
rbasaknacc: we should add that to the list of tests then.00:08
rbasaknacc: I reviewed the MP. I'm happy to take further changes on if you like.00:08
rbasaknacc: in the meantime, it's probably good that we've both touched this code now :)00:08
naccrbasak: yep, just was an fyi on that particular case :)00:25
naccrbasak: i'll work on fixing up my patchset and getting those tests to all pass00:25
naccrbasak: i agree with your sentiments in the MP00:25
naccrbasak: i'm EOD -- i'll work on it tmrw, and then i'm going to pivot to documentation00:25
rbasaknacc: thanks.00:25
rbasaknacc: ack. For your startswith fix, without looking at it in too much detail, can we use an exact match against a decomposed bit instead?00:26
rbasakThat would fix your problem case I think?00:26
naccrbasak: yeah, probably an exact match is better, good call00:26
naccrbasak: i forgot we have that in this context :)00:26
naccrbasak: it feels like we really want to decompose the before/after series versions, and then see if a) any of them have the same decomposed prefix as we do00:27
naccrbasak: and we probably should do some sort of internal check that our ordering stays correct (that a proposed new version is not before or after anything in before/after respectively00:28
nacc(sanity check)00:28
naccrbasak: in any case, will work on it tmrw00:29
rbasaknacc: agreed00:29
rbasaknacc: might be an idea to reduce before and after to the max before going this deep though.00:30
naccrbasak: true, that's a good point, we just need the 'nearest' neighbors, really, right?00:31
rbasakNow I'm not so sure!00:32
rbasakI was only thinking about one series in each direction, and taking the max of all of the pockets.00:32
rbasakBut of course there are multiple series in each direction. I hadn't considered that.00:32
naccrbasak: and once one goes EOL, it might not get updates, but another one might :)00:37
naccso you need nearest active series, i think00:37
naccor something :)00:37
rbasakI'll think about it. Or we'll see when we hit an edge case :)00:37
fluvvellI boot /dev/md0, but just noticed - [_U] - an element missing, tried to re-add with    mdadm --manage --re-add /dev/sdc2 and it said    "... is not possible"   - given that its my boot drive, is it because it is mounted?00:48
sarnoldis there anything in dmesg that says why it was kicked out or not allowed back in?00:51
fluvvellit hasn't been part of the raid array since may, so I don't have logs from then00:56
fluvvellsarnold, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25180682/01:00
fluvvellIS anybody around or is it sleepy time where you are... ?02:51
sarnoldit's been long enough tha it probably doesn't hurt to reask your question02:55
lordievaderGood morning06:37
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zioprotojamespage: I raised the bug against the libvirt package that we have been talking about yesterday: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/170687508:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1706875 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "libvirt's apparmor profile denies access to /tmp and snapshots failed" [Undecided,New]08:17
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jamespagezioproto: ok09:06
BigBangUDRHello all need help regarding kernel panic in 14.04 issue - http://imgur.com/a/3oKAQ10:05
jamespagezioproto: is you libvirt issue on trusty via Mitaka UCA resolved by the version in -proposed (1.3.1-1ubuntu10.11~cloud0)10:13
jamespagezioproto: actually https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/1626972 is pertinent here10:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1626972 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive mitaka "QEMU memfd_create fallback mechanism change for security drivers" [Undecided,Fix committed]10:15
microwavedis there a way to work around apt-get install -f without installing new kernel versions?10:17
jamespagezioproto: see comments - I've just released the qemu fixes to the mitaka uca -updates pocket10:18
zioprotojamespage: I will try 1.3.1-1ubuntu10.11~cloud0 and give you feedback, thanks !10:54
jamespagezioproto: make sure you pickup qemu as well - that's where the actual fix is10:54
mzazaI have followed the following article https://www.howtoforge.com/restricting-users-to-sftp-plus-setting-up-chrooted-ssh-sftp-debian-squeeze, in creating a jailed SSH user. The user should be able to login to shell to run some php commands, the account is intended to be handed over to the developer. However I have an AWS server which logs in using a key file, I have followed the instructions and14:18
mzazacreated the user hazem, however I'm unable to login using that user because login because I get public key denied. Any ideas?14:18
hehehewho here knows  mongo?14:28
heheheI am stuck with it :D14:28
hehehesome silly mistakes hehe14:29
hehehewhile trying yo initiate replica set14:29
tomreynthey most likely have their own irc channel14:46
tomreynhehehe: ^14:47
heheheonly 1 dude there knows stuff14:49
heheheand he is busy :D14:49
tomreynmzaza: did you place the (AWS server) users' public SSH key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the home directory of the user that will be authenticated against?14:50
tomreynmzaza: also check /var/log/auth.log on the server that authentication takes place on.14:52
