
Shand_ /server irc.ircstorm.net03:15
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.06:38
knightwisemorning peepz08:14
knightwisemorning peepz08:56
MooDoohowdy all09:41
knightwisehey MooDoo09:48
MooDoobloomin reboots09:54
zmoylan-piif you can't reboot on a monday, when can you reboot? :-)10:02
MooDoozmoylan-pi: it was my laptop and I didn't really want to reboot, but I changed fstab and am to impatient to wait :)10:04
knightwisehey zmoylan-pi10:36
knightwisehow you doing dude10:36
zmoylan-piit's a monday, waiting in my bunker till it had passed...10:38
knightwiseit ... being 'the week ?10:47
zmoylan-pimonday morning... it's the worst...10:50
knightwiseTrue that10:54
knightwiseWorking remotely on my imac running ubuntu10:54
knightwiseTeamviewer is awesome10:54
knightwisegotta say , this mac is running pretty smoothly11:04
knightwiseopera is pretty fast , cli apps fly and the whole thing looks great11:04
zmoylan-pihaven't used opera on desktop since version 12 currently using vivaldi11:42
knightwisezmoylan-pi: how is that working out ?12:30
zmoylan-pithe only missing feature atm is sync of bookmarks... but that's coming 'real soon'12:36
knightwiseso .. what makes that browser so special ?12:37
zmoylan-pi1) it's not chrome 2) it's a reboot of opera from the guy who started opera12:39
knightwiseaha , that sounds interesting13:00
zmoylan-pithe only bad thing about it is that it uses chrome extensions so you're limited to those that google allows into their extension store13:01
knightwisezmoylan-pi: still , not bad though13:04
zmoylan-pithe only reason i still have firefox installed is for extensions and that's going away in a few months13:07
MooDooi think i have FF installed, not sure why though lol13:16
zmoylan-piback from when it was small and useful? :-)13:17
MooDooscratch that, just purged it :)13:17
knightwiseFF is bloated13:38
knightwiseOpera is pretty slick, dark theme , night mode , moving backgrounds , sync .. the works13:42
knightwisehey steve-stf13:46
diddledanin, out, in, out, shake them all about13:59
MooDoodo the hokey cokey lol14:00
diddledanand you turn around14:07
MooDooyeah mate, that's what it's all about14:07
diddledanI wonder why the American version is "The Hokey Pokey"?14:07
MooDoosomething to do with ice cream14:16
MooDoois it time to go home yet?14:33
Laneyand you can have the rest of the week off too14:34
MooDooLaney: thanks boss14:36
zmoylan-pisweden has had a teeny weeny data breach... https://thehackernews.com/2017/07/sweden-data-breach.html?m=121:42
* diddledan snorts22:03
diddledanoh wow, SAPO and the SAS-equiv are doxed too22:08
diddledanoh boy that is crazy. it's worse the more I read22:08
zmoylan-pieveryone can just fill out a form, change their name and careers, move to a new location... :-P22:47

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