
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
vimartj ##chat00:11
vimartsorry :-)00:11
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
douxWhat desktop "flavor" allows you to save your desktop settings (such as your icon bar)? I want to recreate my desktop environment after a fresh install.00:21
leftyfbdoux: if you backup your /home/$USER and restore it, it should save all the settings00:21
douxleftyfb: Ah. So you need to do a backup then?00:22
leftyfbdoux: you ALWAYS need a backup00:22
douxleftyfb: Yes, but what if you back your files up in a different way. I simply have all my files on another disk and also a backup of all my files.00:23
leftyfbdoux: ok?00:23
douxleftyfb: Yeah, I just wanted to know what commands exist to just recreate your bar and settings but not from a backup of your user directory. Anyways, I guess that's not the way things are done. I will look into what you suggested instead...00:25
douxleftyfb: sometimes I just want a new install with NOTHING but my desktop settings and icons.00:26
leftyfbdoux: There are ways to modify panels and such .. for instance with gnome you can use gsettings. But you would have to track down each setting first00:26
douxleftyfb: thanks!00:27
glitsj16doux: you can also have /home in a separate partition --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving00:28
douxglitsj16: Ok, thanks. I will research that as well.00:29
StevieWhi people00:39
StevieWsomebody here?00:40
leftyfbStevieW: it's best to just ask your question00:43
StevieWwell, to be honest i wanted some off topic chat00:43
[n0mad]#ubuntu-offtopic ?00:44
StevieWwhat do you think about people who don't believe that they can heal an incurable disease? they should better try don't you think so? there are so many interesting solutions. today i read about ibogaine and ayahuasca. do you know them?00:46
rory/join #ubuntu-offtopic00:49
StevieWi did00:50
StevieWand asked there the same question. but nobody answers. :(00:50
codsterGreetings. I'm trying to setup a "persist" pppd connection. When dissconnected it tries to reconnect but the chat script fails. PPPD reports "Connect script failed" and doesn't ever try to reconnect (process just sits there doing nothing?). Is this normal? Is there a way to get it to auto-retry again?00:54
bonobomapperSorry to bother here… Anyone knows how can I make a .deb extract a .tar.gz file that resides OUTSIDE of the deb? (This is needed cause .debs doesn't support big things…)01:38
tgm4883bonobomapper: how big of a thing are you trying to extract?01:54
bonobomappera game, a big one.01:59
tgm4883bonobomapper: well it feels like you're doing it wrong, would probably be better to have apt handle it and split it out to several packages (eg. game-sounds, game-data, game-graphics),  but if you really need to you could extract a tar.gz file in a postinst script02:05
bonobomapperwell, I do need some sort of control, apt implies in having repository or a ppa… publicly or if private, shareable, and this is bad.02:14
bonobomapperthe preinst already sorts some DRM… is the size of the package that is bugging me...02:14
marco25my ubuntu is making duplicate folders any reason why?03:15
Bashing-om!details | marco25 when/where/why/:03:17
ubottumarco25 when/where/why/:: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.03:17
marco25ubuntu 17.04 it seems to be lock.file. of a doc file in a particular folder ..and another folder is being generated of the exact same...insted of being put in the original folder...so basically its creating files and generating new folder with same name03:20
marco25so if the folder is documents its creating another folder called documents with those lock.files03:21
marco25in stead of being put in original document folder03:21
marco25libreoffice files03:22
marco25i guess its auto recovery files? maybe?03:22
Bashing-ommarco25: I do not use LO, await others who have the knowledge .03:23
Besogonhello. Can anybody help with: 'masking of systemd-sysctl.service "03:37
Besogonhow to do that?03:37
=== EleanorEllis1 is now known as EleanorEllis
_Zaphod_hello.  trying to figure out how to add whoson support to dovecot on ubuntu. preferably withotu compiling my own dovecot. it seems i have no choice with whosond04:47
snuffthi guys! does anyone use Pac Manager or know if there's an irc channel for it?04:47
snufftI've got a situation where it keeps sending an <enter> to the screen every minute and can't figure out how to turn it off04:48
_Zaphod_or some other way of implementing pop before smtp04:49
_Zaphod_to support silly legacy email clients.04:49
_Zaphod_the server has dovecot and exim-heavy (was needed for mysql auth support)04:54
blackdalekHelp! do-release-upgrade stalled after I pressed d to show details of packages to be removed. I can't figure out how to make it resume :(05:00
_Zaphod_i need some sort of pop before smtp solution for exim4 and dovecot on ubuntu. using the dovecot and exim packages05:02
arunangshui am getting noisy sound on my in-built speaker after upgrading to ubuntu 16.4. Please guide me how to resolve this issue05:03
blackdalekIs my upgrade process broken now? All I did was run a do-release-upgrade, and pressed d to see details of packages it wants to remove.... now is stuck with (END) highlighted at bottom of screen. Can't scroll up. How do I resume this?05:07
blackdalekhttps://imagebin.ca/v/3U6Cv0oYWbTI upgrade stalled on this screen05:07
_Zaphod_try pressing enter or q05:08
_Zaphod_that looks to me like text piped to more or less05:08
_Zaphod_so you just need to quit out of the pager05:09
Random832i remember less used to exit after you scrolled to the bottom05:09
_Zaphod_pretty sure either enter or q will do it. soem versiosn of less are picky.05:09
_Zaphod_more always would exit with enter05:09
blackdalek_Zaphod_, thanks.. Q got me out of it. Enter did nothing ;)05:10
sonu_nkhi my ubvuntu 14 not showing upgade to ubuntu 1605:10
_Zaphod_now if someone would just help me. :)05:11
_Zaphod_i need to get pop before smtp working with dovecot and exim4-daeon0heavy. without compiling new exim or dovecot.05:11
_Zaphod_DRAC package exists, but only seems to work with postfix. not exim405:12
Bashing-omsonu_nk: What shows ' grep Prompt= /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ' ?05:16
sonu_nkBashing-om, Prompt=lts05:16
Bashing-omsonu_nk: So will not see any release upgrade before 18.04 . You really want to leave a LTS cycle of upgrades ?05:18
sonu_nki want LTS05:18
sonu_nkWhy is this issue coming?05:19
sonu_nkhi pavlushka05:20
marco25im getting this same error on tor browser (firefox fork) with ubuntu 17.04 same as person who filed bug report..  https://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg5202574.html      https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/165606505:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1656065 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Firefox and plugin-container (Chrome_ChildThr): segfault at 0 ip, sp error 6 in plugin-container/libxul.so" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:20
Ben64marco25: where did you get the browser from05:20
Bashing-omsonu_nk: sorry mt bad , you are on 14.04 presently and want to go to 16.04 .05:20
pavlushkaHello sonu_nk :)05:20
sonu_nkBashing-om, yes.. but why i am getting this issue05:21
marco25ben64 tor browser website05:21
marco25i checked the kernel logs and the error is basically identical and we have same os05:22
Bashing-omsonu_nk: Let's find out . what returns ' lsb_release -a ' ? so we know what the system thinks .05:23
marco25i dont remember seeing the libxul.so im not sure why that was on the bug report05:23
marco25oh maybe that is the container05:23
Ben64marco25: well if it isn't from the ubuntu repos, it's not supported here05:23
sonu_nkNo LSB modules are available., Distributor ID:Ubuntu , Description:Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS , Release:14.04 , Codename:trusty ,05:23
sonu_nkBashing-om, ^05:23
marco25Ben64, well fix his bug and you will probably fix mine :P05:25
marco25he filled that bug report out in january05:25
marco25and firefox is supported :)05:25
Bashing-omsonu_nk: K, now all up to date ' sudo apt update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 ; sudo apt upgrade 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 ' ?05:25
marco25referring to the bug report05:25
sonu_nkBashing-om, http://termbin.com/sa8f ,  http://termbin.com/0eiza05:26
Bashing-omsonu_nk: That is partial .. await the completion ?05:28
marco25there is too many bugs in ubuntu 17.04 i may dump it and go back to 16.04 this is crazy..05:28
sonu_nkthat has been completed05:28
blackdalekDamnit!!! ehternet is broken now after upgrade from 16.04 to 17.0405:30
sarybroekn how..!05:30
blackdaleksary, I don't know... no ehternet connection shows up when cable is connected.05:32
Bashing-omsonu_nk: think'n and looking .05:32
blackdalekethernet controller shows up on lspci but isn't working obviously05:33
marco25blackdalek, join the ubuntu 17.04 bug club get used to if you plan on keeping 17.0405:33
LibertyWeNeedHow do I make the swap file larger? I need to make it bigger so that the program I am running "urbit" has 2GB all to itself every time I boot up my system.05:33
_Zaphod_ok apparently drac works with exim4.  but now i need dovecot.05:33
_Zaphod_without source i can't compile a plugin, and dovecot needs the plugin05:34
sonu_nkBashing-om, is there any think like termbin.com?05:34
sonu_nki think its not wrking from here05:34
EriC^^sonu_nk: termview.me05:35
EriC^^sonu_nk: something | nc termview.me 999905:35
Bashing-omsonu_nk: The final from ' apt update' should be " Reading state information... Done >> All packages are up to date." . Let's try again once more ' sudo apt update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 ' .05:36
marco25blackdalek, trust me on this go back to 16.0405:36
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: 2GB of the swap?05:36
Bashing-omsonu_nk: EriC^^ thanks . we try that .05:37
marco25non lts needs to be changed back to beta...05:37
blackdalekI upgraded to 17.04 to try and get around the bug in Kodi/Python which causes the disk to fill up every day.05:37
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^, On the instructions I am reading it says "Urbit wants to map 2GB of memory when it boots up. We won’t necessarily use all this memory, we just want to see it. On a normal modern PC or Mac, this is not an issue."05:38
marco25well you just installed one bug bug called ubuntu 17.04 zesty05:38
marco25big bug05:38
sonu_nkBashing-om, http://termbin.com/0yvk05:38
Ben64marco25: can you not05:38
marco25Ben64, this could have been avoided if they would just call non lts beta :P05:39
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: how much swap do you have free now?05:40
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: try "free -h | nc termbin.com 9999"05:40
Bashing-omsonu_nk: I do not know what to propose . With out confirmation of the system I can not proceed to investigate the issue you are experiencing .05:40
saryblackdalek: that's strange , are you connected through a switch or something .. what are the lines in /etc/network/interfaces ..05:40
sonu_nkBashing-om, ok thank you05:40
sonu_nkleave it if its not working05:40
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^, what is termbin.com ?05:40
LibertyWeNeedAlso how do I check how much swap I have?05:41
saryswapon -s05:41
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: it's  a pastebin site05:41
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: run the command above it'll give you a link back, paste it here05:42
LibertyWeNeedthis command? free -h | nc http://termbin.com/ 999905:42
blackdaleksary. the computer with the issue is connected to my LAN via an ethernet connection (or it was until 17.04 broke it)05:42
