
tomreynthedonny: you normally would not have any 777 files, unless intentionally.00:02
tomreynthose zone files should not be 777 either00:03
bad63rtomreyn, i have them too00:03
bad63ra lot00:03
tomreynbad63r: which release are you on, can you paste a list?00:04
bad63rubuntu 16.04. updated just hour ago00:04
Apachezplenty of "hash sum mismatch" from ubuntu official repos right now00:05
Apachez   Last modification reported: Thu, 27 Jul 2017 17:18:57 +000000:06
Apachez   Release file created at: Thu, 27 Jul 2017 20:54:00 +000000:06
bad63rtomreyn, kinda not sure if I can. first i have to skim it a little bit better. i don't feel comfortable sharing data from root just like that00:06
tomreynbad63r: ok00:07
bad63rtomreyn, try command 'sudo find -perm 777 | less' and see it yourself sir00:07
tomreynbad63r: none here00:07
bad63rtomreyn, try command 'sudo find / -perm 777 | less' and see it yourself sir00:08
bad63ri forgot directory which to search x_00:08
tomreynthats what i did, also 16.0400:08
tomreynApachez: yes there seem to be some issues with the mirrors currently, no details known00:08
thedonnytomreyn, the thing is, I am almost positive I never modified the permissions of those files00:08
tomreynApachez: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors00:09
tomreynthedonny: maybe they're from 3rd party packages?00:10
oerheksApachez, what mirror exactly?00:12
tomreyni wa sjust about to ask :)00:12
ApachezE: Failed to fetch http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/zesty-backports/universe/dep11/Components-amd64.yml.xz  Hash Sum mismatch00:13
thedonnytomreyn, I don't have many. Just some things like fail2ban, LAMP (for laravel based website)00:13
Apachez4 noticies of hash sum mismatch00:13
thedonnytomreyn, also just did a lynis system audit and had no warnings, just some suggestions00:14
tomreynApachez: /join #canonical-sysadmin - i pointed it out to t0mb0 there00:15
tomreyns/he's looking into it now00:15
thedonnytomreyn, what is the command you used to find the 777 permissions?00:16
tomreynthedonny: sudo find / -type f -perm 77700:17
thedonnytomreyn: hmm ok so I guess it was the same command. Interesting that there are these differences, a little worried about security now..00:18
thedonnything is I think tools like lynis are supposed to pick up incorrect/dangerous file permissions and I had no warnings come up00:19
__Yiotawhat permission mode code do I use for executable?00:21
tomreynthedonny: lynis (just like any automatic auditing utility testing against generic policies) isn't perfect, and 777 is not necessarily wrong. it probably does check for suid / sguid binaries.00:22
tomreyn__Yiota: +x00:23
__Yiotaright but is there a code for it?00:23
__Yiota0644 / 0700 et00:23
tomreyn__Yiota: the execute bit is 100:24
tomreynman 1 chmod00:24
__Yiotasweet tx00:25
thedonnytomreyn: Yeah, I understand it wouldn't be a blanket solution, I just thought that if the permissions of those system files were dangerously derranged surely it would have been picked up00:25
thedonnytomreyn: not too sure where to go from here to determine if this is a problem or not00:26
tomreynthedonny: you could post the files, we could comment, or you find a solution for yourself. ;)00:30
thedonnywell I mean, i ran sudo find / -type f -perm 777 and had no results00:32
thedonnytomreyn the *potential* problem is without -type f00:32
thedonnytomreyn: e.g. sudo find / -perm 77700:33
tomreynthedonny: 777 on other file objects is a completely different matter. can be fine (or not, depends)00:35
oerheksthedonny, try again, without sudo.00:36
oerheksthat gives the real access to your account00:36
tomreynsymlinks are always 77700:37
bobbydoogleI have some simple bash scripts that inotify watch folders and rsync on changes. I'm running them in a ssh terminal to centos, I would like to run them silently and be able to logoff, is a good solution for this nohup, like nohup sh custom-script.sh &00:38
bobbydoogleoops centos this is ubuntu, should be applicable though00:39
thedonnyoerheks, tomreyn: still getting a pretty big list without sudo, but the majority seem to be /lib/system, /sys/, /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ etc00:39
bobbydoogleor is screen a better solution...00:39
thedonnyplenty of /usr/ too00:40
tomreynbobbydoogle: you could use incron00:40
tomreynbobbydoogle: personally i'd prefer incron / cron / atd over screen / tmux over nohup, but as long as you'll redirect both stdout + stderr either should work.00:43
tomreynredirect ... to a file, so you can review it later00:44
snkclddnsmasq is configured as my resolver (the only thing in /etc/resolv.conf is "nameserver" which dnsmasq is listening on). when i curl a random domain (e.g. jadsjkdskjdskjdsa.com), as i follow the dnsmasq logs, i dont see the attempt being made00:50
snkcldin this case, is curl simply not respecting /etc/resolv.conf00:51
tomreynsnkcld: most utulities will use the glibc resolver, or systemd-resolved.service , i think00:53
tomreynman systemd-resolved.service00:53
snkcldim stracing it, and i see that curl is doing a "sendmsg" with org.freedesktop.resolve1.Manager00:54
snkcldtomreyn: ah. is systemd-resolved what responds to org.freedesktop.resolve1.Manager ?00:54
tomreynsnkcld: i don't know :)00:55
snkcldtomreyn: looks like it is00:55
snkcldtomreyn: is it possible for me to just have everything do DNS via ? lol00:55
snkcldor is that asking too much?00:55
tomreynsnkcld: if you'll have *everything* do DNS via then you won't be able to resolve anything.00:56
snkcldtomreyn: my dnsmasq is configured to use as an upstream00:57
snkcldi guess i can configured the "hosts" section of nsswitch.conf00:59
tomreynsnkcld: this sounds like it could work, but i'm not into this, so can't help, sorry.00:59
snkcldtomreyn: thanks01:00
tomreynhttp://www.oreilly.com/openbook/linag2/book/ch06.html explains how the loose ends worked together in a pre-systemd world01:02
snkcldtomreyn: fwiw: setting "hosts:          dns" now seems to make curl use my local dns resolver via
snkcldtomreyn: ahhh that is perfect! thanks01:03
fl00fykittryo i think ralink driver sucks on 16.04 may have answered my own question haha01:04
fl00fykittryactually anyone got a good link for the ralink driver for ubuntu? all the ones im seeing look dodgfy01:12
hewhomustHey, what application launcher do people recommend?01:14
tomreynfl00fykittry: there is not *the* ralink driver, there are several, and many different chipsets01:19
tomreynfl00fykittry: do you know the usb id / pci id?01:20
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fl00fykittryhang on01:23
fl00fykittry       description: Wireless interface01:24
fl00fykittry       product: RT5390 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe01:24
fl00fykittry       vendor: Ralink corp.01:24
fl00fykittry       physical id: 001:24
fl00fykittry       bus info: pci@0000:02:00.001:24
fl00fykittryapologies forgot how newline works01:25
tomreyn!pastebin | fl00fykittry01:25
ubottufl00fykittry: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:25
tomreynuse lspci -nn01:25
syntaksafter a random hangup via ryzen, GLX is missing reports X01:29
syntaksno one can log in using any manager other than xfce and one particular user01:30
syntaksothers it just restarts lightdm01:30
syntakshas anyone had this happen before or have seen this case elsewhere?01:30
tomreynfl00fykittry: rt2800pci01:33
tomreynit's mainline01:33
AndrewKemendoHello all. I have a paths question. I installed tensorflow via pip on Ubuntu 16.04 and it works but I can't actually find the install path and it's not under /usr/local/lib/python2.701:38
ZythyrNeed help. I used "sudo apt-get install lamp-server^" to install LAMP server on Ubuntu. HOwever it isntalled PHP 7. How do I get it to isntall PHP 5?01:50
hggdhZythyr: php5 is not provied by Ubuntu for a few releases01:54
Bashing-omAndy80: What shows ' which tensorflow ; dpkg -L tensorflow ' ?01:54
Zythyrhggdh According to this it shows PHP 5 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Checking_PHP_5_installation01:55
tomreynZythyr: your ubuntu release probably doesn't offer more than a single php version. there are some PPAs, notably Ondřej Surý's, which provide co-installable PHP versions01:55
tomreynZythyr: which ubuntu release do you have there?01:55
Zythyrtomreyn Ubuntu 16.04 LTS01:56
tomreynZythyr: you could install ubuntu 14.04 lts instead, which comes with php 5, or you could use this PPA on 16.04 https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php/01:57
tomreynZythyr: or you could do the right thing and ditch and pre php7 code.01:58
Zythyrtomreyn Thanks. This might be a noobish quesiton but how do I first uninstall php7?01:58
tomreynZythyr: sudo apt-get purge php702:00
Zythyrtomreyn Cool thank you! I'll try the PPA also02:00
tomreynZythyr: rather: sudo apt-get purge 'php7.*'02:00
tomreynalso 'sudo apt-get purge libapache2-mod-php7.0' if you had that installed02:02
Zythyrtomreyn thank u very much. Eveyrhting worked!02:19
jayjoI have an ubuntu installed on a drive /dev/sda and also have a drive /dev/sdb that I would like to use as a filesystem for databases and potentially log files. It currently has some old installation on it now. what's the best way to format this drive knowing the intended use is for the whole drive to store data for processes managed by the os on /dev/sda02:19
jayjoam I supposed to be able to mount the drive that my system is running on? why can I even see that in nautitlis?02:36
RonWhoCaresI use Ubuntu 16.04 desktop can I connect to an ip camera?02:57
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bazhangRonWhoCares, sure02:59
RonWhoCaresbazhang: I have no idea what to do.  What I have is an SSId and password03:00
bazhang!info bluecherry03:00
ubottuPackage bluecherry does not exist in zesty03:00
RonWhoCaresThat's a problem103:01
bazhanghttps://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2365067 RonWhoCares03:02
RonWhoCaresIt doesn't have an IP address yet that I know of03:03
bazhangRonWhoCares, there are plenty of online waLkthourghs on setting those up03:03
bazhangRonWhoCares, use vlc to capture the rtsp stream, for example, please see the link I just gave you03:04
ELQEYNNI heard that "ubuntu" is a Zulu word for "humanity toward each other".03:07
RonWhoCaresThis is an SSID camera03:08
RonWhoCaresI will read through this03:08
ELQEYNNI heard that "ubuntu" is a Zulu word for "humanity toward each other".03:09
ELQEYNNIs it really a Zulu word?03:10
hggdhELQEYNN: I do not know if Zulu, but it is a word in a language in the South Africa area03:18
Zythyrtomreyn Still here?03:22
ELQEYNNhggdh, in Consumer Reports, there's a mention of ubuntu being developed for Sub-Saharan Africa.03:23
ELQEYNNHello jason03:30
syntaksthis gets a bit stranger03:45
syntakswhy would xfce work for user-b, but user-a it just loops back to lightdm03:45
Bashing-omsyntaks: user-a lost aithorization to access the desktop ? What shows ' ls -al .ICEauthoriry .Xauthority ' at the F1 console interface ?03:50
syntakschecking now03:51
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:52
syntaksroot owned03:52
syntaksdoesn't make sense only after the ryzen hangup/reboot03:53
Bashing-omsyntaks: Uh Huh .. been sudo'n where should not have been - likely .03:53
syntaksbrb going to give it a go03:53
gusggI am trying to build from source a package (dvgrab) on Ubuntu 16.04 and it appears to use pkg-config to build. However, I'm not really finding many .pc files on my system at all, and certainly not the one for the library dvgrab depends on (libraw1394). Is pkgconfig a thing in Ubuntu?03:57
oerheks!find pkgconfig04:00
ubottuFound: libextutils-pkgconfig-perl, libpkgconfig-perl, python-pkgconfig, python3-pkgconfig, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 114 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=pkgconfig&searchon=names&suite=zesty&section=all04:00
oerheksi think you better follow the build manual04:00
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:00
glitsj16gusgg: you need libraw1394-dev .. ubuntu puts development files like .pc into separate packages04:07
gusggoerheks: thanks for the pointer. Of course, the .pc files come when I install the -dev version of dependencies.04:07
gusggglitsj16: :D Thanks for the answer04:08
glitsj16:) you found out on your own, np04:08
zanshinSo I installed the i3 variant i3-gaps by building it from source. I'd like to remove it, however there is no make uninstall target. Short of some harry find command to hunt down all the bits and bobs, is there any way to excise i3-gaps from my system?04:21
lotuspsychjezanshin: perhaps the #i3 guys might know that?04:25
zanshinlotuspsychje: Mostly crickets in #i3 tonight. I'll have to wait until tomorrow when, hopefully, it'll be more active04:28
c06hi al04:30
lotuspsychjezanshin: just an idea, maybe installing i3-gaps the ubuntu repo way, might give you some right errors to solve?04:30
c06i am accessing my remote machine through ssh i dont internet connection to that machine . how i can do that. i dont to make my interface down04:31
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zanshinlotuspsychje: You mean `sudo apt-get install i3-gaps` basically, and see what falls off the wagon?04:35
lotuspsychjec06: perhaps the #openssh channel can help on this matter?04:36
lotuspsychjezanshin: yeah that was the idea, to see what apt would find as wrong04:36
glitsj16zanshin: try lotuspsychje's idea OR you could build it again using checkinstall this time, which creates a proper .deb to install/purge via dpkg/apt --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall04:38
c06lotuspsychje: ty for suggestion i commented my nameserver in resolv.conf04:39
zanshinlotuspsychje: It isn't that i3-gaps is borked, I just would rather have vanillia i3. But it's worth a shot.04:39
zanshinlotuspsychje: E: Unable to locate package i3-gapsA04:40
zanshinglitsj16: I'll try that. Thanks04:44
