[08:50] Bug #1467119 changed: MAAS does not factor in BMC addresses to address availability [09:20] Bug #1704212 changed: MAAS marks node 'Deployed' before sshd is up [09:20] Bug #1705418 opened: [2.x] rackd.log doesn't log that it is downloading images [10:10] morning [10:45] Hello, facing issue while provisioning Dell R710 & PE 2950 through MAAS 1.9. servers shutdown automatically after PXE boot. [10:45] is this realted to Dell BIOS/Firmware ? [10:46] mani123: wlel, i would need more details to determine that. Do you have any console log ? [10:48] roaksoaz: not in text format ...had a video of boot process.. [10:50] last line is stopping system V runlevel compatibility. and server shutdown. [10:51] another shutdown message prints like "shuting down for poweroff " [10:53] enabled wake on LAN ( IPMI/ ethernet interface ) and i can see maas user being created on IDRAC-6. [10:53] with administrator. [11:03] mani123: right, but if the machine is in deploying state, it pxe boots, it loads the ephemeral and does stuff [11:03] mani123: so I would like to find out what of that process is not working [12:16] loads the ephemeral and exchange root keys and then shutdown. [12:51] Bug #1705473 opened: [2.3] MAAS should pass netplan to both cloud-init and curtin by default [14:57] Bug #1705504 opened: on install MAAS has system warnings [14:57] Bug #1705504 opened: on install MAAS has system warnings [15:03] Bug #1705508 opened: [2.2] rackd is not refreshing is commissioning information [15:15] Bug #1705508 changed: [2.2] rackd is not refreshing is commissioning information [15:24] Bug #1705508 opened: [2.2] rackd is not refreshing is commissioning information [15:39] roaksoax: do you know if maas CI has ran w/ the freeipmi from proposed? looking for test results for the sru team [15:44] dannf: no it hasn't, i'd need to test that [15:44] but i wont be able to do that today [15:45] dannf: but it worked fine with what is in -updates [15:46] roaksoax: cool, thx. i can also unit test if there's hw i can login to [16:03] Bug #1705518 opened: [2.2] 100% cpu usage for 1 regiond process when having hundreds of images === catbus is now known as catbus-afk === catbus-afk is now known as catbus