blackdalekThe problem I was having before was this - https://askubuntu.com/questions/887220/cache-upstart-unity7-log-growing-to-consume-the-entire-free-disk-space-python/88723505:43
Bashing-omsonu_nk: termnin is not working for me either . we try EriC^^ bin site . hang on one and I verify .05:43
hanasakiusing automouter autofs to mount nfs directories off a server.   fails if the hostname is used in the automount file.  works if the IP is in the automount file.  host lookup of the hostname does match the ip used .   what would cause this/ or how to debug it?05:43
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^, http://termbin.com/s08005:43
sonu_nkPaste at http://termview.me/53pq , Paste at http://termview.me/9mkh Bashing-om05:44
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: ok, just to verify there's no partition for swap run "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999"05:45
slavka`so i have a script with 2 lines... #!/bin/sh echo ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} ... gives me the error "./test.sh: 3: ./test.sh: Bad substitution" ... if i change to /bin/bash works as expected... any help is appreciated05:46
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^, http://termbin.com/clq305:46
Bashing-omsonu_nk:  Still no good result ; for reference mine : http://termview.me/tqnr .05:47
saryblackdalek: check which driver is used for ethernet lspci -k , and you may want to try manaully input of ip, netmask, gateway , run route -n for those info .05:47
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: ok, to make a swap file type "sudo fallocate -l 2G /swap05:48
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: ok, to make a swap file type "sudo fallocate -l 2G /swap"05:48
sonu_nkBashing-om, i am trying to change server location then see what happend05:48
LibertyWeNeedThank you EriC^^05:49
blackdaleksary, it says kernel driver in use: e1000e05:49
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: that's not all, wait :D05:49
pavlushkasonu_nk: try to paste "sudo apt update | tail" on paste.ubuntu.com05:49
slavka`so i have a script with 2 lines... #!/bin/sh echo ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} ... gives me the error "./test.sh: 3: ./test.sh: Bad substitution" ... if i change to /bin/bash works as expected... any help is appreciated05:50
Bashing-omsonu_nk: Presently I am at a loss as to what is happening on your system .05:50
blackdalekit's an intel 82573L gigabit ethernet controller05:50
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: type "sudo mkswap /swap"05:50
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: then "sudo chmod 600 /swap"05:51
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: done?05:52
LibertyWeNeedAfter typing sudo mkswap /swap I got a message05:53
LibertyWeNeedSetting up swapspace version 1, size = 2097148 KiB05:53
LibertyWeNeedno label, UUID=18d4a551-b889-4508-b2a5-eb1876eb5cce05:53
hanasakiwhat leads to this error when mounting by hostname but works when mounting by IP ? ??  automount[1402]: >> mount.nfs4: access denied by server while mounting05:53
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: great, run the chmod command05:53
hanasakisame issue when just nfs and no automounter05:53
blackdaleksudo lshw -C network displays "*-network DISABLED"05:53
EriC^^then type        echo "/swap none swap sw 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab05:54
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^, Done!05:54
LibertyWeNeedsudo chmod 600 /swap i mean05:54
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^ were you asking me to type this ?05:54
LibertyWeNeed   echo "/swap none swap sw 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab05:54
EriC^^blackdalek: not sure on your issue but did you check for any hard or soft blocks with rfkill -l ?05:55
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: yes05:55
EriC^^blackdalek: *rfkill list05:55
blackdalekEriC^^, no output is generated from rfkill05:56
LibertyWeNeedOK EriC^^, I typed then type        echo "/swap none swap sw 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab05:56
LibertyWeNeedwithout the then type05:56
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: ok, try sudo swapon -a05:56
EriC^^then swapon -s05:57
LibertyWeNeedwith the try infront?05:57
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: no05:57
LibertyWeNeedsudo swapon -a05:58
LibertyWeNeedswapon: /dev/mapper/trisquel--vg-swap_1: read swap header failed: Invalid argument05:58
LibertyWeNeedswapon: /dev/mapper/cryptswap1: stat failed: No such file or directory05:58
sonu_nkpavlushka, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25137601/05:58
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^, did you see my last message?06:00
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25137611/06:01
pavlushkasonu_nk: try "sudo apt full-upgrade" and give us a paste.06:01
sonu_nkpavlushka, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25137613/06:02
Bashing-ompavlushka: sonu_nk Let's awaot that we know that the update completes good before upgrading .06:03
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^, are you still in the house?06:04
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: hey06:04
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25137611/06:04
pavlushkaBashing-om: I am just trying to see hwat it does it the package update command is given as it is vague from the "sudo apt update"06:05
EriC^^LibertyWeNeed: type cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999906:05
sonu_nkpavlushka, Bashing-om https://paste.ubuntu.com/25137624/ sudo apt-get update06:05
LibertyWeNeedI haven't typed in "swapon -s" yet because of the error message I got previously06:05
LibertyWeNeedDo I just type in swapon -s anyway?06:05
pavlushkasonu_nk: ok, do a "sudo apt autoremove" or "sudo apt-get autoremove", try anyone06:07
Bashing-omsonu_nk: All looks good to me . no to fo to 16.04 terminal command ' sudo do-release-upgrade ' .06:07
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^, http://termbin.com/mw8t06:09
LibertyWeNeed 06:12
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^ what do I do now?06:12
saryblackdalek: What are results of ip l ..06:12
blackdaleksary, I'd copy and paste the results... but there's no network connection on that computer06:13
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blackdaleksary, it gives some info about "lo:" and some info under that about" ens34:"06:14
saryblackdalek: just check the device interface name , enp0sXX !06:15
blackdaleksary, it's calling it ens3406:15
saryblackdalek: ok, while the cable pluged try this sudo ip l s dev ens34 up .. is it worikng now06:16
blackdalekthere is nothing enp*** listed06:16
sonu_nksudo do-release-upgrade  : Checking for a new Ubuntu release , No new release found Bashing-om pavlushka06:17
blackdaleksary, I already tried that... nothing happened06:17
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^ are you still alive? I really need your help please06:17
saryblackdalek: does it also show as ens34 with ifconfig -a ..06:18
blackdaleksary, yes, it does06:18
Bashing-omsonu_nk: Humm .. will have to think on this as the update-manager is set for LTS :(06:18
sonu_nkBashing-om, no solution?06:19
saryblackdalek: run this then reboot $ sudo touch /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf06:20
blackdaleksary, ok06:20
blackdaleksary, it rebooted... now what?06:24
saryblackdalek: check with network manager , is ether enabled and connected ..!06:25
blackdaleksary, No it isn't Nothing changed. Btw, the file 10-globally-managed-devices.conf did not exist, so touch created it.06:26
saryblackdalek: ok, that's fine..06:26
saryblackdalek: try reloading the the driver sudo modprobe -r e1000e , sudo modprobe e1000e06:27
pavlushkais unchecking security updates creating the issue of sonu_nk , http://i.imgur.com/ZAStL9Z.png ?06:28
blackdaleksary, found this https://askubuntu.com/questions/906636/ethernet-adapter-was-disable-on-ubuntu-17-04 so going to try add that line as in the top answer06:28
Bashing-omsonu_nk: Honestly here I just do not know . As is now is above my skill set .06:29
pavlushkaBashing-om: the we can give it a shot by selecting the "security updates", coz to my opinion, it it the most important update option06:30
saryblackdalek: Ok.06:30
Bashing-ompavlushka: We sus the checking 1st thing . ' grep Prompt= /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ' . shows LTS .06:32
Bashing-ompavlushka: sonu_nk Would not hurt to look at the source file ' cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list ' .06:34
blackdaleksary, it worked and is still working after a reboot06:36
saryblackdalek: glad to know , so it was a NM triggered after all.06:38
pavlushkaBashing-om: ok, I am unaware of the precedence, for a "do-release-update" the system needs to be updated before, but he was and is skipping the security updates which is most important, so the question is "will do-release-update work even if the system missing the security updates?"06:39
Bashing-ompavlushka: Is a good thought . we see from the  cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list outut . sonu_nk06:41
LibertyWeNeedCan someone please help me where eriC^^ left off?06:41
LibertyWeNeed"Urbit wants to map 2GB of memory when it boots up. We won’t necessarily use all this memory, we just want to see it. On a normal modern PC or Mac, this is not an issue." that is what I need for the program. Eric told me some commands which I have on pastebin.06:41
pavlushkasonu_nk: paste the "cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list" please06:41
LibertyWeNeedRegarding my post: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25137724/06:42
sonu_nk paste the "cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list" please : https://paste.ubuntu.com/25137725/06:42
sonu_nkpavlushka, Bashing-om ^06:42
saryLibertyWeNeed: #see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq06:45
Bashing-omEriC^^: WB \o/ . Yoi were missed :)06:47
LibertyWeNeedsary, thank you but I am actually really stuck not really knowing what I just did, just following instructions of eriC^^, so I don't know how to undo either.06:48
pavlushkaBashing-om: and the gui supposed not to read configuarations incorrectly, http://imgur.com/a/2g9K906:50
LibertyWeNeedEriC^^, Eric is back!! Yeah! Can you please look at this paste? http://paste.ubuntu.com/25137724/06:54
Bashing-ompavlushka: Does read corrrectly . I do not endorse running with "proposed" enabled however .06:56
pavlushkasonu_nk: please uncheck the "third" option in here http://imgur.com/a/2g9K906:59
pavlushkasonu_nk: then repeat the command "sudo apt update"07:01
Bashing-omLibertyWeNeed: Looks like Eric^^ has connectivity issues . bear with him .07:02
LibertyWeNeedok bashing07:03
LibertyWeNeedThank you07:03
sonu_nkpavlushka, now ?07:04
pavlushkasonu_nk: paste the output :)07:05
takuanis there a way to umount an ntfs partition without sudo from the cli?07:06
snpresentcan i ask a question here?07:06
sonu_nkpavlushka, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25137783/07:06
takuani get                                                                                        |07:07
takuanis not in the fstab (and you are not root)07:07
snpresentwhen i input LOID in my ONU, after dhcp it got an ip start with 9,and it is not belong to internal addresses,i checked ip start with 9 ,it belong to IBM ,i asked before ,but i still confused....... why start with 9.???07:07
pavlushkasonu_nk: now hwat is the output of "sudo apt full-upgrade" ?07:07
takuanfusermount -u reports  not found in /etc/mtab07:07
sonu_nkhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/25137786/ pavlushka07:08
LangleyHi, does anyone know if nvidia drivers on 16.04 have Vulkan? I can't get Doom to work with it07:22
pavlushkasonu_nk: paste the "dpkg -l apt"07:26
