyes, I made the backup, this thing is done:)10:32
konradossebsebseb, thaaaaank you!10:32
konradosfor yesterday10:32
konradosbut now my ubuntu behaves weirdly imho, why apt-get install doesn't work?10:33
glitsj16amitsharma928: I would recommend changing permissions to something more secure, like 700, there's no need for other users to use your trash. And recheck that you own the folder, not some other non-root user. Also, run 'gsettings get org.gnome.nautilus.preferences confirm-trash' and 'gsettings get org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-move-to-trash-shortcut-changed-dialog'10:33
Ben64konrados: sudo apt-get update10:33
glitsj16pizzaBurger: if you can't set it to double-sided and you know for sure your printer can do that, try removing the printer and add it again10:34
angular_mike_ routing config in /etc/network/interfaces doesn't populate routing table after reboot!10:34
angular_mike_I keep having to manually do route add gw default gw XXX every time I reboot10:35
Ben64angular_mike_: you either have it configured incorrectly, or you have a network manager overriding it i guess10:36
sebsebsebkonrados: you need to be online10:36
sebsebsebkonrados: or yes apt-get won't work10:36
angular_mike_Ben64: I was googling how to configure default gw and I got only /etc/network/interface, nothing about NetworkManager10:37
konradossebsebseb, Ben64 - thank you! sudo apt-get update worked... I can go sleep now :) thanks!10:40
Ben64angular_mike_: if you have a network manager, probably easier to set the stuff there10:40
angular_mike_Ben64: wait, it doesn't come with Ubuntu Server?10:41
sebsebsebkonrados: sleep? wheere you from10:42
angular_mike_then I don't have it10:42
angular_mike_could it be that Ubuntu Server not having a route to default gateway after restart is an inteded feature baked into it?10:43
Ben64angular_mike_: you never said you were running server...10:48
angular_mike_Ben64: I mean, that's the default, no?10:48
Ben64angular_mike_: huh?10:48
angular_mike_Desktop is server with some stuff added on top10:48
Ben64not exactly10:48
angular_mike_why would you assume something else10:48
Ben64because the vast majority of people here are running desktop10:49
Ben64when you go to ubuntu.com it directs you to the desktop version10:49
PinkiePiedesktop is core with some stuff on top10:49
PinkiePieserver is core with different stuff10:49
angular_mike_ok, I didn't know that10:50
angular_mike_I got a different impression from the install splash10:51
Ben64anyway, if you don't have a network manager, you probably have the interfaces file incorrect10:51
angular_mike_Ben64: https://pastebin.com/k5CMtTcT10:53
angular_mike_what about it?10:54
adityaduggalHi Can any one tell me if I can pin frequently used filed to the dock, like in Windows?10:54
angular_mike_adityaduggal: Unity?10:54
Ben64change it to static, set all the stuff you want10:54
angular_mike_Ben64: but then I have to set ip address manually10:55
angular_mike_which I cant10:55
adityaduggalNo I am using pantheon (elementary) desktop10:55
Ben64angular_mike_: why not10:55
adityaduggalBut I guess even Unity does not have that kind of utility like windows7 or 8 or 10 where we could just simply pin frequently used files on the dock and then access them with right clicking the application dock10:56
angular_mike_adityaduggal: https://launchpad.net/pantheon-dock10:57
angular_mike_adityaduggal: pretty sure that unity had it, by drag and dropping them10:57
angular_mike_or right clicking when they're active10:57
angular_mike_Ben64: cuz i dont know what it will be,10:58
angular_mike_which one will be free10:58
adityaduggalwell I am not talking about Docking the application that is very much possible10:58
angular_mike_a lot of dynamic starting and stopping is happening in the network10:58
adityaduggalbut I am talking about pinning the most used files like bookmarks specific to that application10:58
Ben64angular_mike_: then set up your dhcp server properly or set a static ip in the router10:58
angular_mike_it is a VM host network10:58
adityaduggalLike in Windows I had 3 or 4 excel files pinned along with excel10:58
angular_mike_question is why doesnt DHCP set up the deault getway in the routong table10:59
Ben64angular_mike_: indeed10:59
angular_mike_adityaduggal: oh, you mean files?10:59
angular_mike_not applications10:59
adityaduggalangular_mike_, Yes dear....10:59
Ben64angular_mike_: or ignore it by doing some post-up thing in the interfaces file10:59
adityaduggalangular_mike_, Application docking is available in both Pantheon and unity but file docking is not there and I am not asking for docking files individually since that would make the dock TOO BIG11:00
adityaduggalSo excel files docked under the application dock of Libreoffice and can be accessed by right clicking the Libreoffice dock11:01
XHFHXHi there. Why is it possible to see all website-passwords from chrome in the password manager in cleartext without any question for password priviliges? I cant install some random software without being asked for my sudo pw but I can see all passwords for other websites.11:13
DanjeminДоброго дня. Есть русско-говорящие?11:15
angular_mike_Danjemin: 今日は11:18
glitsj16XHFHX: ask google why that seems to be the default.. if it still is.. you should check chrome://flags, look for something labelled 'Password Manager Reauthentication' or similar and enable it11:21
=== gede is now known as artawgn
konradostomreyn sary sebsebseb ikonia: thank you very much again for your help. By the way - I've just put a 'normal' (non - live-cd) ubuntu iso pendrive and it started, enabled me to make a backup (ntfs drive) and then install ubuntu. Thank you very very much again!11:26
sebsebsebkonrados: yep that's  the way11:26
sebsebsebkonrados: good no problems getting into vistas partitino like i siad might have been11:26
sebsebsebkonrados: wait so you sadi this was for your sister? she's going Linux ?11:27
konradosyeah, that was quite easy after all:) Yes - my sister goes linux :)11:27
sebsebsebkonrados: yay more girl girls h eh11:27
sebsebsebgirl users11:27
konrados:) I'm a bit scared, she'll probably have lots of questions, but I hope it won't be that bad :)11:28
sebsebsebkonrados: how old is she?11:29
sebsebseband you11:29
konradosshe's 40, I'm 3611:29
sebsebsebkonrados: ok what she going to use computer for ?11:29
sebsebseboh older than I thought :d h eh11:29
XHFHXbtw - now unity is dropped - which desktop environments looks closest to unity? I don't like KDE and gnome, all screenshots i saw looked very outdated to me.11:30
konradossebsebseb, I warned her she will probably not be able to run photoshop and will have problems with ms office docs, but she uses the pc just like most ppl - email, facebook and.... actually that's it:)11:30
sebsebsebXHFHX: gnome with some scripts and adds on :d  can make look much like unity11:30
konradosoh, and music11:31
sebsebsebXHFHX: unity doesn't have to be compeltyl dropped :d11:31
sebsebseb1. you can do unity 7 from the repos universe11:31
sebsebseb2.  even unity 8 has been forked for the desktop as wel not just mobile as part of ubports.  you can try yunit in 16.04   and 16.10 and 17.04 have the canonical preview but yeah11:31
sebsebsebXHFHX: Unity 7 will  be provided offially  via repos for a few years or so I Expect,  and Unity 8 in it's two differnet forms will improve via community as well11:32
sebsebsebkonrados: yes like my Mum I finally got her on Linux  in 201211:32
sebsebsebdiffenret distro11:32
sebsebsebkonrados: email  Mozilla Thunderbird,  web browser,  Mozilla Firefox,  the occassional document stuff sometimes rarely, the pre installed Libre Office yep11:33
sebsebseband that's her useage sorted11:33
konradosyeah, the same with my sister:)11:33
sebsebsebfor music got varous players, and look at The Gimp and Inkscape for a start as photoshop alternative11:33
konradoshmmm, I thought about gimp, isn't inkscape vector-based?11:34
konradosah, yeah, you suggested gimp as well :011:35
konradosmissed that :)11:35
sebsebsebkonrados: actually these sites are good take a look  http://osalt.com  and http://linuxeq.com11:35
sebsebseband browse around the software centre yourself    to see what kind of stuff is availalbe11:36
sebsebsebthousands of programs availalbe from repos11:36
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.11:36
konradossebsebseb, - thank you :)11:37
sruliis it possible to include a dir in suoders but exclude a file from the dir?11:37
Ben64sruli: what11:38
DanjeminДень добрый. Русскоговорящие есть?11:38
sebsebsebkonrados: also this could be useful for you and your sister11:38
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/11:38
Ben64!ru | Danjemin11:38
ubottuDanjemin: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:38
sruliin my sudoers i include a dir for nopasswd, but i need to exclude 1 file from that dir (that file should require sudo password) is it possible?11:39
sruliBen64: ^11:39
