[00:02] iopq: pastebin full output from xev [00:15] The Unity plugin seems to be swallowing my SUPER+P custom commands. SUPER+P works when Unity is disabled in CompizSettings, but doesn't work when it's enabled. [00:17] Can anyone help me figure out how to work around this, so I can continue to use the Unity plugin, but at the same time, use SUPER+P to activate my custom command? [00:17] I have all the keyboard shortcuts in the CompizManager disabled for the Unity plugin. [00:47] question: whats the real difference between Xubuntu and Linux Lite? [00:51] jaydemir: Linux Lite isn't an official Flavor [00:52] is that all? basically it runs XFCE [00:52] with the ubuntu base [00:53] jaydemir: IDK, how are we supposed to know what else they've done to a distro that isn't supported here? [00:53] fair enough thanks === patche is now known as _sebbot === patche is now known as _sebbot [02:20] Could you guys run a Google search for my site and click on its link? I'm watching my Google Analytics. [02:22] streetwitch, try an offtopic channel for that [02:36] streetwitch: Query/pm me the website .. [02:44] carefull with such requests sary from google analitics dudes [02:46] Would anyone with a page like to trade links [02:46] !ot | streetwitch [02:46] streetwitch: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [02:46] streetwitch, please stop that here NOW [02:48] Ben64: https://hastebin.com/hemubahogo.pl this is xev first I pressed Ctrl+5 then Ctrl+4 [03:05] is it normal to see this log verbose intensely like this... it seems related to the docker service http://vpaste.net/YcYc9 [03:05] cmiiw === the_ant1 is now known as the_ant [03:37] how do I have my touchpad disabled when I have a mouse connected? [03:38] And why is the touchpad clicking feature so sensitive that anytime you're typing it clicks? This is making my desktop totally unusable. [03:38] my laptop*, rather. [03:38] Why is it every time I find a way to do this it's not persistent? And why isn't there a proper GUI to set that up easily? (and why isn't it the default??) [03:48] Also, why does when I press fn+DISABLE TOUCHPAD Ubuntu is smart enough to display a big touch pad with an X, but does not actually disable it ? === r0Oter is now known as r00ter [04:16] ESphynx: adjust it form system settings , and maybe you're mssing the -synaptic package for the laptop. [04:23] sary: I don't think it wanted to install last time I tried :S [04:24] sary: well look at that... this dialog seems new. I did have ignore when a mouse is connected on though [04:26] can someone help me to get Ctrl+5 to work in starcraft === patche is now known as _sebbot [04:29] sary: seems I already have whatever synaptics packages... [04:31] question why does the site releases.ubuntu.com doesn't have ssl in it? [04:33] good question === Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner [04:36] Hey! How do I rotate a video 90 degrees clockwise? I need it to do some editing in Kdenlive--I don't care which program I use to rotate it. [04:38] ESphynx: it's xserver-xorg-input-synaptics , and #see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad [04:38] sary: yeah that's the one I verified was installed and latest version [04:39] sary: also there to 'disable when typing' it says to 'uncheck' the box ? [04:39] "Go to System > Preferences > Mouse > Touchpad and uncheck 'Disable touchpad while typing' and 'Enable mouse clicks with touchpad'. (This method is not available under Ubuntu 14.04.)" [04:40] hmmm, so is there an answer to this question? [04:40] Vysty: ffmpeg can do it [04:40] Vysty: ffmpeg -i in.mov -vf "transpose=1" out.mov [04:40] sary: thanks for linking me there though definitely need to print the page and glue it to my laptop :P [04:40] ESphynx: :) [04:40] EriC^^: I get this: [aac @ 0x1cd79e0] The encoder 'aac' is experimental but experimental codecs are not enabled, add '-strict -2' if you want to use it. [04:40] sary: it's just pathetic that this is so hard to work... [04:40] I don't understand why one would NOT want to disable the touchpad while typing [04:41] Vysty: with the above command? [04:41] EriC^^: Yes. [04:41] EriC^^: There is a bunch more before that, but it ends with that. [04:41] ESphynx: maybe he/she's an octupus [04:42] Vysty: try adding -strict -2 to the command [04:42] I did. [04:42] Didn't do anything. [04:42] where did you add it? [04:42] Got the same output. [04:42] At the end. [04:42] ffmpeg -i vid1.mp4 -vf "transpose=1" out.mp4 -strict -2 [04:42] try before -vf maybe it helps [04:43] EriC^^: Well, at least it changed the error. [04:44] Oops, made a typo... it's running through something now. [04:44] Looks like it's working. It's going frame by frame. [04:44] cool [04:45] Thanks EriC^^ ! [04:45] ESphynx: I know , somethings need to be confugred manually. [04:45] Vysty: no problem! [04:46] is it possible that someone could scrape and modify and OS to releases.ubuntu.com since it has no ssl? just like what happened to linux mint before? [04:47] skypeforlinux keeps sayin can't be authenticated, anyone else? [04:48] try with the skype web-interface.. [04:48] sary: you mean download the deb again? [04:49] i mean the package says cannot be authenticated by apt-get [04:49] EriC^^: no imeant use https://login.skype.com/l [04:49] O' maybe the key changed ..! [04:49] it's been like this for a couple days now :S [04:55] what was the name of the keycode of the context menu? i want to remap it to right-ctrl since this laptop doesn't have one [04:55] tired of doing shift+f10 all the time [04:55] Gent's, how can I tell apport to ignore this : core dump exceeded 2456 MiB, dropped from /var/crash/_usr_sbin_file.crash to avoid memory overflow ? [04:55] and put a coredump anyway [05:00] hmm i think it's Super_R, however xmodmap -e "keycode 105=Super_R" isn't changing the key at all [05:02] xev does show it as Super_R , but the context menu doesn't pop up keycode 105 (keysym 0xffec, Super_R) [05:09] My problem is that i have Ubuntu LTS 16.04 and i would want to use mouse keypad, but when i enable it, it's veeery slow. Where i can adjust the speed of the pointer. Linux mint and old version of Ubuntu has adjustment bars for keypad mouse. [05:12] can someone advise what the point of $ shutdown -k is? [05:12] I've executed it on my terminal a couple of times and other users see a wall message, but the foobar time given on the wall message is several minutes prior to system time. [05:13] Is this b/c it's a psuedo shutdown ? [05:17] man shutdown [05:17] -k Do not halt, power-off, reboot, just write wall message. [05:19] cipher6: you can search text using / in man page (like in VI/VIM editor). write "/-k" to man page :) [05:20] Can anyone here help me get Left 4 Dead 2 to launch on the correct monitor? [05:21] I have three monitors, left right and center [05:21] !info devilspie [05:21] devilspie (source: devilspie): find windows and perform actions on them. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.23-2 (zesty), package size 42 kB, installed size 322 kB [05:22] use devilspie and write a proper startscript with it, really not that hard [05:23] I've never even heard of devilspie [05:24] DanteEdward: there are many ways. My way would be using "xrandr" [05:26] DanteEdward: xrandr --output VGA-1 (<--- switch that what you want it to be) --primary [05:26] Would that be permanent? [05:26] I don't even know how I would target the window with that [05:27] DanteEdward: ??? [05:27] DanteEdward: first run xrandr and check what is the primary screen now [05:28] DanteEdward: and also see the other choices [05:29] Oh [05:29] You'e just giving me instructions on seting my middle monitor as primary [05:29] It already is [05:29] Hi there. I recently got a VPS with ubuntu and when I try to open a php file it just gives me the source code. [05:29] TsakNorris: Thanks, but I've read the man page, it doesn't give a substantial amount of info, advises it'll send a wall message but not shut down [05:29] oh dear, so choose vga-0 or find out the other connection? hdmi-0 or dp-0 ? [05:30] xrandr -v [05:30] DanteEdward: change the primary to other one to get the game on it :) [05:31] My middle monitor is my primary [05:31] The game opens on my righthand monitor. [05:31] xrandr would tell the name of the monitor.. [05:32] DanteEdward: hmmm then i don't know. i thought that game opens on primary monitor. Maybe you need to edit some config settings. [05:33] Wanna hear the really fun part? [05:33] DanteEdward: well what? :) [05:33] Whenever I try to set it to a different monitor, it refuses to change position unless I switch it to windowed mode first and then change it back to fullscreen mode targetted at the monitor I want it to be on [05:34] And then when it goes fullscreen again, it ignores the screen target and just pulls the slot machine arm to decide where it draws. [05:35] Most of the time it goes to the right or the left and tries its god damnedest to not touch the middle. [05:36] DanteEdward: do you need the other monitors while gaming? if you make xrandr script that while game is on, only middle screen is on too :) [05:37] I need my right screen for voice chat monitoring [05:38] My left screen is my swiss army knife screen, usually for maps. [05:38] DanteEdward: ok lets take the left monitor off (while gaming). i would want to see what that game wants to do then :) [05:41] I suppose killing the left monitor might be okay [05:41] TsakNorris: What is appropriate way to do FOOCMD& in tty1 instead of in a emulator? [05:41] running top& gives the [1] PID top [05:42] but fg or jobs shows that top is stopped [05:44] DanteEdward: with xrandr you can do it smoothly off and on from terminal. [05:46] cipher6: fg should resume the job thats next in queue [05:46] How? [05:46] cipher6: fg%[number] - resume job [number] [05:47] fg gives the output of failed tty set, interupted system call [05:47]