pavlushkalooks like sonu_nk's  apt is not talking to the repository07:27
sonu_nkpavlushka, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25137855/07:28
Bashing-om!info apt trusty07:29
ubottuapt (source: apt): commandline package manager. In component main, is important. Version 1.0.1ubuntu2.17 (trusty), package size 930 kB, installed size 3494 kB07:29
Bashing-om!info inxi trusty07:30
ubottuinxi (source: inxi): full featured system information script. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9.17-1 (trusty), package size 98 kB, installed size 443 kB07:30
Bashing-omsonu_nk: pavlushka :: check apt operation ' sudo apt install inxi ' good tool to have installed anyway .07:32
trijntjeare there plans to release 16.04.3? I have an HP workstation that has a bug when installing 16.04.2 but not 16.04, but I'm not sure if it makes sense to report07:33
trijntjeinstallation breaking bug, I should say07:33
sonu_nkBashing-om, pavlushka i am done with sudo apt install inxi07:35
qeniHi. I've installed snap 'hello' correctly but when I run command 'hello' it says: "prctl(PR_SET_SECCOMP, SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER, ...) failed: Invalid argument. aborting: Invalid argument". How can I fix this?07:39
Bashing-omsonu_nk: ' inxi -xxxw ' . works ?07:39
sonu_nkyes weather report :P07:40
Bashing-omtrijntje: Aug 3 is the date they are shooting for : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule ,07:40
trijntjeBashing-om: thanks, in that case I will report the bug07:41
_pronet_Ive tried sending a couple of files, but the all aborted for some reason.. via xchat07:41
pavlushkasonu_nk: come on, show us on paste :p07:42
sonu_nkpavlushka, Bashing-om ^07:42
Bashing-omsonu_nk: See the man page for inxi .. very powerful little tool . weather is the least of what it can report . So we know apt is consistent !07:43
sonu_nki think i should throw my system in nearest river hehehe07:44
Bashing-omsonu_nk: well, has to be a reason update-manager fails to find 16.04. But I do not know where else to look for a problem .07:47
Bashing-omsonu_nk: pavlushka 'less someone comes up with a proposal real quick ---- I am off to bed .07:51
sonu_nkBashing-om, good nt07:51
pavlushkaGoof Night Bashing-om :)07:52
Bashing-omsonu_nk: pavlushka :: :) .. give it a bit and see if others pick up on this with a better thought .07:53
ZSkyWhen I do this from bash: while read p; do echo "$p" done <test.txt, I get : >   and then nothing07:54
geirhaZSky crossposted to #bash and question answered there: missing semicolon after the echo, and missing -r on read08:31
akkonradhey, my docker env (nginx that is proxy for app and api, there is also db and socket) is behind ufw firewall from host. I have few rules there. I can reach one website (app) and databse, but can't reach api because it's rejected by ufw. here is my config and log message - what is possibly wrong here?08:41
warri0rrI've never used docker, but which port is used by api?08:46
ruicruzhi there. on system settings / apparence > behavior the option to auto hide the bar is grey and I can't change it. does anyone face this issue before?08:51
akkonradwarri0rr, that give me to think. I don't know exact port because every deployment it's given randomly, but I could make it static and allow to use it then. will try that09:00
arun007viran: hi09:18
viranHello, got a ubuntu amazon ec2 machine, mongodb will not start... any idea where to start with diagnosing ?09:18
arun007viran: is it showing any error09:18
viranim trying to run: sudo service mongod start -> Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not found.09:19
virani can see mongodb config files, that machine has mongo on it09:20
bazhangviran, mongodb?09:20
viranbazhang: yes09:20
bazhangviran, did you leave off the b09:20
viranmaybe :) checking09:20
viranfailing to run, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25138252/ heres the status output09:22
arun007immu: hi09:23
immudoes any one how to prevent your mic levels from dropping to unamplified levels09:23
immuthe louder I or the other participant speaks the lower the mic level drops09:23
arun007viran: https://askubuntu.com/questions/758699/what-is-the-correct-way-to-ensure-mongod-starts-on-system-startup-in-16-0409:27
viranhaving a bit of a space issue, any suggestions on a how to get rid of what's taking space? or find what's taking space...09:29
arun007viran: http://tinyurl.com/yd8jlatr09:30
arun007viran: you can use baobab for that09:30
oerheks"having a bit of a space issue" not related to not starting mongodb ??09:31
arun007anuxivm: welcome09:33
oerheksimmu, in what app does the mic level drop?09:34
immuskype as of now09:34
immuthis is something that i don't see on Windows 10 machines.09:35
oerheksoh skype got its own routine to level mics, see in  the settings?09:35
immui have to literately hold the mic levels with my mouse button to stop it from sliding down09:35
berkiyoSo what DE/WM do you people use?09:36
oerheksimmu, well, this happens a lot when you don't use headphones.09:36
immuI am on 17.04/Ubuntu_unity09:36
oerheksberkiyo, polling is useless here, support only please09:36
berkiyooerheks: apologies.09:36
immuoerheks, is it? so if i use headphones that won't be the case then?09:37
oerheksberkiyo, you would need to count 1127 answers :-D, no problem though09:37
oerheksimmu, yes, it does with me.09:37
berkiyoI was just asking in general (to those who are reading currently), np :)09:37
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours09:37
immucurrently its using my laptop's internal mic09:38
immulatest 4.3 for linux skype doesn't have this option09:38
oerheksoh, i use 5.0 from the website https://go.skype.com/linux.deb09:43
arun007immu Important notice: All Skype for Linux clients version 4.3 and older will be retired on July 1, 2017. To keep chatting, please install the latest version of Skype for Linux.09:48
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
immuarun007, i am using the latest version09:52
thyriaenis there a program that lets me switch the sound source as an indicator dropdown ? ( i am looking for a way to quickly change between headphones / speakers since i do that quite frequently10:04
thyriaenthat doesnt has a droptodwn menu in the indicator bar10:04
thyriaenat least for me it doesn't10:05
immuthyriaen, https://www.mail-archive.com/pulseaudio-discuss@lists.freedesktop.org/msg17876.html10:06
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
CestSebastianI'm running ubuntu 16.04, is there a way to get gdm 2.x installed and as the default display manager? context: I switched to gnome flashback, I'm trying to get rid of unity, I intended to replace lightdm with gdm but I keep getting gdm3 instead, which is not very light weight for my ancient laptop11:00
BluesKajHi folks11:04
arun007aadi: you from india?11:18
aadiarun007, yes11:18
aadiarun007, yes11:18
arun007aadi: me toozej11:18
aadiI am having an error in going to full screen in ubuntu 17.0411:19
arun007aadi: explain11:19
aadiThis happens in chrome, mostly when I watch full-screen videos in youtube, but doing the same in firefox is absolutely fine.11:20
aadiWhat happens is my top bar is gone and the instance of youtube player is left in the bottom11:21
aadiI tried to update the chrome to beta version, also by deleting the configuration files, but then also the problem persists. All this was not happening in ubuntu 16.0411:22
oerheksoh, beta, there you go, file a bugreport to google-hrome11:23
oerheksnot really a support question for ubuntu, as we have no sourcecode :-(11:23
aadioerheks, Many a times this also happens with sublime text editor too!. and at last I have to restart the lightdm using the virtual terminal( ctrl+alt+F1) :(11:24
oerhekssubime text, pa11:25
oerheks*paid stuff ..11:25
aadioerheks, So everything is OK with my ubuntu?11:26
oerhekswell, we have no influence on those programms, officially only the software in softwarecenter, you know.11:27
aadiI am just getting curious to know that, in 17.10 update will gnome have customizations? like the same shortcuts that we have in this unity?11:30
quarterscan the path var be configured in bash.rc11:34
t0th_-how o can remove automount qhen put my cell phone in usb?11:38
CestSebastianhey, I'm running ubuntu 16.04, is there a way to get gdm 2.x installed and as the default display manager? context: I switched to gnome flashback, I'm trying to get rid of unity, I intended to replace lightdm with gdm but I keep getting gdm3 instead, which is not very light weight for my ancient laptop11:42
ducasseCestSebastian: gdm 2.x is no longer maintained11:47
CestSebastianthx, ducasse11:48
ducasseCestSebastian: you could of course compile it yourself (if it will build on xenial), but i don't recommend it11:49
ducassetry another dm instead, like slim11:49
BluesKajor a lighter DE like xfce or some such11:50
ducassei think they're looking for a lighter dm, not de...11:51
CestSebastianyes, dm, will look at slim11:51
ducasse'apt show slim' will give you the description11:51
CestSebastianthx again ducasse :)11:55
qswzif I have a folder foo with files a, b, c, and a subfolder X with other files in, how can I copy all the root files (a,b,c) of foo cp ./foo/* ./bar ?12:16
iCherryqswz, you want to copy all the files in foo, but without the X subfolder?12:20
iCherryqswz, if you dont add the -r switch, cp will not copy directories12:24
iCherryso " cp * /path/to/destination" will do just fine: cp: -r not specified; omitting directory 'X'12:24
t0th_-how o can remove automount qhen put my cell phone in usb?12:25
oerhekst0th_-, set automount to false systemwide , dconf org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false12:31
blackdalekanyone know how to install deluged and deluge-web as systemd service on server?12:33
oerheksenough tutorials in the web, https://www.htpcguides.com/install-latest-deluge-ubuntu-server-14-04-lts/12:34
oerheksor when you run 16.04 or higher with systemd, http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/Service/systemd12:35
blackdalekI followed this guide http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/Service/systemd but I'm getting errors12:35
blackdalekI get an error in the deluge-console and an error when trying to access the web interface12:38
blackdalekdeluge-console says "Failed to connect to with reason: Password does not match"12:39
blackdalekif I try and start deluged from command line, it just says "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/_libtorrent.py:59: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for boost::shared_ptr<libtorrent::alert> already registered; second conversion method ignored.12:40
blackdalek  import libtorrent as lt12:40
blackdalek[ERROR   ] 22:39:33 rpcserver:378 Couldn't listen on localhost:58846: [Errno 98] Address already in use."12:40
ducasse!paste | blackdalek12:40
ubottublackdalek: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:40
blackdalekI am just getting this http://paste.ubuntu.com/25139065/ when I try to access deluge web interface in browser12:43
kailiI have a dd image of a corrupted partition I'm trying to extract the data. But even kpartx doesn't give me enough partition to manage / mount it12:45
ducasse!recover | kaili12:46
ubottukaili: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery12:46
ducassetry testdisk + photorec12:46
kailiducasse: I'm not in the recovery process anymore, I tried it all12:46
kailiNow I got my partition image and I need to extract what is left inside12:46
kailitestdisk failed, photorec failed on the hard disk, but I got an image with ddrescue12:47
oerheksblackdalek, after installing and adding users etc, did you ever rebooted?12:47
kailiThing is I can't get mount it12:47
blackdalekoerheks, no.12:47
kaili"kpartx -av sda2.dd-img.img" gives no information at all12:47
oerheksand the error seems like it already started.. passwordless according to the howto12:47