Ben64sruli: i don't think it works anything like that11:39
sruliBen64: doesnt work like what? including dir for no passwd works fine, are you saying i cant exclude a file from an included dir?11:40
Ben64sruli: no, i don't think you can specify a directory for nopasswd11:40
sruliBen64: you can, i have been using it for a long time, see my file in sudoers.d http://paste.ubuntu.com/25111441/11:42
Ben64ew, well don't include it in the wildcard11:44
Ben64it's a big ol security hole anyway though11:44
sruliBen64: that dir is owned by root 700 so not really a hole11:45
Ben64guaranteed to be able to get root shell with that setup11:47
jspacemanhey sebseb, have a simple question about the firefox browser if you have a second?11:47
sruliBen64: 1. you need to be able to get to visudo to see that its NOPASSWD. 2. how can you get a root shell if you've got no read/write on that dir?11:48
Ben64jspaceman: just ask the channel11:48
jspacemanyesterday, i was watching twitch with the firefox browser and suddenly the screen would just go white...i couldnt interract with anything11:49
jspacemanit works fine now but only after a restart11:49
jspacemanis there an issue i need to look at within firefox?11:50
Ben64might want to disable hardware acceleration if it's on11:50
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jspacemanthanks, i will look into that11:58
arup_rcan anyone help me to install https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/ruby-nio4r ?11:59
Inferno_geekarup_r: sudo apt-get install ruby-nio4r12:02
Melioratorhi all, i updgraded to 17.04 to use pulseaudio-equaliser, which i now have working. however, there are a couple of issues that i'd like to resolve: (1) the last hundred milliseconds or so of audio is replayed when i adjust the volume (2) there is no easy to find shortcut to qpaeq in the "start"(?) menu, i'm sure i will forget the command qpaeq! all help with this issues (and relevant witty banter)12:04
Melioratorwould be appreciated, thanks =D12:04
arup_rInferno_geek: My app is trying to install it as a gem and met this error https://github.com/socketry/nio4r/issues/159 .. tried some internet hints, still same error. Any idea what tools I need to install to make the compiler happy12:05
arup_rif I install the package, then do you think the gem installation will go good.. I am not sure though/12:06
garFFthis might seem like a lame question but I'm having trouble finding the shortcut for "search your computer" ?12:06
arup_ri use `locate` command12:07
MelioratorgarFF, not sure about a GUI, but 'find' can help, or maybe you want 'locate'12:08
garFFoh, okay.. thanks!12:08
EriC^^garFF: the filemanager usually has the gui search12:10
garFFalt + f1 actually did the trick :p12:19
garFF+ enter12:19
thewillois there a way to use cp to merge files instead of overwriting directories with files in them, or do i need rsync for that?12:23
thewillolike, overwriting file conflicts doesn't matter but overwriting directories with new ones will screw things up12:24
PCatineanHey guys, if I want to pass the current date as a string when passing a value via parameter, how should I go about it?12:24
PCatineanas in ./script -arg bla + (date as string)12:24
MelioratorPCatinean: the 'date' command can do that12:26
PCatineanMeliorator, yes but how do I pass it as an argument to a script?12:27
Melioratoruse the -d option and it should parse most date formats12:27
PCatineanlike docker run smth -e bla/bla/date-here12:28
Melioratorare you using bash?12:28
Melioratoror do you need a portable solution?12:28
PCatineanMeliorator, no not bash, on the actual command line12:28
Melioratorbash *is* a command line12:29
PCatineandocker run --rm -ti -e CONPLICITY_TARGET_URL=s3://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/folder/date "+%d-%m-%Y" <-12:29
PCatineanI thought you meant bash scripting12:29
Melioratorbash is a shell12:29
Melioratorit's usually the default login shell on most systems these days12:30
PCatineanI'm not doing a bash script I'm just trying to run docker in bash with the above argument and want to insert date at the end12:30
Melioratortake the time to learn what bash is. in the meantime, this will probably do what you want: date -d ${path##*/} "+FORMAT_HERE"12:31
Melioratorwhere path is a variable with the value of the path you are parsing12:31
Melioratoryou should probably discuss this further on #bash12:31
Melioratorhmm and you should add quotes around ${path##*/} :p12:32
MelioratorIE: "${path##*/}"12:32
Melioratortbh, i'm not really sure what you want it to do, i guesses you were parsing a path and replacing the date in it?12:34
PCatineanwouldn't -d pe interpreted as a command line argument for the script I am running?12:35
Melioratorthen i do not know what you are trying to do. please provide example command, with input values and what you expect as a result12:36
PCatineanok nvm, thank you for your help12:39
leftyfbPCatinean: docker run --rm -ti -e CONPLICITY_TARGET_URL=s3://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/folder/$(date "+%d-%m-%Y")12:46
PCatineanleftyfb, super! thank you very much12:47
PCatineanwould have also worked with ` ` ?12:47
leftyfbor set timestamp=$(date "+%d-%m-%Y")  elsewhere in your script and put /folder/$timestamp12:48
leftyfbtake a look at date +%F12:49
faracohi guys,  do you ever experienced 'time has been changed' lool and stuck at loading screen?12:50
faracoloop and stuck at ubuntu loading screen?12:51
_pronet_Hello guys. Ive recently managed to share files between my windows 10 and this linux Distro via Samba share and Gigolo. But today as i try access the files, the password doesnt accept, while it did before. Anybody please assist. Am using Backbox  v3.13 and the two platforms are connected via a network switch. ( D-LINK )12:56
faracohow to fix time has been changed issue? Running live usb also make it seems stuck at boot screen12:56
vbotka_pronet_, FWIW, you might want to reset the user password https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/manpages-3/smbpasswd.8.html13:22
PinkiePiehey faraco are you dual-booting with Windows?13:23
_pronet_Okay. lemmi work on it. @vbotka13:23
PinkiePiefaraco: If so, this answer explains pretty well https://askubuntu.com/a/169384/6296913:24
vbotka_pronet_, probably you know, but to be sure, SWAT makes your live easier https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Swat13:25
_pronet_Ive heard of it, but never actually tried it. @vbotka13:27
faracoPinkiePie: hi,  thanks for answering. Unfortunately I didn't dual booting nor running my distro in a VM. I ran it natively. This problem occurs after installing mono programs and libs and shutting down.13:29
faraconot sure if userspace program will impact systemd,  but not sure if mono being product of microsoft correlates the windows time issue.13:30
faracoI mean,  mono inspired by microsoft product..13:31
faraconow had to bootup into my pc through upstart kernel everytime on grub menu...13:33
PinkiePieNo idea then sorry :(13:34
faraconah its okay. I still can do most stuff from the different kernel. Maybe I need to do upgrades. thanks13:35
jmg8766so when I run bt-audio -c xx:xx:xx:xx:xx on this striped down version of ubuntu 14.04 it will make my bluetooth speaker beap, but then I get the message org.bluez.Error.Failed: Connect Failed, anyone know where I can find more information about why it failed?13:39
_pronet_vbotka: Thanks it worked perfectly.13:40
vbotka_pronet_, Great. You're welcome.13:40
necrophcodrHi everyone13:57
necrophcodris there a way to force a system to boot with the root fs option "data=journal" set in the kernel cmdline?13:57
necrophcodrThat is, NOT in fstab?13:57
v99im trying to make a local repo with dpkg-scanpackages but is imposible in 16.0414:04
v99can anyone helps me?14:04
v99sudo dpkg-scanpackages /var/my-local-repo /dev/null > /var/my-local-repo/Packages14:05
v99echo "deb file:/var/my-local-repo ./" > /tmp/my-local.list14:05
v99sudo mv /tmp/my-local.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/my-local.list14:05
v99sudo apt-get update14:05
madsjnecrophcodr: https://askubuntu.com/questions/19486/how-do-i-add-a-kernel-boot-parameter ?14:06
PinkiePienecrophcodr: Try something like this (adapt for yours obviously)14:08
PinkiePiekernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18 ro root=/dev/sda3 rootflags=data=journal other_options14:08
necrophcodrmadsj, thanks for the link!14:09
necrophcodrPinkiePie, Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a shot14:09
anddaminstalling 'apt-get source linux-source' on xenial I get   "E: Unable to find a source package for linux-meta"14:10
anddamwhat's the proper way to just install current kernel sources?14:10
naccanddam: linux-source is a binary package14:10
naccanddam: so just apt-get install linux-source14:10
altefourHi everybody. I installed Xubuntu and then Gnome. Is there any harm in leaving Xubuntu as my base or would it be better to install Gnome over Ubuntu? Hope that makes sense.14:11