glitsj16zanshin: my guess is that when you install the created .deb via sudo dpkg -i, it will complain about existing files, which gets you what you're after.. depending on the number of files to purge you might find it easier to 'sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i foo.deb' and 'sudo apt purge foo' (if that makes sense)04:51
zanshinglitsj16: Ok. I'm still trying to get checkinstall to build the .deb. Past my bedtime and my thought processes are no longer sharp.04:54
glitsj16zanshin: sleep on it, take a fresh look at it later, and #i3 might have less crickets by then also04:55
glitsj16zanshin: if you didn't change the .configure --prefix things should be relatively easy to track down under /usr/local04:57
zanshinThe prefix was /usr, so everything appears to be in /usr/bin with some documentation in /usr/share. It's tempting to just remove those files manually, but I'll give checkinstall a try first.04:59
jayjo_My machine is now going to GNU Grub allowing me to press enter to select an os. this never came up before. I had multiple OS's before. Do I need to hcange a boot setting?04:59
trevorjI really hate systemd05:03
trevorjIt's trash05:03
glitsj16zanshin: yeah, that would be the more reliable thing to do05:03
trevorjI loved upstart, and I miss it every time I have to write a freaking dosini file for systemd05:03
trevorjBecause, yeah, why not use freaking *ini*05:03
Bashing-omlast uiduser05:06
rajivmarshi all. i have ubuntu 16.04 running laptop. now i need to use matlab for some of my projects therefore i need to install windows. i have ubuntu installed by using uefi and 200 gb free space is available. i would like to know that is it possible to install windows alongside ubuntu in uefi?05:13
c06rajivmars: i think first u have to install windows and then u have to install ubuntu05:17
rajivmarsc06: i heard that in uefi that does not matters, although i don't clearly know about it that's why i asked.05:19
rajivmarsc06, is it possible to use matlab using wine.05:19
c06rajivmars: i havent tried i went with windows then ubuntu better make a try05:19
c06rajivmars: no idea about matlab05:19
trevorjc06: while it *works* under wine, it runs like shit05:20
trevorjMaybe it's better nowadays05:21
c06matlab is heavy application from my view05:21
trevorjBut a year ago it was not good05:21
rajivmarstrevorj: ohh05:21
trevorjc06: I run it under kvm now05:21
trevorjc06: It's the only reason I have the VM.05:21
c06trevorj: nice better rajivmars u create a windows VM.. :-D05:22
rajivmarstrevorj: please see my first question, and tell me if u have any experience about it.05:23
trevorjrajivmars: The first question I see from you is about uefi05:24
trevorjrajivmars: Is that related to your matlab question?05:24
trevorjCare to explain a little deeper?05:24
trevorjSorry, just want to make sure I understand the question properly :)05:25
rajivmarsi needed to run matlab, but if its not possible to install windows alongside an already installed ubuntu then i am going to use VM.05:26
trevorjYou can do either just fine05:27
trevorjFor the latter: Prep your hard disk using gparted from a livecd beforehand05:27
trevorjJust make some free space, and backup your uefi/mbr, because windows *will* overwrite it05:27
trevorjer, former*05:28
rajivmarstrevorj: i think i should have go with VM.05:28
trevorjFor the latter (vm, which I recommend), it's super easy and avoids the context switch05:28
rajivmarsthats looks a better option to me05:28
trevorjI used some ksm win2k12 iso I have for work05:28
trevorjvbox is also a solid bet05:29
trevorjAnd it's definitely easier to configure05:29
trevorj(for windows in particular)05:29
rajivmarsyeah that's why i go with it.05:29
trevorjDon't blame you05:30
trevorjI'm pretty sure I just like pain05:30
rajivmarshaha:) thanks for help05:30
trevorjAnytime bud05:30
trevorjNeed anything else, don't hesitate to reach out05:31
jayjo_is my /boot/grub/grub.cfg file supposed to detail my OTHER operating system?05:52
jayjo_I have two disks (internal) with two separate copies of ubuntu. One on each disk. Now I boot into GRUB and have to choose which one to boot into. How do I edit the bootloader to automatically boot into one of the OS's?05:54
=== Mittens is now known as MittensAFK
=== MittensAFK is now known as Mittens
DarekDeoIs there any automated way to fix listed duplicated software? Mean .desktop files mostly. For instance I have 3x Nautilus .desktop files in usr/share/applications. I tried cleaning it up one day but then app stopped displaying itself in search results, probably deleted wrong .desktop file but I have feeling like sometimes duplicates of .desktop files are necessary because one is meant to appear in search results where second is for instance meant to appea07:41
DarekDeor in "run as"? I am using gnome desktop and I see duplicates in search settings, it looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/tGAVL41.png The reason I have this issue might be because I've manually installed ubuntu-gnome-desktop then removed unity* and lightdm, after that I also did do-release-upgrade twice (from 16.04 to 17.04)07:41
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BMT1hey i want ask something please the install smtp server it look like sendmail?07:57
user401i'm connecting x3270 to hercules emulator but x3270 window's text is messed up07:58
user401i'm connecting x3270 to hercules emulator but x3270 window's text is messed up. c3270 also shows scrambled text. anyone?08:01
user401i'm connecting x3270 to hercules emulator but x3270 window's text is messed up. c3270 also shows scrambled text. anyone? am using 16.0408:03
user401i'm connecting x3270 to hercules emulator but x3270 window's text is messed up. c3270 also shows scrambled text. anyone? am using 16.0408:06
senapshi guys... on ubuntu 17.04 docky isn't autoruning anymore... is there a solution for that?08:07
user401i'm connecting x3270 to hercules emulator but x3270 window's text is messed up. c3270 also shows scrambled text. anyone? am using 16.0408:11
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sylarioI just installed zsh and ran the install script, I now have a incredibly minimalist invite, only the hostname with a %, no directory no colors08:16
sylarioIs it normal?08:16
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notdanielsylario, yeah. youll want to set it up properly. ohmyzsh is of course the most popular and jam-packed with everything, but not for everybody08:28
notdanielsylario, i'm personally a fan of pure: https://github.com/sindresorhus/pure08:28
notdaniel(of course, 95% of zsh is just in taking the time to configure everything as you want)08:28
sylariojust found the prompts command08:29
sylarioand I must find the plugin to show the git branch08:30
|Night|anyone remember that pastebin where you could post directly from terminal?  no fance gui just text08:31
notdaniel|Night|, termbin?08:31
|Night|notdaniel: looks like it but used one a month or so ago that just hat text even on root it was blank08:32
|Night|and worked thought my firewall :p, have to trace it ti find which port it is using unless you already know it?08:33
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notdaniel|Night|, http://termbin.com/jvxg08:33
notdanielthis seems to be pretty much as you describe08:33
|Night|yeah I can use that it  works as I want, il ladd port 9999 to my fw08:34
notdanielunless you dont like this for some reason. does pasting via nc not work?08:34
|Night|not when csf is enabled08:34
notdanielwhy is your outgoing so strict hah08:35
|Night|notdaniel:  should it not be .p08:40
|Night|only reason i respond to icmp on v6 is since it would brake my v6 if i did not08:40
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
dan2wikWhat is the recommended way to get ubuntu onto a usb drive?08:48
notdanieljust download the iso, and use dd08:48
dan2wikI should have said, I'm on windows btw.08:49
notdanielRufus then08:49
dan2wikCool, thanks08:49
|Night|dan2wik:  nc used random port in 49050-49060 range for outbound08:52
vimal2012I am runnig ubuntu 17.04 (zesty).  How to configure dual monitors? In previous versions of ubuntu there was an entry called "Displays" in launcher. I couldn't find it in the current version.  My system settings look like this https://unsee.cc/nibatode/08:53
Ben64vimal2012: it should be there somewhere, or you could use nvidia-settings if you have an nvidia card08:55
vimal2012No, I have intel card08:55
vimal2012What command can I type, to launch "Displays"?08:55
dan2wik|Night|, I think you might be after a different person.08:55
vimal2012I searched ccsm also. I couldn't find anything to configure dual monitors.08:57
Ben64well it wouldn't be there08:57
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|Night|dan2wik: /r  notdaniel09:12
|Night|notdaniel:  it was clbin09:16
notdanielhadnt seen that one09:16
|Night|works great would be nice if it was a short command like | paste09:18
|Night|but that can be scripted i asume09:18
|Night|need to figure out how to script commands trown after  an "|"09:19
Apachezare there any maintainer alive regarding casper?09:23
dan2wikI'm getting "Failed to load ldlinux.c32" after making a usb drive with rufus.09:50
bazhangdan2wik, making it with rufus on what os09:50
dan2wikOn windows.09:50
bazhangdan2wik, then chck windows support, we have no idea about rufus09:50
dan2wikWhere would I go for windows support?09:51
dan2wikI highly doubt they would help me with a syslinux issue.09:52
bazhangdan2wik, it's windows softwrae on a windows OS09:52
dan2wikBut the problem is happening once I try to boot the USB drive.09:53
bazhangdan2wik, I will go to the proper channel with you09:53
bazhang /j ##windows09:53
LachezarHey all. Docker is installed from package, but it won't start after reboot, only when I execute any docker command does it start. How come? Is it some systemd sh*t?09:56
LachezarI can see /etc/rc.5/S01docker but docker does not start.09:56
meldronhey guys, recently i have a problem with my gnome key ring server, it wont get auto unlocked after login into unity and chrome for example will hang a really long time until it gives up to access the key storage; my manual fix is to kill the gnome-keyring-daemon and then unlock my keyring. anyboy here with a fix for this problem? Thank!09:58
BluesKajHowdy folks10:18
yasonTRHi all, I might need some help. I am running Ubuntu 16.04 and my PC has become VERY slow suddenly. When I move my mouse, it takes 10 seconds to see it move on the screen. I was doing a lot of high-memory required stuff (compiling, tomcat instsances, ...). It's just 'hanging' for 30 minutes now. Is there anything I can do, or just wait it out? FYI, I remember that I set swappiness to 1 some months ago.10:20
notdaniellook at your logs, look at top, find out what's actually causing it10:21
yasonTRthe thing is, I can't do anything on the pc10:21
yasonTRit's just SO slow10:21
yasonTRI clicked on shell icon to open shell 15 minutes ago, still not open10:22
yasonTRclock is also 30 minutes behind :)10:22
notdanielyasonTR, try changing to a tty?10:22
notdanieli do that when gnome wont respond and i need to see what's happening10:23
yasonTRyou mean ctrl-shift-fx?10:23
notdanielif you can10:23
yasonTRok will do10:23
yasonTRwhat should I execute after i login?10:23
notdaniellook at top and see what's eating up your resources10:23
notdanielkill any obvious processes doing it10:23
yasonTRi tried it now, tty is not opening ... i'll wait, hopefully it comes10:24
yasonTRthe only thing that is responsive is the mouse, but as said, 10 seconds later and very stuttering10:24
notdanielyeah a hard reset might be required10:24
notdanieland check logs afterwards10:25
yasonTRwas setting swappines to 1 a bad idea?10:25
yasonTRI did that a few months ago, thought it was a good idea10:25
yasonTR(maybe it's not related)10:25
notdaniel1 isnt great unless your machine is has like 512mb of ram10:26
yasonTRisn't it the other way around?10:26
yasonTRi mean, afaik, swappiness to 1 forces the OS to use first ram, and swap as less as possible10:26
yasonTRso swappiness is great if you have lots of ram?10:27
BluesKajdon't think swapiness has much to do with your issue, there's some other app(s) eating up cpu resources10:27
yasonTRanyway, i'll give it some time, hopefully the tty will come up10:28
yasonTRbut i suspect that keys are just timing out, or something10:28
notdanielyeah i dont think swappiness is the factor10:28
notdanieli have a couple crapppy machines so one of them does this a few times a week10:28
notdanielif i dont get to the tty fast enuogh it never recovers without a reboot10:28
yasonTRoh no10:29
notdanielin my case i know what causes it and just dont do anthing about it10:29
yasonTRthat's odd10:29
notdanielbut yeah some process gone rogue10:29
notdanieli probably wouldnt wait to reboot. it's unlikely to recover at this point10:29
yasonTRdamn that sucks10:29
yasonTRi had some unsaved development notes10:30
yasonTRwhich i cannot remember but were important :)10:30
notdanielautosave? my left hand has been on 'ctrl-s every 5 seconds' autopilot since, oh, 2010 or something10:31
yasonTRyeah i know10:31
jashdjI have a few mobile devices connected to hotspot from my machine. I want to access local development server which I have running on local.example.com on my machine. The domain is a hosts entry.10:32
yasonTRwow, it just switched to another workspace!10:32
yasonTRi did that maybe 20 minutes ago10:32
yasonTRit's still kicking10:33
jashdjI set up squid on the machine because I cannot change the hosts entry for the mobile to point to my machine. However, I cannot resolve the host over squid10:33
jashdjI have set up `acl all src all` and `http_access allow all`10:33
tomreynyasonTR: i'd just reboot in that situation unless there's good reasons not to?10:34
yasonTRtomreyn: i would love to have my notes saved10:34
