
lubot5Sanjay was added by: Sanjay03:59
lubot5<tsimonq2> @Sanjay, Welcome!03:59
lubot5<Sanjay> @tsimonq2, Thank you!!!04:00
lubot5<Schyken> @tsimonq2, Getting that smexy LxQt on right now :P04:20
lubot5<tsimonq2> :P04:20
lubot5<Schyken> I've actually been stalking the LxQt GitHub, thinking I can start my dev journey there :304:21
lubot5<tsimonq2> s/LxQt/LXQt/ (it was renamed)04:22
lubot5And yeah, that would be wonderful! :D04:22
lubot5<Schyken> Ah, I'm so used to the up/low/up/low case spelling04:22
lubot5<Schyken> SoMeTiMeS iT's JuSt FoR tHe BeSt04:23
lubot5<Schyken> :P04:23
lubot5<tsimonq2> lol04:23
lubot5<Schyken> Jeez, it took me so fricking long to type that04:24
lubot5<Schyken> I might have carpal tunnel now04:24
lubot5<tsimonq2> lol04:24
lubot5<Schyken> I need some form of tie-in that auto cases my typing whenever I wanna be eDgY04:25
wxlit's called a plugin for your irc client04:25
lubot5<Schyken> I don't IRC :P04:26
lubot5<tsimonq2> Oh HAI wxl!04:26
wxlmight be able to make the bot do it04:26
tsimonq2wxl: Ok, while you're here04:26
lubot5<Schyken> Lol, @tsimonq2 Imma commandeer your bot 😆04:26
tsimonq2wxl: The move to dhcpcd made Lubuntu's networking (both on Lubuntu Next and stock Lubuntu) just flat out not work on laptops04:27
lubot5<Schyken> Well that's not great :304:27
tsimonq2wxl: Because ifupdown etc. isn't set up with it from what I can tell in convos with cyphe  r  mox.04:27
tsimonq2wxl: Basically we have two options:04:28
tsimonq2 1. Ship Alpha 2 tomorrow with a notice.04:28
tsimonq2 2. Swap out the packages in the seed and respin the images. This'll fix the problem.04:28
tsimonq2wxl: I pinged Julien but I don't know what to do. You're also a Lubuntu RM, what should we do? :)04:29
wxlthat's a real bummer04:29
wxlit's terrible we didn't notice this before04:29
wxlbut i'm sure it took real hardware04:29
tsimonq2And it's also a real bummer that it took us THIS freaking long to notice it04:29
lubot5<Schyken> I'm going to go stare at GitHub and figure out wtf this stuff means :D *nicholas cage face intensifies*04:29
tsimonq2Yeah it took real hardware04:30
wxlmy vote is #204:30
tsimonq2Yes? :)04:30
wxlis there a known fix?04:30
wxlrather, workaround?04:30
wxlwell then a notice ain't going to do it.04:30
tsimonq2wxl: Not at all. I wated TWO HOURS trying to find one.04:30
wxldefinitely #204:31
tsimonq2wxl: Do you have commit access to the seed or do I need to prepare an MP for Julien to review? :)04:31
lubot5<Schyken> Oh, all of this stuff is on Launchpad, isn't it?04:31
lubot5<tsimonq2> @Schyken, yep04:31
lubot5<Schyken> ffs, I've been staring at the manual04:31
wxli don't think i have access to the seed04:32
tsimonq2wxl: Ok, I'll prepare an MP before I go to sleep04:32
tsimonq2wxl: I wish there was a nice alternative in Bazaar for git revert :/04:32
wxlwe need to get everything under git!04:33
wxli'm surprised everything everywhere hasn't switched yet04:33
tsimonq2wxl: Honestly that's actually possible, I've poked around in the code04:33
tsimonq2Technically Canonical STILL maintains Bazaar04:33
wxlthey also maintain LP and it's been adding more and more git support04:34
wxlin fact, that's the one major thing it HAS added recently04:34
tsimonq2wxl: But I had to poke into the code for something unrelated and it's pretty damn simple.04:34
tsimonq2Now the question is, is Lubuntu going to be the flavor that starts the Bazaar boycotting? :P04:34
wxlwhy not?04:35
tsimonq2wxl: Because right now I COULD totally write that PR and convert the Bazaar repo to a Git one, then pester Julien to upload it to the Launchpad Git space for ~kubuntu-dev :P04:35
wxlmaybe let's reach out to other flavor leads, ubuntu-devel, etc. and see what thoughts are on that matter04:36
tsimonq2wxl: Well the question is, is there a good reason for actually doing it besides the fact that Bazaar sucks donkey balls?04:36
wxlwell git provides many more features04:37
wxlit's also far more common04:37
wxlwhich should help newer developers04:37
tsimonq2For sure04:37
wxlplus it will help BRAND new developers figure out how to push upstream changes04:37
tsimonq2For sure04:38
tsimonq2wxl: Have you followed the work the Ubuntu Server Team has been doing to import all their packaging into Git?04:38
lubot5<Schyken> @wxl, This interests me :304:38
tsimonq2That's a thing04:38
wxlthat's great04:38
tsimonq2The goal is to make driveby contributions super easy04:38
wxlwe should ask them what their experiences/challenges are04:38
