
wallyworldexternalreality_: juju/charm tests failed00:35
wallyworldexternalreality_: also, you ned to land the juju/charm change, pull tip of master locally, and then do the dep updates in the bundledata PR and push00:36
wallyworldyou can't do the dependencies.tsv updates until the other repo pr has landed00:36
* babbageclunk goes for a run in the horrible cold weather01:01
menn0externalreality_: any chance I could get a quick summary of what you've been working on? (email if possible)01:45
menn0wallyworld: those 2 weekly status emails you sent are about the same thing right?01:51
wallyworldmenn0: oh, i didn't realise both got sent - the first one had a typo01:51
menn0wallyworld: no worries01:52
menn0axw, babbageclunk, or wallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/767901:58
wallyworldmenn0: what a stupid bug, lgtm02:00
menn0wallyworld: thanks02:00
=== menn0 is now known as menn0-afk
axwbabbageclunk: oops, I pulled the trigger on https://github.com/juju/1.25-upgrade/pull/5 too soon02:29
axwbabbageclunk: ignore that review, it was meant for just one commit02:29
babbageclunkaxw: ok, holding fire.02:30
axwbabbageclunk: https://github.com/juju/1.25-upgrade/pull/5/commits/d936c14a4504ca3463f95037659b950c7c0be7a1 makes me think we should keep any changes to the trees separately. code is probably too inflexible to support that though02:32
babbageclunkaxw: yeah, I was thinking something similar - it's going to be a pain if we need to update juju2 again after 2.2.3 comes out.02:33
babbageclunkaxw: Could keep those changes as a set of patches that get applied when building?02:33
babbageclunkaxw: nasty though - works ok in CI where we're throwing away working trees each time.02:34
axwbabbageclunk: yeah, I think it'll be a PITA to work that way02:35
axwnot sure yet02:35
axwbabbageclunk: ok I think you're good to merge02:36
babbageclunkTo be honest it wasn't *too much work* to unpick them - I think if we keep changes to juju2 in separate commits from changes to the other parts it might be ok.02:36
babbageclunkaxw: but yeah, a better way would be good.02:37
babbageclunkaxw: awesome, thanks.02:37
axwbabbageclunk: ok. we're not going to have as huge a change between 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 anyway02:37
babbageclunkaxw: true02:37
babbageclunkaxw: actually, I don't think there's a merge-bot on that repo and I don't have commit privs. Do you?02:37
axwbabbageclunk: nope02:38
axwand no thumper in sight02:38
babbageclunkhe's on a swap day02:38
axwwallyworld: do you have special powers over https://github.com/juju/1.25-upgrade? can you merge?02:39
wallyworldi'll try02:39
wallyworldwhich pr?02:39
babbageclunkyeah, I was just going to hassle wallyworld too02:39
babbageclunkstart with #1 please - I think I'll need to rebase each one.02:39
babbageclunkwallyworld: ^02:40
wallyworldyep, on it02:40
babbageclunkwallyworld: I don't think there's a mergebot.02:47
wallyworldbabbageclunk: done, next one has conflict03:19
babbageclunkyeah, unsurprising - I'll need to do some rebasing for some of them03:20
anastasiamaccan someone plz stamp a straighforward move of resources cmd? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/768003:31
anastasiamacpurely mechanical :D03:32
=== menn0-afk is now known as menn0
wallyworldanastasiamac: lgtm03:45
anastasiamacwallyworld: menn0: \o/ i've missed one little refactoring thing... but thank you for reviews :D03:45
wallyworldaxw: here's a PR against the upstream branch yet to land, it add the api/apiserver layers for the relation status watcher https://github.com/wallyworld/juju/pull/4003:45
axwwallyworld: ok. prob won't get to it until after lunch03:46
wallyworldaxw: no worries, i still need to land the first one. i'll keep going on the 3rd one03:46
babbageclunkwallyworld: can you please land the other upgrade PRs in order now? I've rebased them all, so I think they should go one after the other. https://github.com/juju/1.25-upgrade/pulls04:06
wallyworldok, just for you04:07
babbageclunkwallyworld: thanks! Whoa, that "now" sounds really demanding where it is, I actually meant "I've rebased them now".04:07
wallyworldnah, all good :-)04:08
wallyworldif you had said, "get me a beer, now"04:08
wallyworldthat would have been different04:08
wallyworldanyway, all landed04:08
babbageclunkwallyworld: awesome! Get yourself a beer, now.04:09
babbageclunkHmm, maybe a bit early.04:09
wallyworldsoon, soon04:09
axwwallyworld: I've added another commit to https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7676, which does the storage counts. can you PTAL?04:51
wallyworldaxw: looks great, thanks for updating04:59
menn0wallyworld, babbageclunk: could you pls do a quick review of the summary email I just sent you guys05:01
babbageclunkmenn0: sure05:01
wallyworldmenn0: looks great. we can save local resources in bundles till next week when it lands05:02
babbageclunkmenn0: oops, replied to the email instead.05:05
menn0wallyworld: i'm happy to include local resources if that's close05:08
wallyworldit is05:08
wallyworldshould land tomorrow hopefully05:08
menn0wallyworld: can you send me 2 sentences on it?05:08
menn0babbageclunk: good call on the ordering05:10
menn0wallyworld: when you said "revision number" did you mean "charm URL"?05:17
menn0wallyworld: never mind05:18
menn0i'm dumb05:18
wallyworldno :-)05:18
menn0wallyworld, babbageclunk: thanks guys. sent.05:22
babbageclunkmenn0: nice one05:22
axwI reviewed your PR if you didn't notice05:23
axwwallyworld: ^05:25
wallyworldaxw: oh great ty05:25
wallyworldaxw: yeah, there was already a RelationStatus. I couldn't think of a name, but just now "RelationStatusValue" popped into my head05:27
axwwallyworld: that's certainly better, thanks05:27
wallyworldaxw: changes pushed05:29
axwwallyworld: and approved05:30
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
anastasiamacaxw: here is the PR - https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7682 whenever u get a chance06:29
axwanastasiamac: LGTM06:30
anastasiamacaxw: \o/06:31
wallyworldaxw: if you get a chance later, here's a small(ish) PR stacked on the previous one to wire up the workers to complete the functionality. just waiting on me menno to look at the first state watcher pr and i'll land together after that https://github.com/wallyworld/juju/pull/4107:24
wallyworldthere's no hurry07:25
axwwallyworld: looks good but I'm going to take another pass on monday, my brain is just about cooked07:35
wallyworldaxw: no worries, have a good weekend07:46
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk

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