
=== Guest67 is now known as fhmaximiano
longus_catusIs there a quick way to remove all packages in 'rc' state via dpkg?00:27
unholymachine'rc' ?00:28
Bashing-omlongus_catus: ' dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs sudo dpkg -P ' .00:38
longus_catusBashing-om: thanks00:40
MDTech-us_MANMy Ubuntu 14.04.1 git ransomwared00:40
MDTech-us_MANall my stuff is encrypted00:40
MDTech-us_MANI read that someone found a way to decrypt00:40
MDTech-us_MANany ideas?00:40
Bashing-omlongus_catus: :) Pleased2help00:41
MDTech-us_MANHow can I find out which version of the ransomware I got?00:41
DamienMirandaI don't mean to be "that guy" but did you backup your data?00:43
MDTech-us_MANwell, sure, but it's a bit old00:44
MDTech-us_MANI could restore that, but recovery would be best00:44
leaftypeMDTech-us_MAN, how do you know it was ransomware? What exactly do you see01:02
MDTech-us_MANall files in home dir are replaced with files with .enc01:02
MDTech-us_MANand when I open them I see a bunch of seemingly random charecters01:03
MDTech-us_MANmysql db is also encrypted01:03
leaftypeMDTech-us_MAN, Did you get a popup or anything asking for bitcoin?01:04
MDTech-us_MANon login01:04
jowatextracan anyone help me with ffplay ? PLZ01:04
leaftypeMDTech-us_MAN, basically I'm asking to see if there are hints at which ransomeware it was. Some of them have known keys or flaws that help find the keys01:05
MDTech-us_MANany other info?01:05
MDTech-us_MANthat can help narrow it down01:05
leaftypeexact wording, where it's displayed, if there is any branding, etc. Bonus if you know how you got it01:06
MDTech-us_MANits in /etc/motd01:06
MDTech-us_MANcat /etc/motd | pastebinit01:07
MDTech-us_MANany idea on how to narrow down the entry points?01:08
jowatextrai found an example with ffplay(the example is: ffplay -f lavfi 'amovie=input.flac,asplit=2[out1][a],[a]avectorscope=m=polar:s=800x400[out0]') but instead of a file(input.flac) i want the url of a stream( but everything i tested didn't worked01:08
MDTech-us_MANthey encrypted the /var/log folder too01:08
MDTech-us_MANas in all the files in it01:08
leaftypeMDTech-us_MAN, Sorry, not knowledgeable enough in IT to help with that part01:08
MDTech-us_MANdid it narrow it down any?01:09
MDTech-us_MANfound something01:10
MDTech-us_MANThe first file that was encrypted starts with Salted__01:10
MDTech-us_MANthe rest don't01:10
[n0mad]i have no idea either. don't really find anything out there about ransomware infecting ubuntu. do you have any idea how you became infected?01:11
MDTech-us_MANthe logs are encrypted so I cant check them, [n0mad]01:12
MDTech-us_MANmy guess would be ssh bruteforce01:13
leaftypeMDTech-us_MAN, weird, was kicked. It looks like there is only one known ransomware for ubuntu, and it acts like you're mentioning: https://techcrunch.com/2015/11/06/linux-ransomware-is-now-attacking-webmasters/01:15
MDTech-us_MANI tried that decryptor01:16
MDTech-us_MANit makes files with .encrypted not .enc01:16
leaftypeMDTech-us_MAN, You might be SOL. I'm still looking though01:22
MDTech-us_MANI dunno if it matters, but its a Digital Ocean VM01:23
MDTech-us_MANat least it didnt encrypt the configs01:24
[n0mad]shit i wouldn't keep anything on it01:25
[n0mad]that's me personally01:25
MDTech-us_MANI know, but I put so much pain and suffering into those configs01:26
[n0mad]well, if it's what you think and they ssh'd in then they could have done anything to anything01:26
leaftypeweirdly, I still can't find anything else infecting linux machines with ransomware. I assume there aren't logs of someone encrypting the files manually?01:29
MDTech-us_MANeverything was encrypted withing a few min01:29
BandMan193I need an idoits guide to checksumming in windows for the ubuntu.iso01:31
[n0mad]you were already provided the idiots guide01:32
leaftypeMDTech-us_MAN, This is a really stupid idea, but I think it's worth a shot: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15615578/how-to-open-a-txt-enc-file01:33
BandMan193Is there an idiots guide to checksumming in windows for the .iso?01:33
[n0mad]!md5 | BandMan19301:34
ubottuBandMan193: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:34
[n0mad]2nd link there is checking in windows01:34
BandMan193ok how about the guide using kleopatra?01:34
MDTech-us_MAN# file report.xml.enc01:34
MDTech-us_MANreport.xml.enc: data01:34
leaftypeMDTech-us_MAN, oh well. And this is why we use backups. I have 0 ideas left, save paying someone more qualifiied to take a shot. I'd nuke and pave, then restore from the older backup.01:36
MDTech-us_MANI guess...01:36
MDTech-us_MANit there and protection against this?01:36
MDTech-us_MANarandom spike in hard drive usage should point to a ransomware01:37
leaftypeMDTech-us_MAN, good passwords, closed ports, more frequent backups, better filesystem that allows you to roll back, staying offline, cutting off all services that you don't use01:38
MDTech-us_MANdoes ext4 allow rollback?01:39
leaftypeMDTech-us_MAN, not in the way you want01:40
MDTech-us_MANwhat do you mean?01:41
leaftypeMDTech-us_MAN, You would want a copy on write file system. ZFS is the current favorite. BcacheFS is the new hotness,btrfs is/was promising01:42
rypervencheMDTech-us_MAN: Basically, good backups can fix this in the future. As well as keeping your system up-to-date and putting some security measures in place.01:43
rypervencheMDTech-us_MAN: Something like incremental backups would be nice. You can have daily backups and many of them.01:44
MDTech-us_MANwell... most of the important stuff seems fine01:45
leaftypeyaboiguzma, hi. IF you got a question, feel free to ask01:52
rypervencheMDTech-us_MAN: Now would be a good time to get a good backup system in place, lest you want this to happen again in the future. It always takes one loss of data before good backups seem like a need.01:54
MDTech-us_MANjust when I got in 4 4TB drive just for this purpouse01:55
MDTech-us_MANplanning to do a raid 10 and dump all my crap there01:56
owen1_what packages do i need to build an apk from the cli?02:29
owen1_openjdk-7-jdk and ant? or also android sdk? i am on 16.0402:33
MononaWhat does rsyslogd do?  I noticed it running in the background and was curious.02:38
martian67Monona, logs system daemons etc02:50
martian67check out /var/log/02:50
martian67thats where its logs go02:50
martian67basicly its a unified log file writer/manager for unix02:50
martian67so every process dosent need to implement its own logging system02:50
Mononamartian67: Cool, thanks.  Looking at today's syslog file, pretty much no idea what all means what in there, but it's interesting.  Haven't really dived much into system processes, now I've just got more questions...  :)  Is there a reason "mysql main process" would be respawning and terminating over and over every few seconds?02:55
glitchdhello all, having a problem in xubuntu 16.04. im connected to my network thru a wired connection and also over wifi. however i cannot browse the internet with any browser or even update my system thru terminal.03:34
glitchdany help would be most appreciated03:34
glitchdwow, not a single response..03:38
glitchdthx anyways #ubuntu03:38
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CarlFKhow do I delete routes?  like this one:   U     0      0        0 lxdbr005:20
_pronet_Hello, Can i please get cloacked?06:01
Stanley00_pronet_: you have to join #freenode to ask that06:03
_pronet_I d06:04
_pronet_did :Stanley0006:04
lotuspsychje_pronet_: this is the ubuntu support channel06:06
EriC^^_pronet_: you need to be voiced there, takes a while06:14
_pronet_Okay. ill wait for freenode.06:16
maxcell_where i can find ubuntu with gnome shell instead of unity?06:35
maxcell_to download06:35
RepoxHello. I'm unsure as to what channel is the correct one, but since I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 I hope I can start here with my problem. I'm trying to deploy a website via SSH (php7.1-fpm and nginx is installed). The website is managed with CircleCI and I'm using a symlink to link to the current build directory (in case I need to roll back). nginx's document root is pointing at /home/user/www/live which is linked to a build like so: ln -s /home/user/builds/build_29/p06:38
Repoxublic /home/user/www/live - But for some reason, when opening the website in the browser, I'm presented with data from a previous build. Reloading/restarting nginx doesn't change anything, but deleting the old build directories and the latest build is presented. Might someone guess what the problem could be?06:38
maxcell_Ben64, when will ubuntu start to use gnome as default?06:38
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: 17.10 & 18.0406:39
Ben64maxcell_: 17.10 or 18.04, i think06:39
maxcell_can't wait for it06:39
maxcell_never liked unity06:39
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: you can test right now if you like, but remember 17.10 not LTS06:39
maxcell_lotuspsychje, i can already download the 17.10 version?06:40
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: yes, you can install the daily iso 17.1006:40