tomreynnotes in a text editor on the gui? take a photo if they're all on screen10:35
yasonTRgood idea :) but it's behind other windows10:35
yasonTRin text editor yeah (scite)10:35
tomreyndo you have an ssh server running and another system available log login to it?10:36
yasonTRthe thing is, i wasn't doing any special, just a lot at once (compiling, tomcat, ...)10:36
yasonTRthat's a good idea, i'll try that10:36
tomreyndon't ctrl-c if it takes forever to login10:36
tomreynjust wait10:36
notdanielif even a tty doesnt work... haha10:37
notdanieli do attempt from ssh myself though in these times10:37
yasonTRdoh, nope, sshd is not running it seems10:39
yasonTRi can ping, but no ssh10:39
Richard_CavellI'd like to create an archive (such as a zip file) of my entire home directory, for backup purposes.  What's the best way to do that?10:39
tomreynyasonTR: you could gamble and try magic sysrq k, but i think that's disabled by default for security reasons.10:40
yasonTRsad day for me!10:41
de-factona sysrq always should work10:42
de-factokeep pressing ctrl alt print while slowly typing letters R E I S U B10:42
tomreynthat'll loose data10:43
yasonTRyeah, i do not want to loose data10:43
BluesKajRichard_Cavell,  /home , right click in the file, compress to target path is one method10:43
de-factowouldnt it sync before reboot?10:43
yasonTRi have unsaved text editor open10:43
de-factooh thats bad then10:44
tomreynde-facto: try for yourself (if you have a default configuration), press sysrq-r10:45
tomreynyou'll notice r + e + i are dasbled10:45
tomreyns + +b aren't10:45
tomreyns + u + b aren't10:45
de-factoi think it worked for me if i remember correctly10:45
tomreynthat's the impression you got since s + u + b work10:46
BluesKajREISUB is a last resort tho10:46
de-factoyes could very well be the case10:46
BluesKaj it does work if really needed10:46
LangleyHelp, I ran out of disk space on my 16.04 machine and now it's completely crapped itself. It boots up to command line with the screen blinking every half second, it only accepts input during that half second timeframe so login is impossible. I managed to free some space in Recovery mode but didn't help10:47
tomreynBluesKaj: r + e + i won't work on a default installation, no10:48
BluesKajyasonTR,  does ctl+escape bring up system monitor ?10:48
tomreyncat /etc/sysctl.d/10-magic-sysrq.conf10:48
BluesKajtomreyn,  mine is default install and it works10:48
yasonTRWOW, my pc is suddenly back responsive10:48
yasonTRas if nothing happened10:49
tomreynBluesKaj: what is "it"?10:49
yasonTRtop: nothing special10:49
yasonTRwhich logs should i check to see what happened the last hour?10:49
tomreynyasonTR: syslog, the reason it's now responsive is most likely because OOM killer kicked in.10:49
BluesKajtomreyn,  and what do you mean by :"default:" ?  :-)10:50
yasonTRthank you developer/inventor of oom killer10:50
jashdjCan someone help me with configuring squid proxy?10:50
tomreynBluesKaj: kernel.sysrq = 176 in /etc/sysctl.d/10-magic-sysrq.conf10:51
BluesKajyasonTR,  bet it was unattended updates running in the background10:51
tomreynBluesKaj: default, ias in an unmodified ubuntu instlalation10:51
BluesKajok and what is unmodified?10:51
yasonTRout of memory: kill process 7255 (chrome) score 329 or sacrifice schild10:52
yasonTR(i copied that)10:52
tomreynBluesKaj: do you read what i write?10:52
tomreyn<tomreyn> BluesKaj: kernel.sysrq = 176 in /etc/sysctl.d/10-magic-sysrq.conf10:52
yasonTRi had several instances of chrome running yes10:52
BluesKajyup, and I''m asking what unmodified means , like adding non default apps from the thr epos for example10:53
BluesKajthe repos10:53
LangleyOh thankfully looks like I fixed it by emptying trash10:53
tomreynBluesKaj: even an ubuntu minimal installation would have the setting i discussed above. it does not matter which packages oyu install.10:54
yasonTR6 instances of chrome were killed in the last hour10:54
yasonTRoh man10:54
yasonTRat least i got my notes saved10:54
tomreynyasonTR: congrats. and yes, chrome can be very memory hungry10:54
yasonTRfunny thing is, all my chrome windows are still open and working10:55
yasonTRso i guess chrome is stubborn and auto restarts or something10:55
tomreynyasonTR: maybe soem tabs will show a crashed renderer.10:55
yasonTRoh yeah, exactly, you are right10:56
BluesKajtomreyn,  I just know that REISUB has worked for me in the past and whatever that path is that you posted really doesn' t mean much to me10:56
yasonTRso euh, does this mean that each tab is a separate process?10:56
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tomreynBluesKaj: yes, SUB worked in the past and still works now, just REI does not.10:56
tomreynthat's what i said all the time ;)10:56
BluesKajoh lord10:56
yasonTRdon't fight be happy10:57
BluesKajtasslehoff,  it's just silly that's all10:57
yasonTRis there anything i can do to prevent these kind of situations?10:58
BluesKajyasonTR, ^10:58
yasonTRi mean, i was just doing a lot at once, but nothing spectecular10:58
tomreynyasonTR: do not consume more ram than you have available ;-)10:59
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yasonTRofcourse :)10:59
BluesKajyasonTR,  chrome is kind of a heavy on resources , especially on java heavy websites, also sometime unattaeneded upgrades will slow things down while it upgrades packages in the background10:59
core[BDC]hi , i need little help with installing ttf fonts from windows folder10:59
yasonTRBluesKaj: i cannot find anything about updates in the logs, so i don't think that was the case right now11:00
bazhangcore[BDC], you get those from ubuntu-restricted-extras11:00
core[BDC]when i double click on any ttf font it says couldnt display11:00
yasonTRbut i mean, 'do not consume more ram than i have available', can i alter configurations that my os just stops the application instead of fighting with itself for more than an hour? (stupid question probably)11:01
bazhangcore[BDC], use the proper way to install them then11:01
tomreynLangley: i'd say get back into recovery and check how much disk space is now available on each of your file systems, and take a look at the X error log11:01
BluesKajyasonTR,  I see, well hope you find what it was, so you can avois the same situation in the future11:01
core[BDC]please tell me how11:01
yasonTRBluesKaj: i was just doing 'a lot', that's all11:01
yasonTRi had a lot of tomcat instances and chrome tabs open11:01
bazhanginstall ubuntu-restricted-extras11:02
bazhangcore[BDC], ^11:02
BluesKajyasonTR,  yeah sounds "busy"11:02
yasonTRfor an hour :)11:02
yasonTRi wish it was still possible to open a tty and kill -9 a process when it is busy :(11:02
core[BDC]bazhang: thanks, installing11:03
yasonTRactually, it behaves like my girlfriend, when she is busy, i have to wait an hour to talk to her11:03
geirhathe reason it gets so sluggish is that it has used up physical mem, and starts shuffeling memory between swap (on disk) and ram, back and forth11:03
bazhangyasonTR, lets stick to topical here11:03
yasonTRyeah i get that, but it would be nice if i could still open the tty, and have my chrome, tomcat, ... a lower priority or something11:04
RyviusIs there any way to limit how much space Trash can take?11:04
core[BDC]bazhang: still i cant open ttf file11:05
core[BDC]do i need to restart system?11:05
bazhangcore[BDC], It wont have installed that fast11:05
bazhangcore[BDC], did you hit the eula11:06
core[BDC]i installed it by typing sudo apt-get11:06
geirhawell, you can disable swap, then instead of entering swap-hell, OOM-killer will just kill a process that uses a lot of ram11:06
BluesKajyasonTR,  on kde we have process called system activity which shows what pids are active and how much% of resources certain apps/processes are using with the option to terminate or kill etc , ctl+escape11:07
bazhangcore[BDC], then it gets to a license agreemnt11:07
bazhangcore[BDC], did you OK that11:07
yasonTRBluesKaj: yup,i know, but none of the keys shortcuts were working (open terminal, ctrl-escape, ...)11:07
core[BDC]After this operation, 58.2 MB of additional disk space will be used.11:07
core[BDC]Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y11:07
yasonTRalso ctrl-shift-fx wasn't11:08
core[BDC]it only asked me once for conformation11:08
BluesKajthat's not good , yasonTR11:08
bazhangcore[BDC], there is no 'opening', leave the windows fonts alone11:08
bazhangcore[BDC], thats not it, no11:08
yasonTRindeed :P11:08
BluesKajthen the only thing to do is wait it out11:08
yasonTRanyway, good to know that oom reaper kicks in at a certain point11:09
bazhangcore[BDC], once it is finally ready to build/isntall them a white screen with OK will appear11:09
yasonTRthank you all!11:10
yasonTRi'm back to work11:10
bazhangcore[BDC], tab to it and hit enter11:10
BluesKajyasonTR,  good luck11:10
bazhangcore[BDC], this will take more than one or two minutes11:10
core[BDC]bazhang: https://pastebin.com/u3ZPVekS can you take a look at this please11:11
yasonTRit seems that my Unison backup sync also kicked in last hour11:15
ioriacore[BDC], you did a do-release-upgrade ?11:17
BluesKajyasonTR,  not using rsync, but i suppose automated setting can be more convenient11:25
yasonTRBluesKaj: I am not quire sure I understand whay you mean?11:26
BluesKajyasonTR, https://superuser.com/questions/97497/one-way-syncing-backup-with-unison11:27
yasonTRok thank you!11:28
core[BDC]ioria: no11:33
ioriacore[BDC],  ubuntu-restricted-extras has been installed correctly ?11:35
core[BDC]i think yes, but i am not sure11:36
core[BDC]i think font viewer is broken11:37
ioriacore[BDC],   dpkg -l ubuntu-restricted-extras11:37
core[BDC]ioria: https://pastebin.com/wxbwmV2Z11:38
ioriacore[BDC],   it's ok11:38
core[BDC]ioria: http://imgur.com/a/KV4uI getting this error when i am trying to open ttf file11:42
ioriacore[BDC],   did you reboot ?11:45
core[BDC]no, not yet11:45
core[BDC]installed font-manager , it worked :)11:48
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steves_hi i have read a lot but the applications and software applet fails to run it spins up but goes no further. im running ubuntu 16.04 lts, so far everything ive tried has failed to restore this. i dont want to have to resort to a new intall. thanks for any help11:58
BluesKajsteves_,  you didn't mention whether the apps oprn or not12:02
steves_sorry the app doesnt open just sins and then nothing12:03
steves_its the ubuntu software applet not starting up12:04
steves_also fails to launch from the search menu12:08
steves_any one can help?12:12
BluesKajhave to ask steves_ , all packages up to date?12:14
steves_yes and run this today as well12:14
DarekDeoI would simply go for: sudo apt purge gnome-software ubuntu-software sudo apt autoremove sudo apt install gnome-software ubuntu-software12:15
BluesKajsteves_,  in the terminal , dbus-launch application , just choose one12:16
soeeis there some alternative to Peak app if we want to make gif  from screen actions ?12:17
steves_rebooting be back12:21
Steves_still no joy ubuntu software doesnt open12:35
minimecSteves_: Try to launch it from the terminal with "gnome-software --verbose" to get some debugging information12:40
GumiBotHello! I've just installed Ubuntu 17.10 on a laptop I'm using every day just to test it and help the development. I'v already found some bugs but I'm not sure if these are realted to Ubuntu itself. Can I still report them to the Ubuntu team?12:44
tewardGumiBot: #ubuntu+1 for 17.10 issues, but yes if you think they're a bug file a bug against the packages in question.12:45
Steves_im in process of reinstalling this again after the latest update will get back to you!12:46
GumiBotteward, thanks! :)12:46
xyz111Hi Guys, need a bit of help with a phantom cron job! I have a cron job that runs at 00:36 each day, but I can't find it's definition. I've looked in crontab -l and even /etc/cron.* ... I have no idea where it's stored and I need to modify it. Funny thing is I remember setting it up using crontab -e12:50
xyz111any ideas where it could be defined/12:50
xyz111I can see that it runs every day according to my logs12:50
Picixyz111: check /var/log/auth.log to see what user the session is being run as, that might point you in the right direction as to what users cron it is setup in.12:53
Peyamhi, Trying to install eclipse using 'make' it says make: *** No rule to make target 'ide'.  Stop. when using make ide eclipse12:53
Peyamohh it is umake. not make12:55
xyz111Pici: I see the following line: 4852:Jul 24 00:36:01 ip-172-31-17-221 CRON[24150]: (root) CMD (/home/ubuntu/certbot/certbot-auto renew --quiet --no-self-upgrade)12:55
xyz111looks like root, no?12:56
xyz111so sudo crontab -e should have it12:56
xyz111but it doesn't :(12:56
EriC^^xyz111: check other places12:57
Steves_is there a wayto repair the installation? if this is still a problem sorry new to linux12:57
EriC^^xyz111: try "sudo grep -R certbot /etc"12:58
PeyamSteves_, how do you mean? what went wrong12:58
EriC^^xyz111: and "sudo grep -R certbot /var/spool/cron"12:58
Steves_sorry the software center doesnt launch 16.0412:59
Steves_have reinstalled the software centre but still not launching and have updated today and run upgrade13:00
Steves_causes a bit of a problem searching for software13:01
DarekDeoSteves_ you reinstalled it with the commands I've provided earlier? Together with autoremove and purge?13:02
Steves_yes and gnome updated13:02
DarekDeowhat about running it with "gnome-software --verbose" from terminal? does it print anything useful?13:02
Steves_that list was huge13:03
Steves_ill run it again now ive reinstalled that package13:03
PeyamDarekDeo, should he run purge and reinstall again? wouldnt that help?13:04
DarekDeorunning simply "gnome-software" without --verbose might print an error too, maybe it will be enough13:04
DarekDeoi believe he runned purge, i told earlier to do: "sudo apt purge gnome-software ubuntu-software sudo apt autoremove sudo apt install gnome-software ubuntu-software" but seems like it did not help13:05
