
Jack_Sparrow!info pauvcontrol01:24
ubottuPackage pauvcontrol does not exist in zesty01:24
Jack_Sparrow!info pavucontrol01:24
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0-3build1 (zesty), package size 111 kB, installed size 732 kB01:24
fokkojello the house?03:15
=== pizzaops_ is now known as pizzaops
Mittenshi guys09:33
Mittensnoone's helping me in main #unbuntu atm, so I'm trying this channel, please. I have a HP laptop windows 10 I'm trying to download UBUNTU unto. (I don't need to keep windows 10, in fact I hate it coz of the constant updating). After some help, I managed to use a universal USB Installer, and I think I downloaded the right ISO09:36
Mittensat this point, my question is as follows: what am I supposed to do now? The operating system on my laptop's the same (win10), I'm assuming something was downloaded onto my flash drive (128gb), but now what? How do I open ubuntu?09:38
sixwheeledbeast^Mittens: You wish to install Ubuntu to replace your Windows 10 installation completely?09:39
sixwheeledbeast^Have you ever done this type of thing before?09:40
Mittensit's my first time09:40
sixwheeledbeast^ok, well if you have a valid Live image on some media (USB) you need to shutdown Win 10 and boot your system to the media.09:41
sixwheeledbeast^This may involve going into your BIOS/UEFI and booting from USB09:42
sixwheeledbeast^Hopefully it will be setup to do that automagically09:42
sixwheeledbeast^What model HP is it?09:43
Mittensum brb09:43
MittensHP... AMD...A6-7310 APU with AMD Radeon R409:45
MittensI shut my comp down and turned it on again09:48
Mittensand HP BIOS Update screen showed up "The system BIOS is being updated" <--- is this a good sign? 0.009:49
sixwheeledbeast^It should boot to an installer and can run though the options.09:49
Mittensyou wont believe how loud this is rn.. xD like a mini vacuuming inside09:50
sixwheeledbeast^Please note there is limited support for AMD APU's I think only and open source driver is available.09:50
Mittensthank you09:50
sixwheeledbeast^has the installer loaded?09:51
Mittensumm I dont think so still on the HP BIOS update screen progress at 100% now09:52
Mittensit says it's restarting and it is restarting "Flashing Boot Block" box is showing09:52
sixwheeledbeast^No idea why it's doing a bios update but ok.09:54
sixwheeledbeast^let it do it's thing09:55
MittensI think its still windows 10 I just logged in09:55
Mittens"This may involve going into your BIOS/UEFI and booting from USB "09:56
Mittensshould I shut down the win10 now and then press Fs to get into BIOS?09:57
sixwheeledbeast^shut down again and let it boot with the USB inserted. If you have an option to "Boot From..." use that09:58
sixwheeledbeast^I imagine you hit an F key that was update BIOS by accident?09:58
sixwheeledbeast^I should plug using ubuntu-mate over ubuntu at this point too ;)09:59
MittensI dunno I think it happened before I hit any key09:59
sixwheeledbeast^ok see what happens this time10:00
MittensPress and hold the Power Button for 5 seconds to turn your computer completely off. Power on the system. As soon as the first logo screen appears, immediately press the F2 key, or the DEL key if you have a desktop, to enter the BIOS.10:00
Mittensnothing happened..10:01
* Mittens tries agaain10:01
sixwheeledbeast^by nothing you mean it boots to Win10?10:01
sixwheeledbeast^HP maybe a different key I would have to check. Maybe F11?10:02
sixwheeledbeast^Mittens: this is what we are trying to do https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c0036497910:03
sixwheeledbeast^Set boot to USB before the hard drive, or select USB manually10:04
MittensI cant figure it out... thanks for helping mee I wil have to retry tomorrow coz its 3am here... gnite and thanku god bless10:12
MittensI cant figure it out... thanks for helping mee I wil have to retry tomorrow coz its 3am here... gnite and thanku god bless10:12
ahmadplease how can i add a new dictionary to my dictionary list?13:40
=== ubuntu-mate is now known as madsage
madsagestill <3 Mate16:04
madsagethank you for the work/project16:04
ouroumov_hi madsage16:05
ouroumov_madsage, 17.10 alpha 2 images are ready for testing if you want. ^^16:05
madsagewhere is changelog, i'll look at the website16:06
madsagesure I will help.16:07
madsagewhy not16:07
madsageI usually try some cazy shit. like compiz+emerald16:08
ouroumov_madsage, it's not released yet so there's no release announcement / changelog, but basically16:08
ouroumov_loads of bug fixes16:08
ouroumov_and wimpy landed a HUD implementation for some of the panel layouts16:08
madsagehmm interesting16:08