tsimonq2And in general make everything easy04:38
tsimonq2wxl: So I'll ponder it and when I'm ready I'll give you another ping with my plan04:40
tsimonq2In the meantime, I'll prepare my MP in a bit04:40
wxlmight have wulfie track down the boss04:40
lubot5<tsimonq2> @VikingRedwolf WOLF!04:40
lubot5<tsimonq2> @VikingRedwolf see above04:40
tsimonq2wxl: there ;)04:40
wxlyou have testers available to double check the respins?04:41
tsimonq2Erm, not off hand04:41
tsimonq2wxl: But I've been promoting the Telegram group everywhere04:41
wxlmight be good to round some up and have them at the ready04:41
wxli've noticed XD04:41
tsimonq2We have 27 people now in this Telegram group!04:41
wxlthat's good04:41
lubot5<Schyken> Testars?04:41
wxli hope it encourages some more participation04:41
tsimonq2So we should have some people who would be able to test04:41
lubot5<Schyken> *testers?04:41
wxlsounds like Schyken is ready XD04:42
lubot5<Schyken> Need someone to run it on a lappy?04:42
lubot5<Schyken> I'm always ready :304:42
tsimonq2wxl: Otherwise when I sent my call for testing I also included the lubuntu-users list and we got more testers than usual from the regulars on the lubuntu-users list04:42
tsimonq2So I might do that in the future04:42
lubot5<tsimonq2> @Schyken, Yay!04:42
tsimonq2But yeah, I need to take a shower04:43
wxlgood luck with that04:43
lubot5<Schyken> Steamy04:43
tsimonq2Have a good night wxl, I know you have a bedtime :P04:43
wxlyep unlike some people XD04:43
tsimonq2tru XD04:43
tsimonq2bai o/04:43
lubot5<Schyken> @tsimonq2 moist or damp?04:43
lubot5<tsimonq2> (Voice, 1s) http://vps.tsimonq2.net:9090//5172402223782559753.oga04:44
lubot5<tsimonq2> (Voice, 1s) http://vps.tsimonq2.net:9090//5172402223782559754.oga04:44
lubot5<Schyken> 😆 hahahahah04:44
lubot5<tsimonq2> j04:46
lubot5<tsimonq2> I'll be up in 6-7 hours and when I get up, I'll submit that MP and get the ball rolling on testing. Night everyone!05:48
lubot5<Schyken> Woot woot! Farewell05:49
lubot5<julienlavergne> @tsimonq2, Last time I checked you needed to manually start dhcpcd daemon to make it work06:05
lubot5<julienlavergne> I can revert the change tonight if it's necessary, it is sill early on the release process06:06
lubot5<julienlavergne> Ah... We are already Thursday :-/06:09
lubot5<Schyken> @julienlavergne, I'm still Wednesday! There's still time! 😆 :P06:10
lubot5<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne, It still didn't work when I did it.06:11
lubot5<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne, Please do, we can test more after the release.06:11
lubot5<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne, It's no big deal, the two people publishing it for all of the flavors are in US ;)06:11
lubot5<Schyken> @tsimonq2, Isn't it past your bedtime :306:12
lubot5<tsimonq2> @Schyken, Noooo :P06:12
lubot5<Schyken> @tsimonq2, HUEHUEHUE Allow me to snark06:12
lubot5<julienlavergne> @tsimonq2, OK but tonight is in 10 h for me :-/06:22
lubot5<julienlavergne> We can keep dhcpcd on the LXQt ISO, less critical and it will be easier to fix it06:24
lubot5<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne, 10 hours is 1 PM my time, you'll be fine if you do it then. :)06:24
lubot5<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne, That works for me.06:24
lubot5<tsimonq2> It'll also give us something to test.06:25
lubot5lbssousa was added by: lbssousa12:05
flexiondotorgtsimonq2 Do you have an ETA for the Aplha 2 release?15:11
flexiondotorgWho is pulling the leavers at let loose the isos?15:11
tsimonq2flexiondotorg: I think slangasek is. Regardless, we're all in the US...15:50
tsimonq2flexiondotorg: I'm thinking anywhere between 2-7 PM Central Time, depending on a couple things.15:51
lubot5<julienlavergne> Just arrive home to see to change merged :-)17:00
lubot5<tsimonq2> Yep :)17:00
lubot5<tsimonq2> (Document) http://vps.tsimonq2.net:9090//1-80.debdiff17:00
lubot5<tsimonq2> @tsimonq2, @julienlavergne I haven't been able to find a sponsor, if you could upload for me, that would be great. :)17:00
lubot5<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne Also while you're here, this needs looking at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-meta/+bug/163391317:00
lubot5<tsimonq2> nvm https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-meta/0.8017:12
lubot5<julienlavergne> @tsimonq2, Is Ubuntu Studio fixed ? Because I didn't touch this part of the seed, and there is a fix in cdimage for them, but not for us : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/ubuntu-cdimage/mainline/revision/166517:18