anddammm with that I get 4.4.0 while I se I'm running 4.8.0.something14:11
anddamnacc: also wiki references like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/SourceCode (and other) suggest using 'source'14:12
anddamare those somehow outdated?14:12
necrophcodrPinkiePie, thanks, it worked!14:12
naccanddam: well, they use source with a differnet package name14:13
naccanddam: so don't just make up the package name, but use the one they tell you to14:13
naccanddam: i'm not sure how to get the hwe kernel source14:13
v99anyone can helps me?14:13
glitsj16altefour: so you have 2 separate installs? If so, that won't be a problem. You could opt to install only one, get the desktop packages you like and login to different sessions for those. All up to you really.14:16
rodney77Hi all, in the last few days my CPU Load averages have gotten really high. I uninstalled every package that I manually installed in the last week, went back to an old kernel, but I still have high cpu load averages14:17
rodney77has anyone else been haivng this problem?14:17
rodney77i'm wondering if some package was updated that caused the problem14:17
altefourglitsj16: Yeah, I installed Xubuntu which is XFCE and all the packages that come with it. Then I installed Gnome and have all its goodies as well.14:17
glitsj16rodney77: use a tool like htop to determine what's pegging your CPU14:18
rodney77thanks glitsj16, I did do that. The thing is, actual CPU use is apparently low14:18
altefourglitsj16: So long as there's no harm in having both, I may as well keep them. I prefer Gnome and won't be going back to XFCE anytime soon though.14:18
rodney77but load average is high14:19
glitsj16altefour: well, you can rearrange your setup whenever you feel like it, i dual-boot between linux distro's to, like it very much14:19
glitsj16rodney77: have you tried iotop yet? difficult to tell without specific info14:20
rodney77ok glitsj16, I just installed iotop14:21
rodney77i will see if anything looks suspicious14:22
glitsj16rodney77: yes, let it collect data for a while14:22
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rodney77ok glitsj16, what should I be looking for? total and actual disk read and write are almost always 0.00b/s14:30
rodney77every process is showing IO 0.00% except the top one14:30
rodney77which is usually xorg and it's usually less than 2:00% IO14:31
glitsj16rodney77: if there's little or no i/o activity now that's just fine14:31
rodney77ok glitsj16 thanks. I have had this problem a couple times before with this computer14:31
rodney77all of a sudden i get high cpu loads, and then one day it's fine again14:32
glitsj16rodney77: that's always the hard part i suppose, waiting for the problem to re-appear when monitoring14:32
rodney77i mean my load average is high now14:32
rodney77so i can see that problem14:32
glitsj16do you trim SSD's? that can cause some lagging14:32
glitsj16or cron jobs, systemd timers etc, things that are run repetetively14:33
rodney77glitsj16, I don14:34
rodney77i don't know what it means to trim SSDs14:34
rodney77i do have an SSD14:34
rodney77other problems I'm having: very slow wi-fi, only on this computer; SD card reader isn't working properly14:35
rodney77this is exectly what happened before14:37
rodney77but before when14:37
glitsj16rodney77: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trim_(computing)14:37
rodney77I went back to an old kernel it fixed the proble14:37
rodney77but not this time14:37
glitsj16rodney77: that doesn't sound all to hope-giving.. is this a newly installed ubuntu or did you jump via apt?14:37
anddamnacc: I didn't make it up, I found both reference to linux-source14:37
anddamand to the linux-source-$(uname -r) version14:37
rodney77glitsj16, it's not newly installed14:38
ioriaanddam, apt-get source linux-image-x.xx.x-xx-generic   (in a new dir)14:38
glitsj16rodney77: to check if trim is the root cause (which seems unlikely in relation to the other things you mention), you can start that manually. are you on 16.04?14:38
rodney77i am on 16.0414:38
rodney77glitsj16, do you know where i can see package update history?14:39
scorchhi guys, python 3.x from source with altinstall, heard it's recommended NOT to use /usr/local as --prefix; what's the recommended prefix for multi-version installations?14:39
glitsj16rodney77: /var/log/history.log14:39
anddamioria: thanks14:39
S1GM4I think I disabled Unity and everything and make my machine only to boot into CLI on startup14:40
ioriaanddam, np14:40
S1GM4but now I need to make sure a certain specific user is logged in on boot :/14:40
S1GM4and now I'm having trouble SSH into the box, lol, brb14:40
Melissa_McCHey guys - I have a nouveau init failure that's stopping be from booting (17.04)14:40
ioriaS1GM4, you can enable a sort of console-autologin, i tried once, it works but ... had some issues later14:41
jetsaredimwhy does dnsmasq or whatever sets up the resolv.conf file use when lo interface is
ChogyDanjetsaredim, what's the difference?14:42
glitsj16rodney77: to test SSD trim, run 'sudo fstrim -v /' and keep monitoring via htop/iotop, can take a while depending on the size of your SSD14:42
anddamioria: E: Unable to find a source package for linux-image-
Melissa_McCCan someone help me get into the system - to be able to reinstall the graphics drivers?14:42
jetsaredimChogyDan: i cannot get stuff like nslookup to work because my system can't find the dns server14:42
jetsaredimresolv.conf has nameserver listed but what is that supposed to map to?14:42
ioriaanddam, you probably need the yakkety source in sources.list14:43
anddambut I'm on xenial14:44
anddamaltho' I'm using elementary so maybe I have something in sources.list.d14:44
ioriaanddam, that's not the problem14:44
ChogyDanMelissa_McC, how far can you boot?14:45
bugs_buggerhi. can somebody help me with X forwarding on ssh (Ubuntu/Linux Mint)? my session (very annoingly) keeps freezing every 10 Minutes or so. i already tried setting keep alive settings for both server and client to no avail. i have no root on client, so local ssh config only14:45
jetsaredimChogyDan: things work in my browser but for some reason i cannot get terminal apps to resolve stuff14:45
rodney77thanks glitsj16, it said 4.4mb trimmed14:45
rodney77sorry 4.4gb14:45
scorchbugs_bugger: are you actively using the session or is it idle? nothing "moving"?14:46
anddamioria: why do I need yakkety source then?14:46
bugs_buggerscorch: i run some applications with ui in the session. so it is not strictly idle14:46
scorchbugs_bugger: did you enable trusted forwarding?14:47
bugs_buggerscorch: dont know14:47
scorcheither through the ssh config or (I think) as a command line argument14:47
S1GM4I have error14:47
bugs_buggerscorch: let me check...14:47
glitsj16rodney77: if you didn't change it, your 16.04 should have a cron job for SSD trimming in /etc/cron.weekly.. if you disabled that, you can specify it in /etc/fstab too, just make sure you have one of both options, otherwise your SSD will show degraded performance14:47
S1GM4sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target   <--- I run this command, now my laptop starts up only black screen (I wish it had CLI), but the problem now also is that if I close the lid on the device, it turn off14:48
S1GM4do not want.14:48
scorchbugs_bugger: if you have a host config in your ~/.ssh/config you should be able to ass "ForwardX11Trusted yes" for that host, or using I think -Y in the ssh command14:48
jetsaredimChogyDan: I even put google's dns servers explicitly in my ipv4 connection setup14:48
scorchbugs_bugger: though I'm not sure if that's specific for ubuntu or not, defaulting to "untrusted" forwarding which closes after a while14:49
scorchbugs_bugger: "able to add*" ......14:49
Melissa_McCChogyDan  OK - it may be worse than I first thought...I'm throwing my assumptions out...(I've had driver problems related to my Nvidia Geforce 970 card for ages...but this may be worse..)14:49
bugs_buggerscorch: that sounds good. didnt know about that setting. you think it might be the issue? i set TCPKeepAlive on the client side and the alive interval to 60s on the server side and still it freezes14:49
ChogyDanjetsaredim, I don't know much.  I thought resolv.conf was used by auto-setup programs.  So that would override ifconfig settings14:50
scorchbugs_bugger: it's some setting with x forwarding about security to not trust anything too much unless explicitly told to; since forwardning as a privileged user and forgetting to terminate on a public computer can be quite bad14:51
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scorchbugs_bugger: just my two cents, don't know the real reason for it14:51
bugs_buggerscorch: yeah, that makes sense14:51
ioriaanddam, ok, add the yakkety source in sources.list and 'apt source linux'14:51
bugs_buggerscorch: anyway, ill try it. thank you14:51
scorchbugs_bugger: np, good luck14:52
