
=== james is now known as Guest85041
ace28Hi there, has anyone else experienced problems with libre office since its last update?09:30
anna`Hi folks, is ubuntu-mate still being actively developed? Seems like an odd question but not used it in a while :)11:25
Astro7467@anna`: yes, very much still in active development11:32
anna`Keep up the good work folks <311:33
jmanhow do i bitcoin mine on ubuntu mate16:05
DarkPsydeLordgood question16:05
jmanany suggestions16:06
DarkPsydeLordi used cpuminer in the past16:06
DarkPsydeLordbut depending on how you are planning to mine i suppose theres different programs16:06
Jack_Sparrowinfo wine16:07
jmani want a gui based program16:07
DarkPsydeLordbut tbh specialized hardware will crush the generation16:07
Jack_Sparrow!info wine16:07
ubottuPackage wine does not exist in zesty16:07
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jmanany gui based suggestions16:07
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=== sisyphus is now known as linuxonly
=== linuxonly is now known as linux-phaedrus
DarkPsydeLordjman, unfortunately im not well informed about this kind of programs you should try in the bitcoin community16:08
jmanok thank you anyway i will just do some googling i guess16:09
DarkPsydeLordi know theres a bunch of ppas around who add some apps16:10
DarkPsydeLordbut well 3rd party ppa's are discouraged16:11
jmanapps are useful16:11
DarkPsydeLordare you planning to mine using gpu or cpu?16:11
jmancpu would be better but i could probably get away with gpu16:12
DarkPsydeLordi thought gpus were faster16:12
jmanim not trying to make much its more for fun16:12
jmani just dont have a very good gpu16:13
DarkPsydeLordwill take forever to get enough results to make your first bitcoin16:13
jmanoh suppose i could give gpu a shot16:13
jmanwell bitcoin mining probably wont work for me then16:16
jmanso... do you guys have any random programs you would suggest16:16
jmanthanks for the help anyway16:18
DarkPsydeLorduhm random as in?16:18
jmanoh um anything you like to use or is useful for the system16:19
DarkPsydeLordde3pending on how you use it16:20
jman use what?16:20
DarkPsydeLordyour system?16:20
jmanoh i just you it as my personal computer for watching videos, and playing games16:21
DarkPsydeLordthen steam16:21
jman lol had that one for a while16:22
DarkPsydeLordthen znes16:22
DarkPsydeLordzsnes sorry16:22
DarkPsydeLordplay some super mario rpg16:22
DarkPsydeLordi love it16:22
jman is that a snes emulator16:23
DarkPsydeLordyes sir16:23
jmanis it in the "app store" or do i  a need to go to a website16:23
DarkPsydeLordna just sudo apt install zsnes16:23
DarkPsydeLordor n64 emulator16:24
DarkPsydeLordwhatever you like the most16:24
jmanwhats the command for n6416:24
jmansudo apt install mupen64 ?16:25
DarkPsydeLordnot sure if mupen64plus just tab to complete16:25
jmanok thanks16:26
jman\( ̄▽ ̄)/ it worked for once16:28
jmanwhere would you suggest i get the "legal" game files16:29
DarkPsydeLordi encourage legal everything16:29
jmanso then how do i get the game files16:30
DarkPsydeLord well afaik if you do own a snes or n64 cartridge you can download the rom for it16:31
jmanwell im in luck because i own a lot of snes games16:32
DarkPsydeLordthen download a lot of snes roms XD16:32
jmanwhere do i download them16:32
DarkPsydeLordquick google search?16:32
jmanok thanks for the help16:33
jmanif I have other questions I will ask you :)16:33
DarkPsydeLordwill be better to just write any question on the channel and if somebody is around will answer it16:34
DarkPsydeLordim usually busy :(16:34
DarkPsydeLordbut if i have some time i will gladly answer if its in my hands ofc16:38
Jack_Sparrowked the room about how to get rid of spiders.  All agreed noric acid.  But what is the best way.  Liquid and use in sprayer or dry sprinkled aeound he perimeter16:47
DarkPsydeLordbest way to keep spiders away in introducing its natural predators17:01
Jack_SparrowIve got hundreds of baby lizards that just hatched  about 1" long.. so cute17:03
andrewHi people! Got a problem. If I plug the power in the laptop, it makes a plug in sound but do not recharge battery17:05
andrewAlso, If I turn the laptop on with the power pugged, then I see the battery icon recharging17:07
andrewIn windows everything works fine. so not a hardware issue.17:07

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