mzazatomreyn: Jul 27 15:15:23 ip-172-31-30-64 sshd[9417]: Connection closed by port 49374 [preauth]15:15
tomreynmzaza: meaning?15:16
mzazatomreyn: I don't know :D that what I get when trying to connect using the new jailed user :D15:17
mzazaAfter adding the public key in the authorized_keys file15:17
tomreynand the client says what?15:17
mzazapermission denied (public key)15:18
tomreynmaybe you placed the authorized key file outside the jail?15:19
tomreynmaybe when you jailed the user you also changed its home directory.15:20
tomreynshow 'getent passwd hazem' and 'ls -la $(getent passwd hazem | cut -d: -f6)/.ssh'15:23
semiosissince upgrading imagick-common from to 8: on july 25, the php imagick composite functions stopped working, they are effectively no-op (no error or exception, they just do nothing)15:50
semiosisanyone interested in discussing this, or should I just go straight to opening a bug report?15:50
semiosisthis only affects php-imagick, not the command line15:51
naccsemiosis: it would be good to file a bug, please subscribe me (nacc)15:51
semiosiswill do. thanks nacc15:52
naccsemiosis: this on 16.04?15:52
naccsemiosis: is it something taht works again if you go back to 5.7?15:52
semiosisthe archive didn't have ubuntu5.7, only ubuntu5.  i downgraded to that and we're back in business15:53
naccsemiosis: ok, so file the bug against imagemagick (not php-imagick)15:53
naccsemiosis: do you have a testcase?15:53
naccsemiosis: if possible, put that in the bug too15:53
semiosisbut our users started complaining on the 25th, and the dpkg log showed an automatic upgrade from 5.7 to 5.8 on that day15:53
semiosisi will make a testcase for the bug report15:53
naccsemiosis: thanks15:56
semiosisnacc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/imagemagick/+bug/170701516:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1707015 in imagemagick (Ubuntu) "image composite functions not working in php" [Undecided,New]16:44
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naccsemiosis: thanks16:56
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Guest33158thanks for ever until a day you will guys18:29
dpb1ahasenack: bug updated20:51
* ahasenack reloads20:51
dpb1ahasenack: you think I should tag it?20:51
ahasenackdpb1: we need to make a release in github, right? It's a debian native package (i.e., it has debian/ in it)20:51
ahasenackah, changelog is 2 already20:52
dpb1I'll just tag it v2~pre1, since I'm a bit tired of deleting tags. :)20:52
ahasenackdpb1: I haven't read the whole bug yet, so version 2 will be in trusty, what will the > trusty versions be?20:53
ahasenacki guess they will follow the conventions20:53
* ahasenack bring up the versioning cheat sheet20:53
ahasenack2.0                           2.0ubuntu0.120:53
dpb1ahasenack: in this case, you need to read the bug20:54
ahasenackso 2ubuntu0.16.04.1 for xenial I suppose20:54
ahasenacksince the same version will be in all of them20:54
dpb1ahasenack: an AA is being requested to do a "pocket copy" from trusty forward20:54
ahasenackwhatever that means20:55
fluvvellI'll re-ask, I have a machine that is booting fine, runs raid 1, but the / array is only coming up with one of its two elements.20:58
ahasenackfluvvell: if you add it back post-reboot with mdadm (I presume it's md0), that works?21:00
ahasenackbut on reboot it's gone again?21:00
fluvvellI've tried to re-add, which responds with not possible21:01
fluvvellor should I add it as if it never    (as in --re-add)21:01
fluvvellOK, this may sound a dumb question, but I've not had to play with any of my servers raid arrays for a couple of years because they are so reliable. If its the md0 array, mounted on /, and the fact that its mounted, thats not whats causing the trouble ?  I've not rebooted as its high demand21:04
tomreynfluvvell: now that you actually provided output, answering your questions should be a lot easier. :)21:55
tomreyni assume sdc2 is the missing raid device in md0?21:56
tomreyn*only* if so, try this: mdadm /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdc221:57
tomreynif this won't work, do this first: mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdc221:58
tomreyn... then add it again21:58
naccrbasak: fyi, there is a nice launchpad API 'isSourceUploadAllowed' for a per-series query of person/srcpkg upload permissons22:01
fluvvellsorry, left the office to  a callout. tomreyn, yes sdc2 is the missing one22:17
tomreynfluvvell: that's fine, so you know how to proceed ;)22:18
fluvvellyes, thanks - I had been leaning towards the --add, but I've not considered the zero-superblock before.22:19
tomreynthis can be necessary when things get out of sync / configurations have changed.22:20
tomreyn--re-add only works when there is a chance / it makes any sense to update a previous raid member device to the latest data. i.e. this only makes sense when the numbers provided in --examine output (for a given raid) are close22:22
tomreynif they are not, --add is the way to go22:23
tomreyn* 'Events:' numbers22:24
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naccrbasak: we should sync tmrw. I think the abstraction in versioning.py is incorrect for doing the SRU checks we want23:15
naccrbasak: i just pusehd a new branch, i don't love it, but it does pass tests, please take a look if you can23:33
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