lubot5<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne, Oh, what? O_o17:18
lubot5<julienlavergne> Obviously, we want pool/ on the image ...17:18
lubot5<tsimonq2> For sure, I agree17:19
lubot5<julienlavergne> @tsimonq2, See the title of the bug report17:19
lubot5<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne, I'm aware, I just didn't know it was fixed for Ubuntu Studio :)17:19
lubot5<tsimonq2> Anyways, I'll dig into that code right now and get an MP. I'll poke someone on IRC and when it gets approved, I'll rebuild the images for Alpha 2.17:20
lubot5<tsimonq2> That way, fix two bugs with one rebuild, as they say. ;)17:20
lubot5<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne This is interesting...17:24
lubot5<tsimonq2> ```        elif mode == "ship-live":17:24
lubot5            if project == "kubuntu-active":17:25
lubot5                yield "ship-active-live"17:25
lubot5            else:17:25
lubot5                if series >= "dapper":17:25
lubot5                    yield "ship-live"```17:25
lubot5<tsimonq2> So for some reason, Lubuntu live images aren't being picked up by that mode.17:25
lubot5<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne Oh wait, this is *our* problem17:30
lubot5<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne Look at Ubuntu Studio's ship-live: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.artful/view/head:/ship-live17:31
lubot5<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne Now look at ours: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/lubuntu.artful/view/head:/ship-live17:31
lubot5<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne I wonder if the tooling knows to pick up ship-live-share and then the respective ship-{gtk,qt}17:32
lubot5<julienlavergne> Ah, probably not :-/17:36
lubot5<tsimonq2> I'm patching the tooling right now.17:36
lubot5<tsimonq2> I'll have an MP for you in less than 30 mins17:36
lubot5<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne https://code.launchpad.net/~tsimonq2/ubuntu-cdimage/different-ship-live-names-lubuntu/+merge/32818217:54
lubot5<tsimonq2> Alright, that's landed, the images are building now.18:14
lubot5<tsimonq2> Hopefully this can be fixed.18:14
lubot5<Schyken> @tsimonq2, You are one with the force, the force is with you18:27
lubot5<Schyken> (Photo, 523x712) http://i.imgur.com/P7AA6NN.jpg I've got the page on auto-refresh every five seconds 😆18:32
lubot5<tsimonq2> @Schyken, I'll yell your way once they're ready. :P18:33
lubot5<Schyken> @tsimonq2, Can you tell I like being impatient? 😆18:33
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Artful Alpha 2] has been updated (20170727)18:34
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop i386 [Artful Alpha 2] has been updated (20170727)18:34
lubot5<tsimonq2> @Schyken Go go go!18:34
lubot5<Schyken> @tsimonq2, +1 for the server being slow :P18:35
lubot5<Schyken> It's not been indexed yet18:36
lubot5<Schyken> I cri18:36
lubot5<Schyken> THERE WE GO18:37
lubot5<Schyken> I was getting saucy for a moment18:38
lubot5<Schyken> Tfw you accidentally save the file into your torrents folder and create a torrent :S18:40
lubot5<julienlavergne> @tsimonq2, Great ! Thanks :-)18:45
lubot5<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne, You're welcome, now let's see if it worked. ;)18:45
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Next Desktop amd64 [Artful Alpha 2] has been updated (20170727)19:05
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Next Desktop i386 [Artful Alpha 2] has been updated (20170727)19:05
lubot5<Schyken> WOOT WOOT19:12
lubot5<tsimonq2> @Schyken Hey, so do you have access to the ISO QA Tracker?19:19
lubot5<Schyken> @tsimonq2, I don't know tbh19:19
lubot5<tsimonq2> @Schyken, Do you have a Launchpad acct?19:19
lubot5<Schyken> @tsimonq2, I do :D19:19
lubot5<tsimonq2> Go here, log in: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/379/builds19:19
lubot5<Schyken> OOH! This is cool19:20
lubot5<tsimonq2> @Schyken Go to a specific test case, submit an In Progress result, and run through the test case. When that's done, change your result to pass/fail.19:20
lubot5<tsimonq2> @Schyken Once all the mandatory tests are done, I mark as ready.19:20
lubot5<Schyken> Fantastic :D I'll get to it :)19:21
tsimonq2I am proud to report that No Network installs now work fine with Lubuntu Artful Aardvark Alpha 2!20:31