Peyamis it gnome or unity?13:06
DarekDeoon 16.04 software center is the same for gnome and unity13:06
PeyamSteves_, are you sure that there isnt any USC running in background? can you please run killall software-center?13:07
xyz111EriC^^ : nope, nothing matched13:07
EriC^^xyz111: are you sure the cron has recently run?13:07
xyz111I've even grep'd the entire system!13:08
EriC^^xyz111: aha13:08
xyz111yeah, ran this morning: Jul 28 00:36:01 ip-172-31-17-221 CRON[24438]: (root) CMD (/home/ubuntu/certbot/certbot-auto renew --quiet --no-self-upgrade)13:09
xyz111I like the sound of "aha"13:09
PeyamEriC^^, xyz111 some pronounce it like "ahaaaaaaaaa" and some "AAha". has different sounds in my head13:10
EriC^^xyz111: it was more like an "oh i see"13:10
Peyamlike "aha" in "hmmmmm"13:11
EriC^^nah, more like an "ah"13:11
xyz111Peyam: lol, I thought it was the sound of someone who has worked something out...13:11
xyz111a bit of a crazy situation though... I've been using cron for about 12 years now, and never seen anything as puzzling as this!13:13
EriC^^xyz111: if cron's running it, it must be in a file somewhere13:13
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Steves_thats says no process found13:13
xyz111is there a way to get cron to list everything it's running?13:13
PeyamSteves_, allright. cd run " cd ~/.config "13:13
xyz111for all users?13:13
EriC^^xyz111: i dont think so13:14
PeyamSteves_, and then " mv software-center software-center.old "13:14
PeyamSteves_, then " sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --purge --reinstall install software-center " and try this time13:14
EriC^^xyz111: try "sudo grep -R "certbot-auto" /etc /var/spool"13:14
EriC^^xyz111: something has to come up13:15
Steves_no such file or directory daft as ive just installed it13:15
core[BDC]terminal is always sudo, it never asks for passowrd, how do i fix it?13:15
PeyamSteves_, try to run USC and then if it works great! doesnt work. try those commands13:16
Peyamcore[BDC], if you run sudo once in the terminal, it wont be needed again in the same terminal window. for a short period I guess13:16
core[BDC]i mean it wouldnt ask for password even after reboot13:17
core[BDC]it have always sudo privileges13:17
xyz111EriC^^ : again, nothing13:18
core[BDC]actually its convenient, but i fear it can cause some serious security risk?13:19
xyz111now, I just did sudo grep -R --no-messages "crontab" /13:19
xyz111to see if any script was setting up the cron itself13:19
xyz111but nothing there either...13:20
xyz111could it be a cached cron job or something? So it's in memory but not in any files?13:20
EriC^^xyz111: hmm i dont think that exists,i doubt though13:21
glitsj16core[BDC]: Have you inspected your sudoers yet? Do you login as root?13:21
DarekDeoSteves_: did --purge --reinstall software-center worked? If not you could try installing older version of software center: sudo apt-get install software-center13:23
core[BDC]glitsj16: i have no idea how to inspect? and no i dont login as root13:23
Steves_tried this sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --purge --reinstall install software-center still no joy software centre still not opening13:23
DarekDeoSteves_: ops it is actually what Peyam suggested ;)13:23
DarekDeoSteves_: are you using any custom theme, icon pack?13:24
glitsj16core[BDC]: usually you do that via 'sudo visudo'13:24
Steves_no just the default13:24
Steves_thats why im almost at the stage of binning this and doing a reinstall13:25
glitsj16core[BDC]: there's more info at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers13:25
core[BDC]i didnt run this command, i think it stops to ask for password after recent updates13:25
PeyamSteves_, just save time and do an reinstall13:27
PeyamSteves_, do what is simplest for you13:27
Steves_i have already tried most of the commands you have given13:27
core[BDC]glitsj16: i am new to linux, i fear if i play with these commands i will break something :|13:27
Steves_yes but its good to try and fix the faults its how you learn13:28
BluesKajSteves_,  I was away for a bit, but I asked earlier if, dbus-launch application, works in the console13:28
DarekDeoSteves_: you can try one more thing: killall gnome-software13:29
glitsj16core[BDC]: can't rule that out, although it is very unlikely that an update would mess with /etc/sudoers.. can you pastebin /etc/sudoers so the channel can check it? No worries, better safe than sorry13:29
DarekDeoSteves_: then rm -r ~/.local/share/gnome-software13:29
BluesKajDarekDeo,  that's not a fix13:31
Steves_dbus-launch software-center gives the following output13:32
Steves_Unable to create /home/steven/.dbus/session-bus /usr/bin/software-center:25: PyGIWarning: Gtk was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.   from gi.repository import Gtk, GObject /usr/share/software-center/softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/views/purchaseview.py:29: PyGIWarning: WebKit2 was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.requi13:33
BluesKajSteves_,  just a regular app like file manager13:34
BluesKajor nautilus13:34
core[BDC]glitsj16: there is a folder named sudoers.d in etc folder, it contains only README file13:35
Steves_dbus-launch nautilus Unable to create /home/steven/.dbus/session-bus  (nautilus:21662): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to register client: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files  ** (nautilus:21662): CRITICAL **: Another desktop manager in use; desktop window won't be created Nautilus-Share-Message: Called "net usershare info" but it failed: Failed to exec13:36
glitsj16core[BDC]: yes, that's normal.. you can override defaults to /etc/sudoers in that dir.. lets check permissions on that file, run 'stat /etc/sudoers | grep -m 1 Access' and tell us what that returns13:38
Steves_so does that mean dbus is not working or that i need to be root to run the command13:39
core[BDC]glitsj16: Access: (0440/-r--r-----)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)13:40
glitsj16core[BDC]: okay, that's how it should be.. are you familiar with a pastebin? we need to check the content of /etc/sudoers13:41
core[BDC]yes i am familiar with pastepin13:41
glitsj16core[BDC]: great, having a look13:43
glitsj16core[BDC]: lines 31 & 32 --> (1) they are the same, no need for that, but (2) that's the reason for your issue, you need to edit those out via 'sudo visudo'13:46
glitsj16core[BDC]: basically every user has nopasswd when you have a line like that in there, just make sure you remove both lines via 'sudo visudo', which is a safety precaution13:48
core[BDC]I need to delete last 2 lines? i.e. ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL13:50
glitsj16core[BDC]: correct13:50
jaydemirhey so for some reason my Ubuntu install won't recognize my GPU anymore13:51
jaydemirdespite there being no internal graphics in my CPU13:51
jaydemirif I run inxi-G all I see are fbdev, vesa and nouveau drivers13:51
jaydemirI have an Nvidia GTX 1050 in here13:51
core[BDC]glitsj16: how do i save it? ctrl+O?13:52
glitsj16core[BDC]: ctrl+x, confirm with enter13:52
jaydemirit's calling my card the "NVIDIA Device 1c81"13:52
jaydemirinstead of GTX 105013:52
jaydemirany idea how to fix?13:52
core[BDC]glitsj16: thanks a lot , fixed now :)13:53
glitsj16core[BDC]: you're welcome, glad to hear things are back to normal for you :)13:54
BluesKajjaydemir,  nouveau is the default driver for nvidia cards on a new install, you have to find the correct driver for your card by running sudo ubuntu-drivers list in the console13:55
jaydemirno no no13:55
jaydemirthats not what I'm saying at all13:56
jaydemirI'm saying the OS USED to recognize my GTX 1050 AS a GTX 105013:56
jaydemirand it's no longer doing that now that I've moved the drive into a new machine13:56
BluesKajyes, but that's not the name of the driver for your card, it's probly nvidia-384 or some such13:57
jaydemirI have the driver installed13:57
jaydemirit isnt loading it13:57
jaydemirthats the problem13:57
glitsj16core[BDC]: in case you would want to change sudo password functionality, like prolong the timeout etc, never use ALL, but add exceptions for your user only instead.. plenty of examples on the internets that have rather bad advice for convenience's sake13:57
jaydemirbut if I install inxi, I can identify the hardware13:57
oerheksjaydemir, so changing to a new machine, you expected it to boot normally??13:57
BluesKajno you have nouveau listed as the driver13:57
jaydemirso if I run inxi -G it SHOULD say Nvidia GTX 105013:57
jaydemirit always has booted normally13:58
jaydemirhere is the exact output: Graphics:  Card: NVIDIA Device 1c8113:58
jaydemir           Display Server: X.Org 1.18.4 drivers: fbdev (unloaded: vesa) FAILED: nouveau13:58
geniiProbably something different in the way the BIOS of the new box deals with it13:59
jaydemirI'll try changing the PCIE of the GPU. This shouldnt be happening14:00
jaydemirworst case I'll just have to make a new partition and reinstall the OS14:00
jaydemirI was just hoping there would be a way to fix this14:00
* BluesKaj wonders if he set the video options in the uefi/bios to pci instead of default14:03
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pizzaBurgerHello. Could any1 help me format/partition a micro SD card on xubuntu? I have the micro SD card in the phone, which is connected to my computer (USB debugging on), but I can't find the card through Gparted. I'm running Xubuntu 17.04.14:16
oerhekspizzaBurger, that is not going to work, AFAIK14:18
pizzaBurgeroerheks, you mean using a phone as a medium to mount the card?14:21
ducassepizzaBurger: you can't format it wiyhout plugging it into a reader connected to the pc, the phone is not going to work14:21
jerwhen ducasse says a reader connected to the pc, the phone doesn't qualify, since the phone's reader doesn't expose the sd card as a block level device to the pc14:22
jerjust to be a bit more specific14:22
pizzaBurgerI see. Thanks guys! I have an integrated sd card reader in my computer, but the system doesn't seem to pick it up. Any alternative to "device manager", or other ways to turn the card reader on?14:24
oerheksformat the card in your phone en try again?14:24
jerresearch; find out what device is in your laptop (there are usually detailed specs online), including model number and revision if possible, and then hunt for which linux driver (if any) support it14:24
jertry and load that driver14:25
jeror do that =]14:25
jergranted you may still have to do some research if that doesn't work14:25
FurretUberHi, I have installed the kernel 4.12.3 from the Ubuntu mainline (from the .deb packages at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/). I noticed there are alert level messages at dmesg and kernel bugs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25190876/14:26
FurretUberLooks like the system is working and I don't know what that kernel bug means14:26
pizzaBurgeroerheks, jer, ducasse, thanks a lot!14:30
jayjoWhen I boot my machine it goes to GRUB in order to give me a choice on what installation to boot into. (currently there are 2 ubuntus). 2 thins... it appears the GRUB entries in /boot/grub/grub.cfg refer to the OTHER os, unless there was an error in installation somehow. Where can I read about grub to see what I need to change?14:31
jayjohow can I change the names and change the default boot?14:31
jaydemirif I partition my drive and install a new OS in that partition, is there an easy way I can just link my new Home folder to the home folder of the old partition?14:33
mordofrunning ubuntu server in ec2 (amazon aws). On the server there is a drive attached - /dev/xvdb - AND /dev/xvdc (with the exact same UUID, same size, i'm assuming they're the same drive). In the EC2 panel for that VM though, there's no such EBS drive attached. So I have no idea how this hard drive is available on my server.  is there any way from wi14:33
mordofthin the server to determine where/what the drive is? is it possible to configure network storage in this manner? I'm quite confused14:33
ducassejayjo: set the default boot with grub-set-default, read the man page first14:34
acetakwasWhy doesn't this cronjob run? https://paste.ofcode.org/pUS8v6EiBFFGdf8ZHfjBQ414:40
jeracetakwas, add those commands to a script and run the script14:40
jercron runs one thing14:40
mordofthat one thing doesn't have to be a single command though14:42
jayjoducasse: I selected a particular UEFI entry point.... why does grub still win the race ?14:42
acetakwasjer::  I have used that approach.14:43
acetakwasIt's the same problem.14:43
acetakwasI used `$ crontab -e`14:43
xentity1xHi I see in the ubuntu package repository there are two versions of nvidia drivers (e.g. nvidia-375 and nvidia-375-dev). Can someone explain the difference to me?14:43
douxtar Question: When doing a system restore with tar it doesn't seem to overwrite any directories? How can I make tar overwrite / and thus all my files? COMMAND: sudo tar -xvpzf backup.tar.gz -C /media/ubuntu-mate/driveID/ --numeric-owner14:44
ducassejayjo: because you must have selected grub from the uefi, is my guess14:44
douxI'm doing this in Virtualbox for now...14:45
mordofxentity1x: the -dev package (from the looks of a search on the matter) is for including header files, and other files needed to do development with the nvidia drivers, or something related to it14:45
mordofxentity1x: it's not the driver itself14:45
django_anyone know a free 2d chess game14:45
mordofxentity1x: at least, not the one you would install to use14:45
jayjoducasse: I'm willing to do extra research on this if you have a resource for me. I have two drives currently with 3 partitions each (the standard ubuntu install). I selected with UEFI one of two options for boot (which I believe was the equivalent of /dev/sda and /dev/sdb). The entries do have different names which is possibly because the installer wanted to call them both "Ubuntu". Can I change these14:45