  • how to add another keyboard layout from command line? [05:47] DanteEdward: read about xrandr (its not difficult to use it) [05:48] also, no man for jobs/fg/bg/& [05:48] DanteEdward: maybe you can do ALIAS for it and put it to .bashrc. Then you have "shortcut" commands for the game :) [05:49] cipher6: what emulator you are talking about? [05:50] TsakNorris: none, i'm running ubuntu16 from tty1 (Ctrl+Alt+F1) [05:50] Trying to figure out how to multitask w/o using a different program in each tty [05:51] cipher6: well first of all. you can't start any graphical programs from there by default. [05:52] top isn't graphical .... [05:52] cipher6: yeah that you can start from there :) [05:52] but I can't, [05:52] it tells me that system call is interrupted. [05:52] do i need to su when on tty1? [05:54] TsakNorris: Apologies, I /can/ open top on tty1 but it won't go to the bg [05:59] cipher6: i don't understand. everything works normal in my linux. top --> CTRL-Z (to put it in background) --> fg [06:00] TsakNorris: gnome-display-properties and gnome-control-center aren't working [06:00] They're not in my system [06:01] DanteEdward: Well you don't need them. Use only xrandr :) [06:01] DanteEdward: i go to coffee now. [06:01] TsakNorris: I didn't realize ^Z would do that ! :D I was using top& [06:02] See, this is why I don't go out in the fucking weeds by myself [06:02] This is why I try to find help [06:03] This is why I don't do things without either a written guide or a person giving me step by step instructions [06:05] Because the last time I freehanded something, three very full hard drives got formatted, more than half of my Steam games became uplayable, and all the conventions that I had in place to make things work the way I wanted got lost. [06:24] good morning to all [06:27] good morning! [06:28] morning! [06:49] hi #ubuntu <3 [07:02] Hi there, I've got some questions regarding Landscape, could someone point me in the right direction? [07:06] inux [07:07] uh... wrong screen.. my bad [07:23] Hello, quick (hopefully) question.. Running Ubuntu 17.04 server on a laptop, connected with ethernet and wifi to same router.. Not using network-manager, manually configured interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces... How can I change the default route from eth0 to wlan0 when eth0 is unplugged? [07:28] I have manually installed ubuntu 16.04.2on an encrypted partition, since the default installer did not work. However, when I boot I am not prompted to supply my password. How can I fix this? [07:29] Can anyone help me get a 360 controller working [07:31] I'm having issues with following the tutorial here on getting my bash to recognize unicode glyphs [07:39] hai [08:02] hey [08:02] I have an nvidia GTX 1080Ti. Booting the Ubuntu installer gives me a black screen. I have made sure the BIOS is configured to use the PCIe GPU and not the integrated one. [08:12] hit escape at purple menu and chose one of the ither options i forget the name was one of top 2 [08:12] other* [08:12] acpi=off but someone corrected me, try it and if not come back in a min i can see if i had it written somewhere [08:13] i remembered it as acpi=off but* [08:21] how to randomize unattended-upgrade afaik it will follow cron.daily job on apt right? [08:21] i want to put randomize sleep for amount time between host [08:31] sleep $RANDOM [08:31] on which file should i insert those command frostschutz file:///etc/cron.daily/apt ? [08:32] $RANDOM is 0-32767 (so it will be roughly 0-9 hours) [08:34] but cron.daily already does not have a specific time it runs at, so it might already be "random" in some way. although it might synchronize if you turn off all machines over the weekend, and start them all at the same time on mondays... [08:34] Hello if i run service myservice status I can see the last 10 or so log lines. How can I get full log from service command? [08:35] frostschutz: 25 6 * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily ) [08:36] then it must be 6:25 daily [08:38] fishcooker, only if anacron is not there ( || ) [08:41] let's say the hosts is always up [08:41] fishcooker, there are different implementations of cron and thus different flavours of cron.daily, mine runs whenever as long as 24 hours have passed since the last run, so cron.* is good for machines that don't run 24/7 (if the machine was off at 6:25 it will still run whenever it's back on). I'm not 100% sure of the Ubuntu implementation === jstein_ is now known as jstein [08:44] fishcooker, maybe it's still like this https://askubuntu.com/a/39729/161981 then you could edit /etc/cron.d/anacron to give each host a different time frame [08:45] hello everysoul! in my os ubuntu 17.04 losts program manager... how to return? [08:48] find / -name "program manager" [08:51] yokowka, these might help: ubuntu-software 3.20.1+git20170524.0.ea2fe2b0-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 Utility for browsing, installing, and removing software [08:51] gnome-software 3.20.1+git20170524.0.ea2fe2b0-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 Software Center for GNOME [08:51] ugh that pasted ugly [08:52] yokowka, try "apt install ubuntu-software" , if that doesnt work try: "apt install gnome-software" [08:52] hello, past pretty) [08:52] thank you - + to yours KAPMA [08:52] yokowka, hahaha I would LOVE to know what kind of crazy translator you use :P [08:53] my mind is translator [08:53] or maybe its not a translator but its funny stuff [08:53] this everysouls bit had me smilin [08:53] whats KAPMA === Lupo is now known as WoLf [08:54] and it' real crazy, i'm glad if you smile, KAPMA - your soul light [08:57] How does one extract all tar files inside a directory (there's only one but I cannot list the name and untar) [09:00] PCatinean, 1: mkdir destination 2: tar -xvf file.tar -C destination [09:00] ah yz [09:01] good old tar -C [09:01] PCatinean, or if you want it in the folder you're in simply tar -xvf file.tar , sometimes if its compressed change -xvf to -xzvf [09:01] is there an off-topic channel for #ubuntu [09:01] PCatinean: well first of all. Tar only chains files. There isn't any compression. so you have to use -x parameter [09:01] z if its in gzip format [09:02] v is just verbose :P [09:02] yz [09:02] and if you dont put f last, youre effed [09:02] :P [09:02] and f is for free money [09:02] so use f [09:02] every time [09:03] yz kind of unusual that we still use tape archive format in 2017 [09:03] but what can you do [09:03] both ways do not works... stil no programs manager, you type earlear find / -name "program manager" where i must type it? [09:03] i dont always tar, but when i do, i -> tar -cvzf /dev/null /dev/random [09:03] Should I use snaps or flatpak? [09:03] Should I use the ubuntu repo firefox [09:03] yokowka, that one was a joke sorry dude, try the two apt install commands i gave you [09:03] Or flatpak? [09:04] yz [09:04] yokowka, try "apt install ubuntu-software" , if that doesnt work try: "apt install gnome-software" [09:04] Cobrax whats the end goal? [09:05] None [09:05] i try them alredy, but still no program maneger in the tray... but terminal in first way works! and ends good [09:05] Cobrax, to install firefox? i would go to terminal ->sudo apt update ;sudo apt install firefox [09:06] yokowka, it may not show up in the tray, try searching for it in the "search your computer [09:06] m4dh4tt4, I do not have the name of the file [09:06] " on the bar [09:07] PCatinean, you dont know what file its extracting? or you dont know where the archive that youre trying to extract is? [09:07] m4dh4tt4, I have an archive in /path/1/ and I want to extract it but I don't know the name of the tar [09:07] could be x.tar could be y.tar idk [09:07] you can always "ls -altr" which will list files by modified time, the most recent will be at the bottom" [09:08] ls -al /path/1|grep -i tar [09:08] i am your's owner! it's work! [09:08] yokowka, haha cool man, now once it opens you can go to the bar and "lock to laucher" [09:09] yokowka, and it will be like bran new [09:09] m4dh4tt4, that's interesting [09:10] and if there are more? (just curious) [09:10] yokowka, i dont like the software center though, it has different packages from the repos, I would recommend instead, learning to use "apt-cache search firefox" and to install "apt install firefox" sometimes you get a lot of results that way so u can filter with "apt-cache search firefox|grep firefox" for less results [09:11] noted frostschutz, thanks [09:11] yokowka, although the software center is great for seeing ratings and feedback and exploring different options when you are looking for something new but i always get my stuff from apt repository [09:12] i'm alredy did it... can you help me with usb loader ubuntu 12.04? i dowloads .iso of it and make with help of ubuntu usb downloads creator flash, but when i insert it , it is not boot only cursor flashing at all...(( [09:13] yokowka, things can get messy if you use apt install AND the software center GUI, it will let you install vlc twice, which breaks some things and so im assuming it lets a bunch of other double installs happen too which gets messy quick [09:13] what is AND? [09:14] yokowka, it means also [09:14] understand [09:14] yokowka, i always use this to make my pendrives: https://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/, I grab Yumi.exe [09:14] thank you - heavens bless! where are you from? [09:15] yokowka, If you are using it from windows , you just run the exe, if you are using from linux, "wine yumi.exe", if wine isnt found -> apt install wine [09:15] yokowka, I live in a cave under the mountains above the shore but under the rainbows but far from the unicorns [09:16] you are homeless?) [09:19] hi [09:20] thats wrights terminal for apt install wine : wine app — is virtual, it's functions presents by apps: winehq-staging 2.4.0~ubuntu17.04.1 winehq-devel 2.4.0~ubuntu17.04.1 You must clear print,which of them you realy want install? [09:20] when i setup ubuntu i set the local time to bangkok but now it uses thai script to desplay time which i can not understand [09:20] how do i reverse this? [09:21] yokowka, wine is to be able to run windows .exe files on linux, apt install wine -> it may add extras , they are necesarry dependancies [09:21] sudo apt...? [09:22] yokowka, always sudo for any apt command , non super user cannot install things [09:22] yokowka, but if ever you forget it will just give an error saying you need sudo [09:23] yokowka, and if you , apt install wine, , you can run "sudo !!" because !! = last command you ran [09:23] i try it: choose winehq staging or winehq-devel wrights it...( [09:25] and also: for app wine therre is no installation.. [09:25] E: for app wine... [09:27] yokowka, did you add other repositories that are not default? it might not be grabbing wine from the right place? [09:27] no i didn't [09:28] how to do?) [09:28] yokowka, can you pastebin the output for me from this command :cat /etc/apt/sources.list|grep -v '^#' [09:29] yokowka, and also pastebin the results of this command: apt-cache show wine [09:31] N: Не удалось выбрать версии из пакета «wine», так как он полностью виртуальный N: Не найдено ни одного пакета it's mean :can't choose version wine app, because it full virtual, no one app found...( [09:34] yokowka, here's the wine i have installed : https://pastebin.com/jA4X781u [09:34] yokowka, maybe try "sudo apt install wine1.6' [09:36] M4dh4tt4> yokowka, вы можете сделать вывод для меня из этой команды: cat /etc/apt/sources.list|grep -v '^ #' [09:36] yokowka, а также pastebin результаты этой команды: apt-cache show wine [09:42] m4dh4tt4 Пакет wine1.6 — виртуальный, его функции предоставляются пакетами: winehq-staging 2.4.0~ubuntu17.04.1 winehq-devel 2.4.0~ubuntu17.04.1 Вы должны явно указать, какой именно вы хотите установить.E: Для пакета «wine1.6» не найден кандидат на установку [09:43] it's want only winehq...!!! [09:43] !ru | yokowka [09:43] yokowka: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [09:44] yokowka: what? [09:46] #winehq yokowka [09:46] /join there [09:47] m4dh4tt4 from command cat /etc/apt/sources.list|grep -v '^ # is > and it's all... [09:48] winehq-stagging or winehq devel? [09:49] wine-development yokowka [09:49] yokowka, you missed a ' on the end, [09:49] cat /etc/apt/sources.list|grep -v '^ #' [09:51] but there is no a on the end cat /etc/apt/sources.list|grep -v '^ #' [09:51] yokowka, what version of ubuntu are you on [09:53] ubuntu 17.04 ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in ## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu ## security team. ## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as ## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it [09:53] includes ## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features. ## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review ## or updates from the Ubuntu security team. ## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by Canonical and the ## respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu users. ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Ubuntu's ## 'extras' repository. deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu [09:53] zesty main [09:55] yokowka, why would you want such an older version of wine [09:55] it's currently 1.8.7 [09:56] i do not... i can't install wine, only wine tricks...!!! [09:56] yokowka, the package name is 'wine-stable' [09:57] really? hmm when i did an. apt install wine. it gave me wine1.6 and now it doesnt update, hmm so would wine-stable get updated regularly? [09:57] !info wine [09:57] Package wine does not exist in zesty [09:58] what is command for installing wine-stable? [09:58] apt install wine-stable [09:58] use sudo yokowka [09:59] bazhang, i see, so in my 16.04 its 'wine' but zesty is 'wine-stable' [09:59] Чтение информации о состоянии… Готово E: Не удалось найти пакет wine-stable - not found app... [10:00] so i'm been lammer with no wine... [10:00] yokowka, do apt-cache search wine [10:00] yokowka, sudo apt update && apt-cache search wine|grep ^wine [10:01] m4dh4tt4, in trusty it is wine [10:01] m4dh4tt4, yokowka says they are on zesty [10:02] E: Repository «http://ppa.launchpad.net/tualatrix/ppa/ubuntu zesty Release» not has file Release. [10:02] where it s 'wine-stable [10:02] N: Обновление из этого репозитория нельзя выполнить безопасным способом, и поэтому по умолчанию он отключён. [10:02] repository turned off [10:02] yokowka, so you have some PPA for wine [10:03] N: Смотрите справочную страницу apt-secure(8) о создании репозитория и настройке пользователя. see page about creatin repository [10:04] yokowka, please stop pasting that huge amount in channel [10:04] bazhang i do not understand what is ppa [10:04] yokowka, the tualatrix repo you have is a PPA [10:04] so? [10:04] 3rd party not supported here yokowka [10:05] it maens will no wine? [10:05] so you want wine, get wine-stable [10:05] yokowka, is this really zesty ubuntu, or some other [10:06] zesty zappus [10:06] yokowka, [10:06] Если вы избавитесь от этого настраиваемого репозитория ppa, «apt install wine» или «apt install wine-stable» не будет захватывать ubuntu, а вместо этого добавляется дополнительный источник, добавленный вами [10:06] yokowka, and where are you getting 'wintricks from [10:07] !pastebin | yokowka [10:07] yokowka: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [10:07] yokowka, Please DONT paste that here [10:07] bazhang i've got it from program manager... [10:07] bazhang, how come im not even seeing the large posts (or even fractions of them) [10:08] yokowka, thats what the pastebin is for, NOT in channel [10:08] m4ddh4tt4 how to get off repository? [10:08] hey every body , i want to pass all of my trafic from tor , so i open network-manager , and set network proxy - > sockes : 9050 , and i restart the network-manger service but it not work ? why ?? [10:10] yokowka, [10:10] Нам нужно, чтобы вы использовали службу текстовых сообщений, например www.pastebin.com, чтобы делиться результатами команд, которые мы задавали, или когда вы хотите показать что-то более чем в 1 строке, потому что оно наводняет клиентские irc-клиенты, я думаю, [10:10] что большинство из того, что вы Отправлено блокируется ботом, поэтому я не могу помочь вам [10:10] Нам нужно, чтобы вы использовали службу текстовых сообщений, например www.pastebin.com, чтобы делиться [10:10] результатами команд, которые мы задавали, или когда вы хотите показать что-то более чем в 1 строке, потому что [10:10] оно наводняет клиентские irc-клиенты, я думаю, [10:10] Нам нужно, чтобы вы использовали службу текстовых сообщений, например www.pastebin.com, чтобы делиться результатами команд, которые мы задавали, или когда вы хотите показать что-то более чем в 1 строке, потому что [10:10] оно наводняет клиентские irc-клиенты, я думаю, [10:10] Stupid copy & paste [10:11] ь4ввр4ее4http://imgur.com/a/13P9R [10:11] m4dh4tt4 [10:15] yokowka, LOL its an empty post :( [10:15] yokowka, try this site to share your errors with us -> http://paste.ubuntu.com [10:16] https://pastebin.com/MkszAiUM [10:18] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25132061/ [10:18] Hi. I have a problem with lxc containers. I have installed a new ubuntu12.04 container with a running service. But I cant connect from my host to that service... Some ideas? [10:20] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25132061/plain/ [10:22] ? ... Is someone online? [10:22] newbie_: yes [10:23] arun007: Do you know how to fix this problem with LXC ? [10:24] newbie_: no [10:24] arun007: do you know someone who could? [10:25] newbie_: have you checked askubuntu.com [10:26] #lxcontainers newbie_ [10:26] /join there [10:27] bazhang: ok thanks [10:27] arun007: yes I have. [10:28] this should help you https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Linux_Containers [10:34] m4dh4tt4: interesting article. have navigated to https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Network_bridge for networking. my config for networking looks really similar. cant get the error I made [10:39] newbie_, sorry bro i know nothing about lcx but i would probably follow the guide in the link i gave you , be thorough, read and follow all the steps, they're usually pretty helpful and accurate [10:40] what part in the network_bridge did you follow [10:41] newbie_, i beleive ubuntu uses 'network-manager' so if youre following anything else you might have issues [10:42] newbie_, i tried to translate what language is that [10:42] newbie_, zulu? [10:43] m4dh4tt4: yes.. [10:43] m4dh4tt4: sry. missed message. read. [10:43] m4dh4tt4: what language is what? [10:44] newbie_, i was asking what you were speaking, you answered me, that is resolved lol [10:45] Ubuntu usebenzisa umphathi wenethiwekhi, qinisekisa ukuthi ulandela imiyalo ecacile kulokho ku-https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Network_bridge ikhasi futhi ufunde konke kulesi sixhumanisi sokuqala engikunike yona, futhi ngezinye izikhathi ukuqala kabusha kusiza ukuvuselela kabusha Izinto kumphathi wenethiwekhi [10:45] m4dh4tt4: language ENG DEU [10:52] m4dh4tt4: what language do you use? [10:57] Hiyas all [10:58] hi [10:58] i use ENG [10:59] this channel is ENG most of the time [10:59] Guys i how do you regain control of a channel from ChanServ?? [10:59] as in someone else has it now? [11:00] ChanServ has it now.. I want it back. [11:00] pronet, ask in #freenode [11:00] not sure theres much you can do, also someones gonna tell ya offtopic haha [11:00] ok. Thnx [11:03] ok. found the bridge. and config is right. [11:04] now the service doese not work.... great [11:11] pronet if its registered with services all youd need to do is identify and then join the channel [11:11] otherwise try registering it [11:12] tsarompy, feel free to join them in #freenode [11:33] can i upgrade my ubuntu 14 machine to ubuntu 16 via command ? [11:35] yes if you update your sources.list and repos in sources.list.d [11:35] then run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade [11:35] make backups first [11:41] sounds terrifying but impressive haha [11:53] Hai everyone [11:54] <_pronet_> hippogriff /join #freenode [11:58] sup hippogriff u here with a ubuntu question? if so just ask [11:59] or u can join freenode for hi's like _pronet_ recommended haha [11:59] Ok sorry [11:59] I do use Ubuntu [12:00] But currently no question [12:05] Can someone help me fix my duplex jack on my laptop? The microphone is not working at all [12:09] <_pronet_> wishe: apt-get alsamixer [12:10] _pronet_: Already got that installed [12:10] wishe, just alsamixer in the console [12:11] should ahow your mic ctls [12:11] show [12:12] Yea it says Headphone Mic [12:12] Volume is on [12:12] Speakers are muted [12:13] When i unplug, speakers volume is on and internal mic shows up [12:13] The internal mic works but the headset mic is not working [12:13] I tried to use the ear plugs with my phone and they work fine there [12:13] It also shows up in pavucontrol as headset mic plugged in but no input is showing when i make sound [12:15] <_pronet_> wishe: Go to Multimedia> PulseAudio > Input > Set it to mic 2. [12:15] disable any muted with M key to show 00 in the ctl box and automute can be disabled with up/down keys [12:17] auto mute is disabled and none of the inputs are muted [12:17] _pronet_: Not sure where you mean [12:18] <_pronet_> wishe: Menu > Multimedia > Pulse Audio control. [12:19] <_pronet_> wishe: if you have it Download it [12:19] <_pronet_> dont** [12:19] _pronet_: I have Pulse audio control. It is set to headset microphone [12:28] _pronet_, BluesKaj So i used hdajackretask and made the plug work [12:28] wishe, good [12:28] :-) [12:29] <_pronet_> wishe: Okay.. :) [12:29] <_pronet_> logging off. [12:33] wishe, which audio chip and driver just for future reference info? [12:38] is nouveau supposed to spam a billion messages of SCHED_ERROR? [12:39] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: fifo: SCHED_ERROR 08 [] [12:41] mort, in what context? [12:42] well, it continuously spams that message to syslog [12:43] `journalctl | wc -l` returns 251494 [12:43] no idea [12:45] HI there. When I try to connect a piece of software to my Mysql server I get "SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused" [12:45] after completting install.php it populates the database using the scheme just fine [12:46] but after that any operation that involves SQL returns that error [12:46] I heard it had something to do with different php binaries or so one being used [12:46] How can I reset my reserver insofar as LAMP settings are concerned and try again? [12:47] find out if mysql is running: [12:48] service --status-all|grep -i mysql [12:48] maybe sudo that, also try sudo netstat -antp|grep 3306 [12:50] [ + ] mysql [12:50] Does that mean it is running? [12:50] then youll have config files to check in /etc/mysql(notsureofpath) probably a mysql.conf or .ini or something, and then a /etc/php(versionnumberhere) ph [12:50] yep and the netstat what did that come back as? [12:51] tcp 0 0* LISTEN 6559/mysqld [12:51] so most likely you need to review a file similar to /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini [12:51] oh okay [12:51] and where is the php webserver [12:51] same machine? [12:51] yes [12:52] so in the php.ini (lots of settings) review the mysql section make sure it all matches [12:52] aight. thanks [12:53] Oh. I have php 7.0 [12:53] I need php 5.0 [12:54] https://ubuntumind.blogspot.ca/2011/02/how-to-install-apache-php-mysql-and.html [12:54] ty [12:54] under "other tools" [12:54] anyone know how to get wine32 working on zesty? [12:55] it errors out on dependencies [13:16] m4dh4tt4, install the dependencies, of course [13:17] well i wish it were that easy, im trying to help a russian install it that has like 10 ppa's added to it, haha [13:18] were almost done removing the ppa;s im almost positive they're interfearing, is there any way for dpkg to display all ppa installed packages? [13:19] My ~/.profile is not taking effect - why? This