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: already with gnome by default06:40
maxcell_lotuspsychje, where?06:40
maxcell_thats what i want06:40
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/06:40
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: remember its still in developent phase right06:41
maxcell_its like debian testing06:41
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: you can help testing/bugging out06:41
maxcell_oh, im not the right user for that i presume06:41
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: devs are looking for users to install on different hardware right now06:41
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: you surely are06:41
maxcell_tell me, how do i report a bug?06:42
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: if you encounter issues, come to our chat06:42
maxcell_right here?06:42
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: #ubuntu+1 will surely help you06:42
lotuspsychje!bug | maxcell_ the procedure06:42
ubottumaxcell_ the procedure: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.06:42
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maxcell_thats easy06:43
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: this way, you will help make 18.04 better06:46
maxcell_btw, 17.10 is using wayland or xorg?06:48
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: both can be chosen at login06:48
maxcell_i wonder if the login screen will show on my nvidia06:48
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: test the daily iso :p06:48
maxcell_downloading it hehe06:49
maxcell_i will give it a try later06:49
lotuspsychjemaxcell_: join #ubuntu+1 to favs06:49
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
wersewarterhello all07:56
mikhael_k33hlI have an Asus laptop with Ubuntu and Windows installed. Whenever I restart my laptop from Ubuntu, it seems to kind of freeze with the monitor black and just sits like that08:09
sebsebsebmikhael_k33hl: only on re boots ?08:11
cristian_c17.04, yesterday backlight control worked, I've thought it could be dependent on kernel version change, but today I've loaded the old kernel again and unfortunstely backlight control still doesn't work08:12
cristian_cit looks like an issue not dependent on the kernel08:13
sebsebsebcristian_c: backlght control, you mean via software?08:13
sebsebsebfor a keyboard as well08:13
cristian_csebsebseb: not, by hardware08:13
cristian_csebsebseb: software control is not a real control, because it doesn't adjust leds08:14
cristian_cso, power consumption is at 100% even if screen is less bright08:15
cristian_c(with 'software control', I mean xrandr)08:15
cristian_csebsebseb: lust only hardware control can really reduce the backlight level08:17
cristian_csebsebseb: hardware control is run by keyboard keys or by applet08:17
mikhael_k33hlsebsebseb: yeah08:26
klaasvakieso audio stops when switching away from my x-session (ctrl-alt-f2) I understand this is implemented in polkit somewhere. Any ideas on where to start looking?08:39
klaasvakie16.04 b.t.w08:39
fugeei just installed mailinabox on my vps, everything seems to be ok as far as i can guess but i don't know how to check my mail08:47
fugeei sent email from gmail to my domain but i dunno how to set up my client(thunderbird) or log in via web-mail08:48
fugeeanyone know?08:48
fugeemy old server i used to auth in on 143 starttls and smtp on 587 starttls08:48
fugeei dunno if it configed starttls, or tls or ssl or what08:49
squigis there a file in ubuntu for storing persistant iptables that should be restored at reboot?08:59
squigiptables-persistent aah found :D09:00
WhiskeyAnyone good on virtual devices and linux i have a problem i can´t figure out09:01
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages09:09
squigwhat wait, I just appied a iptables rule, but its not good09:17
squigI tried to flush it with -F and its still in effect09:17
squigI could never see it -L09:17
EriC^^squig: what was the rule09:18
EriC^^it wont flush policies09:18
squighow do you flush policies?09:18
EriC^^just set it back to accept09:19
EriC^^or restart the pc if you locked yourself out09:19
squigI did this, root@netwrk:/home/bdeluca# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j SNAT --to-source^C09:19
squigroot@netwrk:/home/bdeluca# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
squigI am trying to forward port 8009:19
EriC^^it should flush those09:19
squigto a different host :/09:19
squigthats what I thought09:20
squighahaha, its my router I have forward all internet to my local appatche server :d09:21
arun007anyone know how to get rid of ident response checking09:22
squigiptables -t nat -F09:24
squigthis fixed it09:24
arun007squig: do you know how to disable ident port?09:25
squigthe issue you have connecting to irc?09:29
squigwhere it tries to ident you?09:29
KingsyI am having trouble changing my mouse theme. All of the themes are too bug anf the ones I like do not set in certain applications like chrome or openbox in general. What am I missing? I am using lxappearance to set the theme09:32
KingsyI ave also tried --> update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme09:33
arun007Kingsy: try gsettings09:33
Kingsyarun007: in what way?09:35
arun007gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme Paper09:36
arun007replace Paper with your theme name09:37
Kingsyarun007: doesnt do anything09:38
arun007it only works with gnome :O09:38
Kingsyoh .. hehe oh well that'll be why :P09:38
KingsyI have installedf the cursor themes inthe ubuntu repo... is there a 3rd party repo that I can use that contains more? it wouild be nice to have a big choice but I don't want to install more manually one by one09:39
arun007Kingsy: Try asking in #lubuntu09:41
vltHello. I'm running Ubuntu with MATE desktop in an xrdp/vnc session accessed by an minimalistic X+rdesktop Ubuntu client. Where could I change the size of the mouse pointer?09:43
arun007vlt: Have you tried gsettings09:44
vltarun007: On which machine?09:44
vltThe one with the X server or the desktop session?09:45
arun007vlt: try in both09:45
arun007vlt: just try if the command gsettings is working09:46
qeniHi. How can I refresh my pricate snap without giving possibility to push changes from device? I mean device can only download new .snap and cannot change anything09:54
qeniprivate snap*09:54
vltarun007: `gsettings list-recursively | grep mouse` lists 71 lines :-D09:54
vltOne of them is org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-size09:55
* vlt tries09:55
vltChanging it in the session (from 16 to 32 or 64) doesn't have any visible effect.09:57
* vlt tries again09:57
vltOn the client Ubuntu machine there's no gsettings command :-/09:58
Kingsyarun007: no luck10:17
arun007vlt: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size10:18
Kingsyarun007: does nothing10:19
arun007Kingsy: that was for vlt10:19
niceGuy00https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MiniDLNA <-- in 16.04.2 i want to start minidlna and serve before anyone logs into ubuntu, how to do that?10:20
Kingsyoh sorry heh10:20
KingsyI mean how can the cursor be different sizes in different applications??10:25
oerheksniceGuy00,  something like this: to enable on boot: sudo  systemctl enable minidlna.service10:25
oerheksthen systemctl start minidlna.service10:26
niceGuy00oerheks, there's no minidlna.service file!!!10:26
oerheksniceGuy00,  then you should create on, what guide do you follow?10:26
niceGuy00https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MiniDLNA <***THISONE***-- in 16.04.2 i want to start minidlna and serve before anyone logs into ubuntu, how to do that?10:26
niceGuy00oerheks, ?10:29
oerheksniceGuy00, dunno, i was looking for an answer, can't find any10:31
oerheksah, maybe this is it: create a /etc/minidlna.conf to run service by root, https://askubuntu.com/a/78174710:33
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goudkovfor 16.04, how do i install it on the server to get kernel that is supported the longest? i'm looking at end of life chart, and current download is 16.04.2. do i need to roll it back somehow?11:08
rory16.04.2 is still 16.0411:13
goudkovright. but the kernel updates are only supported for a short period of time.11:13
rorythe point releases are just to incorporate updates into the installation media to save you downloading a years worth11:13
roryWhatever it comes with is supported11:14
roryYou don'#t have to do anything special11:14
goudkovso i'm not sure if installing 16.04.2 and then just doing dist-upgrade will get me though fine until 2021.11:14
goudkovbasically, it shows 16.04.1 with kernel 4.4 until 2021.11:15
goudkovand .2 .3 .4 with later kernels all upgraded throughout the years.11:15
goudkovon my desktop, i installed 16.04.1 and it's currently dist-upgraded to .2, but the kernel is still 4.411:17
goudkovyet, i'm guessing if i install .2 from scratch, then the kernel there will be 4.8.11:17
goudkovand not supported for long.11:17
mercury200HgI am trying to copy the system to a mounted partition, using - " tar -C / -l -cpvf - . | tar -C /mnt -xpf - " but it's getting stuck in infinite loop copying /mnt directory inside /mnt/myMountPoint and so on . Anyone can help ?11:19