kailiThe only thing I know is that it's a HFS partition, heavily corrupted12:48
oerheksdon't edit/fix hfs partitions on linux, use a mac for that12:48
blackdalekoerheks, the guide never said I had to reboot the server, so I didn't12:48
ducassekaili: if it's hfs i seriously doubt you'll have much luck with linux tools12:48
oerheksblackdalek, i think it solves the issue12:49
blackdalekoerheks, rebooting it now...12:49
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blackdalekoerheks, machine has rebooted... still same error in console. But now the web interface is asking for password and I have none12:53
qswziCherry: thanks!12:54
oerheksblackdalek, at least one step further..12:54
oerheksleave the password open?12:54
ducasseblackdalek: you need to set a password in the config file iirc12:55
blackdalekoerheks, it's ok. I figured out the password was reverted to default (deluge), so it let me set a new one after I entered that default one.12:55
oerheksthat tutor says: sudo adduser --system  --gecos "Deluge Service" --disabled-password --group --home /var/lib/deluge deluge12:56
oerheksand sudo adduser <username> deluge # which implies you should use the username/pass?12:57
blackdalekoerheks, I entered the ubuntu username for the server in <username>13:00
blackdaleke.g. sudo adduser kodi-user deluge13:00
blackdalekanyway... I got the web interface running again, but now all my torrent files are not listed? Before I tried to set deluged up to run as a service, I was just starting it manually each time the server started. So now I think it is expecting the config files to be in a new location?13:03
oerheksblackdalek, maybe they are invisible as they might run under an not-kodi-user13:15
bobdobbsI prevented a user from being able to log in by using this command: 'sudo usermod -s /bin/nologin bob'13:18
bobdobbsBut now I want the user to able to log in13:18
bobdobbsSo how do I modify the user to allow him to log in?13:19
bobdobbsoh, I see. I change 'login' to whichever shell I want to be the users default13:21
linuxlovehi guys13:25
linuxlovehow much is normal volume for downloading resources in one day for a developer ?13:26
leftyfblinuxlove: I'm pretty sure your question is off topic13:27
blackdalekjust discovered another problem with zesty... I can no longer see the full screen when I try to access it remotely using remmina VNC connection :/13:28
blackdalekthe computer I am on is running 16.04 but the other computer runs 17.04 now. I am only seeing about 1 quarter of the screen now and the "fit to window" button no longer works - it only crops the screen to the quarter size13:30
blackdalekis there a bug in desktop sharing for 17.04 that makes it impossible to resize the screen in remmina?13:31
rajivmars hi all. i have installed xubuntu. whenever i restart the laptop or turn on and plug/unplug it for the first time to the power source then the brightness automatically increases to the maximun? i am tried ubuntu as well and the same problem persists in it. what is the issue?13:35
rajivmarsi m on xubuntu 16.04.213:35
rajivmarsis this the common problem of ubuntu and its flavours?13:38
blackdalekis there any real differnce between using apt or apt-get (besides the colours) ?13:41
CarlFKblackdalek: I hear apt resolves conflicts better.  don't ask me what that means :p13:42
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)13:43
rajivmarsblacdalek: using apt gives some more details like showing percentage.13:43
BluesKaj!info apt13:43
ubottuapt (source: apt): commandline package manager. In component main, is important. Version 1.4 (zesty), package size 1102 kB, installed size 3541 kB13:43
EriC^^does anyone know a tiny snippet of a program that allows you to click anywhere on your screen and it shows the color?13:44
BluesKajno apprent difference there, blackdalek13:44
ducasseblackdalek: no real difference, except that apt is prettier.13:44
EriC^^preferrably the simpler the better, like if it can just say "green" instead of a hexcode or rgb that'd be great13:44
EriC^^by tiny snippet i mean a program but not so huge like gimp etc, just a small tool13:45
ducasseEriC^^: there are a few gui tools, but you want the result as text to stdout?13:46
EriC^^ducasse: it doesn't matter it's all good13:46
EriC^^as long as it prints the name somewhere on the screen13:46
ducassetry gcolor213:47
ducassethat gives you rgb, dunno about color name. maybe if you pick a pixel that has a name assigned to it in x11, some of them do.13:48
ducasse*that has a color with name assigned13:49
EriC^^ducasse: looks good, thanks13:49
rajivmarsanybody please see my question.13:53
oerheksrajivmars, that is normal, on power source full brightness.13:57
rajivmarsoerheks: but what about when i unplugged?14:01
dingurtSo here's one I've never experienced before... GRUB will boot fine when I hit 'e', and then F10 -OR- if I let the timer expire. But if I just hit enter, it goes to a black screen. Any ideas?14:02
oerheksrajivmars, what about it? not sure your question...14:04
rajivmarsoerheks: ok i am trying to explain you about my question.14:06
blackdalekLook at the screenshot attached to my post here, and tell me if you can explain why 3 quarters of my screen is inaccessible?....... https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2366757&p=13668352#post1366835214:07
oerheks "use client resolution option" otherwise "custom resolution" option Remmina makes screen smaller but does not change resolution.14:10
oerhekssounds like your issue/answer14:10
=== yasser is now known as yasser93
rajivmarsoerheks: what happens is whenever i turn on or restart my laptop and after doing this when i plug/unplug it to the power source for the first time ,the brightness automatically increases to almost max. after set the brightness it works fine for this particular session whether i plug/unplug it until i reboot or turn off the machine. one i reboot or the machine or turn it on after turning off, and plug/unplug then again the14:13
rajivmarsbrightness increases to almost max.14:13
blackdalekoerheks, there is no such option when connecting using VNC protocol. Normally I can just click the "toggle scaled mode" button. but now that button has no effect whatsoever14:13
rajivmarsoerheks: sorry for any error in my english:)14:14
blackdalekoerheks, "custom resolution"/"client resolution" only seems to be an option if using RDP protocol14:15
oerheksrajivmars, i thought it was the other way around, on power full brightness, on battery dimmed14:15
oerheksrajivmars, i found this post, see with dconf what these gsettings contain https://askubuntu.com/a/1860514:16
oerheksblackdalek, , then i don't know, maybe you need to set that on the server side..14:16
dbuggerHello everyone14:17
blackdalekoerheks, I don't know how to set it server side :( Gnome Desktop Sharing certainly has no options for it14:17
blackdalekok.. New question. What is the easiest way to uninstall deluged, deluge-console and deluge-web and undo all the changes made in this user guide? http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/Service/systemd14:20
BluesKajpurging will remove the conf files and settings blackdalek14:21
oerheksblackdalek, if you open remina > preferences > keyboard, there are S to toggle scaled mode and 1 for autofit14:22
BluesKajrecommend qbittorrent , a much lighter load and very configurable14:22
oerheksand F full screen..14:22
dingurtHello all, question: GRUB will boot fine when I hit 'e', and then F10 -OR- if I let the timer expire. But if I just hit enter, it goes to a black screen. Any ideas?14:41
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
nicomachusAnything I can do to force to not open fullscreen?14:55
nicomachusSpotify has suddenly started opening in complete full-screen. It's the only window that does. Nothing I try will take it out of fullscreen. My dock won't pop up over it, it doesn't show any window buttons (close/max/min), and I have to alt-tab to another full-screen window to get to the dock to close Spotify.14:55
oerheksnicomachus, hitting F12 again does not solve?14:56
nicomachusoerheks: nope, no change.14:56
oerheks( from spotify window)14:56
[n0mad]i'd imagine it's a similar fix, but just a guess14:57
oerheksgood find :-)14:57
nicomachusreading. Apparently I have to log into spotify just to read this thread.... but thank you [n0mad]14:57
oerheksremove the /.config/spotify/window_position.prefs file & restart spotify14:57
oerheksor maybe edit that file??14:58
nicomachusoh man14:58
nicomachussomeone give me a Staples button14:58
blackdalekDon't ever install Zesty 17.04 - IT's a TRAP! Ethernet breaks and deluge breaks and Desktop Sharing breaks. It's not pretty...14:59
nicomachus!cookie | [n0mad]14:59
ubottu[n0mad]: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!14:59
nicomachus!fud | blackdalek14:59
ubottublackdalek: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt14:59
oerheksbut it keeps this help channel buzy14:59
nicomachusoerheks: why are you all lowercase? it's weird.14:59
blackdalekI wish there was an easy way to undo a release upgrade :/15:01
VozivWould anyone know why when I press Ctrl++ in terminal it won't zoom in, but Ctrl+- and Ctrl+0 work fine?15:01
ducasseblackdalek: there is - btrfs snapshots.15:01
nicomachusVoziv: I would imagine that's what the key bindings are set to.15:02
blackdalekwhat is a btrfs snapshot? (I am guessing it's something that needed to be done BEFORE upgrading? )15:02
nicomachusVoziv: Preferences -> Shortcuts to change it to Ctrl ++15:03
Vozivnicomachus: The binding in the terminal app is Ctrl++, but when I press it just types in an "=" into the terminal15:03
nicomachusoh, that's interesting... same here15:03
ducasseblackdalek: you need to have installed with a btrfs root filesystem, then the upgrader makes a snapshot automatically15:03
Vozivoh, I see15:03
VozivI rebound it just in case15:04
Vozivit changed to ctrl + =15:04
nicomachusVoziv: figured it out15:04
pavlosVoziv: to generate ctrl + you need to press ctrl shift and the + key15:04
nicomachusyou have to do Ctrl Shift15:04
nicomachusyea, pavlos got it15:04
Vozivyeah, this works for me, thanks :D15:04
warri0rrI love CRT screens15:04
blackdalekducasse, thought so... no use if it wasn't installed/used before the upgrade :(15:04
warri0rrI'm using a crt screen alongside irssi15:05
ducasseblackdalek: it requires a certain amount of planning ahead, yes. apt is not designed for downgrades.15:05
rypervencheblackdalek: But it's a good thing you have backups, so it won't matter either way.15:05
blackdalekhmmm.. is there some way I can trick do-release-upgrade into thinking 16.04 is the latest available version?15:07
ducasseblackdalek: what are you on now?15:07
blackdalekducasse, all machines except one are 16.04. The problem machine is 17.04 as of this morning.15:08
blackdalekand I've spent the whole day in here trying to fix everything15:08
ducasseblackdalek: then no, you can't 'upgrade' 17.04 to 16.0415:09
oerheksreinstall, 30 minutes15:10
blackdalekCan I boot from an install DVD for 16.04 and tell it to keep the user home folders? (there is only Kodi media on it but it's about 50Gb)15:11
oerheksyes, coos manually, and unselect format the home partition15:12
blackdalekI might try that then15:13
ducasseblackdalek: is /home on a separate partition?15:13
oerheksno, 17.04 installs in one partition .. oops15:14
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
blackdalekducasse, no, I don't think so. It originally had 16.04 installed on it and it used the default partitioning15:15
ducasseblackdalek: then afaik you need to save anything you want to keep15:16
rypervencheblackdalek: You'll need to move the data from /home to another machine or to another hard drive before you reinstall, and then move it back afterward.15:17
blackdalekI can't just make a new install of 16.04 without it wanting to create a new home folder?15:18