Melissa_McCI need Sherlock Holmes.  Here's my situation:  Been using 17.04 for a few months now...updated and shut down last Tuesday - then when tried to reboot Sat - It wouldn't boot.  Monitor plugged into Nvidia card hangs at black..second monitor plugged into MB output shows nouveau init failed -11014:52
Melissa_McCI'm not sure exactly what that means...but I even tried booting from stick - and still get that same error (!)... ...any thoughts?14:53
scorchMelissa_McC: if you don't mind proprietary software: boot a licecd, remove nouveau and install the nvidia driver14:53
Melissa_McCscorch What's licecd?14:55
scorchMelissa_McC: sorry, livecd*14:55
anddamioria: is there a bot with factoids?14:56
scorchworst internet possible: wifi through cement walls in an apartment in shanghai, vpn to ofifice to better speeds to vps outside of china (europe) lol, causes high latency when writing14:56
Melissa_McCscorch  Ah - so I'm pretty sure thats the same as the thumbdrive I actually just used.... I tried livecd option (same error)..and then I even tried to reinstall ubuntu - same error14:56
scorchMelissa_McC: yeah thumbdrive would do the same14:56
ioriaanddam, don't think so, but you'll get (in this way) the current (59) not 5814:57
Melissa_McCscorch ...ok - so I got the same error somehow.... Obviously my biggest fear is hw failure somewhere.... could be my thumbdrive is corrput?!14:57
anddamioria: I'd rather not go with yakkety, adding it to sources and updating suggests upgrading 1100 packages14:57
scorchMelissa_McC: boot the thum drive, mount your root partition and chroot to it, then follow a guide to install the nvidia driver (unless you tried this before, I joined recently, maybe you already talked about that)14:57
ioriaanddam, you don't get me14:57
anddamioria: I figure I don't14:58
Melissa_McCscorch Thumb drive won't boot.  I get the same nouveau init failure -110 error14:58
anddamioria: yet I tried to do what you said14:58
ioriaanddam, you just add the deb-src  yakkety repo14:58
scorchMelissa_McC: you mean you fear the gpu might already had a hw failure?14:58
ioriaanddam, you don't install anything14:58
anddamioria: oh that wasn't clear14:58
scorchMelissa_McC: you can boot without X I think; boot into a console14:58
Melissa_McCscorch  I'm not smart enough to know where the failure is... but I do know that if its hw...no amount of chatting here will help :/14:59
ioriaanddam,  (comment the xenial src, before) : deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ yakkety main universe restricted multiverse , for example14:59
Melissa_McCscorch quick instructions on booting into shell?15:00
ioriaanddam,  the same for xenial-security and xenial-updates15:00
anddamioria: I switched to bash and now it fetched    apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)15:00
anddamioria: I'm quite surprised15:00
ioriaanddam,  that's good, and what version it is ?15:01
ioriaanddam, ok15:01
scorchMelissa_McC: you should have an option when booting to choose what you want to do (graphical interface or only a shell)15:02
scorchMelissa_McC: it'll probably look like the grub boot screen15:02
BetaSoulHey guys, is there a way to set up the defualt vnc to log into a new x session instead of sharing the current one"15:04
S1GM4 sudo restart systemd-logind15:04
S1GM4I get error when I run this command15:04
S1GM4(Unable to connect to upstart, connection refuse)15:05
BetaSoultry a stop first.15:06
PinkiePietry sudo systemctl restart systemd-logind.service15:06
BetaSoulMy next suggestion Pinkie.15:06
S1GM4That worked :)15:06
S1GM4I did PinkiePie suggestion first15:06
PinkiePieyour smile makes me happy.15:06
S1GM4Okay, I fixed my problem of the system lid closing turning the device off15:07
BetaSoulSo, VNC into a new session. Ideas?15:08
S1GM4sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target   <--- I tried to run this before to force boot into CLI and not GUI, but it only made start to blank screen instead :( so GUI it is.15:08
S1GM4I don't use the GUI, only control the machine via SSH, so GUI is superfluous15:08
PinkiePieS1GM4: look into removing the GUI packages: https://askubuntu.com/a/534476/6296915:09
BetaSoulMan my googlefu is failing me today.15:10
S1GM4I am on Xenial, Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS; the link you post, PinkiePie, is for older system I think.15:10
systestAnyone know what the default user/pass iis for the xenial virtualbox images at https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/15:10
PinkiePieS1GM4: I considered that, the packages are the same afaik15:13
S1GM4Another person with Xenial commented they had an unusuable system after following similar directions, but I think I found another guide15:14
S1GM4yay I finall got to work15:19
S1GM4I free up a ton of RAM and everything from disable GUI at boot :)15:19
DiplomatHey guys, I have a strange issue.. I'm trying to execute a Python script where I updated my database info, but somehow it's still executing old version of the file. I asked from #python too, but so far nobody has any idea. when I do: head -n 10 generate_caches.py ; python generate_caches.py I get this: https://paste.ofcode.org/KB2qbZjPkGJYJS9T3aQcrr15:19
DiplomatLooks like this file is cached somewhere or something.. any ideas ?15:19
saryMelissa_McC: Hiya, what happens if you unplug the second monitor and boot to ubuntu with maine display!15:20
* aotaoint1in used to have a maine display. 207!15:22
BetaSoulSo guys, best way to get a remote session?15:27
glitsj16Diplomat: why is the traceback refering to python in /usr/local/lib instead of the default /usr/lib?15:27
DiplomatNo idea, probably because it was set up by the VM provider like that15:28
glitsj16Diplomat: did you check you don't have mysql files under /usr/lib/python2.7?15:29
glitsj16Diplomat: just throwing out questions, I'm not a python expert15:30
Diplomatglitsj16: mysql works perfectly, ignore that part.. look at the paste, for some reason it uses old credentials not new ones which makes absolutely no sense :/15:30
glitsj16Diplomat: I noticed that, was going to be my next question15:31
glitsj16Diplomat: so the paste, that's from generate_caches.py?15:32
Diplomatfml, somehow there was a hidden file that I was editing and opening.. but it wasnt applied to the correct file15:32
Diplomatgot it working now15:32
glitsj16nice, one less thing15:32
DiplomatI think my IDE created it or something :/, but yeah, it's working now, thanks for the help15:34
glitsj16that's one of the forst things I disable, auto-save functionality creates a messy filesystem, but that's personal preference, no trouble15:36
saryMelissa_McC: i meant with the main primary monitor only attached. Also, check which nvidia driver is currently installed #see $ dpkg -l | grep -i "NVIDIA binary driver , if you have one nvidia driver .. you might need to unload 'nouveau' and or blacklist it.15:36
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TrioxinF2FS is orders of magnitude faster than EXT4 and it's still not in the installer? Get your shit together Ubuntu.16:02
leftyfbTrioxin: please watch the language16:03
leftyfbTrioxin: I can't attest to the installer at the moment, but f2ds support is in the linux kernel in ubuntu as well as tools and libraries16:04
Trioxinit's a big pain to do and that's without encryption. suse has implemented it. it's what's stopping me from installing KDE Neon at the moment on my m2 drive16:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1261175 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[wishlist] F2FS missing in Ubiquity "Use as" partition option" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:07
genii!info f2fs-tools16:09
ubottuf2fs-tools (source: f2fs-tools): Tools for Flash-Friendly File System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0-1.1 (zesty), package size 71 kB, installed size 208 kB (Only available for linux-any)16:09
Trioxini know about the package16:10
geniiJust enable universe and install f2fs-tools before running the partitioner16:10
Trioxini tried that16:10
geniiAre you actually installking it on flash ram/ssd or a regular hd?16:12
Trioxinwhy would I care about having f2fs for a hdd?16:13
Trioxinif not in installer you have to make a f2fs partition, install to ext4, then move install to f2fs. I would do that except I also need luks and really don't want to go messing with crypsetup16:15
ic_byteshi in here.16:15
Trioxinalso, I've seen talk of bugs doing the roundabout way16:15
ic_byteswhat is the proper way to flag all my gnome3 stuff as "not pull it back in again".... ? Because I replaced my gnome3 with mate... and on the next upgrade/update I want to keep that mate stuff ....16:17
tgm4883ic_bytes: uninstalling the packages would do it16:18
tgm4883ic_bytes: you'd want to be careful doing that though since mate uses some gnome stuff16:19
ic_bytesreally ? Are they not flagged somewhere in the system ?16:19
ic_bytessome time ago I read about "keep" and such keywords, in a special file...16:19
