
=== floccula1t is now known as flocculant
dufluseb128, Morning. If you are still looking at pulseaudio git, beware I just made a change07:33
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dufluMorning willcooke08:10
seb128hey willcooke duflu08:10
seb128good morning desktopers08:11
willcookeHappy Friday!08:11
dufluIndeed it will be if I complete today without anything starting with G08:11
seb128happy friday indeed!08:11
willcookeduflu, lol08:11
seb128duflu, noted for pulseaudio, I started on changes but it's less trivial that I though so I need to go back to it, https://git.launchpad.net/~seb128/pulseaudio/commit/?id=60fe1e5e08:13
seb128duflu, that doesn't build because the snappy patch relies on changes from the trust store changeset08:13
dufluseb128, oh I am working on similar right now (decided08:14
dufluto recently)08:14
seb128duflu, oh ok, well feel free to take over, I doubt I'm going to have time to continue that today08:14
dufluseb128, it's just for a PPA experiment so we shall see08:15
seb128duflu, the android changeset can probably be dropped as well, I'm less sure about the hfp since I don't know about that topic08:15
dufluseb128, yes that's the goal. We introduced a pile of Bluetooth audio changes for touch. And that makes me nervous given Debian has zero patches to upstream08:15
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willcookeduflu, just playing with the video accel link you sent me yesterday, where do I get vaapidecodebin?  It says "no element vaapidecodebin" atm08:45
dufluwillcooke, ?! that should be installed with gstreamer1.0-vaapi08:46
willcookeit didnt have that installed08:47
willcookebut pretty sure I installed it to test before08:47
willcookebut thanks08:47
dufluwillcooke, the actual file name is /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/libgstvaapi.so08:48
willcookeworks now08:49
willcookealthough, no sound, but meh08:49
dufluwillcooke, yeah sound is the job of the "bad" and "ugly" plugin sets08:49
willcookeduflu, ahhh08:49
willcookegot it08:49
willcookeseb128, hmmm- seeing systemd-resolved and dnsmasq using all my CPU - looks like they are fighting09:01
willcookeI'll see if I can find out how to reproduce this09:04
willcookeah, could be because I manually installed it, instead of -base the other day09:05
seb128willcooke, still worth reporting if that's confirmed, the packaging should prevent you to install them together if they conflict09:06
willcookehey Laney09:08
amanoI wonder if Dustin Kirklands poll will lead to another default video player in Ubuntu. Totem seems highly unpopular as the Mate poll on google+ showed: https://plus.google.com/+MartinWimpress/posts/fqHnF51BbDh09:14
amanoIt seems that Martin Wimpress would have preferred MPV instead of VLC ;)09:16
amanoBut people are not voting that way. At least Totem isn't deemed a contender.09:17
dufluamano, I'm working on fixing totem right now :) Interesting if VLC became default because I have never yet seen it do hardware decoding properly. Maybe haven't tried hard enough09:18
amanoI would be fine with MPV as the default. VLC would bring in all those QT dependencies that nobody is really aiming at...09:23
amanoThe missing decorations on Wayland could be renamed a feature ;)09:24
amanoLet's wait and see ;)09:25
willcookehi andyrock09:26
* Trevinho finally in a stable location for few days... Hello Belgrade!10:13
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chrisccoulsonwhat do people not like about totem? It seems to do what I expect from a default video player, in a fairly inoffensive way10:31
chrisccoulsonbetter still, it works on high dpi screens. VLC looks fairly bad there (at least, on my zesty install)10:31
chrisccoulsonThere's still plenty of issues for high dpi users - please don't regress things by replacing apps that currently work fine with ones that don't :)10:33
ricotzhey desktopers10:37
ricotzjbicha, hi, could you do your autopkgtest magic with this build https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ubuntu/libreoffice-prereleases/+sourcepub/8115487/+listing-archive-extra10:37
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jbicharicotz: could you ask again in a couple days when https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running isn't full?12:06
ricotzjbicha, hmm, I see, is there a guide to run them locally in some container?12:08
jbicharicotz: maybe try https://dyn.manpages.debian.org/unstable/autopkgtest/index.html ?12:13
ricotzjbicha, will look into it12:15
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seb128have a good w.e desktopers16:22
willcooke_night seb12816:22
willcooke_night all, see some of you Monday!16:55
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andyrockhave a nice we all!17:56
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