
bluesabreUnit193: which one?00:19
bluesabrenope, I know absolutely nothing about that plugin00:20
Unit193Replacement for indicator-application, sounds like it's nicer tbh.00:21
bluesabreUnit193: does that also do systray, or just indicators?00:23
Unit193bluesabre: Application indicators, but it supports the full KDE spec, not just what the Ubuntu ones support.00:24
bluesabreVery interested to try this out then00:24
Unit193And if it works, get the upgrader to remove indicator-application.00:24
bluesabreanybody pick the packaging up for this one yet, or should I experiment with it?00:25
Unit193Oooooh, you're offering to do it? :D00:26
Unit193I haven't yet, mainly because descriptions are hard.00:26
Unit193(Yes, that's the reason...)00:26
bluesabreMaybe I'll jot some descriptions down then00:27
Unit193I had knome fix gtk-theme-config, I was going to hunt for the goodies wiki to get one for statusnotifier.  I'm fully willing to go over the packaging and nitpick if you want. :P00:27
bluesabreAnything is fine for me00:28
bluesabreUsually crunched for time, so might be the weekend until I have the package together00:28
bluesabrewill try to get something together tonight/tomorrow morning at least00:33
bluesabreUnit193: surprisingly, the first package I threw together just worked, so now trying to tidy it up10:02
Unit193Not sure if you saw me link, but I was made aware of https://github.com/rilian-la-te/xfce4-sntray-plugin too.10:05
ninetlsxfce4-indicator-plugin is still useful but it's better to use it without indicator-application10:18
bluesabrecmake :o10:18
ninetlsthere is an option to compile xfce4-indicator-plugin without indicator-application support10:19
bluesabreUnit193: tossed it into https://launchpad.net/~bluesabre/+archive/ubuntu/experimental10:19
ninetlsthe problem is that ubuntu autostarts all indicator services including indicator-application-service10:19
ninetlsI don't know ubuntu policies, but if you planning to include the plugin to xubuntu, it's better to get rid of indicator-application package10:20
Unit193ninetls: Right, which has -messages and -sound, the latter of which is nearly entirely replacable by -pulseaudio-plugin, and the former doesn't have all that much use.  And close, technically xfce4-indicator-plugin starts it via systemd.  And yes, as part of the upgrade process we can remove it.10:21
Unit193(Thanks for the input).10:21
Unit193bluesabre: I'll check it out "tomorrow"10:21
ninetlsactually I think my plugin can be modified to support all "watchers" (like indicator-application-service)10:26
ninetlsin this case user will be able to add multiple plugin and they won't conflict with another services10:26
ninetlsit's something like TODO for me10:26
Unit193bluesabre: ...So it seems today is tomorrow, nicely done.10:27
Unit193(But you know me, can't help but nitpick: http://paste.openstack.org/show/y1FMaKqBzZib8NLLD7XV/)10:36
Unit193...What did I do?  This isn't dh_install. >_>10:44
bluesabrethought about doing some of that, even had your latest parole package up, but just rolled with it10:50
Unit193And knew if you waited, I'd do it? :P10:50
bluesabresomething like that10:51
bluesabredidn't want to break anything, don't really know what a lot of things do :D10:52
bluesabremy workflow is: 1) did anything break, 2) does lintian complain (much)10:52
Unit193So yes, ignore the auto_install change, merge anything else you want (dpkg-dev is newer than that version even in trusty.)10:52
Unit193Well, it breaks remmina's icon.10:57
Unit193But builds in experimental, so yey.10:59
flocculantUnit193: re -sound/-pulse I assume by nearly entirely you're ignoring the most useful things about -sound :p11:11
Unit193flocculant: mpris2 support, yes.  Which I don't use.  Still fits "nearly"11:12
flocculantno idea what that is - but if you mean listing media players, being able to interact with playslists - then yea that 11:13
Unit193"yes that"11:14
bluesabremaybe I'll hack on that shortly11:16
bluesabretime for work, bbl11:16
bluesabrehave fun flocculant, Unit193 11:17
flocculantbluesabre: will do - just reporting a parole bug :p11:17
Unit193Ooooh, mpris in pa-plug?11:17
Unit193flocculant: While I don't use that feature really, I also haven't switched from -sound, because "it works" :P11:18
flocculantyea - not something I actively use either - and have the xfce one in panel anyway11:18
flocculantbluesabre: bug 170524311:22
ubottubug 1705243 in parole (Ubuntu) "Play button inactive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170524311:22
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
Unit193ninetls: Ctrl+rightclick in the statusnotifier plugin on, say, Skype still brings up the application's menu, not plugin menu.  Can confirm, remmina doesn't show an icon, everything else does.  The right click issue I can workaround by setting "Menu is primary action."22:04
ninetlsUnit193: why ctrl+right click should show the plugin menu?22:07
Unit193Normal for Xfce panel plugins?  Works that way for Window buttons, systray, etc.  Thought that was expected.22:08
ninetlswith ctrl?22:09
ochositbh i'd say the statusnotifier plugin should also show the plugin context menu in the right-click menu22:09