lubot5GabrielSC was removed by: GabrielSC20:32
lubot5<tsimonq2> @GabrielSC, bai20:32
lubot5<Schyken> Wait @tsimonq2 there's no networking at all?20:41
tsimonq2We fixed that.20:41
lubot5<Schyken> Are you sure?20:41
tsimonq2It's just that you can now install Lubuntu with no network access.20:41
tsimonq2Yes, in the desktop images. The Alternate images are respinning now.20:42
lubot5<Schyken> I'm booted into live right now and I cant even connect to a network20:42
lubot5<Schyken> Maybe I'm doing something wrong20:42
tsimonq2@Schyken Make sure you have the latest image.20:42
lubot5<Schyken> @tsimonq2, I do, rebooting just to double check everything20:43
lubot5<tsimonq2> Ok :P20:43
lubot5<Schyken> Hmm20:45
lubot5<Schyken> Still no networking20:47
lubot5<tsimonq2> Weird20:47
lubot5<tsimonq2> idk20:47
lubot5<Schyken> I'll try it on another machine and see if I get the same problem20:47
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate i386 [Artful Alpha 2] has been updated (20170727.1)20:48
lubot5<tsimonq2> Because it connects fine for me :/20:48
wxlif you're testing with real hardware and especially if it's wifi your issue may be the card (read: broadcom sucks)20:49
lubot5<Schyken> @wxl, Ah, that may be the case.20:49
wxlit can be a royal pain in the yin yang to get it going in the installer, too20:50
wxli'd just plug in your ethernet cable and make sure that works20:50
lubot5<Schyken> @wxl, That's what I'm trying. Ah, don't have Ethernet ports, but I should be able to route it via USB20:50
wxlthat will most likely help20:51
wxli've seen a rare case where a USB adapter doesn't work20:51
wxlbut it's very rare20:51
tsimonq2bug 170644520:54
ubot93Bug 1706445 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity in Lubuntuoffers no choice of disks in auto-resize" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170644520:54
tsimonq2I can reproduce it20:54
tsimonq2It still works, just doesn't show a slider20:54
tsimonq2It's a bug for sure20:54
tsimonq2Just not a really urgent one.20:54
wxlbut ONLY for lubuntu?20:54
tsimonq2I don't know that.20:54
wxlyeah needs more investigation20:55
wxlit's alpha, make a note, move on20:55
tsimonq2Alright, yeah, that was my plan./20:55
lubot5<Schyken> Networking doesn't seem to be working at all for me within the installer, but I'll install and see if I have any luck afterwards20:55
wxl@Schyken do you know how to investigate that further? look at logs, ping, ifconfig, etc? cuz that might be something good to look into20:56
lubot5<Schyken> @wxl, Yeah, I was just about to copy the logs over to a USB rn. Still need to get iwconfig20:57
lubot5<Schyken> Hm, that's strange21:05
lubot5<Schyken> lubuntu-next@lubuntu-next:~$ iwconfig21:05
lubot5lo        no wireless extensions.21:05
lubot5wlp1s0    IEEE 802.11  ESSID:off/any21:05
lubot5          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=0 dBm21:05
lubot5          Retry short limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off21:05
lubot5          Power Management:on21:05
tsimonq2Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeah Lubuntu Next networking is borked21:06
tsimonq2That's expected21:06
tsimonq2I thought you were talking about stock Lubuntu!21:06
lubot5<Schyken> Ah, sorry, I wasn't very specific, was I :P21:06
lubot5<Schyken> Haha, well, I'll work on Lubuntu for now ;)21:07
lubot5<tsimonq2> @Schyken Try Lubuntu Alternate i386 images?21:11
lubot5<tsimonq2> @Schyken Or maybe just Desktop i386?21:11
lubot5<Schyken> Is that an invitation? :P21:12
lubot5<tsimonq2> @Schyken, Yes.21:14
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Artful Alpha 2] has been marked as ready21:29
tsimonq21 down, 5 to go21:30
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate amd64 [Artful Alpha 2] has been updated (20170727.2)21:59
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop i386 [Artful Alpha 2] has been marked as ready22:26
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Next Desktop i386 [Artful Alpha 2] has been marked as ready22:26
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Next Desktop amd64 [Artful Alpha 2] has been marked as ready22:26
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate amd64 [Artful Alpha 2] has been marked as ready22:50
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate i386 [Artful Alpha 2] has been marked as ready22:50

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