tgm4883ic_bytes: I'm not really sure what you mean by flagged. You said "not pull it back in again". If you already uninstalled it, it's not going to reinstall16:20
ic_bytesok, how can I verify, what to uninstall and what to keep for mate being able to run properly ?16:20
ic_bytesanyone in here using aptitude ?16:24
tgm4883ic_bytes: it's a bit of work, but if you use 'apt-rdepends ubuntu-mate-desktop' then you'll get a list of all the packages that ubuntu-mate-desktop needs, so the inverse of that is what you can remove. Unless you also want to keep other stuff you installed, in which case you'll need to do it for those too16:24
ic_byteswill try that16:25
ic_bytesi want to select single packages of the aptitude listings, is that possible at all ?16:27
Trioxinis this tutorial suggesting that in the end I wind up with a useless ext4 partition? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232693416:33
Trioxinwould I be able to reclaim that space to f2fs?16:34
Trioxini'll go through all the extra crap if I have to. I REALLY want to use a cutting edge KDE on Ubuntu LTS but I really want f2fs.16:35
Trioxinotherwise I'll have to roll suse16:35
Trioxinand miss out on Neon's kde16:35
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Melissa_McCOK - So to solve my driver problem I was having earlier - I finally just took out the nvidia graphics card...and got my system to boot into liveCD :)   Is there a way to run a "repair" of the system?16:38
Trioxinwhy can't I avoid this 1mb gap in partitions? http://storage4.static.itmages.com/i/17/0717/h_1500309508_4292074_f296b5a82b.png16:38
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papertigersanyone know how to properly link against libcurl in 16.0416:42
papertigerscurl-config --libs says to use "-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lcurl"  but the linker still cant find the symbols16:43
Melissa_McC...If I "install" from Live CD - will the system know to "upgrade and repair" - or will  it wipe everything?!16:43
Soul_SampleMelissa_McC: what's broken?16:46
Melissa_McCSoul_Sample So I've been fighting with my Nvidia card for ages now - it needed proprietary drivers and every update broke something... the last one gave me a fatal nouveau init failure so bad I couldn't boot...so I took out the card altogether...16:47
Melissa_McCSoul_Sample After doing that I have finally been able to boot a livecd... :)   But it wasn't booting normally...so I want to "repair" it... (I know - I'm clueless)16:49
Soul_SampleMelissa_McC: well you can probably boot the live CD and then use chroot to fix your installation without reinstalling16:50
Soul_SampleMelissa_McC: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery16:50
Soul_Samplebut if you separated home and root on installation, maybe it would be easiest to just overwrite the / partition, leaving your home and data intact16:51
Melissa_McCSoul_Sample I think that sounds vaguely familiar (someone else helped me with my first install 14.04... and I've just been upgrading ever since...16:53
Melissa_McCSoul_sample  So if I were to do that...how do I do it?16:53
Melissa_McCSoul_Sample and the Terminal is asking for a login and pass (on livecd)16:54
Soul_SampleMelissa_McC: it shouldn't. I just booted a livecd in virtualbox and it's not asking for anything. which version do you have?16:56
Melissa_McCSoul_sample 17.04  (but I googled and found user: ubuntu and pass: blank - that worked)16:57
Soul_Sampleis that the same version you are trying to fix?16:57
Melissa_McCHey guys - I'm having trouble accessing my netowrk after chroot - can someone pls help walk me through how to : " adding OpenDNS name servers to your /etc/resolv.conf" - as per info I found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery17:09
Melissa_McCHey guys - I'm having trouble accessing my netowrk after chroot - can someone pls help walk me through how to : " adding OpenDNS name servers to your /etc/resolv.conf" - as per info I found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery17:23
saryMelissa_McC: well,  outside the Chroot , edit etc/resolv.conf , and add the opendns servers , and after that you'll need to mount the /proc filesystem in the chroot (required for managing processes).17:33
saryMelissa_McC: Now, outside the Chroot , Type the following to allow DNS resolution from within the chroot $ sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /var/chroot/etc/resolv.conf17:34
saryI don't know why you're in a chroot environment in the first place!17:34
saryI see, just scrolled up , whoever the fruck pointed you to a chroot, shoud've wlalked you through it!17:37
jmg8766so when I run bt-audio -c xx:xx:xx:xx:xx on this striped down version of ubuntu 14.04 it will make my bluetooth speaker beap, but then I get the message org.bluez.Error.Failed: Connect Failed, anyone know where I can find more information about why it failed?17:37
Melissa_McCsary OK - it says no such file... I'm looking now and theres a resolvconf and a resolv.conf.auto17:38
Melissa_McCsary Do I need to edit one of those...or create a new resolv.conf ?17:38
saryMelissa_McC: are these files in or outside the chroot!17:39
Melissa_McCsary Inside...17:39
saryMelissa_McC: inside the chroot there should be only one in var/chroot/etc/resolv.conf17:41
Melissa_McCsary - I think I may have created the .auto verison (following instructions I found on https://support.opendns.com/hc/en-us/articles/228007087-Ubuntu)17:43
Melissa_McCsary ok I fixed the filename...now it says I don't have write permission17:45
saryMelissa_McC: you're editing the file outside the chroot right! and you're sudo'in nano /etc/resolv.conf17:57
saryor which ever text editor..17:57
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HitechcgIn Ubuntu 16.04.2's menu, "Suspend" and "Hibernate" seem to be missing. Pressing the power button then clicking on one of the actions that appear works fine, as do pm-suspend and pm-hibernate in a terminal. What would cause this and how do I fix it? Something in dconf I guess?17:59
saryMelissa_McC: or are you outside chroot as root!17:59
zenguy-hmm interesting18:02
m4dh4tt4was it there in windows Hitcechcg?18:17
m4dh4tt4bios power settings , ahci, or acpi or something S3 and or S5 toggle to on,18:17
m4dh4tt4thats if it has nothing to do with winblows18:17
m4dh4tt4if worked in windows and doesnt in linux say the word18:18
DanteEdwardlibretro ps2 core when18:21
SleakerDanteEdward: that's probably a question you should ask libretro, or PCSX218:23
DanteEdwardI clicked the wrong channel :v18:24
Sleakermainly the pcsx2 team though18:24
scythefwdquick cli question.. hope its simple.. is there a way to find all processes running under a certain name, like pidgin, and kill them all at once vs. one at a time?18:34
akikscythefwd: you can use pkill to kill processes by name18:35
scythefwdwell sure, if you wnat to go the obvious route.. thanks.. I was over here doing kill -9 pid..18:35
ducassescythefwd: you can also use killall18:37
scythefwdanybenefit vs. pkill?18:37
scythefwdreading through man file on kill all, it mentions impure executables.. excluding the windows progs running under wine joke thats obvious... I have no clue what an impure executable is.. anyone care to enlighten me?18:40
ZetFuryI have a Intel NUC with Ubuntu 17.04 connected to my TV, it goes black randomly for a few seconds a couple minutes after start, then back to normal, it only appear to happen once every start. Did not have this problem with windows on the same NUC, any idea what could cause it?18:53
m4dh4tt4Suggestion for ubuntu -> "Brightness and lock" -> brightness . Suggested change: Warn or disable on 0. Hasnt happened to me yet but if ever i accidentally let go of the slider whilst adjusting it could be easily avoided.19:04
ducassem4dh4tt4: iirc you can file wishlist bugs on launcpad19:06
SuperSeriousCatZetFury, sure its not just part of the boot?19:07
m4dh4tt4Compliment for all those who work so hard to bring us ubuntu: This one day(probably familiar to a lot of people here) I broke up with windows. She wasnt thin enough anymore. I switched my entire life to linux and tried many distros, although it initially resolved a lot of things for me, my desktop experience still left me frustrated/powerless and confused. After 3 months of struggling with other distros, i loaded Ubuntu 16.04 and for the first time19:08
m4dh4tt4since the switch I felt complete again. So ty to all , for bringing elegance to the linux user interface and to not making things so damn hard.19:08
m4dh4tt4i mean hey everything has its battles, but like 4/4 of the ones that drove me insane were resolved by default here19:09
Victor83Hi guys! I have tried to install Realtek drivers and after that alsa doesn't see sound card I've tried many solutions but they not help me may be somebody help me?19:10
m4dh4tt4well ducasse do you recommend it ? if it helps community ill file it, if you guys are swamped id be ok without it19:10
m4dh4tt4what card victor8319:11
m4dh4tt4and what version of ubuntu19:11