pabedhi guys I followed this link http://blog.z-proj.com/enabling-l2tp-over-ipsec-on-ubuntu-16-04/ for enabling l2tp11:28
pabed                    client on ubuntu but it does not connect to vpn server and this is my log11:28
pabed                    https://paste.linux.community/view/5f79729711:28
mikhael_k33hlhow do i set so that application open on my laptops screen and not on external monitor?11:32
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=== noobster is now known as craptalk
EriC^^mikhael_k33hl: https://askubuntu.com/questions/9921/dual-monitor-applications-opening-on-wrong-monitor11:42
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beefjoeGuys I can't always load all the content on websites and it happens on Firefox and Chrome, checking the Network tabs in the developer's console I get this http://i.imgur.com/8sDMQ19.png12:05
beefjoeOn Chromium I get stalled for 30 seconds then timeout12:05
beefjoeHappens on Facebook, imgur, codepen, anywhere12:06
Younderbeefjoe,  have the same, no idea what it causing it, but when i keep it running it starts running at normal speed12:08
beefjoeYounder, what do you mean keep it running12:08
beefjoeIt's obviously not my connection btw..because all other devices are fine12:09
YounderI meant the screen goes gray as it seems unresponsive, but it is just taking a really long time. After a minute or two it starts working12:10
beefjoeoh ok, but yours isn't network related I believe..it just freezes then all good..but I have some sort of a connection problem which leads to a timeout12:10
welcomepartyguys, do you know how to use strace command to detect any error regarding systemcal and signal?12:11
welcomepartyi tried it, but cant read it12:11
beefjoeand it usually happens with type xhr12:12
YounderFor systemd overview I use cockpit http://www.itzgeek.com/how-tos/linux/ubuntu-how-tos/install-cockpit-on-ubuntu-16-04.html12:16
* abbiya sent a long message: abbiya_2017-07-24_12:21:39.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/YqMgEkQECplkBvRqNKRwYOnX>12:21
rorydon't do that12:25
Younderrandom MAC issues?12:27
YounderAre you running PXE?12:27
abbiyai tried this12:28
abbiyainternet connection comes and goes12:28
abbiyabut the wifi network is stable12:29
abbiyai can use it on my android12:29
abbiyai added wifi.scan-rand-mac-address=no to network config12:30
abbiyabut problem not solved. I am not able to change dns server list from network configuration12:30
abbiyaeven if i edit the fields, the save button is not active12:31
YounderUnless you are running bootp and ipv6 what is the point. MAC's are not random. It is The IP assignment from DHCP that is probaly causing the problem What about the router. If you are using IPV4 then the router is using private addresses which are not visible to the internet. It the needs ro masquerade them (or redirect in MS terms) to on address. The routers address.12:33
YounderThen the router does the disparch from there to the local computer on the LAN12:34
melesI want to use SSH via IPv6. It works on the LAN, do I have to change any settings to also accept requests from the WAN?12:34
YounderIn DHCP adresses are generated from a pool usually private. Class A private start with 10.X.X.X. Class B private with 192.168.X.X12:35
Youndermeles. Well a IPV6 is world readable and uniq. So any blocking would be by your firewall.12:37
YounderMine blocks incoming IPV6 per default. god if you are using IPV4 internally. But in your case.. reconfigure12:39
melesYounder firewall of my router I guess, otherwise local connection would also not work. right?12:40
YounderWaring be wary of IPV6 as you need to reconfigure security.12:42
YounderThis book is your friend https://www.amazon.com/IPv6-Practice-Unixers-Generation-Internet/dp/354024524312:42
melesYounder thanks. My ISP is deniying that - seems they have no idea, but i also fail with there s****y UI12:42
YounderYes your ISP needs to support IPV6 as well. Most do, so check again.12:43
cfhowlettmeles, consider asking the #networking channel12:44
melesYounder cfhowlett Thanks for your help. I just sent them another request and hope to get a proper answer. Otherwise I will consult the #networking channel.12:45
BluesKajHi folks12:45
beefjoe Guys I can't always load all the content on websites and it happens on Firefox and Chrome, checking the Network tabs in the developer's console I get this http://i.imgur.com/8sDMQ19.png On Chromium I get stalled for 30 seconds then timeout12:47
EriC^^i've a ubuntu 16.04 install, it was showing using 800+mb in download with nothing running, so i installed iftop and ran it, it shows something coming from "hanger.canonical.com" it wasn't updating any software packages or anything, what is that!?12:47
oerheksbeefjoe, so, in short, no website loads at all?12:49
beefjoethey partially load12:49
beefjoeso for example, this codepen page stays like this http://i.imgur.com/MAKJxCo.png12:49
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beefjoeFacebook for example loads fine, but a lot of the functionality doesn't work like clicking on a profile to message or scroll down to view more content12:50
beefjoeit times out and I'm left with a half loaded site12:50
beefjoeThat codepen screenshot I linked is here https://codepen.io/davidkpiano/pen/xLKBpM12:50
beefjoeI only get loading.....12:50
oerheksworks fine here on chrome + firefox + www browser12:52
oerhekstry to remove the .config and cache, and restart the browser12:53
BlackDalekwhat is the correct command I need to enter in order to give "username1" of group "group1" read & write access to /path/ owned by my current $USER ? Both username1 and my user need to be able to read, write & create files in this directory.12:55
BlackDalekyep.. deluged is still giving me grief :(12:56
beefjoeoerheks even though it happens on Firefox and Chromium ?12:57
oerheksbeefjoe, why not try? or do you have a special networking setup, like a proxy?12:58
beefjoeno, but I recently added Google's DNS as someone here recommended but nothing changed12:58
beefjoeCleared cache, passwords, profile, restarted and still the same :/13:00
YounderAll I can tell you is I had the same problem and I coudn't make it go away, so I uspect it is in the code base13:01
beefjoeYounder Ubuntu16.04 ?13:02
YounderI did the delete .casche and .config bits. Didn't try the DNS change. And yes 16.0413:03
YounderFrom what I have gathered from Ubuntu User, The client side of Ubuntu has been downs-staffed and I suspect it is more in the Ubuntu additions/tweaks to the code where you will find the problem. But I am by no means certain of this.13:06
oerheksso if that example does not properly work on your firefox 54, i have no clue13:09
Youndern my machine firefox works fine13:10
beefjoeis there anywhere else we could ask ?13:12
oerhekson what linux version is this, beefjoe, what firefox version and chromium?13:12
beefjoefirefox 54.0 64-bit - Ubuntu16.0413:13
beefjoeChromium: Version 59.0.3071.109 (Developer Build) Built on Ubuntu , running on Ubuntu 16.04 (64-bit)13:13
beefjoeGet help with Chromium13:13
Younderbeefjoe, I'll try whatwg. though they re mostly web developers.13:20
YounderIt would help if we could isolate the error. and get a more accurate error report.13:21
courrierHi all, I'm setting up my Dell XPS13 under 16.04, I encrypted the disk during startup, now I'm upgrading the system packages it halts and prompts my password every 5 second:13:22
courrier"Please enter passphrase for disk cryptswap1 on none!"13:22
courrierHow do we get rid of this, does it uncrypt the disk during the whole session?13:22
YounderHave you tried looking at the packages reported from wireshark?13:22
Youndersigh.. ok I'll look into it13:23
Youndercourrier, Yes it decryps the disk and provides an extra layer of security13:24
Younderfor te netire session13:24
Younderfor the entire session13:24
courrierYounder: but it keeps asking the passphrase, then?13:25
Mavricka380for i in $(cat asn.txt) ; do curl -s https://api.iptoasn.com/v1/as/ip/$i | awk -F ',' '{print substr($1,3)} '    ; done13:25
Youndercourrier, no13:25
courrierit really happens every 5sec during apt-get uprgade13:25
Mavricka380i want to print value of i next to the output i am gettting from this command13:25
Mavricka380how should i do it??13:25
beefjoeYounder haven't downloaded wireshark13:25
courrierYounder: sorry I was not clear, this is not a question, this is a statement, apt-get upgrade prompts my passphrase every 5sec13:26
Younderbeefjoe, well I have and I'll give it a shot. It is a complicated program to master anyhow.13:26
beefjoehaha yea13:27
beefjoechecking it out now13:27
Younderbeefjoe, you might find use for 'Practical packet analysis using wireshark for real world problems" from amazon13:30
beefjoewow that's a lot xD13:30
Youndertold U13:31
Kingsycan someone tell me why my mouse cursor is bigger on some applications?13:31
Kingsysuch as xfce terminal and chrome13:31
oerheksmouse bigger in terminal .. ??13:32