is super frustrating [13:23] anyoneknow how to delete ppa via command line? [13:24] Yes, there's a ppa-purge command [13:25] m4dh4tt4, sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:"name" [13:26] how do i list the names [13:27] ive got this as reference http://paste.ubuntu.com/25132720/ if you can give me an example [13:27] and this [13:27] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25132297/ [13:27] look them up on launchpad [13:27] sudo ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d [13:28] DarkPsydeLord thats what the last paste.ubuntu link is... [13:28] you can actually remove it doing this [13:28] type bing cairo-dock-team ppa [13:28] we moved all files out of there [13:29] lolz, removing a ppa list in that folder does not reverse packages, and your system will come to an halt some day [13:29] ppa-purge does that [13:29] ya i know it was a bad idea despite 10 diff places recommending it [13:30] add the ppa again, sudo apt-add-repository < ppa> and remove it proper with ppa-purge, easy fix [13:30] i just added ppa-purge 2 mins ago but can you give me an example of what ppa-purge -p or -o for something from either of the pastes i put [13:30] well a lil background on the intended action will be helpful also [13:30] i did, were going for wine32 but ppa's are in the way [13:31] no need for -p or -o .. time to read a manual to see that those do [13:32] ususally you just use sudo ppa-purge "ppa url" [13:32] you have to point ppa-purge to the ppa somehow [13:32] isnt it? [13:33] not an url, the green line on the launchpad ppa page >> ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa :: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [13:33] or above the green line, wwhatever [13:34] so the url you got from sources after all [13:34] ok but all i have is http://paste.ubuntu.com/25132297/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/25132720/ , which ppa-purge switch with what from that? i dont have the commands he used to add [13:34] or which place to find proper ppa string to use for ppa-purge? [13:35] read back, already answered, launchpad page of the ppa [13:35] and hou to use is in the message of ubottu, sudo ppa-purge [13:36] you are smart enough to find that out yourself, m4dh4tt4 [13:37] ive been at this for 3 hrs im getting tunnel visionned and everything i ask him to run hes gotta pastebin fml [13:37] ive removed the ppa's 3 diff ways and they still exist [13:37] ive never seen so many ppa;s in my life hahaha [13:38] oerheks, did you seriously just send me a link to add another ppa [13:38] we warn against the use of ppa's. anyway, google on that ppa.list name surely gives a launhchpad page [13:38] im aware, and fully agree [13:38] m4dh4tt4, i just gave an example, to DarkPsydeLord .. [13:38] m4dh4tt4, did you delete them from /etc/apt/sources.list.d ? [13:38] ya that dir is empty now [13:38] and apt-key list still shows ALL of them [13:39] and so we sudo apt-key update and relist and still same [13:39] then check your package manager [13:39] oerheks, i dont need to remove anything :D [13:39] https://imgur.com/a/msBRX [13:40] shows all unchecked cept 1 [13:40] or go into softwarecenter> software&updates> authentication, there are the keys stored [13:40] then apt-key list still shows this http://paste.ubuntu.com/25132840/ [13:40] ya that screeenie is software and updates [13:40] Warning: 'apt-key update' is deprecated and should not be used anymore! [13:41] removing those lists so you do not update those ppa packages surely give issues in the future. [13:42] just a matter of time [13:43] k so if you wanted this ppa gone http://paste.ubuntu.com/25132863/ = only info , you would ppa-purge ____________ ? if not enough info i need to run ________? [13:45] m4dh4tt4, To revert to official packages, install the ppa-purge package and run "sudo ppa-purge ppa:nameofppa". [13:46] so what in that pastebin would be the name of the ppa is what i am asking [13:47] the only thing i can reference is http://paste.ubuntu.com/25132863/ (taken from apt-key list and ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d ) so the name is? or best place to find exact ppa names or i guess if you guys just want to be egotiscical ill start bruteforceing it [13:47] m4dh4tt4, if the ppa is still present on your system look in your package manager sources [13:48] wow [13:48] why should we google .. ppa+wine-ubuntu-wine-builds-zesty.list gives your answer. [13:49] im trying to help someeone, these arent my ppa's, theres like 12 ppa's we want to remove [13:49] i appreciate and agree with the recommendation of ppa-purge , but it would be nice if that information was available in a file so i can give ppa-purge the proper argument [13:50] we told you like 4 times already [13:50] well, I've had enough [13:50] k so i gave you all the info i have [13:50] there is no such file with command, you need to express it yourself, or let him do it with enough examples given [13:50] and yet nobodys produced a full command [13:51] too much commands, we are lazy [13:51] we did [13:51] go to software sources look for the url then write ppa-purge "what you found" [13:51] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25132863/ with this info, im missing one word, if all 3 or 4 of ya say its so easy then its ppa-purge _______ [13:52] ppa-purge _______ > nobody knows but hhey just do it [13:53] thats not where you look for [13:53] wanna remove it by force with that info? then sudo rm -i /etc/apt/sources.list.d/"ppatoremove.list" [13:54] i tend to agree so i was hoping for a better place to find the ppa names, its alright ill google each one [13:54] that folders empty we did that an hour ago [13:54] although its not the best option [13:55] the go to dash write software sources and find the ppa url [13:55] and apt-key list still shows it all i must be missing something ,sigh , well thx for the help guys i didnt mean to sound unapreeciative but ive kinda been exploring all this [13:55] and use ppa purge [13:56] m4dh4tt4, this looks like the wine list :-) get ppa names from here, https://launchpad.net/~wine/+archive/ubuntu/wine-builds [13:56] BluesKaj, oerheks suggested that before XD [13:56] but m4dh4tt4 went crazy [13:56] ok then he should use it [13:57] * BluesKaj sjakes his head [13:57] shakes even [14:03] hey every body , i installed a .deb package but im not sure the package was safe ,. when i run dpkg -I it return this information : https://paste.ubuntu.com/25132970/ [14:03] what should i do ? [14:03] hi all, I want to count the lines of compressed files in some directories ... so far I have find . -name "*.gz" | xargs zcat | wc -l ... but that gives me the total... I want the count of each individual file... any clue on how to do it? [14:03] i get the package from one of my freinds [14:04] abbas I do not understand your question [14:05] Did you find out it was not safe? [14:05] abbas: why do you think it's unsafe? Why didn't you download it from their website instead of your friend? [14:05] leftyfb: it is my mistake [14:06] abbas: you haven't answered any of the questions [14:06] leftyfb: because i guessed the friend download it from wrong site [14:07] you guessed? But you don't know for sure? If you don't know and don't trust it, then just uninstall it. I don't understand the issue. [14:07] warri0rr: i need vpn application . so i searched and after i can't find , i get a package from my friend , [14:08] leftyfb: if the app is a virous do it remove after uninstalling ? [14:08] Not necessarily [14:09] If it's a virus and you ran it it could have done anything really [14:10] abbas: It sounds like you're never going to be content until you wipe your computer completely, reinstall ubuntu and restore from backup. You should probably just do that. [14:10] I see they have an android app too [14:11] leftyfb: it is a lot of work [14:11] do you here the package name "vpnoneclick" before ? [14:12] heare * [14:12] no [14:12] doesn't mean it's not reputable [14:12] also doesn't mean the copy you got from your friend IS reputable [14:14] leftyfb: you are right , if the package name is reputable it is foolish to get it from friends [14:14] thankyou === jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod [14:38] leftyfb: are you here ? if the fingerprint of .deb packages are equal is that mean that it downloaded from it is real site ? [14:40] abbas: sure [14:41] hia - anyone run into an issue running cirrus on ubuntu 16.04.2 specifically? seems to be setting the wrong console at boot and i’m unsure as to the proper fix, i’m able to ctrl+alt+F-key to a working console, but it’s annoying as it’s a VM. [15:00] :) [15:13] hey guys, there is a game on windows that doesn't work w/ wine anymore that supports openGL is there any way to pass through the openGL to the host OS (ubuntu) for a smoother experience? [15:22] Guy1524_: you might try ##gamingonlinux [15:23] err... one #. #gamingonlinux [15:24] hi [15:25] apacheserver is started at my home PC , is that normal? [15:25] itu: thats normal [15:25] since when? [15:25] arun007: apacheserver is normal? [15:25] hey, i am on ubuntu 17.04... is it the latest LTS version? [15:26] maze88: no, 16.04 is the latest LTS [15:26] no [15:26] !lts | maze88 [15:26] maze88: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information. [15:26] and if NOT then is there an orderly way i can DOWNgrade it? [15:26] maze88: reinstall [15:27] tgm4883: thanks, can i try to briefly describe my issue and you try and suggest if a reinstall&downgrade is worth trying? [15:28] <[n0mad]> !ask [15:28] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [15:29] how i can prevent my gigabit ethernet trafic to go and over my 100mb switch? :/ [15:29] While trying to setup a bridge network in KVM, I managed to mess up my default interface (enp37s0). Initially it didn't show up when issuing "ifconfig" (however it showed up using "ifconfig -a"). [15:29] i need only a internet from that switch but i dont want that any other trafic like my network goes there [15:29] Anybody up for some debugging? [15:30] grady: is it a layer 3 switch? [15:30] i dont know [15:30] what these layers are? [15:30] is downgrading (reinstall) from ubuntu 17.04 to 16.04 worth trying for the following issue: suspend&freeze issues when changing users on an ubuntu-single-boot laptop that has integrated (intel hd620) and dedicated (geforce940mx) graphics? [15:31] grady: Let me ask something else. Why do you think your gigabit traffic is going over your 100M switch? [15:31] it is controlled switch but i dont have access to it :/ perhaps there is settings how to route the ports? [15:32] tgm4883, transfer speeds are only 10 [15:32] 100mbit === KindTwo is now known as KindOne [15:33] grady: This is probably better suited for ##networking but generally it would all happen automatically if both ends of your transfer are connected to the same switch and on the same subnet [15:33] the subnet are the same but we dont have more gigaswitches :) [15:34] hey there [15:34] i use ubuntu.. erm.. 14.04 iirc.. but lately i cant upgrade to moar > kernel 3.13-123 [15:34] grady: I don't understand, but in any case it's offtopic for this channel. [15:34] !networking | grady [15:34] :/ [15:35] i use a RIP of a dvd of 2014 under virtualbox u cant figure how fast is [15:35] grady: you