jayjonames? Isn't this stuff stored on a flash drive on the hardware itself?14:46
jayjoone is called "Ubuntu" and the other is called "Ubuntu from /dev/sda2"). I can verify these names in the indivudal installations /boot/grub/grub.cfg14:46
ducassejayjo: you can use efibootmgr to edit the uefi entries14:46
jayjoducasse: I did, that's how I have the two entries. There were extras installed from a Clover "Hackintosh" installation a year or two ago. That was how I found the uefi had its own internal data storage because I have wiped these drives many times since then. I'm nervous to delete these last two entires. When I do an installation, is there any other trace of it other than the efibootmgr records?14:48
ducassejayjo: shouldn't be14:48
jayjoon an installation the only WRITES made are two the actual disk in question (with the partitions you installed)... *AND* to the UEFI flash drive, but that's it?14:49
ducassejayjo: the os and bootloader is written to disk, and the uefi firmware entries are stored in nand memory14:51
jayjobpaste.net/show/3288ec62f2f9 shows my only two entries currently in efibootmgr. Is there a way to go to defaults or detect? Or can I make some manual adjustments?14:52
ducassejayjo: adjustments of what?14:53
pavlosacetakwas: your script runs on the first minute of every hour. consider putting a script in /etc/cron.hourly/14:54
jayjoducasse: I'd like to boot directly into a "primary" installation and boot into it only on special occasions14:54
jayjoboot into the other or secondary one on special occasion14:54
jayjoBut I think over the years my grub config has gotten messy14:54
ducassejayjo: if you give each installation it's own bootloader, you can make separate uefi entries for them and set the primary one to default. you could also handle it through grub.14:57
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* eelstrebor is wondering if it's still necessary to modify fstab or run fstrim or do other "optimizations" with ubuntu 14.04+ distros if installed on an ssd?15:10
acetakwaspavlos::  Thanks. My bad.15:11
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oerhekseelstrebor, no, see /etc/cron.weekly/fstrim15:12
oerheksthere is a cronjob running for fstrim, and no extra options needed in fstab15:13
oerheksyou can always run manually: sudo fstrim -v /15:13
eelstreborok. i was wondering because i have windows 10 running on an ssd and the info i've found is that the win10 os auto manages stuff like that so i was wondering if ubuntu did the same15:14
oerheksjups, it does15:14
* eelstrebor just put mint 17.3 on an ssd15:16
eelstreborlooks like mint runs weekly also15:17
eelstreboreventually, when the TB ssd's get lower in price i'll be putting ubuntu on those15:17
scottjlput the OS on a small SSD and data on a spinning disk.15:18
steves_finally got the software centre going15:20
eelstrebori would prefer to put everything on an ssd instead of having a hybrid drive or a separate ssd/hdd combo (like my asus rog has)15:20
steves_sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade gnome-software15:21
* eelstrebor is running ubuntu 16.04 on the asus rog -m os on the ssd drive and data on the hdd15:21
eelstreborhaving everything on an ssd is soooo much faster though15:21
steves_sudo apt-get autoremove gnome-software && sudo apt-get install gnome-software15:22
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steves_that fixed it15:22
edulixhi people, is there a package version syntax that allows to install a package from a specific repository without specifying the version numbering?15:25
edulixapt install package=fromrepofoo15:25
edulixsomething like that15:25
scottjledulix: download the .deb and install it manually?15:25
edulixscottjl: no, I mean something that can be used in the "apt install " command15:25
oerhekspinning perhaps?15:26
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto15:26
scottjlbut that doesn't pin it to a specific repo15:27
edulixoerheks: pinning is not the droid I am looking for, because you cannot use pinning with the command "apt install" afaik, you need other commands15:27
scottjledulix: then the answer would be no.15:28
EriC^^edulix: i dont think apt can do that, it can install .deb's though fwiw15:28
oerheksedulix, with apt-cache policy <package> #you can determin the version number,  then you can run #sudo apt-get install package=version15:28
edulixyou might think it's an absurd requirement but it's not. I'm trying to use travis-ci containers which only allow to install apt packages declaratively by name, but name includes name=version15:28
oerheksi would pinn15:28
edulixoerheks: I cannot pinn15:29
scottjlapt doesn't have a command line option to specify a particular repo over another.15:29
edulixtravis-ci containers do not allow it afaik15:29
EriC^^edulix: why dont you add the repo using add-apt-repository?15:29
EriC^^edulix: you can't add or edit /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list ?15:29
edulixEriC^^: the repo is already added and add-apt-repository not allowed in travis-ci containers15:29
xentity1xSo I'm trying to install nvidia drivers on an ubuntu docker container using apt-get. Half way through the installation it asks me to specify my keyboard type. I want to write my installation script so that it doesn't require any user input once the installation starts. Is there a way to specify this input when I run apt-get.15:29
xentity1xI've already tried including the yes flag: apt-get install nvidia-375 -y15:30
scottjledulix: to answer your first question, no. there is no command line option for that.15:30
EriC^^edulix: that's pretty odd and seems limiting, no experience with containers myself though15:30
Abequinnhi i actually dont use ubuntu i use linux mint15:31
scottjlAbequinn: you probably want #linuxmint then15:32
edulixscottjl: can I use wildcards to convert the "version" (for example 1:3.8-2ubuntu3~trusty5) into "*trusty*" ?15:33
Abequinnyeah im joining that15:33
EriC^^edulix: can you write a script with the container?15:33
edulixEriC^^: they don't allow sudo in that script so you cannot execute apt things15:34
jayjoducasse: Ah . so when I installed I must have selected put the bootloaded in the wrong /dev/sda or /dev/sdb? So I should delete the entry in GRUB for the one I don't want, and then reinstall the other OS when its bootloader on its own drive? Then I can do all of the selection with UEFI?15:34
scottjledulix: write your own script?15:34
edulixscottjl: what? I cannot execute script with sudo permissions as I said15:35
EriC^^edulix: apt-get seems to accept wildcards for the version here15:35
EriC^^edulix: but not as prefix's, just suffix15:35
scottjledulix: ok. you said "that script". i thought you were referring to a specific one15:35
EriC^^edulix: you can always parse them using a script, and pass the end results to apt15:36
edulixok, I'll have to specify full versions, but I suspect that when the packages are updated, those packages will be removed from the repository..15:36
edulixEriC^^: no I cannot because the apt cannot use the output of the scripting AFAIK, it's called by travis declaratively and with whitelist limitations on the allowed packages15:37
EriC^^edulix: there must be a better way to go about this15:38
ioriaedulix, never used it, but you can explore the -t flag ( --target-release)  in man apt-get15:39
ducassejayjo: a simple way to do it all via uefi with installations on separate drives is to make separate efi partitions for each install, one on each drive. then you'll get uefi variables for each.15:39
edulixEriC^^: or maybe not15:39
edulixioria: but in the same apt command I need to install package from different repos15:40
ioriaedulix, that should not  be a problem  with &&15:41
edulixioria: what do you mean?15:42
edulixioria: with command I mean command, no "bash line"15:42
ioriaedulix,  && workss with apt syntax15:43
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edulixioria: in any case I don't think I can even apply any apt flag, let alone && or other things. I can only edit the list of packages15:44
EriC^^edulix: then you need to add the repo and update apt's cache15:45
edulixwell I got the answer I needed, thanks all for the help15:46
jayjoducasse: I believe that's what I attempted but I may have selected the wrong "Device for Bootloader Installation" when installing an ubuntu copy. Is there a way I can check this? I thought I did have separate partitions when there are 3 partitions on each drive15:47
EriC^^jayjo: type "(sudo parted -ls && sudo efibootmgr -v) | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link it gives you here15:47
ducassejayjo: you should not select for example /dev/sda for bootloader installation, but /dev/sda1 - whatever the efi partition is. not the whole device.15:48
ducassejayjo: that's a common problem.15:48
EriC^^/dev/sda works for me for the "bootloader location" at the bottom, the efi partition has to be selected as "efi partition" though15:50
ducasseEriC^^: which installer is this?15:51
EriC^^ducasse: ubuntu 14.04 and 16.0415:51
ducassedesktop or server?15:51
ducasseEriC^^: right. perhaps that's different? i almost always use server..15:52
EriC^^jayjo: you have 2 linux installs, which one's grub do you want to load on bootup?15:53
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EriC^^ducasse: maybe15:53
jayjoI would like to default to /dev/sda15:54
EriC^^jayjo: type "sudo efibootmgr -o 0000,0085"15:54
EriC^^jayjo: type "sudo blkid /dev/sda1" and see if the partuuid starts with "ef70"15:56
jayjoEriC^^: I changed the boot order and it booted to the same machine. in my eufi bios my boot option priorities are in order to be sure15:57
EriC^^jayjo: the current machine is the 500gb one?15:58
jayjowhen I boot and go to grub, I have 4 options. Ubuntu, Ubuntu w adv options, Ubuntu on /dev/sda2/ Ubuntu w adv options on /dev/sda215:58
jayjoand Ubuntu on /dev/sda2 is the one I'd like to default to15:58
jayjoThe dev/sda2 which I would like to deault to is the 180GB drive15:58
EriC^^jayjo: ok, try "sudo efibootmgr -v" again, is it still 0000 at the start?16:00
jayjonow that I'm on the machine of /dev/sda (180G drive, the default one) I can look in /boot/grub/grub.cfg and only see the "entry" that corresponds to the other machine. is that supposed to happen?16:00
EriC^^(after BootOrder)16:00
jayjoyes the order is correct now16:01
adroit_machinehi, I need to connect with my phone to my laptop via bluetooth, but it says bluetooth adapter not  found16:01
jayjoand those correspond to the correct Boot entries16:01
EriC^^jayjo: try from the /dev/sda one "sudo update-grub"16:01
EriC^^jayjo: no, it's not supposed to happen16:01
EriC^^jayjo: maybe /etc/grub.d/*linux is not executable16:02
jayjosomething just changed after update-grub. The default wait time now is 30s instead of 10s16:02
jayjoso its a temporry step backwards16:02
jayjostill defaults into the incorrect installation, as well.16:02
EriC^^jayjo: type "(cat /etc/default/grub /boot/grub/grub.cfg && ls -l /etc/grub.d) | nc termbin.com 9999"16:03
InvisibleRastahello guys, i jsut isntaller rtorrent and rutorrent. but when i go to my servers page it says that The requested URL /rutorrent was not found on this server.16:05
InvisibleRastai am using ubuntu16:05
AnonalyHi, I am running Xubuntu 16.04, I recently used the command line to upgrade it from 14.04,  how do I get the whisker menu /xfce to upgrade as well (my menu is still the old style)?16:05
jayjoEriC^^: termbin.com/veyb16:05
Anonalyis there a directory in my home folder that I have to delete to force it to update ?16:05
EriC^^Anonaly: did you try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ?16:05
jayjoyou can see there the only entry is 'Ubuntu'. That entry will boot into the drive on /dev/sdc16:06
AnonalyEriC^^, yes16:06
jayjobut I also now see that DEFAULT is 0 which I think is indexed based. I've read something like that but if indexing it based on the order of grub entries is the solution... yuck16:06
jayjoI've read something somewhere that I could change that to '3' for example, but that would break if anything changed16:07
AnonalyI did this the last time, I remember there was a settings folder in my home folder    like  ~/.xfce or something that I had to remove  when I did this last time16:07
Anonalybut its not ~/.xfce its something else16:07
Anonaly~/.config/xfce ?16:07
EriC^^jayjo: it's set to boot the /dev/sdc2 one, which i think is the current install16:09
EriC^^jayjo: type "sudo blkid /dev/sda2"16:10
EriC^^jayjo: actually, type "(df -h && lsblk -f) | nc termbin.com 9999"16:10
jayjoEriC^^: termbin.com/yb3s16:12
EriC^^jayjo: yup, the ubuntu entry boots the uuid=205.... which is sda216:13
Cobraxgod damn16:13
Cobraxubuntu 17.04 gnome is unstable as fuck16:13
EriC^^jayjo: the timeout is 30 because of recordfail16:13
EriC^^jayjo: type sudo nano /etc/default/grub and add the line GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT=$GRUB_TIMEOUT16:13
EriC^^then sudo update-grub16:13
jayjoEriC^^: I'll try it again, but if I wait for the default it boots to the incorrect installation. I am in the correct installation now though16:14
jayjoif my logged in state has any impact16:14
InvisibleRastai used this guide to isntall rutorrent and rtorrent but i cant acces the rutorrent interface https://www.techandme.se/install-rutorrent-plex-on-a-headless-ubuntu-server-16-04-part-1/16:14
EriC^^jayjo: when you get grub, make sure it's the correct one getting booted, check "echo $root" and "echo $prefix"16:14
ducasseCobrax: watch the language, please16:15
jayjoecho $root -> hd2,gpt2 >>> echo $prefix -> (hd2,gpt2)/boot/grub16:16
EriC^^ok, try "ls (hd2,gpt2)"16:16
EriC^^which one is that?16:16
EriC^^jayjo: the installs are which ubuntu versions?16:17
jayjoUUID 63078d40 ... total size 471124992 KB16:17