YounderKingsy, Each app can change the cursor when it enters a area of the screen by evens such as on-focus.13:32
oerheksany fancy theme installed, Kingsy ?13:33
beefjoeYounder do tell if you find anything. I'll keep you posted :)13:35
KingsyYounder: but surely an app like chrome wouldnt do this by default?13:35
Kingsyoerheks: yeah!13:35
oerheksKingsy, does it solve with :  chrome > settings > appearance > use gtk+13:37
oerheksdiff in theme handling i guess13:37
Kingsyoerheks: already on use gtk+ inchrome13:46
Kingsyit also happens in xfce terminal13:46
Younderbeefjoe, well there are a lot of retransmissions. That shouldn't be happening.13:47
zespri_hello @ all13:52
zespri_how does ubuntu handle ccitt/pbm and/or jbig2 encoded images?13:53
Schnabeltierchenhi, during the installation process of ubuntu, there is an option, which packages to install... you can use this function after installation to add/remove packages... i can´t remember the name, can anybody help me?14:00
minot198Hello, I recently updated my ubuntu kernel from 3.13 to 4.2. Now, I am getting a syslog message "device br0 entered promiscuous mode" and "device br0 left promiscuous mode" which are filling up the /var/log partition which is halting my system14:03
jayjoI am running ubuntu 16.04 LTS and I have two questions. Each time I start my machine I get a pop up "a system error has been detected..." and a report or ignore option. I've reported it many times and ignored many times. How do I investigate this? I believe it's graphics related. I use my machine for scientific computing and after 24-48 hrs of running sometimes the graphics on my dual screens goes into a14:03
jayjo"checkerboard" pattern and I restart and everything is good again.14:03
jayjoMy hypothesis is I have an NVIDIA graphics card with a motherboard that may not have 100% ubunut support14:04
mcphail!info tasksel | Schnabeltierchen14:04
ubottuSchnabeltierchen: tasksel (source: tasksel): tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems. In component main, is optional. Version 3.34ubuntu5 (zesty), package size 31 kB, installed size 244 kB14:04
cristian_cSchnabeltierchen: installation process is named ubiquity14:04
jayjoI have a GeForce GTX 66014:04
BlackDalekI have deluged installed on my machine, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to set up the permissions on my Downloads folder so that the deluge user can write to it. Or when it does, my own user as no permission to read the files deluge user creates.14:05
cristian_cSchnabeltierchen: try to read the ubiquity man, if any14:05
Schnabeltierchenmcphail ,yeay it was tasksel!!! thx :)14:05
Schnabeltierchencristian_c it was tasksel :)14:05
mcphailSchnabeltierchen: I always forget the name of it, too! :)14:05
jayjoAlso I would like my bluetooth apple keyboard and mouse to automatically connect. Is this possible with added bluetooth hardware on ubunut?14:06
cristian_cSchnabeltierchen: I thought it was related to debian14:07
cristian_cmaybe, you mean ubuntu alternate14:07
cristian_cjayjo: have you ever tried to 'continue' in place of 'ignore'?14:08
jayjocristian_c: yea, definitely. I use this machine daily for production and it's been happening for months. I've tried all the combos14:09
jayjoSo it's not a breaking issue, but it's a red flag14:09
cristian_cit's strange14:09
jayjoThe only other weird error is my logs don't delete so I'll run out of swap space once a month and have to manually clear the gz files14:10
cristian_cjayjo: nouveau driver?14:10
jayjoso these things are annoying but not enough to threaten the integrity of the system14:10
jayjoor at least I naively believe that14:10
jayjoI recently tried updating to a new nvidia driver directly from them but the behavior is the same as before14:11
jayjoI alternated back and forth and have decided on the newer supported version from nvidia14:11
Younderjayjo, Are you using UEFI boot?14:12
jayjoYes, I am. for completeness here is the output of lspci: https://bpaste.net/show/c7aa6f08f10f14:13
YounderYou see the kryptokey is sha256 whereas Ubnunu 16 requires sha512 so it is rejected. Therefore the pre-compile part of the driver loads but the driver does not.14:14
YounderSo you do not get the defauld Novoux and also not the nvidia driver.14:15
YounderThe souldtion I found was to turn off strick checking in BIOS14:16
YounderNot ideal, but I don't have to generate a new crypto key each time nivea come with a new version of the driver14:17
jayjoYounder: what is the adjustment? Is this a boot parameter?14:18
Younderjajo: I don't remember exactly. But I has a password and I got random numbers queried. Each corresponded to a character in the password string.14:20
Younderby position14:21
beefjoeIs a browser enough for javascript to run properly ? for all it's files to be downloaded and run just fine on every website ?14:22
Kingsyanyone have an ideas?14:24
beefjoeYounder if you go to this page https://stackoverflow.com/a/2939784914:25
beefjoeand click run code snippet14:25
beefjoedo you get anything ?14:25
crobertshey guys i got a new work laptop (lenovo p50) and new dock. when I hook up another monitor to it just lags really bad with anything on that monitor... when i bring it back to the laptop it runs fine. ubuntu 16.04 gnome14:26
beefjoeok so this isn't just me14:26
crobertsis there any thing i can try14:26
Younderbeefjoe, javascript/echmascript will run in any browser14:26
crobertsthought it was 2 monitors so just tried 1 and even replaced the dock but still no go14:26
crobertsshould i try 17.04 ?14:26
beefjoeYounder sure but I'm still to doubt everything cause this is driving me crazy14:26
crobertsit worked fine on my older laptop w541 lenovo with ubuntu 16.0414:26
ArRay_I'm trying to help someone who has lost his password on xubuntu, using passwd with recovery mode seems to work but it goes back to lightdm. The computer is using ecryptfs and I don't have to recover any files.14:27
crobertsbut before i jump to 17.04 i was hoping someone here can suggest something14:27
ArRay_xubuntu 16.04 LTS14:27
EriC^^ArRay_: what i think has happened is that the login password changed so now the new one doesn't decrypt the home dir, you have to wrap the passphrase with the new login pass you chose or set the password back to the old one with passwd14:28
ArRay_EriC^^: I don't have the password14:29
crobertsIntel® HD Graphics 530 (Skylake GT2)14:29
EriC^^ArRay_: then you need the actual passphrase14:29
crobertsis the card in the new laptop14:29
crobertsif that helps14:29
ArRay_And I don't have the ecryptfs backup passphrase either14:29
EriC^^ArRay_: then you're screwed, quite frankly14:29
EriC^^ArRay_: the person can't remember his old pass at all? even remotely?14:30
YounderEriC^^, I believe you are truly F...D if you don't remeber it14:30
EriC^^Younder: yes i believe so too14:30
ArRay_I tried disabling ecryptfs by adding .old to all folders (/home/.ecryptfs and everything in /home/user)14:30
ArRay_EriC^^: nope14:30
EriC^^unless you use lame passwords that you can easily bruteforce i guess14:30
EriC^^ArRay_: ah wait, you said you dont need the data right? so a fresh user is fine?14:31
rypervencheArRay_: This is the whole point of encryption. You don't forget your password that encrypts all of your data.14:31
ArRay_EriC^^: yes14:32
ArRay_I didn't think about that…14:32
EriC^^ArRay_: great, just create a new user with "adduser <new user>"14:32
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ArRay_I generally use useradd14:32
ArRay_I don't think it changes anything14:33
EriC^^ArRay_: then make sure autologin is disabled in lightdm and choose the new one (/etc/lightdm/*.conf)14:33
EriC^^ArRay_: adduser is nice, sets the name and passwd and everything for you14:33
beefjoeEriC^^ is da bomb he's always been helpful14:33
beefjoeEriC^^, can you look into something for me and Younder ?14:33
EriC^^also maybe add the user to the sudo group (adduser <user> sudo)14:34
rypervencheArRay_: It is a bit different. On Debian-based machines, it is usually best to use adduser. There was a specific reason for this, but I haven't used Ubuntu in so long I don't remember now.14:34
ArRay_EriC^^: I'll try with adduser14:34
rypervencheAnd adduser is just a wrapper for useradd.14:34
EriC^^beefjoe: what's up?14:35
crobertsany suggestions for my monitor issue?14:35
beefjoeFirst of all can you load this codepen https://codepen.io/davidkpiano/pen/xLKBpM14:35
beefjoeThis is what I get http://i.imgur.com/MAKJxCo.png14:35
ArRay_I prefer using useradd because I'm used to arch14:35
beefjoeuntil it timesout14:35
beefjoeand it happens on different websites facebook, imgur many others14:35
beefjoeFirefox and Chromium on 16.0414:36
beefjoeThis shows stalled for 30 seconds on Chromium http://i.imgur.com/8n7gjXL.png14:36
beefjoethen timesout14:36
beefjoeand this is the only device I'm experiencing this with14:36
beefjoeso the network is fine14:36
EriC^^beefjoe: no idea, did you try ##networking?14:37
EriC^^#web maybe?14:37
beefjoedidn't know it exists14:37
EriC^^i'm not sure what you mean, i thought you had a css issue14:38
EriC^^so when you load the first site you gave me, it doesn't actually load for you?14:38
