
lubot6<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne Hey Julien :)06:25
lubot6Have you tested the patch here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdebi/+bug/18961706:25
lubot6If so, could you please upload it to Artful? Ubuntu MATE would like this feature. If it doesn't work, I can take care of updating the patch and getting it ready for upload. :)06:25
lubot6<julienlavergne> @tsimonq2, Forgot this one :-) Last time I checked it was working07:25
lubot6<tsimonq2> Any chance you could confirm with Artful? ;)07:25
lubot6galulex was added by: galulex08:26
lubot6<tsimonq2> @galulex, Welcome!08:26
lubot6<VikingRedwolf> Hi Alex!09:41
lubot6<galulex> Hello everyone10:21
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