
bdxdoes juju big-data have its own irc channel?02:59
bdxdo the big data charms offer a way to decouple hdfs and hadoop?03:00
bdxhttp://docs.ceph.com/docs/kraken/cephfs/hadoop/ < anyone looked into this03:57
kjackalhi bdx, this is the channel for big data charms as well. kwmonroe is leading the big data effort.06:39
kjackalbdx: the abstraction hadoop processing offers over the storage solution is included in the slave+namenode node of the hadoop processing bundle06:41
kjackalbdx: would you be interested in cephfs as an alternative?06:42
kjackalbdx: you might want to make this an official request by opening a feature request issue against the hadoop processing bundle or just send an email to the juju list06:44
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
kjackalbdx: just saw you already brought that to the list. Thank you07:37
armaanjamespage: Hello, I am hitting this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-neutron-gateway/+bug/168404007:57
mupBug #1684040: "Missing relations: network-service" is not covered in metadata nor documentation <OpenStack neutron-gateway charm:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1684040>07:57
armaanMitaka + Trusty environment07:57
jamespagearmaan: do you have the relation between nova-cc and neutron-gateway?08:00
armaanjamespage: After adding the nova-cc and neutron-gateway relation, i get a 'Incomplete relations: network-service' message.08:01
jamespagearmaan: can you make sure you have a relation between nova-cc and neutron-api as well08:01
jamespagearmaan: your message is 'incomplete' rather than 'missing' which has a different meaning - so not quite the same bug08:01
jamespageI think we should probably add the neutron-api - nova-cc relation to REQUIRED_INTERFACES - its been optional in the past to support nova-network based deployments08:02
jamespagebut that feels like a thing of the past08:03
armaanjamespage: Yes, a relation exists between nova-cc and neutron-api as well.08:04
armaanjamespage: ahhh, wait08:04
armaanjamespage: I guess that was the issue, this fixed the problem "juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller neutron-api"08:04
armaanthanks! :)08:04
armaanjamespage: After adding the relation earlier, neutron agents are failing to report their state. http://paste.openstack.org/show/616542/09:57
armaanjamespage: All the services look fine to me http://paste.openstack.org/show/616551/10:13
noopscurrent method of deployment which i m using : juju deploy /charm/mycharm --resource install = "tar file" -to <any-unit> . How can I do that using yaml file if i don't want to provide resource through cli10:31
anrahif you mean bundle? I don't know whether that is possible.. At least it was not some time ago10:33
noopsyes i mean that10:36
noopsSo providing through cli is the only way ?10:37
anrahhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1623217 at least according to that Bug it is not yet resolved10:39
mupBug #1623217: juju bundles should be able to reference local resources <sts> <talisman> <juju:Triaged by ecjones> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623217>10:39
jhobbshow can I specify in the 'machines' section of a bundle, which zone I want a machine in?15:42
jhobbsif I want machine 0 in zone 'zone2' how do I specify that in the bundle?15:43
jhobbsit seems to ignore 'zone' field and says 'zone' is an invalid constraint15:43
thedragonhow easy is it to set up juju?15:44
rick_hjhobbs: which provider?15:45
jhobbsrick_h: maas15:45
thedragonopen stack?15:46
rick_hjhobbs: hmm yea not sure. It looks like zone is supported in the code to get a node, but not sure where that gets maps out to a valid constraint to listen to. I thought it was availability-zone or something on AWS, but normally Juju round-robins zones for unit resilience15:51
jhobbsrick_h: i can do juju deploy cs:ubuntu --to zone=zone315:53
jhobbsthat works fine, i just don't know how to from a bundle15:53
jhobbsi will file a bug15:53
rick_hjhobbs: ah! so it's not a constraint15:54
rick_hjhobbs: it's a placement directive ugh15:54
rick_hjhobbs: and bundles try to parse that as an application name in the bundle vs understanding that zone thing15:54
