[01:20] Hey [01:22] I´m New [02:26] I have been getting a message when I try to update my software. Apparently one of the files needed to update is not downloading or is corrupted. Where can I go to get help on this.? thank you [02:32] ola [02:35] I had Chromium working well for Months. Recently though it has been crashing every time i try to launch it. [02:36] Any idea's on ways to fix it? [03:59] hi [10:49] hi [10:49] waht is your name? [13:41] hello [13:41] anybody hear me? [13:41] no [13:42] but i can read you [13:59] Same here, the text is going through just fine but yeah, we can't hear you. [14:05] flexiondotorg, got a minute? [14:05] Yes [14:06] I was wondering if you could bump some bounties on bountysource 5 bucks [14:06] Sure. [14:06] But bountysource is lagging for some reason so I'm gonna need a minute to get to the urls -_- [14:06] I've had your PM from Discourse open in a browser tab for ages. Sorry. [14:07] oh [14:07] haha [14:07] Well that simplifies it [14:07] flexiondotorg, ElementaryOS is very active on Bountysource, I'm jealous of them [14:08] They have full-time people who use that all the time. [14:08] flexiondotorg, the fact that you can see only one page of activity means delaying between bumps means better PR [14:08] good [14:08] ouroumov I have to be very efficient with the little time I have for Ubuntu MATE. [14:09] I've front loaded the 17.10 cycle with development activity. [14:09] Yeah, I don't know how you do it. Do you ever sleep? [14:09] I'm working every spare moment to hit Alpha 2. [14:09] where are you? [14:09] We have one package left to land. [14:10] Which will enable all the new stuff I've been working so hard on. [14:10] I've land some HiDPI patches yesterday. [14:10] I saw, that's awesome. [14:10] It is in now way finished. [14:11] But it is possible to configure a usable desktop on a HiDPI display using the existing MATE configuration tools. [14:11] btw has ubiquity been patched for that? [14:12] ouroumov Anyway, ping me BountySource URL and I'll process them now. [14:12] I'll be here for 3 hours. [14:12] ouroumov MATE has no automatic detection for HiDPI yet. [14:12] Ubiquity does. [14:13] MATE requires manual tweaking. Even then some applications need improvement. [14:13] Mostly mate-panel and the lock screen. Everything else look in pretty decent shape. [14:13] i want those bucks pls gimme bucks so i can get tacos [14:14] flexiondotorg, I sent you the links in PM [19:53] Terminal crashes when right clicking and pasting [19:53] Is this is known bug? [19:56] !help [19:56] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [19:56] !patience [19:56] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [20:01] Anyway, whole screen freezes when I right click and paste into terminal, although background applications work. UI and everything else doesn't. 4.10.0-28-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 30 05:32:18 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [21:11] hi-I have 2 machines, 1 with ubuntu Mate and 1 with Lubuntu 17.04 - when I upgraded this from 16.04, to 17.04. my LibreOffice 5 no longer opens- it goes through the motions, but doesnt open the odt files- I can open them with Abiword, but not in LibreOffice writer ? any suggestions [21:26] Can you open a new Libre Document. Any error messages? Rebooted since upgrade? [21:39] I have tried re boot, turned off completely, tried again, tried to open LibreOffice only (without Doc) and as mentioned, it tried, I see the red line on LibreOffice run across, and it seems to stop short, then I get just a blank blue screen ? [21:40] no error message - other than occaisionally says internal error - but mot always ? [21:44] will be back tomorrow to read messages, hopefully cure, is there a 'fixit site ' it appears the 'upgrade from 16.04 to 17.04 has lost me Libreoffice Night all xx