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
rypervencheblackdalek: It will need to format the hard drive. I suppose it might be possible to delete everything except for /home and have it not format the drive, but I don't know if the installer can handle that much customization. Others here might know.15:21
ducasseafaik it will format the root fs. maybe with the server installer, i think that can be told not to format /15:22
blackdalekI'll find a drive with a spare 50gb and copy /home folder to it.15:23
YounderLinux always reserves 5% of the drive space. This is to protect from disk exhaustion.15:25
YounderParticularly DOS/DDOS attacks can create huge logs. Personally I pur /var in a separate partion.15:26
blackdalekgoing to copy my /home folder to an external disk... does rsync copy all hidden files too or so ai have to set some option for that?15:40
blackdalekor do I*15:40
ducasseblackdalek: if they're in a folder you copy, they will be synced15:41
scenickHello Mighty gurus. I've got a question. I'm currenty on notebook.. and trying 17.10 ... and the problem is that the nbk's bios currently doesn't see the hdd (that is mmc). SO I'd need a command that would simulate physical connect / disconnect to bios start recognizing it. Any hint? Thanks in advance15:41
rypervencheblackdalek: I like to do a nice: rsync -ahvPs /home/user/ somemachine:/backup/15:42
ducasse!artful | scenick15:42
ubottuscenick: Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) will be the 27th release of Ubuntu.  It is due to be released in October 2017. Discussion in #ubuntu+115:42
rypervencheblackdalek: Ideally I would add --delete to that as well, but I always add the -n option when I do that to make sure it's not deleting anything I don't want, then remove the -n option when I'm sure it's good. But that's if you're sure that you want a 100% equal copy with no stray files from beforehand.15:43
sunyNegihi there15:43
sunyNegii need some help15:43
sunyNegihow can i increse tmp folder size15:43
rypervenchesunyNegi: Can you provide us with the output of this command in a pastbin please? df -hT15:44
sunyNegirypervenche: https://pastebin.com/00pc7JRV check this one15:45
oerhekssunyNegi, as you gave tmp its own partition, find some space next to it15:47
blackdalekwhat is faster for copying? rsync or cp?15:48
warri0rrit depends15:48
warri0rrif you're doing incremental15:49
sunyNegioerheks: no i want to increase tmp size, i am using ubuntu 16.04 lts, actually i am downloading android home sdk file and it's directly copy into tmp folder15:49
warri0rrrsync might be faster15:49
oerheksif you need to type all cp commands by hand, rsync15:49
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
pavlossunyNegi: pastebin the output of fdisk -l /dev/sda15:49
tgm4883I'm not sure why one would recommend cp over rsync15:49
oerhekssunyNegi, then no, you cannot give it more space, if you don't want to change other partitions to make free space, like sda1115:50
sunyNegioerheks: sda11 have 220G available space and android sdk has only 4 gb data15:51
sunyNegioerheks: check the file again15:51
oerheksyour /tmp is 1.9, it could never hold that sdk then. this is a custom ubuntu setup, normally we do not encounter this space issue.15:52
sunyNegipavlos:check plz https://pastebin.com/PeqQSUbt15:52
rypervenchesunyNegi: is there any reason why you created separate partitions like this instead of using the entire disk as one partition?15:52
sunyNegioerheks:  it's means i will never download android sdk files15:52
oerhekssunyNegi, yes, correct. the fix would be easy: boot live iso, start gparted, decrease sda11 ( can be done with your mouse) and enlarge sda10= tmp15:53
pavlossunyNegi: you can resize /opt and /var and give that room to /tmp15:54
oerheksthat action could take a while if it needs to move data15:54
sunyNegirypervenche: i can free some data and give back to tmp is it right15:55
oerhekspavlos, on that road, he needs to move swap too, etc, his home got plenty of space15:55
tgm4883if it's just a 1 time download, he could just unmount /tmp15:55
tgm4883 / is 40GB free15:55
lightpriestI'm trying to "fix" gnome-shell to display nicely on HiDPI, but nothing seems to have a perfect fit (used tweak tool to change scale). Under unity it worked better, am I missing something? Are there any good, known, working solutions out there?15:55
sunyNegirypervenche: well i checked this one in after  google https://superuser.com/questions/619324/my-tmp-folder-isnt-a-partition-but-has-fixed-size-why15:55
oerhekscool, that would be a nice trick, tgm488315:55
sunyNegitgm4883: yes it's one time download15:56
sunyNegitgm4883: i gtried this one but unluckily not work https://askubuntu.com/questions/199565/not-enough-space-on-tmp15:56
sunyNegipavlos: how can reduce the size of opt var and give to tmp15:57
sunyNegipavlos: please tell me the steps15:57
might_get_loud Hi guys, is there a way to return just service status (running, stoped, etc.), not complete info (eq apache2) without bash gymnastics like grep and something like that? I know for service --status-all returns + and - but then i have to grep my process. Any ideas?15:57
rypervenchesunyNegi: No, it doesn't work that way. You could move some of these into an LVM volume group and create a logical volumes, I suppose. But you kind of shot yourself in the foot with your current layout.15:57
pavlossunyNegi: you can use gparted but you need to be on a live cd to make changes to sda15:58
sunyNegipavlos: what if i change UUID in etc/fstab15:58
sunyNegipavlos: bad idea or worst15:59
pavlossunyNegi: since /home has room, you can create a /home/tmp and sym link to /tmp15:59
sunyNegiUUID=e2522877-3db0-4d99-8d19-f5aa053811f0 /tmp            ext4    defaults        0       215:59
sunyNegipavlos: will you please tell me the steps15:59
pavlossunyNegi: or mount a separate drive, sdb, and use that for /tmp15:59
sunyNegipavlos: sorry, but i have no idea about this one16:00
sunyNegipavlos: need step if u can provide16:01
ducasse...or just do as tgm4883 suggested16:01
tgm4883ducasse: +1, that tgm4883 is a pretty smart guy ;)16:01
sunyNegitgm4883: sudo umount /tmp16:01
pavlossunyNegi: for now, use what tgm4883 wrote16:01
tgm4883sunyNegi: yes16:01
sunyNegipavlos: i tried but not work16:01
sunyNegisudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=1048576,mode=1777 overflow /tmp16:02
rypervenchesunyNegi: Yes, and also comment out the line in your /etc/fstab if you want it to stay over a reboot.16:02
rypervenchesunyNegi: Type this for us: free -h16:02
tgm4883sunyNegi: well being that you obviously don't know what that command does, I'm not surprised that it's not working for you16:02
oerhekslittle small ehh? size=104857616:02
tgm4883oerheks: yea, he's copying and pasting random stuff from the internet know16:03
lightpriestmight_get_loud, systemctl show SERVICE --property SubState16:03
sunyNegitgm4883: i told i read this link they give a better step https://askubuntu.com/questions/199565/not-enough-space-on-tmp16:03
rypervenchesunyNegi: size=1048576 means size=1M16:03
tgm4883sunyNegi: yea, and you unmounted your 2GB /tmp and replaced it with a 1MB /tmp. Not exactly useful is that...16:04
ducassesunyNegi: which program is doing the downloading?16:04
tgm4883If it were me, I'd just comment out the /tmp line if fstab and reboot16:04
* tgm4883 goes back to debugging ELK16:04
sunyNegiducasse: program for learning16:05
sunyNegiducasse: is there any need to expertise in ubuntu then start work on it16:05
arun007which is the best pastebin software for ubuntu16:05
ducassesunyNegi: no, how are you trying to download? which command?16:05
rypervenchearun007: pastebinit should do just fine.16:06
arun007thought so16:06
sunyNegiducasse: oooh sorry wait, Android Studio setup wizard16:06
oerheksarun007,  command | nc termbin.com 999916:07
oerheksno install needed16:07
ducassesunyNegi: run it with TMP=/where/ever in front16:07
scenickCould I be any goot for 17.10 testing?16:07
ducassescenick: try #ubuntu+116:07
sunyNegiducasse: where in terminal16:07
scenickducasse> thanks16:08
oerheksscenick, yes, please do, but join #ubuntu+1 for help and support16:08
arun007oerheks: what is that for?16:08
scenickoerkehs> thank You16:08
rypervenchearun007: Just another way to paste your output to a site. There are many out there, some that use curl or nc, or packages in your repos like pastebinit that give you a command. It's up to you which one you want to use. oerheks was just providing an alternative.16:09
oerheksarun007, is a way to paste from comandline16:09
arun007oerheks: thanks16:10
ducassescenick: in a terminal, yes. it runs the process with a custom /tmp16:10
ducassesunyNegi: ^^16:10
sunyNegiducasse: ok done16:10
sunyNegiducasse: but sorry nothing happened16:11
ducassesunyNegi: you put it in front of the command to run the android setup wizard16:11
sunyNegiducasse: ok when i am downloading the file right.16:13
sunyNegiTMP=/where/ever .studio?sh16:13
sunyNegilike this16:13
ducassesunyNegi: /where/ever is to be replaced to the path you want to use instead of /tmp16:13
sunyNegiducasse: well in my terminal  i open my android folder and the write .studio/sh and setup is start16:15
sunyNegiducasse: i am not getting your point16:15
might_get_loudlightpriest, thanks! I figured it you can also use "is-active SERVICE"16:16
rypervencheducasse: I think it might be easier for us to simply go with the unmounting of /tmp16:17
ducasserypervenche: yes, this is not getting anywhere.16:18
ducasseuncomment /tmp in fstab and reboot16:19
rypervenchesunyNegi: Run: sudo umount /tmp16:19
sunyNegirypervenche: ok16:19
rypervenchesunyNegi: Then edit your /etc/fstab file and add a # before the line with your /tmp on it, at the very beginning of the line.16:19
=== JanC is now known as Guest32366
sunyNegirypervenche: umount: /tmp: target is busy         (In some cases useful info about processes that          use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1).)16:20
rypervenchesunyNegi: Actually, run "sudo umount /tmp" a few times.16:20
rypervenchesunyNegi: lsof | grep '/tmp'16:20
oerheksbuzy downloading your android studio, grinn16:20
rypervencheerr yeah.16:20
rypervenchesunyNegi: Maybe reboot to clear everything up and then try again.16:20
sunyNegirypervenche: may be warning16:20
ducasseinstead of killing them, just comment out and reboot.16:21
sunyNegirypervenche: well it's big log in my terminal16:21
rypervenchesunyNegi: Just top everything. Add the # to the /tmp line in your /etc/fstab and then reboot and you'll be done.16:22
sunyNegiducasse: rypervenche sorry for trouble, but seriously i have idea how ubuntu is wirk16:22
gzooHello, Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 won't wake up from sleep on ASUS UX560U Laptop. Screen is blank and nothing responses except alt+sysreq+REISUB (not even at+ctrl+f[1-7]). This happens on all: lid close, power button click, pm-suspend. BIOS was pre-packed with latest version. Suspend working on Windows.16:22
gzooI've been here two days ago but had to go before more help/suggestions could be provided.16:22
sunyNegirypervenche: ok16:23
gzooOh, also Kernel is 4.10, and people online wrote that their problem was solved on 4.5 etc16:23
ducassegzoo: where did you get 4.10 for 16.04?16:25
gzooducasse, IIRC I installed it from the canonical-kernel-somethingsomething PPA16:26
gzooa moment, I will check16:26
ducassegzoo: so, a mainline kernel. have you tried hwe stack?16:26
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack16:26
gzooducasse, no, I will.16:27
ducassethat has 4.8 iirc16:27
warri0rris it possible to start any gui program from the command line without xserver? Or maybe without having a window manager?16:27
gzooducasse, out of curiosity, what's the initials from hwe?16:27
ducassewarri0rr: without x server, no. without wm, yes.16:28
ducassegzoo: hardware enablement16:28
warri0rrHow do I do without wm??16:28