should ask in ##networking instead [15:35] sure [15:35] grady can i help [15:35] yes yes well i use fast ports and cat5 -> non "e" [15:36] overclock: not ubuntu support [15:36] i see tgm4883 !! [15:36] bypassing a 100 mbit switch .. [15:37] is downgrading (reinstall) from ubuntu 17.04 to 16.04 worth trying for the following issue: suspend&freeze issues when changing users on an ubuntu-single-boot laptop that has integrated (intel hd620) and dedicated (geforce940mx) graphics? [15:37] usermod -l [15:37] ? [15:37] well wrong reply, forgot [15:39] we have also some cat5 cables but they are gigabit capable. [15:40] How do I change mouse sensitivity on ubuntu 17.04? [15:40] Settings menu does nothing. xset m 100 0 does nothing [15:40] I don't know what else to do [15:40] maze88, 17.04 got the latest intel drivers, https://launchpad.net/xserver-xorg-video-intel , but i don't see how drivers influence changing users [15:40] I installed razer mouse drivers thing in hopes of it doing something too [15:41] maze88, i had a ton of issues, what ended up fixing for me was removing all nvdidia packages from dpkg -l|grep -i nvidia, , make sure theyre all gone,(dont reboot) then sudo apt-add-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa; sudo apt update; sudo apt install nvidia-340 [15:43] nvidia 940 .. first support is 346 [15:43] maxe88 i struggled for months until i realized the nvidia-340 is what ubuntu devs recommend, i have an intel as well as a GTX 960m so its close [15:44] oerheks, whered you find that i'd love to see it referenced somewhere [15:44] cuz ill gladly swap if its recommended by an official ubuntu repo [15:44] so to summarize: remove all nvidia software (why not to reboot after that?) and then install proprietary nvidia drivers verison 340? [15:45] http://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/84043/en-us [15:45] added 940m [15:46] and what is the rational of an older driver package working, opposed to a newer one? [15:47] well if you grab from the ppa i recommended, which was recommended by ubuntu staff, there is no 346 [15:47] i had the latest, i struggled with an unstable laptop for months [15:47] oerheks: the driver notes in the link you provided mention geforce 940m. i have 940mx, has this got any significant difference in this context? [15:48] and could you repeat that command with `dpkg...` i am not sure how to scroll up chat history in irssi client. ); [15:48] maze88, regardless of what you decide today, write down my initial recommend somewhere so that in a few weeks when youre still running into problems because it can/will solve [15:48] maze88, i had a ton of issues, what ended up fixing for me was removing all nvdidia packages from dpkg -l|grep -i nvidia, , make sure theyre all gone,(dont reboot) then sudo apt-add-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa; sudo apt update; sudo apt install nvidia-34 [15:49] m4dh4tt4: thank you, i will now! [15:49] i recommend not rebooting because nouveau ends up installing [15:49] maze88, when i google on 940mx is see a lot of issues with drivers indeed [15:49] then you might get stuck in a no graphiux [15:50] when i do a apt-cache search nvidia|grep 346 = no results so not sure what the plan would be there [15:50] are you recommending the non repo version? [15:51] yo maze88 that last commaand got truncated [15:51] maze88, you want sudo apt install nvidia-340 [15:52] just run sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall # and the right driver(s) will be installed [15:52] false [15:52] i dono maybe [15:53] w/e i said my peice, i was literally considering going back to windows until i found a ubuntu staff who recommended /\ , [15:54] i tried nvidia-bumblebee nvidia-prime, nouveau, nvidia 375, nvidia 384 etc etc [15:55] its not guesswork [15:55] when you add the ppa it shows you this -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/25133481/ [15:55] "For G8x, G9x and GT2xx GPUs use `nvidia-340` (340.102)" [15:55] m4dh4tt4, i tried those all too for the past few weeks [15:56] luckily i dont *need* good GFX for work or DOTA2 d: [15:57] dpkg -l|grep -i nvidia -> http://paste.ubuntu.com [15:57] paste me what ya got i can try and help [15:58] i dont even game my 2200$ laptop was running like a pentium 3 without 340, random tasks shooting to 99% cpu, couldnt reboot, display issues all over the place, vmware locking up, any video playing slow and choppy etc etc === overclock is now known as Zala [16:00] in the last 3 months i had about 8 people try and steer me in the right direction, i tried everything and anything recommended [16:01] wont work right if you have an old package though or anything non 340 or nouveau [16:01] m4dh4tt4: wont*? [16:02] `dpkg -l|grep -i nvidia` RETURNS `ii bbswitch-dkms 0.8-4ubuntu1 amd64 Interface for toggling the power on NVIDIA Optimus video cards` [16:03] gotta http://paste.ubuntu.com [16:03] the bot blocked your multi line paste [16:04] m4dh4tt4: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25133519/ [16:05] aight id say, sudo apt remove bbswitch-dkms ;(bumblebee related) never worked for me [16:05] add the ppa and apt install nvidia-340 [16:06] wait [16:06] i'm on the bus wi-fi, i will not be doing it all now. i am getting off in 2 minutes. i will log back on only later... [16:06] dpkg -l|egrep -i 'libcuda|bumblebee|prime|nouveau' -> paste [16:06] no need for a ppa for nvidia-340 [16:07] when will you be on, how best is it for us to resume this discussion later? [16:08] m4dh4tt4: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25133616/ [16:11] Hi all, I'm a linux novice. I have an ubuntu 14.04 image that I am working with. The image had a 3.13 kernel and I downloaded a 4.2 kernel. I rebooted and then deleted the 3.13 kernel. The machine was acting very sluggish and after a while, I lost all access to it. Now, it appears to be in a reboot cycle. Any ideas on how I should get it working again? [16:11] apt-cache search nvidia-340 , if exists install it, if not, sudo apt-add-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt install nvidia-340, take a screenshot of this, im usually on but hours are random [16:12] m4dh4tt4, please, no need to repeat your wrongly answer [16:12] .. kindly [16:14] he said he was on a bus and already asked to repeat once and wanted to meet later to receive it again, i recommended screenshot cuz hes on an app that cant scroll [16:16] m4dh4tt4: 340 may or may not be right for him, depending on gpu. ubuntu-drivers autoinstall will select the right one, and *should* work. best to try that first. [16:20] well i just ran that and it started nvidia-384 which was wrong [16:21] not with original drivers, not that ppa [16:22] apt-cache search nvidia-346|wc -l -> 0 [16:23] he is on 17.04/ it does give 346 [16:23] i told him to write it down so so no matter what he does today he has something to try later [16:24] now i am stopping. good luck. [16:25] your nick rings a bell, i think youre the guy that was helping me on the 1st of 5 times i struggled with my card, sorry to bruise your ego for having used another solution [16:35] Does anyone know how to launch the gnome-keyring unlocking UI dialog from the command line? === bitch is now known as |||||||||||||||| [16:36] VeryBewitching: are you having this issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/1689825 [16:36] Launchpad bug 1689825 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "gnome-keyring not unlocked on boot" [Undecided,Confirmed] [16:36] Jrminot: Got a liveDVD(USB) on hand ? and a lot of time ? .. might be able to establish a full change root and install a kernel .. once booting then we can consider what it will take to remove the 4.2 kernel and properly install via the HardWare Enablement process . [16:36] VeryBewitching: if you are, then the solution is to remove the package 'dbus-user-session' [16:37] leftyfb: It's not a bug I'm experiencing, it's that RubyMine and PhpStorm (InelliJ IDEs) will launch the dialog to unlock database/svn/git passwords, but I want to launch it when I first login to the PC so it's already unlocked [16:37] @Bashing-om I can put one together. I'll work on that [16:37] VeryBewitching: seahorse [16:37] leftyfb: Just wondering what I would have to execute to run the dialog and have KDE run that just after I've logged in [16:38] oh, it's KDE [16:38] no idea [16:38] Hey guys, I upgraded to ubuntu 17.04 mate the other day. Since then, whenever my laptop resumes from suspend it is frozen on this screen: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/z2tuG3jGrvg2qCfUoGrCEyoxblBmmR24E_QkzT_G4D2-VOVEHDG-ImReCfFQrRpqaUm5B0QWmzlAJZCMEUCfRczGCSz8glt-tzpsZA-9YOzwD5UcOoTw94p5fhXmOYIlHu8algLPMeyn2V4kZizQU0i0y91Zuchl1bM4QGxZ_TVU73RCSvIRseUUcprIxINQap8rFjMVd2eQcNGpXQc1nDeHhWZA22Kifo9JHrd91LQXGobaa_txeSvUa6Rh2xSUE1gTxr_poq8sn [16:38] HrEisDbMJX-1m8trkGpfYU_bD3nmxLP53rDaZzu6pUUSrHfTLLUYEOa8kdyGAd3FBRxG6SmxBQe9wOGW73thpZNz59eJHlgx-XNmIIfiqEmyGxHIozCDL52HsKzPJZ56G3c4F825SLvobkZs-2Kpyq12mcIg0wnD_yDeBI11VBSkXI0GqSb9ROpqDUd6MazryCFGuBNF2tPGwYDTJauI4oQzwK-x4t0IqvPaDH71CcN89XrjcFJIIz0y1ZzlZVWQNuEI8cbhIFFK-KGYpAlnXPcx9T0sp85eNwnx72AFb6PcGjaVbOJ1kVI7pq8ymfcMOimrVpSlnQ6xrrrZIDygGPW7RV97IyHTaoYjpOzaL1VXKtROwNsGijh02tqDNtS7ZCmcS53ErQ71__xQCEhKQvu9Cq5qkmwIjs=w696-h927-no [16:38] Jrminot: why did you install 14.04? [16:39] leftyfb: seahorse is the manager. I get a dialog window that displays a password entry input, I'm trying to figure out what command to run to do that. [16:39] 17.04 [16:39] nvmd you weren't talking to me [16:43] hi, i've problems with ubuntu 16.04, screen tearing, i've asus p553m, intel gpu [16:43] tabp0le: can you boot with 'quiet splash' removed from the kernel command line? [16:43] VeryBewitching, you can try digging in libsecret-tools (never used personally) [16:44] tabp0le: oh, from suspend - sorry, nvm [16:44] ducasse: Thank you anyways! [16:44] tabp0le: is it reachable via ssh? [16:44] ioria: Thanks for that lead :D [16:45] VeryBewitching, gl [16:45] calimero_82: which intel gpu, exactly? [16:45] ducasse: Yeah, it's my personal PC [16:46] tabp0le: so it's just the display that is frozen? [16:46] ducasse: Atom Processor Z36xxx/Z37xxx [16:46] VeryBewitching, https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Libsecret [16:46] ducasse: No the entire computer, I can't even switch tty. The only hardware button that does anything is the power button [16:48] calimero_82: try saving http://paste.ubuntu.com/25133872/ as /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf and restart x11 [16:48] tabp0le: yes, but can it be reached via ssh in this state? [16:49] tabp0le: ie - when frozen, can you log in over ssh from another machine? [16:49] ducasse: Ahh i see your question. I'm not sure I hadn't tried that since I'm always using wifi. I can try hardwiring it and see if it can be reached [16:49] tabp0le: you can use ssh over wifi too [16:50] ducasse: You don't think my computer would suspend the wifi card? [16:50] tabp0le: i don't think anything, i'm trying to find out for sure :) [16:50] haha [16:50] OK, I'm going to try now [16:51] ducasse: Good chance I'll be disconnected, but I'll come back and report :) [16:51] tabp0le: ok [16:52] ducasse: i haven't xorg.conf.d [16:53] calimero_82: just create it [16:53] ducasse: [16:53] ducasse: ok [17:00] feels like a dumb question, but