jayjothey are both ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I believe that is the wrong drive16:18
EriC^^jayjo: ok, so that's indeed the /dev/sdc2 's partition16:18
EriC^^jayjo: ok, try for me something quickly16:18
EriC^^jayjo: "cat (hd0,gpt1)/efi/ubuntu/grub.cfg"16:19
EriC^^does it say 205 as the uuid or 630..?16:19
jayjosearch.fs_uuid 63078d40... root hd2,gpt2; set prefix=($root) '/boot/grub'; configfile $prefix/grub.cfg;16:20
EriC^^jayjo: ok that's the problem16:20
EriC^^the efi of /dev/sda1 is setting the /dev/sdc2 as root and prefix16:21
EriC^^(how that came about is pretty mysterious)16:21
EriC^^jayjo: while installing the second ubuntu did you choose /dev/sda by mistake? and then just grub-install 'd from the 1st ubuntu?16:22
jayjoif anything I may have not configured the bootloader portion of this correctly : https://snag.gy/93Ke4d.jpg16:23
jayjoI manually set my partitions, but that's on the next screen and I don't remember if there's a chance to come back to this in order to select where the bootloader is installed16:23
jayjobut doesn't the partitions of each drive show that there is a bootloader installed on each drive?16:24
EriC^^jayjo: ok, try booting into the ubuntu of /dev/sda16:24
EriC^^and type "sudo grub-install"16:24
EriC^^then cat /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grub.cfg and see if the uuid starts with 205 now16:24
jayjoyes it does now16:27
jayjoI didn't check before grub-install16:27
EriC^^jayjo: ok, try sudo update-grub again, then try rebooting16:30
jayjoYes, now it boots into the correct one by default. But it is back to 10s delay16:32
jayjoin /etc/defaults/grub the timeout is set to 016:33
jayjoIt still boots to the grub menu actually before going to the correct login - can I go directly to this login and interrupt the process if I want to login to the other OS?16:33
EriC^^jayjo: yeah, did you add the GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT=$GRUB_TIMEOUT to /etc/default/grub?16:35
EriC^^that should fix it i think16:35
jayjostill going to grub screen with that entry and update-grub16:37
EriC^^jayjo: type "cat /etc/default/grub /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999"16:38
jayjowhat record is failing? is there a log somewhere?16:38
EriC^^jayjo: it's when grub thinks the last time you booted it didn't work correctly, so it's a fallback timeout16:38
EriC^^jayjo: try sudo nano /etc/default/grub16:41
EriC^^and set GRUB_TIMEOUT to anything other than 016:41
isomorphismesupgrading from 12.04 LTS to 16 LTS, I now have a new terminal which doesn’t look like my old ones16:42
isomorphismeswhere can I find the old profile config files?16:42
isomorphismes↑ the issue may also be that the Ctrl+Alt+T terminal default was reset to something new (but I don’t know what that would be either)16:43
EriC^^isomorphismes: somewhere in ~/.config or ~/.terminal-name16:43
isomorphismesas it happens, I still have old terminals that look normal running16:43
isomorphismesEriC^^: thanks16:43
EriC^^isomorphismes: post a screenshot maybe if you need help later16:44
jayjoEriC^^: I changed it to 1 and it still takes a 10s countdown16:44
EriC^^jayjo: odd16:45
sim642On xubuntu 16.04 I have issues with some tray icons: https://imgur.com/a/ykY56. On both machines some icons are zoomed and cropped instead of their normal size. This didn't happen before 16.04. Any ideas?16:47
isomorphismesEriC^^: http://ge.tt/5dnrPyl216:49
EraMy Front Audio Jack does not work16:51
steves_do the back ones work16:52
EraYes, they do16:52
jayjoIt is odd. I won't really get how these two systems interact with each other. are they just both writing to the uefi memory?16:52
EriC^^isomorphismes: looks like a complete different terminal program16:52
jayjo^don't really get / not won't16:52
steves_could be motherboard or speaker configurationproblem16:53
Cobraxducasse, why?16:53
EraDoing `alsa force-reload` fixes it temporarily, but then it goes dead again after 2 minutes16:53
ducasseCobrax: because the guidelines say so16:53
Cobraxfreenodes guidelines apply to all channels16:53
steves_thats strange16:53
EriC^^isomorphismes: try getting the name of the terminal somehow, try help > about16:54
ducasse!guidelines | Cobrax16:54
ubottuCobrax: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:54
Cobraxburguoise perfoessionalism is sucking the soul out of life16:54
EriC^^jayjo: the uefi has a list of efi files like entries saved in the nvram and it loads the efi file shimx64.efi16:55
steves_not got enough linux experiance to help you era16:55
EriC^^cause it's first in the boot order, the rest is all up to grub16:55
EraAnother thing I noticed is that when I force reload, in pavucontrol, It goes to built-in analog stero16:55
Erabut after 2 mins, goes to something called IEC95816:56
Eraand Output is no longer to Headphones, but to `Digital Stereo`16:56
steves_that maybe a codec issue then16:57
steves_what are you trying to play16:57
steves_ IEC958 is a digital ouput standard16:59
EraHmm in Pavucontrol, in Configuration, it lists Analog Output as unplugged17:00
Eraand if I change to it, sound comes through, but it auto shifts to digital output17:00
steves_spid/if interface output if that helps you17:00
EraUh, no, it doesnt, Im barely even a noob17:00
steves_it is the digital output speaker setting that could be causing the issue17:02
EraHow do I make it stay on Analog?17:03
steves_do you have this connected by optical or coax connection17:03
EraUh... what?17:03
steves_that im not sure of in linux17:03
EraMaybe its the NVidia HDMI audio getting in the way17:04
steves_could be you should be able to set this in sound settings17:06
EraYea, I disabled it17:06
EraIll get back to you in a bit if it shuts itself off again17:06
pavlosjayjo: is the #GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT commented out?17:09
EraIt seems like it works now, thanks steves_17:10
steves_your welcome try this if you still have trouble https://www.linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?t=1068417:11
EraI will17:11
EraDamn, it broke again. This time it lasted for 5 mins so I thought it was fixed...17:12
jayjopavlos: no it's not17:12
jayjowhat does that command do?17:12
pavlosjayjo: it is in /etc/default/grub, you can comment it out, your timeout is 5 secs, reboot and see if grub countdowns 5 instead of 1017:14
coolstar-ipadhi, i just got a new laptop (Lenovo Yoga 720), but when i select Ubuntuin GRUB it doesnt boot at all17:18
gabrielccoolstar-ipad: do you read any errors?17:20
coolstar-ipadNo, it just has a black screen and the USB ports all switch off17:21
coolstar-ipadAnd the fan seems to run at full speed17:21
isomorphismesEriC^^: I think they might both be gnome-terminal …17:21
gabrielccoolstar-ipad:  check if the computer has problems with any hardware component.17:22
MikeSeeHow would one go about changing the default login screen text from "Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS <hostname> tty1\n\n<hostname> login:" if I wanted to add more information to be visible prior to login17:24
coolstar-ipadgabrielc: how would I check that?17:25
coolstar-ipadIt seems to be working fine in Windows, just is unable to boot Linux17:26
foomachineis there any way to disable client side decorations globally? a patched gtk somehere maybe17:28
gabrielccoolstar-ipad: try to boot ubuntu from usb stick17:29
coolstar-ipadgabrielc: that's where I'm getting the issue17:29
coolstar-ipadIt's unable to boot kubuntu 17.04's installer from the USB at all17:29
gabrielccoolstar-ipad: and with 16.04?17:29
coolstar-ipadHaven't tried 16.04 yet, but I noticed the same issue with both Linux Mint 18.2 and Kubuntu 17.0417:30
coolstar-ipadAlso something else I noticed, in the UEFI boot menu, the Ubuntu USB shows up as some strange "Linpus Lite" option17:31
isomorphismessolved, probably : https://askubuntu.com/questions/774394/wheres-the-gnome-terminal-config-file-located https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/253942/where-are-gnome-terminal-profiles-stored-on-a-linux-distribution17:33
coolstar-ipadhmm, something else strange I noticed... If I removed the EFI folder from the USB and placed rEFInd on it, it shows up as "EFI USB Device" now instead of Linpus Linux17:38
coolstar-ipadHmm loading GRUB from rEFInd doesn't seem to help either17:42
e64anyone gotten mac-like trackpad gestures successfully setup in Ubuntu?17:45
e64with TouchEgg, LibInput, or anything17:45
sla3kHi, quick question: when I try to create a guest Ubuntu (on a Ubuntu HOST) using the command line parameters mentioned here: https://pastebin.com/W81zv8NE , I am dropped to "Escape Character is: ^]"17:45
sla3kI am trying to do this on a remote machine, logged in using SSH17:45
sla3kWhat is the right way to install a guest OS using "virt-install' remotely17:46
DWSRHey all, is there a way for me to read a file a second CD drive during boot?17:52
DWSRI'm trying to give the installer the preseed file by inserting a second CD into the machine that contains the preseed file.17:52
untorehcan nautilus connected paths like ftp be accessed from cli ?17:56
untorehah /run somethingsomething17:58
eelstreboris it necessary to modify fstab to reduce the number of read/writes on an ssd drive?18:00
faraco16.04 is the last 32 bit arch support. What and which pc you guys recommend for 32 bit pc refugee?18:04
faracofor ubuntu*18:04
faracoomg..sorry. Let me rephrase that again.18:04
faraco16.04 is the last Ubuntu LTS version that is going to be supported by Canonical. For 32 bit pc users, what linux distro you guys recommend to seek refugee?18:05
faracoI just don't want to let this pc became useless. I had a lot of good memories with it.18:06
DWSRfaraco: I recommend that you go to a 64 bit PC18:06
DWSRWhat PC are you using that doesn't support 64 bit?18:06
DWSRAlso, 16.04 LTS support is for at least another few years, so your computer will probably die by the time support runs out.18:07
faracothis pc is probably in existen for around 15 years18:07
faracoand it is i68618:07
ioriafaraco, maybe lubuntu will continue to ship it...18:07
faracountil then which I don't know, in case it survives.18:07
faracoioria: I think lubuntu use the same core as Ubuntu?18:08
faracoand not even mentioning the repo..18:08
ioriafaraco, yeah, i said 'maybe' :þ18:08
faracomy bad then. :(18:09
faracoI'm doing just fine in command line, just you know, what else is possible in my situation and let's say my pc survives after 5 years since 16.0418:10
ioriafaraco, what specs ?18:10
faracoi386, 1GB ram, 1.7 Ghz processor, 1 core.18:11
DWSRDat Pentium 4.18:11
ioriafaraco,   athlon xp amd ?18:11
alkisgYeah that usually can't even play fullscreen youtube after 10.04, it needs 2.4 Ghz...18:11
faracocorrect, and it is lagging when watching non fullscreen.18:12
ioriafaraco,   tthat socket is terrible18:12
faracoI'm not planning to graphics extensive job in this pc18:12
faracowhat socket?18:12
ioriafaraco,   sy, what your cpu exactly ?18:13
faracointel celeron 53018:13
ShNaYkHsI have ubuntu which is installed on Windows (using Wubiuefi - a windows installer for ubuntu), so the filesystem is NTFS. If I boot on ubuntu, is it possible to create a repository only which is ext4 ?18:14
faracodo you partition instead of repository ?18:14
faracoioria: I'm looking for possible distro that gonna support this pc, for like maybe more years to come after 16.04.18:15
ioriafaraco,  that cpu  got pae ? grep pae /proc/cpuinfo18:16
faracoShNaykHs: if you want to create a separate partition, yes. Just run a liveusb and do your partitioning, swapping etc.18:16
faracoyes, I got pae18:16
ioriafaraco,  and what are running atm ?18:17
faracogrep pae /proc/cpuinfo18:17
jayjopavlos: do I also need to commeout out GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET ?18:17
pavlosjayjo: no, just the one I wrote18:17
ioriafaraco,  16.04 ?18:18
faracourm yeah18:18
jayjopavlos: it's still 10 s18:18
faracoanything else?18:18
pavlosjayjo: after modifying grub, you type sudo update-grub, right?18:19
jayjopavlos: actually no. Now it takes 1s to wait. so now I can change that to 0?18:19
ShNaYkHsfaraco no I mean without creating a new partition. Just a repository with ext4. is that possible ?18:20
faracoI'm not sure what do you mean 'repository' in this context, pardon me.18:20
pavlosjayjo: well, every time you mod /etc/default/grub, you need to run sudo update-grub to update its files18:20
faracoioria: so any suggestion?18:21
ioriafaraco,  looks like lubuntu 18.04 will support i386, so you'll be ok18:21
ShNaYkHsfaraco it means without partitioning, simply.18:21
jayjopavlos: changing it to 0 reverted it back to a 10s wait18:21
jayjois there any way to just go directly to the OS?18:21
faracoioria: oh really,, phewwwwww18:21
faracowhere do you get that ioria?18:21
jayjopavlos: but a 1 did hae a 1s wait18:22
ioriafaraco,  https://www.reddit.com/r/Lubuntu/comments/4qy25y/is_lubuntu_dropping_32bit_support/18:22
faracothanks! I feel much safer now.18:22
ioriafaraco,  "At the very minimum 18.04 will be the last i386 release, but we are hoping for longer."18:22
pavlosjayjo: some info ... https://askubuntu.com/questions/111085/how-do-i-hide-the-grub-menu-showing-up-at-the-beginning-of-boot18:22
faracoioria: probably every 32 bit linux users need to move Lubuntu, and force them to support until 26.04 :P18:23
ioriafaraco,  absolutly right18:23
faracountil then, I there is probably 60GB ram for personal home18:24
loppy2anyone know of a program that can run memory more efficiently on ubuntu 16.04 .i have a gpu program that basically slow my pc to a crawl when running.18:34
ShNaYkHsI have installed Ubuntu on Windows (using Wubiuefi - a windows installer for Ubuntu). At startup, the windows boot manager shows up where you can choose to boot Windows or Ubuntu. After choosing Ubuntu, Grub shows up where you can choose Ubuntu (or other distributions if any). Does this mean that I have two boot loaders ? Or does it have something to do with UEFI ?18:35