ducassem4dh4tt4: everybody here are volunteers, if you want to reach the developers, use launcpad. they will take a look at your suggestion, and decide if it is worth implementing.19:12
Victor83m4dh4tt4: How can I check which card ? I just remember that is is HD audio19:13
ducasseVictor83: which drivers did you install - where did you get them?19:14
Victor83I get them from realtek website19:15
ducasseVictor83: wireless or audio drivers?19:15
Victor83And I have installed Ubuntu 16.04 audio19:16
Victor83audio drivers19:16
ducassefor which chipset?19:16
Victor83I use this page for downloading but as I found out later that drivers not supported by my kernel  http://www.realtek.com/downloads/downloadsCheck.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=24&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false19:18
ducasseVictor83: no, you should very rarely need to download drivers for linux, most often they are included in the kernel19:18
saryany reason you had to install the driver from realtek! the system should detect you sound card out of the box. #see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting19:19
Victor83Here is what I have https://snag.gy/JriSlN.jpg19:21
Victor83sary: I try to fix my microphone, he was very weak when I record19:22
Victor83sary: Thank for the links,  I'll try that instructions.19:25
saryVictor83: that's understandbale .. so you had sound before. to confiugre and adjust the sounds i suggest you use alsamixer and pavucontrol.19:26
saryVictor83: yw , i think in your case you should try with with step 3 in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure , and then troubleshoot.19:28
Victor83I have installed them before. But I have removed pavucontrol because he does not started.19:28
Victor83I go to reboot now.19:29
IhrFusselThis happened TWICE while downloading files from the internet...on this screen I was about to install Xubuntu on my HDD but it happened again later when I downloaded a Xubuntu iso file with Firefox: https://i.imgur.com/Os1lcujr.jpg19:38
OneM_IndustriesSo, I'm having a bit of issue with playing DVDs on ubuntu 14.04.19:39
OneM_IndustriesThe disk I'm currently trying to watch plays fine up until about ~20 minutes from the end, at which point, it simply stops playing altogether.19:40
Victor83sary: It seem that that troubleshooting not helps me because sound cart not detected/19:40
IhrFusselI'm not sure if it's just a coincidence that the same issue happened twice DURING downloads and never again since (that was over 24 hours ago)19:40
saryVictor83: do you have nvidia driver installed.. #see additional drivers section.19:43
Victor83sary: Yes, I have.19:44
Victor83There is a screenshot which says that I haven't sound card.19:47
Bashing-omVictor83: " lts-xemial-dkms " . What kernel are you running ? show ' uname -r ' .19:48
saryGood catch Bashing-om!19:49
TheWildJust my few words, because I think there's something I don't understand...19:50
saryIhrFussel: that's weird , which GPU card , and are you connected through ethernet!19:50
TheWildThe original Ubuntu's "Unity" interface.19:50
TheWildWhoever designed this, did that human have any clue about the interface design?19:51
Bashing-omVictor83: K; should be good then to run the lts-xenial-dkms module . Was a thought only .19:52
TheWildApplication menu for example: I can be displayed on the top. No, not top of the window; the top of the screen!19:52
saryTheWild: i don't now , i never liked it either and never used it , i prefer Gnome and openbox.19:52
Victor83Bashing-om: How to do this?19:52
TheWildOr - at your choice - it can replace a titlebar when you point at it.19:52
Bashing-omVictor83: Sorry . what you have installed presently is appropriate . ( sound is not in my tool box of experience ) .19:53
TheWildThe second is: What amazon does here?19:53
IhrFusselsary, it's just the integrated graphics chip from Intel and yes I use ethernet...something I noticed is that back when I had no OS on my PC but ethernet was connected the BIOS said something about "DHCP"19:53
TheWildand how I can uninstall it?19:53
saryBashing-om: yeah Victor83 is kernel base is the default hwe-16.04 , i wounder of he needs a newer kernel for the nvidia sound card to work!19:53
Victor83Actually, I know that I did something wrong but how to fix it now? :)19:54
Bashing-omsary: Beats me .. the alsa people have a great script to run to know all there is to know about sound issues .19:55
saryIhrFussel: interesting .. do you recall where did the BIOS mentioned the DHCP part!19:55
tsarompyi like Unity19:56
tsarompyi dont use it but i like it19:56
tsarompyi would if i had moar ram19:56
tsarompykinda hope they fork it19:56
ducasseVictor83: but your sound card did initially work, right, except for some issue recording?19:57
tsarompyits a great interface for noobs19:57
Victor83I'll try to use commands from step 3 on this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure19:57
IhrFusselSomething important to note is that those 2 issues only happened with Xubuntu 14.04 32-bit ... I upgraded to 16.04 64-bit and it seems to not happen anymore ... sary it said it when it usually loads the HDD19:57
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
saryIhrFussel: a quick test is to run $ tail -f /var/log/syslog , and tail -f /var/log/dmesg while connected thought ethernet.19:57
Victor83ducasse: Yes, it was working19:58
IhrFusselsary, but how can ethernet cause such a lock up? It was not just the screen the entire PC hung up (not even keyboard worked anymore)19:58
Victor83Except a little noise on high volume.19:58
saryIhrFussel: in that case, i would run a fliesystem check on the HDD.19:59
Victor83I try to reinstall linux-image-extra-4.8.0-58-generic  now.20:00
Melioratorhi all, apt is giving me a package recommendation, but when i try and install it, i get: E: Package 'padevchooser' has no installation candidate20:01
Victor83I go to reboot again.20:02
Melioratori thought that the package is required to choose pulseaudio devices for specific applications?20:02
Victor83Oh! My sound is back! :)20:10
glitsj16Meliorator: you can read what padevchooser does and deoesn't do at http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/padevchooser/ .. there's only a version for trusty (14.04) in the repos, are you using 14.04?20:10
black_13after i updated ubuntu the ssh server now refuses connections20:11
Victor83Thank to all for help!20:11
Bashing-omVictor83: Do tell .20:11
Victor83Bashing-om: Sorry, what is it mean? :)20:12
Victor83Is it any idiom?20:12
saryhe ment tell us what fixed your sound issue..20:13
Bashing-omVictor83: Did re-installing 4.8.0-58-generic kernel resolve the issue ?20:13
Victor83This command helps to me.20:14
Victor83Actually, it is reinstalling.20:15
saryGreat! :)20:15
Victor83And I suppose that last of them do my day :)20:15
Bashing-omVictor83: With a caveat .20:16
Bashing-om!ppa | Victor8320:16
ubottuVictor83: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge20:16
Victor83Bashing-om: Yes I know that some of them can damage and even kill OS at all :)20:17
Melioratorglitsj16: 17.0420:17
Bashing-omVictor83: :) .. Glad you are aware .20:17
Victor83But it is a official ubuntu help forum and I believe to him.20:17
Victor83So, thank again now I can make code with music again :)20:18
black_13purge and restart20:19
aotaoint1inshouldn't that be the other way around?20:19
Melioratorglitsj16: does pasystray superseed it?20:19
aotaoint1ini mean, i know a bit about algorithmic composition...20:19
glitsj16Meliorator: in that case you should check your sources, there isn't a version for zesty.. as you might have read, padevchooser integrates some of the other PA tools in a tray icon.. i'm not sure if pasystray offers exactly the same functionality though20:20
Melissa_McCHey - I just re-installed 17.04 over a bad system that wouldn't start - I've got my desktop back up...but some things aren't working - i.e. I can't open Terminal in a window...and it looks like a set of apps I previously installed aren't anymore (i.e Chrome, etc...)20:21
Victor83Actually, this is not solve my issue with weird sound at sound recording but it is another story.20:21
glitsj16Meliorator: looking at the dependencies for pasystray it looks like it's a case of a name change in the package20:21
Melioratori was guessing that, but it is not documented anywhere :\20:22
glitsj16Meliorator: indeed, i couldn't find anything besides what i linked ^.. but it does have a man page at least .. in any case, i don't think you'll miss much if you decide not to install it20:24
Melioratorwell, installed, it has everything and some \o/20:27
glitsj16enjoy :)20:28
Melioratorhmmm, seems i have a battle of the audio-systrays going on, i should probably reboot...20:28
Melioratorthanks =D20:28
Melissa_McCI googled "terminal won't launch" and saw some stuff about updating thunderbird...and lists...and locales... tried some of that (ctl-alt-F1) - and it said I didn't have permission, even tho I logged in as admin and sudo'ed the heck out of it20:29