gzooducasse, ok, thx, will try in a few minutes16:28
ducassewarri0rr: run it from whatever script would normally start the wm, or by specifying display on command line16:29
warri0rrducasse: Ok, thanks16:30
ducassewarri0rr: like this - 'DISPLAY=:0.0 firefox'16:32
warri0rrYes I know the syntax, I don't know how to keep x server running. It exits(0) because there's nothing to execute16:33
warri0rrI cleared my .xinitrc16:33
ducassewarri0rr: put the program in the .xinitrc, at the end. when it exits, so does the x server16:34
warri0rrducasse: k16:34
sunyNegirypervenche: ?16:38
ducassesunyNegi: just comment out the /tmp line in the fstab and reboot, that's all there is to it.16:42
quartersI've installed powerline by adding 'powerline/powerline' to my vimrc to be installed using the vim-plug plugin manager, but for some reason, it's not changing the look of vim as expected16:42
warri0rrquarters: #vim might be more helpful16:43
MikeSeeCan a user have multiple entries for sudoer NOPASSWD commands, or do all the commands need to be in the same line?  Her is an example of what's in my head: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25140347/16:43
ducassequarters: is the powerline package installed and the daemon started?16:44
sunyNegiducasse: ok sir let me try16:46
quartersducasse: I don't see powerline as being listed after running :scriptnames, but I see a few showing.  Btu when I check my plugin mgr, powerline shows as being installed16:46
ducassequarters: i'm talking about the repo package16:47
quartersducasse: you mean through apt and not trhough vim-plug?16:48
ducassequarters: which ubuntu is this?16:48
quartersI guess vim-plug is configured to take from github more or elss16:48
ducassemy guess is it needs powerline itself and the daemon needs to be running. easy to try.16:49
shmuducasse, alright, so the verdict is as this: linux-generic-hwe was already installed, I reinstall again with --install-recommends as the link you sent suggested. The link also mentioned xserver-xorg-hwe with recommends so I installed it as well.16:50
shmuI rebooted, it restarted, closed lid, opened, and same problem16:50
jmg8766I'm having trouble connecting to bluetooth on ubuntu 16.04.02 server16:50
shmuaand when i go to advanced boot options in grub, I don't see and "-hwe" suffixes, is that fine?16:50
scenickOkay.. is there any way... to let the bios rediscover the harddisk as if it has been physically removed and inserted (or rather emmc internal disk).16:51
jmg8766I get error "Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed" when running "connect 0C:A6:94:2A:F1:C0" inside bluetoothctl16:51
ducasseshmu: grub should just list the kernel versions16:51
sunyNegiducasse: leave if i change something in file then it's reply that --> this file is change instances something like this. I am not downloading andriod studio any more16:56
sunyNegiducasse: tgm4883 rypervenche thanks for givig me time16:56
kailiHello (again). dd command creates .img files, right ?16:56
ducassekaili: it just produces a raw copy of whatever blocks you tell it to read17:00
ikoniakaili: no, dd is a block copy17:00
kailiOkay so I guess that's why running recovering data tools gives nothing17:01
shmuducasse, thanks for the hwe suggestions. If something pops to your mind I'd be happy to hear. Meanwhile I continue to experiment17:01
kailiOr maybe I got 120 go of useless blocks :/17:01
ducasseshmu: you could try the very latest kernel available in mainline ppa17:02
kailiThe file is an hfs partition of a failing hard drive. I tried running photorec from linux on the file, got nothing. I tried running diskdrill from a mac machine on the file.17:04
kailiBut I'm surprise to have obsolutely not a thing file found on the image, especially because the first 600 mo of the partition seem fine17:05
kailiSorry it's not really related to ubuntu (even through I'm using ubuntu to do so), anyone know where I can find help about that ?17:06
ducassekaili: as you were told earlier, repair hfs with a mac17:06
kailiducasse: repair what the hard disk ? Even mac os can't repair it17:07
kailiI tried with built-in tools, everything fails. But first I made several image of the HD (with dd, dd_rescue, partimage, etc), now trying to work on them17:08
ducassekaili: the image will also be hfs17:08
kailiducasse: yes, I tried to run diskdrill on a mac on the image made with dd, gives nothing17:08
kailidiskdrill is specialized on hfs partition17:09
ducassekaili: next suggestion - try a professional recovery company17:10
kailidatas aren't worse 1000 or 2000$ ^^;17:10
ikoniait doesnt costr that17:10
ikonia$150 - $300  for basic home data recovery17:11
ikoniamaybe a bit more if there are problems17:11
ikoniaI've done it for mac when I lost some data while waiting for a backup replacement disk17:11
kailihm strange the shop I asked to told me around 100017:14
kailimaybe will check, still wonder if I can't do anything by myself17:14
Kaixxldepends how much time and effort you want to put into it, I guess17:15
Kaixxlthe tools are out there afiak, but haven't seen a really good tutorial on it17:16
Kaixxlso you'd be flying blind, a bit17:16
ducassekaili: sorry, but this really is not an ubuntu problem. check if there is a channel for recovery issues?17:17
kailiducasse: yes, yes... I'm trying to find one :-)17:18
kailiSorry for disturbing17:18
ducassekaili: maybe a subreddit?17:19
kailiyou nailed it it seems : https://www.reddit.com/r/datarecovery/ ;)17:19
kailiWill give it a try, thanks17:19
Kaixxlgood luck17:20
toothfairy_Hi ... I managed to ssh block my own user from remote machine, now ssh'd in from another ip and would like to remove the block, but where do i find it?   This is my rule: -A ufw-user-limit -m limit --limit 3/minute -j LOG --log-prefix "[UFW LIMIT BLOCK] "  -A ufw-user-limit -j REJECT17:28
T18when i try to install xubuntu i get this error http://imgur.com/a/mM7LR before i get stuck in this screen for hours http://imgur.com/vK3xgV7 is it anyone that can help me with this? (im on windows 10 lenovo pc and nvidia)17:29
Bashing-om!nomodeset | T1817:32
ubottuT18: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:32
jmg8766I'm having trouble connecting to bluetooth on ubuntu 16.04.02 server, I get error "Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed" when running "connect 0C:A6:94:2A:F1:C0" inside bluetoothct17:36
rypervenchetoothfairy_: You can do it by the line number. iptables -nvL --line-numbers17:37
rypervenchetoothfairy_: Then iptables -D INPUT # where # is the line number17:37
toothfairy_rypervenche: hmm, I can only see my ip as accept there17:37
rypervenchetoothfairy_: And to fix the line that you have there, you need to make sure that you are only limit NEW SSH connections, not all connections everywhere. I would recommend using the recent module to do this.17:37
toothfairy_no REJECT17:38
rypervenchetoothfairy_: Can you pastebin: iptables -nvL for us please?17:38
toothfairy_maybe I need to reload the rules?17:38
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
__Yiotais there a file I can /etc/hosts from?17:39
__Yiotaextend * /etc/hosts17:39
rypervenche__Yiota: What are you trying to accomplish?17:40
toothfairy_rypervenche: https://dpaste.de/2RkD17:42
__Yiotarypervenche add entries to /etc/hosts like I would do to etc/sudoers without modifying the original file17:42
leftyfbtoothfairy_: sudo iptables -F17:43
rypervenche__Yiota: There is no way, but there are other methods for doing this. Check out https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/60549/etc-hosts-file-refer-to-another-configuration-file17:43
rypervenchetoothfairy_: NO!17:43
rypervenchetoothfairy_: Don't do that...17:44
toothfairy_rypervenche: when I try to ssh with blocked user, my syslog shows: Jul 21 17:43:04 mail kernel: SSH BAD:IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=f2:3c:91:7b:1c.....17:44
leftyfbtoothfairy_: that will flush/wipe your iptables rules. Then just restore from your ruleset.17:44
rypervencheleftyfb: His default policy is DROP, why would you have him remove all of those rules and lock him out of his server?17:44
toothfairy_leftyfb: that gives no output17:44
leftyfbtoothfairy_: correct, now there's no rules. Now just ssh in17:45
toothfairy_oops, sorry rypervenche, I saw it too late17:45
toothfairy_leftyfb: doesnt work17:45
leftyfbYou're still connected right?17:46
toothfairy_no, now I cannot connect from any17:46
rypervencheleftyfb: Default policy is DROP...no packets will reach the server now thanks to what you had him do.17:46
rypervenchetoothfairy_: You'll need to reboot the server somehow.17:46
toothfairy_Ok, learned something new today, careful with whom you listen to17:47
rypervenchetoothfairy_: Do you have physical access or some sort of webpage that you can force reboot the machine?17:47
leftyfbWhy would you put the default as drop? Then you run into issues like this. Put your accept rules first then drop at the end17:47
toothfairy_rypervenche: I can reboot it through isp17:48
rypervencheleftyfb: You didn't tell him any of that. You just told him blindly to run a command that would lock him out. Next time please do not recommend such commands without looking over the rules first.17:48
rypervenchetoothfairy_: Also, I would personally not recommend mixing both ufw and iptables. I would choose one or the other for consistency's sake. And for better readability.17:51
toothfairy_ok rypervenche, sounds wise...17:52
rypervenchetoothfairy_: And to prevent this from happening in the future, I would recommend changing your default policy for INPUT to ACCEPT and then adding a DROP rule at the very bottom of INPUT.17:52
toothfairy_ok, understand17:54
lokushello- ubuntu 14.04. why does compiz burst to like 20+% cpu, with total 4988:32 cpu time reported in top?  i also just restarted firefox and literally have had just two reddit tabs open for a half hour, and it's hovering 27%-54% CPU and 13% memory... and 40:49:15 CPU time, what the fuck? i'm on a modern laptop, i7, 16GB.. SSD, ...18:05
lokuserr, numbers aside. it's really. damn. slow.18:06
ikonialokus: tone down the language please, it's not needed or welcome18:06
ikonialokus: one of the most common causes for cpu use with graphics tasks are when the graphics card is not configured to be used correctly, so the CPU takes the load, OR the graphics is on board the cpu - in which case of course it will use the cpu18:07
iorialokus, are you fully updated ?18:08
lokusioria, yes fully updated18:09
iorialokus, your graphics and driver in use ?18:09
lokus00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0b) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])18:09
lokusKernel driver in use: i91518:09
iorialokus, can you paste a  'top' screen ?18:10
lokusioria, https://0bin.net/paste/WdeKqaoRvsWejXr5#UnbghljNLQ5YFMoa2Lz3+VSyqHB9VXqfKKx0qWcPZx818:12
ioria68% ? wow18:12
lokus*shrug*.. right?18:13
iorialokus, have you tried the Guest session ?18:14
lokusthat's like the different login session, which wouldn't be the regular gnome etc? no i haven't done that18:15
oerhekswhat numbers did you expect?18:15
lokusi mean it seems easy to just point a firefox and to.. not use it? but it's fully updated sourced from ubuntu repo. i'm wondering if i have something weird going on system wide.. is compiz expected to be so heavy too?18:16
lokusoerheks, i only looked at the numbers when i noticed it runs like crap. i don't know what to expect..18:16
EriC^^the numbers are very high18:17
lokus4 threads i7 haswell / 8GB RAM /  SSD.. not really a slouch of a laptop. but it doesnt work well with ubuntu 14.0418:17
EriC^^something isn't right try a different kernel or something18:18
EriC^^which one are you on?18:18
vimartThere's no Irssi-1.0.4 in reps?18:21
oerhekslittle odd to use an operation system from the time that processor was introduced, i would suggest: test 16.04 LTS18:21