jhobbsit's a constraint to maas but a placement directive to juju15:55
rick_hjhobbs: so sounds like an issue in how we model that and a bug on the /juju/bundlelib probably15:55
rick_hjhobbs: right, but not something juju does with --constraints "x=y"15:55
jhobbsok, thanks rick_h, i'll file a bug15:55
mupBug #1706704: bundles: no way to specify which zone a machine should be in <cdo-qa> <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1706704>15:58
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
Mmikehi, lads. Is there a way to do a staging, manual upgrade of juju? I'm running juju 2.0.2 and I'd like to go to latest 2.2, but if I allow all of my agents to connect to the stateserver, bad-things-happen17:01
Mmikeso I was thinking, firewalling deployed machines, upgrading stateserver via 'juju upgrade-juju', and then 'manually' (somehow) upgrading the agents17:02
Mmikeis that even an option?17:02
ak_devHi all,  I would like to say that the prototype of the OVN charm is ready, you can deploy pods successfully using that17:04
ak_devThis the charm : cs:~aakashkt/ovn-1317:04
ak_devand the repo : https://github.com/AakashKT/ovn-kubernetes-charm17:04
ak_devI  would also be bringing up issues on the repo soon, as kjackal suggested17:04
ak_devFinally, would like to have you guys review the charm and give your suggestions on what can be improved  / added17:04
ak_devThank you17:04
ak_devMmike : Sorry i posted the message just after yours, dont have an answer to your query, but I am sure somebody else will help out :-)17:05
Mmikeak_dev: no worries :) It's IRC, that's how it works :)17:05
ak_devMmike: Yeah, still kind of new here :-)17:06
natefinchmarcoceppi or arosales (or anyone else who knows):  are there stories for rolling restarts, rolling upgrades, or a/b deployments in Juju yet?20:24
arosalesnatefinch: I believe rolling upgrades aren't a juju-core base function but are modeled through actions and config given the charm author implements such a method.20:35
arosalesnatefinch: for a/b deployments though model migration may be worth taking a look, https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.1/models-migrate20:36
arosaleshth natefinch20:37
natefinchThanks :)20:39
natefinchoh yeah, model migration, forgot about that.  That would be nice.20:39
arosalesnatefinch: model migration does work under the same cloud.20:41
arosalesIf others have thoughts on rolling upgrades please chime in20:41
natefinchwhat's the state of the art in docker support these days?20:44
arosalesnatefinch: modeled by the author at the charm level20:46
arosalesnatefinch: k8 charms are a pretty solid20:48
natefinchyeah, we've kind of decided against k8s because it's so complicated20:49
arosalesya, pending the scale k8's may not be worth the over head. But once its running provides nice features to keep scaled and running20:53
arosalesto keep docker containers scaled and running, that is20:56
natefinchdocker is also a problem for us, since we use a lot of storage-based systems, postgres, cassandra, kafka, etc... and those don't play well with docker by default20:58
tvansteenburghnatefinch: you can leave your storage external at first21:00
tvansteenburghe.g. as mentioned in https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/07/20/run-django-applications-on-the-canonical-distribution-of-kubernetes/21:01
natefinchdoes networking work on AWS yet?21:02
thumpernatefinch: which bit exactly?21:02
natefinchlike creating subnets and assigning services to a specific subnet21:04
thumperyou generally assign applications to spaces, not subnets21:05
thumperif you create a space and put the right subnets in it, then I think it works21:05
natefinchsure.... but the docs say spaces are only supported on MAAS21:05
natefinch"Note: Advanced networking features, such as 'spaces`, are currently only supported by MAAS."21:05
thumperspaces are kinda supported on AWS, but FSVO working21:05
thumperthat is a focus this cycle21:06
natefinchwhat about networking among containerized services?21:19
natefinchthumper, arosales: ^ .   (i.e. last I heard that was still a problem)21:22
arosalesnatefinch: we regularly put applications in lxc containers for OpenStack21:27

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