ash_workz(from `man find`:) Bear in mind that the size is rounded up to the next unit. Therefore -size -1M is not equivalent to -size -1048576c. The former only matches empty files, the latter matches files from 1 to 1,048,575 bytes. -- why would -1M only match empty files?20:34
quartershello. I was wondering how I might be able to install consolas font on ubuntu20:46
quartersusing font-manager20:46
glitsj16Melissa_McC: thunderbird has nothing to do with a terminal emulator.. what command(s) are you trying? without some detailed info we're pretty much in the dark as to what your issue might be.. can you make a pastebin? Ow, after re-installing it's to be expected that packages you added manually will have to be installed again..20:46
quartersI heard that there's a way to uninstall the spyware that comes installed on ubuntu and was wondering how to do that ( I have xenial)20:47
Melissa_McCglitsj16  I was trying to follow https://askubuntu.com/questions/613582/terminal-wont-launch-after-upgrading20:47
Melissa_McCglitsj16  I tried to open the "language support" thru the settings  in the UI...but that refuses to open (pops us quickly then disappears)20:49
=== tarator85 is now known as tarator
glitsj16Melissa_McC: had a look at that page.. it talks about a custom locale that caused problems, did you do that?20:50
Melissa_McCglitsj16  I'm not sure how to edit that... is it something like gedit /etc/default/locale.  (?)20:51
glitsj16Melissa_McC: use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale as a guide, it involves a few steps20:51
glitsj16Melissa_McC: if anything isn't clear, tell us20:52
glitsj16Melissa_McC: let's start with what your current setting is, run 'locale' to get that20:53
Melissa_McCglitsj16  Thx.  OK - I'll have to do it thru ctl-alt-F1...since terminal isn't opening a win...and when I tried "language support" thru the Setting UI - it crashes the window immediately20:53
glitsj16Melissa_McC: yes i understand, but the commands and info on that page works just as well in a TTY20:54
Melissa_McCglitsj16  Thx.  OK  ran 'locale' and the first two lines say' LANG=   LANGUAGE=   '  then 'POSIX" is the response for eerything else...20:55
Melissa_McCglitsj16  That seems like the languae isn't set...right?20:55
glitsj16Melissa_McC: empty? yup, it looks like it20:56
glitsj16Melissa_McC: what do you get from 'locale -a'?20:56
Melissa_McCglitsj16 That produces a loong list of locale options - starting with POSIX ...and the a bunch of others...20:58
glitsj16if the output is too long, use a pastebin or the bot might kick you out for flooding the channel.. take your time to get a view on what needs to be done20:58
glitsj16we'll get there :)20:58
Melissa_McCglitsj16 (let me know if you want me to print them... but things like en_GB_utf820:58
glitsj16Melissa_McC: do you have pastebinit installed? if not, this is a good time to install that, a tool to post your info as mentioned in the channel topic21:00
Melissa_McCglitsj16 whats the cmd to do that?21:00
glitsj16sudo apt install pastebinit .. if you feel more comfortable using a GUI, there's nothing wrong in doing so21:01
glitsj16we all had to learn, small steps, although i can understand your eagerness to 'get going' with the newly installed ubuntu :)21:02
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit21:02
Melissa_McCglitsj16 response is "The package Thunderbird needs to be reinstalled but I can't find an archive for it"21:02
Melissa_McCglitsj16 thx for your patience...I'm really good at following instructions...but new to Ubuntu...21:03
glitsj16Melissa_McC: try 'sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade' .. looks like your package manager (called apt) is rather confused21:04
glitsj16Melissa_McC: no worries, this is part of the fun :p21:04
Melissa_McCglitsj16 Same error!   (I googled this earlier and it said something about deleting the lists...and reinstalling them..??)21:05
glitsj16Melissa_McC: do you have a link to those instructions?21:06
Melissa_McCglitsj16 I tried the info on this pg (https://askubuntu.com/questions/147178/ethe-package-needs-to-be-reinstalled-but-i-cant-find-an-archive-for-it) - but it wouldn' delete due to permission issies21:06
glitsj16k, reading21:07
JPelletierHello, I enabled earlyprintk=efi and I would like to know if it's normal that it take 3-4 seconds for every single line printed on screen21:09
glitsj16Melissa_McC: try 'sudo apt install -f' .. that might be enough to get by this hurdle, if not we try plan B21:09
quartershello. I was wondering if anyone here runs xming server on windows with the built in ubuntu?21:09
Melissa_McCglitsj16 nope.  sorry.  same error...21:10
Melissa_McCglitsj16 (is there a way to copy/paste from ctl-alt-F1 screen...to F7 screen, so I can paste to pastebin.com?)21:11
glitsj16Melissa_McC: sudo apt install --reinstall thunderbird21:11
Melissa_McCglitsj16 didn't work again.  "...The package thunderbird needs to be reinstalled, but i can't find an archive for it."21:13
glitsj16Melissa_McC: sudo apt purge thunderbird (we'll see if we can remove it, fix your sources and locale issue and reinstall thunderbird later)21:14
Bashing-om!info thunderbird zesty21:15
ubottuthunderbird (source: thunderbird): Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter. In component main, is optional. Version 1:52.2.1+build1-0ubuntu0.17.04.1 (zesty), package size 43471 kB, installed size 111117 kB21:15
saryyou might need to : sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf , sudo apt-get update Melissa_McC !21:15
Melissa_McCglitsj16 didn't work again.  Same error21:16
sarydo you have apt and synaptic running at the same time!21:16
Melissa_McCsary OK - I'' try that again... I think I had a permissions error last time...21:16
saryMelissa_McC: this is a fresh install..  iwounder why you may have a permissiion issue!21:17
glitsj16sary: can you guide Melissa_McC here for a moment please? I'm babysitting my brother's dog and she's going crazy in the yard21:18
Melissa_McCsary Its a new install over a broken 17.04 that wouldn't boot... BUT those commands seem to have gone in without error...21:19
saryglitsj16: np , take your time.21:19
glitsj16sary: appreciate that, thank you21:19
quartersdoes anyone here use xming or know where I might be able to get help on using it or with finding an alternative to it?21:19
marco25anyone got any ideas on how to fix these issues in ubuntu...ive already compuled beignet 1.3.1 and still experience same issues... https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=860805   https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10063921:21
ubottuDebian bug 860805 in beignet-opencl-icd "beignet-opencl-icd: OpenCL fails with: drm_intel_gem_bo_context_exec() failed: Device or resource busy" [Serious,Fixed]21:21
ubottuFreedesktop bug 100639 in Beignet "drm_intel_gem_bo_context_exec() failed: Device or resource busy .... even after patch" [Major,New]21:21
marco25ive alseo already tried some of the suggested workarounds with no success :P21:21
Melissa_McCsary OK - your two cmds went in...but returned quick one line responses... "Building dependancy tree.....done"... but certainly didn't seem to actually be updating anything... when I tried apt-get --reinstall install thunderbird - same old error21:21
saryMelissa_McC: it's hard to tell what permissions issue your system having, do you happen to have an externial HDD ! it would be better to back up your files from /home .. you also seem to have an input I/o issue .. i suggest to do to a file system check at this point.21:27
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Melissa_McCsary I'm ok with losing stuff here... this machine is my "mess about" one... (confession:  My win-pc is my 'serious' computer)21:29
Melissa_McCsary So - do you want me to try to re-install 17.04?21:30
Melissa_McCsary or is there an easier cmd to get it to dbl check everything?21:30
saryMelissa_McC: ok , yes reinstall but make usre to format / root  .. let the instller do it or select to do it manually.21:32
Bashing-omsary: Melissa_McC We been nessing with this for a spell now , Is it time to check dmesg for indications of hardware issues ?21:32
saryMelissa_McC: yes, you can check the file system after you reinstall or now .. #see http://sprunge.us/gaQj21:33
saryBashing-om: Yeah , am thinking it could be the HDD faling .. hopefully not!21:33
Bashing-omsary: Same same thought :(21:34
Melissa_McCBashing_om I've made some good progress...last night the box wouldn't even boot!  I pulled the graphics card out, and reinstalled 17.04 ...and its up!!  (it just needs tuning :)  )21:34
Bashing-omMelissa_McC: But ya got issues on a fresh install that just does not compute .21:35
Melissa_McCBashing_om  Yeah - it was the "leave my files  - but install the OS" option...21:36
