
AaronDarronHi there anyone around02:16
AaronDarronthanks for the warning02:17
Jack_SparrowHave a question02:17
AaronDarronYea you know anything about partition02:17
Jack_Sparrowthe regular ones, not all of the lvm etc02:17
Jack_SparrowDo you want to single boot double boot02:19
AaronDarronOk I have a 32gb class 10 sd card its has ubuntu mate 1.16.2 on it when I tried to do the updates and upgrades its giving me error message saying that the disk is full now when I did a sudo fdisk and p its giving me two drives 63m and other 29.7gb how can split the dish into 16gb each one for w95 fat 32 and other linus02:19
Jack_Sparrowrun gksudo gparted to see your partitions... use a live usb if needed02:19
AaronDarronwell I am designing a computer here from scratch by using raspberry pi 3 model b02:20
AaronDarronand I want to use ubuntu mate but seems that I've been getting nothing but error messages from update, upgrade and installing applications.02:21
Jack_SparrowDid you use a tutorial on making a live install into persistant02:22
AaronDarronnope all I did was use win32image to install the img and boot it from raspberry pi to do the rest after that things started to give me error saying I can't upgrade or update anything unless I clear some space out of the disk drive02:23
Jack_Sparrowhttps://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=216650  might help02:24
Jack_SparrowI need to go..02:24
AaronDarronok bye02:25
Jack_Sparrowwas the right one02:27
AaronDarroni did that nothing worked02:28
AaronDarronThanks anyway02:29
Lihow to add another keyboard layout to ubuntu mate 17.0405:44
andrew987got a prolem with the touchpad, how to check the drivers?06:11
=== TetriNET is now known as Tisho
AaronDarronanyone around15:34
DarkPsydeLordnot me15:36
AaronDarronanyone alive20:00
acheronukonly zombies here20:03
bax3l33thello i have some trouble with wifi and pad right buttons somebody for help pl?21:44
AaronDarrongood luck21:44
bax3l33ti m on macbook with ubuntu mate21:48
DarkPsydeLordbax3l33t, just write what the problem seems to be and someone will try to answer21:50
AaronDarronhe wrote what was the problem his wifi and right pad button isn't working right21:50
DarkPsydeLordwell working right involves 97124384258326487 possible things21:51
AaronDarronbut he only need 121:51
AaronDarron1 for wifi and the right button21:52
bax3l33tethernet works very well but wifi doesn't works, although connected21:52
AaronDarrondid you do an upgrade and update on the machine21:53
bax3l33twhat do u mean?21:53
DarkPsydeLordif you updated your computer21:53
AaronDarronsudo apt-get upgrade and sudo apt-get update21:53
bax3l33tof course21:59
AaronDarronhey dark you there23:20
DarkPsydeLordwho me_23:52

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