
mwhudsonis it possible to have patches in a 3.0 (quilt) source package if the upstream source has dos line endings?01:38
mwhudsonor should i repack the source to get rid of them01:38
dobeyi'm pretty sure i've done that before01:42
dobey(used 3.0 quilt with upstream source that has CRLF)01:43
mwhudsondobey: hmm01:47
mwhudsondpkg-source: info: building python-py using existing ./python-py_1.4.34.orig.tar.gz01:47
mwhudson(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)01:47
mwhudsonpatching file testing/code/test_assertion.py01:47
mwhudsonHunk #1 FAILED at 143 (different line endings).01:47
mwhudsondobey: i get that ^01:47
dobeytrailing CRs? sounds like Mac format01:48
dobeyor sounds like the patch was made using an editor that didn't deal with line endings properly01:49
dobeyi think i hit a similar issue a long time ago once, with stuff in bzr, due to some editor wanting to screw with line endings rather than using what the file already has. iirc, fix was use an editor that didn't screw with the line endings01:50
mwhudsonthe patch was downloaded from github (with unix line endings) and then hit with unix2dos to try to match the tarball01:51
mwhudsonheh so if i remove the ^Ms from the patch directives in the file but leave them in the content it works...01:54
mwhudsonwhich is pretty gross01:54
dobeythe directives have to be LF only01:59
mwhudsondobey: thanks02:06
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mwhudsondoes anyone (wgrant maybe?) have tips for debugging builds that fail on lp but succeed in a schroot locally?02:25
mwhudsonmy current bear is this one: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-argcomplete/1.8.1-1/+build/1255453402:25
wgrantmwhudson: Have you looked at what info you could convince it to print that might be useful?02:29
wgrantAlso are you testing on Linux 4.4 locally?02:29
cjwatsonThat looks like the sort of failure that might be sensitive to whether the build's stdin is connected to a terminal.02:30
mwhudsoncjwatson: hmm could be02:31
mwhudsoncjwatson: sbuild < /dev/null ?02:31
cjwatsonWorth a try.02:31
mwhudsonwgrant: yes i'm on 4.402:31
cjwatsonThough surely sbuild does that for itself.02:32
cjwatsonMaybe also try TERM=unknown02:32
cjwatson(or unsetting TERM)02:32
cjwatsonIf you get desperate you could try juju deploying cs:launchpad/launchpad-buildd with the adjustments in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad-buildd/charm/view/head:/charm/README.md to set up a pretty close simulation of an actual buildd, though that's still a bit of hassle ...02:35
cjwatson(Doesn't handle the LP end, so you either have to set that up too or manually send it RPC commands as per https://dev.launchpad.net/Soyuz/HowToUseSoyuzLocally)02:36
mwhudsonhmm not that desperate yet02:37
mwhudsoncjwatson: TERM=unkown seems to have done it02:38
cjwatsonout of interest does unset TERM behave the same way as TERM=unknown?02:41
mwhudsoncjwatson: don't know02:43
mwhudsontrying now but need to run away fairly soon02:44
mwhudsoncjwatson: unset TERM seems to pass fwiw09:01
juliankTravis is celebrating: "Trusty is soon to become the default." Oh well09:30
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ogra_juliank, well, its not to hard to simply use a chroot for your tests in travis ;)09:49
* juliank uses a docker container09:49
ogra_or that09:49
juliankBut still, being excited about shipping 3 year old software is weird09:50
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ogra_well, it is fresh for another two :)09:50
mwhudsondoko: is idle-python3.6 being in universe a new thing?10:11
cjwatsonmwhudson: Interesting.  I've left that as a comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad-buildd/sbuild-schroot/+merge/32763410:12
mwhudsondoko: i guess idle3 needs demoting too?10:12
mwhudsoncjwatson: well i've fixed argcomplete the other way now10:13
mwhudsonah yeah idle-python3.5 is in main10:15
dokomwhudson: it get's pulled by the default idle-python10:40
cpaelzertwo times the last 20 minutes - Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-proposed/main/i18n/Translation-en  Hash Sum mismatch15:12
cpaelzeranything going on, I thought we were out of that mismatches15:12
cpaelzerhmm not reproducible anymore it seems - I'll come back if it keeps showing up15:15
tsimonq2xnox: Hey there! So I was glancing at the Universe section of merges.ubuntu.com and I see your name on quite a large amount of packages towards the bottom. Mind if I work on merging those things from Debian, or would that be duplicating work?15:40
xnoxtsimonq2, no, as most of those will be force sync.15:42
xnoxtsimonq2, as that is debian copying the ocaml trasition that I have already completed in ubuntu.15:42
xnoxtsimonq2, most of these shoud drop off, with no merge required.15:42
tsimonq2xnox: Ah ok, I didn't look into those much, I just took a rather preliminary glance.15:43
