
jrwrenRick and Morty00:49
cmaloneyCool? :)02:06
rick_hmorning, post-conference recovery day12:28
jrwrenGood Morning.13:05
cmaloneyrick_h: I have yet to receive an email to proof your video. :(13:49
rick_hcmaloney: k, did you out me down for yours?13:50
rick_hcmaloney: figure it'll get up when it does.13:50
cmaloneyWell, funny story14:00
cmaloneySo initially Carl asked around for speakers to review videos14:00
cmaloneyor rather for them to submit people to review videos14:00
cmaloneyand I said "hell, I'll just review my own video"14:01
cmaloneyWell, that wasn't good enough. Had to be someone outside of the conference.14:01
cmaloneySo I said "fsck" and posted to Twitter14:01
cmaloneyone of the folks from Sourceforge volunteered14:01
cmaloneyand I said "Cool! Here's an email!"14:01
cmaloneyand then Carl tried to forward his GMail to me so I could coordinate putting email addresses into the PyOhio system14:02
cmaloneyI said "Um, WTF?" (paraphrased)14:02
cmaloneyEventually it got sorted where folks could put in their own reviewer email addresses (after some back-and-forth)14:03
cmaloneyso I noticed that I was your reviewer14:03
rick_hlol, I put you down figuring we'd just review each other's videos14:04
cmaloneyYeah, no worries. :)14:04
cmaloneyBut naturally the intentions of having a video to review during the conference seem to have met the reality that video is hard.14:05
brouschcmaloney: George started drum camp today. I think they started him with a slow blast beat22:17
rick_hRuh roh22:26
rick_hYou sir, are a better father than I. When Michael went in to try instruments I took drum off the list of valid options22:27
brouschWe'll he already has a drum set, now he's learning to use it properly23:28
brouschWe generally listen from a different floor of the house23:28
cmaloneybrousch: Nice!23:56
cmaloneyrick_h: But drums are awesome, especially the more he learns23:57
cmaloneyI chose drums specifically because I thought it would drive my parents nuts23:57
cmaloneyturns out they were OK with it and I liked playing drums more than most instruments23:58

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