lokusi guess i was misguided by LTS18:22
oerheksvimart, next Artful will have 1.04 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/irssi18:22
oerheksvimart, but you got security fixes in those older versions though18:23
vimartoerheks: I wanted upgrade to 1.0.4 for SSL18:24
lokusvimart, compile :-)18:25
vimartlokus: probably will do it18:25
iorialokus, you can also install the xenial hwe or try another DE ... xubuntu-desktop e.g.18:26
oerheksrelease 5 hrs ago .. anything can happen ..18:26
vimartlokus: however I see 1.0.4 has 7 bugs :-(18:27
lokusioria, yes i might look into that.. something a bit less destructive than format/upgrade to new OS. i wish i could *find* something that points the finger at the desktop env specifically still :\18:27
t0th_-hi, i am using ubuntu 17.04, when i connect my cell phone on usb it is auto mounted, how i can remove this ?18:27
douxHi, home directory backup question: So you tar your home directory. Then lets say you do a fresh install and want to recover all your settings to the new install. I'm assuming you need to create the same user name as the tar-ed backedup directory right? Then you would simply overwrite the clean installed home directory with your tar-ed one?18:28
iorialokus, a quick test: install fluxbox, log in and recheck top18:28
jhutchins_wkdoux: Mostly.  On a system with multiple /home/* folders, your new user might not have the same UID/GID, and it's the numbers that the system goes by.18:31
Bashing-omvimart: irssi binary and source : https://irssi.org/download/ .18:31
douxjhutchins_wk: ah, but in my specific case they would both be 1000. But that's something to consider, thanks.18:31
jhutchins_wkdoux: Occasionally there will be problems when a config file for an older/different version of a program doesn't work with the new system, but those can be fixed on a case-by-case basis.18:32
douxjhutchins_wk: ok, I should stick with the same desktop and distro...18:32
vimartBashing-om: I found it but not downloading, it seems there's 7 bugs18:33
jhutchins_wkdoux: Problems can be fixed, so go wherever you want.  Last time I had something that was keeping X from starting, so I just moved the files to another folder and copied them in selectively.18:33
douxjhutchins_wk: Thanks for the advice. I hope I don't run in to those sorts of problems... I'm not that skilled...18:34
Bashing-omvimart: maybe all fixed ? the irssi maintainers are on #irssi channel .18:36
jhutchins_wkdoux: Fixing problems is how you get skilled <grin>.18:37
jmg8766I'm having trouble connecting to bluetooth on ubuntu 16.04.02 server, I get error "Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed" when running "connect 0C:A6:94:2A:F1:C0" inside bluetoothct18:39
Bashing-omdoux: ^^ you know you are no longer a newbie when you know enough not to break the system :)18:39
douxjhutchins_wk: True. Usually preceded by rage in my case.18:39
shmuducasse, hi again. I narrowed the wake up issue to the nvidia being used as on the intel card it woke up fine. I'm going now to look up for a solution.18:39
douxBashing-om: Define "break" :)18:40
Bashing-omdoux: My definition of break may differ from yours . but I consider when I boot and I do not get to the desktop .. it's broke, Jim. Applications are small things and do not count for breakage .18:43
douxBashing-om: That is a good definition... Have you seen this talk? https://youtu.be/lKXe3HUG2l418:44
Bashing-omdoux: I can not do youtube on this box . work station and has no audio :) .18:45
douxBashing-om: "The Mess We're In" by Joe Armstrong. It's nothing great, but it's interesting.18:46
shmuIs there a way to get the "alt+ctrl+f[1-7]" terminals (how do you call them?) use a readable font on a 4k display?18:49
vltshmu: I think they're called tty. Maybe you can use that to google further.18:56
Bashing-omshmu: See if : https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/HiDPI applies to your situation .18:57
leftyfbFYI: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup19:04
leftyfbthat's where you can set a larger font size for the tty's19:04
starbuxneed help. ran apt. it upgraded kernel. now at login screen my keyboard and mouse don't work. had to boot to rescue mode. can't find solution19:05
starbuxi'm running 16.04 + kde19:05
ioriastarbux, why don't boot the previous kernel ?19:06
leftyfbshmu: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup19:08
shmuBashing-om, vlt, leftyfb, thanks, I'll be trying all19:09
starbuxioria, same result19:09
ioriastarbux, can you login in console ?19:10
starbuxioria, i can get to resue console19:10
Bashing-omshmu: Let us know what works - so we know the more next time :)19:11
leftyfbshmu: nothing on the page Bashing-om linked you to will help19:11
ioriastarbux, no, i mean when you get the login screen, can you open a console (ctl+alt+f1) and login ?19:11
leftyfbthat page is 95% for GUI/xorg stuff. There's a mention of framebuffer but that will only change the font for the kernel loading. Once you get into user space, it'll be small again...19:11
starbuxioria, no. only thing keyboard works for is REISUB19:12
leftyfbThere's another section at the very bottom, but that shows you a font selection and instructions for changing in arch linux which won't work in ubuntu19:12
starbuxalt + sysreq + reisub19:12
ioriastarbux, ok, so let's try recovery and update/upgrade ?19:14
starbuxcant get online19:14
ioriastarbux, you need to enable networking19:14
leftyfbstarbux: try sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-$(insert version of kernel here, just numbers)-generic19:15
stevemcqueenHi, I'm having a problem with package dependencies when attempting to do upgrades. stuff like "Dependencies are not satisfied for libharfbuzz-icu0". Any ideas how I can fix this? Running KDE Neon. pastebin of the message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25141348/19:41
ioriastevemcqueen, what the output of sudo apt full-upgrade  ?19:43
stevemcqueenioria results here http://paste.ubuntu.com/25141369/19:44
ioriastevemcqueen, no idea, idk kde neon is  supported here19:45
stevemcqueenYeah, they don't really have a support room. Not sure if it was directly related to that or a general ubuntu question19:46
ioriastevemcqueen, try #kde-neon19:47
warri0rrThat usually means that some package is needed but it not available in any repository listed in sources19:47
stevemcqueenThanks, I'll give that room a shot19:48
=== starbux is now known as Trioxin
nnarolHi! Is it possible to install a program from the OS installation DVD? I tried sudo apt-cdrom -d=/media/myName/disc/name, then sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get install firefox, but it still says "Unable to fetch some archives,...".20:03
warri0rrYes it's possible20:04
nnarolMy mistake, I included "add" in the apt-cdrom command as well.20:04
leftyfbnnarol: firefox is installed by default20:04
nnarolleftyfb: I know, but I uninstalled it on purpose to see if it will work. That's the only package I know off the top of my head which is safe to uninstall and guaranteed to reside on the installation disk.20:05
nnarolAlso, I checked /etc/apt/sources.list, which contained the "cdrom:[...]/" entry for my disk.20:06
nnarolCan anyone help me how to do it?20:06
foddojust download and reinstall it.20:11
warri0rrWhere are urls of custom repositories located (PPA)?20:12
Bashing-om!ppa | warri0rr20:13
ubottuwarri0rr: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge20:13
foddohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion/MozillaBuilds nnarol20:13
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html20:13
warri0rrBashing-om: thanks20:13
pavlosnnarol: sudo apt-cdrom add (this will add cdrom in sources.list), sudo apt update as usual20:14
Bashing-omwarri0rr: :) My bit to try and help .20:14
nnarolpavlos: That is exactly what I did, as I described aboove.20:14
nnarolfoddo: I do not need Firefox, as I explained above.20:14
nnarolI need a way to install a package from disk when there is no internet connection and it is not allowed to build anything from source.20:16
nnarolI also did not have a .deb file available for dpkg, etc.20:17
pavlosnnarol: which package do you want to install?20:20
nnarolpavlos: for now firefox to try it out, but I just want to know how to do this in general.20:21
tgm4883nnarol: to install packages on a server without internet access?20:21
nnaroltgm4883: I do not know if it matters if it is a server or not (it was not), but yes, basically.20:22
tgm4883!offline | nnarol have you seen this20:23
ubottunnarol have you seen this: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD20:23
nnarolThis is a bot right? Ubuntu 16.04 does not even have Synaptic installed by default.20:24
nnarolYup, it is.20:25
nnaroltgm4883: Ah, I see, you sent the message through the bot. Ubuntu 16.04 does not have Synaptic installed by default.20:27
tgm4883nnarol: that aside, it's the easiest way for you to install a package with dependencies on a machine without internet20:28
nnaroltgm4883: But if I even had another machine to download files to and transfer from, I would've just downloaded the .deb package from the Debian archives and used dpkg to installed it. Alas, I had not.20:28
pavlosnnarol: you have a desktop|laptop offline, you type sudo apt-cdrom add, insert CD, CD is mounted in /media/apt, then sudo apt update as usual.20:28
tgm4883nnarol: you don't have a second machine?20:28
nnaroltgm4883: Indeed, I did not, when I needed to do this.20:29
tgm4883nnarol: I'm not sure what you want to achieve from this conversation. Installing packages to a machine without internet is going to take at least a little planning on your part20:29
nnaroltgm4883: I have been planning, which is how I came to the conclusion which pavlos is reminding me of, but did not work. What I am hoping to achieve is to learn how to install packages from an Ubuntu installation disk without an internet connection.20:31
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone20:32
nnaroltgm4883: What I have available is: a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 32-bit installation and the DVD I installed it from.20:32
oerhekssoftwarecenter gives an option for offline install20:33
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD20:33
nnaroloerheks: Does it work using the installation disk, or only with .deb packages? I have been using it for offline installation in the past, though only with .deb -s.20:34
tgm4883nnarol: if you insist on using just what is on the CD, then the correct answer I suppose would be to use the CD as a respository. Now IDK about the instructions that pavlos mentioned, but you could mount the CD to a specific drive and then point apt at it, but you'd need to know the proper syntax to do so20:34
tgm4883nnarol: or just install the deb files from the CD20:35
nnaroltgm4883: I used 'find' on the DVD to list all .deb packages, but there are only about 20 listed, none commonly used software. I think most of the packages are stored via different means on the disk than explicit .deb packages.20:36
nnaroltgm4883: I also used the "-L" flag to follow any soft links there might be, of which I can see at least one in the file manager.20:37
tgm4883nnarol: wait this is a desktop. All of the software on the CD would have been installed during installation20:38
tgm4883nnarol: there isn't any extra packages on the CD that aren't installed20:38
tgm4883wow that sentence I just wrote hurts my brain20:38
nnaroltgm4883: I see! It must mean that the package I was trying to install was already installed.20:39
=== starbux is now known as Trioxin
nnaroltgm4883: However, how come uninstalling Firefox and trying to reinstall it from the same disc it came from does not work?20:39
nnaroltgm4883: Also, why do I get an error message relating to not being able to fetch some archives, instead of just the usual print-out saying that 0 packages were updated and installed?20:40