tsimonq2xnox: So I should leave those packages alone or would you be OK with me requesting force syncs (by filing bug reports, I have no archive access...)?15:45
xnoxi'm going through the list now, and will force sync things =/15:45
tsimonq2Ok, cool.15:45
tsimonq2xnox: Thanks!15:45
xnoxif you want to steal my merges, feel free to steal _old_ merges, not 0-day merges =)15:45
tsimonq2Sure :)15:46
bdmurraycpaelzer: If you are not in a hurry with releasing the fix for bug 1593907 maybe we should wait another week?16:58
ubottubug 1593907 in ntp (Ubuntu Zesty) "ntpdate startup routine prevents ntp service from launching up on Ubuntu 16.04 server on system boot; manually starting ntp service works: [FIX in DESCRIPTION], just need to apply it and release a new version" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159390716:58
cpaelzerbdmurray: I'm ok waiting17:21
bdmurraycpaelzer: copy that17:26
bdmurraycpaelzer: Also why did you say next week in bug 1644507? Its good by my math for time in proposed.17:29
ubottubug 1644507 in libvirt (Ubuntu Zesty) "[SRU] virt-aa-helper denied access to qcow2 backing file running nova in a snap" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164450717:29
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=== catbus-afk is now known as catbus
Unit193mdeslaur: Howdy.  Someone mentioned you were out thus may not have seen my query the other day.  Not sure if you've got the Irssi update prepped or not, but I had done https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+sourcepub/8039406/+listing-archive-extra so if that "helps".20:37
mwhudsonpeople who run linters in their test suite really are just asking for trouble21:59
mwhudson(says the person who uploaded a new pylint last week)22:01
Unit193mwhudson: Had a chance to look into that golang package again? :>22:02
Unit193At least pandas is up!22:02
mwhudsonUnit193: i probably would have if i hadn't completely forgotten about it22:02
mwhudsonUnit193: which one was it?22:02
mwhudsonand yeah, glad pandas started working22:03
mwhudsonoh this was the one with the insane build tags, right?22:07
Unit193"Nice" regressions: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/golang-github-jacobsa-crypto22:08
Unit193Affecting gocryptfs, which ftbfs on a couple arches with that, but the version not in -proposed builds fine.22:09
mwhudsondoh, uploaded a fix to my ppa but of course it only builds on amd64 :)22:17
* mwhudson changes it to arch: any temporarily22:18
mdeslaurUnit193: hi! you're looking for someone to sponsor your merge?22:23
mdeslaurUnit193: I can do it tomorrow22:23
Unit193mdeslaur: Generally yes, though it's one that fixes a CVE so wondered if it was on your radar or if you'd already done it.22:24
Unit193CVE-2017-10965 CVE-2017-10966 Debian #86759822:24
ubottuDebian bug 867598 in src:irssi "irssi: CVE-2017-10965 CVE-2017-10966" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/86759822:24
ubottuAn issue was discovered in Irssi before 1.0.4. When receiving messages with invalid time stamps, Irssi would try to dereference a NULL pointer. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2017-10965)22:24
ubottuAn issue was discovered in Irssi before 1.0.4. While updating the internal nick list, Irssi could incorrectly use the GHashTable interface and free the nick while updating it. This would then result in use-after-free conditions on each access of the hash table. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2017-10966)22:24
mdeslaurwe rated those CVEs as "low", so we won't fix them until the next round of more urgent CVEs come out22:25
mdeslaurbut I will sponsor your merge22:25
Unit193OK, sounds fair.  Then thanks!22:25
mwhudsonUnit193: golang-github-jacobsa-crypto uploaded22:27
mwhudsonUnit193: i guess you might want to steal the patch back to debian if it works22:28
* mwhudson goes to do a bit more dd new member process work22:28
Unit193mwhudson: Fantastic!  Thanks a bunch.22:29
Unit193mwhudson: Do you happen to know if 'go install -ldflags=...' resets Debian build flags?22:30
mwhudsonUnit193: i don't think debian build flags are respected in the slightest by the go tool22:30
mwhudsoni have a half-forgotten action item somewhere to maybe change that22:31
Unit193I thought not, just making sure the patch I submitted was sane.  I prefer not to touch golang. :322:31
mwhudsonor at least consider making PIE the default22:31
Unit193(For reference: Debian 868070_22:34
ubottuDebian bug 868070 in gocryptfs "gocryptfs: '--version' option is useless, containing only 'gocryptfs'" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/86807022:34
mwhudson"pytest 3.1.3-1ubuntu1 stuck in artful-proposed for 1 day" oh man it's going to be there a lot longer than that23:27

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