[00:10] Hi [00:14] What email client is worth use today? I was kinda happy using Kmail under KDE [00:16] Thunderbird [00:16] I'm configuring it just now :-) [00:27] I like this Thunderbird, looks and works good. === Israphel is now known as Guest77689 === Israphel_ is now known as Israphel [11:58] Thunderbird is awesome. Kudos to the team. [13:34] hi all. i have installed xubuntu. whenever i restart the laptop or turn on and plug/unplug it for the first time to the power source then the brightness automatically increases to the maximun? i am tried ubuntu as well and the same problem persists in it. what is the issue? [13:35] i am on xubuntu 16.04.2 [13:37] is this the common problem in ubuntu distributions? [13:44] rajivmars, look in power settings [13:46] i have done everything [13:46] nothing works [13:46] what have you done exactly [13:48] i have tried every power settings but once i plug/unplug the laptop to the power source for the first time (for a particular) session then the brightness automatically increases [13:48] the same issue was with ubuntu 16.04 [13:49] look in settings > Settings Editor > xfce4-power-manager [13:50] yes i have already did it [13:50] ok then you can try the following: go to settings > session and startup > applications autostart and disable power manager, reboot and see if anything changes [13:51] ok [18:05] Hi #xubuntu [18:40] hi [23:24] hello, any ideas how to get hdmi output sound working [23:26] it originally worked but now the hdmi options in pulse audio is unavailable. [23:26] thoughts? [23:26] I was thinking maybe reinstalling my video card driver [23:36] was going to try this but settings doesn't have a sound option https://itsfoss.com/how-to-fix-no-sound-through-hdmi-in-external-monitor-in-ubuntu/ [23:53] Hello #xubuntu