glitsj16Bashing-om: indeed, an empty locale on a fresh install was what we tried to fix earlier, trying to install pastebinit side-tracked things.. thanks again sary, the dog situation is okay now21:37
saryglitsj16: it's cool, wb :)21:43
Bashing-omglitsj16: sary ; Melissa_McC Back in my lurking mode :)21:44
Melissa_McCglitsj16 OK - I'm gonna copy off data - and just do a full fresh install.21:45
glitsj16Melissa_McC: okay, we'll be still here21:46
glitsj16thanks Bashing-om, lurk away21:46
saryrememba to reformat , not just install over an old / installation. you should have a fresh install then.21:46
saryalso, make sure you install the proper nvidia driver before you go about plugin' a second monitor.21:48
avoiderhello i need some help22:21
antisaintHey, so I messed up my main display resolution dicking arround with drivers n such. I have a atd card and its got dvi and vga out, problem is the main monitor is stuck at 640-480 rather than the 1440 by 900 the second display is. There are not other resolutions in the display menu under system settings. What did I do?22:21
avoidermaking my second drive (storage) being able to access22:21
avoideri can see it on my desktop but it wont let me make folders or add files22:22
avoiderany ideas?22:22
antisaintits mounted as ro?22:22
avoiderantisaint how can i tell?22:22
antisainttype mounts22:22
antisaintno s sorry22:23
avoidersays /dev/sda1 on /media/insidious/Storage type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,data=o22:23
antisaintsda1 should be main disk22:23
thewillowell, unless that hardware is ancient or in some legacy mode22:25
avoiderthat is what lsblk says22:25
antisaintdid you manually mount it?22:26
avoideri used gparted22:26
antisaintare you in a chroot env?22:26
avoideryeah it asked me for my root password22:26
avoiderwhen i opened it22:26
antisaint... Um... what all did u do in parted?22:27
avoiderdelete and format to ext422:27
antisaintWhat is your goal?22:27
avoiderto use it as a stoarge for media22:27
antisaintWhat is your os running off of?22:28
avoidertb drive22:28
sarya premissions issue , perhaps .. if you do ls -al on the /media/storge ... what does it return!22:28
antisaintWhere is your / (root) partition22:28
avoiderwhat do you mean?22:29
saryrun $ ls -al /media/insidious/Storage22:29
avoiderthat is the output22:31
saryantisaint: look into xander.22:31
avoideris that how its suppose to be?22:32
antisaintsary: It was something while ripping out the nividia driver and trying to update to the amd radion open source sdk, I dunno I vaguely recall hitting on a grub param and a xorg config... your have a thought?22:32
antisaintavoider: did you sync?22:34
avoiderit never asked me22:35
avoideri just opened up gparted it asked for my password... i deleted and formated  i can see it mounted but i cant create folder or drop files in it22:36
Bashing-omavoider: antisaint :: Internal partitions should be mountd from system file /etc/fstab . avoider; sda1 is on an internal drive, yes ?22:37
saryavoider: right click on the mounted storge , select properties > permissions22:37
avoideryes it says22:38
avoiderthe permissions of "storage" could not be determinded.22:38
saryantisaint: so you had drivers conflect , whichever driver you're using you should be able to set the resolutions with xander.22:40
antisaintxrandr --auto --output DVI-0 --mode 1440x900 --right-of DVI-1 Gave cannot find mode 1440x900 :/22:41
avoidersary, any ideas??22:42
saryavoider: follow Bashing-om ..22:46
saryavoider: paste the output of /etc/fstab  to paste.ubuntu.com22:48
avoidersays permisson denied22:50
avoidereven when i try with root22:50
hggdhif it helps any, the output of the ls -la shows .. has an ACL in place22:51
hggdh(the + sign at the end of the permissions string)22:52
Bashing-omhggdh: Uh Huh . avoider Was wondering why Access Control List is in effect .22:53
avoiderim just trying to be able to use a mounted drive22:54
hggdhI just looked at my /media, and it also has a ACL applied on /media/<userId>,22:54
hggdh(but I have nothing mounted there)22:54
hggdhavoider: what is shown when you getfacl /media/insidious?22:55
Bashing-omhggdh: New one on me ! " drwxr-x---+  2 root root 4096 Jun 25 12:31 sysop " for my /media/ .22:56
hggdhBashing-om: I expect your /media/<userId> will also show your id as r-x22:57
hggdh(on a getfacl)22:57
avoiderhggdh: https://pastebin.com/4ptaQhbS22:58
hggdhavoider: yes. Not different from mine. This is not bad, only says 'insidious' is allowed to browse the directory23:00
hggdhnow, why /media/insidious/storage got owned by root... that's a good question23:00
antisaintAlright, so I just wiped the xorg.conf file in /etc/x11/ and restarted lightdm and poof all my resolutions came back like autogen... lolz fun fun.. why did it do that anyways? Any known issues where xorg will go apesh(fun)it23:03
hggdhand... as far as I can remember, if you used gparted to format the /dev/sda1, and then mount it... IIRC, you would have to run gparted as root, so it is expected the directory will be owned by root23:03
antisainttry the apitimal $  mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda123:04
avoiderso is it no fix?23:05
antisaintIm golden ghrams mayn. Thanxa23:05
hggdhyes, you can fix it. If it is an internal disk on your machine, use /etc/fstab, and then chown the mount point23:06
hggdhor just chown the mount point, as you prefer23:06
avoidernot sure how to do this and yes its internal disk23:06
hggdhavoider: sudo chown insidious: /media/insidious/storage23:07
avoidersays invaild command23:08
Bashing-omavoider: Of consideration is if you want that partition mounted all the time or only as on-demand . I feel on-demand is the more safe thing for my valuable data but !! if ya go with on demand and "you" mount it then you are responsible to make sure it is UNmounted when you are done with it .23:09
avoideri want it mounted all the time23:09
hggdhavoider: I assumed (1) 'insidious' is the userId; (2) 'storage' is the mountpoint. Adjust as needed23:10
hggdhgotta go23:10
Bashing-omavoider: than as advised make a enty on /etc/fstab for that partition. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux .23:11
avoiderthats the command i typed with my useer and storage23:12
avoiderstill dont work23:12
antisaintsudo chown insidious: /media/insidious/storage  <<<< Remove the ::::::: :)23:12
antisaintOr add the root group after it23:13
avoiderstill the same thing23:14
antisaintI personally thing if your trying to chown it, id go with this: sudo chown -hR insidious /media/insidious/storage23:15
avoiderchown: cannot access '/media/insidious/storage': No such file or directory23:16
antisaintIs it capped right?23:16
Bashing-omavoider: I would suggest a full permissions ' sudo chown insidious:insidious /media/insidious/storage ' . Where insidious is the username on your system . AND that insidious has the admin rights to make the change .23:16
antisaintBut its a symlink and id do a recursive lol but who am i to run it... nope.23:17
Bashing-omavoider: OH ! it is a upper case S on storage ! Storage . case makes a difference !23:18
avoiderThank you guys.23:18
avoideryes it does. lol23:18
antisaint;) u get it?23:18
avoideryes lol23:18
avoiderapericate all the help guys23:18
antisaintright on. make a alias if u dont wanna do it by hand all the time. themz are nifty beasts23:19
avoiderill drop my znc to ilde in a few.... thanks again23:19
Bashing-omavoider: Help is wht we do, just making sure you get what you want and do not break the system :)23:19
antisaintisnt ther ea restore system... I just read something about that23:20
=== jeepstatus is now known as jeep
tom23ok, so i am new to irc. how does this work? can i get help with ubuntu here?23:40
antisainttom23: Just ask what you need, if somebody knows they will pipe up23:41
tom23ok, thanks23:41
antisaintBe clear, and consice, logs help too ;P23:41
tom23thinkpad x220 install. brand new hdd, touchpad works for approx 2mins. then stops. close lid and reopen, touchpad works for a couple minutes then quits again.23:43
antisainttom23: Is there a screensaver or anything coming up? Ive heard issues where x can kill inputs if screensaver comes on. Is this everytime at 2 mins like clockwork?23:45
tom23no screensaver, it just stopd polling for clicks of the mouse buttons. moving thepointer works, but can't click23:47
antisaintTry this one first: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:49
tom23@antisaint - ok, i'll give that a shot.23:51
quartershello. I was having issues with neovim and was wondering how to find out the different paths where things like the color schemes need to be installed specific to ubuntu23:53
antisainttom23: Curiosity, whats your output of: lspci | grep Display23:55
sarytom23: does it behave like that while on batter or AC adapter!23:56
sarytom23: #see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/X220#Input , also make sure xserver-xorg-input-synaptics is installed , sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics23:59

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