madsagethanx wimpy16:09
madsageok where do i get the iso. got it16:09
ouroumov_sorry wrong c/c16:09
madsageok sweet16:09
madsageand defect submittal? forum for that?16:10
madsagei'll register and look around.16:10
madsagewill 17.10 be LTS? i guess i can look at their roadmap16:19
madsageor thats will be in 18.x maybe'16:19
krabadormadsage, not16:19
ouroumov_nah next lts is 18.0416:19
krabadormadsage, 18.04 will.16:19
madsagegot it. thanks16:20
Jack_SparrowBe brave, give Mint Mate 18.2 a test drive16:20
madsageits ok. I'm upgrading to 17.x for the intel 01.com acceleration support. i'll find out of it has any issues with 17.10 :)16:21
madsagewill do16:21
madsagei'll be testing the manual partition install. :)16:28
madsagesee if it blows up my windows. hah  no loss there16:29
madsageno work today, so I got time to look and check it out16:30
madsagewhere you guys located mostly. i'm in Arizona USA.  just curious where Mate calls home.16:30
madsageprob all over like any other project16:31
Jack_SparrowSo Cal Here16:35
Jack_SparrowNiece is in Phoenix16:35
madsageahh, nice today. overcast. but been hot as hell. heh july in Phoenix16:36
madsagesame here Phoenix area also16:36
madsageok brb, i'll dd this iso to USB16:37
Jack_SparrowNo USB image writer ?16:37
Jack_Sparrow!find usb-image16:38
ubottuPackage/file usb-image does not exist in zesty16:38
Jack_Sparrowmintstick -m iso16:39
Jack_Sparrow!info mintstick16:39
ubottuPackage mintstick does not exist in zesty16:39
Jack_Sparrow!find mintstick16:39
ubottuPackage/file mintstick does not exist in zesty16:39
Jack_Sparrow!info abs-guide16:54
ubottuabs-guide (source: abs-guide): The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10-2 (zesty), package size 1021 kB, installed size 4366 kB16:54
=== sage__ is now known as madsage
madsagecool. 17.10 artful :)18:09
madsagelooks great18:09
madsagei did install with manual partitioning. it went fine. I'll mark it success.  I tried the live option first but, it didnt work. got to desktop and couldnt click anything.18:11
=== sage__ is now known as madsage
=== idontknow is now known as Guest52155
Guest52155hi xd19:03
Guest52155what its that?19:03
Jack_SparrowSpanish backwards ?19:04
Jack_SparrowHola madsage19:04
madsageguess he never been to hawaii19:04
madsagenew mate 18.2 is working nicely19:05
Jack_Sparrowlurking mostly19:05
Jack_Sparrowmint mate 18.2 here19:05
madsageI think I just pulled in a nightly 17.10 build19:05
madsageon buntu19:06
madsagemint is buntu also init?19:06
madsagei've stuck with ubuntu mate. havnt tried the others. just a kali/debian rolling19:07
Jack_Sparrowhttps://gist.github.com/38b98f12647b0f605bef453228f90b65     this system info19:07
Jack_Sparrowkali has been causing issues and not playing well with the others19:07
Jack_Sparrowubuntu and mint very similar19:08
Jack_Sparrowso this one is 18.119:08
madsageyeah xenial19:09
madsagei see that19:09
Jack_Sparrowive been running both19:09
madsagei was feeling brave today19:09
madsageUbuntu Artful Aardvark (development branch) \n \l19:10
madsagehows that atom run for you. ok?19:11
Jack_SparrowI love it19:11
madsagequad i see also19:11
Jack_Sparrownothing special19:11
madsagei seen some 16core atoms recently19:12
Jack_SparrowI have 4 asus that were only 250 on amazon.. all quads19:12
madsageat intel19:12
madsagefor the autonomous car stuff19:12
madsagegroup next to me. my last contract19:13
madsagethought it would be cool to have one of those boards19:14
madsagei had zenphone with atom in it. loved it19:15
madsagewe should be seeing a bunch of new iten arm stuff soon. fab42 is firing up to make a billion x64 10nm arm samples19:16
Jack_SparrowI gotta run wife calls19:16
douxIs there a way to have new opened windows snap automatically to the position they were before they were closed?19:46
douxOr at least snap to one half or the other19:47
douxautomatically on open.19:47
Akulisome programs remember the window position and put the window to the same place, but i'm not aware of a general way19:48
douxAkuli, thanks19:48
Akulione handy thing you can do is to hold down alt and drag the window from anywhere19:48
Akulilike really anywhere on it, right in the middle if you like19:49
Akulidoes the same thing as dragging it from the title bar19:49
douxwow. I went to move an icon on the top panel and both have disappeared. Help!19:56
douxbottom panel disappeared as well is what I meant by both.19:57
frank_any one how can help20:17
sixwheeledbeast^Hold down Alt? Doesn't work here.20:31
Jack_Sparrow!info dd23:59
ubottuPackage dd does not exist in zesty23:59

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