oerhekswubi does not work with windows10/uefi18:36
ubottuWubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and Windows, and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.18:36
ShNaYkHsoerheks I know that.18:36
brunchShNaYkHs: did anything make you choose to use wubi instead of the default installation methods?18:37
mistawrighthi guys how can i sort the first column of a csv using sort to show the duplicates and the amount of times they appear?18:37
ShNaYkHsbrunch yes I have 4 primary partitions which are all importnt and cannot format any of them.18:37
brunchShNaYkHs: so is the default installation process forcing you to format partitions?18:38
ShNaYkHsbrunch maximum is 4 partitions. So I used Wibi uefi. But my question is not this ;)18:38
alkisgShNaYkHs: UEFI means GPT, which means unlimited primary partitions18:38
alkisgWindows doesn't run in UEFI/MBR18:38
ShNaYkHsTo make the question simple. If I build a new linux from scrach (on ubuntu as a host), do I need to enable the UEFI support in the kernel before compiling or not.18:40
ioriahowever, you can install gpt with dos-mbr18:40
alkisgShNaYkHs: if things happen the way you're saying, that means that you're not using UEFI. Wubeuefi can't load itself from uefi windows boot manager (mentioned in its site), so if you're seeing first the windows boot manager and then grub, it means you're not using uefi.18:41
alkisgwubiuefi says its supports uefi, but only directly, without first going through the windows boot manager18:41
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alkisgThat second question was more complicated, why would you compile a kernel instead of just installing it with apt-get ?18:42
ShNaYkHsalkisg after installing wubiuefi, ubuntu started to appear on  windows boot manager, then grub appears. Isn't it supposed to be like that N18:42
alkisgShNaYkHs: do you know if you're using uefi? I believe you're not.18:43
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alkisgIf you're not using uefi, then yes, it's supposed to go like you report18:43
alkisgThe mixed part is you reporting uefi, while I believe you're not using it18:43
ShNaYkHsalkisg I was talking about compiling the kernel for a linux which was build from scrach (LFS) not for Ubuntu.18:43
alkisggrub.efi can load both efi and non-efi kernels18:44
alkisgSo that part doesn't matter18:44
unicornjedihowdee, Has anyone here installed ubuntu with LVM? I'm having some trouble with it... After the install I just get a blank screen with a blinking cursor. There's no error message so I don't have much to go off of18:44
ioriaunicornjedi, 17.04 ?18:47
ShNaYkHswhere can I find the .config of the kernel used by my ubuntu ?18:48
alkisgShNaYkHs: in /boot/config*18:49
ShNaYkHsok thanks18:50
unicornjediircnode0, aye18:53
ioriaunicornjedi, and i suppose you cannot open a console ?18:54
unicornjediioria, aye :(18:54
unicornjediioria, all I can think is that grub was installed somewhere else18:54
ioriaunicornjedi, so i think maybe one of these: or grub failed to install (so you need to boot livecd and reinstall) or hit by this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/partman-auto/+bug/165583618:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1655836 in partman-auto (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 17.04 installation with "Guided - use entire disk and set up LVM" fails" [High,Triaged]18:55
unicornjediioria, ah... I installed ubuntu on /dev/sdb... so you think it's trying to install to /dev/sda?18:56
ioriaunicornjedi, boot the live and paste   sudo parted -l  (yes, usually grub on /dev/sda)18:58
unicornjediioria, okay. one sec18:58
loppy2anyone know of any update repos for beignet that i can add or download a deb file?19:01
unicornjediioria, okay19:02
unicornjediioria, i see a list of my devices19:03
ioriawe don't19:03
scottjlloppy2: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/beignet ?19:03
unicornjedierr, I'll get on IRC on the liveUSB19:04
unicornjediand I'19:04
unicornjediI'll pastebin the output there19:04
jayjo_one more thing has gone wrong, but I think it's the last thing to fix. my desktop just seems to be 'disabled' now. The desktop background was completely black and not interactable, but everything else is ok. I ran gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.background active true; and it set it to show the image but it is still not 'interactable' w no icons19:05
jayjo_other things appear to work fine19:05
unicornjediioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25192523/19:07
[n0mad]jayjo_: did you remove nautilus?19:08
jayjo_[n0mad]: no, but when I run it from the cli i get this : https://bpaste.net/show/999eefda941819:09
[n0mad]that's normal19:10
jayjo_I can't even click and drag now for the selection box19:11
jayjo_could gnome and unity be conflicting?19:11
jayjo_I am using gnome. I don't really care gnome vs unity. How do I completely uninstall one in order to default the other?19:12
[n0mad]not really sure. i only found 1 similar issue to yours in the search I did and the user had uninstalled nautilus so the same wouldn't apply19:13
jayjo_thinking that might be the issue19:13
ioriaunicornjedi, dual boot with windows ?19:14
unicornjediioria: windows is on its on physical hard disk19:15
ioriaoh, right19:15
[n0mad]jayjo_: this article describes removing gnome on 16.04 https://askubuntu.com/questions/767577/how-can-i-remove-gnome-desktop-environment-without-messing-unity-de-ubuntu-1619:15
ioriaunicornjedi, so booting the pc, you get nothing  ? or what ?19:16
mrigIs chroot a good protection when running an irc client from a terminal?19:16
unicornjediWhen I boot to /dev/sdb (the ubuntu installation) I just get a blank screen and blinking cursor :(19:16
unicornjediI can boot to windows though. Windows doesn't have grub on it tho19:16
ioriaunicornjedi, from bios you mean ?19:17
unicornjediioria: ye19:18
jayjo_I removed gnome and it worked.19:19
jayjo_I did like gnome better in my short experience, but it'snot worth the pain in the tush19:19
ioriaunicornjedi, when you installed, do you remember where grub has been installed ?19:19
[n0mad]you could always install ubuntu gnome and not have to add it separate19:20
unicornjediioria: nope19:20
alkisghttp://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ should tell you where it got installed19:20
alkisgAnd you could chroot and run dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc to change it...19:21
ioriaunicornjedi, on lvm you usually need a /boot partition (but there is none) ^ see alkisg suggestion19:21
unicornjedialkisg: thank you19:21
unicornjediioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25192602/19:27
unicornjediioria: looks like grub is on /dev/sdd19:28
alkisgTry booting from sdd from bios...19:28
alkisgAh better yet19:28
alkisgJust chroot and change it\19:28
alkisgRemember to bind-mount proc, sys, dev, dev/pts19:29
alkisgAnd then chroot and run dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc19:29
unicornjedialkisg: I am a linux power user and I have basic knowledge of the CLI so please bear with me...19:29
alkisgsudo -i; mount /dev/sdb /mnt; for d in proc sys dev dev/pts do mount --bind /$d /mnt/$d; done; chroot /mnt dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc19:30
alkisgOr wherever else that lvm was19:30
alkisgdev/pts; do  => forgot a semicolon there19:31
ioriafor i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done19:31
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unicornjedisudo -i; mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt; for d in proc sys dev dev/pts; do sudo mount --bind /$d /mnt/$d; done; chroot /mnt dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc19:33
alkisgSeems good19:35
unicornjedialkisg: nice! okay now I am in the root shell or whatever its called.19:36
alkisgdidn't you see the grub dialog to select the boot device?19:36
alkisgAh you pasted all of it in one line19:37
alkisgPaste the second part, after the sudo, now19:37
unicornjedido sudo mount --bind /$d /mnt/$d; done; chroot /mnt dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc      ?19:38
alkisgmount /dev/sdb1 /mnt; for d in proc sys dev dev/pts; do sudo mount --bind /$d /mnt/$d; done; chroot /mnt dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc19:38
alkisgI.e. so far you only managed to run `sudo -i`, the other part after the semicolon didn't run19:39
unicornjedii see... I need to add a book about bash scripting to my kindle library lol19:40
unicornjedialkisg: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25192663/19:41
alkisgAh you need the lvm stuff first19:42
alkisgTo mount it19:42
alkisgI don't know lvm, sorry, wait for someone else, like lv-mount or something19:42
unicornjediNo worries19:42
unicornjediioria: do you know what's going on here? https://paste.ubuntu.com/25192663/19:42
ioriaunicornjedi, yeah, the issue is there .. it's not sdb1, it something like /dev/mapper/ubuntu--studio--vg-root, you need lvm2 installed on livecd19:43
alkisgSomething like that, http://www.linuxwave.info/2007/11/mounting-lvm-disk-using-ubuntu-livecd.html19:43
ioriaunicornjedi,  your partition it's mounted in /mnt19:43
JaVaSanHi there, a disabled service means it won't start automatically after reboot, but if I want to, I can start it myself. Is that right?19:44
ioriaunicornjedi,  you're using lvm, so first exit from chroot (exit) then check if lvm2 is installed (dpkg -l lvm2), if not installed it, then mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--studio--vg-root  /mnt , then bind mount again, and chroot19:46
alkisgHe didn't manage to chroot19:46
alkisgSince he didn't manage to mount...19:46
alkisgunicornjedi: since it's getting difficult, just reboot and tell bios to boot from sdd. You can then easily run dpkg-reconfigure from inside the running os19:50
unicornjediI followed the guide alkisg and it appears I have two logical volumes active now19:50
ioriaroot and swap19:50
ioriayou need root mounted19:50
ioriaon /mnt19:51
unicornjediioria:  sudo mount /dev/ubuntu-studio-vg/root /mnt19:53
ioriaunicornjedi,  mmm, just ls /mnt ... what you see ?19:53
ioriano, wrong19:54
ioriasudo  mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--studio--vg-root  /mnt19:54
ioriaand   ls /mnt19:55
unicornjediI see gold right there. bin, cdrom, etc, boot, dev19:56
unicornjedinice nice19:56
ioriafor i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done19:56
ioriaso, alkisg wanted to run dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc   ; let's sudo chroot /mnt   and dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc19:58
alkisgyeah this should present a dialog where you can select sdd for the boot code19:58
alkisg*sdb, sorry19:58
douxLVM on Virtualbox Question: I restarted by VM with the installer inserted into the virtual Optical Drive. I ran: sudo vgscan, and nothing came up. I want to access my installation file system. How do I do that?20:00
alkisgBy installer you mean the live cd?20:01
douxalkisg, yes20:01
alkisgFunny that was needed 2 times in a row :D20:02
douxalkisg, thanks20:02
unicornjediso my understanding of chroot is that it acts like you are the root of that device and it will be like you are running commands on there as if you were using the system on there?20:02
unicornjedithat is funny though :P20:03
unicornjedialkisg: okay I see the dialog20:04
ioriaalso  voldemort said that20:04
alkisgselect sdb, press ok, then exit the chroot and reboot20:04
alkisgvoldemort mounted lvm volumes? that's some magic he got there... :D20:05
unicornjedilesson learned... take out all hard drives except the one you want to install ubuntu on20:06
unicornjedior learn the CLI :(20:06
alkisgor pay attention to the installer20:06
alkisgsaying "where do you want me to install grub" ? :)20:06
unicornjediIt never asked me that. how rude :P20:07
douxalkisg, sudo pvscan gives: No matching physical volumes found... :(20:07
unicornjediokay I'm going to reboot this bebe20:07
douxunicornjedi, Are you trying to mount LVM from live CD too?20:07
alkisgdoux: sorry, i only know that much about lvm, it worked in unicornjedi's case20:07
unicornjedidoux: yes :D20:08
douxalkisg, ok, np.20:08
douxunicornjedi, I can't get it to find the physical volume. Any advice?20:08
alkisgdoux: what's the output of sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999 ?20:08
douxalkisg, Warning: Unable toopen /dev/sr0 read-write... /dev/sr0 has been opened read-only. http://termbin.com/04lw20:10
unicornjedidoux: I'm looking through my terminal to see what I did...20:10
alkisgThat's a 404, it doesn't exist20:10
alkisgDid you mistype the url?20:10
douxalkisg,  http://termbin.com/o4lw20:11
alkisgI don't see any lvm partitions there20:11
douxalkisg, It asks me for a password when I log in to the Ubuntu VM. I don't understand...20:13
unicornjedidoux: I don't know too much about VM's I'm sorry. I'm trying to teach myself how to use KVM/QEMU20:13
douxunicornjedi, np20:13
unicornjedidoux: run fdisk -lu20:13
douxunicornjedi, I did.20:14
alkisgdoux: if it's encrypted, it might need additional steps, dunno20:14
alkisgIt doesn't show up as normal lvm so the normal steps don't apply20:14
unicornjediahh encryped :o20:14
douxalkisg, that's it. It's LUKS20:14
unicornjediI'm going to reboot my compooper. THank you all :)20:15
douxalkisg, unicornjedi, I think I have to do something with LUKS first. Thanks for getting me to realize that. :)20:15
MikeSeeIs it possible to change the top line in this screenshot? http://i.imgur.com/qJ7EVB3.png20:40
ni1sMikeSee: isn't that juse the content of /etc/issue?20:43
MikeSeeis it?  cool.  that means it should be simple to modify, right?20:43
MikeSeeoh it is!  that's cool.  Thanks ni1s !20:43
ni1sMikeSee: np20:44
geniiYes, it's /etc/issue for local users, /etc/issue.net for ssh users20:44
MikeSeeoh, even niftier, and a quick google says to use the mingetty sequences, it's the same for both I gather?20:45
