
ninetlsUnit193: that's strange, I tried to use xdt-autogen against tarball but don't see any errors00:00
ninetlsUnit193: try autoreconf --install00:02
Unit193ninetls: I forgot about the xdt-autogen part. :D00:03
Unit193https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/extras/+packages but it's there (no autoreconf this time, not actually needed..)00:04
ninetlsUnit193: using autoreconf agains xfce packages is a bad idea00:04
ninetlsit uses XDT macroses00:04
ninetlsso scripts should always be generated via xdt-autogen instead of autoreconf00:04
Unit193Well you just have to do it properly, not like an idiot....00:05
Unit193override_dh_autoreconf: NOCONFIGURE=1 dh_autoreconf xdt-autogen00:05
Unit193I was just an idiot instead.00:05
ninetlsUnit193: can you build it for 16.04? :D00:05
ninetlsit will work00:05
ninetlsbut I don't know how ppa work so I don't sure00:05
Unit193Sure it'll work, but I'm kind of phasing 16.04 out.  However, if you want it, sure thing.00:06
ninetlsI wanted to show it my friend00:06
Unit193Will be there in a minute.00:07
ninetlsUnit193: I see. thanks00:34
Unit193Nothing else I can do for ye?00:38
ninetlsno, thanks00:39
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r524 Explicitly set background color in stack (Fixes #194)... (by Simon Steinbeiß)00:49
* Unit193 just noticed something!01:15
Unit193bluesabre: Did you move?  +0400 :P01:15
bluesabreUnit193: woops! :D01:15
bluesabreI copy pasted and cheated the package a lot01:15
bluesabreMissed that details :D01:15
Unit193I know,I could tell. :D01:15
Unit193...Now just to get it in.01:16
Unit193bluesabre: https://sigma.unit193.net/source/xfdashboard_0.7.3-0ppa1_i386.build that's a lot of symbol changes and drops...09:06
Unit193Pushed to https://loki.unit193.net/cgit/users/unit193/xfdashboard.git/ in a slightly modified layout.09:11
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfconf 4.13.3 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfconf-4-13-3-released-tp49578.html (by Ali Abdallah-4)12:04
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