[06:49] maxcell_: here you can ask about [06:50] 17.10 related issues [06:50] cool lotuspsychje [06:50] maxcell_: im also helping bug out, and it feels real stable already [06:50] i can imagine, ubuntu do a good job with desktops [06:51] yes [06:51] since the begnin [06:51] when CD's were being distribute on our houses [06:51] remember that? [06:52] maxcell_: they are now searching for users, to help default gnome apps on ubuntu [06:52] maxcell_: yeah i had ubuntu on cd's back in the days [06:52] hmm [06:52] but mostly downloaded myself [06:53] we find that pretty cool because they deliver the CD's to your house for free [06:54] so, about the default apps [06:55] you mean like, libreoffice instead os wps or just about what basic stuffs that you supposed to have on the system by default? [06:56] maxcell_: yep [06:56] maxcell_: browser,chat,email etc [06:57] do you have gmail account? [06:57] yep [06:57] do you find an app already that can login into gmail without security problems? [06:59] when i try to login the gmail didn't let me, he ask me do disable the security protocol if i want to login [07:00] maxcell_: i did use some gmail app once [07:00] but that stopped working somehow [07:00] maxcell_: try apt-cache search gmail [07:01] i just think if you will have an default e-mail app on ubuntu, it should be one that work with gmail login protocol if possible [07:02] maxcell_: try thunderbird or geary? [07:02] geary didn't work back then [07:02] i think thuinderbird works [07:03] if it works, should be the default one [07:03] like on debian, we had iceweasel remember this time? [07:03] yeah [07:04] its simple, you should put the things that work, even if its not that pretty [07:04] thunderbird i find mature [07:05] i dont like thunderbird, personally, but it works so...its better than an app that doesn't [07:06] idk i think everybody have an gmail account [07:06] google is like dominating the internet [07:08] !email [07:08] hmm [08:08] hi all [08:09] https://pastebin.com/raw/sqKukZbU === Kamilion is now known as |{amilion === |{amilion is now known as Kamilion === JanC is now known as Guest39739 === JanC_ is now known as JanC === Night_ is now known as |Night|