EriC^^beefjoe: maybe try the guest account to see if it's a user config issue14:40
EriC^^or boot a live usb and see if it still does it14:40
beefjoeEriC^^, good idea. thanks :D14:43
EriC^^no problem :D14:44
crobertsdo you think unity or 17.04 would fix my issue14:44
crobertsi cant go back to the old laptop since i gave it back to the Asset team14:45
YounderThere is a better way, unfortunately ubuntu has a empty root password, but if you boot from GRUB in sigle user mode you can set it.14:45
Younderroot is under /root which is not under /home14:46
Youndernow delete the /home encryptfs file14:47
Younderthen run adduser14:47
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yellabs-r2hi there all you good people14:51
yellabs-r2i get this message in update & upgrade , about missing i915 module14:51
yellabs-r2does anyone know what it means ?14:51
aotaoint1ini915 is an intel gpu driver.14:52
yellabs-r2should i install them manual ?14:52
ducasseyellabs-r2: ignore it. intel released an updated driver, but not the firmware.14:52
yellabs-r2oh okey, thats new14:52
aotaoint1inthe i915 team has done some awesome work with gvt.14:52
yellabs-r2let me get this , i915 team are the open source driver developers , right ?14:54
yellabs-r2and the missing firmware is normal, because thats a proprietary driver.. ?14:55
ArRay_It worked, thanks14:59
BluesKajyellabs-r2, i915 driver is normally a kernel module on ubuntu15:04
BluesKajsudo modprobe snd-hda-intel should load it15:04
BluesKajanyway gotta leave for a while...bbl15:06
yellabs-r2okey thanks15:08
akkonradsince one of updates I have issues with graphical drivers. so I try to install them according to various articles, but when I try to install drivers from xserver-xorg-video-intel I get this error: https://www.pastery.net/xavauq/15:12
akkonradis there any way I can handle that?15:12
ducasseyellabs-r2: the reason the firmware is missing is that it is for hardware that is still not released, aiui15:15
[worksti]i dont really know anything about bash scripting, and im wondering how i can get the thing that this line prints out into a variable, could someone help me before i have to waste half the day figuring it out ?15:16
[worksti]/sbin/ip route|awk '/default/ { print $3 }'15:16
yellabs-r2yeah , shame, i do notice some slowness on graphics, but it alright15:16
yellabs-r2? is $3 not already an variable ?15:17
[worksti]it is, but only in the context of that pipe construct15:17
yellabs-r2show the whole code in pastebin, maybe some one can hlep out15:18
yellabs-r2hlep = help ;)15:18
[worksti]thats the whole code15:19
ducasseakkonrad: if you get that error while installing xserver-xorg-video-intel, you must have added some ppa or manually installed packages that are causing it15:20
oerhekslot of intel issues are fixed with this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/752743/ubuntu-16-04-skylake-6th-generation-screen-flickering >> try saving http://paste.ubuntu.com/25133872/ as /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf and restart x1115:20
akkonradI've finally updated my graphics and it works much better now, but have faced another issue - my function keys are not working (vol up/down, brightness etc). it's ubuntu 14.04, dell 15 is the machine15:37
yellabs-r2#!/bin/bash var=/sbin/ip route|awk '/default/ { print $3 }' printenv $var15:38
yellabs-r2something like this ?15:39
yellabs-r2i am not that good at coding, so if someone else know a better solution, be my guest ----15:40
yellabs-r2hmm not good ,  i checked again15:40
yellabs-r2ignore the code above, danger ..15:42
ducassevar=$(/sbin/ip route|awk '/default/ { print $3 }')15:42
ducasse[worksti]: ^^15:43
yellabs-r2and you then echo the var ?15:44
yellabs-r2echo $var ?15:45
ducassetry it :)15:45
yellabs-r2yes i tried it, its , its like magic15:45
yellabs-r2keep up the good work , got to go and have a bite to eat ..15:47
* yellabs-r2 afk15:47
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th3r3alhi \o/16:21
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Richard_CavellHi everyone.  I'd like to work out a backup solution.  Pretty much all the data that I value is in my home folder.  When I try to zip or gzip the folder using the GUI, an error occurs.  What should I do?16:32
beefjoewellll...what's the error ?16:33
Richard_CavellCouldn't add files to the archive.16:34
Richard_CavellAlso I want all the hidden files and directories to go in there as well16:34
ducasse!backup | Richard_Cavell17:07
ubottuRichard_Cavell: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning17:07
aotaoint1inshouldn't the '|' be a '>'?17:08
ducassea | inserts the nick in front of the factoid, while > sends the factoid as a pm.17:11
juniorRubyistHello, World!17:12
oerheksyes it works17:14
Chankanyone have an idea why NetworkManager would ignore the settings in the preseed and be set to static instead of dhcp?17:20
ZythyrIs there a Ubuntu server distrubtion that already has all the webserver apache php etc configured and ready to go?17:25
ddellavZythyr i don't think so, but if you install apache on any version of ubuntu it's basically already ready-to-go17:26
ddellavjust drop files into the webroot and it serves them17:26
ZythyrHow is Ubuntu Server different from Ubuntu Desktop?17:27
ddellavZythyr the same, it just doesn't install X11 or a window manager17:27
ddellavor any of the tools/apps that go with that17:27
oerheksubuntu server comes with practicly nothing installed, you would get a choise though.17:28
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Zythyroerheks Does it come with LAMP installed?17:28
ducasseyou need to select it during install17:28
ZythyrThank you :)17:29
oerhekstasksel is the tool you will see automaticly > https://i.stack.imgur.com/GS18m.png17:30
oerhekslots of options, see the server manual17:30
Southern_GentlemZythyr,  you will have to configure lamp and stuff like that17:31
oerheksbasicly, install server, sshserver, config the keys, and access it remore, copy keys and you can unplug the monitor17:31
tony1Zythyr: I think ubuntu server is better because it does not install a desktop17:31
tony1then you could do sudo tasksel install lamp-server17:31
pavlosZythyr: http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-install-lamp-on-ubuntu17:32
Chankit seems like the NetworkManager stuff is woefully broken on preseeded installs17:32
ZythyrShould I do it manaully as described in this guide or should I install XAMP? http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-install-lamp-on-ubuntu17:32
fugeewhy is /etc/mail empty?17:32
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.17:32
fugeedoes ubuntu include sendmail17:32
fugeewhy is /etc/mail empty17:33
Piranahfugee, sendmail is not installed by default.17:34
fugeedoesn't postfix depend on sendmail?17:34
Piranahagain postfix is not installed by default17:34
fugeeParanah: so i installed mailinabox17:35
fugeevirtual_alias_domains don't seem to be working17:35
fugeevirtuals file is populated17:35
fugeei remember on fbsd postfix virtuals wasn't enough you had to have the entries duplicated in /etc/mail/aliases17:35
fugeewhich indicated that postfix depended on sendmail17:36
fugeenow i have no sendmail and virtuals not working yet17:36
Piranahjust type sendmail in a terminal and it well list the packages it can be found in. Note postfix is one of them. So if postfix is installed sendmail is too.17:37
fugeeso create my own /etc/mail/aliases file i guess?17:38
leftyfbpostfix is not dependent on sendmail17:38
fugeeleftyb: then why do i need /etc/mail/aliases on freebsd in addition to etc/postfix/virtuals17:39
leftyfbfugee: ask #freebsd17:40
leftyfbfugee: in ubuntu, postfix does not rely on sendmail17:40
fugeeleftyb: ty17:40
leftyfbfugee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixCompleteVirtualMailSystemHowto#Creating_Virtual_Alias_Maps17:40
fugeepostfix offers 2 alternative methods for virtual email addresses virtual alias <whatever> and virtual mailbox <whatever>17:41
fugeei'm using virtual_alias <whatever> to keep things simple with a real system user for each virtual address17:42
fugeejust thought i'd throw that into the discussion before the confusion sets in17:42
ZythyrWhat is the difference between "sudo apt-get install lamp-server^" and doing a mnaul isntall of apache mysql etc...17:43
leftyfbfugee: there's no confusion here17:43
fugeeleftyfb: i assume you're only speaking for yourself17:43
leftyfbZythyr: The different is, typeing "sudo apt-get install lamp-server^" or doing a mnaul isntall of apache mysql etc...17:43
ChankNetworkManager seems to set the interface to static (setting only the IP address and netmask from dhcp values)17:44
leftyfbfugee: in /etc/postfix/main.cf: virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual17:44
leftyfbfugee: then sudo postmap /etc/postfix/virtual ; sudo service postfix restart17:44
fugeesu; cd /etc/postfix; postmap virtual; service postfix restart;17:45
fugeeleftyb: same thing?17:46
fugeecause thats what i did17:46
leftyfbyou still need to add the link to main.cf17:47
martian67ioria, got it working17:49