ochosialternatively you can append it as a submenu to whatever the indicator shows22:09
Unit193ochosi: Left click Skype and it shows skype, right click and it shows the menu.22:09
ochosibut switching to ctrl+rightclick is hard to guess22:09
ochosiright, that sounds normal22:09
Unit193Ctrl+rightclick is pretty much the Xfce norm though?22:09
ninetlsctrl+right click is really a strange assumption22:10
ninetlsI never known about plugins which work different when ctrl key is used22:10
Unit193Huh, all the rest of them show the plugin menu for that. :322:10
ninetlsthey show even without ctrl22:11
Unit193Not systray or window buttons (minimized windows)22:11
ninetlswhy not alt+right click or shift+right click22:11
ninetlsfor me this work for window buttons without ctrl key22:12
Unit193Beats me, would have to ask one of the Xfce fellas.22:12
ninetlsbut for systray neither with ctrl or without work22:12
Unit193Without ctrl I get options to min/max/etc/etc.  With Ctrl I get panel settings.22:12
ninetlssince systray items are external windows22:12
ninetlsthe setting "menu is primary action" is designed for that22:12
ninetlsso users could always access plugin menu22:13
ninetlsbut most of users will prefer left click to show/hide app I think22:13
ninetlsrather then displaying item's menu22:13
Unit193Eh, that doesn't work with all applications though, in fact that only works for one that I have.22:14
ninetlsyes, this works only for kde indicators22:14
ninetlsubuntu indicators (appindicators) are less powerful22:14
Unit193Telegram sadly uses the latter.22:14
ninetlsand doesn't support something besides menu22:14
ninetlstelegram has a complex logic22:15
ninetlsit checks your DE :D22:15
ninetlsUnit193: XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP= telegram-desktop22:15
ninetlstry to launch it so22:15
Unit193VLC supports it.22:15
ochosiUnit193: ctrl+rightclick is the norm for what in xfce?22:16
Unit193ochosi: Panel plugins to show the plugin menu, eg try on the 'Window buttons' plugin where it shows what opened windows you have.22:18
Unit193ninetls: I unset a few other vars to get that result.22:18
ochosiUnit193: haha, i didn't know about that :')22:19
Unit193ochosi: ...Huh.  Well it's quite useful!22:19
ochosiyeah, it's not bad, but also not very discoverable (q.e.d.)22:19
Unit193It might not be, don't know how I did, but guaranteed panel settings is certainly not something to break now.22:20
ninetlsI think I can add a ctrl+right click to force display plugin menu22:20
Unit193ninetls: Thank you very much!22:20
ninetlsbut this feature will be too undocumented22:20
Unit193I don't suppose you'd have any idea on the remmina "issue"22:20
ninetlsUnit193: let's deal with remmina22:20
ninetlsI'm trying to do all consistently22:21
ninetlsUnit193: dbus-send --print-reply --session --dest=org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher /StatusNotifierWatcher org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll string:org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher22:21
ninetls(I need the output)22:21
Unit193Yeah, where some open the application and others open a menu isn't the most, but as long as they all show icons it's fine.  For that, string ":1.97/org/ayatana/NotificationItem/remmina_icon"22:22
ninetlsUnit193: nice, this string is what I wanted :D22:23
Unit193Figured, though I could paste it all. :P22:23
ninetlsUnit193: dbus-send --print-reply --session --dest=:1.97 /org/ayatana/NotificationItem/remmina_icon org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll string:org.kde.StatusNotifierItem22:23
ninetlsbut now I need all output!22:24
Unit193Figured, http://paste.openstack.org/show/61591722:24
ninetls\/usr/share/icons hmm22:25
ninetls(idk now to escape the first / character in irc!)22:25
ninetlsyay, double //22:26
Unit193/ / for me (yes, I did type / / /)22:26
ninetlsit's a strange icon path22:26
ninetlsthis dir is not for icons22:27
ninetlsbut for icon themes22:27
ninetls/usr/share/icons/Adwaita is valid icon theme path22:27
ninetls/usr/share/icons is not22:27
Unit193synergy and xpra have icons there, remmina is under a subdir.22:27
ninetlsit seems I should somehow fallback and try to always load the icon22:28
ninetlsthat's interesting22:28
Unit193Hah!  pasystray's hover text is great! :P22:29
Unit193"pasystray" "audio-volume-high" :P22:29
ninetlsok, I'll try to investigate it22:29
Unit193Thanks again.  And, remmina 1.1.222:29
ninetlsUnit193: yes, there is no standard for tooltips for appindicators22:29
ninetlssome of them give a valid data (like nm-applet)22:30
ninetlssome of them doesn't22:30
Unit193Yeeeeep.  The telegram one is better now that I forced it out of the Ubuntu version.22:30
Unit193Skype has decent enough one.22:30
Unit193Yes, no more of that. :>22:30
ninetlsUnit193: does there is no icon?23:12
ninetlsor there is a small 1x1 icon?23:12
ninetlsa small pixel may be shown23:13
ninetlsUnit193: https://pastebin.com/MKdYAqS7 try this23:22
bluesabrelibxfce4panel-2.0-dev : Depends: libxfce4panel-2.0-4 (= 4.12.1-1ubuntu1) but 4.12.1-1ubuntu2+git-18df4709 is to be installed23:57
bluesabrethis is probably something I did to myself :D23:58

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