
Unit193Wait, not working for you?  It should, I've got it on artful/amd64, artful/i386 and zesty/i386. :300:12
bluesabreEvening all00:56
bluesabreNot sure what happened, flocculant let me know what I can do to help00:56
bluesabreflocculant: it's all context sensitive, Parole's "Clear History" just clears it from the recent items, the playlist is session-based unless the setting is toggled to persist across sessions00:59
bluesabreUnit193: making some good progress on the pa plugin currently, got some stuff that compiles, and a screenshot that I hope to achieve https://i.imgur.com/pCXUY9S.png01:00
flocculantUnit193: who knows - the new one appears to do sod all01:12
flocculantbluesabre: works here - in the real world - not sure what Dave is seeing tbh - just responding to cooment on tracker tab01:13
Unit193bluesabre: Oooh, shiny!01:13
flocculantUnit193: I like shiny 01:13
Unit193flocculant: OK, is indicator-application installed and running?01:13
flocculantcovers up all the bad things :p01:13
flocculantUnit193: not sure tbh - not convinced reboot happened01:14
flocculantii  xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin   0.1.0-0ppa1~17.1001:16
Unit193OK, just make sure indicator-application isn't running, and that statusnotifier is added to the panel of course.01:18
flocculantwolf      3979  3836  0 02:18 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin01:19
flocculantcould be - not convinced about reboot01:19
Unit193Nope, you'd grep for statusnotifier01:19
flocculantwolf      3992  3836  0 02:20 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto *statusnotifier-plugin01:20
Unit193unit193    2434  0.0  0.7 580128 14896 ?        Sl   Jul24   0:21  \_ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xfce4/panel/wrapper-2.0 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xfce4/panel/plugins/libstatusnotifier.so 24 12582940 statusnotifier Status Notifier Plugin Provides a panel area for status notifier items (application indicators)01:21
Unit193bluesabre: But seriously, that's pretty fantastic.  I don't suppose you've poked andrzejr?01:21
bluesabreUnit193: I'll poke him once I have something functional01:21
flocculantUnit193 bluesabre - tbh not really sure wht this plugin gives us, nor sure what difference to what we had01:22
ninetlsflocculant: hide "Application Indicator" from indicator-plugin, restart it (pkill panel-.*-indica), kill service (pkill indicator-applic), sn-plugin should work then01:23
flocculantand to be completewly frank01:23
ninetlsbluesabre: nice!01:23
flocculantI have no ide what idea ANY of the things I grab from ooa's give me any more01:23
flocculantand I don't knwo if Dave is about01:23
bluesabrea headache? :D01:23
flocculantand I've got a whole shit load of stuff to do next year - none of which actually need a pc at all :p01:24
Unit193flocculant: It being Xfce upstream is certainly a plus, it's actually maintained whereas -application will be less and less.  indicator-application covers a minimal portion of the 'indicator' spec whereas statusnotifier covers more, and better.  The indicators keep changing, it's been more and more of a pain to keep them working with xfce4-indicator-plugin, even now if they're terminated wrong, the 01:25
Unit193icons will disappear with the applications still running..01:25
Unit193ninetls: That about cover it?01:25
ninetlsUnit193: didn't understand!01:26
Unit193Dowh. :(01:26
ninetls> That about cover it?01:26
flocculantyea icons disappeared - but given I wasn't actually expecting that - nor them randomly appearing it just felt like some of that01:26
ninetlsreally don't know how to translate it correctly01:27
flocculantxfec do shit and then eventually tell people and THEN it is normal01:27
Unit193ninetls: "Did I cover the various ways the panel plugin statusnotifier is better, in Ubuntu, than using xfce4-indicator-plugin with indicator-application" :D01:28
ninetlsI understand this!01:28
Unit193flocculant: As long as the plugin is loaded into the panel, ie you added it, then you should be set.01:29
Unit193xfce4-panel --add statusnotifier01:29
ninetlspanel can even this?01:30
ninetlsI didn't know about this command!01:30
Unit193It'll ask you which panel if you have two, but yeah.01:31
Unit193-a just brings up the dialog for selecting the plugin.01:31
bluesabrea bit more progress, http://imgur.com/a/2yvOz :)03:05
bluesabrenight all03:05
flocculantbluesabre: that soundy stuff - share it with me - I alsa for music for usb/dac 03:07
flocculantso can test it outside pulse03:07
bluesabrenot sure pulseaudio-plugin works well with alsa, but maybe it does? :D03:08
bluesabreanywho, will notify folks when I have something functional03:09
flocculantwell atm it fails as well as the other plugin - eg does zilch :)03:09
flocculantbluesabre: if you've got a goit one that sees medfia players - I will happily test that03:10
bluesabrethoughts? http://imgur.com/a/CGbBu14:07
knomeabout what exactly? :)14:08
bluesabreworking on adding sound-indicator powers to the pulseaudio-plugin14:08
knomegenerally looks good to me14:08
bluesabrethe media players specifically :)14:09
knomeno complaints14:09
bluesabremight have this working by the end of the weekend :)14:10
knomei wish i could say the same about my own project :P14:26
GridCubelooks good14:28
knomeat least i'm making some progress14:28
Unit193Indicator seems to do song info and album art.17:14
knomefrom my POV as somebody who doesn't use the indicator but listens to a lot of music with correct metadata, i'd say the album art would be just a waste of space and resources there. song information probably good to add if it isn't too hard17:24
knomeor add it later17:24
Unit193I can live with that very easily, better to ask someone else (notice the wording), I think having mpris integration is nice, but wouldn't be a showstopper for me personally.17:27
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, just doing a minimal support version initially18:15
bluesabreThough, the most value is just being able to pause or switch tracks easily18:15
Unit193Can't do anything with pianobar. :(18:16
bluesabreAdd mpris to pianobar :D18:16
akxwi-daveflocculant: I'm back of holiday now19:16

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