martian67at least a workaround17:49
martian67turns out you need to switch VTs17:49
ioriamartian67, tell us17:49
martian67and then its unlocked17:49
martian67so like17:49
martian67loginctl unlock-session c1; chvt 1; chvt 717:50
martian67its a hack but it does work17:50
ioriamartian67, i see.  have you tried with slock ?17:50
martian67i dont want slock17:50
martian67i want stuff properly integrated into gnome17:51
martian67err xfce17:51
ioriamartian67, gnome ? not xubuntu ,17:51
martian67yes :)17:51
ioriaha, ok17:51
ioriamartian67, that command above without sudo ? it works ?17:58
SXGMXDoes it would "affectid" my test result? I run speedtest-cli *(something such as that) across network via logged in the SSH17:59
SXGMXSpeed test do not effect across ssh, it only want measure the local device?17:59
SXGMXHow to explain? Device connect Ubuntu ---> Ethernet ---> Modem. Other Device ---> SSH (wifi, same network) ---> Ubuntu ---> speedtest18:00
SXGMXSpeedtest measure the connection between Ubuntu device and the interwebs, or no? It surely does not get a more slowest reading because I access speedtest via SSH/CLI from another box on the local network?18:00
SXGMXSorry I try to figure out :(18:00
ducasseSXGMX: it should not affect it, no18:03
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SXGMXducasse: Okay, thanks18:04
hdonhi all :) can anyone recommend an ftpd for xenial that is not vsftpd? i want to specify the address it will listen on, but the xenial package doesn't seem to support this.18:08
ducassehdon: strange, but try proftpd.18:10
hdonducasse, thanks :)18:18
Chanki still don't understand why networkmanager is so broken during a preseeded install18:21
hdonugh... so with vsftpd, i tried adding the listen_address directive only to have it ignored18:24
hdonnow with proftpd i have added the Bind directive and proftpd[3932]: fatal: unknown configuration directive 'Bind'18:24
hdoni guess ftp server package maintainers are in short supply18:24
ducassehdon: it's common functionality to bind a daemon to an interface, maybe you're doing it wrong?18:35
akikhdon: http://www.proftpd.org/docs/directives/linked/config_ref_Bind.html18:36
akikhdon: it mentions it's been deprecated in 1.3.0rc118:37
Chankits like networkmanager completely disregards the preseed, sets the interface to static and then copies only the address/netmask from dhcp18:39
hdonducasse, yeah i was pretty surprised. but then, who still uses ftp?18:43
hdonakik, oh, huh18:43
hdonthanks for pointing that out to me akik18:44
akikhdon: i use ftp18:48
coppycan someone tell me how to make the bluetooth start automatically when the system boots? It used to boot automatically, now Ihave to enable it manually18:50
monkeyofavonHi! I'm having problems with my new AMD GPU. So, I already have integrated Intel HD graphics and after installing the new card in my box, I can't seem to make use of the new GPU. If I plug the screen to the new card I do get a proper picture, but it's not smooth by any measure. The Intel graphics work as usual.18:50
Richard_Cavellcoppy: Luxury!  I want mine to start disabled, and it won't18:50
ducassemonkeyofavon: did you set the new card as primary in the bios?18:51
monkeyofavonI looked through the BIOS, but found no such setting!18:51
coppyRichard_Cavell: Normally I wouldn't mind. But my father is disabled, and cannot use his laptop without the devices that are bluetooth18:52
Chankdoesnt seem to actually work though18:57
Chankso if i dump my preseed on the disk instead of off the network it seems to properly get a dhcp address19:01
Chankwhich begs the question of why the restart doesnt work19:01
hdonducasse, which authentication methods are enabled by default in proftpd?19:05
hdoni can't find anything in the configuration file that isn't commented out about authentication methods. am i right in assuming that zero authentication methods are enabled by default?19:06
warri0rrprobably only guests?19:06
warri0rrJust guessing19:06
ioriahdon, pam, i guess19:07
hdonioria, none of my normal logins seem to work, though19:07
ioriahdon, sy, i don't use it :(19:08
ducassehdon: no idea, i don't use ftp at all any longer19:08
hdonyeah, who would? :)19:09
ioriahdon, any particular reason why youo're using it ?19:11
ducassehdon: iirc there is an ubuntu wiki page on setting it up, check that19:12
deratoulhey a;;19:19
deratoulwill you helo me please? I have download pysol FC editon but I cannot install it on LUBUNTU19:19
deratouli have both pysol.py and setup.py but non seems to be working19:20
zacky83Hi everybody , I am looking for a command to allow a user to only read and write to a certain directory (forbidding him to browse elsewhere19:21
ducasse!chroot | zacky83 you can use something like this, depending on exactly what you want19:24
ubottuzacky83 you can use something like this, depending on exactly what you want: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot19:24
kapuI'm new to Ubuntu, I usually run OpenBSD. I recently had to support Ubuntu so I have a lenovo laptop set up with it now. why does "set guifont=Anonymous19:25
kapuI'm new to Ubuntu, I usually run OpenBSD. I recently had to support Ubuntu so I have a lenovo laptop set up with it now. why does "set guifont=Anonymous\ Pro\ 14" fail in vimrc?19:25
kapui don't get ubuntu19:26
zacky83in fact I want to restrict a user login to only do things inside a directory (and subdirectories ) but to forbid to go anywhere else and to forbid any read and write operation outside this directory19:26
kapucan someone show me a working vimrc with guifont declaration?19:26
zacky83ubottu ,is that possible ?19:29
ubottuzacky83: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:29
oerhekskapu, try: guifont=Anonymous\ Pro\ for\ Powerline:h14 >>  https://gist.github.com/kayzhu/241811619:30
oerhekskapu, or check the fonts name19:30
zacky83ducasse , is taht possible ?19:30
ducassezacky83: that's basically what a chroot is for19:33
zacky83ducasse , what is the command to chroot a certain directory for user BOB19:35
ducassezacky83: read the link in the factiod, you need to set things up properly19:36
kapuoerheks: tried it ty, no joy19:36
kapueven tried maual setting via menu, then dumping with mkv19:36
kapubah, no big deal really19:37
ducassekapu: works fine here, is the font properly installed? any terminal output when you launch gvim?19:37
kapubut frustrating somewhat19:37
kapuno terminal output, no errors19:37
kapuweird it works via menu but not vimrc19:37
kapubah, to heck with it19:37
kapuits not like i'm going to use it for much anyways19:38
zacky83ducasse,  this seem very complex to do !19:38
ducassezacky83: it's not very complex, but it needs to be done properly19:38
oerhekskapu, did you update the font cache? sudo fc-cache -f -v19:41
ricardobarbosamshi its possible setting interfaces on ubuntu server with EUI-64(slaac, stateless autoconfiguration)?19:52
=== thinkt4nk is now known as some
=== some is now known as foooooooooooo
=== foooooooooooo is now known as thinkt4nk
martian67ricardobarbosams, it should do so automaticly19:55
martian67if there is a RA responder on the network19:56
vimeshello! Trying to download a jar file to my ubuntu server from github, but it only downloads a php file. pressing it works fine. Any one know a command to get the jar? url is https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/releases/tag/v3.5.0-dev19:56
vimesI want the top two (FACE and FAVS)19:56
martian67aka something running radvd or similar19:56
ricardobarbosamsmartian67: hi thanks for responde, then into router cisco i setting20:00
ricardobarbosamsinterface fastethernet 0/020:00
ricardobarbosamsipv6 address xxxxx/64 eui-6420:00
ricardobarbosamsmartian67: The router configures the remaining 64 bits with the mac using the EUI-64 method20:01
ricardobarbosamsmartian67: i setting20:02
ricardobarbosamsiface eth0 inet6 static20:02
ricardobarbosams   address xxxxx20:02
ricardobarbosamsnetmask 6420:02
ricardobarbosams        autoconf 120:02
ricardobarbosams        accept_ra 120:02
ricardobarbosamsbut not work20:02
camjac251Has anyone had this issue with 17.04?  ImportError: libssl.so.1.0.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:13
the_ki'm installing ubuntu server on a laptop and only need the most basic minimal desktop there is as i'll only be running a browser with one tab open on it. which desktop from the installation list should i choose?20:31
the_kubuntu MATE minimal?20:32
leftyfbthe_k: there are better solutions for a kiosk20:32
the_kah ok20:32
the_kwell it's not a kiosk20:33
the_kit is a display for a couple of rtsp feeds20:33
the_kor would you call that a kiosk? i don't know20:34
leftyfbthe_k: https://www.risevision.com20:37
leftyfbthe others I know about seem to only run on a pi20:37
warri0rrprobably LXDE as it is lighter20:38
the_kthis supports multiple rtsp streams?20:38
leftyfbthe_k: you said there would only be a single browser page open20:39
the_ki don't see a features page on the site20:39
warri0rrwhat about no window manager and using xinit directly^20:39
the_kah, yes and that page will be displaying streams via html520:39
