
CyberTexUbuntu budgie applets have a .plugin file. Where can I find the documentation for what attributes one can set in that file? I'm trying to set the attribute Icon to a none defualt (symbolic) icon.05:54
CyberTexAlso is it easy to add a custom icon to the symbolic icons list ? ( In Raven)05:54
CyberTexWhat I mean by a symbolic icon settings is something similar to this "Icon=view-grid-symbolic". I did "Icon=/absolute/path/myicon.png" and it didn't work (Duh!)05:55
fossfreedomCyberTex, all applets are part of the libpeas way of adding plugins - same as gedit, rhythmbox06:59
CyberTexfossfreedom:  Thanks , will check that out.07:00
fossfreedomthe icon names are basically the name of the icon for your current iconset07:00
CyberTexfossfreedom: Raven reads the *.plugin directly. How can I modify its iconset? For a new (added) applet I designed. How can I perform something similar to ""Icon=/absolute/path/myicon.png"" in myAppletName.plugin?07:05
CyberTexSorry, will do my research "https://developer.gnome.org/integration-guide/stable/icons.html.en" 'installing icons' looks related.07:07
fossfreedomdon't think you can use an absolute path.  Suggest drop the icon into /usr/share/icons/hicolor ... somewhere in there probably.  As I said - the name of the icon has to be in your iconset, or the iconsets it inherits (index.theme)07:08
CyberTexfossfreedom:  Got it. Thanks07:08

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