
=== floccula1t is now known as flocculant
=== flocculant is now known as flocculant_
=== flocculant_ is now known as flocculant
=== vinzv_ is now known as vinzv
flocculantslickyma1ter: anything being done to slideshow this cycle - other than s/17.04/17.10 ?19:34
flocculantrevamping for next lts perhaps?19:34
flocculantbluesabre: quick question ... would not 'Clear History' imply 'Clear whatever random playlist' you've got kicking about?22:19
flocculantI'd make the assume that any 'clar hist' in any app assumes I mean 'any' history at all22:21
flocculantdoesn't appaer to be quite right, but once more stuck in this 'no-one from Xubutu's team appears to actually test things apart from 2 people'22:26
flocculantand then it all breaks on release22:27
flocculantI'm really fed up with that :(22:27
flocculantbluesabre: seriously we need to do somethign about hat22:28
flocculantif Testing can't even get the maintainer to report - then we stand NO CHANCRE22:28
flocculantI don't care enough22:29
Unit193I'm still running Artful and testing the new shiny things I'm pushing on others...23:08
Unit193Only thing I have held right now is one panel plugin, the load one.23:08
flocculantI do as I can 23:22
flocculantbut the notifier thing does nout23:23

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