the_kpretty sure it's html520:39
the_ki'm running zoneminder, it requires a browser to display not just the feeds but also the recordings20:41
the_kjust trying to refresh my memory of x20:42
jjeratpoison would be my suggestion20:42
bipulDo anyone know how to fix this issue?20:43
the_kjje, so you can have multiple windows?20:43
the_kthat's not what i need if that's what you mean20:43
the_k"minimalist" and "configurable".[6] Jeff Covey found it "lightning fast and perfectly stable"20:44
the_ksounds good though20:44
jjefull screen widow manager very nice.20:45
the_ki only need one window20:45
the_kwith one browser with one tab, full screen20:45
warri0rrxinit /usr/bin/firefox20:45
the_kok and xinit is installed with ubuntu basic tools?20:46
the_k"basic ubuntu server" option in the installer20:46
warri0rrI don't know if newer versions have x1120:46
the_kor i can just apt-get it20:46
warri0rryou can install it from repo20:46
the_kyep, ok cool20:46
the_ki think i'll try that first20:46
the_kcan install firefox from apt-get too right?20:47
the_kok great20:47
warri0rrcheck out man xinit for more documentation20:47
the_kok thanks WARBIRD19920:47
the_kerm.. warri0rr20:47
the_ktoo many people here :)20:47
warri0rrlol :D20:48
oerhekssudo apt-get install <desktop> –no-install-recommends20:59
leftyfb-bash: desktop: No such file or directory21:03
oerheksoh, bug a filereport please21:04
leftyfbon it21:04
warri0rrfile a bugreport21:04
warri0rrreport a filebug21:04
courrierThe Bluetooth of my 16.04 finds a list of devices but clicking on them has no effect, any idea how to fix this?21:04
Schnabeltierchenhi guys, it may be a little bit offtopic, but do someone know where to find people keen with the automation of clonezilla?21:20
raubDoes http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25165226/ mean smartcl and fdisk think the drive has different sizes?21:22
Bashing-omSchnabeltierchen: See what ' /msg alis list clonezilla ' in your status window shows for channels .21:23
Schnabeltierchenyeah, i found this channel already, joined it and saw a bunch of idling-bncs21:24
courrierbluetoothctl gives org.bluez.Error.Failed when trying to connect manually :(21:24
pavlosraub: fdisk cannot 'see' over 2T, try gdisk21:30
msev-can i do sudo cat /dev/null > /var/log/syslog21:40
msev-if the syslog file is huge and i want to reclaim some disk space21:40
foamzIs this available for download anywhere?21:41
pavlosmsev-: you can even try, > /var/log/syslog (in bash, > will empty the target file)21:45
the_kjust took an hour or so to install ubuntu server (admittedly in the background not paying full attention) only to end up with an unbootable drive22:09
the_kwas asked if i'd like to install grub as it was the only O/S on the disk. <Y> .. unbootable...22:09
the_khave had that a few times with ubuntu, anyone know what it is that causes it?22:09
Bashing-omthe_k: USB installer ? where the USB is seen as 'sda' and the installer defaults to installing grub onto the USB ?? maybe ??22:13
the_ksda must have been the usb drive22:14
the_kso people assume that sda is the first drive because it's the first option and there is nothing to suggest otherwise22:14
the_kmaybe not users that are more experienced with linux, but ubuntu is designed to be accessible for newbies too isn't it?22:15
infotekhas anyone installed ubuntu on an old intel 32bit macbook pro 1,122:15
the_kit should at least say the size and make/model/serial of the drives it can install to22:15
infotekthe_k: ubuntu is pretty easy to use on commodity PC hardware.22:16
snowcatmancan someone help me with a java issue. needing java oracle 8 jdk to be defualt but finding openjdk is comming up insted.22:17
the_kbut installing it blindly is a bit stupid22:17
the_khow can it be expected for a newbie to *nix to know whether sda or sdb, etc is their HDD?22:18
the_kand this is such an easy thing to fix22:18
the_klike i say, just show the make/serial. is that hard?22:19
infoteksnowcatman: you need to setup the environment variables and link the binary in your PATH before the openjdk22:19
campitorhi there everyone22:20
infotekthe_k: you can get the serial and make model of your drives.22:20
campitorif I format my usb disk to ext4, and install everything, inclusing the bootloader directly on it, will I be able to use it ?22:20
campitorwill that work?22:20
infotekcampitor: if your bios supports booting from udb, yes.22:21
campitorcause with presistent space enabled update feature of the ubuntu doesn't seem to work perfectly22:21
campitoryes it does support booting from usb22:21
campitorso I can install on usb just like i am installing on a hard disk, right infotek ?22:21
tomreynthe_k: i agree showing disk labels and identifiers in addition to device names on this prompt on the ubuntu server installer would be better, i've been in the same situation. i do not know whether it is an easy change. i think it would be good to search for an existing feature request regarding this and to add one if none exists.22:22
infotekcampitor: yes.  flash might not be the best option. usb to external harddrive drive would be best.22:23
campitorwhat do you mean 'not the best option'?22:23
campitorplease don't get me worried22:23
campitorI have a kind of anxiety disorder22:24
infotekflash does not last long if written to often22:24
tomreynthe_k: on a side note, i think that some previous linux experience can be assumed if you're working with the *server* installation.22:24
campitorbut I am not going to use not that often22:24
campitorI mean it is very temp22:24
sleehi, is there a way to have only 1 pc download updates and have all other pcs update from that one so i don't have to download updates for each individual pc?22:25
slee...all pcs are running same distro22:25
Bashing-omcampitor: You may like it like this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1958073 <- Howto make USB boot drives.22:26
campitorslee : one way would probably be using squid. but there are other posibilities as well22:26
campitorBashing-om thank you22:26
sleecampitor, is there a specofoc term for this i can search/research?22:27
infotekslee: what is the distro?22:27
sleexubuntu 16.0422:27
Bashing-omcampitor: np . Enjoy the walk on our side :)22:27
infotekslee: you can create you own local apt repository.22:28
infoteksame for rpm distros. service providers that hosts hundreds of servers do this all the time.22:28
tomreynslee: search terms for a web search: ubuntu apt proxy cache22:28
sleethanks guys22:28
snowcatmani have used java -version, javac -version, echo $JAVA_HOME, and i see openjdk there instead of oracle 8 jdk. any help would be apritiated thank you.22:29
infoteksnowcatman: where is you jave jdk installed?22:30
|Night|hmm I cannot get chown to work on some folders in /mnt/22:30
infotek|Night|: the filesystem readonly?22:30
the_k<infotek> yes if you have linux installed and write the command that you learnt ?22:30
the_kor can you do that from the installer?22:30
|Night|infotek:  nop, it is entire drirves in /mnt/22:30
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
infotek|Night|: what filesystem was the partition formatted as?22:31
snowcatmanecho $JAVA_HOME gives me this. /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java22:31
snowcatmanbut javac -version gives me this javac 1.8.0_13122:32
snowcatmanwitch is open jdk i think22:32
|Night|infotek:  at first i thought it was one of the ntfs drives but it was not it was ext4, I'm migrating to ext as I replace drives 3 left22:33
infoteksnowcatman: is /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/ in your PATH ?22:33
snowcatmanbrb getting food in the house less then 5 min.22:34
infotek|Night|: look in /etc/mtab for strange options.22:34
|Night|infotek: /dev/sda /mnt/10TB29042017 ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,data=ordered 0 022:35
|Night|is the drive in question22:35
|Night|It does not match up with others, and I am unable to unmount it even it -km tags22:36
infotek|Night|: you can not unmount the device?22:36
snowcatmanok back22:36
|Night|nop i tried from both termainl and gui, I cannot find it in fstab so Ill add it there and remount22:37
|Night|but cant even unmount to do that22:37
|Night|umount: /mnt/10TB29042017: target is busy22:37
|Night|(In some cases useful info about processes that22:37
|Night|use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1).)22:37
infotek|Night|: fuser /dev/sda or the file path should tell you what process has it locked.22:37
snowcatmanok took this from my terminal https://hastebin.com/nilumonuku.rb22:38
infotektry also the mount location22:38
|Night|/mnt/10TB29042017:    27314c 28771c22:39
infoteksnowcatman: that might be the oracle version22:40
infotekthe version detail matches22:40
|Night|infotek:  fuser -k /mnt/10TB... s till does nothing22:41
infotekwhat are those processes ? 27314c 28771c22:42
|Night|i manged to kill it had to kill in both /dev/ and mnt22:42
infotek|Night|: if you read the fuser man page, the "c" means that process has the resource set as it's "current directory"22:44
|Night|I have not that open in any instance eiter in screen or over smb22:44
