[01:24] evening guys [01:25] Hey EriC^^ Good to read ya again :P [01:25] hey Bashing-om :D [01:28] EriC^^: I take it Beirut is still there . [01:29] :D [01:30] EriC^^: And you are still there - so all is good :P [01:33] :D [01:34] how's the evening going? [01:37] EriC^^: slower in main .. lately support has gotten real slow . Too user friendly for our comfort ? [01:39] :D [01:43] EriC^^: What a predicument - I have learned how not to break my system, and no one else is breaking theirs - hoz a guy supposed to learn ? [01:59] !info nvidia-375 xenial [01:59] nvidia-375 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-375): NVIDIA binary driver - version 375.66. In component restricted, is optional. Version 375.66-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 38895 kB, installed size 160232 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf) [04:40] good morning to all [04:42] \o lotuspsychje . Been slow in main :( Not much going on . Plenty of time for the morning tea . [04:43] hey Bashing-om [04:46] coffee to wake up :p [04:47] lotuspsychje: Hey hey .. Does not appear that it will be long before I am backing out of here :) [04:51] lets wake em up :p [04:52] Oh, lotuspsychje - you do have the touch :P [06:18] morning all [06:19] hey hey EriC^^ [06:20] http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/07/help-test-ubuntu-17-10-on-real-hardware [06:20] how's it going? [06:22] great here [06:22] 3 days off [06:22] nice [06:22] going to the beach? [06:23] yeah but have to wait 2 deliverys first EriC^^ [06:23] aha [06:23] external hd and hp envy printer [06:23] for customers :p [06:24] a seagate expansion 500gig [06:28] aha nice, i had one of those [06:29] lasted like 9 years [06:29] i like seagates [06:29] me too, i got another seagate 1tb as replacement [06:29] rocksolid heh [06:29] Good morning [06:29] hey hey lordievader [06:29] good morning lordievader [06:29] ready for your train lordievader ? [06:30] Hey lotuspsychje, EriC^^ [06:30] Already halfway ;) === JanC is now known as Guest76357 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [14:05] Hi all [14:18] \o BluesKaj - i'm melting... [14:18] hi BluesKaj ducasse [14:19] hi EriC^^ [14:21] hey ducasse, EriC^^ [14:22] ducasse: sorry to hear that, A/C would be nice for you [14:24] we installed A/C here 10 yrs ago when the summers just became too hot for our old bones [14:24] it's not that bad, honestly, i'm just slightly overheated from doing garden work :) just sitting inside it's quite bearable. [14:24] ok, good [14:30] investing in ac here in norway seems wasteful, as you'd probably need it 5 days/year... [14:38] yes, this summer isn't really hot but a couple of yrs ago it was a constant 30C for about 5 weeks ...this summer isn't too bad but the house heats up in late afternoon nowadays so it's nice to cool things down in the evening before going to bed [14:44] that's not really been a problem here, i'm happy to say. thankfully there are several large trees providing shade, plus the house itself being on a hill overlooking the fjord - the wind blows straight in [14:44] that latter bit is not so fantastic midwinter, though... [15:04] yeah, we have some big tree around our house , but unfortunately we had to have our big maple cut down because it was becoming dangerous. [15:05] lost some of our early afternoon shade [15:05] ok bbiab === fr0tzed is now known as WhiteBuffalo === WhiteBuffalo is now known as fr0tzed [23:46] hi [23:46] is anybody alive? [23:46] and feel like chatting?