[12:36] Good morning [12:40] morning [12:59] happy friday all [13:02] rick_h: Are you staying at the Blackwell? [13:02] brousch: yep [13:03] Me too [13:03] awesome, bar meetup! [13:14] Nice! [13:14] We're staying there as well [13:15] \m/ [13:57] lol... for my second PR at new job, a whopping +2959, -27 size patch. lol [14:00] "Rewrite all the bad stuff I've seen so far" [14:00] "So far only looked at the Makefile" [14:02] nope. [14:02] no bad stuff at all. [14:03] no makefiles either. [14:03] no javascript. [14:03] this job is like a dream come true. [14:03] i'm waiting for other shoe to drop [14:06] lol [14:07] i haven't seen any of the ios or android. Maybe that is where the bodies are burried. [14:11] heh [15:01] Look for the legacy programs [15:25] I'm looking at cloud DB technologies and when it comes to cloud managed DB, does it really matter that postgresql > mysql. AFAICT, all the things I prefer about postgresql have to do with management and underlying tech, but if it is just a service, do I really care? [15:29] my thought is... why use RDS when Aurora exists? [15:47] Things I've noticed between PostgreSQL and MySQL tend to be more about transactions and performance [15:47] MySQL InnoDB is not terribly performant and transactions are naiive [15:48] Also, MySQL stored procedures are pretty limited compared with PostgreSQL [15:48] So if you're looking for a dumb datastore and don't care about other PGSQL features then MySQL is fine [15:49] addendum: Wordpress and some other PHP apps are exclusively MySQL so that also is a factor. [15:49] right. none of which matter on Aurora [15:49] cool. [15:49] In what sense? [15:49] aurora is its own thing that happens to use mysql protocol. [15:49] ah [15:49] so the perf and transactions aren't mysql [15:50] So it's likely MySQL with an Amazon-derived engine [15:50] right [15:50] Ah, then I have NFC how that stacks up [15:50] Would be interested to see perf benchmarks / reliability benchmarks [15:51] But yeah, the engines of MySQL have been a huge sticking point [15:51] MyISAM vs InnoDB specifically [15:52] Want speed? MyISAM. Want anything else that makes a relational database nice? InnoDB [15:54] right [15:57] jrwren: what is the main language you're writing in there? [16:04] Go [16:05] greg-g: and so far... I love it... jump to your own conclusions :) [16:06] heh, we're starting to use some Go for our docker/k8s stuff [16:06] oh, that is interesting. as api clients to docker/k8s servers? [16:07] jrwren: (in a meeting but) this is the tool my team is writing in Go: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/source/blubber/ [16:08] ftr: it's everyone on my team's first Go project, so, take it with a grain of salt code idiom/etc wise :) [16:20] seems weird to use go for shell scripting like that :p