i need to ask it anyways: is there anything comparable to group policies in linuxland (ubuntu specifically)? === juboxi is now known as jubo2 [17:04] tomreyn: group policies are just settings that you specify on a subset of your boxes right? So you'd just need something that could manage your server configuration, which there are a handful of different automation/configuration management ways to do [17:04] ducasse: now i reboot [17:04] thanks [17:05] tomreyn: ubuntu specific would be https://landscape.canonical.com/ [17:05] @ducasse I was able to ssh in [17:05] tgm4883: right, i guess the special thing about GPOs is that i think even admins on a windows system may not be able to override them if the system is part of a domain. but not sure about that, i'm not really into AD. [17:05] ducasse: /var/log/lastlog [17:05] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25133909/ [17:05] /var/log/kern.log [17:05] /var/log/kern.log [17:05] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25133912/ [17:05] /var/log/faillog [17:05] /var/log/faillog [17:06] but in fact end user systems where end users dont have unrestricted root access combined with config deploymnent achieves this (and is actually a lot more versatile) [17:06] tomreyn: that's probably not true, I think the local administrator account can do anything root can do [17:07] possibly, i'm not sure [17:07] tomreyn: Yea I'd just do some sort of configuration deployment then via puppet/salt/ansible/chef [17:07] right, thanks [17:11] it works ducasse thanks [17:12] calimero_82: great, yw :) [17:15] ducasse, tabp0le is going to jump on a VPN since he mistakely got him self banned from the server........... [17:15] I was just ragging on him about that on slack 2 mins ago. [17:15] ack, i'll be here. [17:23] How do I change mouse sensitivity on ubuntu 17.04? [17:23] Settings menu does nothing. xset m 100 0 does nothing [17:23] I don't know what else to do [17:23] I installed razer mouse drivers thing in hopes of it doing something too === ngranek is now known as bigjocker [17:28] Jonii: xset should definitely do something, have you tried playing with the values? they're documented in the man page. [17:29] hi guys - how do i get openssl to support tls v 1.1 and 1.2? i tried apt update and apt upgrade openssl but it says it's already the latest version [17:29] I changed it between 0 and 1000 [17:29] No change [17:29] Tried all the values I could think of, including fractions [17:32] !details | daum [17:32] daum: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [17:33] tgm4883, http://dpaste.com/34FRQAQ [17:35] tgm4883, ah i see 1.1 is disabled by deafult, 1.2 is there [17:36] Jonii: you might also want to look at xinput, but i'm not very familiar with that i'm afraid. [17:46] @leftyfb As for why I upgraded kernal. I wanted a kernel that could support openvswitch [17:47] The install instructios said that kernals of 3.3+ natively supported it [17:47] I was on 3.13 [17:47] Jrminot: in that case, use the hwe stack, not a random newer kernel [17:47] !hwe [17:47] The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [17:49] Jrminot, but you are also running as a vm [17:49] The Ubuntu 14.04 is on physical hardware [17:49] it's acting as a host for a virtualbox vm [17:52] every time I log on I hate to do sudo ip link set enp4s0 down/up and sudo service network-manager restart to make my wifi work. [17:52] how can I make this stick? [17:52] I am using Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS. [17:58] pwca: you need to down/up your wired interface to make wifi work, or is restarting nm enough? [17:59] I think I need to down/up my interface, but I am not 100% sure. [17:59] i really would not think so, can't see why it should [18:09] I've got a question about tuntap interfaces. Is that within scope of this channel? [18:12] Spotify has suddenly started opening in complete full-screen. It's the only window that does. Nothing I try will take it out of fullscreen. My dock won't pop up over it, it doesn't show any window buttons (close/max/min), and I have to alt-tab to another full-screen window to get to the dock to close Spotify. [18:12] Anything I can do to force to not open fullscreen? [18:13] I just recently installed Ubuntu 17.04 and cannot get the nvidia drivers to work on my desktop. I have an NVIDIA 980 Ti and have installed the "graphics-drivers" ppa. After installing `nvidia-384` and rebooting lightdm comes up and I try to log in and it redirects me back to lightdm. Any assistance is appreciated. [18:13] darkfrog: what PPA? You shouldn't need a PPA for nvidia drivers. [18:13] the nouveau drivers work fine [18:13] nicomachus: I tried the "additional drivers" first and got the exact same problem [18:13] is there a reason you can't just use nouveau instead of the proprietary ones? [18:13] hi everyone I was trying to fix my WIndows on dual boot system and accidentaly set wrong partition to active. Now when I restart PC I get: error no such partition and I enter grub rescue mode, what should i do? [18:13] nicomachus: this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [18:14] nicomachus: because I have four monitors and when I try to connect them with nouveau the machine hangs [18:18] I need a recommendation for the "right" video driver to support Lenovo W530. It has hybrid graphics card Intel/nVidia. nVidia-304 is bad, but it's the best I've found so far. [18:18] ubuntu-drivers autoinstall [18:21] darkfrog, try ubuntu-drivers autoinstall , saigel_ try ubuntu-drivers autoinstall nicomachus try ubuntu-drivers autoinstall [18:22] saigel_, sudo ubuntu-drivers list [18:22] thank you, m4dh4tt4 [18:22] Thank you, too, BluesKaj [18:23] m4dh4tt4: that just tries to install "nvidia-384" which stops allowing me to log in [18:24] oh well i was recommending something else to people but i got stomped earlier was told ubuntu-drivers autoinstall was the way to go [18:24] figured id see how many people get ran into a wall [18:24] m4dh4tt4: what were you recommending to people....I won't tell anyone. :-p [18:24] shhh bro i cant , Im already unpopular af [18:25] m4dh4tt4: dude, I have a t-shirt that says, "People...not a big fan"....you aren't going to beat me in an unpopularity contest. :-p [18:25] aight cool sec [18:26] I've just now done the "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall", but haven't rebooted yet. I HAVE been down the road where I get into a boot loop before. It's not fun! I hope this isn't going to put me there again... [18:26] LOL [18:26] 2 peeps into a wall [18:27] darkfrog, run lshw|grep -C 5 -i display and put the output in http://paste.ububtu.com dont paste here [18:27] hi, does the (x)ubuntu installer support btrfs? [18:28] sudo it plz [18:28] matthiaskrgr: yes [18:28] nice, thanks [18:28] m4dh4tt4: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25134373/ [18:29] matthiaskrgr: select manual partitioning, and you can use any supported fs you want [18:29] darkfrog, check the nvidia site for their recommended linux driver for your gpu , however don't download it or use , you just need the equivalent nvidia-3XXXX numbered driver in the ubuntu drivers list, which is supported, the 384 driver is still experimental afaik..most like the 375 or 378 should work [18:29] most likely [18:30] ah ok [18:30] darkfrog, sry also a dpkg -l|egrep -i 'nouveau|nvidia|opencl|bumblebee|prime' [18:30] because if u dont start fresh were gonna have issues so ill check your packages [18:31] m4dh4tt4: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25134392/ [18:31] k i dont see interfearance anyone correct me if im wrong [18:32] m4dh4tt4: if you want more complex raid/partitioning/crypto setups, use the server installer [18:32] currently I'm just running nouveau [18:33] nouveau kinda sucks on my hardware. [18:33] darkfrog, run this, DONT ACCEPT IT, paste output: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa [18:34] darkfrog, it will give recommendation based on your card number, and also yes, run it even if you already have it, you can ctrl+ c if we dont like the recommended [18:34] m4dh4tt4: that should already be added [18:34] I got a new laptop it's a levono yoga and it keeps crashing after my most recent xenial update "Lenovo Y50-70 Laptop Computer - 59445917 - Black: DOORBUSTER - 4th Generation Intel Core i7-4720HQ (2.60GHz 1600MHz 6MB)" Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS [18:34] i am seeing a ton of segfaults [18:35] m4dh4tt4: yeah, says "Current official release: nvidia-381" and "Current long-lived branch release: nvidia-375" [18:36] I *believe* I've already tried both of those [18:36] darkfrog, mmhmm and des it also say For G8x, G9x and GT2xx GPUs use `nvidia-340` [18:36] does* [18:37] m4dh4tt4: yes [18:37] personally id try apt install nvidia-340 [18:37] was trying to upgrade postgresql from 9.5 to 9.6 got this error : https://apaste.info/Owys what should be done? [18:37] posi: And if you boot an older kernel from the grub boot menu - what then ? [18:38] well when i was running the earlier one today i didn't have such crashy crash [18:38] i'm thinking memtest is the next step [18:38] m4dh4tt4: that's for much older video cards than what I've got [18:38] darkfrog, well i struggled for 3 months until i started listening to ppa recommendation [18:38] m4dh4tt4: the 980 Ti is the second generation (10 is current) [18:38] im running 340 on my troubled nvidia [18:39] darkfrog, desktop correct? [18:39] m4dh4tt4: yes [18:40] well i dont know what else to say, if you want try the 375 first [18:40] heck trry a bunch [18:40] I suppose it can't hurt to try....I'll go test 381, 375, and then 340. [18:40] i wish i was running most recept too [18:40] recent* [18:40] but i went 3 months running like a pentium 3 [18:41] im on 16.04 and ive got a 980 in this box [18:41] hopefully I'll be back. :-p [18:41] posi: Were me, I would boot that older kernel, and see what the situatuion is on the next kernel update . [18:41] oops 970 my bad [18:42] m4dh4tt4: Pastebin for me ' lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga ' and I will verify what the correct version driver is . [18:43] Bashing-om, its darkfrog that wants it [18:44] m4dh4tt4: K . ( not paying close 'nuf attention, huh ) . [18:45] Bashing-om, i would love to know what sources you use to clarify whats appropriate [18:45] Bashing-om, cuz its still not crystal clear for me [18:47] m4dh4tt4: Nvidia's sites : http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us ; http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html . [18:47] sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade && eject && eject -t [18:54] Bashing-om, cool thx, kinda crazy how a gtx 980 is "legacy" already [18:56] uhm nvm i misread that [18:56] every time I log on I hate to do sudo ip link set enp4s0 down/up and sudo service network-manager restart to make my wifi work. how can I make this stick? I am using Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS. [18:56] m4dh4tt4: Huh ? " Version:375.66 " : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/118290/en-us . Long way from legacy . [18:57] pwca: did you check if the down/up is really necessary? [18:57] no. [18:59] start there, then [18:59] ya pwca , remove stuff from your routine that will solve it [18:59] I don't get it. [18:59] remove stuff