infotek|Night|: the method of access is less important to me. more important is what are the processes and how can you stop them. smb my come up if you need to stop smbd server in order to free up the resource22:46
|Night|infotek: indeed.22:46
infotek|Night|: wasn't trying to be a dick. just trying to be clear as to the reason for my line of questions.22:47
|Night|yeah i understand no offence taken22:48
|Night|i should have checked what you asked prieor to coming here22:48
infotek|Night|: the banter sometimes leads to a solution.  I claim that is why i talk to myself :)22:48
|Night|mind helping with another issue that has been bugging me past hour22:49
infotekshoot. i came here hoping someone has experience with installation on EFI macbooks... doesn't look likely.22:49
|Night|on dirves shared over smb that are foramted as NTFS when i create a new folder user does not get write permisson in it22:50
|Night|so create folder is fine, but writing inside folder it gets other permissions22:50
infoteksnowcatman: can you type in "which java" and "which javac"22:51
TheOneMenzieinfotek: I might be able to help ya22:51
TheOneMenzieHave you read the page for it?22:51
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages22:51
ezeI can't activate the bluetooth of my laptop. I tried everything22:51
ezecan anyone give me a guide?22:51
|Night|since I am unable to set chown, permissions are set to 75522:51
infotek|Night|: so samba is strange in that it does not map well into the unix permissions model.22:52
infotek|Night|: it depends on what mode your server is running into as to the best approach.22:53
|Night|what do you mean by mode22:53
infotekyou can run samba in "share" "ads" "server"(i think this is no longer"22:53
|Night|[mnt] path /mnt/ valid users = night read only = no create mask = 777722:54
infotekso you just have one user "night" ?22:54
|Night|This worked fine on my old build but sicne my SSD dies i had to set up new22:55
|Night|backup of smb.conf are the same22:55
infotekwhen you go to the actual drive, on the local filesystem, who owns the resulting file/directory (user and group) and what are the perms?22:55
|Night|night:night on the acutal drive22:56
|Night|but in /mnt/ it is showns as root22:56
infotek|Night|: so wait, you have a drive attached to a machine22:57
infotek|Night|: you expose that drive via samba22:57
|Night|drwxrwxrwx  on folder inside it, and drwxr-xr-x  on folders created over smb22:58
|Night|infotek: yes i have 10 drives inside it, all ext4 work fine22:58
|Night|and all but this one NTFS22:58
|Night|4x NTFS22:58
LABcrabHello! I am wondering if there is a way to bypass the browser lockout (requires an old browser) page. https://web.archive.org/web/http://downloads.walmart.com/swap/SwapReflectorEntry.do?itemId=6053295&closeWindow=false22:59
snowcatmaninstalling netbeans at the moment. brb22:59
snowcatmanok took this from my terminal https://hastebin.com/nilumonuku.rb22:59
|Night|snowcatman:  fake useragent23:00
|Night|there is a addon to do that in chrome/firefox23:00
tatertotzi have apache/httpd installed and running, want to change the password for the "apache" user, can i use "htpasswd apache" to achieve this task??23:00
infotek|Night|: so this is getting complicated.  you share "/mnt/" via samba and under "/mnt/" you have multiple drives some ntfs and some ext4 ?23:00
LABcrabIs that an answer to me? I'm using that add-on and *still* cannot see the page.23:00
|Night|infotek:  I do, i can pastebin fstab if you want23:00
snowcatmanwhats fake?23:00
infotekpastbin that and smb.conf23:00
|Night|you can emualte IE723:01
|Night|can i pm those to you?23:01
sleehmm..researched the apt cache proxy and found that everyone prefered "squid-deb-proxy"...it's currently in the ubuntu repo, but after installing it and trying to start it, you get an error of 'start: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused"...if i recall, ubuntu stopped using 'upstart' and started using systemd as of 15.0423:01
LABcrabI'm confused.23:01
infoteksnowcatman: you had aleady pasted that.23:02
infotekLABcrab: i thyink the response was to you.23:02
LABcrab|Nigh| Yes please. :-)23:02
LABcrab|Night| Yes please. :-)23:03
|Night|That was for infotek23:03
|Night|LABcrab:  which browwser_23:03
snowcatman|Night| nothing has changed. idk what your asking23:04
LABcrab|Night| I would need to simulate IE6 afaik, but even when I use the user agent switcher, I cannot browse the page. Are you able to display the page?23:04
|Night|well it is on webarchive23:04
|Night|they have archived that page and not accual23:05
|Night|so you wont get far23:05
LABcrabI want the old one.23:05
|Night|well sorry to tell you but the crawler for archive.com did not grab it23:05
|Night|perhasp google has23:05
|Night|what was it?23:05
LABcrabThe link was: http://downloads.walmart.com/swap/SwapReflectorEntry.do?itemId=6053295&closeWindow=false23:06
infotek|Night|: you can pm them.23:06
|Night|LABcrab:  what was it on that page_23:06
LABcrabIt is a music listing. If the page was properly archive, you'll see a music listing on that page. It was a Walmart exclusive, hence why I am posting that link. I cannot find it on the current Walmart website.23:07
|Night|not in google archive either23:08
LABcrabHow would I check the Google archive, in any event?23:08
|Night|so sorry to say it is no longer on the net, perhasp if you email wallmark23:08
|Night|LABcrab:  search url, if  they have a cached version it will come23:08
snowcatmancool, got netbeans installed correctly this time. maven even works. thanks for the help infotek23:10
infoteksnowcatman: yup. not sure what i actually did. i think you were working silently...23:11
|Night|infotek:  looks like i have solved it, it was windows permissions acting up23:11
|Night|pitty there is no simple way to repartition a drive to ext from ntfs without lossing all data23:11
infotekonly back up format and restore files.23:12
|Night|i miss the good old days with partitaion magic before symatic bought it was stoped all dev23:12
|Night|to move around 20TB would take a week >p23:12
infoteki remember those days.23:12
infotekin the future for samaba and group sharing23:13
infotekyou can create a group and make all possible users a memeber of the group. then chown group $dir ; chmod g+s $dir ;23:13
snowcatmanwhat i did was uninstalled java all of it and reinstallen open jdk then oracle jdk and set there home directory. but i dont know what i am doing to much. so i needed to know if i installed them correctly. so i guest that you were right. so continued to install netbeans and see if it all worked out. thank you again23:14
infotekas smbd for each user traverses the $dir the group changes23:14
|Night|any way to remvoe all windows permission on ntfs drives_23:14
|Night|smbd is a strange thing cannt log in with same user from 2 places23:14
infotek|Night|: you can log in as the same user more than once.23:15
|Night|i get error when i try23:15
|Night|both computers are on same subnet23:15
infotek|Night|: another thing you can do is use "force group = " and "force directory mode = "23:15
infotek|Night|: that is not likely samba.23:16
infotek|Night|: in what mode is samba running int"23:16
infotek|Night|: smbd.conf "security = " ?23:17
|Night|How do i check?23:17
LABcrabThanks. Have a nice day.23:17
|Night|infotek:  not configred in smb.conf23:18
infotek|Night|: default appears to be  "security = user"23:19
|Night|yeah figureds as much after reading man23:19
|Night|This is the default setting since Samba-2.2.x.23:19
|Night|since this is home setup i do not have adfs, so domain is out23:20
infotek|Night|: at one time it was "security = share" but that was back in early 2000's23:20
|Night|yeah i rember that23:21
|Night|found a wiki on that with same issue23:21
|Night|client side error23:21
infotek|Night|: you would need to look at the logs from samba to figure out why two computer can not connect as the same user23:21
|Night|som Windows *chocker23:21
infotek|Night|: samba does not care unless there is an account restriction.  I don't think "security = user" would be capable of knowing about a limit.23:23
infotekif it was acting as an active directory server, or referencing one as a member server, there are concepts of advanced restrictions.23:23
|Night|agree, turned out it was a windows error amd net use * / del and net use worked23:24
|Night|had to remove it and readd it for some strange reason23:24
infotekah got.23:24
infotekTheOneMenzie: that article is ver old and insinuates that it just works.  in my case it does not.23:25
|Night|which articale_23:25
infotekTheOneMenzie: it also makes assumptions about preserving the existing OSX partitions, which i did not.23:26
|Night|he lft23:26
illmatixI'm trying to install mongodb but keep getting stuck when it's saying i need version 2.23 of libc6 but it doesn't seem like the mirrors offer it23:45
WhisketWhat would cause /etc/os-release to says 14.04.5 but uname -a to show 14.04.1. I thought these would have been the same. Am I actually on 14.04.1 or 14.04.5?23:54

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