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isomorphismesI’m downloading and installing things via `dpkg -i` (unfortunately) because the automatic upgrade process left me with seemingly otherwise unresolvable dependency conflicts.20:50
max3fresh install of lubuntu 16 lts and i get hangs on shutdown or reboot, both from lightdm and command line20:50
isomorphismesAt some point I seemed to need libsigc++2.0, which requires pkg-config to install, rather than dpkg20:50
Bashing-omMikeSee: There is 'hostnamectl' for systemd. See the man page : http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/hostnamectl.1.html .20:51
isomorphismesHow do I get my system to put things where they need to do for packages that are managed by pkg-config?20:51
MikeSeeBashing-om, that would only change the hostname, not the login screen information. :)20:53
nacc!info libsigc++-2.0.0v5 xenial | isomorphismes20:55
ubottuisomorphismes: Package libsigc++-2.0.0v5 does not exist in xenial20:55
nacc!info libsigc++-2.0-0v5 xenial | isomorphismes20:55
ubottuisomorphismes: libsigc++-2.0-0v5 (source: libsigc++-2.0): type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - runtime. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.2-1 (xenial), package size 11 kB, installed size 48 kB20:55
naccisomorphismes: --^ that package?20:55
isomorphismesnacc: yes, that one20:55
naccisomorphismes: why would you build it yourself, then?20:56
explodesNot sure where to report this but systemctl has an obvious bug:20:56
isomorphismesnacc: something else needed cwidget and cwidget needed libsigc++20:56
explodes"enabling" a service creates a symlink in the [sic] "mult-user.target.wants" directory20:57
isomorphismesnacc: certainly not because I want to...20:57
isomorphismesnacc: just experiencing an imperfect upgrade and looking to get back to normalcy..20:57
glitsj16explodes: why should that represent a bug in systemctl? If /etc/systemd/system/echo-server.service has a 'WantedBy=multi-user.target' in its Install section that's pretty normal behavior no?21:04
MikeSeeglitsj16, I think they are pointing out the typo 'mult-user.target' in the output in the pastebin21:05
glitsj16MikeSee: didn't even notice that, guess I'm buggy too (no news to me actually)21:06
glitsj16explodes: sorry for the confusion, might be something to show the experts in #systemd21:11
crobertsis 17.04 pretty stable, looking to go from 16.04 to it21:15
crobertshaving issues with my lenovo p50 that i just got with 16.04 so wanted to see if 17.04 helps21:16
sebsebsebcroberts: a lap top ?21:16
sebsebsebwhat probelms ?21:16
crobertssebsebseb: yeah laptop, this one it seems gnome crashes alot and does not save which extensions i have turned on21:17
sebsebseba new lap top?21:17
crobertsalso a lot of fights with the dock, but reddit shows its not just ubuntu having the issue21:17
sebsebsebwhat graphics card ?21:17
crobertslet me get it21:17
crobertsGallium 0.4 on NV11721:17
sebsebsebthe dock ? you mean the  oh the yeah in gnome or unity even21:17
sebsebsebdown the side21:17
sebsebseba new graphics card nvidia ?21:17
crobertsi think so yeah21:17
crobertslaptop just recently came out21:17
sebsebsebyou could be leacking a propritary driver for that, if one even exists21:18
sebsebsebcroberts: if the hardware is to new and certain things, can get into some issues here and there21:18
crobertsah ok21:18
sebsebsebcroberts: for exampel Nividia is all propritary really as well21:18
crobertsyeah even some guys at work who use Fedora are having issues21:18
sebsebsebyes  there's an open driver, but21:18
sebsebsebthat's reverse enginnered21:18
sebsebsebthey do the best they can to support nvidia card the open way though21:19
sebsebsebcroberts: you could try 17.04, but it may not change much21:19
crobertsworth a try, biggest pain for me is the gnome extensions not remaining on... looked and tried a few hacks on ubuntu forums but didnt help21:20
crobertscool thanks ill give it shot21:20
sebsebsebcroberts: well that's the latest stable gnome in 17.0421:20
sebsebsebcroberts: that's   a year or so old one in 16.0421:20
sebsebsebgnome improves every six months21:20
sebsebsebin stable versions21:20
crobertsah so might help with that piece at least21:20
sebsebsebcroberts: yep maybe exactly21:21
crobertscool thanks for the help :)21:21
sebsebsebcroberts: some distros have better gnome implementations than others too21:22
sebsebsebdepends a bit though21:22
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explodesglitsj16: ah dangit21:31
Bashing-omcroberts: I too had issues with a new nvidia card . not supported in 14.04 - 16.04 picked it up . You might try a 17.10 daily build and see if that new card is supported .21:35
glitsj16explodes: yes?21:35
isomorphismesman .. knew i should have stuck with trusty .. i only hit the do-upgrade-release button again by mistake ....21:50
LABcrabHi. I'm looking for help with ffmpeg2theora (.VOB to .OGV). What is the best setting? Should I simply use 640x480?22:06
mustmodifyI have a production issue... sorry for my shortness.22:28
mustmodifyCan I get the working directory from a pid?22:28
Scoop7sudo chmod -R -777 directory   <-- makes the dir unreadable, I am missing something? o.O22:28
mustmodifyWhy not just set it to 000? Though it seems like that would be...22:30
[n0mad]mustmodify: like ps aux | grep "pid" ?22:30
geniiScoop7: Remove the dash in front of the 77722:30
geirhaand change 777 to 775 at least22:31
geirhastill a bad thing to put that mode on regular files22:31
mustmodifyI want the working directory, not the pid.22:31
geirhamustmodify: lsof can tell you22:32
[n0mad]if you grep the pid dependingon the process it would have it's directory22:32
[n0mad]unless working directory means something else besides where it's running from22:32
geirhamustmodify: lsof -a -d cwd -p "$pid"22:34
codepython777I just loaded ubuntu 16.04 on Intel nuc7i7bnh - no wifi detected. Any suggestions on how to fix this?22:50
oerheksthey seem to provide firmware https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/wireless-networking/000005511.html22:56
oerheksand something about kaby lake, not sure it is still valid https://communities.intel.com/thread/11441122:57
codepython777oerheks: thanks. I'm on 4.4.0-87-generic22:58
codepython777oerheks: looks like an AC 8265 chip22:59
oerheksfind the chipset of your wireless, lscpi would show it22:59
oerheksah oke22:59
codepython777oerheks: no driver for 8265 on kernel < 4.6?23:00
oerhekshmm that is why that community page suggests a higher number than 16.04, kernel 4.6+23:00
oerhekstoo new hardware, my friend23:01
codepython777oerheks: So I should not be on LTS for this machine?23:01
nacc16.04.2 should have 4.8, right?23:01
oerhekstry 17.04 in live mode?23:01
oerheks16.10 is EOL, just ended23:01
codepython777nacc: it seems it defaults to 4.423:01
codepython777perhaps there is a way to upgrade ?23:02
oerheksmaybe fresh 16.04.2 gives 4.8 indeed,..23:02
codepython777HWE Kernel? how do i select it?23:02
codepython777or perhaps default to it?23:02
oerhekssudo apt-get install --install-recommends xserver-xorg-hwe-16.0423:02
nacccodepython777: 'default'? did you fresh install?23:03
nacccodepython777: if you installed 16.04.2, it should be on 4.8 by default23:03
codepython777nacc: just fresh installed from a usb disk that i had from sometime ago - then upgraded23:03
nacccodepython777: ah, that's an old usb disk possibly?23:03
nacccodepython777: and upgrading won't opt-in23:03
naccwhat oerheks said then23:03
oerheksoke, you could do a fresh install or tweak23:03
oerheks* from a recent 16.04.2 iso23:04
naccfresh install with a fresh USB as well23:04
naccjinx oerheks :)23:04
codepython777Let me first create a fresh usb disk then23:04
oerheksnot sure ubuntu provides firmware with that kernel upgrade too..23:05
codepython777oerheks: then i can try to install that particular intel driver?23:06
oerheksif you installed the HWE stuff, and rebooted, does the wifi come up?23:07
oerheksif not, install that firmware with wired networking23:07
codepython777Will try, thanks. :)23:08
codepython777oerheks: even the installer finds the wifi card ! :) Thanks.23:15
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oerhekscodepython777, that what i would expected of intel/kernel drivers23:16
oerhekshave fun!23:17
codepython777oerheks: :) thanks.23:17
codepython777The speed is pretty cool. Boot time in seconds.23:17
notaswengr_got to get back to mac23:18
notaswengr_unless someone here knows how to route audio loopback and playback at the same time23:19
notaswengr_using pulse audio23:19
oerheksjack should be able to23:20
oerheks!info jackd23:21
ubottujackd (source: jackd-defaults): JACK Audio Connection Kit (default server package). In component universe, is optional. Version 5 (zesty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB23:21
notaswengr_do i need a physical audio jack to use it23:21
apawlA few years ago, I used to be able to have the equivalent of RDP for ubuntu->ubuntu23:23
apawlDoes anything exist for os x -> ubuntu?23:23
oerheksnotaswengr_, i have no idea how an audio jack is involved in this23:24
geniiOSX is running X. Just forward it.23:25
hehehehey folks23:25
heheheI changed my hostname to  a text value :) when I run mongo shell it shows "me" : "textvalue:27017",23:25
hehehehow can I make it run as "me" : "localhost:27017", ?23:26
hehehei think its something to do with hosts and hostname files setup23:26
apawlgenii: when you say "just forward it," what do you mean? Forward it via what?23:27
nacchehehe: you are probably better off asking in a mongodb support channel23:27
sfdebugdoes anyone know how to be if USB port are working?23:30
hehehenacc: nah23:30
heheheits not a good idea23:30
sfdebugmy USB ports aren't recognizing mouse, phone, nothing...23:31
sfdebugis there some command on linux that i can list USB ports?23:31
sfdebugand test it?23:31
hehehedoes that makes sense?23:32
hehehe127.0.0.1 resolves to localhost and hostname23:33
hehehesfdebug: can u see usb at all?23:33
hehehethe usb ports23:34
hehehenot the devices23:34
sfdebughehehe, no...23:34
oerhekslsusb -t && lsusb -v  would tell something23:34
notaswengr_ubuntu is l33t23:34
heheheand dmesg | more :D23:34
notaswengr_im noob23:34
sfdebugoerheks, hehehe, can i put in pastbin the result so you can see that?23:35
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:35
geniiapawl: Apologies on lag. Same as any other *nix, except in this case /private/etc/ssh/sshd_config instead of regular /etc/sshd_config is where you set ForwardX11=yes , and commands  sudo launchctl stop com.openssh.sshd; sudo launchctl start com.openssh.sshd23:37
geniiThats it23:37
sfdebugoerheks, hehehe, here is it: https://pastebin.com/mqYaM0Pu23:37
oerheksso it seems to be working¿23:39
vltHello. I’m using cheese to display the webcam input on screen in realtime. How can I either remove the upper and lower title and status bar in fullscreen mode or use another tool that does this but (unlike vlc) without added delay?23:39
hehehe1 is working23:39
hehehe Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub23:39
heheheone is not working23:39
sfdebugoerheks, hehehe when i plug a usb device on it, doesn't recognize...23:40
heheheBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub23:40
heheheCouldn't open device, some information will be missing23:40
hehehedid you check syslog?23:40
hehehefor a errors23:40
hehehecat /etc/var/syslog :)23:40
hehehesomething like that23:40
oerhekswhat device did you attach exactly?23:41
sfdebughehehe, let me see...23:41
sfdebughehehe, /etc/var doesn't exist...23:41
hehehe var/log/syslog23:41
naccsfdebug: if you plug in a device, `dmesg` should output something23:41
hehehesorry  :P23:41
sfdebugoerheks, a mouse and a phone...23:42
hehehenacc:  yep23:42
oerhekshmm, check the driver utility in sources, is there a amd/intel microcode?23:45
oerhekssudo ubuntu-drivers list23:46
oerheksor go wild with directly sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall23:46
sfdebugoerheks, hehehe, nacc, here is it: https://pastebin.com/2PAZdHK023:46
naccsfdebug: it's easiest to either clear the buffer, or do something like `tail -f /var/log/syslog` in a terminal window and unplug and plug your device. Do you see any output?23:48
sfdebugnacc, let me see...23:49
eelstreborwhy do you have to remove the encryption utilities in order to unencrypt the /home directory?23:49
hehehe  19.543302] rtl8192ce: Using firmware rtlwifi/rtl8192cfw.bin23:50
heheheis this usb?23:50
hehehedont seems  like it23:50
hehehe[    0.203278] usbcore: registered new device driver usb23:51
hehehethen what?23:51
nacchehehe: it's a wireless device23:51
hehehe[    0.652019] usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=000223:51
sfdebugnacc, nothing appears when tail -f is running and a usb device is plugged...23:51
hehehesome usb dev is found23:51
naccsfdebug: that would indicate to me, that the port is dead23:52
naccsfdebug: but is not necessarily conclusive23:52
hehehefried up?23:52
naccsfdebug: have you tried all the ports? is it a laptop? Is the laptop plugged in (I have seen some ports power drop in weird ways when not plugged in in laptops)23:52
genii1d6b:0002 seems to be a root hub23:53
sfdebugnacc, it's a laptop... i tried all ports...23:53
genii( according to the usb-ids list)23:53
naccgenii: yeah that makes sense from the output23:54
sfdebugwow, the mouse light is on when i plug in a determined usb port!23:55
sfdebugbut doesn't move the mouse pointer...23:55
naccsfdebug: ok, when you did that, what showed up in syslog?23:56
naccsfdebug: or the end of `dmesg`23:56
sfdebugnacc, nothing...23:56
geniiMaybe you have a fried controller23:56
naccsfdebug: that's surprising, i would suspect some hardware issue23:57
sfdebugand if i do some bios reset?23:57
sfdebugi'll try that...23:58
sfdebugback soon...23:58

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