from my routine? [18:59] me neither [19:00] say only service network-manager restart is necessary. [19:00] what then? [19:01] i would personally ps aux|grep -i wpa-supplicant [19:01] pwca: if only the nm restart is necessary, we figure out why that is. if not, we need to figure out why you need to bounce a wired interface for wifi to work [19:01] see if its runinng(probably is) then reboot and see if its running before you do your routine [19:01] odds are it might be not starting up on its own [19:01] this isn't giving any results, m4dh4tt4. [19:02] oops [19:02] wpa_supplicant [19:03] also off a fresh boot, check sudo service network status ; sudo service network-manager status [19:03] one of those 3 may be off [19:04] pwca, enp4s0 is most probably an ethernet interface .... not wifi [19:04] ioria: my point exactly [19:04] ok [19:04] so, assume only service network-manager restart is required. [19:04] what now? [19:05] pwca, try sudo dhclient [19:05] hi all [19:05] pwca, i'd check dmesg [19:05] ubuntu newbie here [19:06] pwca, i assume NM it's enabled to start at boot, and same for your wifi interface [19:06] pwca: open the nm connection editor, make sure 'allow all users to connect to this network' is checked [19:07] how do I open the nm connection editor? [19:07] pwca, nm-connection-editor [19:07] pwca after dhclient try opening a browser or ping google.com [19:08] pwca, check 'General' [19:08] ioria: it's set to all users. [19:08] BluesKaj: everything works? [19:09] pwca: also automatically connect is checked? [19:09] yeah, ducasse. [19:10] ok, I will try to reboot and see if the two first lines are necessary. [19:10] pwca, reboot, and dmesg | grep -i mywifiinterface [19:10] pwca: then we need the status of the network-manager service on a fresh boot, and try not to bounce the ethernet if afterwards [19:11] How do I curl an audio track from a proprietory service ? [19:13] miratus: Welcome . Support in this channel - do you have an issue to discuss ? [19:14] CoderEurope: what kind of service? [19:15] ducasse, http://www.manxradio.com/radioplayer/od/8194/ [19:18] CoderEurope: i seriously doubt it's possible to grab an mp3 or similar, it's most likely just streamed in some way [19:18] Anyone know how I would download the file on https://aekalix.stackstorage.com/s/Sv9WKvmIMV0t9VE? It's not possible to get a direct URL anyway I can see. [19:18] pwca, NetworkManager is the friendly graphical network manager then you have wicd which has a curses interface and then the plain old interfaces file [19:18] I assume I need to use the post data flag with wget but I'm not sure what post data to use. [19:19] CoderEurope you can check the page source if there is any link which leads to the resource [19:19] warri0rr: ok, that was a non sequitur. [19:19] ducasse: ip link set enp4s0 up is necessary. [19:19] + service network-manager restart [19:20] Also you should have networkmanager be started up by systemctl/service ? [19:20] pwca: ok, did you save the status output from before doing that routine? [19:21] pwca, what kind of wifi card do you have ? [19:21] I am using this driver: https://github.com/kuttor/Asus-N53-PCU-RT5592STA-Driver-for-Linux-Kernel-4.6-Ubuntu-16.10 [19:21] which I compiled myself. [19:22] pwca, sudo lshw -C Network [19:22] product: RT5592 PCIe Wireless Network Adapter [19:23] maybe this is the solution? https://askubuntu.com/questions/893724/asus-n53-rt5592-on-ubunti-16-04 [19:23] pwca, it's a desktop ? [19:23] it's a 'box' not a 'book'. [19:23] ducasse, warri0rr cheers got it (mp3) http://ow.ly/dFHp30dN490 [19:24] pwca, i mean, not a laptop ? [19:24] it is not a lap top. [19:24] !semantic [19:25] !help [19:25] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [19:25] !patience [19:25] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [19:25] pwca, are you on yakkety ? [19:25] I beg your pardon? [19:26] I am in xenial. [19:26] pwca, ok [19:26] pwca, and uname -r ? [19:26] 4.4.0-83-generic [19:26] pwca what is the issue? [19:27] every time I log on I hate to do ip link set enp4s0 up and service network-manager restart to make my wifi work. [19:27] does that mean networkmanager does not start on boot? [19:27] does it throw any error? [19:27] ioria: you may want to have a looka t pwca's configration in /etc/network/interfaces , also running: $ ip addr flush dev enp4s0 , might help! [19:28] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Wac0b8i5/ [19:28] sary, do you think he edited that ? [19:29] wtf, that was annoying. [19:29] it's correct [19:29] wait [19:29] why is everything on one line [19:29] it's default [19:29] # interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8); auto lo; iface lo inet loopback [19:29] Everything on one lin? [19:29] line? [19:29] ; means break. [19:30] Yes but the hash in the front [19:30] comments it [19:30] all [19:30] pwca, so you have connect via ethernet first , enp0s is formely eth0 [19:30] pwca, well, that module is for 4.6 kern [19:30] in the actual file ; means break. [19:30] it works fine, ioria. [19:30] ok didn't know it took hash into consideration [19:30] no, I manually added ;. [19:30] to fit it into one line on IRC. [19:30] pwca, so, what's thew problem ? :P [19:30] ah [19:31] I have to run ip link set enp4s0 up and service network-manager restart to every time I reboot. [19:31] pwca, does network manager start on boot or not [19:31] pwca, then it does not work fine [19:31] does it throw any error? [19:31] I am glad you agree, ioria. [19:31] how can I tell, warri0rr? [19:31] so [19:31] On boot [19:31] <|Night|> Hey, I am having issues with initctl and reloading, i get connection refused, any ideas? [19:31] do like sudo service network-manager status [19:32] before issuing any command [19:32] ps aux | grep -i wpa_supplicant shows that wpa_supplicant is running before I do the ip link and service restart. [19:32] if it doesn't start on boot what do I do? [19:32] it probably doesn't. [19:33] if it doesnt start on boot [19:33] it means [19:33] pwca, reboot and sudo service network-manager status [19:33] that you have to add it to start on boot [19:33] it's easy [19:33] how do I add it to start on boot? [19:33] You could easily do it with rcconf [19:33] sudo apt-get install rcconf [19:33] then sudo rcconf [19:34] pwca: do what ioria suggests, please [19:34] rcconf it gives you the list of programs that start on boot [19:34] can I do it more difficult with another tool? [19:34] manually [19:34] pwca, sudo systemctl enable network-manager ( but it should already ) [19:34] ok, reboot to check. [19:34] do what ioria said [19:34] systemctl is quicker [19:35] that should add it to start on boot [19:35] brb [19:35] howdy bunterz [19:36] how do i figure out package dependency given a set of header files ? [19:37] DolphinDream: like which package they belong to? [19:37] DolphinDream, define 'header files' [19:37] I extracted a set of files from a package (since i don't need the whole package) and now i want to package these files into a separate package and I need to figure out what are the dependent packages that my extracted files depend on [19:37] ok. [19:37] DolphinDream, maybe the same of the orgi pakg [19:37] pwca, fixed? [19:37] status shows that network-manager is running. [19:38] it also shows the following error: "NetworkManager[873]: nm_device_get_device_type: assertion 'NM_IS_DEVICE (self)' failed" [19:38] concrete example.. libinsighttoolkit package. . (ITK).. i extracted the VNL (VXL) module out of that package and want to create a new package libVXL .. but i need to know hwat other packages will be needd so that libVXL works [19:38] [1500579290.5170] failed to enumerate oFono devices: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.ofono was not p [19:38] the latter is a warn. [19:38] the issue is not resolved. [19:39] pwca, may i ask you why you build and load that module ? does not work out of the box ? [19:39] naive approach .. i extracted all files included in the VXL moduel.. then tried to find what packages exist out there that include these files.. [19:39] ioria: I built and loaded that module because it did not work out of the box. [19:39] ok [19:40] journalctl -p err -b [19:40] pwca, try to bypass NM, and set up /etc/network/interface ? [19:41] yes, ioria. how do I bypass NM and set up /etc/network/interfaces? [19:41] shut it down [19:41] or use wicd, to still get a gui [19:41] and then edit interfaces file [19:41] pwca, you disable NM, and edit /e/n/interface [19:42] wicd is more friendly [19:42] pwca, yes, you can try that too [19:42] wicd? [19:43] it's a package in the repository [19:43] pwca, https://askubuntu.com/questions/168687/wireless-configuration-using-etc-network-interfaces-documentation [19:45] how do I use wicd? [19:45] sudo wicd [19:46] actually wicd-gtk .. [19:46] wicd has curses too [19:48] U ok pwca? [19:48] oh, you know. not brilliant. [19:48] I don't know what I am doing in wicd-gtk. [19:49] lol [19:49] You could run the restart command on boot automatically ... xD [19:50] Cheap fix [19:50] I want to do this right. [19:51] Do you find it hard to navigate that user interface? [19:52] yes. [19:52] Are you in curses or gtk? [19:52] how do I tell? [19:52] Are you on a terminal interface or a window? [19:53] gtk. [19:54] hmm..doesn't look hard, unless you're not familiar [19:54] what settings am I supposed to change? [19:55] Can you see your network interfaces from the main screen? [19:55] there's a small wifi symbol in the system tray, but not when I reboot. [19:56] Ignore that, just focus on your window you have in front of you when you start wicd-gtk [19:56] you should see your network interfaces [19:57] how do i run a specific game with pysolfc? ie:"pysolfc pyramid" [19:57] I see a list of networks. [19:57] Perfect. Choose your network interface and enter the auth details [19:58] hello all [19:59] Top right corner there's a downfacing triangle. Click that and then settings. From there you have more settings to check out [19:59] that's funny NM crashed when I tried to look at my network settings in the standard Gnome GUI. [19:59] warri0rr: what settings should I change? [20:00] Configure connection to your access point [20:00] what settings should I change specifically? [20:00] what is the best program to use from ubuntu to make a bootable usb stick? [20:00] zeon219: there's something called Startup Disk Creator. [20:01] pwca thank you [20:01] It's all in front of you, and it's not different from any other tool... click your desired access point and insert password [20:02] Then go to settings and check "Reconnect in case of disconnect" or something along that way [20:02] My linux is not in english so I'm guessing the names [20:02] ok, so I need to set up my connection using the Wicd Network Manager. [20:02] Correct [20:03] I wish you'd said earlier. [20:03] does this change /etc/network/interfaces? [20:03] no [20:03] different scope [20:03] zeon219: " program to use from ubuntu " . . How anout the tool dd ? workie great last long time when properly applied . [20:03] yea wicd is completely different from network manager, they're not related at all [20:03] ok, I'll try to reboot to see if this works. [20:04] they store settings in different locations [20:05] tool dd? [20:05] Is there a way to know if i have the latest Intel® G45/G43 drivers for my ubuntu 17.04 trying to use lightloader on minecraft, but not working very well. lags a lot [20:06] this worked, warri0rr. [20:06] pwca Cheers [20:07] but I'd rather use NM. [20:07] zeon219: terminal command ( tool ) . Be sure though .. 