oerheksbecause .. you are offline?20:41
tgm4883nnarol: probably because the install CD isn't an actual archive?20:41
nnaroloerheks: I do not think this explains the first and the 3-rd parts of the issue.20:41
tgm4883nnarol: the install doesn't install a bunch of packages. It copies an image20:41
nnaroltgm4883: That might very well be. Is it not possible then to use the installation disc to install software later on after all?20:42
tgm4883nnarol: no not most software. And that is how it is. Check the size of filesystem.squashfs in the casper directory on your CD20:43
nnaroltgm4883: it is 1.5 GB.20:43
tgm4883nnarol: yea, that's the image that gets blasted to your hard drive during install20:44
nnaroltgm4883: I see.20:44
nnaroltgm4883: does Ubuntu have package archives available as disc images like Debian?20:45
tgm4883not as disk images anyway20:46
nnaroltgm4883: Well thank you, I think this does solve my problem.20:46
tgm4883nnarol: the correct way to do it is either via aptoncd or the !offline stuff20:46
nnaroltgm4883: I just "apt-cache search -ed" for aptoncd. Thank you for your help, very informative stuff indeed!20:50
nnarolThank you all! Take care!20:50
oerhekshave fun!20:51
pavlosnnarol: this may help ( a bit old) ... http://funwithlinux.net/2013/01/ubuntu-install-packages-from-cd/20:53
nnarolpavlos: funny, in the actual situation, I had to install EXACTLY that same piece of software, namely openssh-server.20:56
nnarolIt seems my journey is not yet over after all! :D20:58
craptalkhey guys, have you ever experienced that you cant cp the file but rename it only? the funny part is, the user root that has this problem21:01
craptalkit is very weird21:01
craptalkbut i can rename its file by mv21:01
craptalkdoes the file has problem or what? weird part is, it is the root user21:02
tgm4883nnarol: that's using a ubuntu server cd, which is different21:07
leftyfbcraptalk: are you out of disk space?21:07
nnaroltgm4883: ahhhh.... You're right.21:08
leftyfbcraptalk: what is the error?21:08
tgm4883nnarol: the server install is a bit different, in that you do package selection at the end21:08
nnaroltgm4883: Yeah, I did it once a few years back.21:08
oerheksif the target is not writable by root..21:09
nnaroltgm4883: I wondered why there were only some really essential packages at the place he described, which btw. I also found when I trying.21:09
nnaroltgm4883: Alright, on to experimenting with the Debian DVD ISO, which also has extra packages along with the OS.21:10
pavloscraptalk: can you cp the file to /tmp ?21:10
oerheksdebian packages ,... frankenstein-ubuntu21:11
rypervenchennarol: I hope you mean straight up Debian and not Ubuntu with Debian packages.21:12
nnarolrypervenche: I mean the 1-st ISO from debian.org out of a series of 3.21:14
nnaroloerheks: don't worry, I do not intend to use it with Ubuntu, only in case of an emergency. But if I have to do the same on a Debian system, I know how to do it.21:15
thomedy_okay i more'd /etc/mime.types21:21
thomedy_and it is saying  i have application/x-sh21:22
thomedy_but when i run in my html on local in my localhoost it says its not supported21:22
thomedy_what am i missing21:22
warri0rrthomedy_: Please explain your problem in a concise way21:23
warri0rrYou run it in your html? what does that mean? what are you trying to do?21:24
tuga3dhi all, in the dev version of ubuntu the virtual consoles are disabled, how can i enabled them?21:26
thomedy_i am writing a shell script that plys back video... i have a very specific reason why im not running the video tag and instead using the object tag... object tag has a type which is a mime type... my mime type is application/x-sh so im assuming i can run that shell script in my object tag but even though it matches its saying the plugin is not supported21:26
thomedy_mime.types says i can use application/x-sh so i figured i was good... im just confused right now21:27
warri0rrI still cannot decode your query. Are you writing a script in which language? bash? plain sh? Which player are you using to reproduce video?21:28
ikoniathomedy_: what do you mean by running the video tag21:28
ikoniaa script has nothing to do with mime data, tags, etc21:28
thomedy_bash script #!/bin/bash21:29
ikoniait's executed from the shell, nothing more, nothing less21:29
warri0rrYour video is application/x-sh and you cannot play it in the player, is that it?21:29
ikoniathomedy_: yes, I understand what a hash bang is,21:29
ikoniabut that doesn't make any more sense in your query21:29
thomedysorry for some reason it wasn't typing21:32
thomedyokay im building a web page... im using object tag to run a bash script that bash script ply21:33
ikoniathat bash script ply ?21:33
thomedyokay im building a web page... im using object tag to run a bash script that bash script plays video21:34
warri0rrthomedy_: What do you mean object tag? I'm not familiar with that...also where is the video played? locally or in the page?21:34
thomedyits just html markup21:34
thomedythink flash but im not using flash21:34
thomedyim using sh21:34
thomedyam i communicating effectively21:35
thomedyim not sure right now...21:35
ikoniaI get that you're trying to call a shell script from a web page21:35
ikoniabut that seems odd21:35
thomedyyep i know its odd i agree with that21:35
thomedyi do21:35
pavlosso you try http://localhost/play.sh and play.sh is supposed to play a video using vlc file.mp421:35
thomedybut ihve ap oint to it i promise21:35
thomedysure... its not vlc is mvp but yes21:36
ikoniapavlos: but thats client side,21:36
ikoniaare you trying to make the shell script execute on someones local machine21:36
ikoniabut it's kicked off from a browser21:36
warri0rrAh ok that makes more sense now21:36
thomedyso shouldn't application/x-sh work21:37
thomedywhy am i having to download it21:37
thomedyikonia: youre saying no to me? just to make sure i get it21:37
warri0rrI don't understand21:37
ikoniathomedy: no,21:37
ikoniathomedy: it doesn't work like that21:37
ikoniaand to be honest, trying to get a web page to launch an application on someones desktop is questionable21:38
thomedyokay great... what am i missing21:38
ikoniathere is no reason to do this21:38
warri0rrIf you want to play video in browser you need some kind of player (javascript/flash) that loads the video21:38
thomedy iwould be using html5 video but it cant handle what im doing with my desired results21:38
ikoniathomedy: there is no reason to launch something on somones desktop21:38
thomedywell honestly what i was hoping is not to launch on desktop21:39
thomedybut to capture playback and pupt it in the markup21:39
thomedythats whati was hoping21:39
ikonianever going to happen21:39
thomedyso am i going to have to create my own plugin with firebreath21:39
warri0rrToo much bs21:39
ikoniawhy do you need to create a plugin21:39
warri0rrCan't handle it21:39
ikoniajust use one of the standard / supported video play back methods21:40
ikoniathe guys in #html or #web can help you with that21:40
nnarolthomedy: it definitely will not appear in the browser...21:40
thomedyfair enough i could see how i have gotten beyond the ubuntu room21:40
thomedythanks guys21:40
black_13how do i copy files from a unbuntu machine to a osx box21:44
ikoniaor over a file system share21:44
black_13scp would probably easier21:46
Richard_CavellHi everyone. I just accidentally typed l instead of ls and it did a modified directory listing.  What actually is l?21:47
black_13i want to run scp after running buildroot21:47
ikoniaisn't l just an alias21:47
warri0rrRichard_Cavell: Yes it's an alias21:47
pavlosl and ls produce same output21:48
Richard_CavellThey don't!  I think l is like ls -something -something21:48
warri0rrl = ls --color=auto or something like that21:48
pavlosRichard_Cavell: grep alias .bashrc21:49
warri0rrOr just type alias21:49
warri0rrto get all of them21:49
Richard_Cavelll=ls -CF21:49
Bashing-omRichard_Cavell: That alias is defined in .bashrc . " alias l='ls -CF' " .21:50
mzanettijust type "alias" and you'll see it21:50
vltblack_13: I'd recommend rsync.21:58
blackdalekok... 16.04 installer dvd just crashed at the "select your location" screen. Ubiqity crashed :/22:19
toothfairy_Hi ... How do I pass 2 variables a long when running a script? I am familar with sys.argv[1] but can I also pass a second ond?  >python script.py argv1 argv2 ?22:47
vlttoothfairy_: Yes.22:48
aggrav8dhi all.  I have a raspbery pi camera set up on my lan and I want to port forward so i can see the video feed from elsewhere.  I set the pf on my main AP and on the router next to the pi, but still no go from external testers.  any idea what i missed, please?22:49
toothfairy_Hi again vlt, ok :)22:49
vlttoothfairy_: o/22:49
vlttoothfairy_: That's the shell syntax.22:49
Ben64aggrav8d: you probably want to ask that in ##networking22:50
aggrav8dBen64 will do!22:50
toothfairy_vlt: I was trying "python scripts/alerts.py /var/mail/rose 1" but seems it breaks the script, but might be something else then22:50
vlttoothfairy_: Under the hood it parses the arguments, turns them inti a list and passes this list to the called process.22:50
vlttoothfairy_: (One reason why it makes total sense to have subprocess.Popen() use a list like ["cmd", "arg1", "arg2"] and not a plain string (which seems to be counter-intuitive for many beginners).22:52
toothfairy_vlt: understood22:52
toothfairy_Hi ... This is the permissions I've set on /var/mail: chown -R vmail:vmail /var/mail ... I now need to give www-data permission to access and read everything in same folder, what would be a good approach? Add www-data to vmail group?23:04
denrurakhi everyone23:12
ax562what's the best way to uninstall and reinstall nvidia video driver?23:17
Ben64ax562: what is your goal23:18
ax562my goal is to get my hdmi audio working again23:18
ax562not sure what happened but ubuntu 16.04 will not output audio through hdmi audio port23:19
Ben64reinstalling nvidia won't fix that23:19
ax562it only outputs through lapy speakers23:19
Ben64if you open sound settings do you see hdmi under outputs23:19
ax562well it orignialy was working.  Not sure what happened but now it doesn't.23:19
ax562Ben64: no it used to be there but now it's not there anymore.23:20
ax562Ben64: any ideas?23:20
ax562I'm assuming it's a driver issue.23:20
ax562It works ok in windows23:20
Ben64try these steps https://itsfoss.com/how-to-fix-no-sound-through-hdmi-in-external-monitor-in-ubuntu/23:21
ax562let me try23:24
syntaxmanHow much difference is there in the results of installing Kubuntu, VS installing some other flavor of Ubuntu and installing KDE separately?23:25
syntaxmanObviously I would end up with two DEs and the work of installing KDE, but are there reasons not to do it that way in terms of bugs and headaches?23:27
EriC^^syntaxman: pretty much the same thing23:28
syntaxmanEriC^^:  I thought so.  Thanks!23:29
EriC^^syntaxman: no problem23:30
ax562Ben64: I do not see the sound option in settings.  I'm actually running xubuntu though 16.04 lts.23:31
Ben64ax562: well idk about xubuntu but skip that step then23:32
ax562Ben64: both fix steps require that part :/23:34
Ben64one of the steps is install and run pavucontrol23:36
ax562Ben64: I already have pulse audio installed.  The configuration pull down is missing.  Step 3 not helpful :/23:41
Ben64did you do the pulseaudio -k thing23:42
ax562originally I would perform this step to gain hdmi audio output23:42
ax562no because I don't have a "sound" option in settings.  I can kill pulseaudio but then will be stuck because cannot execute sound from settings.23:43
tgm4883pavucontrol isn't generally installed on ubuntu with pulse audio23:44
tgm4883it's a separate installation23:44
ax562that didn't help :/23:47
vimartHello #ubuntu23:54
devster31is there an utility that accepts text from a pipe and echoes that same text? without arguments?23:56

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