'dd' has the rep for (d)isk (d)estroyer for cause ! [20:07] could I try reinstalling NM? [20:07] You can [20:08] Bashing-om: ok ty [20:08] wtf, I briefly lost connection. [20:10] zeon219: Need guidance for dd ? Do not hesitate to ask 1st . [20:11] dd is great for fucking up your own hard drive because of a mistype [20:11] warri0rr: watch the language, please [20:11] : no ty i am fine [20:13] zeon219: :) [20:22] when i do apt-get update, i get some errors about weak digest algorithm, or doesn't have a release file or not found. can i remove those lines in my sources.list file? I don't know what each one is for. one is openprinting.org, the others are ppa.launchpad.net/something [20:28] jnewt: Show us in a pastebin ' sudo apt update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 ; sudo apt upgrade 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 ' What we see most often though is that th PPAs have not kept up to ubuntu's stringent security measures . === KindTwo is now known as KindOne [20:28] snowcatman: in 17.04 , which kernel base in use .. perhaps the lag is from the game mode .. what is lightloader! [20:30] Bashing-om: http://termbin.com/glh3 [20:31] well, the kerenl base for 17.04 is 4.10 .. i suppose it has the latest driver for that intel.. make sure the system is up to date. [20:32] i have to reboot from my flash to see if everything is ok [20:34] jnewt: http://ppa.launchpad.net/pmcenery/ppa/ubuntu/dists/ ; see that the PPA has not been maintain is L O N G time . disable it . http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu : has moved to https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa . === patche is now known as _sebbot === patche is now known as _sebbot [20:53] Hi. When I have problems with tooltips background and text colors in some (like Inkscape) apps in kubuntu - should I ask here or on ##kde or ##kubuntu? [20:54] I mean the tooltips are unreadable, it's like white text on gray background (#ccc) [20:54] konrados check your theme [20:55] is it only an inkscape problem? [20:56] warri0rr, thing is it's a new installation of ubuntu 16.x - I did not play with themes, no, it's not only about inkscape - the screeshoot tool (print screen) has the same issue :( [20:56] "i did not play with themes" == I didn't screw it :) [21:03] hi, I have a problem with `./configure` that cannot find my existing ffmpeg [21:04] it's currently installed in /usr/bin/ffmpeg [21:05] full paste here - http://paste.ubuntu.com/25135167/ [21:09] duplicated: you'll need the -dev packages which go with those listed libraries [21:10] alright, thank you [21:18] Hi again. Again with my problem regarding unreadable tooltips in inkscape app - I followed https://askubuntu.com/a/858066/623186 ("settings -> disable the checkbox Apply colors to non-Qt applications")- and it worked. But... why? I know what qt is (I think so) but how it is related to kde and why this trick worked? [21:18] Bashing-om, I don't see either of those in my sources.list what tells apt to try to use those? [21:20] hrm.. lenovo p51 and ubuntu.. network driver issues... meh [21:25] jnewt: look from ' cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list ' . /sources.list.d/ is the 3rd party directory . [21:33] konrados: because inkscape uses GTK+ instead of QT (which is the GUI toolkit used by KDE) .. so by disabling using colors from a default qt theme on a gtk app the visual appearance changes [21:36] you can install source packages with "apt source package" [21:36] is there an easy way to install source of ALL installed packages? [21:37] without having to iterate over dpkg -l, and installing each one individually? [21:37] download* source of all installed packages [21:39] glitsj16, thanks! I'll have to read about all this ... stuff. But in short - not sure if I understood, QT is used by KDE? And then GTK+ is used by gnome? It seems so when I wikied GTK+ but wanted to be sure :) [21:42] konrados: yes that's correct.. you can make them appear as uniform as possible.. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Uniform_look_for_Qt_and_GTK_applications has nice info on that topic, but be aware that ubuntu uses different package names than those referenced on that page.. might be of interest to you [21:43] glitsj16, - thank you very much! [21:43] ive got this machine that originally was ubuntu 12.04, upgraded to 14.04 later and now i want to install either 16.04 LTS or 17.04. What do you say - upgrade or clean blast? [21:44] its my main workstation that im totally dependent on in work and privatly [21:44] konrados: you're welcome, sooner rather than later people will want to start 'messing' with themes anyway, i know i have :) [21:47] konrados: if you start trying out stuff, be carefull enough to have a backup of files you change, it can break your GUI.. i always feel granddaddy mentioning this [21:49] Squarism: so you've been using LTS for a long time, if there's no special reason to change that, i'd go for 16.04 (which you can do clean blast as well) [21:52] OK, so I have all these apt sources, one no longer exists, and one has been moved, but my apt doesn't know it. i get that, and i see where the addresses are stored now. what I don't understand is why I have to deal with this at all. isn't there some update or something that tells apt what is valid and what is no longer valid and what has moved? [21:53] glitsj16, so is clean blast recommended? [21:54] !ppa | jnewt [21:54] jnewt: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [21:54] jnewt: ^ the key thing there is " unsupported " . [21:55] jnewt: usually apt update will prompt an error in from the sources.list .. and if you have a ppa sometimes you need to disble them. [21:55] Squarism: i'm just a user, i did have a few bad experiences though when jumping from LTS to LTS, so i developed the habit of doing a fresh install, and migrate over settings after the basics work as expected [21:55] sary: IRT jnewt // 2 unsupported sources at this time . [21:58] glitsj16, know any good practices migrating stuff. Apart from /home/username i need 2 locations more to get a full backup. Thinking i should backup a list of all installed software versions [21:58] Hello! I've made a script that starts minecraft, and a minecraft user, but the script fails to start at boot. Not sure what fails, I have it inn rc.local. Any one see the error? https://hastebin.com/vakoqenaxi.bash === Matthew_ is now known as Matthew__ [21:59] Bashing-om: Good catch. [22:00] vimes, well you are using systemd cold be an issue [22:00] could [22:00] is rc.local systemd? what should I use? [22:00] https://teilgedanken.de/Blog/post/setting-up-a-minecraft-server-using-systemd [22:00] jnewt: sary :: We will work through all this . not a big deal :) [22:01] jnewt: There's no way for the system to know where third party repositories have moved to. How would it know if it's moved vs no longer valid? === Matthew__ is now known as Matthew_ [22:02] jnewt: The system does tell you " 404 Not Found " . Hey there is a problem :) [22:05] Squarism: i don't have a specific link to anything like that, but you can create a list of all currently installed software via dpkg --get-selections, document as much as you can on the state of your system [22:10] Hi Im trying to debug a systemd service Ive created thats not started [22:11] sudo systemctl status myservice.service shows it failed with status=1/failure [22:11] Im trying to find the output via sudo journalctl -u myservice.service but thats reporting -- No Entries -- [22:12] Ive tried running the application the service runs with the same parameters as the service and everything runs fine [22:13] I suspect Ive misconfigured something and the stdout / stderr msgs reporting the error are getting eaten [22:20] sgen: Do you have a paste of the service file in question somewhere? [22:21] glitsj16: https://pastebin.com/CJ66gN2M [22:27] sgen: looks pretty standard, although i'm not familiar with verdaccio [22:36] sgen: is it from https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio? there's a systemd service file in that project doing things differently [22:38] glitsj16: Yea its that verdaccio [22:38] there arent a whole lot of differences, just the ExecStop command, username and home directory [22:39] sgen: especially the working dir was what i noticed [22:39] I created the user verdacciod instead of verdaccio and without a home directory, but verdaccio doesnt use anything in the home directory [22:39] at least as far as I can tell [22:39] Im going to try messing with the user [22:39] Ill try with the home directory too but it shouldt matter [22:40] sgen: it might need to change to that working dir to drop privileges, which is usually why those kind of users are created in the first place [22:41] glitsj16: Why would it need to change directory to drop privileges? (Ive never heard of that) [22:41] I know that using a service specfic user is best practice as it allows you to control which files the service can access [22:41] that's what i mean [22:42] but what would that have to do with the working directory? [22:42] changing directory wasn't the best way to express that [22:43] sgen: i don't know, it was an issue on verdaccio's github page, other people seemed to have problems daemonizing it via systemd [22:43] ok well I configured it to use files owned by verdacciod in /var for logs and package storage and its config is coming from /etc/verdacciod/verdacciod.yaml so I dont think it needs the hoem dir [22:44] Really? Ill take a look. I had this working yesterday [22:44] Im not sure what changed [22:44] https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/83 says it was fixed 2 weeks ago [22:46] sgen: i can see your logic, it might just ba a case of re-creating the user with a home dir set to wherever you feed it the config you use [22:49] you can install source packages with "apt source package", but is there an easy way to download source of ALL installed packages without having to iterate over dpkg -l, and installing each one individually? [22:53] invapid: have you seen https://askubuntu.com/questions/119196/how-to-download-the-source-packages-for-all-installed-packages ? [22:53] glitsj16: Ill try that too [22:54] glitsj16: yeah, but that's doing it individually. Curious if there is a way to do it in one swoop (which I assume would be faster) [22:56] invapid: you could change the script mentioned there to only collect the package names and build a huge 'sudo apt source ...' command i guess [23:04] invapid: in any case it might be a good idea to use the 'dry-run' switch and cheking available disk space before comitting [23:04] good call - that would probably be faster [23:05] putting all on one line [23:07] yes, that should be faster, also less easier to follow, i haven't done a thing like that for *ALL* installed packages, slightly odd thing to do, rebuilding everything? [23:17] Can you see my message? [23:18] leptone_: What message ? [23:18] Bashing-om: thank you [23:18] that on [23:18] e [23:40] yes building from source with some slight modifications